A pleasant breeze cooled Ephiny's skin, and she muttered appreciatively, before snuggling back down and letting sleep start to claim her again. A faint nibble on her ear caused a grin to tug her lips, but she pretended not to feel it.

Another nibble, and this time, a touch against her neck. "G'way.. it's too early." she mumbled in protest.

A brush of something very soft against the skin of her chest followed, and she could feel a warm breath against her cheek.

The breath got closer, then moved around to her ear. She smiled quietly, waiting for the words she knew were coming.


Ephiny 's eyes popped open, to see the tiny dark orbs staring back at her, topping a cute black nose which wiggled in her general direction. "Hey!"

The squirrel leaped back, chittering at her in outrage, before it flipped its tail in disgust, and hopped of the platform, making a run for the nearest tree.

"Godsbedamnedpieceofmotheatenfurcovered...." Ephiny growled, as she pushed herself up to sitting position, glancing around her in sudden embarrassment. To her relief, she was more or less alone on the platform, and everyone else was still asleep in the misty pre dawn. She raised a shaky hand and pushed the curly blond hair off her forehead, tipping her eyes up to regard the graying sky, before glancing across the compound as soft footsteps reached her ears.

To her relief, it was Pony, who was juggling a pitcher of something warm, two dishes, and a mysterious container. She watched the weapons master tread gingerly around various and sundry bodies, until she reached the top platform in triumph, settling down next to the regent with a satisfied thump. "Hi."

Ephiny rubbed her neck, which was a little stiff "Hi... where've you been?"

Pony held up the pitcher. "Thought you'd like something warm.. it's a little cool this morning. " She answered cheerfully, as she poured a portion of steaming, hot cider into a cup, and handed it to her lover, then opened the container to reveal equally steaming spice bread. "Just done." She grinned, breaking off a piece and putting it in Ephiny' s eagerly outstretched palm.

"Mmm... " The regent took a healthy bite, and chewed it. "All quiet?"

"Absorrupfty." Pony assured her, with a nod. "Nftng doin... wffs gd..."



"Swallow, okay?"

The dark haired Amazon complied, then took a sip of her cider. "Sorry. " She grinned, crinkling her snub nose. "What a great morning...huh?" She kicked booted feet against the edge of the platform, and leaned back on one hand, taking in a deep breath of the clean dawn air.

Ephiny gazed at her in mild bemusement. "You're in a good mood." She commented.

Eponin thought about that for a minute, then shrugged. "I guess I am... it's a nice morning, we got through the festival... why not be in a good mood?"

"Good point." The regent agreed, holding out her hand for another slice of spice bread. "Oh ho... we're not the only one's up, I see." She gestured towards the queen's quarters, where two shadowy figures were emerging.

The rising dawn light captured them, in all their contrasting beauty, in Xena's dark power, and her partner's sunny good nature as they crossed to the firepit with matching strides. The warrior was dressed in her dun colored gambeson, and Gabrielle in her familiar traveling outfit, the tan and green fabric contrasting with her sun darkened skin and fair hair. As they watched, the bard gave her companion a pat on the side, and got a ruffle of her hair in response, then Xena turned off towards the half hidden path heading up into the mountain, leaving Gabrielle to continue on her path towards them.

Was it her imagination, Ephiny wondered, or did Gabrielle's eyes really look more luminously green than usual today? Certainly, the bard seemed to glow in the dawn light, and her face crinkled into a friendly grin as she mounted the platforms, threading her steps carefully around still sleeping Amazons. "Good morning."

Ephiny cocked her head and gazed up at the bard, as she settled down cross legged next to them. "You look like you had a good night, actually. " She teased.

Predictably, Gabrielle blushed, but she grinned also. "Yes, I did.. thanks." Her eyes twinkled. "And the party was fun, too."

Hazel and caramel eyes widened in surprise. "Um." Ephiny coughed a bit. "So.. where's Xena off to?"

The bard gave them both a satisfied smile, and accepted the piece of spice bread Eponin hastily handed over. "Thanks... um... where is Xena off to.. well, you know how when you're in a good mood, and it makes you want to just.. well, I don't know.. jump around?"

"Eyahh... " Ephiny answered, drawing the word out.

"Xena, being Xena, loves to work off that kind of energy by putting herself through Hades." Gabrielle informed them, chewing on her bread with a contented look. "Seventeen different kinds of drills, running for leagues.. you know."

"Mm.... I remember her doing that when she was at home.. when I headed down here when you were with us a year ago." Ephiny recalled thoughtfully. "I followed her into the forest.. watched her do some really amazing things, more than usual, and she had a... a kind of wild energy about her that was really incredible to watch." She shrugged. "Don't know what triggered that off, though...sure wasn't our visit. " She gave Gabrielle a wry look. "Unless it was just getting a note from you. "

Gabrielle's brow crinkled, as she gave thought to that. Then her lips tensed into a wistful smile. "When we parted... she told me to think about joining you permanently." She watched Ephiny's eyes blink in astonishment. "Of course.. I never did.. " Her gaze turned apologetic. "But I guess she didn't know that until I sent that note asking her to come get me."

"Gabrielle... " Eponin leaned forward. "Any *idiot* could have told her what your decision would have been, ya know.. even I realized that."

A shrug. "I... know that.. but.. sometimes.. I don't know, she was worried that I was out there with her.. losing lots of chances at what she honestly thought was a better life." A tiny smile crossed her lips. "She's always been like that... whenever I wanted to leave, she was right here, supporting me... telling me to follow my heart.. for the longest time, I thought it was because she was tired of being responsible for me."

"But it wasn't." Ephiny stated.

"No." Gabrielle agreed. "It was that she was scared.. and she still is, that her influence will hurt me.. that because she is who she is, and because of what she's done, that my life will be lived down a very dark path." She shrugged. "And that may be true.. but we influence each other, and maybe what will end up is that we both move towards the center.. she'll move towards the light, I'll move a little into the dark... we'll end up a lot of shades of gray, instead of black and white."

"Wow." Pony breathed. "That's real profound, Gabrielle."

The bard laughed gently. "Yeah, well... I'm a bard, remember? We do the word thing."

Ephiny put a hand on her knee. "Are you scared of that?"

Gabrielle shook her head. "No.. I think about it sometimes.. and it used to scare me.. but after all the stuff I've been through, I've just decided to take things as they come.. and work towards the best life I can."

Ephiny gazed at her friend respectfully. "You're a very brave person, my friend...you do know that, right?"

"Everyone tells me that.. I don't really see it, myself." The bard answered, modestly. "But I do understand Xena better now.. I used to tell her that all the time, about how brave she was.. and she'd just look at me like I was nuts, and tell me she just did what she had to do, so what was the big deal?" A shrug. "That's how I feel.. I just do what I have to do.. and I know I'm capable of being a coward, and other nasty things, so.." Another shrug. "Anyway.. what I came over here to say is that I wanted to thank you both.. for being such good friends to both of us."

A small silence fell. "I'm not sure Xena would have agreed with that, the last time you both were here. " Ephiny finally said, in a quiet voice. "I'm not sure I would have, either."

Gabrielle folded her hand around the regent's. "Xena is a very dangerous person, Eph... no one knows that better than she does.. she's very focused, and single minded when it comes to something she wants.. it takes a lot to stop her when she's like that." She hesitated. "I know.. because I'm one of the few people who has... and mostly I could do that because under all that aggressiveness, and sometimes madness, I always knew that at the core... at the center of everything, a part of her heart belong to me." Her eyes saddened. "But after that funeral, I no longer believed that was true.. and I was very scared when she took me, because I knew... there was nothing left between us that could stop her, if she really wanted to take her anger out on me." She squeezed Ephiny's hand. "You were right to try and stop me. I was insane to go with her."

Ephiny studied the ground, then inhaled, and looked up. "I would have come after her, with every resource I had, if she'd done anything to you."

"I know." The bard replied. "She knows that... and to be honest with you Ephiny.. I don't think, at that point, if she had done something.. that she would have stopped you." She sighed. "We were both... very, very fractured...the fact that you've both accepted her back as both a part of my life, and as a friend, I can't tell you how much that's meant to me."

The regent looked up at her. "I'm glad... but I didn't do it for you." Came the quiet reply. "I don't give up on friends easily...and she means a lot to me."

Gabrielle smiled at her.

"Yeah.. what she said." Eponin agreed hastily. "Me too."

The bard's smile grew broader. "Thanks, guys."

"Um... " Eponin hopped to her feet. "I..uh.... I've got some.. something I have to do, so if you guys would excuse me.... "

Ephiny and Gabrielle exchanged glances. "G'wan." The regent waved her off.

"Thanks.." Eponin waved and started off.

"Pon?" Ephiny rested an arm on her knee and called after her lover.

"Huh?" Eponin trotted backwards, an excessively innocent look on her face.

"If you come back with bruises, don't come looking for me to fix you up, okay?"

"Me? Uh.. no..no.. where would I get bruises from?" The weapons master replied indignantly. "I'm just going for a.. uh.. on patrol."

Ephiny just shook her head and waved back. "G'bye."

Gabrielle laughed as they watched the dark haired Amazon disappear. "Relax.. if she didn't go out after Xena, I think the love of my life would feel like she was being neglected."

The regent rolled her eyes, noting the ease with which Gabrielle used the term of endearment. "So...you headed home?"

Gabreille leaned back onto her hands. "Yeah... we'll stop by Potadeia first, so I can give them the news.." She glanced down at her belly, and gave Ephiny a wry grin. "Then back to Amphipolis.. I won't lie and say I won't be glad to get there." She stretched. "You've gotta come visit this winter, Eph...maybe we can work up that regional market plan we talked about last year... attract merchants from all over, and get some trade going around here."

"Mm... I like that idea." Ephiny nodded. "Between us, the Centaurs, and you lot.. we can really get a seasonal thing going... four times a year, with all that stuff coming in and out.. it'll do good things for all of our pocket pouches." She sighed and handed the bard half of the remaining spice cake. "And I bet you're going to be one of those lucky souls who stays absolutely gorgeous all the way through your pregnancy."

Mist green eyes peeked up at her. "What makes you say that?"

Ephiny laughed. "Just a feeling...why, are you worried about it?"

Gabrielle hesitated, then shrugged. "No."

Her friend leaned forward, and tapped her on the knee. "Gab, I love you, but you can't lie to save your life." She pulled herself closer, and offered the bard a cup. "Now, you listen to Auntie Ephiny, okay?"

That got a giggle from the younger woman. "Gods... listen to ancient you." She joked. "I'm not worried, really.. it's just weird."

Ephiny gripped her arm, and put a serious expression on her face. "You listen to me, okay? I may not know everything, Gabrielle, but I know this... even if you were a one eyed, peg legged, featherless maiden hen, that half nuts, leather loving, sword wielding partner of yours would still be crazy about you, understand?" She exhaled. "And believe me, we all go through feeling that it can't possibly be true."

The bard looked at her for a long moment, then she smiled, and squeezed Ephiny's hand. "Thanks." She replied softly. "You will come visit, right? I bet Gran's going to need the same speech....Toris isn't nearly as sensitive as his sister is."

Ephiny jerked up right, and slapped the side of her head. "Xena.. and sensitive.. in the same sentence... I may have to go record this in the annals of the Amazon nation... " Then she laughed. "You bet I will... when are you guys leaving?"

Gabrielle glanced at the sky. "Midday, probably.... though Xena could probably be coaxed into delaying a little.. I think she had a great time at the festival."

Ephiny got to her feet, and held a hand out. "All right.. let's get some stuff squared away.. and that council you asked me to convene is scheduled for after breakfast." She hauled the bard to her feet. "C'mon...I think I hear another loaf of that spice bread calling me."

"Lead on." Gabrielle answered cheerfully. "You know I won't argue with that."

Xena stopped on the upper ridge, where the high ground looked over a set of sloping, forest covered hills, half shrouded in mist that shifted and changed before her eyes in the brightening light. She leaned back against the tree and caught her breath, having raced up the mountain at top speed scattering small animals and loose rocks before her without much thought.

The brisk fall air carried hints of trees, and moisture from the fog, which collected on her skin and dampened the tan gambeson belted around her body. The breeze also brought small sounds of the forest around her, the crackle of a rabbit chewing, a clattering as a woodpecker arranged a nest, and the soft rustling as the leaves whispered to each other, conveying secrets in a language Xena had always loved to listen to.

Had always wished she could understand. But the energy of the world around her, that she did understand.. and she could feel it thrumming through the wood she leaned against, and rumbling through the ground her booted feet stood on, an energy she was part of, and a source she drew from in a way she couldn’t explain, and hardly even comprehended.

It just felt good to be alive, right then. The rising sun peeked over the horizon, and painted her face in peach and gold light she could feel through her closed eyelids, and she smiled back at the sun, cocking her ears as she detected Ares close presence. She reluctantly opened her eyes, and gave the wolf a look. "So. You're back."

Ares wagged his tail smugly, and sat down, wrapping the long bushy bodypart around his feet. "Roo." He commented, as he dropped a small rabbit at Xena's feet.

"Oh.. so you brought me a present, huh?" The warrior eyed him tolerantly. "Good thing, seeing as how you scared the leathers off me this morning, then tripped me and made me fall all over your other mommy."

Ares panted, which made him look like he was grinning. "Agrrr."

"Oh yeah.. I don't think she minded either, but that's not the point." Xena shook a finger at him., then sighed as he licked her knee, and gazed up at her adoringly. "Aw.. not that look… you learned that from Gabrielle, dindcha?"

The wolf yawned.

Xena bounced up and down a few times. "Well, lazybones, you can sit there, if you want.. I've got things to do." She leaned over, and spotted a plateau just below her, a nice, flat, green surface that would fill her needs nicely. "Perfect." With a running start, she bolted off the ridge top, launching herself downward and landing on a rock outcropping, then bouncing off that, and flipping twice before hitting the plateau.

With a flourish, she pulled her sword out, and saluted the sun, then started in on a set of warm up drills to loosen up her muscles. The blade moved in a flickering pattern around her first right handed, then left handed, as she tightened the arc down to a precision figure eight using mostly her wrists, and the tense control muscles in her forearms.

The ache felt good, and she smiled, then spun the blade up and over her shoulder just for fun, catching it as it came down along her side, and tossing it up into the air. She flipped and caught it on the way down, then started into a second set of drills, concentrating on feeling her position and the space around her, closing her eyes and defending against an unseen enemy.

Eight quadrants, four above her waist, four below, two in front, two behind for each limb. The trick was to hone instincts so finely, that no thought was required, and each limb acted in defense of its territory, all smoothly integrated into a rapid attack that allowed her to punch forward, swing her sword, and do a back kick all at the same time, without losing her balance.

She concentrated more fully, imagining enemies coming at her from all directions, and her body responded, swinging around in a circle and ducking as phantom swords struck at her head. Without warning, she leaped up, swinging the sword under her legs in a move that would have beheaded an opponent, then twisted in midair, to avoid a ghostly counterstrike. In her mind, she could hear the grunt of surprise from the hapless enemy, and she kicked down, landing on one foot and spinning before lashing out in savage kick that would have broken bones if it had connected with anything.

Next. Xena's blood was pumping now, and her nostrils flared slightly, bringing in air as she started practicing leaps and kicks, running at a tree nearby and using its branches as targets, eventually knocking a dead limb off that was over her head. Then she turned and bolted across the green surface, sheathing her sword and throwing herself into gymnastic tumbling, launching up into somersaults, then landing only to throw herself skyward again, whirling and leaping with an excess of energy that fairly exploded from her.

The sun was pouring down on the plateau before she did one last flip, and allowed herself to land on her back, stretching out her arms into the soft mossy surface, and tilting her face to the welcome warmth. The cool breeze riffled her dark hair, and cooled the sweat that glistened on her exposed skin, and she sighed in pure animal content as she felt her heart slow and steady.

Far off, she heard Ares' faint growl, and she tuned her hearing, closing her eyes and picking up the grass rustling, and the crickets, and a few far off birds before a soft sound came out of place. She listened intently, then smiled towards the clear blue sky. "Hey, Pony." She stayed where she was, though, only crossing her ankles and wiggling her boots comfortably.

The footsteps crunched louder, then the sun was obscured by the compact, muscular form, which gazed down at her, shaking its head.

"Siddown." The warrior waved a hand at her, waiting until the Amazon thumped down onto her side, and stretched out, propping her head up with one hand and pulling a grass stalk up with the other.

"Y'know.. you are the damnedest thing." Eponin commented, chewing on the grass.

Xena's brow lifted. "What?"

"You are just the damnedest thing.. I've been sitting here watching you for over a candlemark and a half.. and I swear I'm shaking my head so damn much I've got a crick in my neck."

"Yeah?" Xena reached over and before the weapons master could do more than croak, set strong fingers along the back of her neck, and probed. "Yep.. you do." She twisted her grip slightly, and felt the bones pop into place, then gave the Amazon a pat on the head and dropped her hand to the turf again. "Better?"

Eponin reached a hesitant hand back to her neck, then blinked. "I didn't expect you to do that." She muttered. "But yeah."

Xena smiled.

"So.. what's it like to be invincible?" Pony inquired, regaining her composure.

A blue orb peeked at her. "I have no idea." Xena answered, seriously. "I hate losing.. but it doesn't mean I haven't… bad day, bad fight… I can be beaten, and have been, plenty of times." A faint memory stirred. "By an Amazon once, in fact, when I was younger."

"Mm… really?" Pony looked intrigued. "But not much recently, huh?"

A shrug. "Lately I've been having to fight mostly for either my life or Gabrielle's.. it kinda puts a different spin on it." She admitted. "Besides, I.. um… " She fell silent.

Pony grinned. "Don't wanna lose in front of the honey, right?"

The warrior gave her a look, then burst into easy laughter. "Something like that. yeah." She lifted both hands and let them drop to the ground. "Ego, as Gabrielle likes to put it."

Eponin gave a shrug of her own. "We've all got that." She chuckled. "You'd fit right in here."

Xena thought about that. "Guess that's why you guys always give me such a hard time, huh?" She rolled her head to one side and regarded the dark haired Amazon thoughtfully. "I get a little tired of defending my reputation sometimes."

Pony chewed on her stalk for a while, trying to formulate an answer. Finally, she shrugged. "I thought you liked the challenge."

The warrior sighed. "Sometimes." She pulled a bit of moss up and rolled it between her fingers. "But I've been fighting for so damn long, it just gets old after a while." Her blue eyes flicked to the Amazon's face. "I've had fifteen years of challenges, Pony…you think that's enough?"

A shake of her head. "You say that, but then I watch you do what you just did.. you can't tell me you don't get a kick out of that, Xena… I won't believe it."

Xena grinned wryly. "No.. you're right.. I do.. but that's different.. it's me challenging myself.. pushing myself beyond limits that I set… not having to worry about some Amazon jumping at me from behind a bush every half league." She lifted herself up onto her elbows. "Look.. I'm not saying I don't like sparring.. and I'm not saying I won't do it…but can we drop the open season on me as soon as I walk into the village?" She sighed. "Pony, someone's gonna get hurt.. I'm gonna slip, and put a sword through someone's gut one of these days, and then what?"

Eponin spat out her bit of grass. "All right.. on one condition."

Both dark eyebrows lifted. "And that would be…?"

The Amazon grinned smugly. "Now that you're one of us.. you gotta teach us what ya know." She tapped the warrior's arm. "Lessons, Xena.. that's my condition." She waved a hand as a protest started. "I know.. I know.. you're going home.. but it's a long winter season, and we looovve visiting Amphipolis."

"Lessons, huh?" Xena repeated, with a hint of a smile.

"Uh huh."

The hint grew into a lazy, full smile. "You sure you're up to it?"

Eponin blinked, then scowled. "Hey.. is that a challenge?"

They both laughed, and Xena stretched her body out lazily. "All right… you got a deal." She agreed. "You send folks down… I'll work with em… probably a good thing, since I won't have Gabrielle to spar with for a while." She spared a wistful thought to the peaceful months of the previous winter. "Okay?"

"Deal." Eponin agreed. "You heading back? I know you guys wanna take off."

Xena pushed herself to her feet, and brushed the grass bits off her gambeson. "Yeah… " She waited for the Amazon to rise, then broke into a run, feeling the sun at her back and the wind in her face as Eponin's curses got left behind.

Gabrielle stepped out of the council chamber, and took a deep breath of the cool air. "Mm…" She commented, to no one in particular. "Great day for traveling." The close air of the chamber had laid a layer of sweat against the back of her neck, and she reached up, riffling her hair to allow the breeze to get at her skin.

"Morning!" Jessan's voice boomed out, and she turned to see the forest dweller ambling towards her, his huge body dripping with water, droplets catching the sun like diamonds. "Wow.. that was one heck of a party last night… Gabrielle, your Amazons really know how to have fun." He shook his head rapidly, scattering water everywhere including all over the bard.

"Hmm.. thanks, Jess." Gabrielle held a hand up and closed her eyes as the shower dampened her bare skin. "You guys ready to go?"

"Oh yeah." A big grin. " Eris is ready, and Elaini is spending a few minutes in the dining hall saying goodbye. Everyone loves the kids. " He paused. "Thanks for inviting us home, by the way… I was looking forward to spending some time with you guys."

The bard tucked a hand inside his fur covered arm, and fell into step beside him. "Me too…" She glanced up. "It's nice to be with someone who… " She paused, searching for the proper words.

"Who understands?" Jessan gazed at her, his liquid gold eyes warm. "You can tell me what it's like for you, and we'll tell you both what it's like for us…maybe we'll all learn stuff."

Gabrielle grinned. "I bet we do." She glanced across the village, and grinned, as she fastened her eyes on the dim, leafy entrance to the path up to the springs. Moments later, a dark haired form slid into view, moving easily as she dodged the leaves which canopied the route.

Xena was still jogging as she entered the compound, and her pace picked up as she spotted Gabrielle and Jessan and changed her direction to intercept them. The warrior slowed to a halt as she reached them, the ground bouncing up tiny pebbles as her boots hit them. "How'd it go?" She asked the bard. "Morning." That, with a nod to Jessan.

Gabrielle nodded firmly at her. "All set… it was… well, kinda tough, but Ephiny stood by me, and after that… it's going to be a kind of probation sort of thing, but I think it'll work out."

"Xena?" Jessan had been cocking his head from side to side. "What is she talking about?"

"Paladia.. she's going to stay here." Xena answered mildly. "What about Menelda?"

A shrug of the bard's mostly bare shoulder. "She hasn't decided… Eph said, it's a good idea, but.. having her that far away can be bad, too, because her and Erika together might be good, or they could just reinforce each other's bad points."

Xena considered that. "True." She commented. "But she needs some help."

"Mm… I know…" Gabrielle nibbled her lower lip. "I'll have to think about what to do for her." She sighed, and squared her shoulders. "So.. we ready to take off? I'm going to just go and tell Cait the good news, then I'm all set." She leaned against her partner. "Can we stop tonight at that nice place by the spring?" Her eyelashes batted at the taller woman. "Please?"

Xena grinned, ignoring Jessan's mischievous look. "I suppose you want salmon, too, huh?"

"Well." The bard put her nose in the air and sauntered. "Of course."

Thew warrior swatted her on the butt. "G'wan.. I'm going to go change and saddle up Argo.. I'll meet you by the healer's."

"Hey!" Gabrielle yelped, poking her in the side. "Cut that out!"

Xena deftly evaded her partner's defensive grab, and snatched at the back of her halter, tugging it back and releasing it with a pop. "Gotcha.."

"Ooo… " Gabrielle decided she was in a feisty mood, and lunged at the taller woman, catching her around the waist and making a desperate attempt to pull her to the ground. Given their respective height and weight differences, however, it was not a very successful attempt. "Aww… c'mon, Xena… "

The warrior laughed, as she looked down at her determinedly wrestling soulmate. She reached down and got an arm around the bard's middle, then lifted her up until she was upside down, squawking like a plucked chicken, her legs kicking up in the air. "Tch tch… "

"Xeeeennnaaa!!!" Gabrielle made a grab for the warrior's sturdy knees, getting an arm around one and tickling her mercilessly. "Yeehoowww!!!" She'd forgotten her midriff was in Xena's clutches, until a feathery responding tickle worked it's way up her side. "All right.. all right. .I surrender!"

Instead of letting her down, Xena tossed her upright, then caught her, and cradled her in her arms. The bard caught her breath, blowing her hair out of her eyes with an impatient puff. "I'm gonna get you for that."

"Oh yeah?" Xena replied softly, gazing down at her affectionately.

"Yeah." Gabrielle shot back, as she wound her arms around the warrior's neck and they looked into each other's eyes.



"You've already got me." Blue eyes softened.

Gabrielle laid her head down on the padded shoulder. "I guess I do, huh?"

They both turned as Jessan let out a long melodic sigh. "Awwww… " He pressed both hands above his heart. "This is sooooooo cute…. "

Eyebrows quirked simultaneously. "I'm gonna hit you." They both managed to say at the same time.

"And I won't EVEN bring up that long conversation you and I had coming back from Cirron, Xena… " Jessan warbled. "You know the one… right?"

"Jessan." Xena's voice dropped a whole octave.

"No no.. it'll never come from these fuzzy lips." The forest dweller held up a virtuous hand.

"What conversation?" Gabrielle inquired with interest. "You never told me about that." She turned her eyes on her partner, who was glowering at their friend. "C'mon Xena.. how bad could it be?"

Xena stared at Jessan, who grinned. "Y'know, Xena.. that nasty look would come off a whole lot better if you weren't cuddling your sweetheart, there." He poked the tip of his tongue out from between his fangs.

Xena let out a breath, then turned her attention to the inquisitive bard. "I'm going to saddle Argo." A pause. "Now."

"Okay, honey." Gabrielle patted her shoulder "You wanna let me down, first?" She was set neatly on to her booted feet. "Thanks." She waited until the warrior was several feet away. "We'll talk about that conversation later, right?"

Pale blue eyes flashed over one tanned shoulder, as Xena stopped, then she shook her head, and kept going.

Jessan and Gabrielle exchanged glances, and laughed. "Let's go.. " Gabrielle grabbed his arm again. "One more stop." She paused as a line of men, dressed only in loincloths passed, their bodies covered in mud. "Ah.. I see Ephiny found a use for those guys." She grinned, as their prisoners vainly tried to rid themselves of muck.

Jessan laughed. "Oh yeah.. something about digging a foundation for her new quarters?" He commented. "She said something about a sunken bath.. I think."

Cait drummed her fingers against her thigh, as the healer took yet another look at the wound on her shoulder. It hurt a lot less today, really, she'd assured them. She was really just taking up a needless pallet.. surely, it would be better for her to rest in her own snug cot. "Really.. it's quite a lot better today."

The healer glanced at her, then shook her head. "Y'know, I could get a complex around you, Cait. You'd think we were killing you here."

The girl sighed. "Oh.. please… it's just so boring here."

Solari snorted from the next pallet. "Gee, thanks, Cait… nice to be your neighbor."

"Gosh.. that's not what I… " Cait realized Solari was kidding her and she scowled. "I'd just feel lots better in my own bed, that's all."

The dark haired Amazon's eyes twinkled. "We all would, kid… specially if there was someone else in em."

Cait blushed.

The healer laughed. "Soli, you're about ready to go home, I think.. your sense of humor's back." A wave of weak laughter went around the room, which broke off as the door eased open, and Gabrielle entered, bringing a wave of pine scented air in with her.

"Hello, everyone." The bard waved. "How are you all doing?"

A chorus of "great!" responded, causing blond woman to smile. "Good to hear… sorry it was such a hectic festival for everyone.. maybe next year it'll be more peaceful." Yeah.. Gabrielle chuckled wryly to herself. Maybe we won't be here.

"Queen Gabrielle.. " A voice called from the back, and the bard recognized one of the young scouts who had been injured in the battle.


"Is it true you're pregnant?" The girl asked, blushing as everyone turned and stared at her. "Well, gods.. none of you have the guts to ask.. what's she gonna do.. swat me?"

Gabrielle laughed. "Yes.. it's true… um.. about eight weeks, I guess." She laid a hand over her flat stomach. "I still haven't really gotten used to the idea yet."

Weak whistles and cheers went up. "You got any names yet?" Solari asked, with a wink.

"Gods.. no.. " The bard chuckled. "We've got plenty of time for that… but you guys have to excuse me.. I need to talk to Cait here, and then we're taking off for home." She moved over to the girl's pallet, and gazed down at her, aware of the acute interest of the surrounding Amazons, who had found other things to look at while they listened. "Um.. " Gabrielle turned to the healer. "Listen… you know.. I really need to talk to Cait in private.. would you mind if I helped her back to her quarters? I think she'd do just as well there, as here. "

From the corner of her eye, Gabrielle saw the swiftly hidden triumphant grin on Cait's face, and swallowed a smile herself.

The healer sighed. "As you wish, your Majesty.. let me put together an herbal pack for her." She surrendered gracefully, and Gabrielle tucked the pack under her arm as she carefully helped Cait to stand. "Easy now…you'll probably be a little dizzy."

"Gosh." The girl hung onto the bard's arm as she waited for the world to steady. "How ever did you know that?"

Gabrielle sighed. "Been there, done that." She slipped an arm around Cait's waist, and steadied her. "I had an arrow wound not too terribly long ago… it was pretty painful, so I know what you're going through."

Cait leaned shyly against her, and took a few breaths. "All right.. let's go.. I want to get out of here before she changes her mind." She added in a low voice. "It's ever so boring… and all those people complaining of everything.. "

"Yeah.. " Gabrielle pushed the door open and guided them through. "I know when I'm sick, or hurt… I want to b left alone mostly.." She paused. "Well, except for Xena, of course."

Cait grinned. "Of course.. she's such a good healer.. all the ones in there were talking about her."

That got a big smile from the bard, and they made the rest of the short journey in silence. Cait's quarters were on the end, nearest the training fields, and would ordinarily have held four girls. However, three of her mates had been advanced yesterday, and had lost no time in moving their stuff to the full Amazon's group quarters, leaving young Cait in solitary splendor.

Gabrielle glanced around in interest as she gently helped the girl into bed, tugging the soft comforter up around her and smiling as she recognized the pattern. "Here's a bit of home."

Cait fingered it. "Yes… Cyrene gave it to me before I left.. I thought it was awfully nice of her.. I mean it's not like I'm part of her family or anything."

The bard seated herself on a low chair nearby, and rested her elbows on her knees. "Cait.. that's not true." She told the girl quietly. "You are a part of our family.. don't you doubt that."

Gray eyes blinked at her, on the verge of tears. "I'm just an orphan."

"No." Gabrielle took her hand and covered it with her own. "As an Amazon, you're my sister.. and Xena's too, now….but even before that, you were a part of our lives, and I've always considered you part of my family."

Cait just looked at her, breathing hard for a moment. "It.. feels so strange.. I hardly remember my parents anymore."

"Yeah.. I know.. I remember how I felt, when Xena told me I was part of her family.. she told me that our friendship bound her and I closer than blood ever could, and you know.. that was the most amazing thing anyone had ever told me." Gabrielle sighed gently at the memory. "I felt.. proud… and awed…it was very special."

A small silence descended, as both women seemed absorbed in thought.

"Gabrielle.. can I ask you something?" Cait finally said, very softly. "I asked Xena.. but the answer she gave me didn’t' really explain things.."

The bard laughed softly. "She's not much into details.. no.. sure. What's the question?"

"How do you know when you're in love?"

Gabrielle exhaled. "Oh." She breathed. "That question." Her eyes went to the girl's face. "You mean.. in love, not just loving someone, don't you?"

Cait nodded soberly.

"Hm." The bard nibbled her thumbnail, then leaned back, and focused her eyes on the small shelf above the bed, where pinecones rested, each one decorated with lurid colors. "You know.. because when you look at the person you're in love with, you get a… a pain.. right here." She put a hand over her heart. "It feels like something's squeezing you.. but something else is filling you up inside, more and more, until you're ready to explode." She paused. "You know, because you'd do anything, and be anything for that person, you'd die for them, you'd give up everything you knew, and all of your dreams just to be with them… "Another pause. "They become the center of your world."

She swallowed, ignoring the tear rolling down her cheek. "And.. when they look back at you.. with the same love in their eyes that you have for them .. there is nothing on this earth, or beyond that can compare with that feeling." She looked up at an awed Cait. "That's what love is, Cait… there is nothing stronger, nothing more wonderful… then when you find that one person, that one tree in the forest meant for you."

They looked at each other. "Was that what you wanted to know?" Gabrielle finally asked, quietly.

"Gosh." Cait murmured. "You make it sound so magical."

A small nod. "For me, it was."

Cait sighed. "But.. what if your tree is a coconut palm?" Her eyes went to Gabrielle's in plaintive appeal.

The bard let out a surprised chuckle. "Well.. then you get the coconuts down, crack them open, and enjoy yourself." She replied. "Okay?"

Cait thought about it. "Okay." She finally agreed.

"Now.. on a totally different subject…your friend Paladia is going to be taken in on a trial basis…but you've got to keep an eye on her, understand?" The bard told her, not missing the surprised, and delighted gleam that appeared in the pale gray eyes. Not so different a subject after all, huh She mused quietly to herself. "She should show more people her pictures.. she gave Xena and I one for our joining ceremony."

"Blast.. that… " Cait spluttered. "Did she? I'm going to whomp her.. she didn’t tell me she was going to do that.. was it the panther and fox one?"

Gabrielle nodded.

"Gosh.. it was perfect, wasn't it? She worked for days getting those eyes the right colors.. had me chec…. " Cait blushed a little and stopped. "It was quite nice, wasn't it?"

The bard's face crinkled into a big smile. " Sure was.. it's going above our fireplace… I love it, and so does Xena." She watched Cait's head cock, and she listened herself, hearing footsteps which were heavy enough to be her soulmates, but lacked the warrior's distinctive rhythm. The door eased open, and Paladia poked her head in. "Hey.. c'mon in." The bard waved at her.

"Um.. " Paladia looked doubtful. "Nah.. you're busy." She started to edge out, but Gabrielle had launched herself to her feet, and gotten to the door first, sticking a hand through and grabbing the ex renegade's arm. 'Hey!"

"No. it's okay.. come on in.. " Gabrielle insisted, giving her a tug, which resulted in the rest of the tall blond emerging into the room. She was carrying a small sack, and she thrust it in front of her towards Cait.

"Your stuff." She grumbled. "Healer sent it over."

"Thanks." Gabrielle took it from her, and set it down on the table. "We were just talking about you."

Instant suspicious look. "Why? What'd I do?"

The bard gazed at her kindly. "I was just telling Cait how much Xena and I love the picture you did for us… it's wonderful." She was rewarded by a dull blush that colored the taller woman's face almost crimson. "And also I was telling her she'd better hurry up and heal, because she's got a new prospective Amazon to break in."

Gabrielle, an expert at reading body language, saw the faint slump in the ex renegade's posture, and felt a quiet sympathy for her. Even after everything.. this was one case where her judgment had been right on target.

"Well.. good luck." Paladia said awkwardly.

Cait let a cool grin shape her lips. "Thank you .. I'll need it." She replied, with a quiet glint in her pale gray eyes.

Paladia felt the silence, and she glanced up, seeing Cait's gaze on her, then shifting her eyes, to see Gabrielle's equally amused regard. Her brow contracted. "Why're you looking at me?" She asked, hesitantly.

Gabrielle straightened, and lifted her chin, returning the taller woman's gaze. "Well.. you have a home here, if you want one."

Paladia froze, to the point she even stopped breathing. When she finally drew breath, it was a gasp. "Why… in the seven levels of Hades would you do that?"

Mist green eyes shone with quiet conviction. "Because everyone deserves a second chance, Paladia." She put a hand out and gripped the taller woman's arm. "Good luck." Then she gave Cait a tiny wave, and backed towards the door. "I've got to get going… we're headed home." She told them, not even sure if they heard, as she closed the door on a silent, pensive tableau.

The cool air struck her, and she sighed, putting her hands on her hips and regarded the compound. She spotted her soulmate leading Argo across the open space, and watched as little Xenon galloped up to her, dancing around her and gesturing with his hands. Jessan and Elaini were edging there way over too, surrounded by a cluster of Amazons of all ages, all vying to hold one of the triplets, who were having the time of their lives tugging on necklaces and feathers.

Gabrielle nodded to herself, then straightened her shoulders, and started across the ground, heading towards home.

The end.

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