The tavern was nearly empty when the young man entered, dressed in a deep brown leather cloak that covered most of his face. The barkeep didn't look up. "Name your poison."

"I'm looking for a sword. Perhaps you can help me?" the deep voice said.

"Weapons shop is down the street. Try there. If you want port, that I can help with."

"The sword I'm looking for is rather unique. It belonged to an Amazon." the man replied, reaching out to touch the portly barkeep. "You suffer from gout no more. Now about that sword."

The barkeep looked up in surprise and found himself staring into deep brown eyes, far deeper than any mortal could ever have. He noted that he did indeed no longer feel the pain that had bothered him for summers.

"I ask again, the sword?"

" did..." the barkeep stopped trying to question the figure before him and reached under the bar. He pulled out the blood stained weapon and laid it out on the counter. "I was holding it until the owner returned." he said lamely, not bothering to mention that three different groups of Amazons had been in previously looking for the sword.

"Sure you were." the cloaked figure replied. He picked up the sword and left. The barkeep trembled with the realization that he had just been visited by one of the gods.

"Here you go." Apollo said as he handed the sword over to his sister. "You know Father will have my head if he finds out you got me involved in all this."

"In what?" Artemis replied. "All I did was ask you to help me get back something that belongs to one of my children. That's not interfering."

"Then you can explain it to him if I get caught. What good is it to you anyway? Father forbid you from interfering." he pushed the cloak off his head and ran his fingers through his sandy brown hair, a mirror of his sister.

"I'm not interfering." a mischievous glint formed in her eyes. "I'm going to ask Hermes to deliver it for me. He is the messenger of the gods."

"You know he can't cross onto Amazon land. None of us can except you, just like Athena is the only one who can enter Athens or Hades into the Underworld."

"He doesn't have to. He just has to drop it off on the edge of the land. The scout patrol will find it." she ran her finger down the edge of the blade, removing any trace of blood and blessing the weapon at the same time.

"Good luck, Art. I'd better get going." he covered his head with the hood and dissipated into thin air. Artemis closed her eyes and summoned Hermes.

Ilanna opened the cell door. "Visiting time is over." she said to the couple laying on the cot. "Is she asleep?"

"Yeah." Xena replied. "Hold on, I'll wake her up."

"No, wait." she held her hand up to stop the warrior. "I suppose if you don't mind and she's comfortable that it won't hurt anything." she backed up and closed the door behind her, not seeing Xena's smile as she snuggled in closer to the bard. Their comfort was short lived, however, for less than a candlemark later Ilanna opened the door again. "The tribunal is ready to pass sentence. I have to take you there now."

"Can I have a moment to wake her up? She'll want to be there." Xena was already gently shaking the slumbering queen. Ilanna nodded and closed the door, giving them what might be their last moment of privacy together. "Gabrielle...Gabrielle, come on, it's time to get up now." she tried gently. "Come on...wake up." Xena smiled as she thought of a way to wake the sleeping woman up. She began to gently kiss the bard's lips while her hand moved back and forth across Gabrielle's bare belly. Within heartbeats she felt a response. "We have to get up."

"Mmm, I like waking up this way." Gabrielle murmured as she brought her mouth up for another kiss.

"I like waking you up like this too, but we really do have to get up. The guard is waiting."

"Waiting?" that woke Gabrielle up fully. "Waiting for what?" she noticed the darkness of the night sky through the small barred window. "It's the middle of the night."

"The tribunal is ready to pass sentence." she saw the fear in the bard's eyes and immediately enveloped her in a hug. "'s going to be all right."

"They shouldn't be back this quick." came the muffled reply.

"Maybe it's a good sign." Xena tried, although deep down she felt the same thing as Gabrielle. Pushing her own fears down, she gave the bard one more hug before moving off the cot and standing up.

Gabrielle followed quickly and wrapped her arms around the tall woman. "I love you. No matter what happens, don't forget that." she sealed it with what she feared would be their last kiss.

"I won't. I love you too." she took a few moments longer to simply hold the bard before announcing to Ilanna that they were ready.

Gabrielle sat behind Xena and looked around. She couldn't imagine how there was enough air in the room for everyone to breathe. The bench she was sitting on and Ephiny's bench were the only ones not to have Amazons standing on them, all trying to get a better view of the events. The bard couldn't believe all these women got up in the middle of the night to hear the sentence. Trasis was busy pushing her way through the crowd, admonishing them to stop leaning against the walls and get down from the benches. All the head cook needed was for the food hut to collapse because too many women were leaning against the lightweight bamboo walls. The bard exchanged nervous glances with Luna. Ephiny, Solari, and Eponin were hidden from her view by the large crowd of women but Gabrielle still took comfort in their presence. Andro came in through the front door followed by the other two jurists. In her hands she held a leather wrapped item which she set down on the table in front of her. One quick look told her that there was no way that she would be able to get everyone to sit down. She banged her fist on the table until the din quieted. "Now there are just too many people in here!" she shouted. "Everyone from the back five rows...out!" that order was met with a chorus of boos and grumblings. "If I hear one more complaint, I'll clear the whole damn room! All of you leaning on the walls, you too. Out!" she continued to toss Amazons out until she was satisfied with the amount left. Everyone had room to sit comfortably on the benches and the aisle was now clear as well. Trasis silently mouthed 'thank you' from her position in the back near the kitchen.

"Before we start with the business before us, I have a gift which must be delivered. Eponin, would you please come forward?" Andro rose and held up the leather covered object. The stocky warrior used her crutches to get down the aisle and stopped in front of the head jurist. "This was found by the northwest patrol. I do believe it belongs to you." she handed the sword, still wrapped in leather, to Eponin. She knew immediately from the weight and feel just what it was.

"My sword!" she exclaimed. Balancing herself on the crutches under her arms, she carefully pulled back the leather to reveal the jeweled hilt. A small emerald and ruby were nestled where the hilt met the blade. "These weren't there be-" she touched the jewels and was overwhelmed with a feeling of lightheadedness. The crutches fell away she fell to her knees. Xena, Ephiny, and several others rose to their feet in concern. Saras raced down the aisle and knelt down next to Eponin. The stocky warrior continued to hold her sword in a death grip as waves of energy passed through her body. The grey haired healer jerked the weapon away and Eponin slumped to the floor, her breath coming in ragged gulps. Ephiny and Gabrielle went to move closer but were stopped by Saras.

"Wait!" she ran her hand along the side of Eponin's thigh and whistled. "Not even a scar or stitch mark." she marveled. "The gods...praise Artemis."

"She returned Ep's sword and healed her." Ephiny said softly. Within heartbeats the information had been passed to the throngs of women waiting outside. Eponin's breathing slowly returned to normal and she sat up with Saras' help. With everyone looking on, the stocky warrior took the healer's offered hand and hoisted herself up to a standing position. Never one for public displays of emotion, Eponin nonetheless allowed some tears to fall and gave the older Amazon a bear hug. Slowly, gingerly, she moved away from Saras and took her first steps in over a quarter-moon, a huge smile breaking out across her face.

"I can walk...I can walk!" she did just that and went to Ephiny to receive a hug.

"Thank the gods." Gabrielle whispered into Xena's ear. The warrior nodded in agreement and squeezed the smaller hand within hers. Eponin looked over at them and smiled through her misty eyes. Andro rapped the table with her knuckles.

"I believe it's time for us to render our decision." she waited until everyone sat down and unrolled the scroll in front of her. "Xena of Amphipolis, you have admitted to crimes against the Amazon nation. There's no need to repeat the list at this time. We have listened to all the testimony before us. We have also taken the liberty to the scrolls left here by Gabrielle about your prior exploits. Combined, they give us a very clear impression of who you were and who you have become. The most telling evidence of involvement by the gods has just been witnessed. We believe that the crimes committed by you against Gabrielle, Eponin, and Solari would not have occurred without an immortal influence." Gabrielle squeezed Xena's hand harder and smiled. "However..." the smile left the bard's face, replaced by the same worried look that appeared on Ephiny and Luna's face. Xena's features remained impassive. "You did commit the crimes and thus will be punished accordingly."

"No..." Gabrielle whispered in disbelief.

"You are sentenced to time served." Andro said, allowing a small smile to appear on her face. "Your punishment is ended, Xena. You're free to go. Your weapons and armor are to be returned to you." she was about to recite the ending series of phrases that accompanied the rendering of a decision, but realized that the whoops and hollers of the crowd would have drowned her out anyway. Luna and Symra stepped up to the head table and shook hands with the tribunal, accepting congratulations for a fine job as they went. The guard stepped forward and unhooked the manacles and chains. Not an easy job considering that the queen refused to stop hugging the tall woman.

"It's over, it's finally over." Gabrielle said as she continued to hold Xena.

"Hey, you're going to drown me if you don't stop crying." the warrior said playfully.

"I don't care. I'm never letting go." she murmured. Xena held her with one arm while shaking their friend's hands with the other.

"Gabrielle." she whispered. The bard turned to see Eponin standing before them.


"Come on, Gabrielle." Ephiny said, taking the younger woman by the arm and leading her away from the two warriors. "Xena will be along in a moment."

"So it's over." Eponin said. "This wasn't how I figured it's would end." she was turning the blade over and over in her hands.

"Neither did I." Xena admitted. "I'm glad things worked out for you."

"Why do you suppose there are two jewels?" she said, not looking up from her sword.

"I think it was blessed by more than one god. My guess would be Apollo and Artemis." the raven haired woman said.

"And you get blessed by Ares. Odd, huh?" she looked up. "It's funny, Xena. You and I are so much alike, yet so different." she reached out and caught Xena's arm in a warrior's grasp. "I'll fight beside you anytime."

"And I you." the tall woman replied, accepting the offer of forgiveness and friendship. "Come on, there's a village full of women that want to see you walk." Xena said, putting a friendly arm around the shorter woman's shoulders.

It was almost dawn by the time the crowd cleared out, leaving Ephiny standing with Xena and Gabrielle. The young queen remained by the warrior's side, her arm wrapped lovingly around the older woman's torso. The blond Amazon looked at the now free woman and then at the ground. "Um, Xena, I just wanted you to know that I'm glad everything worked out the way it did." she said, obviously uncomfortable. "I know some words were said out there on the field that-"

"You did what you felt was right. I understand that."

"Xena, I wasn't fair to you. I never gave you a chance to-"

"It's not important now. You did the right thing then. You were trying to protect Gabrielle. I would have expected no less." she said dismissively.

"Well..." Ephiny said, realizing that the tall woman wasn't going to let her apologize. "You know that you're welcome here. I mean, just because the hearing is over doesn't mean that the two of you have to leave right away. I was hoping that you both could visit for a while." Xena stiffened noticeably in the bard's grasp. "Um...would you excuse us, please? It's been a long night." Gabrielle said politely.

"Uh...sure. We'll see you later on." the blond ruler said before turning away.

"What's wrong?" the bard said once they were alone.

"Nothing." Xena said quickly.

"You want to go, don't you?" she turned so they were face to face. "Xena, you've been freed. You don't have to hide. Don't you want to stay around at least until all your stitches are removed? You have to admit that you could just some time to just sit back and recover and what better place to do it than here? Xena, you heard them when the sentence was announced. They cheered for you. Everyone understands what happened and why it happened. They know you're not the enemy."

"It's not that I believe that they think of me as the enemy. You know how I hate to stay in one place for any length of time." she stifled a yawn. "Can we talk about this later? Right now all I want is a hot bath and a soft bed. You know that cot is worse than sleeping on the ground."

"Oh, I don't know." Gabrielle said, wrapping both arms around the warrior's waist. "I was pretty comfortable last night."

"That's because you were sleeping on me." Xena replied as she returned the embrace. It was still a good two candlemarks before the morning meal and everyone else had already returned to their huts, leaving them alone.

"Hmm...and I liked it." Gabrielle murmured, giving the soft skin on Xena's neck a quick kiss before pulling away.

"Come on, I know you're still tired and I'm exhausted. Let's go get some sleep." the warrior said, pulling the bard against her. Gabrielle pulled back and wrinkled her nose.

"You're not getting into my bed smelling like the jail." she turned Xena in the direction of the baths. "I'll go on ahead to the hut."

"Oh no you don't." the warrior said, pulling the bard next to her. "Are you forgetting just how much time you spent in that cell with me? You don't smell like roses either."

"I don't have a clean shift." Gabrielle protested.

"Neither do I. We'll wrap ourselves in the towels." Xena replied. "Let's go."

As expected, the baths were deserted by the time they arrived. Leagues away, the lava pit where Velasca had met her end heated several underground rivers, one of which ended with the Amazons hot springs, thus giving them an endless supply of hot water. The main bath room consisted of a half dozen small inground tubs surrounding a larger one, but Gabrielle led them to a smaller room in back. This room had only one small inground tub, large enough to fit two or three comfortably. "I prefer bathing in here, it's more private." the bard said as she pulled fresh towels off the shelf and laid them on the bench.

"Gabrielle...if you'd rather bathe alone..." Xena said, suddenly finding herself nervous at the thought of being naked and alone with the bard. She looked at Gabrielle and felt her heart begin to pound rapidly.

"Xena, we've bathed together plenty of times. What's...oh." she gave a small smile of understanding and wrapped her arms around the warrior. "I understand." she leaned up on her toes and gave Xena a gentle kiss. "I'm a bit nervous myself."

"Of me?" her face became as serious as the bard had ever seen it. "Gabrielle, I swear I won't force you into anything you don't want. Maybe I should go in the other room." she tried to pull away but the bard held fast.

"I'm not afraid of you, Xena. I know you'd never hurt me."

"Then what?" she asked gently, cupping the smaller woman's chin. "Tell me, I need to know."

"I...I don't want to rush it. I know it seems silly, but I want this time to be...special." she turned a pretty shade of pink. "I mean...I don't want it to be here, now, while we're both tired. I really haven't had a chance to be alone with you, just you, in so long that it hurts." she pressed her lips against the bare skin above Xena's tunic. "Right now...I just want to wash up together."

"Hey..." Xena reached under the bard's chin and tilted her head up. "Anything you want. I won't push you." she took advantage of the closeness to brush her lips against Gabrielle's. "Now let's get cleaned up."

They stripped, trying hard not to look at each other. Xena stepped into the refreshingly warm water and held her arms out to help Gabrielle. They allowed themselves the luxury of simply letting their muscles soak for a while before Xena finally reached for the soap and cloth. "Let me get your back." she said softly, lathering up the cloth.

"All right." she turned around and scooted back, allowing the warrior easy reach of her skin. With long, gentle, loving stokes Xena washed the bard's back, her fingers massaging at the same time. Gabrielle melted into the delightful touch. Her eyes closed and her head tilted forward, exposing a most kissable neck. Xena dropped the cloth and brought her hands up. She used her thumbs to gently massage away all the kinks and tightness that existed, drawing a languid groan from the relaxed bard every time she hit a particularly sore muscle. "That's nice." Gabrielle murmured.

"Glad you're enjoying it." she replied as her hands moved up and down the soapy back. She knew that Gabrielle's back was clean long ago, this was pure self-indulgence on her part. The bard didn't complain either, merely sitting back and enjoying every caress, every sensation. Only when her own fingers were puckered like a prune did Gabrielle finally pull away and take the cloth from the warrior's long fingers.

"I think I should do the front." the bard said apologetically as she moved back a pace or so. "Otherwise we won't get out of here know." she said sheepishly. To her surprise, Xena leaned forward and gave her a peck on the nose.

"I know." she grinned.

Gabrielle finished washing herself and set about to provide Xena the same gentle washing that she had received. She took her time, letting her fingers run over every scar, every muscle, every plane of the warrior's back and shoulders. At some point she had begun humming while her fingers and hands continued to explore. Xena was completely relaxed until she felt those gentle hands slip around her sides and graze dangerously close to her breasts. "Uh, Gabrielle?" she said softly as her heartbeat picked up rhythm.

"Mmm? Oh...sorry." she said as she pulled her hands back to a more 'friendly' distance. "Guess I got carried away there for a moment."

"Yeah, you almost did." Xena said as she turned around to face the bard. She leaned in and exchanged a gentle kiss while her hand reached for the soapy cloth. "I think I'd better finish. Why don't you go dry off?"

"Uh...yeah. Good idea." Gabrielle muttered, heading toward the edge of the tub. She hoisted herself up and reached for the towel. With her back to Xena, she didn't see the blue eyes widen and the warrior's mouth open slightly in awe of the vision before her. The fair skin, the perfect body, even the droplets of water dripping off that perfect body all served to make Xena's breath quicken and her pulse to race. She had to turn away lest the bard's innocent movements cause her to melt into a puddle right there and then. Xena washed quickly and wrapped a towel haphazardly around herself. "Ready?" the bard asked.

"Yeah." she replied, keeping her eyes straight ahead and not at Gabrielle, she even kept herself a step ahead of the bard to avoid temptation. All of Xena's actions suited the young woman just fine. Gabrielle stayed back and enjoyed the sight of the warrior's bare shoulders and upper back as well as the large amount of thigh revealed by the towel.

Once inside the hut both women felt the same nervous tension. Xena handed her a clean shift and looked around for their saddlebags. "Gabrielle...where are my clothes?"

"Oh." she replied, suddenly realizing that Ephiny never had the saddlebags sent to her hut. "I guess I didn't realize that everything was still in the stables. I've been wearing the clothes that Terreis left to me."

"Great. I have to walk across the entire village in a towel to get to my clothes?"

"Just sleep in the nude." Gabrielle said before realizing what exactly she just proposed. Xena looked at the bard and arched an eyebrow.


"Now don't you think..." she closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around the taller woman's neck. "...that we can sleep together without clothes? If it makes you feel more comfortable, I'll sleep nude too."

"If you sleep naked next to me, I guarantee I'll feel something, but comfortable won't be it." Xena said with a slight leer. "Put your shift on. We're both so tired anyway that I don't think we could do anything else." she accented her statement with a long yawn. In a matter of moments, they were both buried under the blankets and cuddled up in each other's arms. Just as the warrior had predicted, it wasn't long before they were sound asleep. It was without a doubt the best sleep either woman had in almost half a moon.

When Xena opened her eyes around mid-day, she found herself trapped by Gabrielle sleeping almost completely on top of her. She ran her fingertips lightly back and forth across the sleeping woman's back and closed her eyes for a few more moments to enjoy the feelings that flooded her. For so long she had dreamed of being able to hold her bard like this, to be close without having to use the cold as an excuse, to be able to touch without worry. Xena lifted her head and placed a gentle kiss on the golden hair atop the head resting on her chest. As enjoyable as the feeling was, she knew they couldn't stay in bed all day. She stretched the muscles she could without disturbing the bard and tried to think of a way to crawl out from under her. Of course their intertwined legs made such an action impossible. "Gabrielle..." she shook her gently. "Come on, wake up now."

"Hmmm...don't wanna." came the muffled reply. The last thing Gabrielle wanted to do was be separated from the warm soft skin beneath her. There was no more fear of separation, no more worries about how Xena felt about her, nothing but the complete joy of being with the woman she loved. "Can't we just stay like this all day?" she said as she snuggled closer. The shifting caused Xena to inhale sharply.

"Gabrielle...move your knee."

"Oh." she replied, noticing for the first time that she had it wedged between the taller woman's legs. Curiosity got the best of her and she pressed upward. Her reward was a deep, throaty groan and the feeling of Xena's hips pressing back. "Sorry." she said as she pulled her leg back to a less intimate position, silently pleased with the reaction she got.

"You're a tease." the warrior replied, rolling over on top of the smaller woman and stealing a kiss before hopping out of bed. "Come on, I'm hungry and you still have to go get my clothes for me." she said, turning her back to the bard to look for the brush.

"Oh all right." Gabrielle grumbled playfully. "Although I think you look pretty cute naked." she said as she got out of bed and retrieved her clothes. She looked over and was glad that the warrior was busy looking for a brush and not at her as she felt a flush come to her cheeks. By the gods, Xena's a beautiful woman, the bard thought to herself as she felt herself drawn closer, her feet moving of their own free will until she was standing just behind the naked goddess of her heart.

"Gabrielle...are you going to get my stuff or do you really want me to run around naked in front of the Amazons?" she tilted her head at the queen and grinned. "Actually that might be fun." that comment earned her a playful backhand to the belly.

"Don't even think about it. There's only one Amazon who's allowed to see you like this and that's me." she smiled at that thought and leaned up for a soft kiss, which quickly turned into several that grew in intensity until Xena had to pull her head up to catch her breath and regain her sense of equilibrium. The kisses just felt so natural, so right, so enjoyable that neither woman could imagine how they survived without them. The warrior held Gabrielle's head against her chest for several heartbeats, her long fingers gently stroking the golden tresses beneath them. Gabrielle's hands slid back and forth across the muscled territory of Xena's back thoroughly enjoying the freedom allowed to them. They maintained the silent embrace a little bit longer until the bard felt the arms wrapped around her relax their grip. She smiled and gave Xena kiss just below the collarbone and backed up. "I'll go get your clothes and you can make the bed."

"Why bother? It's only going to get messed up later." the warrior quipped.

"Is that a promise?" Gabrielle asked with a wink before turning around to look for her boots.

"My, you're in a good mood this morning." Xena said as she pulled the bard in tight for a hug. "I love you." she whispered.

"I love you too." the bard replied.

"What happened before isn't how I wanted to treat you, how I want to treat you." Xena said, cupping the younger woman's chin. "This is all new to me and I don't want to rush this. I want to slowly..." kiss, "gently," kiss, "and passionately make love to you. I want you to wake up every morning and be as happy as you are today." she said softly, once again wondering just what she had ever done to deserve someone so wonderful in her life.

"If I can wake up like that every day, I'll always be in a good mood." Gabrielle replied.

"Hmm...I'll see what I can do." the warrior said with a smile, bending down for another taste of the sweet softness of her bard. She hoped that Gabrielle was fond of kissing because she knew that she'd never tire of the feeling of the bard's lips upon hers and planned to take every opportunity she could to do just that.

Half a candlemark later, Gabrielle returned to find Xena sitting up on the bed with a sheet wrapped around her and looking very guilty. "Food's here, but I don't think Trasis will deliver dinner." the warrior said. The bard looked over at the table to see the tray, noting that the drinks had spilled over onto the plates and soaked everything.

"Do I dare ask what happened?" she said while placing the saddlebags on the floor.

"I didn't know it was her and...well..."

"Xena, you didn't beat up the head cook, did you?" the bard asked, thinking of her warrior's quick reactions to unexpected company. Xena's motto was to deck first, then find out who they were. It had saved their lives more than once.

"Uh, no...I uh..." she mumbled something unintelligible. Gabrielle sat down on the bed next to her.

"What did you do?"

"Well, I thought it was was I supposed to know?" she protested.

"Aside from the fact that Trasis is a good ten summers older than me?"

"She backed in, I didn't see her face first."

"What did you see...oh." she couldn't keep the grin off her face. "I assume you're responsible for our soaked meal?"

"Yeah...well, she backed in and I thought it was you and...I didn't know she had a tray in her hands."

"I'm almost afraid to asked, but what did you do?"

"I pinched her."

"Oh gods." Gabrielle said, breaking into a fit of laughter and leaning against the warrior. "Nope, I don't think she'll bring me any more meals."

"I apologized." Xena said glumly, completely embarrassed at what she was certain was all over the village by now.

"Oh, I'm sure that helped." she said between giggles. "You really like the jail, don't you?"

"It was an honest mistake." Xena protested playfully. "Besides, what took you so long?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

"You realize that will be around the village in less than a candlemark. Big bad warlord pinches cook's rear." she gave up all attempts to control her mirth and giggled helplessly against the warrior.

"I know...Amazons are worse than the old ladies in my home village when it comes to gossip." she wrapped her arms around Gabrielle and pulled her close. "Now what took you so long?" she said when the bard finally calmed down enough to be able to answer.

"Mmm, this is nice." she snuggled closer. "Half your stuff was in the stables with Argo and the rest was over at the jail. I still didn't find your weapons and armor, though. I think Ephiny might have them stored somewhere."

"That's all least I'll have my leathers."

"Uh, I don't think you'll want to wear them."

"Why not?" she released her hold on the bard and went to the clothes, losing the sheet in the process, much to Gabrielle's silent enjoyment.

"Everything smells like either the jail or the stables. Your choice."

"You're kidding." Xena said in a defeated tone. "Damn. Not even one shift?"

"Not one." the bard replied just as they heard a knock at the door. "That must be Solari. I ran into her and asked if she had anything you could wear."

Xena dove under the covers and nodded for the bard to open the door. Solari held out a small pile of clothes. "Here you go, Gabrielle. They might be a little tight on her, but it's the best I could do."

"I appreciate it." she kept herself positioned between the door and frame but the taller Amazon easily looked in.

"Good afternoon, Xena. Sleep well?"

"Hi Solari. Yup, just fine, thanks. Like a baby." she replied, silently wishing the bard would close the door and let her get dressed.

"I'll see you later, Gabrielle, have fun." she said, winking at the young queen. The bard blushed furiously and closed the door.

Xena spent the afternoon giving some attention to Argo, who whinnied and nickered with joy at the return of her mistress. As much as Gabrielle wanted the warrior's first day of freedom to be spent with her, she understood Xena's need to have some alone time after being cooped up for so long. Instead the bard spent the time entertaining the children of the village with stories of the Amazons legends and tales. Even though their mothers had heard the stories many times before, most found themselves sitting down with their children and enjoying their queen's rendition of them as if it were the first time. Gabrielle relished the relaxed atmosphere, the chance to spin tales, the ability to just relax and be free of the tension of the last half-moon.

Eponin entered the stables, eager to be able to ride her mare again, and was surprised to see Xena there. "How's Argo?" the stocky Amazon asked.

"Well-fed from the looks of it, aren't you?" she said, scratching her beloved horse behind the ear. Argo snorted in agreement. The Amazons were most generous with their feed.

"She needs a good run...wouldn't let anyone mount her." she reached for her saddle. "I know a trail leads up past the mountains. It's a good ride, I bet Argo would enjoy it." Eponin offered.

"She'll be all right until we leave." Xena replied, not feeling comfortable with traipsing around the Amazon lands.

"Suit yourself, although I think she might have a different opinion." she tightened the straps of her saddle. The raven haired woman didn't reply, merely moving toward the other side of Argo and out of view of the stocky Amazon. "It sure is a nice trail."

"I'm sure it is, Ep...Eponin." she corrected. Despite being forgiven for the attack, Xena still felt uneasy calling the shorter woman by her nickname. She picked up the brush and began to groom Argo again.

"Hey." Eponin said, coming around the side of Argo to face her. "I thought we worked all this out last night...well, early this morning."

"Everything's fine."

"If everything's fine, then why don't you want to go for a ride with me? I considered you a friend before and I still consider you as one." she reached out and put her hand on the brush, stilling the tall warrior's movements. "Xena, you're not the enemy. People know that now. You don't have to hide until it's time for you and Gabrielle to leave."

"I'm not hiding."

"No? Then why not go for a ride? Your saddle's here and I have a waterskin."

"You're not going to give up, are you?" Xena said in a defeated tone. The Amazon grinned.

"Nope. Get Argo saddled up. I'll be waiting." she turned to finish getting her horse ready.

Xena put the brush down and stroked Argo's nose. "You wanna go for a ride?" she asked and got a whinny in response. "Of course you do." she scratched the horse's cheek and reached for the saddle blanket.

"Ready?" Eponin said as Xena led Argo out of the stable, stopping on the left side of the Amazon's horse.

"I should stop and get my weapons first."

"I've got my sword and besides, we'll be on Amazon land. There's no danger there." she said as she mounted her black mare. Xena followed suit and Eponin noticed the length of stitches still on the taller woman's thigh. "Did Saras stitch that up?"

Xena looked down and realized what the Amazon was talking about. "No, Gabrielle did the night of the fight. They're almost ready to come out." she noted the look of regret on Eponin's face. "Don't worry about it. I've been hurt worse. Besides, you were doing exactly what I would have wanted you to do, protect Gabrielle." she looked down at her saddlehorn. "I never thanked you or Solari for that. Thank you, Eponin."

"None needed." she said, pulling her horse up enough for her to look at the taller woman. "And Xena? Call me Ep. Now, let's stop all this sensitive chitchat that we both hate so much and go enjoy the day." the raven haired warrior agreed and followed the stocky Amazon out of the village.

"Who is waiting for me?" Zartok yelled angrily as he threw the flap back on his tent. "I told you I'm tired and wanted to rest. I don't have time for-"

"No time for me?" Ares said, rising from the chair. The blond warlord's eyes bulged with surprise and disbelief.

"A-Ares. How good of you-"

"Yeah yeah, I've heard it before." the god said, waving his hand dismissively. "Zartok, are you happy running this little group of misfits?"

"I'm happy to serve you in whatever way-" the blond warlord said before he was cut off again.

"Good, glad to hear it. I'm going to make you an offer, Zartok. An offer so incredibly wonderful," he held his immortal hands out in a wide circle to demonstrate. "I'll give you some of the most prized land in all of Greece. All you have to do is get rid of the current occupants." Ares walked behind him and clasped his shoulder. "I'll give you all the food, men, horses, and weapons that you need. All you have to do is accept my offer."

"Anything for you, great God of War." Zartok said humbly.

"Ah, that's what I wanted to hear, my boy. Consider yourself hired." he walked around the small tent as if thinking. "One little thing I forgot to tell you...the people on this land are Amazons." he grinned. "Not a big deal, just think of how many fine sons they can make for your men once you conquer them."

"Uh...b-but Ares, the Amazons are fierce fighters and they know their land too well. We'd never be able to defeat them."

"I know a way you can enter their land without being detected. I'll transport your army right to the edge of their lands. All you have to do is cross the river, go through the valley, and follow a trail right into their back yard." the God of War clapped his hands together and his lip turned up in a sneer. "It's perfect."

"Um...if I can ask, your godship."

"What?" Ares replied, annoyed.

"Well...if you can make us appear at the edge of their lands, how come you can't just drop us off right in the middle of their village?"

"Well, there's a little problem with that. You see, my dear sister Artemis is in control of those harlots and I can't cross onto their land or send anyone else in. I can only take you to the edge. You'll be on your own once you cross over the border. But don't worry." he said with an evil, chilling smile. "They'll never know you're there until it's much too late."

Xena and Eponin rode past the outskirts of the village and up the trails that lead to the mountains. The fresh clear air whipped their hair back and raised goosebumps on the tall warrior's skin. The outfit loaned to her by Solari was nothing at all like she normally wore. Two large leather cups held together with a pin formed the front of the skimpy top and the short brown leather skirt had an annoying tendency to hike up on the sides while she rode. "Just past those Cypress trees is where the road splits." Eponin yelled to her. "We're taking the left road, the one that goes up into the mountains." Xena nodded with understanding and followed.

They rode one for another candlemark before the cool grass gave way to a rocky incline. Both women slowed their horses down and formed a single line with Eponin, who knew the trail well, in front. The steep trail turned sharply and allowed them a clear view of the large valley below. "We don't patrol this area much. It's too difficult for any kind of army to get through. The river runs around this valley just past the edge of the horizon and it's too wide to cross at that point." Eponin explained when they brought their horses to a stop. "Once in a while some small band will try and slip through, but by the time they even get to the valley, half their food supplies are gone. When our patrols find them they usually are grateful to see us. No one imagines that it's that far of a trek from the crossing point into the valley and so far no one has ever made it past the mountains themselves without us spotting them." she took a long swallow of her water before passing the skin to Xena. "It'll take us about a half candlemark to get down to the valley but there's a great place down there to let the girls open up and run full out." Eponin said, grinning. "Then we'll see just how much better Amazon bred horses are."

"Oh, I think Argo's up to the challenge, aren't you girl?" she said, patting her mare's neck confidently. The wind changed direction and a familiar odor caught Xena's attention. She sat up straight in her seat and motioned for Eponin's attention. "Do you smell that?" she whispered.

"I don't smell anything except the trees..." she concentrated, "and horse dung."

"Exactly." Xena said. "You said this area is deserted. Are there a good deal of wild horses out here?"

"Let's go check it out." the Amazon said, turning her black horse to head down the trail. The raven haired warrior followed, mentally cursing herself for not retrieving her weapons and armor before leaving the village.

They reached a fairly level ridge that crossed over their path. Eponin suddenly left the trail and headed into the trees. Xena followed for several moments until the Amazon dismounted and tossed the reins over a low branch. "This ridge wraps around the whole side of this mountain but some spots are too narrow for the horses. We'll have to continue on foot." the tall warrior nodded and tied Argo to a nearby branch. They made their way silently, being especially careful when the trees thinned out or the ridge became extremely narrow. A fresh scent caught their noses and this time they knew that it wasn't from wild horses. The smell of cooking meat wafted up to them. "How many do you think?" Eponin asked.

"Too hard to tell. Smells like a large amount of meat for just a small band, unless they're smoking it for jerky. We need to get closer."

They moved further along the narrow path and the smell grew stronger. They reached an area where the path became barely wider than one of their boots. The rock jutted out slightly from the wall, making it even more treacherous. With her shorter stature, Eponin easily avoided having to lean out too much but Xena wasn't as lucky. She leaned out slightly more than she felt comfortable with at the same time her boot came into contact with some loose stones. In one instant Eponin grabbed an overhanging branch with one hand and Xena's wrist with the other, pulling back hard. "Gotcha." the Amazon grunted, holding on until she righted herself.

"Thanks." Xena said, glancing over the edge and visibly cringing at the sight of the jagged rocks far below.

"Don't mention it. You think I want to be the one to explain how you got hurt to Gabrielle?" she said. "Not a chance."

Xena made no comment on the Amazon's remark and they continued on, growing more uneasy with each step. The smell was getting stronger and there was now no doubt that they weren't talking about a small handful of bandits. They reached a large tree with limbs that branched out over the edge of the valley. Eponin signaled and scampered up, leaning down a hand to offer assistance. Xena grinned at her and somersaulted from a standing position upward into the tree, landing feet first on the same branch that the Amazon occupied. Realizing that the weight might be too much, Xena climbed up to a higher branch and wormed her way out along its length. Eponin did the same and their eyes opened wide at the sight below.

"What do you think you're doing?" Artemis raged as she stormed into her brother's lair. "You know you can't interfere."

"I'm not interfering with anything." Ares replied. "You'll note that I didn't put them on your land. And as for interfering, just what do you think dear old dad would have to say about that little stunt you and Apollo pulled, hmm?"

"We were only returning one of my Amazon's swords. It had nothing to do with Xena."

"Oh, of course not, just because she was the one responsible for your harlot losing it in the first place. Besides, it's over now. This is something totally different." he walked to the other side of the room and grinned. "And there's nothing you can do about it." he watched Artemis take a step forward get bounced off the invisible barrier. "Problem, dear sister? Oh, I bet you thought I removed ALL of Sysiphus' little tricks and traps." he laughed evilly. "You're not going anywhere for a little while, relax and enjoy yourself." he walked over until he would have been in striking distance had the barrier not been there. "Don't worry, Sis, I'll be sure to let you out the instant the last of your Amazons has been killed, raped, or enslaved." as he dissipated from sight, he laughed as he watched his sister frantically throw herself back and forth against the invisible walls.

"Any suggestions?" Xena said once they were back on the ground. "How many could you make out?"

"From the size of the camp and the tents, I'd say there has to be at least a hundred of them." Eponin replied. "Did you see the catapults?"

"Yeah, not to mention the spear throwers and the net launcher. They're prepared, I'll give them that."

"Any idea who they are?"

"No." she shook her head. "I don't recognize the crest."

"We'd better get back and warn the others. We can have the warriors assembled just before the mountains. They can pick them off one by one as they come through the trail." the stocky Amazon grinned at the thought.

"Sure, until they fire off that netting and trap the Amazons like a bunch of fish. Or aim the catapults at the trees and take out the archers." Xena knelt down and began drawing in the sandy earth. "No, we need the warriors, but they can't face those weapons." she unconsciously nodded in respect to the warlord that planned the attack. "They'd probably send the weapons first through the trail in case they met any resistance, then cut enough of a gap in the lines to get to the village. It'd be a slaughter."

"But if we wait until they're past the mountains completely, they can spread out and attack. It'd still be a bloodbath and some of them still might get through." she saw a grin cross over the tall warrior's face and a twinkle form in her eye. "Xena, you've got a plan, don't you?" she said with a equal grin.

"We need to get a message to Ephiny, but I need you here with me in order to make this work. I can't do it alone."

"All right, what do you suggest?"

"Argo can take a note back. That'd leave us with your horse in case we needed to get out of here quickly."

"I'll agree that Argo is smart enough to get back on her own, but what exactly are you planning to write this message on? or with?" Eponin said, watching the smile leave Xena's face.

"Oh. Guess I'm used to having Gabrielle and her scrolls nearby." she gave the Amazon a lopsided grin. "Oh well, guess we'll just have to borrow some parchment and ink from the boys down there." she said as if it was no big deal. "Come on, time's wasting." Eponin grinned, shook her head, and followed Xena down the tree covered slope to the valley below.

Gabrielle watched the sun begin to set over the horizon and walked to the stables for the fourth time. "I'm going to kill her for making me worry." she growled as she once again found no sign of Xena or Argo. She turned swiftly and bumped into Ilanna. "Oops, I'm sorry." Gabrielle said.

"It's all right, my queen. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. It's my fault." the Amazon guard said, even though she had been watching where she was headed and it was the bard's inattention that was at fault. Gabrielle nodded distractedly and looked at the stables again. "My queen, is something bothering you?"

"Please call me Gabrielle." she sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Have you seen Xena? She was supposed to be spending time with Argo but that was candlemarks ago."

"Oh, she went riding with Eponin. I'm sure everything is fine." the dark-skinned Amazon assured her. Gabrielle nodded but wasn't convinced. She had an odd feeling and at the moment only wanted to see Xena and know she was safe.

They moved across the trees, careful not to rustle the leaves any more than necessary and moved past the first two sentries with ease. Eponin and Xena silently grinned at each other when they reached the back of one of the tents, conveniently placed on the outer edge of the camp and less than a body length away from their tree. The Amazon slipped down and pressed herself against the tarp, listening for any sounds of activity. She motioned with one hand and was quickly joined by Xena. "Let's just get in and out, okay?" Eponin whispered. "I'm not in the mood to get caught." she carefully slipped her sword out of its sheath and slit the tent side cleanly.

Unfortunately, they picked the messiest soldier in camp's tent to raid. There was parchment to be found, even ink, but the quill was nowhere in sight. Xena shuffled through the stuff on the rickety table, letting whatever was in her way fall to the ground. "Will you be quiet!" Eponin hissed. "And look at the mess you're making. They'll know we were here for sure if you keep that up."

"I doubt he'd notice the difference." Xena replied dryly, waving her hand at the tentful of junk. She moved her boot and heard a slight 'crack'. "Aha!" she said triumphantly, bending down and picking up the now broken quill. "Huh." she said, tossing it behind her.

"Hey!" Eponin walked over and retrieved the quill. "The point's still good. Come on, we don't have time to find another one."

"But it's broken." Xena growled, moving the mess around a little more. "I'm sure there's another one around here somewhere."

"We don't have time." the Amazon said firmly, grabbing the taller woman's arm and jerking her back out of the tent.

"I'm telling you-" Xena began.

"Going somewhere, ladies?" the deep voice behind them said. The women exchanged glances.

"What do you think?" the raven haired warrior asked.

"Sure, why not." the stocky Amazon replied a heartbeat before crouching low and sweeping the soldier's feet out from under him at the same time Xena's boot came back and connected solidly with his chin.

"What do we do with him?" Eponin asked as she got to her feet and brushed the dirt off her skirt.

"Well, we don't want him waking up and warning the others, now do we?" Xena grinned, picking him up and hoisting him over her shoulder. Eponin had the good sense to duck back into the tent and grab a shirt that was lying on the floor. Neither one of them had any clothing to spare for a gag. Within moments the unconscious soldier was resting comfortably in the upper branches of the tree, tied securely to keep from falling, or calling out for help.

Ephiny leaned against the table and watched Gabrielle pace for the umpteenth time. "She's fine. Eponin is with her. What trouble could they possibly get into?" the sharp turn and glare of the bard made her regret that question.

"You don't know her like I do. And with Ep? Two warriors with nothing to do?" she began pacing again, then stopped and looked at the blond woman with fear in her eyes. "Oh gods, what if they ran into trouble?" her eyes fell on the pile of armor and weapons that were laying on the bed. "Xena doesn't have her sword, her chakram...she doesn't even have her armor. She's out there with that flimsy thing that Solari loaned her."

Continued - Part 8 (Conclusion)

comfortably in the upper branches of the tree, tied securely to keep from falling, or calling out for help.

Ephiny leaned against the table and watched Gabrielle pace for the umpteenth time. "She's fine. Eponin is with her. What trouble could they possibly get into?" the sharp turn and glare of the bard made her regret that question.

"You don't know her like I do. And with Ep? Two warriors with nothing to do?" she began pacing again, then stopped and looked at the blond woman with fear in her eyes. "Oh gods, what if they ran into trouble?" her eyes fell on the pile of armor and weapons that were laying on the bed. "Xena doesn't have her sword, her chakram...she doesn't even have her armor. She's out there with that flimsy thing that Solari loaned her."

Continued - Part 8 (Conclusion)