Mini Tales of Xena and Gabrielle
By IseQween
A few years ago, Wishes (Judith K. Parker) read The World's Shortest Stories, edited by Steve Moss (Running Press, Philadelphia, 1998), and challenged fans to write 55-word Xena: Warrior Princess fiction (hosted by The Royal Academy of Bards at, which inspired the following. -- IQ
(August 2007)
The creature loped forward, one horn and animal-human-metal hide momentarily bewildering his prey.
"Grrrr ...ulp!"
He stumbled, plowing over two. Spinning, took out three more. Fell backwards, knocking down another.
"Heh, pitiful substitute for me at your side."
"More’n you’ll ever have."
"Heart. Loyalty .... Me." Xena poked Ares. "Yeah, the last laugh too."
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