A few years ago, Wishes (Judith K. Parker) read The World's Shortest Stories, edited by Steve Moss (Running Press, Philadelphia, 1998), and challenged fans to write 55-word Xena: Warrior Princess fiction (hosted by The Royal Academy of Bards at academyofbards.org), which inspired the following. -- IQ
(December 2007)
"Xena! I was so worried!"
"Tybor’s wimps?" The warrior disdainfully brushed a bruised cheek. "Heh, or my Solstice shopping." She patted Argo’s saddle, discovering Gabrielle’s gift gone. Dismay replaced her victorious smirk.
"S’okay." Gabrielle showed hands empty of the present she’d hidden inside her shirt, instead giving Xena a loving appraisal. "I’m not disappointed. You?"
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