DISCLAIMERS: Please read the disclaimer in chapter one. It takes a lot of data to repeat them. J

SPECIAL DISCLAIMER: This is a very scary, and ugly chapter. However, it is integral to the story, and it’s character’s development. I apologize ahead of time, if it upsets anyone.

Comments? xenakat98@yahoo.com

Insanity is its own best friend,

However misery loves company.



Chapter 15 – Ewwwwww!!!!!!

Gregory shifted again, almost causing his "girlfriend" Star to drop the tweezers she was using. Momma had injured him with a shotgun loaded with buckshot, and Star was trying to remove the shot, piece by piece.

"Owwww, Jesus Star! Watch it! That hurts!" Gregory whined through his whisky-induced blur.

"Oh, honey I’m sorry. But you gotta stop movin’. It’s hard to see with all the blood and all, and well you did let me snort, and that kinda blurs my vision." Star giggled in a childlike voice.

"Shit! Next time I am not gonna let you snort first. This hurts baby, damn old woman, and with you all screwed up it makes it worse. Besides if you don’t hurry up and stop hurting me, no telling what I might do. And you don’t want to make daddy mad now do you? Huh, Star baby?" Gregory turned from patronizing to vicious in the blink of an eye.

Remembering the bruise on her kidney where he hit her just yesterday, Star shook her head no. "Hey! I asked you a question! DO YOU WANT TO MAKE ME MAD??" Gregory started to shout.

"Greggie, I shook my head no, of course I don’t want to make you mad." Her voice went higher with fear.

"When I ask you a question, I expect an answer. Now, you wouldn’t want me to take away your speedballs would you? No, of course not. Star needs her heroin and speed don’tcha Star? And daddy’s gonna make sure you get them, as long as you keep making daddy happy. Are you gonna make daddy happy Star?" Gregory had started talking in baby talk again.

"Yeah, Greggie, of course I’m going to make you happy." Or die tryin’ she thought.

Gregory closed his eyes, and grimaced a few more minutes while Star removed the rest of the buckshot. When she finished, she washed the wounds carefully, and put some ointment and a bandage on it. Gregory rose, and zipping his pants, stepped up behind Star, instantly making her freeze. He loved that kind of power. Jessica would have been much better off, if she had learned to cope with that power. And very soon, her lessons will begin again.

Reaching for Star, he turned her around, and lightly touching her cheek, studied her tired eyes under all of the makeup on her skin. "Star, you should slow down on all that crap you’re putting into your body. It’s making you look ugly, and if you look ugly, daddy’s going to have to get rid of you, if you know what I mean. Now, I need to make some phone calls, and do some investigating. I want to find just the right plan to mess up Jessica’s life. I want her begging to come back to me."

Tears slowly started to leak from the corners of Star’s eyes. She turned her gaze downward, trying to avoid anymore notice from Gregory. He either didn’t know, or more than likely didn’t care, whether or not he hurt Star. Either emotionally, or physically. She tried to will him to leave her alone, and not notice that she was crying. Too late though, she realized that he was scrutinizing her even more closely.

"What is all of this crying about? You don’t really think that all that heroin and speed are gonna make you pretty, do you? And jeez Star, you got enough makeup on for an army of bimbos. Jessica never looked like that. Never! Jessica is beautiful. And she belongs with me." Gregory’s eyes were starting to take on a wild cast to them.

"Gregory? Why do you want her so badly, if she doesn’t want you? I mean she’s got that little red-haired person now, doesn’t she? And you’ve got me." Star wished she had kept her mouth shut, the minute it slipped out.

Without warning, Gregory backhanded Star with his fist. Sending her reeling backward into the dresser, she crumpled to the floor clutching her kidney where the corner of the unit had just struck her. Struggling to remain conscious, she curled into a ball, and covered her head with her arms.

"Oh, now see what you did? You made me do that Star. Why did you say that? I love Jessica. Especially her money and I don’t give a rat’s behind about that little red-haired girl. S’matter of fact, you just gave me the beginnings of a great idea. I know just how to get Jessica to see things my way, and it will only mean getting rid of that PA. DON’T YOU EVER, EVER COMPARE YOURSELF WITH JESSICA AGAIN. There is no comparison. She has class." Gregory was pleased with himself. His sanity seemed to make small appearances, but it was only an illusion.

Picking up the motel phone, he stepped over Star, and went and sat gingerly on the bed. His concern was not for whether or not he had injured her, but how soon he could put his plan in motion. There were several others on his list of "Most Wanted" currently, and he decided that they could make this a group party. That freaking dyke friend of the PA’s, the one that helped get him turned in. She was gonna pay too. He wanted to make her suffer. Torture her bit by bit. Jessica would see what a powerful man he was then, and she would see the error of her ways.

Star groaned softly, and slowly rose from the floor. She tried to stay as small as possible, so as not to attract his attention again. If it weren’t for the heroin, she probably wouldn’t stick around. But she needed that fix, and her last pimp, wasn’t giving her enough to make the pain go away. Gregory paid a thousand bucks to buy her off of Jerome. That’s the most anyone had paid for her in one shot in all of her career. Gregory must think she’s important. Well, she’ll try harder not to make him mad, and if he wanted Jessica to come and stay with them too, that was okay by her! After all, she was an actress, a star, and she maybe could get Star a job too. That would be so cool!

Gregory dialed methodically. The phone rang, and his lack of patience gave way to his jangling nerves. "Uh, yeah, this is Gregory. Is Mr. Shimada there? I need a favor, and I want to speak to him personally. I know I screwed up, but it won’t happen again, I mean it. Tell him I said that."

The sweat was beginning to form on his upper lip. Mr. Shimada and his organization had been very helpful in bailing Gregory out of his troubles. They got him out of jail, and they gave him an allowance for his expenses. Of course, Gregory thought it should be more, but hey, all in good time. It was Shimada’s group that gave him the tank cannon, that he used to try and stop Jessica’s car. It was a great gun, but he realized that he risked too much using it. He could have killed her, and that wouldn’t do. It was only a matter of time, before she came to see things in his light. He was sure of it!

Moments later, Mr. Shimada’s son took over the call. "Listen you sorry little weasel! My father is growing weary of you by the moment. You said that your wife would be rejoining you, and that all the charges would be dropped. If not you would kill her. We haven’t seen any news items reporting her death, only that the police are searching the countryside for any evidence of your presence. This is not a good sign, Mr. Thomason. My father’s investments are suffering as well as his business in shall we say young women. Against my advice, he is willing to help you further, but any more major mistakes, and well . . .. let’s just say he will be displeased."

Gregory sat still for a moment, a trickle of sweat slowly dripping down the side of his face. He knew he must plan his next steps carefully, or he stood a chance of losing everything. What he didn’t know, was that Mr. Shimada had no interest in whether or not Gregory lived or died. His intention was to use Gregory to lure Jessica back in, and then claim her for himself. Mr. Shimada was a collector of fine things. To him, Jessica was simply another trophy for his possession.

Gregory grabbed the bottle of Jack, and took a deep pull on it. "Star, come here a minute. I’m hungry, and I want you to go and get something to eat. COME ON, STAR! Don’t keep me waiting."

Star had been hiding in the bathroom, not wanting to face her tormentor again. She had already noticed that she was bleeding internally, probably from the second blow to her kidney. She rifled through her purse, and found an old bottle of penicillin, from the last time she had the clap. Looking in the mirror again, she hardly recognized the face that stared back at her. Gregory was right. The drugs and the abuse were starting to take their toll. It seemed like just yesterday she was living in her parent’s house in Iowa, watching TV, or hanging out with her friends, dreaming about being a star. Well, she’s a star all right, but only in name.

Star slipped away in her mind for a moment, remembering the day she left home to pursue her dreams of becoming an actress. She had saved her money, and taken the bus to California. Only eighteen at the time, her parents tried to prevent her from leaving home, but she went anyway, behind their backs. She stayed in contact for a little while, but then when things started to get rough, and she knew that there was no way she could feed herself anymore, she ended up on the street. An older girl, about twenty took her in and showed her the ropes. Star changed her name and never looked back. She was too ashamed to contact her parents anymore, so she just disappeared.

Hearing Gregory screaming at her again, she sighed heavily, and adjusted her clothes, and ran a brush through her long dark hair. When she first came to Gregory, her hair had been bleached blond. He made her die it black, because it made her look more like Jessica. The two women were about the same height, and when Gregory was drunk enough, it allowed him to pretend, when he . . . . .well, had sex with Star. After all, Jessica only let him touch her once, and it was not exactly the greatest. But, Gregory would change that. And if not, then he always had Star.

Carefully exiting the bathroom, Star was afraid that Gregory might be waiting to hit her again. Instead she was secretly pleased to find him pacing back and forth in the short space of the room, smoking a cigarette, and talking to himself.

"Jeez, it’s about flipping time. What the hell were you doing in there? I’m starving! Take this cash, and go get me something to eat. And don’t even think about taking off. Cause I’ll hunt you down and it will be the last moment you have on this earth. Remember that." Gregory snarled at Star while he threw the money at her.

Picking the bills up off the floor, Star winced at the stab of pain in her lower back. "Uh, Greggie, honey. Can I have another line when I get back? I mean, well, my back hurts and everything, and I thought it might take the edge off and all. Please?"

Gregory loved it when she begged. "We’ll see when you get back. And don’t take long. I’m hungry, and the hungrier I get the less likely you are to get anything. Just remember, you take off, and you’re dead."

Star decided not to respond. Much easier to make herself invisible. Making sure she had her purse, and the money, she put her sunglasses on and quietly left the room. The sun was already going down, but it made her feel more secure with her shades on. Desperately trying to walk without limping, Star held her head up high, daring anyone to challenge her twenty-year old attitude.

Gregory lay back down on the bed, and dialed another number. The phone rang several times, and just as his patience had begun to run out again, a machine answered. Angry, he waited for the sniveling little "cute" message to end, and at the sound of the beep he couldn’t control himself any longer.

"JACKSON!!! You stupid faggot! I know you’re there. Pick up the phone right now, or you’ll regret it!" Gregory fairly spit on the phone.

"Uh, oh, who is this?" Jackson stammered.

"Jeez, you make me sick! It’s Gregory you idiot. Thanks a bunch for helping me out Jackson. Christ! You wanted a piece of the action, but the minute it got tight, poof! You were gone. I ought to go ahead and out you, you know that? I think your company, and your business associates would get a kick out of knowing that you procure young boys. Do you think they might?" Gregory was beginning to enjoy brutalizing his "friend".

"Wait, Greg old pal. Let’s not be hasty! Listen, I had to lay low. What with Jessica firing me, and all the trouble that’s been following her lately, I didn’t want to get caught up in it. Not good for business you know. I’ve got a lot of stuff on the burners right now that could put me away for a long time. I just thought it would be safer to drop out for a while." Jackson was clearly terrified of Gregory.

"I thought it would be safer…." Gregory whined, "God you make me sick. Okay, so you decided to hide like a little baby, waby! Since I need a hand, because I am currently…how should I say indisposed, I might decide to forgive you, and let you go on with your sick little habits, but you have to do something for me." Gregory took another hit of his bottle.

"Go on." Jackson whispered.

"I want you to find out as much as you can about that dyke that got me busted. She’s a friend of that Personal Assistant, Kate McKenna, the one that started this whole mess. She has a friend that lives in Northern Cal, some kind of computer writer, or Internet nut or something. I don’t know her name, but I’m sure you can find out. Check with the papers, and anyone else you can think of. Whoever she is, she’s going to regret the first time she ever saw Kendra Knight, and she’ll surely regret ever crossing me." Gregory could hardly contain himself he was so excited.

Gregory ended the call by reminding Jackson that he would ruin his life if Jackson tried to sell him out, or just plain screwed things up. He told Jackson to hire a detective from the Bay Area to check on this girl, and find out her routines. Who she knows, where she works, what she does everyday. As soon as he gets back to him with the information, then maybe Gregory will let him off the hook.

Another call or two, and his preliminary plans would be completed. He had four more names on his list to take care of. The first was Michael Ryan, Jessica’s brother. Michael just didn’t know when to mind his own business, and just do his job. Incessantly interfering with Gregory and Jessica, and their personal relationship, it was no wonder she refused to cooperate. Michael had to go, plain and simple. Maybe a good demolitions guy down on his luck, needs some chump change. That would work!

The next few people he could ruin professionally. The first was Dr. McIntyre. She thought she was clever, being a doctor to the stars, and being gay. Not for long Doc. I got some choice info for you. Take you right out of business. The next would be that gossipmonger Diane, from the agency. Way too nosy, and helpful. She sent Kate to Jessica in the first place. A little scandal, a little gossip, and TA TA! Last but not least, was Momma. That sorry bitch that shot him in the ass. She was gonna pay, and the hard way. Gregory didn’t care how many gorillas she had for children, she was gonna hurt.

Satisfied that he was headed in the right direction, he lay back on the bed, and waited for Star to come back with the food. He knew in his heart, that Star would have to go too. She was a great diversion, and he needed her to run errands, since he couldn’t very well be seen in public. Even though she was nowhere near Jessica’s looks and class, she served her purpose.

Turning on the TV, lost in his thoughts, he started to dose. Suddenly a reporter’s voice caught his attention. Turning up the volume, he sat up straight. His skin going pale. Front and center was the motel that he was currently holed up in. He just caught a glimpse of Star, walking quickly along the pathway, food bags clutched tightly in her hands. The reporter was babbling about how "she may very well be the person to lead to the capture of Gregory Thomason, estranged husband of Jessica Ryan the actress, and the number one most wanted in the area". Quickly Gregory grabbed the rest of their things, and threw them into a couple of gym bags. Slipping into his shoes, he scooped the car keys off the little table near the window, and quietly easing the door open, he practically ran over Star as she was trying to sneak into the room. Surprisingly enough she realized that they were in danger. Without making a sound, Gregory handed her the keys, and crouching low, to be out of the view of the cameras, they snuck off to the car. Gregory lay down on the floor of the back seat, while Star drove away.

The reporter, now joined by several armed police officers, started to lead her ever growing entourage to the room in question. It wasn’t until the very last minute, with the police trying to stop her the whole way, that someone finally pointed out to her that if Gregory were in there, he very probably had a gun.

Being the first in line made her the most likely target. Sharon MacAfee, her first time before a camera, turned tail and in a most undignified manner, ran right back to the news van. The cameraman stayed, and shot the footage of the police breaking into the room.

It was apparent to all concerned, that it was possible that Gregory, or someone fitting his description had been residing in this very room. Quickly the police began to round up witnesses to start the tedious chore of questioning everyone. One person, the motel manager proved to be surprisingly helpful. Not only did he confirm that it was Gregory that had been residing in the room, but he also provided a detailed description of the car. The only gray area, was the girl. For some reason, he couldn’t give a good description of Star. He knew she looked like some actress, sort of anyway, but he couldn’t remember who.

Not a single one of the detectives thought to mention to the motel manager, that Gregory was the husband of Jessica Ryan, Kendra Knight on television. Sharon MacAfee was the next person to get her hands on the manager, and even she didn’t think to mention it to him. The police in the mean time had put out an all points on the old Chrysler that the two were last seen driving. Of course, Gregory had already stolen another car, just in the last 5 minutes since they had taken off. He had to hotwire this one, but no problem. Mini vans were easy.

Star drove again, and Gregory rested in the back. He decided that they had better lay low and thought about heading down to the coast. This time of year, there were occasionally beach houses that had been closed up for the winter. Gregory decided that it would be a good base for a few days, until the heat died down. He figured he could run his search and destroy mission from there.

An hour or so into their trip and Star started to drift. The effects of the speed mixed with the heroin had begun to wane. The frantic honking of a horn and Star’s quick response was the only thing that saved them. Shaking her head, she considered herself lucky that she hadn’t gotten them killed, and that Gregory was sleeping and hadn’t noticed.

Suddenly, Star’s throat was gripped from behind in Gregory’s iron hand. "Jesus Star! Trying to get me killed or what? Don’t You Ever Do That Again! Stay awake, or I’ll kill you myself. Slow down, I want to look at these houses coming up."

Scared to death, Star did as she was told. Slowing down, they passed several homes, until there was a break in the landscape, and they could see the roof of a small, neat little house tucked back in the trees on the side of the road opposite the beach. Gregory had Star pull to the side of the road, slightly past the property, and then searching in his bag, took out his 9mm revolver. Checking to make sure it was loaded, he signaled to Star to stay put, and then stepping out, quickly faded into the overgrowth that bordered the property.

After circling the house twice, Gregory was pleased to note, that not only was the place closed up, but it also looked as though no one had been there for a very long time. He discovered an enclosed barn-like structure in the back, just big enough to hold the van. Checking carefully for an alarm system, he noticed that for all he could tell, there was not one in place. Finding the driveway, he walked back up, and signaled for Star to carefully maneuver the van through the bushes, and then around to the shed. He wanted to pull the plants back across the opening, so as not to draw attention to the fact that they were there.

Gregory looked around, and finding a small crowbar in the shed, used it to open the door. Checking out their surroundings, with the exception of a little dust, the place was okay. Even more to his satisfaction, was a phone, that was still working, and a computer hidden under some dusty sheets in a back room. Already the wheels were turning in his head.

Star took the opportunity to sit down and rest for a moment. All of the excitement of escaping and then being threatened by Gregory had worn her out. And besides, the speed was wearing off as well. Funny thing though, she really wasn’t that stressed to do anymore lines right at the moment. Slowly she closed her eyes, and drifted to a place far better than the one she was in right now.

"STAR!" Her peace was broken.

"STAR! COME HERE! YOU GOTTA SEE THIS. THIS GUY IS GREAT!" Gregory was elated that he had discovered something about their absent host.

Star stood slowly, and wandered back to the room where Gregory was going through the man’s belongings. She vaguely remembered him saying something like the guy must have left in a hurry. Still in a daze, she stepped into the room, and was met with a horror that literally made her heart stop.

Gregory was digging in the man’s closet. Pasted on the doors and interior walls were hundreds of photographs, depicting women that had been beaten and tortured. Several of the pictures were pornographic in nature, showing men in dominating positions, the women being degraded in the worst ways possible.

Star gagged, and turned attempting to bolt from the room. Gregory grabbed her by the arm, and yanking her back to face the photo gallery, he slapped her once across the face. Taking her shoulders, he shook her until she stopped screaming, and made eye contact with him. Slipping behind her, and grasping her face in one hand he forced her to move closer to the pictures. She could smell the insanity on his breath and in his sweat. The smell of booze and death.

"Look at this Star. Look real carefully. I want you to remember what you see. Cause, if you cross me, then it’s going to be your face up there. Hell, this is so cool; I might just add some photos of my own. He even left a Polaroid camera here in the closet, and there’s plenty of film. Once I make those friends of Jessica’s pay for what they did to me, I’ll take their picture, for posterity. And then hang-em up here. Jeez, will you look at this Star. You thought I was nuts. I couldn’t hold a candle to this guy, but what a man to admire." Gregory was awestruck by his discovery. He immediately adopted this horrible creature as his idol.

Star was crying silently. If she thought she was afraid of Gregory before, she had no idea what fear was. Listening to him chuckle, and gloat over these pictures, made her insides turn over again. Gregory finally tired of threatening her, and sent her out to warm up their food in the kitchen.

Shock slowly overtook her. Star walked to the kitchen in a daze. Afraid to move, afraid to breathe. She knew now, that eventually her association with Gregory would end in her death. Finding a microwave in the kitchen, she set about methodically heating up their food. Each time she heard Gregory giggle, or make an exclamation about his findings, she would cringe, and her blood would run cold. Still, instead of sneaking out the back door, and disappearing, she stayed and continued to get their dinner ready. Her fear of Gregory was apparently enough to keep her with him. She did not relish the idea of him hunting her down, and doing to her what that other guy had done to those women.

When the food was ready, she carried it on a tray to the room where Gregory had made his discoveries. He was buried almost nose to screen in the computer on the desk. Trying not to look at the pictures, she placed the food on the desk, and then sat down, her back to the closet.

"Hey, baby, thanks for the food. I’m am starving like a big bear. Look Star, this is great. I went and tried to log on to the Internet, and after a few questions about "do I want to reestablish this phone number", etc. they let me in. I was thinking that maybe I could even find this guy, and thank him for letting me use his house and all." Gregory guffawed out loud at his little joke.

Star discovered soon enough, that she no longer had any appetite. She didn’t want to ask, but she was ready for that line, and not with speed this time. She wanted some of that full strength china white, and then hopefully it would knock her out, and take her away from this nightmare. Gregory continued combing the computer files, eyes wide like a child. Every so often he would shove some food in his mouth, and wolf it down like an animal.

Star excused herself for a moment, and went back to the kitchen to look for something to drink. Scared to death what she might find, she approached the refrigerator slowly, almost unwilling to open the door. Finally, grasping the handle, she closed her eyes, and pulled the door open. Taking a small peek, she breathed out an audible sigh of relief. Nothing out of the ordinary in the fridge. There was however, about a 12 pack of beer. She grabbed one for herself, and then took one back to Gregory.

"This is great Star. Thanks for the beer and food, babe. Okay, I found out what this guys E-mail address is, and I opened one for myself at that yahoo site. I sent him a letter, you know, introducing myself, and telling him we were here. I’ll check back, and see if he sends anything back to me. Listen, since you aren’t hungry, do you want another line?" Gregory must be happy, he was being generous to a fault.

For the first time in what seemed like hours, Star responded. In a very small voice she said, "Yeah, I would. And if it’s okay, can we just make it heroin? I kinda feel like sleeping in a bit, and the speed will just keep me up."

Smiling at her, the glow from the monitor casting eerie shadows on his features, he reached into his pocket, and pulled out the packet. Laying a line down on the edge of the desk, he handed her the small straw, and then watched her as she snorted the line into her sinuses.

Grimacing for a moment, he observed her while the heroin worked it’s way into her system. "You know Star, I never have understood why people like to do that crap. I mean what good is it anyway? It makes you sick, gives you cramps, and then it just makes you want to do more. And how come you don’t shoot anyway?"

Gregory’s curiosity was not unusual, but somehow it made Star feel better, like he was getting his mind off all that torture stuff. "You know why, Greggie. I don’t shoot, because you don’t want me to get AIDS, and because it leaves track marks. And I like doing it, because it takes the edge off everything. Makes it all glowy and everything. It just makes me happy."

Gregory chuckled, and went back to the computer screen. As far as he was concerned, Star was definitely short a few cards in her deck, but she was easy to control. And Gregory loved control. There was something to say about making someone flinch, just by moving a hand, or leading them around by the end of their nose, because they have a chemical dependency, and you’ve got the chemicals.

Star drifted back to the living room. Even in her heroin haze, the small office was giving her the creeps. Settling into one of the chairs, she slipped into a nice, cozy doze. No longer aware of her surroundings, she barely even felt the nausea, and accompanying cramps of the first rush of heroin. After that, all was bliss.

Gregory was idly flipping through screens, looking for any letters, or maybe some porn or something, when a small female voice announced "You’ve got mail". He wasn’t expecting it, and grabbing his gun, dropped into a crouch and started to crawl to the window to see who was out there. It was several minutes, when the voice repeated itself, before Gregory figured out it was the computer. Embarrassed that he had reacted that way, he stood up and wiping the sweat from his forehead, sat down, and set the gun down. Grabbing the mouse he quickly drove the computer back to the mail site.

His eyes grew large, when he realized that his first idle cast into cyberspace for the owner of the house had scored an immediate hit. Holding his breath, he quickly clicked on the waiting message.

Baby Doll: Who are you, and how did you find me?

Sweet Thing: My girl and I needed a place to crash, and we stumbled upon this fine little home you have here.

Baby Doll: You’re in my house? Which one? WHO ARE YOU!?

This method was proving to be too slow. Baby Doll, obviously an extremely sick individual, directed Gregory to the pager chat window. This way they could "speak" online.

Sweet Thing: Let’s just say, I’m a friend. A man who shares similar tastes such as your own. I’m currently in a little trouble, and have to stay out of sight for a while. We’re in the house on the coast in LA.

Baby Doll: You said your girl. Are you going to . . . . .?

Sweet Thing: Not immediately. She’s hooked on heroin, and as long as she stays afraid of me, she is very useful. When she is no longer useful, then we’ll see. She’s nothing but a two-bit whore.

Baby Doll: She sounds luscious. If you tire of her, let me know. I’m sure I can find a use for her.

Sweet Thing: That’s what I like, a man who knows what he wants. Say, if you help me out, I just might do that. Send you Star as a gift.

Baby Doll: Just what kind of help are you looking for?

Sweet Thing: I’m not sure yet. I have some associates out doing some investigating for me, and I need to get that information before I plan my next move. I may have to head up north to the San Francisco area. There are several women that need "special" attention, and at least one of them is up there.

Baby Doll: Well, stay in touch. I’m beginning to think I might just like you. And, I have another house on the coast up north. I move around, to keep the authorities at bay. So much money, so little time. Ha Ha!

Sweet Thing: I’ll do that. I’m sure we can find a way to make it worth both our whiles. Talk at ya later.

Baby Doll: TaTa for now. You know how to find me.

The two creatures signed off the chat line. Gregory logged off the computer, and rubbing his hands together, giggled with uncontrolled happiness. His little plans were starting to fall into place, and he had a new friend. He couldn’t get over his luck. Jessica, Kate and all the rest of their friends won’t know what hit them. With someone like "Baby Doll" on his side, they’ll soon know what it’s like to mess with someone as powerful as Gregory.

Somewhere in the city, two lovers raced from unseen demons in their feverish sleep. It was almost as though their collective unconscious was feeling the ripples from Gregory’s happiness, and was trying to alert them to the danger.

One cried out, and the other woke and comforted her, fully understanding what she saw in her dreams, but not what it meant, or why she knew this. Drifting back to sleep, the demons were quiet again.



To be continued in Chapter 16………..


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