DISCLAIMERS: Refer to the first Chapter for the standard. I’m too lazy to repeat them. <G>

Comments? xenakat98@yahoo.com

Only the wisest and the stupidest of men

Never change.



Chapter 18: (What’s it gonna be, odd or get even. . . .?)

Somewhere on the other side of the city, in a sick little temple of death, Gregory was happily typing away at the computer, talking to his monstrous new friend. "Baby Doll", as he was known on the internet, was sharing pointers with Gregory on his hobbies, both fun and gruesome. Apparently "Baby Doll" had spent a number of years committing atrocities against animals, men, and primarily women. He so far had managed to allude the police. His trail led across most of the United States, and in some cases as far away as Europe, Australia, and the Tropics. He was truly a monster of epic proportions, and yet so incredibly intelligent, that it was no effort whatsoever for him to dodge capture, or even detection. His crimes were all so different, and varied in their design, that it was difficult for them to be tied together to form any sort of continuity.

For some financial considerations, and a few minor contact names in the orient, "Baby Doll" was willing to assist Gregory in some of his plans for Jessie and her friends. Gregory was planning a trip to Northern California, conveniently around the same time that Jessie would be on a short vacation up there. "Baby Doll" had another chamber of horrors in that area, hidden inside an abandoned warehouse. He had purchased the property under an assumed corporate identity, and had occupied it on and off for a number of years. Fortunately it was in an area, where nosy Urban Renewal committees weren’t likely to go sniffing around. Besides, he had hired an immigrant family to maintain the property, in exchange for immunity from the NIS. They never questioned their employer, just took care of the facility as though it was in full operation. Of course, they never went inside. El Diablo as they referred to him was very clear about his instructions. They crossed themselves, and steered clear of the building at all times.

Gregory signed off, satisfied that he had provided himself with the ultimate of opportunities. His new friend was too good to be true. Sick, intelligent, well connected, and truly monstrous. Gregory shouted for Star to join him. He was hungry, and he wanted her to get some supplies. He was also curious if she had heard anything about the little present that he had left for Jessie in her trailer. He chuckled maniacally every time he thought about the look on her face when she saw what he had left for her. By now it should smell really awful. And if that damn PA was with her, so much the better.

"Were you callin’ me Greggie?" Star interrupted his private thoughts.

"Yeah Star. You know, I think your hearing is being affected by that crap you suck up all the time. Pretty soon you’re going to be relatively useless to me, and who knows, I might have to send you to "Baby Doll". He could use a nice girl like you." Gregory’s grin took on a sick twisted appearance.

Shuddering, Star tried desperately to hide her revulsion. She knew she had to get away from Gregory, she just didn’t know how. Waiting patiently for him to speak again, she thought frantically of her options. There weren’t many. Star knew that if she managed to get away, and he caught her, then she was as good as dead. Not willing to take that chance, she filed away her thoughts for another day.

"Star, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. I think we can use some supplies don’t you?" Gregory was cheerful again.

"Sure Greggie. Should we go to the store? I finished taking the plates off the van like you asked, and added the dents and all. I could probably find a market somewhere." Star was starting to think again. Maybe this was her ticket out.

Anticipating her thoughts, Gregory headed her off. Sneering, he jumped up and grabbed her by the hair. "Don’t think you’re going to get away from me Star. I take care of you, and I can kill you. We go when the sun goes down, and we go together. I own you Star, and don’t you forget it!"

Shoving her into the wall, he held her face pressed hard against its rough surface. "Gregory, honey, I didn’t mean nothing. I wouldn’t leave you. Not Star. I’m your gal, you said so yourself. We can go together. Honest, I wouldn’t try to leave you."

Laughing at the tears streaming down her cheeks, Gregory shoved her one more time, and then let her go. A bruise was already beginning to form next to her eye. Need to be more careful about that shit. Don’t want anyone to question her.

"Go get cleaned up Star, and put more makeup on. I don’t want anyone to see your face, understand. No one! And change into something less. . . whorish. I’m tired of that outfit. Why don’t you put on those jeans and that sweater of Jessie’s I brought you. I’d like that a lot." Gregory’s eyes took on a glazed watery look. It happened more and more, each time he thought of Jessie.

Shooing her out the door, Gregory picked up the phone and called Jackson Briggs. The phone rang several times, and finally Jackson picked up.

"Jackson you idiot, how the hell are you? Listen, have you gotten me any information yet? I’m anxious to get moving on my plans, and I got to have all the info first. Remember Jackson. I’ll take you out myself, if you don’t come through." Gregory loved scaring the crap out of Jackson.

Voice trembling, Jackson assured him that he would have some information by the morning. The private investigator he hired was sending him an envelope full of pictures, and a detailed explanation of Laura, Kate’s friend’s whereabouts and routines. Surprisingly enough, Jackson actually had the information that Gregory was seeking about Jessie’s trailer. The cops had contacted him, and questioned him about where he had been, and what he had been doing. Originally they suspected that Gregory may be getting help from him, but they were satisfied after Jackson provided proof of his whereabouts.

The police were missing some serious clues in this case. If they were paying attention, and checking phone records, they would have found out that Jackson wasn’t as clean as he pretended to be. Warning him not to leave LA, they left, not giving him a second thought.

Jackson and Gregory made arrangements for a place and time that the envelope of information could be picked up. Thanking him for doing his job, and also for letting him know about Jessie’s trailer, he threw in a new threat or two and signed off.

His second call was to Mr. Shimada’s son. Gregory asked him if there was someone who was good with explosives in their organization, that could help him out. At first the son refused to give Gregory even the smallest courtesy. Rudely he asked why they should do anything for such an incompetent as Mr. Thomason. In the middle of his conversation, his father interrupted him. It was Mr. Shimada’s wish that his son help their friend Gregory. Grudgingly he agreed to give him the information. He gave Gregory explicit instructions, and a phone number for a contact. Unbeknownst to Gregory however, the son intended to hire the hit man for his own purposes as well. As soon as Gregory provided what his father wanted, he was history. That was of course as long as Gregory stayed alive.

Sitting back, Gregory dreamed of eliminating Mr. Shimada’s son. The bastard always had to give him grief. NOBODY MESSES WITH ME! Getting restless, he started for the other bedroom, to see if he could find Star. She was always keeping him waiting. Stepping through the doorway, he stopped for a moment. In his demented mind, he saw his beloved Jessie. She was drying her hair, already having dressed in the clothes that he requested. The only thing that screwed up his vision was the ugly purple bruise next to her eye.

Shaking his head, he returned to the present. "Star, don’t forget to fix your face. And don’t put so much of that eye shadow and crap on. You look better when you don’t look like such a slut. If you’re real good, I’ll give you another line when we get back."

Finishing her hair, Star stepped into the bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror. Where did I go wrong? Jeez, I’m so scared! Just do what he says, and I’ll be okay. All I need is another line to keep the edge off. He keeps giving me lines, and I’ll survive. Pulling out her makeup kit, she used a base to cover up the bruises, and then only applied a little eye shadow, and liner. A little color to her lips, and she was set. Stepping back and glancing at her image again, she realized with a start how easily she could be mistaken for Jessica Ryan. No wonder Gregory kept her around.

Just about out of patience, Gregory’s anger was beginning to build again. Prepared to take his chances, and get supplies himself, he was set to pop Star again, when she finally stepped out of the bathroom. In the dim light of the bedroom, it wasn’t Star that strolled through that doorway; it was his beloved Jessica. Star unconsciously adjusted her walk, and gave it that purposeful stride that she remembered of Jessie from the TV. Moving to the bed to pick up her purse, she smiled only slightly, and then waited for Gregory to respond.

"Wow, wow, wow! Ain’t you something else? I can’t believe you Star. Keep looking like this, and who knows, I may keep you after all. Shall we go my dear?"

Gregory offered his arm to the now blushing Star.

Lowering her voice, she concentrated real hard on sounding like Jessie too. "Sure, lead on. Show me the lights, babe."

Gregory smiled his approval. He knew she would never replace the real Jessie, but until he was finished with the project, Star would do just fine. However, just because she kinda looked and sounded like Jessie, didn’t mean she could get away with anything. One step out of line, and she was history. Quickly before his twisted demeanor got it’s claws into him again, he led Star out the back door to the waiting van.

All the wheels were in motion now. Another few weeks and this whole sordid mess will be finished. Gregory will have his Jessie back, the PA will be properly reprimanded for her interference, and all the rest of those busy bodies that hang around his beloved will be dealt with accordingly. Two tickets to Rio, and it’s smooth sailing. Of course, he has to pay off his debts, and deliver on the promises he made, but he had plenty of time for that. Besides, who knew what great opportunities lay ahead in South America?


Continued in Chapter 19-20

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