DISCLAIMERS: Chapter one. And then there were none…


Outside of a dog, a book is Man’s best friend.

And inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.

********Groucho Marx********


Chapter 27: The only thing constant in life is change. . . .

The weekend passed swiftly and Monday arrived too soon for Jessie, Kate, and their small family unit. They finished with their chores, and then visited with Steve’s brother Jake, and learned some before unknown information about Laura. After sharing brunch on Sunday, Jake flew back up to Washington, with promises of staying in touch.

Kate and Jessie spent the rest of Sunday going over lines, scripts, and other business pertaining to the show. Realizing that they had been spending far too much time (sigh) with each other, they were determined to get some actual work done for a change. Many hours later, and not just a few lapses in concentration, they managed to reach all of the goals that they had set out for themselves, and a few others besides.

It was early in the evening on Sunday, when Kate came into the bedroom and found Jessie already sound asleep. Disappointed that her own personal agenda had just been usurped by the Sandman, she grabbed a book and settled in for the night. Barely into her second chapter, Kate jumped when she heard Jessie talking, or rather murmuring in her sleep. Setting the book aside, she moved closer to listen.

"Mmm, yes. . .mmmmm, yesssss. . ." Jessie murmured.

Blushing, Kate raised her eyebrows. Judging by the timbre of Jessie’s voice, it wasn’t ice cream she was having in her dream. Frustrated that Jessie was enjoying something of a carnal delight in her sleep, rather than awake with her, Kate reached over, and lightly stroked Jessie’s face. Hoping she would wake her, but willing to feel bad if she did, she watched Jessie’s face closely for any reaction.

A smile crossed Jessie’s face. "Ohhh, yesss, that feels great…" she mumbled.

Still uncertain whether or not Jessie was awake or asleep, Kate tried talking to her. "Jess, are you sleeping?"

A small frown crossed Jessie’s lovely features. Afraid that she was disturbing the dream, Kate continued her caresses. Jessie had fallen asleep dressed in a t-shirt with buttons down the front, and her panties. Carefully, Kate began unbuttoning the shirt. Jessie’s frown returned to its dreamy smile shape. Lightly brushing her fingertips from her collarbone to her navel, Kate was pleased when first goose bumps appeared, and then Jessie’s nipples responded in kind. Replacing her fingers with her tongue, Kate began creating a very soft, warm trail over the landscape of her lover’s torso.

Jessie shivered slightly as her skin cooled with the dampness from Kate’s tongue. Shifting slightly into partial wakefulness, her conscious and unconscious minds began to do battle over what was real and what was a dream. Preferring to stay still, and wait to see what was really causing these pleasurable sensations, Jessie’s subconscious took over, and left her halfway in the dream state, most unwilling to surface into reality.

Kate sensed that she had almost drawn Jessie out of her dream, and enjoying the fact that she could control the outcome, slowed her attentions until she was sure that her subject had drifted back into the dream. Satisfied that she had regained control, she moved her attentions to first one nipple, and then the other.

Circling each with her tongue, she closed her lips, and then gave a light tug with her teeth. An almost inaudible moan escaped from Jessie’s lips.

Thoroughly enjoying her secret lovemaking attack on her sleeping companion, Kate gradually worked herself into an all out exploration of her subject. Closing her eyes, she tasted, touched, and acquainted herself with the entire front of Jessie’s body. In the low light of the reading lamp, Kate could detect a sort of rosy blush glowing in streaks where her tongue had touched. Jessie’s breathing was becoming more shallow, erratic, and her body had begun to move ever slow slightly in rhythm to Kate’s touch.

Afraid she might wake Jessie if she tried to remove her panties, she carefully slipped her hand through the elastic around her leg. Brushing her fingers over the now warm and moist area, Kate’s heart began to beat more quickly. Her desire to have Jessie completely was almost overwhelming. Removing her hand, and quickly disrobing, she very carefully straddled Jessie’s hips, and then knowing that Jessie would awaken, lowered herself until her own moist warmth mingled with her lover’s heat soaked undergarment.

Jessie, now becoming more fully aware that this was reality, and not a dream abandoned any hope of resistance. Not that she wanted to anyway. Without opening her eyes, she reached for her panties, and began to struggle out of them. Kate moved slightly with a moan of protest, and assisted her in removing them. Taking an extra moment to completely remove the shirt she was wearing, Jessie settled back, this time encircling Kate with her long legs, and facilitating their contact. Very few moments were taken to bring them both back to where they had left off. Moving together in a harmoniously pleasing motion to both parties, their breathing erratic, hearts pounding, sweat beginning to mingle where their skin touched, they allowed their lips to meet, moaning in a pleasurable song of desire. Increasing their speed, Jessie tightened her legs in an almost bone crushing grip, effectively bringing them even closer together, and increasing the friction between them.

Jessie was the first to reach her climax. Shuddering, small moans escaping with each movement, she resisted the urge to dig her nails into Kate’s back. Breaking contact with Kate’s lips she blindly turned her attention to her collar bone, sucking and biting, increasing the movements of her hips, anxious to come again, while trying to bring Kate along with her. No sooner had the pleasurable pain begun then Jessie’s wish of being joined was met. Kate cried out, her body responding to this new assault as though a switch had finally been thrown. Arms no longer able to keep her in position Kate collapsed fully into Jessie. Her mind completed disengaged, and her body completely taking over. Meeting Jessie’s thrusts in kind, her body responded again and again.

Slowly their movements subsided. Drenched in sweat, twisted in the sheets, they clung to each other as though they had been apart for months, hungry for the contact, needing to feel their hearts beat together, their skin slick with moisture between them. Kate began to move away, fearful that she might be cutting off Jessie’s breathing some. Jessie refused to unlock her legs, effectively trapping Kate.

"Where do you think you’re going?" Jessie whispered in her lover’s ear.

"I . . . don’t know. I guess I. . ." Her words were cut off by Jessie’s lips.

Returning the kiss, she found herself hungry for more. "What were you dreaming about?"

Kissing her again. "You. Weren’t you there?"

Sliding onto her side, hands moving randomly. "Yes, didn’t you recognize me?"

Mirroring her lover’s movements. "I did. You were so mysterious."

"Mysterious?" Brushing her tongue across Jessie’s chin.

"Mmm, yes. There, but almost not there." Running her strong fingers along the ridges of Kate’s spine.

"Hmm, tried…to…sneak…in. Aahh, didn’t…want…to…wake…" Passion had begun to build again deep inside Kate’s nether regions.

"Didn’t want…to…spoil…the…sur…prise…" Jessie’s breathing became more erratic, as her body began to respond to the rhythms of Kate’s passionate response.

So deeply lost in each other, there rapidly became no need for words. Not that any words could be spoken. Seemingly mindless, breathless, they skated along the edge of each other’s passion, embracing the moment, trying to make it last forever. Soaring to the highest possible level, and then crashing over the side, wave after wave of responses, both verbal and physical. It wasn’t a normal spoken language, but the language of complete and utter sexuality. A melding of souls, a crashing of hearts. Love shouldn’t feel this good!

The morning meeting with the board of Director’s went very poorly by most meeting standards. Jessie and Kate reluctantly arrived early, and then sat quietly while Justin took over the meeting. Most of the members of the board did not even attempt to hide their boredom. Kate noticed that most of them were either fidgeting, drawing doodles on their notepads, or outright dozing in their seats. One member however was very loud, and very annoying.

"I said that we shouldn’t allow this kind of behavior, and especially in public. It was very poor judgment on Ms. Ryan’s part to take it upon herself to publicly humiliate this company, and more importantly, our advertisers!" Mr. Everland’s face had turned deep purple by this time.

Justin replied to his tirade. "I don’t understand what the problem is. At last count not a single one of our advertisers has pulled out yet, and the only threats we’ve received have been from you and your organization. We have been getting our regular number of crank calls, but Alice assures me there is nothing out of the ordinary. Seems to me that you all are the only one that has a problem."

Several of the other members grumbled their agreement. It was 1999, and this kind of thing was becoming almost commonplace. It was too early in the day to start with this kind of stress. Most of them did not start their days quite so early.

Unfortunately, it was necessary to work around the shoot schedule. The staff would be very unhappy and hard to work with if their vacation was shortened for any reason.

Jack Everland was clearly amazed by Justin’s comments. The lack of enthusiasm on the part of the rest of the Directors angered him even further. They never should have messed with her husband, Gregory. He would have kept her in line…a smack in the head or too would do. Look at that smug face of hers, and bringing that bitch of hers to the meeting. What is she trying to do, throw her immoral ways into our faces? She’ll burn in hell, that one will.

"I think something should be done about this situation. What about another actress? We could kill Kendra Knight, and spin it off into another actress. We could be rid…" The words died on his lips as Jessica stood up, her eyes smoldering with outrage.

"Jess…" Kate whispered.

Hands clenched into fists, Jessie almost growled. "Save your breath you pompous pig! I quit!"

Taking Kate’s hand they exited the conference room, while chaos erupted around them. Everyone was shouting at the same time. Several fists were being pounded on the table, while Justin sat with his face in his hands.

Jessie stalked determinedly down the hall. Her longer strides would have left Kate at the conference room, if she didn’t have such a strong grip on Kate’s wrist. Kate was afraid to fight loose. She had never seen Jessie like this. She wasn’t certain what would happen if she resisted, so she just did her best to keep up.

Arriving at Alice’s office, Jessie threw the door open so hard the glass almost broke. Alice dropped whatever she was reading, and clutched her chest as though she had been shot. Pulling Kate behind her she approached the desk in two steps.

"I just quit my job, Alice. Kate and I are starting our vacation early. Please, do me a favor, and make plane reservations for this afternoon. I want to go home."

Jessie’s face softened, when she realized how she must sound to Alice. After all it wasn’t Alice’s fault.

"Whatever you say, Jess. What should I tell the big guy, when he finally gets his carcass down here?" Alice sighed, unwilling to argue with the angry actress.

"I’m sorry Alice, I know that you aren’t part of this. I’ve just had it with this whole thing. I’m sorry they can’t be happy with who I am, and the person I am in love with. I just can’t take this crap anymore. I love Kate, and they aren’t going to take that away from me. Just tell him I left. And call Ted, and tell him to send everyone home. Tell them that I’m sorry." A sadness crept into her beautiful blue eyes.

Kate stood by silently, not wanting to interfere with Jessie’s plans. She was still in shock over how quickly everything happened. Seems like a few hours before they were secure in each other’s arms, enjoying being in love, and now they were a few hours from being on a plane, and leaving the show. Oh well, no one can say that show business isn’t out of control.

Jessie hugged Alice, and then quickly left the room, pulling Kate behind her. When they reached the elevator, she sank back against the far wall, tears suddenly appearing in her eyes. It was then that she realized that she was still gripping Kate’s wrist. She hadn’t really been hurting Kate, as long as the smaller woman kept up. Grimacing when she realized that she hadn’t even been paying attention to Kate, she bowed her head, the tears falling harder.

"Jess, it’s okay, really. I understand. Honey, come here please…don’t cry." Kate moved over, and embraced Jessie holding her close.

"I’m…sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please…for…give me." Jessie sobbed.

"Jessie, you didn’t hurt me…scared me a little maybe, but you didn’t hurt me. Come on sweetie, I love you. And I’ll back you up no matter what. Now, can you tell me what your plans are? Cause I’d really like to know…if it’s okay with you." Kate tried to tip the taller woman’s head up a little and get her to smile.

Fighting back the tears, Jessie wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "I feel like an idiot. How could I treat you like that? How could that asshole Everland treat us like that? That’s why I’m doing this. I know it will kill Justin, but they have to decide. Either they get rid of Everland, and support me one hundred percent, or I won’t be returning."

Kate considered this for a moment. "But Jess? They were behind you. You don’t think we’re moving a little too quickly do you? I mean by the time they get control of the board, and get ready to shoot again, we’ll be gone. Don’t you think that will make them even angrier?"

Jessie had calmed down a little more. "Yeah, probably, but I haven’t asked for anything since I started this show for them. Including working long hours, and doing everything they have asked of me. I’ve never even called in sick. You have no idea how badly I need, and want this time with you. So it came about the wrong way, at least we can be together. After last night…"

Kate smiled and blushed. "Okay, I agree. There is nothing more that I would rather do, then get away from here, and have you all to myself. And besides, we can get up there, and find out what’s up with Laura, and visit your mom. I give in, let’s go home and pack."

Jessie squeezed her tightly. Her thoughts were spinning in her head. My mom…I’ve never taken anyone to visit my mom before. This is scary. And Laura. Maybe I should have thought this through more carefully…

Continued in Chapter 28……..

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