DISCLAIMER: Run, Run, Run, to chapter one…

I believe the lasting revolution comes from
Deep changes in ourselves
Which influence our collective life.

********Anais Nin********




Chapter 30: Twist and Shout…

Laura awoke with a start, a bead of sweat slipping from her forehead onto her pillow. Another dark encounter with an unknown foe, and the unshakeable feeling of eminent danger for her friend Kate. Afraid she might wake April; Laura quietly slid out of bed, and went out of their room. Closing the door behind her, Laura tiptoed into the kitchen, filled a glass from the water crock, and then moved into the living room, deciding to forego sleep, and instead see if she could shake the nightmare, that was still lurking in the corners of her mind.

Sitting in her chair, Laura sipped her water, closing her eyes to calm her nerves and make an attempt to stop the headache that was forming in the back of her head. A low sleepy voice nearly caused her heart to stop.

"Another nightmare?" Jessie said quietly.

"Holy Moly, Jess! You scared the crap out of me. What are you doing up?" Laura clutched her chest in the dark; not remembering that Jessie probably couldn’t see her.

"I couldn’t sleep. I’m beginning to think that I made a terrible mistake this morning. And I never should have dragged Kate into this. I wasn’t very nice to her…I may have hurt her. She’s too polite to say so though." Jessie was unable to cover the sadness in her voice.

"Hurt her, how?" Laura asked.

"I left in such a hurry, and in such a fit of anger, I practically dragged her down the hallways through the building. She says I just scared her. But I’m not so sure." Jessie replied.

Laura considered Jessie’s words. "Nah. I don’t think so Jess. Kate’s pretty up front and she’s been through a lot. You know that. If you had hurt her, she would have said so. Yeah, scared her, or surprised her, but hurt her, nope, I don’t believe it."

Laura’s assurances made Jessie feel better. Finding her new friend in the dark, Laura gave Jessie a quick hug. They sat side by side on the couch, silently contemplating everything, and nothing. At one point, Jessie grasped Laura’s hand, and held on almost as though she was hanging onto a lifeline in the darkness of her fears. That was the way that Kate and April found them the next morning. Sound asleep, sitting side by side on the couch holding hands.

Kate grabbed April by the arm; almost afraid she was going to burst out laughing. Whispering into April’s ear, "Should we be worried or what? I don’t think I’ve seen anything so cute in my whole life."

"No kidding. I was wondering where she went when I woke up. I had no idea they would be consorting under my own roof this way. Actually, I’ll bet it was one of those middle of the night counseling sessions Laura is so famous for. I think she had another nightmare last night." April smiled fondly at her sleeping lover.

While Kate stood and watched the two friends sleeping, April went and let the cats in. First one and then the other jumped up to investigate the sleeping women. Laura was the first to wake up.

"Mpfh…wha? Get out of my face you four legged bag of fur." Laura growled.

Stretching, Jessie realized that she and Laura had fallen asleep…holding hands…together, and both Kate and April were standing across the room, arms folded staring at them.

Elbowing Laura, she gestured at the other two women with a nod of her head. "Think they’re mad?"

"Hmmm, not sure. Think?" Laura held back a flood of giggles.

"Weeelllll…let’s find out." Jessie jumped up and grabbed Kate for a hug, while April launched herself at Laura still sitting on the couch.

"You guys have no idea how cute you looked together. Two of the most powerful women on the planet, sitting on the sofa holding hands, keeping the Boogey Man away." Kate giggled, getting the others to join her.

"Yeah, well, don’t forget that powerful thing, the next time the garbage needs to go out in the rain." Laura tickled April.

"You all go ahead and start rotating through the shower, while I get breakfast ready. I’ve got an interview in a couple of hours, and April needs to get ready for work." Laura waved them all off to get ready for the day.

Gregory paced. Back and forth like a caged animal. He was ready…more than ready. He was anxious to begin this new chapter in his life. For hours, he rearranged the tools in the chamber, cleaning and polishing each and every one. Once or twice he took a break, and checked his E-mail.

Most of the mail came from the mailing lists that Gregory had joined over the last few days. One message though made his day. It was from the PI he had used the first time he had Laura trailed. The guy had managed to hook up a device to the back of Laura’s mobile home that allowed him to record everything that went on inside the house. Mobile homes weren’t known for their thick walls, so filtering was an extremely simple task.

Of the many hours of "listening" that the PI had gathered, the most valuable news was the date that the women occupying the house had made for Thursday evening. Gregory almost jumped up and down when he read the note. Right then he decided that Thursday night would be the night that he stole the cat. Sometime later on Friday, he would contact Laura, and tell her to come and get her pet.

Half-skipping across the walkway, Gregory went in search of Star. He found her in the kitchen area making breakfast. She didn’t look great, but she didn’t look bad either. She was cutting grapefruits, the tremor in her hands the only outward sign of her withdrawal symptoms. At Star’s request, Gregory had given her a much smaller amount of the heroin that had been her primary sustenance over the last few weeks. She had begun to pace herself last evening, when she had decided it was more important to have her head more clear than it had been lately.

Gregory stepped into the room, startling her. "What’s a matter, Star? Jumpy or what? I got great news Star. We head up to Silicon Valley on Thursday evening, to grab the cat. Then on Friday, that’s when the show begins."

"Uhh, oh, that’s great Greggie. I can’t wait. Umm, Greggie? Can I ask you a question?" Star was worried he might hit her for being a smart aleck.

"What’s that honey?" Gregory smiled, while Star winced at the intimacy.

"Well, I uh, well…promise you won’t get mad? I was wondering what would happen if when that Laura came to get her cat, if she had Kate and Jessie with her? I mean wouldn’t that change things a bit?" Star was starting to get the creeps wondering what had come over her captor.

"You know something Star? You got a good point there. I hadn’t thought about that. Hmm, we have to think of a plan in case that happens. So, is that food about ready? It sure smells good." Gregory sat down, his mood still unaffected by Star’s revelations.

Laura kissed April goodbye, promising to meet her after the job interview for lunch. When she was sure that April was on her way, Laura went back in to say goodbye to their guests. Kate and Jessie were all packed, and getting ready to make the hour long drive to Jessie’s home. They had an appointment to visit with Jessie’s mother later in the day, and did not want to be late.

"So, just about ready?" Laura announced when she popped back in through the back door.

The two lovers were deeply involved in a kiss of their own. Not one to sit by and be idle, Laura jumped right in.

"Hey…either stop that, or get a room. Oops! My mistake, you already have a room. Just kidding, if you want to stay just close the door, and I’ll be on my way." Laura stood outside the door, arms folded with her back to the wall.

"Beat it nosy, before I come out there and give you what’s for." Jessie growled.

"Hmm, interesting. I dare you." Laura’s eyes narrowed, ready to bolt if necessary.

"WAIT! Stop it you two…no black eyes, challenges, or any other nonsense. We have a very special appointment this afternoon and I for one am nervous enough, without any more shenanigans. And you Jessica Ryan are going to meet my parents tonight, so watch yourself. No unexplained bruises, or headaches from horseplay." Kate stood between the two friends, her hands on her hips.

Jessie let the comment about Kate’s nervousness meeting her mother slip by. She knew that the likelihood of her mother having any communication at all, or even being capable of acknowledging their presence was slim to none. Meeting Kate’s parents however was a whole different "bag of bees". She was usually pretty good in a new situation, but this was something special.

Grabbing the rest of their luggage, the two women made their way to the car. Laura made them promise again to call and make final plans for Thursday’s "Girl’s Night Out". Give them both a hug and a peck on the cheek, she helped Jessie load the bags, and then simply because she could, she pinched Jessie’s behind just to show her how much she liked her.

"OW!! Why I oughta…." Jessie growled at her assailant.

"Oops, gotta go…see ya Thursday." Laura giggled, as she ran back up the steps to the mobile home.

Rubbing her injured behind, Jessie slipped into the passenger seat of the miniature automobile. Scowling, she lost herself in her thoughts of revenge, and failed to notice the crazy woman dancing and laughing in the driveway as Kate backed the car into the street. Laura waved and blew kisses, and then headed inside to prepare for her interview.

Gregory spent the better part of the morning cruising the Internet, and "speaking" to Baby Doll, his teacher and cyber-mentor. Baby Doll assured Gregory that if all of the women showed up together there were two very simple ways to control them. One way was a small handgun hidden in the workshop that contained small darts filled with a rather potent tranquilizer. The second way was a small switch in each and every room that opened a hidden panel that contained two items. The first item was a gas mask, and the second was a pellet about the size of a large chicken egg, that when smashed against a solid object emitted a gas that temporarily paralyzed the victim.

Gregory was astounded by the various new and different "toys" that his teacher continually produced. Every hour that passed, putting him closer to the inception of his plans, gave him a certain euphoric boost. Three more days, three more days…it had become a mantra in Gregory’s head. He was determined to make sure that everything turned out just as he had planned. Changing venues, he picked up the phone and dialed the PI that had been checking up on the women for him. Nothing new had happened, so he abandoned that project for more Internet research on torture.

Jessie stared out the window, watching as the landscape sped by. Laura’s nightmares and her own unsettled feelings were really beginning to wear her down. Shaking her head a few times, she tried vainly to organize her thoughts into something more constructive. Every so often the Director’s meeting comes back to haunt her.

What am I going to do? Do I resign and give up the show? Or do I stick it out? What if they fire me? I am getting so tired of the BS. I would much rather move up here, be close to good friends, and stop being hounded by the nature of my job. Constantly working, being forced to hide from my fans, not being able to have a life outside the security of my home, or my job. And poor Kate. I should never have let her fall in love with me. It would have been difficult, since I fell for her like a ton of bricks, but still…

"Let me guess," Kate interrupted her thoughts, "you’re going over again, why you let me fall in love with you, and what a terrible life you’ve given me so far, right?"

Jesse frowned, then smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, I guess I was. Am I that transparent?"

"Yes, and I have low friends in high places…but that’s beside the point. You have to stop worrying about me. I’m a big girl, and I’m having the time of my life. I never would have thought that this is where I would be, here with you. I just thank The Powers That Be, that I’m so lucky." Kate’s throat caught.

Jessie lightly touched her arm. "Hey! I love you. Don’t ever forget that!"

"There’s no doubt about that, honey, no doubt at all." Kate whispered.

Signaling to change lanes, Kate fell silent. Jessie reached over and lightly grasped her hand, a warm quiet settling over both of them. Taking the Highway One exit, Kate followed Jessie’s instructions to the facility where her mother was staying. Kate still wasn’t certain what to expect. According to Jessie, her mother hadn’t spoken or acknowledged anyone in several years. Whatever had happened all those eons ago, when Jessie was a child and its aftermath were too much for her to handle. She simply shut down.

Pulling into the parking lot, Kate noticed Jessie’s hand had started to tremble slightly. Shutting the car off, she pulled Jess into an awkward embrace. Kate stroked the dark head lightly.

"Jess, its going to be okay. I promise. I’ll try my best not to embarrass you…really." Kate tried to make Jessica smile.

"Ha. If you only could, I might feel better. But I don’t think there’s any hope for that. Not now, and not ever." Jessica’s slight smile disappeared as rapidly as it had arrived.

Locking up the car, Kate followed Jessie into the building. There was nothing very special about it. It was an old building, somewhat in the Old Spanish mission style. There were nuns moving silently through the hallways, hurrying off to take care of the various residents. From what Kate had gotten from Laura, this particular facility specialized in the type of patient that needed fulltime personal care. Jessie’s mother fell into this category. According to Jess, she was able to walk, and stand or sit on command, but that was about all. She couldn’t feed herself, and her face remained fixed in a sad, far away expression.

After checking in at the desk, Jess received a full report from the attendant Sister at the counter. She assured Jessie that there had been no dramatic changes in her mother’s condition. They were pleased to see Jessica, and would continue to afford her mother the best possible care. Jessie distantly acknowledged the Sister’s words, as though this event had become a repetitive scene in a play, over and over the same night after night.

Taking Kate’s hand, not concerned at the veiled glances they were receiving, Jessie led the way to her mother’s room. Deciding ahead of time to forgo trying to walk her mother to the garden, Jessie had requested that a wheel chair be left for their visit. When the two women entered the room, Clare Ryan was facing the window, looking as though she were enjoying the mild coastal weather.

Jessie stepped to her side, crouching and placing her hand on her mother’s wrist. "Hey there. How are you mom? I’ve come to visit today, and I brought a very special person to see you. Her name is Kate, mom, and well, I’ve given her my heart."

Kate stepped closer and mirrored Jessie’s position on the opposite side of Clare’s chair. "Hello there, Mrs. Ryan. I’m Kate. I’m very pleased to meet you. Jessie’s told me a lot about you. She’s…very special to me too. Well, and I guess I’ve given her my heart as well."

Reaching over the arm of the chair, Kate lightly grasped Clare’s hand. "I just wanted to meet you, and let you know that I promise to take good care of her. I’d give up my life for her Mrs. Ryan. I guarantee that."

Slowly without any prior warning, Clare sighed deeply as though she had been holding her breath for a very long time. One by one tears began to form in the corners of her eyes, slipping down onto her cheeks. Where her gaze normally remained fixed on the far unreachable distance, it now focused directly into her daughter’s eyes. Her sad blank expression shifted into an almost angelic smile. Once, twice she blinked, then raised Kate’s hand and kissed it softly, holding the back of it to her lips.

Jessie was stunned. She couldn’t decide whether to cry, throw up, or run. All the doctors, nuns, and visits from Jessie and earlier on Gregory, and never once did her mother even move or smile. Then Jessie brings in who she could now easily say is her soulmate, the love of her life, and suddenly her mother miraculously returns to the land of the living.

Kate silently watched Clare’s reactions, and Jessie’s responses. Without saying a word, Kate reached for Jessie’s hand and placed it into Clare’s other hand. Clare squeezed Jessie softly, and turned her gaze to Kate. Swallowing carefully, she whispered something that neither of the emotionally charged women could hear.

"Mom? Did you say something? I can’t hear you." Jessie said.

Clearing her throat, Clare tried again. It had been so long since she had last spoken, the muscles in her throat were almost not able to sustain any sound. "I…love…you…Jess…both…of…you."

Jumping up with a loud whoop, Jessie pulled her mother from her chair, and hugged her tightly in her arms. Now crying freely, Jessie held on while Kate watched, her eyes brimming with their own tears, amazement and pure love written on her face.

Carefully seating Clare back into her chair, Jessie kissed Kate resoundingly on the lips, and then dashed out the door to find someone to tell. Kate shook her head, grinning from ear to ear. Settling herself on the edge of the bed, she smiled as she felt Clare’s hand tentatively slip into her own.

"I don’t want you to speak too much Clare. Not until you’ve had some time to get used to it. You know, Jessie loves you very much, and I love her. I only wish you could tell me where you’ve been all of these years." Kate tilted her head to show that she wasn’t being serious, just talking to talk.

Clare shook her head, indicating that she wasn’t sure herself. Gesturing for a glass of water, she drank deeply nodding her thanks to Kate. Moments later, Jessie came bounding back into the room, the Mother Superior hot on her heels.

"Mom, this is Sister Mary Rose. She’s the head nun here. She doesn’t think you can talk. Silly, huh?" Jessie was fairly bouncing she was so happy.

"Good…afternoon…Sist…er." Clare managed to squeak out.

Clutching her hand to her heart, Sister Mary Rose almost fainted dead away. Never in all of her years working for this private hospital have they ever had such a remarkable recovery.

"Oh my…OH MY!" Sister Mary Rose exclaimed.

"Oh my is right." Jessie giggled.

"Oh, I’ll have to call the doctor right away. We’ll need to examine her, and get her into rehabilitation. Oh my…I just don’t know what to say." Flustered, she bustled back out the door, and almost ran faster than her short little legs could carry her.

The rest of the afternoon was spent talking to the doctor’s, and the rest of the staff, and making plans for Clare’s rehabilitation. Kate followed along quietly, unsure whether or not to interrupt, but content in her heart. She never could have hoped that something this miraculous could have happened, especially since this was the first time that Jessie’s mother had ever laid eyes on her.

Even the doctor’s were mystified. Collectively they had decided that she had suffered such a heart-rending trauma all those years ago, that it had driven her into a deep semi-catatonic state that she was not able to withdraw herself from. Something in her daughter, and her friends presence today must have provided the key that unlocked whatever it was that might have held her in its clutches.

Early in the evening, the two women bade farewell to Jessie’s mother, and promised to return the following day. Guiding Kate to her home, Jessie couldn’t seem to stop talking. She began to make plans, and then shortly after changed her mind. Kate shook her head, chuckling inside. Turning on a darkened, tree lined road, she noticed a beautiful beach-style cabin tucked back in the trees. Actually, cabin was a small word to describe the gorgeous home that came into view as they made the last turn up the driveway.

The house was a three-story split-level, built in what looked like natural woods. A large deck surrounded the third level, and judging by the location of the home, Kate was sure you could see the ocean from up there. There was a large staircase that curved from the parking area in front of the garage, and ended up at the entry on the second floor. Kate parked, and was surprised to see lights on in the interior.

"Jessie, honey, I don’t want to interrupt your train of thought, but did you notice the lights are on? I thought no one knew we were here." Kate stated quietly.

Stopping in the middle of a sentence, Jessie’s eyes narrowed as she peered up at the second floor door. Before she had a chance to react, Kate was out of the car, and pulling her stun gun out of her fanny pack. Sliding quietly up the stairs, she ignored Jessie’s frantic whispers to wait. Standing to the side, she reached over to turn the doorknob, when the door suddenly swung in away from her. Kicking out with her foot, she made contact with someone’s soft middle section, and heard a loud grunt as the person dropped to the floor.

Stepping out and holding her stunner in front of her, she was almost bowled over by Jessica as her lover raced up the stairs to confront the intruder. Kate stopped Jessie in time, as the person sat up rubbing his stomach.

"Gosh Katie, did you have to kick me? I was just opening the door to welcome you home." Michael blinked in her direction, a grimace on his face.

"MICHAEL! What are you doing here? I told you not to bother us." Jessie growled.

"Jess…I didn’t think you were serious. Steven and I flew in this morning. We opened the house, made the beds, and did some shopping. I thought you’d be happy. If you want, we’ll fly back tonight!" Michael pouted.

Kate stepped back between the siblings. "Whoa, wait a minute you two. It’s not a big deal. We can all manage to share. After all, we do it on a daily basis as it is. Besides Jess, I think you and Michael have some things to talk about, and I don’t think you should wait until we go back to LA."

Jessie’s face softened. "You’re right babe. I’ve been guarding this too long, and I guess now is as good a time as any. But…the next time I tell you to stay home, I mean it. This was supposed to be a much needed "private" vacation."

Michael grinned, knowing all along that he would win the argument with Kate’s help. Intrigued by the mysterious news Jessie was preparing to share with him, he dashed downstairs to bring up their luggage. Kate wandered into the kitchen to talk to Steven while he finished the last of the dinner preparations.

"Hi there sunshine. Sorry we just showed up, but Michael was very insistent. So, have you seen Laura? How are things?" Steven pulled Kate into a tight hug.

Not sure whether or not she should spill the beans, Kate busied herself surveying the beautiful kitchen. It was tastefully outfitted with all of the latest appliances, all very casual and rustic looking. Here and there were shells and driftwood, obviously souvenirs from the beach.

"Helloooo, honey, are you dodging me or what?" Steven stood in the middle of the kitchen with his hands on his hips, tapping his foot.

Smiling at her friend, she decided to sneak a little of the news to him. "Listen, something happened today, that was both exciting, and scary. I want to tell you the whole story, but I think it would be better to hear it from Michael. What Jessie’s about to tell him is going to change his whole life."

Leaning against the counter, and folding his arms across his chest Steven nodded his head to give Kate an indication that he understood. Kate took a deep breath, and gave Steven the highlights, without going into too much detail. Steven listened patiently, humming his amazement, when she reached the part about Jessie and Michael’s mother suddenly recovering.

"Wow! That’s incredible honey. I wonder what this means for us. I mean, there is going to be a lot of catching up, and stuff that they are going to have to do as a family. It may not include us, you know? Just a thought anyway." Steven’s voice took on a note of sadness.

Trying not to show her true fear, Kate just nodded, then shrugged. "I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. So, where are you with this dinner? Care to show me the deck or something?"

Seeing clearly that Kate needed to stop thinking bad things about their situation, Steven led her out onto the deck, and persuaded her to tell him about Laura. He was happy to hear that Laura and April were doing fine, and hoped that Laura found the job of her dreams. He expressed concern about Laura’s nightmares as well. Before too long, the friends realized that they had run out of idle chitchat, and both fell silent. Turning in the direction they thought the ocean might be, they stood quietly side by side, both lost in their thoughts.

No too many minutes later, their respective lovers came bustling out on the deck looking for them. Before they even approached the others, they stopped and faced each other babbling on about the things they had to do, and the people they needed to contact. Steven listened for a moment, and then excused himself to start setting the table, and setting out the food. Kate waited a moment longer, then joined him. The other two barely noticed their departure.

When she reached the kitchen, Kate grabbed Steven’s arms. "Steve? Do you think we should just turn around and go home? I mean at least until they have time to sort out what this all means?"

Steven considered her words for a moment. "I don’t think so babe. I think maybe we’re both over-reacting. Let’s wait and see what happens. And wipe that sad look off your face. Maybe it won’t be as bad as we think."

"I guess so, but this is really a big part of their lives, and well, Michael didn’t even know their mother was alive. This could change everything." Kate began to wring her hands. "Jessie may want to go ahead and break her contract, and move up here permanently, and she may want to have some time to herself to get to know her mother, and…."

"Shh, stop and listen to yourself. You’re getting all wound up over nothing. Jessie loves you. You know, you and I haven’t had a lot of time to talk lately, but you two need to stop second guessing this relationship, and take it for what it’s worth. I’ve never seen two people more suited for each other. Every time I think you’ve finally accepted that you belong together, you start to doubt yourself or her. It will be fine. I promise." Steve mentally crossed his fingers, hoping he was right.

Calling the others to the table, they listened while Jessie and Michael discussed their plans. Passing the potatoes to Steven, Kate gave him a mock accusatory glare, not realizing that Jessie had seen her. Filing it away for later, Jessie dove into her meal like a starved person. She had been this excited in, well, since she first made love to Kate. Letting her thoughts turn to Kate for a moment, she noticed the strain showing in her eyes, and realized that she hadn’t even acknowledged her presence since they had arrived.

"Jess, helloooo Jessie? Are you there? Sister wake up!" Michael waved his napkin in his sister’s face a few times.

"What? Oh, I’m sorry, I guess I drifted for a moment. What were you talking about?" Jessie let her gaze linger on Kate for a few seconds longer.

"I said, we will have to get up bright and early, so we can head into the hospital. It’s been almost 20 years since I saw mom last. I wonder if she’ll remember me." Michael rambled on; most of what he said only absorbed by Steven.

Jessie caught Kate’s eye. Gesturing with a nod of her head, she filled her wineglass, and gestured to Kate’s glass, and did the same for her. Pushing back from the table, she indicated that Kate should follow her. She took a moment to stop and get some warm sweaters for both of them, and then stepped out on the back deck, Kate a few steps behind her.

The two women stood side by side at the railing for several moments, staring out into the darkness. For some reason Jessie’s heart was pounding, almost out of control. Kate was afraid to look her in the eye, for fear she would see that which her heart was already telling her was there.

Jessie cleared her throat and spoke first. "I…I guess I haven’t exactly been the greatest hostess, have I?"

Kate started to protest. "No, Jess, it’s understandable, really. Listen, I was thinking. Maybe I should go back to Laura’s for a few days, until you get settled. I mean I don’t want to be underfoot, you know, in the way. Really, it won’t be a problem. You could catch up to us on…"

A warm pair of lips stopped her from finishing her sentence. Slowly Jessie increased the pressure, until she got the response she had been aiming for. Kate moaned deep in her throat, her lips parting slightly, allowing Jessie’s searching tongue to gain entrance, seeking its counterpart. The pair took their time exploring each other, allowing the warmth to surround them both. Any notions of flight that Kate had been entertaining had dissipated in a cloud of passion.

Pulling Kate closer, Jessie whispered in her ear. "Have I given you the tour yet?"

Kate simply shook her head no, unable to speak for fear she might say something to break the moment. Taking Kate’s hand, Jessie led her to the far corner of the deck. Reaching out into the dark, she pulled on an almost invisible latch. So quiet you almost had to strain to hear, a sliding glass door glided open, letting them into the master bedroom. Without breaking contact, Jessie grabbed a small remote control from a table as she passed by.

Kate barely noticed the room. So intent on maintaining the passion of the moment, she simply followed Jessie, content with the fact that her lover was in charge. Jessie pointed the remote at various locations in the room, tossing it aside when she was content with the setting. Small distant noises and the sound of running water were the only things that gave away her electronic passage.

Suddenly shy and nervous, Kate couldn’t control the small tremor in her hands. Sensing her lover’s fear, Jessie held her close, quietly stroking her hair and rubbing circles on her back. When Kate settled into the soft comfort, Jessie slowly moved on. First pulling her own sweater over her head, she made eye contact with Kate, and receiving a nod, slipped Kate’s off, and tossed it on the floor in what would soon be a growing pile.

The next to go were the brassieres. Jessie idly thought how annoying they were, but yet what an exciting addition to foreplay. When those offending garments had been added to the pile, Jessie drew Kate in close. Both women shivered at the warm contact, skin to skin. Slowly Jessie began to rub her upper body over Kate’s, causing immediate reactions to both. Heartbeats increasing, it seemed to Kate that her body, or more importantly her nipples were reaching out to Jessie’s, begging to be touched, to share their warm tingling sensations with her lover’s counterparts. Not one to disappoint, Jessie stooped a little lower, allowing them to brush against each other. The contact was almost overwhelming.

Kate’s knees began to go weak, shaking slightly with the effort to stay upright. Sensing her difficulty, Jessie scooped her into her arms, turning slightly, and laying her onto her rather large, comfortable bed. Taking her time, she made a show of lowering the zipper on Kate’s jeans with her teeth, nipping at the sensitive skin at her waist and teasing her navel with her tongue.

Sucking her breath in through her teeth, Kate longed to touch Jessie, to reciprocate her attentions. As Jessie slipped Kate’s jeans and underpants off, pulling shoes and socks in their wake, she made a small gesture with her head, as if to say "lay back and enjoy this, it’s all for you". Not wanting to upset the plan, Kate relaxed giving in totally to her lover.

Jessie made short time out of removing the rest of her own clothing. Taking a moment to gaze at her lover, she knelt on the bed, creeping slowly over the warm flesh below her, allowing her breasts, an errant fingertip or two, a strand of hair to brush across, leaving goose bumps in their wake. Starting to lose control of her own sensations, she bent low to Kate’s lips, teasing them with her tongue, silently asking permission to enter. Smiling through the tickling touch, Kate graciously invited her in. Increasing the pressure, their minds began to disengage to all outside influence, and join together in the sensations of their mounting passion.

Jessie slowly lowered herself covering Kate’s body with her own. Kate opened her thighs, allowing Jessie to slip into the inviting niche. Rocking her hips gently against Kate’s, she let her arms bend slightly, increasing the pressure, and by that increasing the pleasure. Kate reversed her motion allowing them to clash pleasantly against each other. Accelerating her speed, Jessie began moaning her voice joined by that of her lover’s.

Kate locked her legs around Jessie’s waist, pulling her in closer. Jessie had raised herself up slightly on her arms, her elbows trembling, increasing the pressure even more. As her arms began to give out again, her breasts brushed against Kate’s questing lips. Seizing the opportunity, Kate caught the closest nipple in her mouth, and clamped down lightly. Jessie moaned loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear. Vaguely aware of the effect her ministrations were having on the dark haired beauty above her, Kate increased her attack, nipping and biting.

Suddenly Jessie’s left arm gave out; causing Kate’s teeth to scrape across her nipple, and instinctually bite the tender flesh before it could slip away. Caught in her own screaming passion, Kate released Jessie’s nipple, but bit down again, this time catching Jessie’s breast. Her teeth closed tightly, her mouth sucking in the soft skin. Jessie cried out, no longer able to hold back her mounting orgasm. Seconds later, Kate joined her, hearts pounding in sync, sweat and warm wetness flooding between the frantically moving bodies.

Gradually their movements slowed, Kate finally releasing Jessie’s bruised breast from her grasp. Raining kisses over the sweat drenched surface of her face; Jessie panted, drawing short gasping breaths between the shuddering aftershocks of her orgasm.

Making an effort to slide off of Kate, and release some of the pressure of her heavier body, Jessie tried to roll onto her side. Kate refused to let her go, holding her close; legs locked tight, arms pulling her down into a solid embrace. Still concerned about her weight on Kate’s much smaller body, Jessie braced herself, and holding tight to her lover, managed to roll them both over, effectively putting Kate on top of her.

For reasons known only to her self Kate was crying, tears slipping softly down her cheeks, dripping like a soft warm summer rain onto Jessie’s hot sweating skin. Taking one long slender finger, Jessie tried to tilt her head to see what was wrong.

"No…don’t." Kate mumbled, fighting to avoid eye contact.

Refusing to be daunted, Jessie cupped Kate’s whole face, gently stroking the damp skin with the side of her thumb. "Baby, why are you crying? I love you, you know. Please, don’t cry."

Burying her face into the curve of Jessie’s neck, Kate pulled in a shuddering breath. "I love you too. I don’t know why I’m crying. Maybe I’m losing my mind. Just hold me."

Troubled, Jessie pulled the covers up around them, the hot steaming bath that she had electronically drawn for them forgotten. Laying back, hanging onto the softly sobbing woman in her arms, Jessie’s gaze strayed to the open skylight that she had rolled back before their lovemaking. Sighing, she placed a kiss on Kate’s soft golden hair, and fumbling for the remote, closed the skylight, figuring it could wait for another time.

Elsewhere in the house, Steven and Michael had finished clearing the table and loading the dishes into the dishwasher. Finding the half full glasses of wine on the deck, the two men smiled knowingly at each. Holding Michael in his arms, Steven kissed him tenderly on the cheek.

"Do you think they’re okay?" Michael whispered.

"Oh yeah, they’re just fine. They just have to learn to trust themselves, as well as each other. They’re almost there, but life keeps throwing them some wild curves, and they let it hold them back, but they’ll get over it soon. Nothing could separate them, nothing." Steven smiled into Michael’s hair.

"I hope not…" Michael sighed.

"Say, how are you doing? This has been quite an eventful day for you too." Steven tipped Michael’s head back, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Honestly? I’m scared shitless. I mean all this time, I thought she was dead, and now I find out I have a mother. I don’t think I’ve managed to absorb it all yet." Michael said thoughtfully.

"Well, have no fear my love, I will be with you the whole way." Steven kissed him again, this time with a definite message of love.

Returning his kiss, Michael bade him into the house. "Tomorrow’s going to be a crazy day. We should turn in. Oh, and Steven? I love you."

Taking Steven’s hand, he led him back into the house. Stopping him at the doorway, Steven whispered into his ear. "I love you too."

To be continued in Chapter 31……

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