Disclaimers: Chapter one.


Loss and possession, Death and life are one.
There falls no shadow where There shines no sun

********Hilaire Bellock********


Chapter 35: (To die is landing on some distant shore). John Dryden

"Kate…" Laura whispered.

"Honey what’s wrong? Why are you so upset?" Kate’s heart was pounding.

"Someone’s been here. They’ve taken my cat." Laura was stricken.

"What can we do?" Kate paused, her heart suddenly paralyzed by fear.

"I’ll check the Global Tracker, and see where they’ve taken her. Then I go and get her." Laura was quietly matter of fact.

"No wait. Laura I’m scared. This sounds like Gregory, and I don’t want anything to happen to you. Oh please Laura…wait until morning, and I’ll call the detective on our case. They’ll send someone right away." Kate was panicking, knowing how irrational Laura could be about the cats.

"Katie, that Yakuza guy told you they had him pinned in LA. It’s probably that bitch Angie. I swear I’ll kick her ass." Laura was fuming now.

"I don’t know Laura. Listen let’s sleep on it, and by tomorrow we’ll know for sure. I’ll call the detective’s, and by the afternoon we should know what happened. Then we can go look for the cat." Kate didn’t like the look on her friends face.

"I can’t wait Katie…I can’t. I have to find her. Tomorrow might be too late." Laura started to cry, the fight suddenly leaving her.

"Okay, tell you what. Let’s look on the Tracker, and see where she went, and then I’ll go with you when it’s light out. With this storm, it wouldn’t be wise to go tracking around in the dark by yourself. Just wait until morning…" Kate resorted to pleading.

"I’ll try…" Laura didn’t sound too convincing.

Kate tried to get some rest, but her concern for Laura was too strong to allow her to sleep. Rolling to her side smiled slightly, while she watched Jessie sleep peacefully and deeply in a tequila haze. Lightly tracing and eyebrow, Kate nearly poked Jessie’s eye out when she heard the truck start in the driveway.

"Unh, what…who?" Jessie started.

"Nothing honey. Sorry…go back to sleep." Kate whispered.

Once she was certain Jessie was asleep, Kate slipped out of bed and quickly began to dress. Carrying her shoes into the main room, Kate quietly listened at Laura and April’s door. The only sound was the quiet murmur of April sleeping. The remaining cat, Violet, was meowing at the door, asking to be let out. Kate turned the knob, and silently pushed the door far enough for the cat to get out. Violet wandered into her room, presumably to use the…facilities.

Glancing at Laura’s computer, Kate noticed that it was still on, the Kendra Knight screen saver playing through a mini episode from the show, to an otherwise inattentive audience. Lightly tapping the mouse, Kate was surprised to see that Laura had left her Internet connection on. Scanning the page, Kate realized that Laura had reconnected to her pet search, and had used the GPS Tracker to locate the missing cat. Clicking on refresh, Kate printed the updated version of the locator map, and put her shoes on preparing to follow her friend. Sifting through the keys on Laura and April’s key rack, Kate discovered the keys to Laura’s Honda. Taking the keys from the hook, she dashed out the door, only vaguely noticing the rough wind and the sound of thunder in the distance.

For the third time since they returned to the warehouse, Gregory visited what he was now referring to as his "Dyke Correction Facility". Slowly he circled the room, caressing each implement of torture as though it were made of the finest silk. One by one he tested the sharpness, or performance of each blade, cutter, and clamp.

Star had been banished to her room, the cat with sitting with her on the bed. She was content to be snuggling with the softly purring animal, rather than be subjected to the terror that Gregory had become. He seemed to be focused and in Control, but in comparison to when she had first hooked up with him, he was another creature all together.

Star knew that she had a good chance of escaping while the cat’s owner occupied Gregory. Her only concern was…where to go, and should she call the cops. The sound of contented purring interrupted her thoughts. Reaching for her bag, she dug around for her secret stash of heroin. She was sure a little wouldn’t hurt, and might even help her with making her decisions.

Signaling to change lanes, Laura glanced in the rearview mirror. One look at the clock glowing on the dashboard told her it was no surprise there was very little traffic on the highway. She was still angry. Even more so considering that according to the GPS map, her beloved pet was somewhere outside Santa Cruz, not quite an hour from her home.

Doing a mental inventory Laura was hard pressed to find a person or reason for this to happen, with the exception of Angie. It never once occurred to her that it could be Gregory, even after Kate brought him up. Her final thought on the subject was the possibility that it might be a prank that backfired. Startled by a bright flash of lightening, Laura turned on her windshield wipers, promptly losing her train of thought in the torrential downpour that followed the loud rolling thunder.

Taking another look at his workroom, Gregory decided to run upstairs to the computer and contact his mentor in death, Baby Doll. He was surprised to find several messages from the demented killer. Checking on the message, he was further confused by the urgency in which it seemed that Baby Doll needed to talk to him.

Baby Doll: My friend…there is trouble in Paradise. I am at the Malibu house, but cannot stay much longer. We both may be in danger of exposure.

Gregory frowned, not certain what he meant by being in danger and surprised that his friend had returned to the home that Gregory had so recently vacated. He checked on the second message.

Baby Doll: When you get this message, open the ICQ system. You can do this by clicking on the yellow icon at the bottom of the screen. This is an urgent matter!

Gregory followed his instructions, waiting to see what would happen. Immediately the ICQ screen popped up with a message from Baby Doll.

Baby Doll: There is trouble afoot my friend. I am on the move heading in your direction.

Chantilly Lace: What’s wrong? Why the urgency. I’m not expecting you for a few more days. (The name that popped up for his entry did not escape his attention).

Baby Doll: It seems that a former underworld associate of yours, of the Asian persuasion is seeking a close encounter…of the dead kind. I was able to observer their visit from my transport vehicle, via closed circuit. Fortunately they did not trash my house, but they are now seeking you with a certain degree of intensity…and malice. They may find it judicious to either contact, or put a tag on your ladylove.

Chantilly Lace: I can’t leave now. We are moments from meeting my first…guest. Interesting thing I discovered in the materials from the PI. The cats are wired for satellite tracking. My only invitation was taking the animal. By my calculations she should be here any time now.

Baby Doll: Excellent! It is possible that your detractors may not find you before your project reaches its conclusion. However, please be cautious. In any event I will be there eventually to claim my prize for the training etc. Make sure she’s ready. If you wish, you may leave her in the "Operating Room". No need to draw attention by traveling unnecessarily.

Chantilly Lace: I’ll do that. I may have to drug her a bit to make her more manageable.

Baby Doll: Don’t over do it! They’re no fun if you can’t hear them scream. Ta ta!

Chantilly Lace: Later…

Gregory logged off and sat back for a moment deciding what he should do to kill time. Grabbing one of the tranquilizer guns, he decided to wander down to the front door and see if his first visitor had arrived yet. Passing by the bedroom, he glanced in and noticed Star sleeping on the bed, the cat curled next to her. Fearful that his bait would get away, he stepped carefully into the room and grabbed the heavy beast by the scruff of her neck. She growled, hissed and struggled a bit until he shoved her into the carrier. Slamming the door closed he glanced back at her and barked like a dog. She hissed again, and shrank to the back of the carrier, her white fangs glaring in the shadows.

Turning to Star, Gregory stepped over and grabbed her by her hair. Reacting very slowly she tried to crawl away from him, his violent treatment interfering with her buzz. Finally her eyes opened and she began to realize she was in trouble.


"I was tired, I…uh was resting." Star stammered.

"You’re screwed up! I thought you were tryin’ to clean up Star! But I can see that once again you’re failing. I swear to God, if you had lost that cat, I would certainly have to find it in myself to kill you, immediately after finding the fuckin’ animal." Gregory had started to pace, eerily clinical in his presentation.

"She wouldn’t have gone Greggie, she really likes me." Star whined.

"It’s an animal Star. They don’t think that hard. Now I’m gonna take the cage, and go and wait for our guest. You better wake your ass up, or you’ll end up as part of the main event." Grasping the handle of the carrier, he strode out the door.

Laura glanced at the map again, and made the last turn onto the property. The large warehouse like building looming up in the occasional flash of lightening was ominous at best. Still she was so sure it was Angie that started this thing, that her anger overrode her fear. Putting the truck in park, she turned it off, and leaving the keys under the visor she closed the door without locking it and approached the front door. No harm in planning for a quick get away.

Angie’s family had been involved in the Silicon Valley agricultural business for nearly 75 years. It wouldn’t be surprising for her to hole up in one of their warehouses, to perpetuate her prank. Laura noticed the absence of any signs on the building, but this didn’t deter her. Stepping through the slightly open door, a loud creak rang through the building. She was dismayed to see how dark it was. Straining to hear if there was anyone lurking in the shadows, she fumbled in her pocket for a penlight.

Cursing herself for bringing April’s keys instead of her own, she resigned herself to fumbling her way down the hall. Suddenly a brilliant flash of lightening lit up the hallway.

Sitting at the far end was the carrier with her pet glaring back out at her. Almost before the thunder sounded she could hear the cat begin to cry. Breaking into a run, she had almost reached the carrier when another blinding flash ripped through the building. Slightly left and behind the carrier was a tall figure holding a small, strange-looking gun. It was that fleeting moment that Laura realized she was in trouble. Instead of Angie standing in the dark, the image burned into Laura’s retinas was that of Gregory. Turning as fast as she could, she bolted for the door. Too late, she felt a hard sting on her right shoulder and within seconds came crashing to the ground.

Whistling quietly to himself, Gregory reached over and flipped a switch, bathing the hallway in a soft golden glow. Strolling confidently towards Laura, he almost skipped with excitement and anticipation. When he reached her, he poked her with his foot making sure she was truly out. Crouching to feel her pulse, he was satisfied that she was sleeping and not dead.

Returning to his work area, he secured a cart, and called up the stairs for Star to join him. Pushing the cart, he was pleased to note that it was similar to an ambulance gurney, in that it would lower to within a foot from the floor. As soon as he reached Laura’s sleeping form, he started to drag her onto the cart when Star silently moved in next to him. Taking Laura’s feet while Gregory had her shoulders they heaved her ample body onto the gurney. Gregory released the catches and the unit lifted to waist high, a soft whisper signaling the maneuver. The two of them worked together and pushed the cart to the workroom, extinguishing the lights as the passed down the corridor.

Gregory moved the gurney alongside the main worktable. With Star helping him, together they rolled Laura to her side, still balanced on the edge of the gurney. Securing a pair of stainless surgical scissors, Gregory ran the tips across Laura’s arm, as though he was caressing a lover. A sinister gleam crossed his eyes as he used the scissors to carefully cut away Laura’s clothing. Star shuddered, her hands shaking slightly as she removed Laura’s shoes and socks.

When she was completely undressed, they rolled her the rest of the way onto the stainless surface of the worktable. Gregory busied himself securing the restraints that would keep Laura from escaping once he began to work on her. He had decided to do a little redecorating first, by removing one or two of her tattoos. If she stayed conscious, he would do a finger maybe, if not, he would save further improvements for when the next guest arrived. Slipping a sheet over her for the moment, he turned his attention to Star, who was standing listlessly in the corner waiting for further instructions.

"Whatsa matter Star? You’re looking a little pale there." Gregory chuckled, startling Star and making her jump.

"I…I’m fine Greggie. Just a little shaky. Is there anything I can do to help?" Star was hoping to stay on his good side, fearful that he could turn on her at any moment, and all thoughts of survival would disappear.

"Huh, want to help, eh? Go out to the front, and check and see if she was followed. Whatever you do don’t turn the lights on. Come down here quick if anyone shows up, and don’t yell." Gregory turned to a nearby closet and began to remove clothing for himself.

Star hurried along in the dark, careful not to make any noise or turn any lights on. Her mind was still muddled after her stupid choice to snort some smack. Spying the cat’s carrier, she stopped and whispered some comforting words through the bars. The cat was strangely quiet. Carefully Star opened the door, and reached in to pet her head. It was then that she discovered the dart stuck in the back of Corky’s neck. A small tear escaped the corner of her eye as she leaned back and closed the carrier door. At least he hadn’t already killed the animal.

Slipping into the shadows near the door, Star winced at the sound of the storm as she carefully scanned the parking lot for any new vehicles. So far Laura’s truck was the only one. She noticed that the storm was passing rather quickly, and soon the moon would begin to shine through the clouds. Star thought about it for a moment and decided she would be better off sitting here keeping watch, rather than returning to the dark, smelly room where Gregory was beginning his first round of torture.

Kate glanced in her mirrors, and veered off the main highway, down the road to her destination. Every nerve in her body was buzzing with a rush of adrenaline and fear. There was a cold certainty in her heart that Gregory was behind this. Turning her thoughts to Jessie, she silently apologized for not being better prepared and prayed that Jessie and April would call for help, rather than trying to help on their own.

Slowing to make the last curve, Kate was relieved that the rain was tapering off, and the moon was beginning to illuminate the road ahead of her. Looming in the distance was a large brick warehouse. Parked in the front are was Laura and April’s dark green truck. At once Kate felt relieved, but then the fear gripped her again, even harder than before. It left her with the feeling that her hair was crawling from her scalp. Pulling alongside the green SUV, Kate carefully reviewed her surroundings. Rifling her fanny pack, she grasped the tazer, cursing herself again for not bringing her gun on this trip.

Star saw the reflection of the headlights under the door, and quickly rising ran almost silently to the room where Gregory was holding Laura. Before Star hit the last hallway, she heard a muffled scream followed by a bone-chilling chuckle from Gregory. Skidding to a stop, Star was tempted to run back to the door and encourage the new arrival to escape with her while they had a chance.

Suddenly the door flew open and Gregory was standing in the light spilling from the opening. In one gloved hand was a sharp steel scalpel, blood dripping from the end. In the palm of his other hand were two small images. One a moon with a shooting star, and the other a small bird with the sun between its wings.

"See that Star…instant tattoo removal. I should start a new business." Gregory chuckled pleasantly.

Star took one horrified look and realized what she was looking at. Covering her mouth, she turned away, fighting with everything she could to keep the contents of her stomach in place, she gestured to Gregory, and then pointed down the hall.

"There’s someone here." Star whispered.

Gregory’s grin broadened. "Whyncha say so Star. Heh, it’s almost time for the main event."

A small thrill ran through him as he returned to the chamber, and set his new acquisition into a small stainless tray. Grabbing a small bottle of saline solution, he dripped a bit over the skin pieces and then gagging a still groggy Laura, he tightened her restraints and quickly moved down the hallway to meet their new guest.

Slowly Kate crept along the dark shadowed walkway. The imposing walls of the abandoned warehouse looming against the stormy night sky. Again she straightened slightly, silently wondering what possessed her to come here alone.

It was her best friend Laura that drew her here. Kate and her lover had stayed at Laura's house last evening. It had been a fun night, dancing, partying, and sharing stories. Even when that crazy drunk girl tried to hit on Kate's girlfriend. Kate chuckled as a vision of all of Laura's 5 feet 3 inches leaned into the girl's face and politely told her she would rip her ears off if she didn't back up. Now Laura was gone.

Shaking her head, she returned her attention to the building. A few more steps, she reached into the darkness, and brushed her hand across a small, cold doorknob. Her heartbeat quickened as she held her breath and turned the knob slowly. A slight screech rang out, as the door swung in on rusty hinges.

Taking a moment to regain her composure, Kate slipped into the darkness of the building, hugging the wall to her back as she crept along, desperately trying to be as invisible as possible. Kate knew what terrible secret might be hidden in the bowels of this fortress. She only wished that she had told Laura more about the phone call she had received, that they might all be in terrible danger. Laura just thought she was chasing down a lost pet, not walking into the arms of a killer.

Reaching a bend in the hall, Kate swiftly crossed to the corner, and peeked around, straining for any signs of movement. Not seeing anything out of the ordinary, she began to step into the next hallway, when she heard a soft rustle behind her. Adrenaline kicking in she began to run, but she was a second too late. A soft whooshing sound, a stinging in her neck, and then oblivion...



Continued in part 36………………


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