Disclaimers: See Chapter One



Chapter 38: (That’s all there is there ain’t no more…..) Me.

Gregory searched the rooms and stairs, realizing that he had left the door to the outside fire escape open. Searching the landing for signs of intrusion, he wasn’t entirely surprised to see the nose of Jessie’s car sticking out from below the stairway. Further investigation yielded the discovery of the rope dangling below the last step of the railing. Cursing, Gregory headed back into the building, and went into the bedroom to get his gun.

Racing down the stairs, gun at his side, Gregory pushed his way back into the workroom. Quickly scanning the room, he failed to notice that his former wife had replaced Star. Setting the gun down, he grabbed a rib cutter and began to cut the straps that held Katie in her chair. Slapping her slightly on her cheeks and wrists, he began to revive her for the purpose of using her as bait to flush Jessie out.

Moaning slightly, Katie opened her swollen eyes. Vaguely aware of the fact that she couldn’t breathe, she gasped as consciousness returned. Pulling her to her feet, Gregory grabbed the gun off the counter just as Jessie rose from the floor, her back to Gregory, the dart gun held loosely in her hand.

"Star! It’s about damn time you joined the party. Get over here and give me a hand. Jessie’s here, and I’m gonna find her. We’ll just use her little bitch as bait." Gregory slung Kate’s arm around his neck, dragging her across the room.

Jessie let her hair fall across her face as she turned to face Gregory. Shuffling closer, and reaching for Kate’s other arm; she stopped in horror as Gregory pointed the gun at Laura’s head.

Hearing the slight gasp, Gregory turned in surprise to look at Star/Jessie. "What’sa matter? I’m just getting’ rid of the dyke, so I can concentrate on Jessie’s bitch. Fewer problems that way."

Turning back to Laura he cocked the gun and suddenly dropped his head, firing a bullet into the far wall. Reaching for his neck he was confused and dismayed to find a .22 cal dart buried to the feathers in the flesh over his spine. Pain seared his head as he pulled the dart out, and turned to face whom he now knew was his former wife.

"That wasn’t a very nice way to say hello Jesse." Gregory’s eyes flashed his anger and confusion.

"Don’t worry Gregory. I’m not feeling very nice at the moment." Jessie pointed the dart gun in his direction.

"Jessica, Jessica, Jessica! I hate to tell you this babe, but nine-millimeter wins over a dart any day of the week. If I were you, I’d drop the gun and come along quietly. Face it; your only choice is to come back to me. Otherwise I might be compelled to kill you, along with your little friend here." Gregory smiled smugly; sure he had her right where he wanted her.

Surprising herself, Jessie mulled her options, and agreed to go with him. "Okay, you win. But you have to let my friends go."

"Ah, ah, ahh, not so fast. None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for this girl here." Gregory’s eyes narrowed, glazing over slightly. Squeezing Kate’s shoulder, Gregory made her cry out in pain.

"It wasn’t her fault Greg. It was mine. Please let’s leave them here, and go for a ride to the coast. It will be like old times. I’ll make it all up to you." Laying the dart gun next to Laura she stepped closer, and smiled reaching for his hand.

"You and me huh? Make it up to me? Do you really mean it?" Gregory tightened his grip on Kate’s shoulder again, wary of any deceptions.

"I really mean it Greg. Let’s go for a walk on the cliffs, and watch the fog burn off and talk about the future. Not tricks!" Jessie edged closer.

Letting Kate slip to the floor, Gregory took Jessie’s arm, his eyes glazed over, gun at his side. The two of them walked to the door and passed through on their way to the door. As they exited the workroom, Gregory stopped and closed the door behind them. Gregory turned a large valve on the wall next to the door, shocking Jessie when she heard water running in the room they just left.

Feigning disinterest, she fixed her gaze on Gregory, trying hard to keep the tremor out of her voice. "What’s the valve for Greg?"

"Oh, just a bit of housekeeping is all." He answered vaguely, as he propelled her towards the outer door.

Risking a glance towards April’s hiding place, Jessie allowed herself to be led out of the building. Waiting for a few minutes, April made sure they were gone as she saw Jessie’s car head for the road out of the property. Running to the workroom, she arrived just as Star was turning the valve.

"What the hell are you doing? Step back before I deck you!" April pulled her back by the arm.

"I’m trying to shut the valve off. We need to stop the water, and then open the other valve. If this runs much longer, they’ll drown." Star pulled her arm out of April’s grip, returning to the task of shutting off the water flow.

Realizing Star was only trying to help, she ran to the other valve and started turning it fast. "What’s this one for?"

"I think Greggie said it opens the drains. He said they often used this room for washing the apples. They filled it half way and then started dropping apples in through a chute in the wall. The often put chemicals in the water to kill any bugs that may be hangin’ around." She locked the water valve, and then helped April lock the drains open.

Pulling the door open, April noticed that the water hadn’t reached Laura yet, and Kate had already begun to remove Laura’s bonds. She had been kneeling on top of the worktable, working frantically, while trying to remain conscious. Grabbing Laura by the shoulder, Kate pulled her into a sitting position. Laura’s head rolled forward, her actions lethargic. Kate quickly guessed that Laura was in shock from her injuries, and rapidly approaching diabetic shock. Kate quickly turned to April and Star.

"She needs food April, and her medicine. She’s in shock. We need to get her dressed, and warm her up." Kate stepped to the floor, and gestured to Star to find Laura’s clothing.

While April ran for some snack bars, and Laura’s medicine, Star ran for the bedroom where she had left Laura’s clothes in a bag. Gregory had asked her to throw them away, but for some reason she thought she should keep them. Running back down the stairs she stopped for a moment, wondering why she was helping these people when somewhere inside of herself she knew she should run while she had the chance. Deciding that she didn’t have anywhere to go, or any way to get there, she continued back to the workroom. These folks couldn’t be anywhere near as bad as Gregory, she figured she could tag along, and probably do better than if she were by herself.

Jessie hazarded a peek at Gregory. What she saw frightened her deeply. His skin had taken on a sheen of sweat; the color a dull, blotchy gray. Every so often his eyes tracked back and forth, almost with no control. He talked to himself. Mumbling about how right it all was, how he would never lose control of the bitch again. Jessie was his. She shuddered, running ideas through her mind as to the best way to get rid of him. Heading for the cliffs, she could only hope that her idea would pay off.

"What are you thinkin’ so hard about there Jess?" Gregory broke into her thoughts.

For a moment he almost sounded normal. "Oh, just how happy I am that we can see this through Greg, and start working towards the future."

"Yeah? So, where are we going?" His eyes narrowed, a brief flash of suspicion crossing his features.

"Oh, I thought we’d head out to the cliffs. Take a walk; catch up with each other. They really are beautiful this time of year. Especially after last night’s storm."

Jessie mentally willed herself to relax.

Suddenly he began to yell at her. "WHAT IN THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?"

"What…?" Jessie fought to stay in her lane on the highway.

"Taking up with that little whore, Kate McKenna. Did you really think that she could possibly be better than me? Did you? ANWER ME!" Gregory drew back, threatening to backhand her if she didn’t answer.

"Gregory, I’m sorry, she was just a diversion. It will never happen again." Jessie made a note to apologize to Kate when she saw her next…if she survived.

"Damn straight it will never happen again. Cause by now…she’s sucking water there Jess. Drowned her perky little ass back there. Never have to worry about that bitch again, or her damn dyke friend." Gregory chuckled, proud of himself.

Stunned, Jessie’s heart clenched when she processed his words. "What do you mean you drowned her Gregory? You didn’t have to do that."

"Sure I did, Jess. Gotta make sure she doesn’t come around meddling in my business anymore. Besides, it will be a long time before anyone finds them." Gregory chuckled at his good fortune.

Jessie turned her gaze back to the roadway. The turnoff to the cliffs was coming up pretty rapidly. She was uncertain whether or not he remembered that Star had been left behind, and whether or not he thought she had followed Kate alone, and had left April at home. Praying that they discovered what he had done in time, Jessie forced herself to continue on, and hope that she could follow through with her plans.

"Come on Laura…shake it off. Don’t leave us honey…" April slipped Laura’s shirt on, while Kate dressed the wounds on her legs.

"Katie, we have to give her some of this orange juice, or we’re going to lose her." The urgency in April’s voice stopped Kate.

April tipped the glass, letting the cool juice drizzle into Laura’s mouth. Laura’s eyes had lost their tracking ability, and she wasn’t have much luck swallowing. April tried again, whispering entreaties into her lover’s ear as she coaxed her into swallowing. Moments later she began to shake violently, seizures racking her body. April tried to hang on tightly, letting Laura’s body chemistry react, without allowing her to harm herself. Slowly the tremors subsided. Kate took a soft towel and wiped the sweat from Laura’s forehead. Laura began to talk a bit, sounding drunker than a lush in a bar.

"Whad happent? Why did I fool so bat?" Laura mumbled loudly.

"You’re having a diabetic fit Laur. You’re going to be okay, honey. You’re just in shock." Kate continued to wipe her friend’s face with a soft cool cloth.

"Come on babe. Let’s get a couple of these pills down, and then you can have a protein bar. Please baby, focus on me. Let’s get you feeling better." April pleaded, cajoled, anything to get Laura to respond.

Laura began to cry softly. "My head hurts, and my legs hurt. What happened? And where’s Jessie. Man my head hurts…"

"We have to find Jessie, Laura. Gregory has taken her away. We have to find her…we have to." Kate’s fear for Jessie began to overlap the throbbing pain her broken nose was causing her.

Clear her throat, Star stepped forward, wanting to try and help the friends. "I might know where they went."

Kate stepped back, focusing on Star’s face. "Why would we want to trust you? You’ve been working with Gregory this whole time. How could I possibly think that you would actually be able to tell us where he’s taken Jessie."

"Look, I know you don’t trust me. That’s only fair. But…Greggie’s been holding me prisoner for a long time now. He gives me…speedballs, heroin and coke. I have a smack problem, and he uses that to control me. And…he beats me…regularly." Star bowed her head in shame.

"Kate…leave her alone. She’s been through enough. We need her help." Laura shook her head trying to focus on the conversations.

"But Laura…what if she’s wrong?" Kate pleaded with her friend.

"Then she’s wrong. We don’t have anything else to go on Kate. Now, give me something to eat, so we can get this show on the road." Laura tried to swing her legs off the table, and nearly fell over.

"Wait a minute…take it easy. You just averted diabetic shock, and you’ve had some horrible things done to you. Don’t you think you should rest a while?" April was staring at her lover like she had two heads.

"Honey, we have to go. If we don’t Jessie may be injured, or worse, he may try to kill her. We have to help her." Laura looked to Kate for agreement.

"She’s right April. If you want I can take Star, and we can leave you two here. But we have to try and help Jessie." Kate looked like she had been tangling with a Mac truck.

"Okay, you all look like death, but who am I to stand in your way. Let’s get our crap together, and get out of this place. I’m tired of looking at it…and smelling it." April started looking around for things to use as weapons.

Packing a good size duffle bag with several items, they remembered to pick up the cat in her cage on the way out. Star followed along, still uncertain if they were going to include her, or leave her behind. She knew in her heart that if they left her, that something even more terrible than Gregory awaited her. She could feel it in her bones. Deep inside she was starting to feel a craving for some smack too. For a brief moment she was tempted to return to her room, and pack up all the smack that was left, but decided the only way she was going to win her freedom was to stay clean.

Loading up April’s Jeep Cherokee, the three women and the cat began their trip towards the ocean cliffs. Star had thought that they might be headed there, because she heard Jessie say something like that under her breath. While April drove, Star rifled through the glove compartment looking for a map. Kate snapped her fingers, reaching between the seats, she recovered Laura’s cell phone from between the seat and the console. Pulling it out of the case, she was dismayed to find that the battery was almost dead.

Taking a chance she dialed Michael’s number. The phone rang several times, until just one ring left before voice mail, he finally answered. "Hello…?"

"Michael, this is Katie. I need your help." Katie spoke hurriedly into the phone.

"Katie? Honey where are you guys? Why do you sound so stuffed up?" Michael’s voice gave away his concern.

"Mike honey, I’ll tell you everything later. But right now we have to find Jessie, she may be in danger. It’s possible she’s heading to someplace she only referred to as ‘the cliffs’. Can you tell me where that is? We’re coming from the old apple warehouses you and Jessie used to go to when you were kids." Katie ran her words together, trying to egg Michael into answering with as few questions as possible.

"What? What do you mean Jessie’s in danger? What’s going on?" Michael nearly shouted into the phone.

"Later Michael. We don’t have much time. She’s with Gregory." Katie did everything she could to stay calm.

"Oh Shit! Okay, go south on the highway until you reach a sign that reads something like Seashore, or Seaside. Sea-something anyway. Take that exit and follow it to the end of the road. There’s a small parking area. Get out and follow the trail up past this group of three oak trees. The trail will take a drastic slope downwards. From there you can see the trail that runs along the top of the cliffs. It’s really treacherous there. In the meantime, I’m calling the cops, and then we’re coming out there." Michael’s voice cracked with concern.

"Yes, please call the police. But if you come out here, be careful. We know he’s carrying a gun. And…he’s quite crazy." Katie had seen first hand just how crazy he was.

Hanging up the phone, Katie thanked the gods above that the phone had held out. Relaying the directions to April, Kate sat back forming her own plan as to what to do about Gregory once they reached the cliffs. Searching through the duffle bag, her fingers closed around one of the tranquilizer guns. Checking to make sure there were several darts, and a fresh vile of whatever concoction Gregory had been using she realized that she had to put a drop or two in the barrel of each dart for them to be effective. Trying to steady herself in the bouncy back seat, she began letting droplets of the liquid fall into the small darts.

Watching her closely, fatigue showing clearly on her face, Laura chuckled. "Watch it there girlie. You spill that stuff, and we’ll all be laying on the floor. Then we’d really be in trouble."

"Yeah, I know. I only need a few. This gun holds about five of these babies at a time. That ought to be enough to keep him down." Kate mentally crossed her fingers.

Silence fell on the friends, as they moved ever closer to their destination. Miles away, and with no sense of urgency, the combined forces of the local police, the FBI, and the LA police were still working over their game plan, oblivious of the fact that they were already too late. Other forces were at work as well. Mr. Shimada, and his henchmen were heading swiftly towards the warehouse, a leak from the LA police department tipping them off to the whereabouts of their quarry. And last but not least. A rather large RV had parked behind the building, and a small, rotund man in a fancy white fedora, and sunglasses was working his way into through the front door.

Disappointed at what he found…or more importantly didn’t find, he approached a secret panel in the wall, and flipped a switch. Far into the deeper reaches of the building small creaking sounds could be heard as a series of doors slid back, revealing a glass bulb, each filled with accelerant. As the doors opened the bulbs slipped out, breaking, allowing the fuel to be exposed to the air. Almost immediately the liquid burst into flames, causing a rather large series of fires throughout the building. Enough of these had been over or near areas of material that were highly flammable. In moments, the building was engulfed in flames, the RV already heading down the highway in the opposite direction that Kate and her friends were going. Baby Doll lit a cigar, and continued on; sure that he could find some diversion or other in the form of a nice succulent young girl in the next town.

Arriving at the cliffs, Jessie swung the big red car into the small parking area, and turned the engine off. Hazarding a glance at Gregory, she threw the door open, and made a break for the trail, hoping she could draw him down and away from the public areas. As grim as it sounded in her mind, she realized that the only escape from him might possibly result in his death, or hers.


Continued in Chapter 39…………….

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