STANDARD DISCLAIMER: Please read the disclaimers from Chapter 1 Personal Assistant. It takes up a lot of data to repeat these disclaimers.
ALERT! Oops! This is where things get a little, ummm, steamy. <VBWG>
To love one who loves you,
To admire on who admires you,
In a word, to be the idol of one’s idol,
Is exceeding the limit of human joy;
It is stealing fire from heaven.
********Delphine de Girardin********
CHAPTER 8: The calm before the storm . . . .
Kate discovered early on in the evening's travails that Justin Graves was a good person to have on their side. Gregory had been arrested, and taken to jail. Good fortune had smiled upon them in the fact that a judge had been around, to both issue warrants to several of Gregory's properties, and to set bail at a whopping 3 million plus dollars. With all of his assets frozen pending investigation, it would be extremely hard for Gregory to come up with the bail. Jerald, the limo driver, and the hired sniper were all incarcerated as well, until a hearing could be arranged, and each person's involvement be sorted out.
All Justin could hear was the sound of money falling from the sky. He was pleased as punch that his star was safe, and that they had managed to recover a large percentage of everyone's money. Jessica probably paid the highest price, but she had survived worse battles in her time. The residual publicity alone would boost the show's rating ten fold.
Jessica and Kate were done showing Justin around the site. He gave Kate a big bear hug, picking her up off the ground, while she squealed. Jessica received a smaller ground level hug, and then Justin whispered something in her ear. She blushed a deep crimson color, and then kissing him on the cheek bade him farewell. She promised to call him the next day, and let him know how she was doing.
Kate watched the exchange between Jessica and Justin carefully. She was curious as ever to find out what he said that made Jessica blush so deeply. She decided to be bold and just ask. "So, have you known him long?"
Jessica seemed to be far away. She turned at the sound of Kate's voice. "Hmm? Oh, Justin? Yeah, I guess so. He's a really . . . . great man."
Kate thought she read admiration in Jessica's tone, along with a great deal of respect, and something else. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but it kind of made her jealous. She changed her mind, and decided not to ask any more questions. Somewhere inside of her she felt something ping. Kate began to wonder if in fact Jessica's feelings for her were because of undue stress, or something lame like that, and that maybe she was actually interested in someone else.
The two women continued on back to the area where the crew was shooting. The costumers came back, and re-outfitted Kate in her cyber suit. Jessica had noticed that her friend was extremely quiet, and passed it off as fatigue, and shock after all of the evenings trouble. She decided not to bother her, but made sure to stay nearby, in case Kate needed her.
Jessica's thoughts turned to Justin. She had known him for a long time. They had met each other a number of years before, when Jessica was attending to some personal business in Northern California. Her visit involved a trip to a private mental health facility there. Justin had a son who had serious emotional problems which made it necessary for him to be under constant care. Jessica also knew someone who was being cared for at the same facility, whose treatment she personally subsidized.
It turned out that she had actually met Gregory through Justin. Justin had inadvertently told Gregory about seeing Jessica at the hospital, and why. He started out relatively nice to her, but when she expressed no interest in him especially sexually speaking, he became more aggressive. That was the beginning of his reign of terror over her. Justin had felt guilty, and had tried to interfere any number of times, but Jessica always held him at bay. She did not want her personal business aired in public, and preferred to suffer the extortion, until she could find a more equitable way out of her dilemma. It had taken 3 years of hell, and meeting Kate to start to realize that she was worth more than Gregory had made her believe.
It had been Justin's idea to take on Jessica and have her star in his new TV show. Unfortunately, Gregory was so entrenched in Jessica's business, and had so terrorized her, that there was no way to take one without the other. It made for a nice, cushy situation for Gregory, but it made it worse for Jessica. Now she was working everyday to fill his pockets. She loved the show, and she got along great with the crew, but Gregory always seemed to make things turn bad.
Jessica's thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Ted the director, and the stunt coordinator. They talked idly amongst themselves about the evenings events, and then got back down to the business of producing a hit television series. The stunt coordinator began the arduous task of outfitting both women with a sophisticated harness system. The idea was that in the process of an attack, Jessica was to fire her batman winch device, and the two would soar 40 feet into the air, and land on a scaffold. They were actually only going up about 10 feet, and then the action would cut back in from the scaffolding, making it seem like they were actually flying up there. Ever since the incident of the prior year, they weren't willing to take any more chances.
The setup for the shot involved Jessica quickly reaching under Kate's arm, and making it look as though she was actually hanging on to all 700 pounds of mechanical sidekick while the line carried them up. In reality, the line equally supported both actresses, and there would be no strain on Jessica's part at all. With the exception of course of stretching her acting abilities.
The two women practiced the grab several times, to assure that all looked good from the director's vantage point. Kate was still surprisingly quiet. She hadn't been able to shake the feeling that maybe her attraction to Jessica Ryan was seriously misplaced, and that maybe she was just being an overzealous fan. She was so confused. Lost in her thoughts, she failed to hear the director call action. One minute she was standing with her back to Jessica, and the next she was pulled tightly to the actress' chest, and flying upwards rather rapidly. Kate thought she could handle it, but with the prior injury to her head, and the bruising to her back, the jolt made her almost toss her cookies. She refused to let Jessica find out about her discomfort.
They reached the ten foot mark, and then the crew slowly lowered them to the ground. The stunt doubles took over on the top of the scaffolding, so that no further danger came to Jessica or Kate. Jessica checked with the scheduling coordinator, and was glad to see that they weren't needed again for the rest of the evening.
Kate was standing next to the wardrobe tent, when Jessica caught up to her. "Hey, guess what? It seems they scheduled the rest of the evening to do location, and background shots. So they aren't going to need us any longer. How about we get you out of that suit, and then head back to the hotel for some dinner, and a good night's rest?"
Kate was having second thoughts about staying in the hotel now. Gregory had been caught, and most of the trouble seemed to be behind them. She didn't want to seem like a burden to Jessica, or like she was taking advantage of her.
Jessica noticed the reticence on Kate's face. "Are you okay?"
Kate tried to pass it off as nothing. "I guess I'm feeling a little shaky. The flight up the scaffold kind of made me sick. Normally I'm not like that. I love roller coasters and stuff. Anyway, I was thinking, maybe you don't want, or should I say need me to stay with you tonight. I mean, I could pick up the girls, and get out of your hair."
"Hmmm, and what pray tell gave you that idea?" Jessica responded with a slight arch in her eyebrow.
"Well, I was thinking, that I'm just a PA, and well, you've got all of these powerful friends, like Justin. And maybe, well, maybe you would rather spend a quiet evening with him than with me. I mean I understand, and it's great." The sadness in her voice gave away Kate's real feelings.
Jessica turned her back for a moment, and then burst out laughing. Her response almost made Kate mad. This was serious. She hadn't felt like this about another person in a very long time, and now she was willing to swallow her own feelings, and let Jessica go to someone more in line with her stature, and her own feelings be damned, and the woman had the audacity to laugh at her. Didn't she know how painful this was for Kate? Her heart was breaking in two, and she was being made a mockery of. Typical actress. Typical Hollywood attitude.
Jessica regained control of herself, but she couldn't hide the grin stretched across her face. Taking Kate's arm, she pulled her along behind her until they were well away from the rest of the numerous staff, and crew that were running around the area. Kate tried to pull loose at one point, but Jessica kept a firm grip on her arm until they reached Jessica's chosen spot. She pulled Kate between two very large shipping containers, and then without much prompting, gathered her into her arms, and kissed her resoundingly on the lips.
Kate fought her for control for several seconds, but her suddenly ignited passion betrayed her, and she found herself melting into a warm, and promising embrace. Before she had a chance to think, she was returning the kiss. Deeply, passionately, with a hunger that completely wiped out any second thoughts or doubts she had about a possibility of a future alongside this exciting and misunderstood woman. McKenna! You worry too much! Enjoy yourself. She must be delirious, she could hear her grandmother's voice in the back of her mind, telling her she was being stupid.
So deep was the passion being unleashed between them, Jessica realized almost too late that she had best slow them down, or they were going to end up in an embarrassing, or uncompromising position right then and there. She gradually toned down their contact, until they finally broke their kiss, and settled into a tight and unyielding embrace.
"Don't shut me out Kate. Please don't turn away from me." Jessica pleaded.
Kate almost sobbed at Jessica's impassioned plea. "I wouldn't, I mean I won't. I just thought that I should be a good PA, and not throw myself at you like some love struck kid. I just thought . . . . . ."
Jessica held her out, and using the sleeve to her costume, wiped away the tears that were falling unbidden from Kate's misty emerald eyes. Her own crystal blue ones were beginning to leak as well. She placed her forehead on Kate's, and closed her eyes and let them fall.
It was several moments before either of them spoke. Kate was naturally the first, considering her propensity for talking. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you feel bad. I just wanted to give you a graceful out. Please don't cry. I won't go away, until you want me to."
Jessica chuckled at that last statement. "Honey trust me. If I didn't want you around, we wouldn't be here right now. I need you in my life. I need you to help me scare away the darkness that seems to linger in my soul. There's plenty of time, and I know we don't want to move too fast. For both of us. I can't lie to you, I'm a tortured soul. Prone to moodiness, and keeping my thoughts inside. You're the first person that makes me want to share a part of myself. But I'll understand too, if that scares you away. I don't want to be considered like most other entertainers. I'm not. I'm just me. Cranky, complex, complicated. The three C's. What does Popeye say? I yam what I yam, and that's all that I yam!"
Kate started to laugh through her tears as well, and managed to stumble out Popeye's saying with Jessica. She curled back into the security of Jessica's arms, and closed her eyes for a moment or two more. Jessica tilted Kate's head back, and placed tiny kisses along her jawline, and behind both ears. She kissed away Kate's tears, and then planted a small but reassuring kiss on Kate's lips, to seal their future. Whether it be a short time, or a long time, no one knew or cared. What mattered, was right this minute.
"Hey, we should probably get you out of this suit, and return it to the wardrobe gang. It is worth quite a bit of money, and I know they are going to want to work on the bullet hole." Jessica let a moment of sadness cross her eyes.
"Was that for me? Don't worry, I'm alright. Really. We'll look at it later, when we get to the hotel. You know something? I could stay like this forever." She smiled broadly to her companion.
"You could huh? Me too. But by the sound of that growling stomach of yours, I think food is going to be a priority." Jessica chuckled again. Then another thought occurred to her as well. "You know, most of my family and friends call me Jessie, or Jess. You can too. I mean, I think I'd like that."
Kate considered it for only a second. "Okay, I'd like that too."
They separated, and started heading back to the wardrobe tent. Kate fought every ounce of her being, to keep herself from grasping Jessie's hand. She knew it would be inappropriate, but she certainly would enjoy it. Almost as though she were reading Kate's mind, Jessica reached out and took her friend's hand, entwining Kate's fingers through her own. When Kate looked at her with surprise in her eyes, she just smiled, and kept on walking.
They arrived at the tent, and Jessica started the process of releasing Kate from her plastic tomb. Others had seen them holding hands, but most had the good sense to keep their mouths shut. It was common knowledge in Hollywood, that if you wanted to lose your job, and never work again, then go ahead and tell all the studio secrets. Some people felt they could do it and get away with it. Most ended up with a couple hundred thousand dollars or so, and then before you knew it they were broke and on the street.
Kate sat quietly, while the dressers started work on her costume pieces. She hadn't realized until then how truly tired she was. Jess shrugged out of her "high tech" jumpsuit, and then dressing back in her street clothes, came and taking Kate's hand again, led her out to the waiting limo.
At the hotel, both Michael and Steven had returned to their room, and settled in for the night. Michael had called a friend from the studio, and he had updated them on all of the events of the evening, including Gregory's arrest. They were excited, and they couldn't wait to see the girls, but Steven suggested they wait until morning.
"After all, the girls will probably be extremely tired, hungry, and well, who knows what else. I have an idea! Let's order room service for them. Food, champagne, all the best stuff. Then when they get here, all they have to do is shower, and eat." Steven was running around excited, waving his arms in the air.
"Okay, let's see you know what Kate likes, and I know what Jessie likes. Although it takes major persuasion to get her to eat at all. Get that note pad, and the menu, and let's get to work." Michael had picked up on Steven's enthusiasm.
As the limousine pulled into the entry of the hotel, Michael and Steven were making final adjustments to Jessica and Kate's cottage. Michael took the opportunity to start the extra large jacuzzi tub in the bathroom, while Steven lit candles at the small dining table. They had a cart brought in with a beautiful display of all types of different foods. Last but not least, they packed the cats, and the cat box, and took them to their cottage. They figured the girls would like some time alone, without the cats in their faces. Steven thought ahead, and left them a note congratulating them about Gregory, and informing them where the cats were.
Kate was dozing, her head on Jessie's shoulder. Even though Gregory was in jail, Jessie couldn't seem to drop her guard. She had the uncomfortable feeling, that they weren't done yet. That somehow it wouldn't be that easy.
The driver came to the door, and opened it to let them out. He carefully scanned the area around the hotel, watching for any threats to his precious cargo. Sometimes reporters, or paparazzi hung around the entrance waiting for celebrities to arrive, so that they could take pictures, or harrass them in other ways. For some unexplained reason he felt the hair stand up on his neck. He increased his scan, and motioned for Jessica and Kate to stay in the car. Closing the door, he effectively locked them away to their unseen threat.
Waiting several minutes, nothing happened, and no one approached them, so the driver went ahead and motioned to them to exit the car, and head into the hotel. Jessica emerged first, and then turned to take Kate's hand, and help her out onto the sidewalk. As Jessica turned, she caught a flash from a camera, and out of the corner saw her arch, arch nemesis Sharon MacAfee rapidly approaching from the bushes to the side of the hotel. Jessica released Kate, and gently pushed her back into the car.
"Jessica! Jessica Ryan! Wait, I have some questions for you, about your husband? And say who was that young reddish blonde we saw you with the other day? Jessica don't go!" Sharon made a grab for Jessica's arm, while the photographer continued to take pictures. He was trying desperately to take Kate's picture, but when he finally got a clear shot to the interior of the limousine, he couldn't see her. Jessica shrugged Sharon off, and then returned to her seat in the car. The driver continued to firmly push back the reporter, and the photographer.
As the car drove away, hotel security took over, and ushered the offensive pair off the property. The driver pulled the car around the block, and then security let him in through the delivery entrance to drop the women off from there.
Jessie searched the interior of the car with her eyes, looking for her missing friend. She reached for the phone to call the driver, when a halo of reddish blond hair, framing a giggling, smiling face appeared between her feet.
Reaching for the offered hands, she burst into laughter as well. "Hey, you're pretty good at that. How did you get under there so fast?"
Kate jumped into the seat next to her, and hugged her arm. "I'm little don't you know, and wiry. As soon as I realized what was happening, I was under there in a heartbeat. Besides, there's enough room for a party down there."
The hotel security personally escorted them into the hotel, and then they headed off to their cottage for some much needed rest. The management was in a tizzy, verbally abusing the security teams for allowing any discomfort to their guest. They made sure that their entire stay at the hotel was given to them free of charge. Their bill would reflect this in the morning.
Jessica pulled the card key out of her pocket, and opened the door, letting Kate in ahead of her. Jessie wasn't looking, and almost ran right over Kate. She had stopped just a few feet in, and was staring at the splendor laid out in front of them.
"Oh my Gods! Who did this? It's absolutely wonderful!" Kate exclaimed.
After regaining her balance, Jessie took in the whole picture. She discovered the note from the boys, and read it out loud to Kate.
"Wow, this is great. Come on over here, and check out this food. Look, just about everything I like. This is cool!" Kate was busy checking out all of the delicacies.
Jessica smiled. Leave it to her brother and his new beau, to anticipate their needs. She'd have to do something really special for him. Someday. In the meantime, she joined Kate at the table. She was speechless. It seemed that all of her personal favorites were present as well. Jessie popped the champagne, and poured a glass for each of them.
Jessie handed Kate her glass, and then cleared her throat for a toast. "Umm, well, here's to the future. What's past is past."
She went to take a sip from her glass, when Kate stopped her. "Wait. I want to say something too." She held her glass up high, staring at the bubbles as they floated to the surface, oblivious to the fact that it meant their death. "To trust, honesty, and compromise. Without these elements, there is no relationship, and no future."
They touched their glasses to each other's, their eyes never separating. Slowly Jessie set her glass down, and then taking Kate's she stood, and pulling her into her arms, began a slow swirling waltz through the room. Kate began giggling, and Jessie smiled at her, one eyebrow arched high above her sparkling gaze.
"You think this is funny?" Jessie twirled Kate by one hand, all to an invisible orchestra.
"No, I think it's romantic." Kate couldn't stop giggling.
"Then why are you laughing?" Jessie asked, a mock grimace on her face.
"I'm wondering if you're hearing the same music I am?" Kate smiled coyly.
"Hmm, let's see. Bolero maybe, or do you suppose it's Marilyn Manson? I think the jacuzzi in the background is extremely appropriate, don't you?" Jessie dipped Kate carefully, not wanting to hurt her bruised back. They shifted into a tango, when Jessie set her upright again.
"Well, I was thinking more, umm, maybe Los Lobos now, or maybe En Vogue, that song from their new CD?" Kate stopped Jessie, moving in closer for an embrace.
"I don't know that one, you'll have to play it for me sometime. Actually, I don't get a lot of opportunity to listen to music, unless it's an awards show I'm appearing at. I usually don't stop moving for very long. If I did, Gregory would catch up to me. . . . ." She trailed off, not wanting her thoughts to ruin the moment.
"Oh, no problem. I'll make sure you get to hear some music every once in a while. Say, want to take advantage of that whirlpool I hear running? I bet they set that up for us." Kate suddenly turned shy again, realizing what she had just invited Jessie to do. It hadn't occurred to her that it meant taking her clothes off in front of Jessie, like naked, like totally.
Jessie considered her request for a moment. "Are you sure? I mean there's no mystery here with me, but I don't want you to do something that's going to make you uncomfortable. I mean it, you can go ahead, and then I'll go later if you want." Jessie was serious.
"No, it's time I start living life, and stop hiding from my past. Something really bad happened to me once, before the rape even. I almost consider it worse than the rape, and it's been hard for me to get close to anyone since then." Kate paused, the memories flooding her mind, and making her shake, and feel nauseous.
Jessie could feel the trembling. She wasn't sure if she should let her go, or keep holding her. She started to pull away. "You don't have to tell me, I understand. I don't want you to feel bad right now. You need to relax. It's okay."
Kate stopped her from pulling away. "Don't! It's going to be better for me to let go. I need to do this, and I need you to back me up. I've never wanted to tell anyone else. I mean Steven, and Laura know, but never, well, never anyone like you. Let's go in the bathroom, and get in the tub. That's as good a place as any to start."
Jessie was surprised, but a deep well of compassion overcame her, and she nodded her agreement. Silently they entered the bathroom, a certain shyness overcoming both of them. Steven and Michael had truly outdone themselves. Every surface had candles flickering with a soft glow. The room was filled with the soft scent of flowers in a summer rain. The tub was enormous, more than enough room for both women to spread out and be comfortable.
Kate entered cautiously. She was fighting desperately to keep her fears at bay, and go through with this. Not go through with this! Geez McKenna, you make it sound as though you were going to be tortured, and put to death. You want this, and you know it. Just take it slow, and don't be stupid! If all else fails, you'll find out if you are even capable of feeling anything anymore.
While Kate turned her back on Jessie, and started to remove her clothes, Jessie began her own internal war. Geez Ryan! What are you doing? You are not supposed to be happy, you are not supposed to allow another person into your life. You have no feelings, you are not deserving of this soft gentle soul. There is too much darkness in your heart to allow this. . . . . . Get real. You really do want this. Just don't blow it. Don't push her, or make her feel bad. Listen, and care. You might be surprised.
The splash of water broke Jessie from her thoughts. She risked a glance, in time to see the large and nasty bruise that covered part of Kate's back. She immediately began to regret not taking her to the hospital. She made a mental note to call Dr. Helen, her physician and friend in the morning.
Jessie turned back to undressing, but for some reason her hands had started to shake, and she couldn't seem to unbutton, or unzip anything. Kate was safely concealed under the water, and had her arms casually crossed over her chest. She noticed when Jessie started to shake, and realized that she was just as scared as Kate was.
"Hey, this is great. You gonna take all day?" Kate called, hoping to lighten the situation.
"Umm, sorry, my hands just don't seem to want to work." Jessie replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Jess, it's okay. I'm not going to melt, bite, or explode. We're both adults. Haven't you ever been skinny tubbing before? Think of it that way, just a bunch of adult kids hanging out in the hot tub. We just stayed behind to enjoy the water. Okay?" Kate was surprised that she was capable of taking the lead.
Jessie nodded, and finally got control of her hands. She finished undressing, and then turned to enter the tub. The sight of her magnificent body, long dark tresses framing her face, accented by the glow from the candles, almost made Kate stop breathing. Whatever had pinged earlier when she thought Jessie should move on, completely re-engaged at that moment. Blushing, she put her hand out to help Jessie into the tub. Too late, she realized that she had dropped her own guard, and exposed herself.
The moment that Jessie's hand made contact with Kate's, the entire outside world disappeared for them. Jessie thought for sure she might just faint. The smaller compact woman guiding her into the tub was absolutely beautiful. Every muscle rippled under the skin stretched over her abs. Jessie could only think one word, perfect. She stepped into the water. The memory of something bad in Kate's past, put a damper on the flames of passion that threatened to overwhelm her.
Kate smiled shyly. "Come on now, quit with the looks and sit down. You're scaring me."
Jessie tried to empty her mind, and stop the buzz of information good and bad from overwhelming her. She grasped Kate's hand tighter, and stepped into the swirling, heated water. Seating herself a discreet distance away from Kate, she cleared her throat, and then calmed herself.
Kate tried to still her own chaotic mind. "Okay, where do I begin. First, relax. We both need to relax. Close your eyes for a minute. Go on, don't fight it, just close your eyes. Now, take a few really deep breaths. Breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth. That's it, good. Now just let the warm water wash over you, and enjoy the bubbles for a minute or two."
Jessie followed Kate's instructions, and she did feel a lot better. The dizziness that threatened to overtake her, had begun to dissipate. After several minutes, she opened her eyes, and was met with a relaxed smiling gaze.
"Alright then, my story. Umm, I sort of got involved with, and fell for a studio ornament, you know, does anything for anyone, just to get ahead. Very beautiful . . . ." Kate went on to tell Jessie the entire story about Gina, and the way that she had been set up by her and her husband, to become a pawn in their nasty, sick little games.
When Kate finished telling the story, she looked to see Jessie's reaction. Jessie had been politely quiet during the entire story, but a certain darkness had begun to creep across her features. She was starting to get angry, a deep seated need to injure those people, who would do harm to this naïve and innocent woman.
Kate saw the fire behind Jessie's gaze, and again without thinking, slipped across the tub, and curled herself into Jessie's embrace. Jessie's heart was racing, and she felt like getting up, and finding those people, and tearing them apart. Kate started murmuring quiet words, to stop the build up of power in Jessie's heart. Jessie pulled Kate closer, snuggling the smaller woman's head under her chin, and closing her arms around her shoulder's.
The two women sat like that. One dark and brooding, the other soaking in the gentle contact. Kate felt as though nothing could harm her. She felt safe, even loved. Her nakedness no longer an issue. She knew somehow that she would not be abused by this soul, but loved, protected, and cherished.
It seemed like hours had passed, since they had entered the water, and began sharing Kate's story. Jessie was the first to realize that she had dozed off, and opened her eyes, revealing a softly sleeping Kate wrapped around her, much like a child with their favorite teddy bear. She very carefully rose, picking Kate up in her arms, and carried her to the lounger in one corner of the bathroom. Quickly grabbing a towel, she wrapped her sleeping companion up, and tried her best to dry away the steamy water, without waking her.
Kate was really only semi-asleep. She found herself enjoying the care that Jessie was taking of her. She murmured a few unintelligible words, and then drifted back onto the soft clouds that occupied her mind. Jessie wrapped her lightly in the towel, and carried her into the bedroom, laying her down on the clean crisp sheets. At a loss for what she should do for sleeping arrangements, she remembered the promise she made about sleeping on the couch. With a heavy sigh she tucked the blankets up around Kate's chin, and then wrapping herself in one of the complimentary hotel robes, made herself sort of comfortable on the couch. She had to bend her knees, and kind of wedge herself into the cushions, but she figured she could manage.
Not very much time later, Jessie was tossing and turning, and trying to will herself to sleep, when she couldn't stand it any longer. She stood up, and with long strides walked to the window, and parting the curtains slightly, watched the moon cross the sky for a while. Considering that this was downtown LA, it was an unusually clear night. Her thoughts turned to the future, and she found herself not willing to think about it right at the moment.
A noise caught her attention, and she turned realizing that it was Kate. She seemed to be crying in her sleep. Quickly stepping to the side of the bed, she pulled the cover down just a little bit, and then lightly stroked Kate's hair.
"Kate? Honey wake up. Are you okay?" she whispered.
Suddenly Kate sat straight up, gasping for breath. Her eyes were still closed, and she reached for Jessie. It almost seemed as though she were reaching for a life preserver in the middle of a vast ocean.
"STOP! Don't let them hurt me!" Kate shouted.
Jessie held her tightly, and whispered soft words in Kate's ear. "Calm down, I'm here. Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you. Hey, I'm here, don't cry. I've got you."
Kate slowly opened her eyes, a little of the nightmare lingering in her stare. "Where were you?" She asked quietly.
"I well," Jessie started, guilt in her tone, "I didn't think you . . . . I mean, remember we had talked about me sleeping on the couch, and well, I didn't want to just barge right in, and you were sleeping so peacefully. I guess I . . . ." She ran her fingers through her hair nervously.
Kate pushed herself away from Jessie's hold, and then reaching for the tie on the bathrobe Jessie was wearing, untied it. In one fluid motion, she slid back and lifted the covers, inviting Jessie to join her. Jessie blushed, but then removed the robe, and slipped into the inviting depths of the soft mattress. Kate scooted over, and then wrapped herself around Jessie's naked body, resting her head on Jessie's shoulder. She stretched one leg across Jessie's legs, and then draped her arm across the solid muscular torso.
Jessie could hardly breath. She tentatively pulled Kate in closer, and held her tightly with her one arm. She could feel the heat rushing through her body, making her think she was probably glowing in the dark. One thing was for sure, she was glad it was dark. Her body was betraying what she thought was her great self control. Her nipples reacted almost immediately, to the point that they were painful, and she had to fight herself not to squeeze her thighs shut, to stop the immediate rush of sensation to her most private parts.
Kate smiled to herself. "If you don't slow down that heartbeat, you're going to explode. I would hate to have to explain that to the powers that be." Then with a mischievous grin, she rolled away from Jessica and then slid back against her, forcing Jessie to curl around her from behind. Kate could feel Jessie's body reacting to the closeness of their naked skin, and the heat emanating from both of them. All at once she came to the decision that she was going to have to be the aggressor after all, that she was wrapped in the arms of a shy and reluctant hero.
Carefully, so as to not startle her companion, Kate took Jessie's hand, and placed it over her own breast. She could hear the soft intake of Jessie's breath as she realized what Kate was doing. Slowly she moved her hand over Kate's nipple, garnering an immediate response. Not daring to interrupt the moment by facing Jessie again, Kate closed her eyes, and arched back into Jessie's embrace. Almost like a hot summer breeze blowing across her bare skin, Kate could feel the soft brush of fingertips, lightly exploring her skin. Goose bumps rose up in the wake of their trail, the soft down responding to the gentle touch.
Unbidden, a slight groan left Jessie's throat. She worked very hard to hold her passion in check, and not be too aggressive. Lightly, so light she barely touched the surface, she let her tongue brush over the soft hairs on Kate's neck, below her ear. She was rewarded with a matching groan from Kate, obviously enjoying her ministrations. Continuing with her light touches of her torso, and small tastes of the curve of Kate's ear, she finally felt brave enough to lay Kate on her back, and persue more of her personal landscape.
Kate was easily persuaded. She could not remember feeling this way, and her mind wouldn't let her take the time to try. Jessie laid on her side, one arm wrapped around Kate, the other moving in slow circles on Kate's body. Kate tried to touch Jessie, wanting to mirror the attention she was receiving, but Jessie wouldn't let her. She realized now that all she wanted to do was to lavish attention on Kate. To show her that life could be good, and that someone in the world could care for her, and be conscious of her needs.
Kate's breathing became erratic, the tension beginning to build from the inside out. All conscious thought began to escape her as she allowed the rush of heat and sensations to consume her. Later she would have sworn that she saw fireworks, stars, and heard a band all at the same time. Jessie moved her attentions to a lower spot on Kate's body. The center of all of the building volcanic activity. Kate began to move to the rhythm that Jessie was strumming, playing her like a fine instrument. Thrusting her hips to the silent music, a moan escaped her lips, encouraging Jessie to continue her heated exploration. Faster, and deeper she played, until their movements hit a crescendo, and the years of self loathing and hate, the walls of fear, came crashing down in wave after wave of sensation.
Jessie continued to touch Kate, content to guide her back to reality, an inch at a time. She was willing to take Kate to those great heights again, but Kate stopped her, wanting to cuddle in her arms, and feel their skin touching. Kate pushed Jessie onto her back, and then straddled her hips, their dampness merging. Jessie tried to stop Kate, not wanting her to believe she had to reciprocate in any way. Kate refused her attempts. Silently with her touches she made it perfectly clear that there would be no one-sided attention in their relationship.
Kate slowly moved her hips, pressing her dampness against Jessie. Jessie began to move opposite, increasing the friction that was building between them. Careful not to bite too hard, Kate playfully nipped first one and then the other of Jessie's nipples. Never once losing eye contact, she continued to touch, and to lavish attention on those most appreciative participants in their dance of lust. Soon her own deep feelings returned, and her urgent moves became more of a mutual dance. Jessie spread her thighs, and wrapped her long legs around Kate's hips, pulling her closer, tightening their contact.
The sound of heavy breathing and moans circled around them, like the winds of a hurricane. Rapidly they both approached the eye of the storm, moving faster and faster, holding each other to their silent bargain. Within moments the storm hit, bringing both women crashing over like waves, rolling one after the other. The sound of thunder roaring in their ears.
Their lips met, tongues entwined. Moaning into each other's mouths, they sealed their future. Kiss after luscious kiss, they slowly returned to the planet. Kate began to move off of Jessie's body, with the plan to lay next to her, but Jessie refused to let her go.
"No, stay here. Let me feel your heat. I don't want to let you go, because I might wake up and find myself on the couch again. Stay . . . . ." Jessie whispered.
Kate sighed happily, and settled back into Jessie’s arms. Soon both women drifted off to sleep. Sometime in the night, while they peacefully slept in each other’s arms, a dark terror began it’s slow approach.
Somehow, probably through the help of any number of slimy snakes that inhabit Hollyweird, Gregory was able to make bail. It was only a matter of time before the trouble would begin again. He had lost any shred of sanity. The only thing on his mind now was revenge. Sweet luscious revenge.
Love is a symbol of
It wipes out all sense of time,
destroying all memory
Of a beginning, and all fear of an end.
********Madame de Stael********
CHAPTER 9: Auntie Em, Auntie Em, there’s a twister coming!
Morning came too soon for the new lovers. Jessie woke first, her mind still not engaged, a slight surprise when she realized that she still had Kate in her arms, that it had not been a dream. She lay still for a moment, just watching Kate breath, a small smile of contentment on her face. She allowed herself the luxury of a matching smile.
Having been born with unusually keen hearing, Jessie noted a light tapping on the front door. She recognized the secret signal from her brother that they had shared most of their lives together. Moments later, he appeared in the doorway, two extremely fussy felines fighting for release. Over his shoulder, Steven was standing on tiptoe, trying to peek into the room. Both men realized at the same time that what they had hoped would happen, did in fact come true. They gave each other a high five, and then gave Jessie "two thumbs up". Embarrassed, she waved them out of the room.
Seconds later, two medium sized kitties launched themselves onto the bed. Corky, the larger of the animals promptly wedged herself on Jessie's chest, under her chin, and on top of Kate's head. Purring loudly, she effectively woke Kate up. Blinking rapidly, Jessie noticed with a small bit of concern, that Kate did not look happy. She had a look of fear, and sadness on her face.
Placing her hand on Kate's back, she began to slowly rub small circles, hoping to comfort her friend. Kate's eyes fully opened, realization of where she was, and who she was with dawning on her face. More importantly, what they had done. Kate quickly rose from her place, sprawled across Jessie's body, and grabbing the robe she had just removed the prior evening, wrapped herself in the covering, and ran to the bathroom. Quickly locking the door, she sat on the edge of the tub, and burst into tears.
Jessie was left with a disgruntled cat on her exposed chest, and not just a little bit of confusion. She ran a mental inventory, and could not come up with any reasonable explanation for Kate's reaction. Carefully she removed the cat, and then wrapping herself in the bedspread, walked over and tentatively knocked on the bathroom door.
"Kate, hey there. Are you okay? I didn't . . . . . hurt you did I? Kate? Talk to me. Please . . ." Jessie realized that the pain that Kate was feeling was not physical, but purely emotional.
"I can’t . . . . please, give me a minute, okay?" Kate’s muffled sobs filtered through the closed door.
Jessica sighed deeply. "Take all the time you need. I . . . . understand."
Quietly retreating, Jessica decided to prepare for the worst. She located her bag, and pulling her clothes out, began to dress. She had decided that she would leave, and head for the office. She needed to make sure that Kate was paid for her work, and then she would begin the task of trying to find another assistant she could trust. Her heart was broken, but she understood. Jessica Ryan had no right to think that she deserved any happiness. It was unthinkable! Never again would she allow another person to see into her soul.
Moments later, as she gathered her bag, and stopped to pet the cats, and bid them farewell, Kate emerged from the bathroom. She had splashed her face with water, and tried to tidy herself up. Noticing that Jessie was attempting to make an exit, she panicked, and dashing to her side, grabbed her arm and spun her around to face her.
"Don’t just think you can sleep with me, and then sneak out Jessica Ryan! Just because you’re some big TV star, doesn’t excuse you in any way. You. . . .enjoyed it . . . ." Kate stopped, noticing simultaneously the wide grin on Jessie’s face, and the way she must sound to the bewildered actress.
At a loss for words, Jessie dropped her bag, and setting the cat down, spread her arms to invite Kate into her embrace. Blushing furiously, Kate bowed her head, and then slipped gratefully into the offered warmth, and security of that embrace.
The two women stood there for a moment, calming their nervous hearts, and soaking in each other’s closeness. Kate was the first to speak.
"I’m sorry. Not exactly what you expect to wake up to after such a wonderful experience. Of course, I’m speaking for myself, but . . . ." She trailed off, not sure how to finish the sentence.
"The most wonderful experience I’ve ever had." Jessie murmured into ear, effectively answering her unspoken question.
They continued to hold each other closely, not speaking, both sets of eyes closed to the outside world. Suddenly an annoyingly loud meow broke the spell that was winding it’s way around them. Reluctantly they separated. At the last second, Kate decided to ignore the plaintive meows of her pesky animal, and tilting her head back, locking gazes with her taller companion, invited her in for a proper good morning kiss. Eager to please, Jessie accepted the invitation passionately. Lightly she touched her lips to Kate’s, not wanting to proceed too quickly. Kate wrapped her arms around Jessie’s neck, and pulling her in tightly demanded much more than just a light kiss. Opening her lips, her tongue anxiously probed at Jessie’s own lips with an urgency born of total trust, and passion. Jessie’s mind rapidly disengaged. She eagerly returned the aggressive response to her gentle kiss.
Before too long, Kate slowly began to undress Jessica from the clothes she had put on just moments before. Kate tried to concentrate on the slow removal of those offending garments, however, her rapidly ascending passion would no longer cooperate with the rest of the program. With an uncontrolled need, she tore at Jessie’s blouse, ripping the buttons away as she struggled to access the beautiful body underneath.
Jessica unconsciously untied the belt of the robe wrapped around Kate’s smaller, yet no less beautiful frame. Using the advantage of longer arms, she slipped the robe off Kate’s shoulders, and without realizing it, effectively trapped Kate’s arms behind her. Without thought, she directed the attention of her lips in a trail of unbridled lust along the curve of Kate’s neck, kissing her collar bone, her throat, and ultimately working her way to her breasts.
Letting the robe drop, Kate stopped her own quest, and letting her head drop back, moaned quietly as Jessie lavished hot moist attention on first one nipple, and then the other. Unable to hold back any longer, Jessie dropped to her knees, and giving in to her passion unchecked, placed her lips on their final destination. An audible gasp escaped from Kate’s lips, her legs beginning to shake with the strain of their lovemaking. She placed her hands on Jessie’s shoulders to steady herself, beginning to move in sync with her lover’s ministrations.
So great were the waves of passion that washed over them, again and again, neither one realized that Kate was now on the floor, and Jessie was fully undressed. Kate’s hands never stopped, until they found their own sought after destination. Both women touching each other fervently, cried out together with their shared climax, wave after non-stop wave.
Slowly their heartbeats returned to normal. Cradling each other in their arms, they kissed slowly, tenderly. Neither woman had ever felt this . . . .wonderful. Or beautiful, or cared for. Opening their eyes, both noticed at the same time, that tears were streaming down their cheeks.
Kate smiled through her tears, "I thought you were leaving me. You know . . . actress gets what she wants, and then takes off before her conquest knows what’s going on."
Jessie blushed. "I don’t have . . . . conquests. I don’t just sleep with people to satisfy my own passions. I . . . have to care, and be cared for. Which doesn’t happen often in my life. Like never. Any other time, has been false, or even forced. But never because anyone cared about me."
Closing her eyes against her own tears she barely whispered, "I wasn’t leaving you . . . I thought you were sending me away."
Kate frowned slightly. "I don’t know what happened. I guess I was scared, and felt like I had done something wrong. I mean, it’s not everyday you are treated so well, and then not only do you get so close to your boss in such a short time, you end up in bed with her. I, guess, I thought you might decide you didn’t really want me after all. I don’t know what I guess. I panicked. I’m sorry."
Jessie smiled. "No need for sorrow. I will be here, until you send me away. And, don’t ever hesitate to let me know. I am new to this, and well, I might need some guidance. If I get out of hand, then tell me. I would never want to hurt you."
Laughing out loud, Kate kissed Jessie hard. "I don’t think you ever could hurt me, not in a million years. Now, I don’t know about you, but I have never done this on the . . . . floor before. Isn’t there something about rug burns or whatever?"
It was Jessie’s turn to laugh. "I never thought about that, since I’ve never done this before either. Let me check."
Shyly Kate turned over, and Jessie began a cursory examination. Not finding any rug burns she was dismayed to see how badly the area where Kate had been shot was bruising. Tenderly she brushed it with her fingertips. Kate gasped, the pain just now becoming noticeable, after the other sensations she had been experiencing began to subside.
"Damn!" Jessie blurted out. "I should have taken you to see Dr. Helen. This looks serious."
"It’s not as bad as it looks, but it definitely hurts. I probably should have iced it after it happened. Well, after we go to the office, and I find out what my real job is, I’ll look up Dr. MacIntyre." She tried to look convincing.
Jessie’s eyebrow shot up. "I don’t think so. We see Helen first, then we go to work. I want to talk to Helen anyway. And I think we waited long enough.
Reluctantly, Kate agreed. "Okay fine. If you say so."
Jessie was momentarily taken aback. Kate rolled over, and realized that Jessie had taken her seriously. She reached out, and poked Jess in the ribs. "Smile, before I tickle you to death."
"Oh ho! Don’t think so kiddo, I’m not ticklish." Jessie replied.
Reaching back for Kate, she began her own tickle attack in earnest. Kate giggled uncontrollably.
"STOP!" She screamed through the laughter. "STOP! You’re going to make me wet my pants!"
"You aren’t wearing any, or hadn’t you noticed." Jessie chuckled back, renewing her efforts.
Suddenly she stopped short. "Oh my!"
"What? What’s wrong." Kate was suddenly worried.
Jessie sat up, and grabbing her by the hand pulled Kate to her feet. Leading her to the bathroom, she turned her to face the full length mirror, and standing behind her, pulled her hair back.
"What? I don’t see anyth . . . ." Kate began.
"OH MY GODS! Did you do that? Oh wow. How am I ever going to explain that? Sheesh, what are you? Part vampire? Holy Cow." Kate was starting to giggle again. The reality of what Jessie had just pointed out to her sinking in.
"Damn. I didn’t know I even knew how to do that." Jessie’s fingers lightly brushed the bright reddish purple stain at the base of Kate’s neck. She had never given, nor had she ever received a hickey in her life. The gravity of this revelation caused a great deal of wonder in her mind.
Kate focused her attention on the emotions playing across Jessie’s face. She had never seen anything so comical before. Turning to hug her bewildered friend, she stopped herself, when she noticed a matching spot revealing itself in a much more noticeable place on the actress’ neck.
Quickly she turned to the mirror, and catching Jessie’s attention, pointed out the quarter sized mark to her. Groaning, Jessie touched the spot herself. All she could think of was how to conceal it from the crew at the studio.
Kate started to walk away, feeling guilty about her own lack of control. Jessie decided that it didn’t matter. She was happier than she had ever been in her life, and a hickey was an okay way to remind herself of that. Smiling, she pulled Kate back, and hugging her from behind, renewed her tickling attack.
"Oooh, that’s not fair!" Kate squealed.
Jessie continued for a moment or two, and then kissing Kate’s neck another time, led her to the shower.
"If we don’t get going, they’re going to send a search party after us. I’ll just wear a turtle neck or something. Heck, it will give them all something to gossip about. And Mickey, my makeup girl can hide it. It may not even be visible with the jumpsuit anyway." Jessie turned on the water, and checked the temperature before getting in.
Kate agreed, then stepped into the shower with Jessie. Mindful of the time, they carefully avoided too many carresses, for fear of starting up the flames of passion all over again. They systematically washed each other’s bodies, and then washed their hair. Kate made a mental note to shower with Jessie again.
When they had more time. It could be . . . . fun.
After their shower, they both quickly dried off, and dressed. While Kate began gathering her belongings, and her cats. Jessie called for the car, and then called Dr. Helen’s office to let them know she was coming in. Helen always managed to squeeze Jessie in, no matter how busy she was.
Before too long, the driver arrived, and the two women, two cats, and all the assorted luggage headed out to the car. The hotel security was much more careful this time, considering the reporter incident the previous evening. They reminded Jessica that the entire stay would be comped, because of their rude lack of protection for the actress and her guests.
Jessica balked, saying that it was okay, that they could bill the studio, but they refused. Let this be a lesson they said. No one should feel threatened at their establishment!
They climbed into the car, just in time to see Steve and Michael pulling away in their own car. Steve had driven them to the hotel, so they had his car, and did not need, nor necessarily want to hire a car. Michael waved, as the two drove away.
Unfortunately, none of the members of their group were aware that Gregory was out. And he had one thing, and only one thing on his mind. REVENGE!