Chapter Seven

 Madison hesitated at the door to Susan’s room, thinking of the hundreds of times she had walked into rooms similar to this one.  This time, the monitors and every diminutive sound took on a new meaning for her, as this time the person lying in the bed was as close to family as Madison could claim anyone to be.  Looking at Susan lying there, vulnerable and in pain brought a torrent of emotions from deep within Madison’s heart.  Unconsciously taking a step back, she felt her body press into Logan’s tall frame, then felt warm, gentle hands softly caress her shoulders.  Leaning her head back against Logan’s strong chest, she felt a warm breath whisper in her ear.  “You can do this, Madison.  She needs you to be strong for her now.”

Reaching up, her hand found Logan’s and for a brief moment they shared a tender touch, each reassuring and encouraging the other.  Taking a deep breath, Madison slowly walked into the room and to the bed, taking Susan’s hand gently in her own.  Tired, pained eyes opened and looked into the frightened and apprehensive ones gazing back at her.  A slight smile crossed Susan’s split lips, and with a small whisper, she immediately brought a smile to her boss and friend’s face too.  “Please don’t tell me you’re here to get on my ass for being late to work.”

Tears streamed down Madison’s face as the pent up emotion overwhelmed her while she held on to Susan’s hand. “I am so sorry.  I wish…”

Wincing as she shook her head, Susan cut off Madison’s words.  “No, you had no idea.  I didn’t either, so please don’t blame yourself, Madi.  Promise me.”

Logan stood back, just inside the door, watching the tender exchange between the two women.  Once she felt secure that Madison would be okay, she silently backed out of the room to talk to the guard sitting beside the door.  “How’s it going, Peter?  Were there any unusual people hanging around the halls during the night?”

The uniformed officer stood up, almost at attention, which made Logan a little uneasy.  She knew her reputation in the department was one demanding respect but it still left her feeling uncomfortable.  “At ease, Peter. I’m not your CO for god’s sake, chill out and just give me your report.”

Logan listened as Peter recounted almost every minute of his shift, emphasizing several times that he had never left his post during the night.  He knew carelessness was one transgression Logan would never forgive...or forget.  The night had been a quiet one just as Logan had suspected.  The murderer most likely learned of Susan’s survival, as did the rest of the city, from the morning edition of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. 

A smile crossed her face as she envisioned his shock at discovering that his latest intended victim was safely ensconced in protective custody at Mercy Hospital.  Logan hoped that this unexpected news would throw him out of sync, causing him to make more mistakes...mistakes that would lead her right to his doorstep.  Hopefully Madison and Susan, could provide them with an adequate description of the man.  That is, as oon as Susan felt up to it.  Logan was certain of one thing, she needed a hit on this one if she was to have any chance of stopping this maniac before he struck again.  

She glanced down the hall as another uniformed officer entered to take over Peter’s post.  After taking his name and making sure he understood the importance of not leaving his post, she asked him to tell the doctor that she would be back in ten minutes.  Turning and walking down the hallway, she suddenly felt the fatigue from the last few weeks, and the lack of sleep from the previous night, hit her.


Walking out of Susan’s room a few minutes later, Madison found Logan gone, feeling a sudden sense of uneasiness at being away from the commanding presence of the detective.  After being advised by the guard that Logan would be back shortly, she walked over to the nurses’ station and pulled Susan’s chart, sitting down at the desk to review her friend’s condition for herself.  She felt completely helpless to facilitate Susan’s recovery, her broken ankle and wrist having been reset the previous night by the surgeon on call.  The only thing she knew she could do was make sure her friend was getting the best care Mercy Hospital could provide.  Locating and recognizing the admitting physician’s name, she quickly punched in the pager number, left a short message and waited for the return call.

Madison was on the phone when Logan returned a few minutes later with two large coffees.  Sitting one of the cups in front of Madison, she was met with a glowing smile and a silently mouthed ‘thank you’.  Madison held up one finger indicating that she would be off soon and Logan took the time to ease back into Susan’s room for a moment. 

Fearful eyes opened as she entered and Logan immediately introduced herself as the detective that had spoken to her the previous night in the Emergency Room.  Seeing the look of recognition appear on Susan’s face, she eased a little closer to the bed.  “I know you’re tired Ms. Richardson, but as soon as you feel up to it I need to get your official statement.  Do you think you might like to try sometime later this afternoon?”

“You were in here a few minutes ago with Madi.”  It was more a statement than a question but Logan nodded her head in confirmation.  “Are you a friend of hers or are you just working the case?”

Logan felt uneasy being asked these personal questions, but felt it necessary to be as honest with the woman as possible.  “Sort of and yes, I am the primary on the case.”

“I see.”  Susan’s eyes traveled to the ceiling, a single tear escaping her eye.  “Would you do me a favor Detective?”

Looking a little confused, Logan nodded and stepped even closer to the bed.  “Sure, if I can Ms. Richardson.  What do you need?”

Pinning Logan with her eyes, Susan pleaded for Logan’s help.  “I want you to keep a close eye on Madi for me.  You know she also saw that guy last night.  She’s in as much danger as I am.”

Logan’s heart raced as the realization of what Susan said hit home with her.  Of course, Logan knew that Madison had also seen the perp last night, but with all that had transpired since, she hadn’t fully comprehended the danger Madison would be in now that she had also seen the murderer’s face.  “I promise.  Dr. Cavanaugh will be well taken care of.  You just concentrate on getting better.”

Madison walked into the room just as Logan finished talking and saw the serious looks on both their faces.  “Hey you two, no heavy stuff right now.  Doctor’s orders.”  Leaning down, she placed a kiss on Susan’s forehead.  “You get some sleep.  I’ll be back after lunch to check on you again, okay?”  Turning to Logan, she smiled before heading towards the door.  “And you, Detective, still own me breakfast.  Come on, I’m starving.”

Madison walked out of the room, leaving Logan standing there smiling.  Damn, she sure does know how to make an exit.  Saying goodbye to Susan, Logan promised to be back later in the afternoon with a stenographer and a sketch artist, and then turned quickly to catch up with the spitfire doctor.

As Susan watched Logan trot after Madi, she knew there was nothing to worry about as far as her friend’s safety was concerned.  Something told her that if the tall, dark, and incredibly attractive detective had anything to do with it, she would be well--protected.  Closing her eyes, Susan fell into a fitful sleep, the visions of the night before filling her mind and terrorizing her soul.


The two women walked from the hospital to a small restaurant several blocks north.  The ease at which they spoke pleasantly surprised both women as the recalled their earlier meetings.  Logan asked about Operation Safety Net and the services that were offered to the community.  She, of course, had heard of the organization but she’d never really thought about the purpose of the group.  Watching Madison’s eyes as she extolled the virtues of OSN revealed to Logan that any attempt to dissuade her future ventures into The Strip District would be a waste of breath.  The woman was like a walking billboard for the program; enough so that Logan decided she too would look into what possible role she could play in the organization.

 Madison’s oration finally slowed as she looked up to see Logan smiling down into her eyes.  “What?”  God those eyes are beautiful.  Too bad she’s a cop, I could really get lost in those pools of blue.

Laughing, Logan shrugged and opened the door to the restaurant, stepping back and allowing Madison to enter.  “Nothing, I was just thinking that now I understand why you got so mad the other day when I asked you not to go down to The Strip.”  Seeing the look of comprehension flash across her companion’s face, Logan winked at the attractive blonde.  “I’m surprised you didn’t deck me.”

Shaking her head, Madison couldn’t help but smile.  “Humph, as well you should be.”  She then turned and walked away heading for a table, leaving Logan once again standing there, watching her back and the sensual sway of her hips, as she strolled across the room.  Damn, McGregor, get a grip.

Their breakfast was pleasant and unhurried as the women continued to learn more about each other.  Logan was astonished to see how much the smaller woman could eat, her meal consisting of eggs, bacon, muffins, fruit, juice and enough coffee to overdose any novice caffeine addict.  Looking up from the feast spread before her, Madison was met with teasing eyes once again.  Feigning annoyance, she growled.  “Do you always stare at your breakfast companions’?”

Scratching her head, not sure of how she should respond, Logan took a moment to study Madison’s face.  Seeing a small hint of laughter behind the green eyes, she leaned in, snaring a piece of bacon off Madison’s plate, popping it in her mouth.  “Umm, no.  However, as of late, my breakfast companions have tended to be slow eaters, preferring to savor their food rather than inhaling it.”  The confused look on Madison’s face made Logan laugh.  “I guess cat chow just demands to be slowly relished and enjoyed to the fullest.”

Logan watched as a brow slowly crept skyward and a snarl formed on the other woman’s lips.  “Well, I can see that you have a lot to learn about me, Detective.”  Allowing a slow, seductive smile to cross her face, Madison reached across the table and, picked a ripe strawberry off of Logan’s plate.  Slipping it between her lips, she bit into the juicy fruit and watched as Logan swallowed hard, lips parting slightly as the other woman’s tongue slowly slid across her bottom lip.  “In everything I do, I give my all.  Life is too short not to be experienced completely…and passionately.” 

Logan’s heart raced and her palms became damp as she tried unsuccessfully to control the images flickering at mach speed through her mind.  She felt a warm surge of heat flow through her body and knew that it was apparent on her face.  With a shaky hand, she lifted a glass of juice to her lips and eagerly drank the cool liquid, hoping it would extinguish the fire burning between her legs.

 Sitting back in her seat, Madison enjoyed watching Logan’s obvious struggle.  Crossing her arms across her chest, once again raising her brow and gently biting her bottom lip, she smiled at the woman across from her.  “Checkmate.”

 Somehow, Logan managed not to spew juice across the table as the drink she had just attempted to swallow threatened to escape her mouth with the boisterous laugh.  Flashing a mock glare at the laughing woman across from her, she growled.  “”  Wiping her mouth with a napkin, she scowled at Madison’s gloating grin.  “As they say Doctor; paybacks are a bitch.”

Catching the eye of the waitress, Madison signaled for the check before turning back towards her pouting companion.  “I think I can handle you Detective, so you’d better be careful if you want to dance with me.”

The waitress walking to the table prevented any rebuttal from Logan.  Shaking her head and pointing at Logan as the waitress attempted to hand her the check, she grinned and stood.  “Nope. She’s buying.”  Winking at the waitress, she headed towards the restroom, knowing that the tall, dark, very sexy woman was watching her every step.


Although the sun was bright, the air was crisp forcing Madison to dig her hands deep into her pockets for warmth.  Looking at Madison, Logan thought she looked more like one of the coed’s from the nearby Duquesne University instead of an Orthopedic Surgeon from Mercy Hospital.  As they walked along the quiet street, slowly making their way back to the hospital the detective suddenly felt the hair stand up on the back of her neck.  Looking around, she tried to locate the unseen threat she felt in her gut while easing a little closer to Madison.

Feeling an arm brush hers, Madison looked up, seeing a dark, serious scowl on the detectives face.  “What’s going on?”  Her eyes trailed Logan’s, trying to locate the object of the Detective’s displeasure.

Placing her hand on the doctor’s elbow, Logan lead Madison into a nearby bookstore, not stopping until they were safely hidden behind a tall bookrack.  Turning to the woman, her eyes left no room for argument.  “Stay here and don’t move.  I’ll be back in a minute.”  Walking back towards the front of the store, Logan peered out of the window, looking for any unusual movement.  All she could see were people walking in all directions, book bags or packages in hand, heading to unknown destinations.  After several minutes, she released a frustrated sigh and turned, only to feel Madison’s body collide with hers.  Grabbing the woman’s arm, Logan again led the doctor back to the safety of the bookracks, under the watchful eye of the manager.  “I thought I told you to stay put?”

Huffing, Madison rolled her eyes, “I didn’t want to stay back there.  What’s the matter anyway?”

Feeling her temper rise, Logan tried taking several deep breaths before responding.  The last thing she wanted to do was frighten Madison, but the woman had to understand that she was now entrenched in a murder case and possibly in grave danger.  Looking around the store, she leaned closer to the doctor, her lips mere inches from the woman’s ears.  “Look, I don’t know if you realize it or not, but you saw the murderer’s face last night, Doctor.  Do you think for a moment that he doesn’t remember that?”  Seeing the startled look on Madison’s face, she forced the anger out of her voice.  “Do you think he’s not going to try and find you?  And stop you too?” 

Leading the shaking woman to a chair in the back of the store, Logan knelt beside Madison, gently taking her hand into her own.  Her thumb made soft, gentle circles around Madison’s knuckles as she waited for the woman’s breathing to calm.  “I’m sorry that all of  this had to happen to you and to Susan, but now we have to deal with it as best we can.”  Logan’s other hand gently massaged Madison’s calf as she looked into the doctor’s tear filled eyes.

“I may be a little paranoid right now, but I’m not taking any chances with you.  We’re still several blocks from the hospital.  Will you please stay here while I call for a squad car to take us back?”  Getting an affirmative nod from the doctor, Logan stood and walked towards the curious manager at the front counter.  Showing him her badge, she asked to use the phone and called to request the car.  Walking back to where Madison was sitting, she noticed someone sitting a few yards away a paper spread open in front of their face.  She had an urge to walk over and peer over the newspaper, but instead strolled back to where Madison was sitting now perfectly composed, just as she knew she would be.

The two women walked closer to the front of the store and waited.  The police cruiser stopped next to the curb a few minutes later and Logan hurried the doctor out the door and into the waiting car.  As they drove off, Logan turned around, looking out the back window of the cruiser.  What she saw stunned her.  A man rushed from the store and stood on the sidewalk watching as they drove away.  In her gut, Logan knew that the man on the sidewalk had to be the same man that was behind the newspaper.  Turning in her seat to face Madison, Logan placed one hand on the doctor’s shoulder.  “Are you alright?”

 The doctor nodded her head, still afraid to speak as they made their way towards the hospital.  The rest of the ride was made in silence, as each woman was lost in her own nightmarish thoughts of what could have been, and what was left to come.


Continued in Part Eight - Nine

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