The characters of Xena: Warrior Princess, Gabrielle,
and Argo and all other characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior
Princess, together with the names, titles, and back-story are the sole copyright property
of MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended in the
writing of this fan fiction. The story is written only for fun, and no profit is being
made. All other characters such as Tarren, the story idea and the story itself are the
sole property of the author. The story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. The
story itself as well as the character created by the author may NOT be duplicated or
archived without the author’s permission. All works remain the copyright of the
original author. These may not be republished without the authors consent. This story is a
continuation of my first stories called SHE HAS MY EYES, ON THE ROAD
Thief of Hearts You
really MUST read those stories first. Otherwise you will be lost as to who some of the
characters I have created are. This story contains some violence, no subtext, and the use
or reference of corporal punishment. I will be putting that statement in all of the Tarren
series whether it exists or not in that particular story. Please understand that this does
NOT reflect on my personal beliefs or politics. I am just trying to stay true to the
characters and culture of that period of history. Feedback
is ALWAYS appreciated and I am most grateful to all that have written and will hopefully
continue to write me with your thoughts.
Xena Warrior Mother Series –Story 6
of the Last Amazon-Part XI
Part 11….
Chapter 34 – The Hunt
Just as the Argonians had
Gabrielle rode fast through the unfamiliar woods following the wagon tracks just as Tarren had in search of Xena. The young woman did not stop until she came across the group of attacked Amazons that had left on a mission of rescue. Twice in an attempt to find little Tarren and reach Xena the young woman had fallen from her horse but each time quickly remounted and kept going. As she slid from her saddle in a frenzy of fear for the lost child she could not help but notice the battered and bruised bodies of her friends.
Seeing the great warrior standing alone and with her back to the group of fellow soldiers, Gabrielle ran toward her best friend. Her eyes traveled from face to face looking for an answer to the question that all seemed to know she was asking.
Eponon’s cheeks were moist and she lowered her head at the sight of the new queen.
Gabrielle ignored all others and reached for Xena’s arm. “Xena where’s Tarren? Where’s Tarren? She came after you and I rode as fast as I could but….”
Her words were cut short as the warrior mother turned and all
answers were revealed.
Xena moved slowly and the queen could see that her friend’s face was a mixture of
shock and rage. She held in her hands a small slingshot and the child’s still
unopened bag of private treasures. “They have her.” The words were filled with
disbelief. “They have my child
Gabrielle…They have my little Tarren.”
Gabrielle closed her eyes as she ran her hand gently over the side of the soft satchel that meant so much to the little one. “Gods no Xena, not the baby.”
The warrior flinched at the sound of the spoken word that identified her child. She wiped a stray tear from her eye before it had a chance to make a public appearance and then with a deep breath and a fire in her blue blazon eyes that warned all to stay back, the mother moved forward.
Xena carefully put her child’s belongings inside her armor and walked over to the fallen Argonians on the trail. Letting her eyes close and her ears open to listen carefully to all the sounds around her, the legendary Warrior Princess reached to the ground suddenly and pulled one of the creatures that was still alive to his feet.
The bard stepped back at the horrible sight of this man-like-being that tried to cover its eyes from the blinding light of bare sun.
The warrior’s face was cold and without mercy. After knocking his protective hands from his eyes, Xena immediately placed her famed pinch on the Argonian and watched as he dropped back to his knees struggling for a single breath of air.
The mother’s words were cold and steady and filled with venom
not even Gabrielle had ever heard. She leaned in close to her prisoner. “You have 30
seconds to tell me where my little girl was
taken. I’ve cut off the flow of blood to
your brain and if I don’t release it you will die slow and painfully.” Those last words actually
brought a slight smile to the warrior mother’s face.
The man tried to hold his throat but the warrior pushed his the extremities away and
growled. “Talk!”
The Argonian nodded and with no effort Xena removed the pinch and pulled the man roughly to his feet. “Hurry up and tell me where they’ve taken my child,” she ordered, ignoring the sights and sounds of all others around her.
For Xena the world had stopped.
The odd creature coughed and covered his eyes once again. He laughed a little at the sight
of all the females that surrounded him “I
will tell you what you ask woman but it will do
you no good. My people will catch you before
you ever make it there.”
Xena placed her fingers around the man’s throat and with a squeeze gave him a sample
of her great strength. “Try me,” she seethed.
Again he coughed, nodded his submission and was released.
He pointed behind them to a path that led straight through the woods. “Follow
the trail to the mountain. There are caves
that will lead you into the caverns below. It
is there that we have taken our new women. Take
the one closest to the rising fire in the sky and you will find what you seek and perhaps even die in that very spot.”
After hearing those last words spoken, Gabrielle stepped forward. “New women?” she asked, wondering what
purpose these creatures had indeed intended for the Amazons.
The Argonian smiled and licked his hairy lip as he stared at the blond before him. “Why yes we need breeders.” He sneered at the young woman’s obvious look of disgust. “We were once dwellers of the top as you were woman…until that cursed Artemis sent us to the darkness below.” He paused and held his chin as high as he could without facing the sun. “But we lived. We survived. We came back to get what should have been ours all the long…the Amazons and we will not stop until we have every last one of you,” he said through tightened lips.
“By the gods.” Gabrielle could see her large friend’s muscles tense at the threat. “Why did you take the child?” the younger woman asked, placing a calming hand on the warrior’s shoulder.
The man shrugged indifferently. “A mistake. A youngster is
of no use to us. She will be killed,” he said with not even a hint of emotion or
remorse for who the youngster was or might belong to.
Xena glared at her prisoner.
“You’re right it was a very big
mistake.” With a sudden flick of her hand and a slide of the edge of her chakrum
the warrior cut the Argonian’s throat and watched the strange man fall to the ground.
“It was a very big mistake,” she
growled, placing the still bloody weapon at her side as she turned to depart.
Gabrielle jumped back in horror. “Xena! You shouldn’t
have done that. We could have gotten…more information out of him.” She stared at
the now still body at her feet. “And he was not even armed,” she yelled wanting to believe that
even a hideous creature such as this deserved more justice than a slit throat.
The warrior mother stopped and turned on her heals. “Neither was my little girl….” She took a deep calming
breath and lowered her voice. “Besides I’ve heard all I need to hear.” She
said nothing more but merely walked quietly to her mount pausing for a moment to glance at
the body of young Shalia. She closed her eyes in silent prayer before mounting Argo.
The new queen thought of words she might speak in an attempt to stop her warrior friend from making war on an entire race without so much as a thought, but she knew there was nothing that even she could speak to keep this mother from finding her child. As she stared at the warrior seated in the saddle all alone, the bard knew that there was something absent from her friend. There was a piece missing and until the mother found the child that completed her nothing and no one would be safe.
Eponon moved beside Argo and looked up at the great warrior.
The weapon’s master held the arm that still had a long arrow
protruding from it. “Xena wait until I get this tugged out of my shoulder and
I’ll ride with you to find Tarren and the others,” she said still ready for
There were yells of unison offering the same from all the surrounding Amazons.
Xena lowered her head for a minute and then raised it quickly, her
voice filled with hostility not intended for these people that were her friends. “No! I go alone!” She took a deep breath and tried to calm her
words, as she looked over the sea of faces willing to offer their lives to save her child. “You must protect your people and I must find my daughter.” She looked directly at
Gabrielle. “That may not be the same path
so we can not share the same road right now my friends.”
Gabrielle moved forward suddenly grabbing the reigns hoping to make a last ditch effort at
keeping the warrior from going on what she knew would be a bloody path. “Xena we can work together to find Tarren and the Amazons both.”
The warrior glared at her best friend. “Gabrielle
I don’t want to work together with anyone. I never should have left Tarren.” She lowered
her eyes and softened her voice. “Nala told me that we needed to share the same path
and even Tarren knew that. Now I will cut
down anything and anyone that stands between my
child and me.” She looked down the
trail. “This just became very personal Gabrielle and there is not one god
on Olympus that can save the lives of anyone that crosses my path.”
The queen stared sadly up at her friend. While she heard the words
of anger she could also feel the pain emanating from the concerned mother. “What about little Tarren?”
Xena closed her eyes and swallowed hard. “I’ll
find my little girl Gabrielle. I will find
her and I will kill the creature that so much as put a scratch on her,” she replied,
feeling her blood boil at the thought.
The young queen took a step back realizing that there was nothing she could or perhaps
should say to stop her friend. “And what do we do?” she asked motioning to the
people around her.
There seemed to be no leader amongst the group now.
Xena looked at the trail she was about to take and then leaned down out of the saddle to
speak quietly to her best friend of many summers. “Lead your people Gabrielle. Follow your heart and lead your people.”
With those words spoken the Warrior Princess kicked her heals into the sides of the Great
War horse and headed after her kidnapped child.
Gabrielle stood straight as she watched her friend disappear in a fast gallop down the path that had been chosen. She felt a tear well at the corner of her eye and quickly wiped it away. The bard wanted to go with her friend but knew her presence would just slow Xena down. If the new queen were to aid her friends and her people then it would have to be from another position. “Good luck warrior. Find her Xena…Dear gods find her fast,” she whispered.
Eponon moved slowly beside the young queen and bowed her head
slightly. She too stared after the great
warrior’s now fading image. “When
will she come back?” she asked wishing she had been allowed to follow.
The young queen shook her head and closed her eyes. “When she finds Tarren alive and well and not ever before.”
Gabrielle knew that the warrior mother would not allow this child to ever be without her again even if it meant they would cross to the other side together.
Eponon swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “So what do we do now Queen Gabrielle?”
The bard pushed her shoulders back and threw out her chest and
turned ready to do what she must. “You
Eponon, get back to the village right now and have a healer take care of that arm,”
she ordered, observing what must be an extremely painful wound.
The weapon’s master glanced at her shoulder and shrugged. “It’s not that bad I can help
Gabrielle’s eyes grew wide. “That was not a request. It was an order.
Now either mount your horse or I’ll have my guards take you back across mine.
Eponon was a bit taken back by her much smaller and usually gentle friend’s tone but recognized the sound of authority when she heard it. “Yes my queen.” In an instant she was mounted and headed back toward the village.
nodded approvingly at the action and then looked to the confused faces of the remaining
people. She took a deep breath and stared at
the Amazons around her that were waiting for guidance and leadership. The bard took one last breath and addressed the
group. “Ok I want all the wounded back
to the village now.” She pointed to the
bodies of the dead Argonians. “Throw them in the back of the wagon. They’ll be of some use to us still.” As she watched the Amazons scurry to obey their
leader, the bard saw the lone figure of a familiar girl lying on the grass beside the
crowd. “Oh no…Shalia,” she
said in a near whisper.
In the
flurry of everything that had happened the young woman had not even noticed that Shalia
had been missing from the group.
The new
queen pushed her way through the group to the fallen form of the young girl who had been
Tarren and Xena’s friend. She dropped to
her knees beside the still form and bowed her head. “Gods not you too Shalia.
It’s all so senseless.” She ran her hand tenderly over the girl’s face.
“I never got to know you as well as Xena and Tarren but I know how very special you were to them and Ephiny.”
She closed her eyes. “Such a gentle
An Amazon
approached quietly from behind. She was shorter than most and slightly overweight. “My queen?” she said in a soft tone.
took a deep breath and turned her head slightly to see the unfamiliar face of another
young warrior. "Yes."
The Amazon
pointed to the dead girl. “Shalia died taking an arrow for Xena. She stepped right in front of the Warrior Princess as if she
felt her small body was a greater shield than the skills of….” Her words trailed
off. “I thought you might like to know.”
shook her head and closed her eyes at the thought of the unnecessary sacrifice this mere
child had made. “Yes. Thank you for
telling me. What is your name?”
The Amazon stood proudly. “I am Rellona. Shalia was my best friend. We worked with the horses together
sometimes.” She lowered her eyes. “I remember how proud she was when you asked
her to be Xena’s attendant.” The short and stout young girl looked at her now
dead friend. “She was more special than
anyone here ever knew. She had gifts from the
gods but no one could see them because Shalia could not wield a blade. If not for Queen Ephiny….” She paused
and lowered her head. “Shalia loved her very much.”
listened to the heart felt words and tried with all her inner strength to keep her own
emotions in check. She reached over and
placed a hand on Rellona’s wrist and nodded. “They
will know now. Everyone will know how special Shalia was.
I promise you that.” The words
were filled with a new conviction.
It was
becoming more and more obvious to the new queen that in this society of warriors there was
a second class of those that were not born with the skills or the desire to fight or kill. This was something she vowed to change as she
watched Rellona walk away.
took one last look at the form of the gentle girl at her feet and called to the nearest
Amazon. “Get my horse and put Shalia on
it. I will take her back to the village
The Muscular
warrior looked oddly at her new queen. “But my queen we can just throw her in the
wagon with the Argonians and you need not be….”
The words cut though the bard’s heart like a knife.
“No! Shalia will not be just tossed in with that trash.” She glared at
the Amazon Warrior. “Do as I say and
don’t ever question me again,” she said with a new force that all understood.
She brought her staff closer to her body as if to let all no she was prepared to accept
any challenges to her authority in true Amazon fashion
The Amazon
warrior bowed her head and quickly ran to get her queen’s horse.
The bard let
out a breath and turned looking down the now empty trail that Xena had followed. “You were right Xena. This is war and there is no place for my softness
on the battleground so I’ll just have to put it aside…until this is over.”
She lowered her head. “Please find
Tarren and come back to me soon. I can’t
make it without my family.” With those final words spoken the bard disappeared
from sight and Gabrielle, queen of the Amazons stepped forward to take her place as
Meanwhile in a very dark place far
The large metal door swung open and the Argonian guard tossed a small child onto the wet floor with a thud. This type of action had been the standard for a while now.
The key turning in the tumblers would be heard and then the entrance to some outside world would be exposed long enough to drop another captive in the hand made prison below the earth.
As soon as the door had slammed shut once again the Amazon prisoners quickly surrounded the unfamiliar child.
One Amazon of the southern
tribes stared at the soft cheeks of the unconscious little girl. “Why she’s just
a little one…a baby.” She placed her
hand on the youngster’s forehead. It was hot and sweaty. “She’s sick.”
An Amazon from the eastern tribes moved a bit closer. “Perhaps it’s contagious.
Maybe those creatures threw her in here to see who among us would get sick…as a way
to separate the weak. We should kill
her.” There was a soft murmuring of agreement around the young woman, so she searched
for a large rock to execute her words.
This cavern turned into a cell was dark. Only the light from a small caged fire in the center of the wet floor offered the Amazon’s any vision or warmth at all.
There was a brief silence and then the dripping sound of the water that ran along the heavy dirt walls was all that could be heard.
A tall and muscular figure stepped quickly out of the shadows. Her face was covered with dried blood from a day old battle but her voice was regal and full of force. “Whoever touches that youngster dies at my hand,” she growled.
Hearing this threat made all the Amazons back to one side and stare at the figure that had just approached them.
This woman had proven herself a worthy opponent to any that had dared to challenge her. There were none left stupid enough to make that mistake again.
The crowd parted and the queen stepped forward.
Ephiny stood protectively in front of
little Tarren ready to fight any that would dare to touch her very young and obviously
sick little friend.
There was not one who approached.
leaned down and cradled the sick child in her arms.
“Tarren can you hear me?” she asked as softly as she could.
The little girl’s eyes flickered open and she tried to focus in the dim shadows on
the woman now holding her. “Mommy?”
Ephiny grinned and closed her eyes grateful the youngster was alive. “No
Junior…It’s me. It’s
Ephiny,” she replied.
Hearing that
her mother was not the person whose arms she was in sent the very sick child into a fit of
panic “Eph…iny. I want Momma. Where are my Mommy and Gabby?”
The Amazon
held the child tight making sure the little one was not injured by her own small flailing
limbs. “Shellopa get me a piece of cloth and run it under that damn drip,” she
ordered. “Finally that damn dripping sound will have some use,” she yelled.
nodded wondering if her queen could even see the gesture in the shadows of their prison
but the Amazon warrior obediently ripped a piece of cloth from her own skirt and placed it
below the water running down the wall and raced back to her queen. “Here Ephiny,” she said handing the
cloth to her friend and leader.
Ephiny ran the cold rag over the little girl’s head.
“Shh I’m gonna take care of you until your Momma comes. Ok?” The
queen bit her lip as she realized just how bad things must be back at her village if the
child of the Warrior Princess had been taken captive.
Tarren clung to her friend’s arm as she felt the cold shivers run down her small
body. The room was damp and wet.
“Ephiny…I want Momma. Please get my Mommy,”
she begged. “I don’t wanna play Warrior Princess right now.”
The queen
glanced at Shellopa who took a deep breath at the pleading words of this small child. She turned back to the little girl. “I know
Junior…I wish I could get her but I can't. I’m sorry.” Ephiny could feel
her insides melt as she spoke the words. She
was not accustomed to feeling so helpless.
The small
child ignored the statement and continued to fidget in the queen’s arms. “Momma
needs me ya know?” She looked directly at her friend.
Ephiny nodded in complete understanding. “Yeah I know she does Junior.”
The little girl coughed and Ephiny pulled the youngster as close as she could to offer
some warmth. When the hacking fit passed the small child had a look of peace and
understanding for a brief moment.
It was as if
some great secret had been revealed to her in that one moment. She smiled and reached a hand out to touch
her friend’s cheek. “Momma’s lookin awful hard for me and she’s gonna
be real mad at me when she gets here.” She thought of her mother’s words on the
trail when the warrior had seen that her young daughter had followed. The child’s
smile quickly faded. “I’m gonna get the really
big one for sure.”
Ephiny forced a smile as she continued to wipe the child’s forehead with the cloth. “Why is that youngster? What did you do now?” she asked hoping to
keep the little one occupied with conversation.
coughed a bit and took a deep breath. “Momma
left without me, I’m her army ya know
so…I…sorta…followed after her cause she needs me.” She paused and
lowered her eyes. “I was bad and Momma was real mad. I’m tellin ya Ephiny
it’s gonna be the really big one.”
Tears streamed down the little girl’s cheeks. “But…but…I don’t
care…I just want Momma to come and take care of me.
I just want my Momma.”
Junior...It’s Ok.” Ephiny lifted the little girl into her arms and carried the
small child back toward the wall. “It’s
Ok youngster. You’re Momma will come soon. Believe
me if I know her she’ll be knocking down that door at any time now.” She bit her
lip. “If she can find it fast
enough,” she mumbled feeling the unnatural shivers crawling down the little
girl’s body.
The queen
knew that the youngster was already plagued with fever and if left unattended in these
conditions would surely die. Ephiny was not
going to let that happen. She placed the little girl on a small boulder to keep her off
the cold and wet floor. “Solari!”
The Amazon
warrior immediately stepped forward. “Yes
my queen.”
The queen
ripped off part of her own skirt and removed her wrist cuffs and placed them on top of the
child’s chest. She then faced her
warrior. “Gather as many pieces of spare cloth as possible. We need to keep Tarren as warm as we can until
Xena and the others get here.”
The word,
the name, sent a wave of murmurs through the prisoners on the other side of the cavern.
The familiar
Amazon from the eastern tribe stepped forward. “That
is Xena’s child?” she asked with a hard swallow pointing to the sick youngster.
immediately stepped protectively in front of her queen and the small child immediately
followed by Sheloppa and every other member of Ephiny’s tribe including an instructor
named Gruella.
Ephiny ran
her hand along the little ones face and then stepped through her warrior’s wall to
face the strange young Amazon. “That’s
right. Do you have a problem with that?”
she asked, ready to solve any and all problems right then and there.
The young
Amazon of the east remembered the great warrior from their short battle on the trail near
the Amazon village. She thought of Tyrell,
and how both this queen and the Warrior Princess had spared her friend even after the
attempted assassination.
The young
Amazon of the east shook her head and ripped some of the skins from her own body and
offered them forward. “No I have no problem
with that at all.” She turned her head to the Amazons that had been standing with
her. “Eastern tribe, give what you can,” she ordered, before again turning to
face Ephiny, bowing her head and returning again to her own people.
The queen
stared at the cloth in her hand and grinned. “Thank you,” she said to the group
before returning to the sick child shivering in the back of the cave.
Ephiny piled
cloth upon cloth until she had formed some semblance of a blanket to keep the little girl
warm. She settled herself beside the child
offering her own body as an additional source of heat.
Without so much as an order Shellopa and Solari moved to the to the other side of
the youngster to do the same with their own bodies.
Gruella kept
a watchful eye on the foreign tribes sure that one would make some kind of attack.
The queen
smiled at the actions of her people and cradled the little girl close to her.
opened her eyes and stared up at her friend. “I want Mommy. She really needs me. Where’s Gabby? Tell me a story Gabby… I
don’t wanna bath…Sorry about the sword Momma.” The youngster was delirious
from fever and shock. “Ephiny…you’ll keep your promise about the
picture…Momma needs that …I promised Nala…Gabby I’m hot. Let’s jump in the mud.”
The queen wiped a few stray hairs from the child’s sweaty brow and nodded. “Shh Junior, I’ll take care of my promise and you and Gabrielle and your Momma will all enjoy Nala’s present.” She forced a smile at the happy thought. “Then you can show them your pretty picture…Right?’
nodded and felt a wave of air pass through her lungs like a hurricane.
The queen
held her tightly in place and the youngster soon calmed.
child’s face turned red and she gripped the arm of her protector with all her might.
“Gabby was real hurt I didn’t show it to her.
You’ll tell her I wanted to…right? And you’ll tell my Momma I’m
sorry I broke her sword. I miss her.
She’s gonna be real mad…the big one…Where’s my Mommy?” The child
sputtered bit and pieces of thought strung together as sentences that only made sense to
There was a
respectful silence in the crowd of Amazons as the small child spoke in faint whispers.
across a dark cave mixed only with shadows Ephiny knew there was a group of Amazons
feeling the pain of this little girl’s words. She closed her eyes and said a silent
prayer to Artemis to watch over this child.
The queen
again looked at the face of the youngster. “Shh you know your Momma will come and boy
is she gonna be mad at you for getting so dirty. You
really are gonna get the big one I bet,” she said with a slight smile. Ephiny felt
sure that any distraction was a good one.
The child
nodded in agreement. “That’s what Momma said and so did Shalia….” Tarren’s words trailed off
and her face again filled with tears. “Shalia’s
gone too ya know. Those bad people took away
Shalia forever...like Nala and Uncle Lyceus.”
swallowed hard at the words and pulled the little girl close enough to see the expression
on the child’s face. “Tarren what
are you saying? What happened to
my…Shalia?” she asked nearly choking on the words.
youngster coughed and closed her eyes as she tried to clear her mind. “Momma was fighting the bad men and she was
really kickin butt.” She paused realizing she had said the forbidden words.
“Shalia wanted to come find you and we were hiding.
I yelled for Momma to get out of the way and Shalia jumped out and then the
arrow…They hurt Shalia. They took my
friend away and she never hurt nobody.”
The queen
looked straight ahead as she pressed the sobbing little girl closer to her chest.
“Shalia’s...gone,” she whispered though a cracking voice.
Ephiny could
feel the comforting hands of her friends reaching out to touch her but she shook them
away. Now was not the time to mourn or
question. She was the queen and she had a
sick child and a cave full of Amazons to look after.
“No not now my friends,” she whispered, placing a gentle kiss on the
little girl’s head. “Not now.”
shivered at the mere thought of seeing her friend fall from the arrow. “Mommy’s hurting lots. I can feel it inside. She’s coming for me but she’s real
scared. I gotta go find her.” The
youngster tried to rise only to be immediately pulled down by the grieving but still stoic
placed a firm arm around the little girl. “No Tarren. You’re mother would want
you to wait right here for her and do what I
tell you to do until she got here. If I were
in as much trouble with my Momma as you already
are with yours, I wouldn’t want to make it any worse,” she said, hoping the
youngster would here the command in her voice instead of feeling the tears that were now
falling down the side of her own face.
The small
child thought of her mother’s words about following ones gut. She knew Ephiny was a person they both trusted so
the youngster eased back against her friend’s chest. “Ok…I’ll be
good…but…I’ve never been without Momma or Gabby that long…since Momma
found me in Rasa,” she said with a muffled sob.
The queen
brought her own legs closer to her chest to further cradle the child. “Well I’ll
tell you what…Until your Momma gets here you can have me…I’ll be your Aunt Ephiny.”
frightened child let her small hand move around the darkness until she found her
friend’s face. She could feel the wet tears on the woman’s cheeks. “You’ll be my Aunt
Ephiny?” she asked in disbelief.
The queen
looked at Solari and then Shellopa expecting to see a slight smirk at the new title. Instead what she found was a wealth of compassion
and support in the eyes of her friends. She looked back at the youngster and grinned.
“Yeah well your Momma and Gabrielle are like my sisters so I guess that makes me sort
of like your aunt…if you want.”
The youngster cleared her mind and thought for a moment. “I don’t have any
aunts…I have a Grandma…a Gabby…My Mommy…You really wanna be my
aunt?” the child asked, not sure why she was always treated so well by the person
who’s village she had nearly broken.
Ephiny closed her eyes and swallowed hard trying to put the thoughts of Shalia out of her
mind. “Sure Junior…I’d be honored,” she stated proudly.
Again the child coughed but immediately calmed as she saw in her mind a vision of Argo
with the Warrior Princess sitting straight in the saddle with the wind blowing through her
hair as she rode closer. “Momma! I feel
her. I see Momma.” She arched her back a little and tried to reach
out a hand to touch the image in her mind but it faded too quickly.
youngster bit her lip and again touched the face of her friend. “I couldn’t
reach her,” she said sadly looking up at the compassionate expression of the queen.
“Ok you can be my Aunt Eph, but when Momma
comes I gotta go cause she really needs me.
She’s real worried about me ya know.”
The queen
nodded and looked from one Amazon to the next as she addressed the child in her arms.
“I know youngster and I promise you will be with her again very soon.” She
smiled. “If I know your Momma she’s
tearing up half the trees in the forest looking for you.
Nothing is going to keep her from finding you Junior.”
For the
first time the child grinned. “Momma doesn’t like it when people hurt me Aunt
Eph.” She coughed. “And that big hairy thing grabbed me and he wouldn’t let
me go. I tried to vault away but I
couldn’t. I couldn’t even kick him
real good, so I called for Momma but he just jumped in a real deep hole and then it was so
dark I couldn’t even see nothin.”
The anxious queen listened as she heard the tale of an ordeal similar to her own. “I
know Tarren. Shh it’s Ok. I promise we are going to get out of here.
I’m going to take you to your Momma myself,” she stated firmly.
The little
girl felt the shivers run through her body once again and she clung to her friend for
warmth. “How Aunt Eph? How are we gonna get out of here without
Momma’s help?”
That was a
very good question.
Back at the village…
Gabrielle rode quietly with the Amazons in a straight line behind her as they entered the village compound.
There was no reason to consider a rescue mission now that the Argonians knew of the one failed attempt to get close to the caves with a small group. The surprise aspect was gone so no small party would be able to penetrate whatever forces these creatures had in store for any future invaders. Besides Xena was on the path toward the enemy at that was not something even the Amazons dare interfere in.
This meant war and Gabrielle knew it.
The new Amazon queen smiled a bit knowing her warrior friend would surely clear a worthy path for them to follow when all the tribes had assembled.
Gabrielle lowered her eyes and looked at the group of half-beaten warriors that rode behind her. Even this small victory meant little to them in the face of failing to rescue their queen and the loss of little Tarren and the death of young Shalia. Where was the real victory?
The young
queen closed her eyes and took a deep breath when she saw the approaching tribe of Amazons
heading her way. “Follow your heart and
lead your people,” she whispered, repeating her warrior friend’s words of
advice. She turned in her saddle and saw the weapon’s master approaching with her arm
in a sling. “Eponon you should be resting,” she said sternly.
weapon’s master lowered her head a bit. “It’s really not that bad
Gabrielle dismounted noting the ride back had not been nearly as painful on her seat as
the fast ride with many falls had been. “That was an order weapon’s master or do
you still make it a habit of questioning the orders of your queen?” she asked quietly.
Eponon took
a step back and bowed her head. “No my
“Good then go.” She paused and glanced at the body of a young Amazon draped over
her saddle. Her voice softened a bit as she called to her friend. “Eponon?”
The weapons master stopped and turned. “Yes my Queen.”
tone became gentle and for a moment the bard returned. “Please have someone see that
Shalia is laid out in the royal mourning hut.”
There was soft murmur over the crowd of gathering Amazons in the center of the compound.
That place
was reserved for royalty only and Gabrielle knew it.
The new
queen placed her hand in the air and addressed the crowd. “Shalia was a member of
Ephiny’s house and saved the life of Xena.” She shook her head as she looked at
the faces of each warrior. “And gods know how many other good things she did when you weren’t looking
at her simply because she could not swing a sword.”
She raised her chin. “I do not swing a sword
but I am your queen and I will fight anyone who
dares to challenge my word. Shalia will be
placed in the royal mourning cottage and when all our people have safely returned home we
shall honor this great warrior’s
memory.” The words were filled with a
new authority that did not ask for respect but instead demanded it.
None spoke again.
grinned a bit and motioned two of her warriors toward the body. “You heard the queen. Take Shalia to the royal mourning hut and be
gentle with her. If I see one of her feathers
out of place so help me I’ll pluck you both clean,” she yelled. Even with only one good arm the muscular woman was
still quite intimidating.
The two
warriors gently lifted the young Amazon off the horse and carried her to the cottage that
had once been meant only for the leaders of the tribe.
Rellona bowed to her queen respectively. “Thank you.”
smiled at the stout girl and then watched her disappear in the crowd of Amazons lost again
in the faceless nation.
The young
queen sighed hoping there would be no more need of that hut. She took a deep breath and
thought of Xena and of little Tarren. It was all she could do to keep her tears from
falling as she spoke reassuring words to herself. “Xena
will be fine and she will find Tarren. They
will both be fine,” she whispered. “You must do as Xena said and be a leader. Follow your heart Gabrielle,” she thought,
staring out over the waiting faces of the tribe. She took another deep breath and again
held her head high as she spoke. “The rescue mission failed. Xena’s group was attacked before they got
near the caves.”
There was
another murmur over the crowd and again Gabrielle held up her hand to silence the people.
“The good news is that Xena’s invention worked long enough to…” She
paused as she thought about the words that were about toe leave her lips. “To kill
some of the Argonians.”
There was a loud cheer for which the bard was sorry.
The new
queen raised her hands in the air one final time and there was again immediate silence.
“As you can see we lost one of our warriors in the fight,” she said motioning to
the lifeless body of a young girl now being carried to the royal hut.
“And...and…the Argonians took little
Tarren as well.” She felt her own heart sink at the mere saying of the words.
The bard in
Gabrielle wanted to rush to a horse and trail after Xena in an attempt to help find this
small child that now filled such a large part of her own heart. However the person she needed to be, the queen,
knew she would be of no use to the great warrior as a mere sidekick. Gabrielle needed to offer a different and more
formidable support for her people and for Tarren.
crowd’s voices soon went from soft murmurs to angry cries.
reached for the reigns of their horses eager to fight alongside Xena in an attempt to get
this small child back.
had to smile. Somehow this mischievous little
moppet that was always getting in trouble of one kind or another had managed to win the
hearts of an entire Amazon tribe.
The new
queen took a deep breath knowing she had to put a stop to the chaos before it went any
further. She stepped up onto a familiar stump
that Ephiny had used when she first returned to her people.
“Hear me all of you.” There
was quiet. “I would like nothing better than to ride out and help Xena bring Tarren
and everyone else home. However she has
asked…no demanded that she be left alone in
her rescue of her daughter.” She swallowed hard. “And that is how it shall be. Xena must put all her efforts into finding her
little girl and we must put our efforts into
finding everyone.” She nodded. “Trust me. When the moment of truth comes we will be there to
help Ephiny and Tarren and all the people that these evil creatures have taken.”
The crowds
came together as a group. They did not yell. They did not cheer but instead they knelt in front
of their leader ready to do as she commanded.
closed her eyes wondering how she had gotten in so far over her head. In what was little
more than a week she had gone from a princess bard to queen of the Amazons.
The new
queen was in need of a plan. She thought of stories she had heard and retold where Xena
had lead a small but mighty army from all sides and straight into the middle of the enemy
knowing they would never expect such a brash maneuver.
nodded knowing that was exactly the type of approach they needed to use now with the
Argonians. Finally in telling all those
stories of Xena’s exploits the bard herself had learned something that would perhaps
help these people.
The young
woman looked at the heads bowed before her and smiled wishing her warrior friend was here
to see this. “Thank you all for your
support. Please get up. This is not a time for bowing to one another. It is a time for joining together as one people and fighting the common enemy. Please go to your homes and ready your children to
depart. I will be sending all the children to
the centaur village immediately.”
The tribe
quietly broke up and quickly went about their duties of following their new queen’s
took a deep breath. “Ok that went well, “ she murmured. “Next.” She scanned the village compound until she spotted
queens Penela and Mussona. “Ok now for the tough part,” she thought as she
walked eagerly to the spot they were both waiting.
There was a
new air of dignity and strength about this young bard turned queen.
nodded to each of the queens but spoke to Mussona first. “How long before your people
arrive?” she asked, wanting to gather as many Amazons together as possible before
approaching the Argonians again.
“A half a day maybe less?” Mussona
sighed heavily and looked to the other queen hoping for better news. “And
Penela threw her arms in the air. “Maybe
the same.” She looked passed the young queen at the bodies of the dead Argonians
Gabrielle had ordered brought back. “Artemis be saved.
So they really are here with us…the legend is true and the creatures of our
darkest days have returned,” Penela said in a voice mixed with fear and horror. There
was distinct shiver in the old woman’s voice.
let out a quick breath and glanced back at the bodies of the men who had fallen victim to
Xena’s great strategy and strength. “There here alright and they’re coming closer but
we’re not going to wait for them to get this far.” She looked at both queens
again and allowed her voice to become firm. “I know you don’t have any faith in
me and that’s Ok. I’m not quite
sure how much I have in myself,” she admitted. She stood as straight as she could and
locked eyes with Penela deciding the older queen was more of an adversary than Mussona.
“But I am the queen of these people and I
will protect them with my life and I will lead them.” She paused and swallowed.
“I know you both would have followed Ephiny or Xena but I can’t force you to
follow me. I can only hope you will.”
Penela looked at Mussona and then both studied the young woman. “Just what did you have in mind child?”
Penela asked at least willing to listen to a plan.
Gabrielle nodded and motioned toward the cottage that Xena had made into a general’s
office. “Come with me and I’ll show
Xena blinked her eyes in attempt to remain focused on her most important task, finding Tarren.
It was a great effort to hold back the overwhelming pain and fear for her child. However the great warrior knew that if she was to save her young daughter she needed to be the Warrior Princess that lived in the minds of others. She kept her eyes trained as she rode slowly along the narrow trail glancing at the tall trees on either side of the dark path. There was only the sound of birds chirping and a gentle breeze blowing through the cool day.
The warrior mother kept her senses on all the sounds and sights around her as she made a steady line toward the place she knew her daughter was being held. With a deep breath she tossed her cape behind her shoulder and patted the side of Argo’s mane. “It’s gonna be cold tonight and I’ll bet that kid isn’t even wearing the heavy tunic like I told her too,” she mumbled as a stray tear ran down her cheek. She glanced down at her faithful mount. “Can you believe she followed after me when I told her to stay behind. She never listens to a damn thing I say Argo. Tarren just goes along and does like she pleases as if nothing I say means anything.”
The horse
whinnied in agreement.
Xena kept
moving still studying her surroundings and conversing with her horse. “Well ya know Argo that all stops right now. I’m
tired of her never doing what she’s told. When
I find her she’s gonna get a spanking that will keep her on her feet for a month. She’ll not disobey me again like that. That
is an oath to the gods themselves,” she said, her face filled with angst. The mother gave a gentle tug on the reigns. “When I
find her….” The parental anger suddenly turned to a cracking voice of fear. “Gods Argo, I’ve got to find her.
She’s my…baby. I can’t make it without her…I’m her
mother and she needs me.” The warrior stopped and stared up at the sky closing her
eyes for a second. “Help me
please,” she said to whatever force would guide her to her small child.
The moment
was interrupted by a cracking in the trees just to the right of the trail.
Xena did not
even turn her head but merely clenched her teeth and with a loud growl tossed her chakrum
in that direction.
The round
weapon sliced through the air marking it’s targets with bloody memories that would
not last longer than the final breath of the victims.
After seeing
three Argonian spies fall to the ground the warrior effortlessly caught her weapon and
continued on her way. She sniffled a bit as
she tried to continue her conversation. “So
Argo where were we before those bastards interrupted us?
Oh yeah finding Tarren…I’m her mother you know. Me Argo? Me!”
The words were spoken as if for the first time.
Xena smiled a bit at the title she had come to love as much as the child who used it.
“I swear there are times I could just paddle that kids little behind all day for the
way she gets in trouble.” Her voice became soft and low. “And then there are
other times when she looks at me with that innocent stare of wonder and her little
mischievous glint.” She patted the horse. “You know what I mean girl?”
The horse again whinnied.
The warrior
nodded. “Yeah I knew you did. At those
times I just want to hold her and never let go. She
can be a handful but I wouldn’t have her any other way.” Xena gave the reigns a
yank and ran her fingers over her eyes to dry them.
The warrior
mother addressed the child she knew was absent in body but hoped could hear her words
anyway. “Damn it Tarren why didn’t you stay behind like I told you?” she
yelled to the prying eyes that filled the forest. She
shook her head as if trying to regain control of her thoughts and her voice softened as
she heard the answer she knew the little girl would give echo in her thoughts. “I know it’s because you love me and
you want to be with me. Not good enough. You have to learn that you
can’t...always…be with me.”
Xena took a
deep breath and reached into her armor pulling out a drawing the child had given her days
The mother
stared at the child’s portrait of a warrior with a sword of fire and the little girl
with slingshot in hand being held tightly in the warrior mother’s arms. She smiled as a tear raced down her cheek. “Argo girl…I can’t worry about what
she did wrong now. I just have to get my baby
girl back and fast.”
Xena thought of how ill the child was and looked again up at the sky. “I don’t know who of you, if any, watch
over little kids, but I am asking, no begging, you to watch over Tarren. Don’t let the fact that she’s my
daughter change how you see things. She’s
a good little girl and if you give her back to me I promise that I’ll do…anything.”
The Warrior Princess waited for a minute sure Ares would appear to try and make some deal
with her but much to her surprise there was nothing.
face turned cold as she thought of the arrogant gods of Olympus. “Fine then …I’ll get my child back myself…just don’t get in my way.”
With those
final words spoken she kicked her heals into Argo’s side and started down the trail
at a faster pace more determined than ever to rescue her child alone.