Tarren popped up gasping for air. "Momma get out of the way," she bellowed flailing her arms in attempt to aid her fallen mother.
Much to her surprise she was already cradled in her mother’s arms and still in the safety of the royal cottage in the tribe of the Amazons. The warrior mother had seen the child was having a nightmare and immediately lifted her up and tried to wake her but the youngster had been reluctant to leave the land of Morpheous. Xena had moved the child beside the fire and cradled her close to her chest as she ran cool water over her daughter’s forehead in an attempt to bring her child back to the real world. She sighed with relief when the little girl’s eyes flew open and wrapped her arms tightly around the struggling child as Tarren popped up suddenly screaming for her mother.
"It’s Ok baby. Momma is right here. It was just a bad dream. Calm down little one… you just had a bad dream." The words were soft and soothing. Xena could feel the child shivering through the sweat soaked nightshirt.
Tarren felt her breathing slow as she looked into the soft blue loving eyes of her parent. She threw her arms around the warrior’s neck sobbing against her chest. "Momma."
Xena patted the child’s back tenderly with one hand while she let the side if her own face drop and caress the youngster’s small head. "Shh I’m right here baby." She forced a slight smile. "Ya know I was beginning to wonder if you were ever gonna finish off those bad warlords and come back to me," she said softly, guessing the child had dreamt of some battle scene created in her own imagination.
Tarren lifted her eyes up and Xena could see the tear stained cheeks of her small
daughter. The child’s voice shook with the same vigor as her small form. "No
Momma…not…warlords…bad cloud people…they got Ephiny and you I
The warrior closed her eyes and cradled the child closer shaking her head at the ongoing
repercussions of the little girl’s earlier discovery. "Tarren it was just a
bad dream. There are no cloud people. I’m right here an nothing is gonna happen
to me."
The youngster clung to her mother’s side so tightly that Xena could feel the
child’s heartbeat mixing with her own. "I don’t want you to go tomorrow.
Don’t go Momma."
The mother’s reply was soft and soothing and without hesitation. "I have to go.
I’m the only one who can show Ephiny where that girl was found and that’s an
important job."
Tarren shook her head and pushed forward hoping that she could somehow crawl safely inside her mother’s skin. "No no no…Stay with me…I’m your important job. Remember?"
Xena closed her eyes and felt her throat tighten as her own words were thrown back to
her. "Yes you are the most important job I have baby, but remember how we
talked about how sometimes I might have to go away for just a little bit and
that I’d always come right back for you?"
"Uh huh."
Xena ran her hand up and down the youngster’s back rocking her slowly as she spoke.
"Well this is one of those times and I need you to be the little Warrior Princess
while I’m gone. Ok?"
The warrior mother had used the magic words once again.
The child picked her head up immediately. "You want me to be a Warrior
Princess?" she asked in disbelief.
Xena smiled at the sudden look of excitement in her small daughter’s eyes. She
nodded. "Yup but just a little one, so that means you still have to do what
Gabrielle tells you. And just while I’m gone. When I come back
it’s my job again."
The youngster considered the offer. After all someone had to stay behind and protect the
innocent. "Ok Momma if you need me to take over while you’re gone."
Xena suppressed a smile. "That’s my Baby."
The youngster sat up and shook her head. "That’s…Warrior Princess
The warrior grinned hoping she was doing the right thing bestowing this title even as a
game. "Not until tomorrow. Right now you are just my baby." She lifted
the still shaking child into her arms. "Come on lets get you all cleaned up and
changed and you can tell me all about your bad dream. If I should ever see one of those
cloud people I want to know it."
Xena felt that if she got the child to talk about the nightmare that perhaps the little girl would realize the difference between dreams and reality.
Tarren clung to her mother’s shoulder as the warrior took her toward the bath area.
She undressed the youngster and lowered her into the tub. For once the child did not
struggle. However once in the water the child reached a hand up to her mother.
"Aren’t you coming in?"
The warrior thought about it. There would be no time for a bath in the morning and she
knew she would do little more than watch her young daughter sleep tonight so with a grin
she tossed her shift to the floor and jumped in. "Of course I am."
The little girl’s fear seemed to dissipate once she knew her mother would remain
close by.
As Xena bathed the night sweat from the child’s baby skin she bounced the little girl
playfully in the water. When she was sure the child’s giggles had released enough of
her fear to speak, she lowered the youngster to one side of the tub. "Now tell me
about those awful cloud people. What did they look like?"
The child held onto her mother’s neck making it difficult for the warrior to bathe
her but Xena was not about to detach the child at any cost. "Well they were big and
they had blond hair…big teeth…large mouths…six arms and they told stories
so you didn’t pay attention to your fighting." She paused as she remembered
further details. "Watch out for that Momma."
Xena nodded in appreciation as she noted the eerie monsters of the little girl’s
dream all had some bard like qualities. "Yup it just never pays to take a
vacation," she thought as she continued to bathe the now calm child and listen to her
further description of the clouds and the great battle.
The tail was still being told and retold as the mother dressed the child and placed her back in the pallet.
Small arms waved dramatically in the air. "And I didn’t see you get hit
Momma, but an arrow came out of nowhere and whoosh…someone got hit."
Xena nodded realizing this flair for the overly dramatic was a gift the child had attained
from the bard. She pulled the covers over the now quiet child and lay down beside her.
"Well there you have it."
The little girl searched her hands for a new possession. "What do I Momma?"
The warrior mother leaned on one elbow as she tucked the covers neatly around her
child’s face. "You know it was all just a dream because you have seen me
catch arrows. I can’t have gotten hit."
The child stared up at the ceiling for a long moment. "That’s true I never
thought about that Momma." She grinned at this added information and then looked at
her mother. "Are you gonna teach me to catch arrows?"
Realizing her little girl’s attentions had been turned the mother smiled.
Tarren sat up in the bed eager for a time and date to be given. "Really! When
The warrior gently pushed the little girl back under the blankets and grinned. "At
the same time I let you drink port."
"But Momma you said I could never...Ahh Momma." Realizing that meant never did
not please the child.
The warrior ran her hands across the child’s sides as she repeated the
youngster’s groan. "Ahh Momma." She smiled. "You don’t
need to catch arrows. I’ll catch them for you."
Knowing this was just another forbidden skill like the sword and the chakrum only
furthered the youngster’s interest. "Will you teach me to catch apples real
fast just in case someone ever throws one at me."
Xena grinned knowing the child was still very determined to imitate her. "Yeah
I’ll show you how to catch apples real fast but only if you behave
while I’m gone tomorrow."
"I will Momma."
Xena pulled the child closer to her and tucked her under her arm protectively. "Good
girl…So you think you can go to sleep again?"
Tarren bit her lip and faced her mother. "I’ll try if you go to sleep at
the same time."
The mother smiled. "Ok we’ll take the same ship to Morpheous and if you see any
more of those cloud people just stand aside and I’ll take care of them all."
The little girl shook her head. "No Momma we’re a team. I haffta help."
"Not with fighting you don’t." she replied sternly, forgetting this was
just an imaginary battle.
The youngster shook her head and patted her mother’s arm. "It’s my dream
Xena smiled happy the youngster had finally accepted the word and realized where reality started and stopped. "Ok Monster in the dream you can lead the way but I’ll be right behind you if you need me. Ok?"
The little girl smiled broadly at being allowed to head the battle. "Yup…come
on Xena let’s go get them."
The warrior twisted her lips at being called Xena by her daughter. After everything she
had gone though in Amphipolis with this child she was not about to let that ever start
again. "What was that you said my sore bottomed little girl?"
The child blinked innocently. "My bottom’s not sore Momma."
The mother arched her brows. "Yet."
Tarren smiled broadly showing all her small white teeth and a few blank spot as well.
"Oh…. Sorry…What I meant to say was let’s go get them Momma…If
you’re ready that is…Momma…ma’am?" The child swallowed nervously.
The warrior mother grinned and placed a gentle kiss on her child’s cheek. "Uh
huh much better you little Monster."
The youngster sighed with relief gripped her mother’s hand tightly and nuzzled
beneath the warrior’s side for safety as they headed back to the land where anything
was possible and sometimes secrets were revealed.
Later that night…
The little girl lay still as if asleep and watched as the young woman walked to her pallet on the tips of her toes and quietly slipped into a nightdress. The youngster kept one eye closed and the other trained on the bard as she sat on the pallet dropping her head into her hands. Tarren could see her friend was tired and warn out from something.
Gabrielle looked at the small not so sleeping form nestled beside the warrior and grinned. "You two become more like one person every day," she whispered. She knelt beside the pallet and Tarren quickly closed both eyes.
Not realizing the youngster could hear her the young woman whispered. "I’m sorry I missed supper. I guess I really messed up." She moved the youngster’s fingers from the edge of her lips. The child had began sleeping with all four of her fingers tucked in her mouth and both she wand the warrior were trying to discourage the habit. "I really did want to make it back earlier. I wanted to tell you a great bedtime story." She paused and wiped away a tear from her own cheek. "I guess I’m not much good to you lately. I’m sorry Tarren. I hope you know how much you mean to me. I know you’re mad at me and I guess you have every right to be. Maybe some day when you’re much older you’ll understand why the stuff I’m doing for the Amazons is so important to me. I just get really confused sometimes and …well I’m not like Xena and I don’t always know what to do." She paused and kissed the little girl’s forehead. "But nothing is as important to me as you and that leather bound rag doll of yours are. Gods I hope you know that."
Tarren kept her breathing steady so as not to allow her friend to see she was awake and hearing her pleading words.
The young woman lifted the blankets up closer to the child and then returned to her own pallet and with a deep breath and a long stretch crawled into the covers eager to find some comfort in sleep. "Goodnight Xena…Goodnight Tarren." She had a need to say the words even though she was sure her friends would never hear them.
Tarren let her eyes open a bit as she watched her friend fall into her pallet. She bit her lip as she thought about her friend’s words. "G’night," she whispered.
Beside the child a large figure opened her eyes and did the same.
Chapter 18 – A Test of Love
Xena arose from the blankets eager for an early start on her mission. The sooner she left the sooner she could return and deal with her own growing family troubles.
The mother motioned the youngster toward the door. She wanted to get her child settled with Gabrielle before she left.
Tarren grabbed her treasure bag and opened her eyes wide as she looked up at the
imposing figure of her mother. "Sure I can’t come Momma? I'll be real
Xena patted the child’s head. "No baby. This I must do alone. Besides I
want you and Gabrielle to spend some time together." She paused. "I know you
were just as awake as I was last night."
The child grinned. "You were awake too?"
"Why Momma?"
"I was watching you just in case you needed me."
The child smiled. "Really? Thanks Momma. I was awake too."
Xena nodded. "I know."
Tarren tilted her head so she could look up into her mother’s face. "I was
watching you too Momma."
Xena grinned at the child’s concern. "Why thank you for keeping an eye on me
but I think I can sort of watch us both. Ok?"
The youngster nodded. "Ok Momma. It was sorta tough staying awake all night so if you
think you can handle things I’ll let ya."
The warrior mother let out a breath as she took hold of her daughter’s hand. I think
I can handle it." She lifted the child into her arms. "However, the point is we
both heard what Gabrielle said. Right?"
The youngster nodded and lowered her eyes. "Yeah we heard her."
The mother picked the child’s chin up with one finger and kept a steady gaze on
the youngster. "But we are not gonna tell her that are we because it would
hurt her feelings and we don’t want to do that. Right?"
"No Momma we won’t tell her we were ears…dropping."
"Hey it wasn’t eavesdropping," the mother replied defensively.
"Yes it was Momma."
"No it wasn’t."
"Why not Momma? We were listening to something that was private."
Xena thought for a moment. "Because I said so." There was no time for lengthy
The youngster’s response was simple and filled with understanding for the familiar words. "Oh…Ok Momma."
Tarren lowered her head and Xena lifted it immediately with the tips of her fingers.
"You will behave while I’m gone."
The little girl nodded already feeling the burden of her mother’s absence.
"I’ll try."
The warrior shook her head. "No youngster…you will behave."
"Yes ma’am."
The warrior took the little girl by the hand and motioned toward the door.
Tarren could not help but notice that while her mother was wearing her chakrum, she was
leaving her sword behind. "Momma you forgot your sword."
Xena shook her head. "No I didn’t. I’m not taking it," she replied
The little girl’s grew wide. She hardly ever saw her mother without her sword. It was
hard to believe she would ever leave it behind. "How come?"
As if chastising herself for not taking better care of her weapon she grimaced. "The
strap on the sheathe broke and the handle feels a bit off so I have to repair it."
She looked at the concern in her child’s yes and rubbed the youngster’s head.
" Don’t worry. Ephiny is gonna loan me a blade. Besides my chakrum will do just
fine for a few hours. We are just taking a look at the area Tarren. We are not expecting a
fight." She fingered her circular sword. "However like I said I still have
this." She twirled it on one finger until the youngster’s smile returned.
The warrior looked longingly at her prized weapon wishing she had found time to repair the handle. "OK come on. Let’s go. Gabrielle is waiting for you and Ephiny is waiting for me."
Xena walked Tarren over to what had now become Gabrielle’s office and with a
gentle push propelled the youngster in the door. The warrior cleared her throat to
announce their presence. "Good Morning."
The young woman looked up from her scrolls and smiled at the sight of her family. "Hi
Xena glanced at Tarren who had yet to greet the bard. "Tarren where are your
The child shrugged wondering if they were positioned next to her gut instinct. She lifted
her tunic to see. "I dunno. Where are they Momma?"
Xena arched her brow in warning and the child smiled weakly. "Oh sorry…."
She bit her lip and looked at the bard. "Hi Gabrielle."
The warrior rolled her eyes and yanked the tunic back in place. She nodded to her best
friend. "I shouldn’t be gone more than a few hours." She paused and looked
down at the small now quiet form. "You behave yourself."
Tarren turned and looked up at her mother and Xena could see a stray tear falling. She
dropped to one knee beside the little girl. "Tarren I’m only gonna be gone a
little while," she said softly.
The youngster could not control her emotions any longer. She rubbed her eyes with the
balls of her fists as the tears started to fall. "I don’t want you to go. Stay
with me. I don’t wanna be the warrior princess while you’re gone. I want you to
stay and be the real Warrior Princess Momma."
Gabrielle could feel her own throat choking a bit at the youngster’s unwillingness
to part with her mother.
Xena moved in closer to allow the little girl throw her arms around her. "Hey come on
Monster. We talked about this. You know I need to go and you know I’ll be back
Tarren wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "But what if the cloud people come?"
"Hey I’m still a Warrior Princess and Ephiny’s coming with me so
that’s an Amazon Queen and a Warrior Princess. I don’t think there’s
anything that can beat that."
The warrior grinned. "Yup and I promise I will be back before you have time to
miss me."
The child reached out and again hugged her mother. "I miss you already."
Gabrielle folded her arms against her chest and tilted her head. "Blond? Storytelling Monster?"
Xena shrugged at her friend’s words as she caressed the child’s face. "She just had a nightmare."
The bard nodded. "Uh huh and an interesting one at that."
Xena hugged the little girl. "I miss you too Monster but remember what we talked
about last night if you wanna learn to catch those fast apples." She moved in closer.
"Don’t let Gabrielle fall in any holes Ok?"
The child nodded and Xena gave her a gentle kiss. "Ok then I will see you later and I
know I’m gonna hear nothing but glowing reports about how well behaved you
"Yes Momma."
Gabrielle watched the entire exchange in awe knowing that somewhere in the past months without warning without seeing it, Xena had turned into a warm and loving mother. She was really quite good at her new job and she and Tarren had a relationship that any parent and child would envy.
Xena stood and faced Gabrielle. "Will you be Ok with her?" she asked in a near whisper showing some concern for her departure.
This was a question the warrior had never asked before. She had always been sure Gabrielle could handle anything that came up and that Tarren would feel comfortable in the bard’s company.
Gabrielle let out a long breath and nodded. "Yeah we’ll be fine." She moved in closer to her friend and gave her a gentle poke. "You be real careful warrior."
"I will."
Gabrielle moved beside Tarren and together they watched Xena ride out toward the scouting party which, was waiting on the outskirts of the village.
Tarren turned and faced the bard. She was eager to make up with her friend and had even brought a peace offering deciding to break her own vow and show the bard her picture before it was even complete.
The young woman crouched down in front of the quiet little girl. "Tarren I just
want you to know…."
Before Gabrielle could finish the sentence a pair of small arms were wrapped tightly
around her neck holding on for all the love and affection they could get.
Gabrielle threw her arms around the child and dropped to her knees. "Hey
what’s all this about? I figured you’d be mad at me."
The child wiped her eyes but kept a firm hold on her friend. "I tried Gabby but I
couldn’t be. I missed ya and awful lot."
The young woman hugged the child so tightly it lifted her off the ground. "I
missed you too brat and I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn’t mean to. I just got
The youngster covered the woman’s mouth with her small hand. "It’s Ok
Gabby, I know how tough it is to be good all the time."
Gabrielle wiped tears from her own eyes. "I am so sorry about the flower."
The child smiled and pulled from her pocket the white flower with the pink trim. "I
kept it for ya…if ya still want it."
Gabrielle took the prized item and placed it on her shirt. "I can’t imagine
wanting anything more accept maybe another big hug."
Tarren smiled and embraced the bard again. "Do you think Momma will be Ok?" she
asked, her fear for her mother’s safety still evident.
Gabrielle signed. She knew the child was worried about her mother. "Hey do you think
anyone could ever beat the great Warrior Princess?"
Tarren did not want to show a loss of faith. "No but…."
The bard nodded in understanding. "You’re still worried about her
The child lowered her eyes. "Yes."
Gabrielle leaned back and placed a tender hand on the little girl’s shoulder.
"Ok I’ll tell you what. If it will make you feel better I will send two
additional guards just to look after her."
Tarren’s mouth dropped open at the thought of such power. "Can you do
The Princess bard waved a hand in the air. "Yup while Ephiny is away I am in charge."
She called to the door and a guard appeared. The Princess Bard gave her command.
"Pick two of the finest warriors we have and have them join Xena and Ephiny on the trail as an escort."
The guard nodded. "Yes my Princess."
Gabrielle leaned down and smiled at the child. "There now do you feel better?"
Tarren hugged her gentle friend. "Uh huh…thanks Gabby."
The bard welcomes the affection and smiled. "You are quite welcome honey."
The little girl allowed her eyes to scan the large office. She could not help but notice a large pile of scrolls piled under a window near a small opening with a bamboo shoot.
"What are those?" she asked pointing the pile of untouched scrolls
Gabrielle knelt beside the child and grinned. "Believe it or not those are Amazons
seeking my…err…wisdom…I guess they don’t feel they know me well enough
to ask me something face to face so they send little scrolls through the window."
Tarren let her hands fumble through the rolled parchments. "Do ya answer them?"
Gabrielle shook her head knowing this was yet another responsibility she had not had time
to fulfill. "No…I haven’t had any time yet but I will."
The little girl nodded and kicked away a stray scroll with the tip of her boot.
"You’re real important here now huh?"
The young woman found it hard to resist a chance to try and impress the child. After all
Xena was always the hero and Gabrielle hoped for a moment in the spotlight too.
"Well…actually...yeah…I guess I am," she replied with a silly grin.
Tarren lowered her eyes not wanting her true feelings to be seen. "So you like it
here I guess."
Gabrielle looked around the office. It was nice to have a desk and a chair to write at
sometimes. "Yeah it’s nice to be needed and feel like you make a difference.
Don’t you agree?" she asked, hoping she was truly impressing the little girl.
Remembering her mother’s words the little girl tried to force a smile. "Yeah I
Gabrielle noted the change in the child’s disposition. "Hey now come on. I
planned a big breakfast for us and I have been dying to tell my favorite brat
a story for days now."
The little girl’s eyes grew wide with excitement. She had truly missed her
friend’s stories. "You have?"
The bard took the child by the hand. "Yes I have so lets go eat. I am
Tarren giggled as they headed out the door. "Gabby you’re always
The bard grinned and gave the little girl a quick tickle making the child giggle.
"You know kid you really do sound more like your mother every day."
After a huge breakfast Gabrielle and Tarren returned to the office and sat down on the
couch. Tarren nestled close to the bard and the young woman was happy to offer her lap as
a source of comfort. She had not realized just how much she has missed the youngster until
that moment. "Gods even I’m full. Do you think we left any food for the rest of
the Amazons," the young woman asked with a weak smile.
The little girl rubbed her stomach and smiled. "Nope."
Gabrielle chuckled and kissed the child on the head. "Well too bad. Let them go fishing." She glanced down at the small form looking up at her. "How about that story?"
The youngster put her feet up and dropped her head on her friend’s lap. "Ok but after that I have something I wanna show you."
"Fair enough." The bard stroked the child’s face.
The child grinned. "Uh huh."
Gabrielle leaned back and for the first time in a long time felt relaxed. "Ok
good…once upon a time there was a Princess and…."
There was a knock at the door and the story was immediately interrupted.
The Princess Bard let out a quick breath and growled. "Yes."
Eponon entered slowly. "I am sorry to interrupt Princess but we have a problem.
Queen Mussona has decided to leave."
Gabrielle moved the youngster to one side. "Excuse me honey." She sprung up from
the couch. "What? She can’t leave. We are waiting for the others to come."
Eponon shrugged her response. "She feels that because of the incident with the death
of Tyrell that it would best for her to return to her tribe…in case there is
Gabrielle paced around the room considering her options. "Ok I’ll talk to her.
She can’t leave now. We have to keep this thing together. Have her meet me in the
hall in an hour."
Eponon nodded and sprinted out the door.
Gabrielle turned to Tarren and sighed. "I’m sorry honey but the story will
have to wait a bit. With Ephiny gone I have to speak to Queen Mussona. I'll try not to be
long. You can wait here. I’ll send Shalia to stay with you if you like."
The child fell back against the couch and nodded. "Sure Gabrielle. Whatever you
The bard felt her insides melt realizing that she had just lost the very bond she had
reaffirmed. She knelt beside the youngster. "Look Tarren I promise I’ll
be back soon."
Tarren jumped to her feet and shook her head. Her small hands were balled into fists. "No you always promise but you don’t keep your promises. You said you’d stay with me but you lied. You said you’d have supper but you didn’t. You promised Momma you’d be with me while she was gone and now you’re leaving." The child took a step away from her friend. "Now you’re gone and Momma’s gone and I don’t want anyone. I hate it here. I hate all these Amazons." Tears streamed down the little girl’s cheeks but she would accept no comfort from her friend.
Gabrielle tried to reach out a hand but the youngster backed way. "Tarren if you
will just listen…."
Before the bard could stop her the child pushed past her. "I’m a warrior
princess. I don’t haffta listen to anyone." With those final words the youngster
sprinted out the door before Gabrielle could stop her.
Tarren’s trail of terror…
Tarren ran back to the cottage and dropped her treasure bag on the pallet. She reached inside and pulled out her picture. All plans to show Gabrielle the artwork were now gone. She ripped it in half and dropped it to the floor as she cried. "It’ll never happen… It won’t." Her face filled with tears as she realized that these Amazons had shattered all her dreams. They had stolen her friend and taken her mother away from her.
Hearing approaching footsteps the youngster quickly climbed out the window. If she was not to have her mother or Gabrielle then she was not to have anyone. She would live life alone as the Warrior Princess but first there was an enemy to deal with.
Shalia skidded into the cottage hoping to locate the missing child. "Tarren," she called. Seeing the torn picture on the ground she dropped to her knees. "Oh no Tarren not your beautiful picture," she whispered, picking the two pieces up rolling them and placing them safely in her cuff.
Gabrielle came running in behind her. "Is she here?" The bard’s face was
filled with concern at the still absent child
Shalia shook her head. "No she was but now she’s gone."
The bard dropped her shoulder against the door. "Damn! This is all my fault."
Gabrielle smiled at the young Amazon’s wisdom. She wished she had found some time
to talk with this girl. "Thank you. Shalia I have to speak with Queen Mussona for a
few minutes. Please keep looking for Tarren. I will get Eponon and the other warriors to
join you."
Shalia bowed but Gabrielle ignored the gesture and headed back to the hall wanting just
enough time to make her excuses fast and to the point for the impatient queen.
Tarren walked slowly behind huts and through bushes in an attempt to go unnoticed. She reached Boralla’s kitchen and crawled inside the now empty galley hoping for some refuge. The tears streamed down her face as she huddled in the corner hearing her name being called in the compound. "Go away Amazons," she muttered, wiping her face dry.
Seeing a basket of dough balls sitting by the stove the child wiped the last of her tears and smiled wickedly. "Fine they want a war. The great Warrior Princess will give them a battle they will never forget," she said standing straight. The youngster tucked a large wooden spoon in her waist as a fair replacement for a sword grabbed the basket of dough balls and again sprinted out the window. "Amazons…who needs them. Nothing but trouble every last one of them," she muttered as she scurried up a tree covering the tracks behind her carefully with a branch. "The great Warrior Princess shall have her revenge." She snickered and found herself a comfortable branch to hide on.
The child sat on the tree limb watching as people in search of her passed by. When she picked a target out that she felt was Amazon enough she loaded a dough ball in her slingshot and took aim.
The pelted individual was always left dazed and confused wondering where the attacking ball of food could come from. The youngster had learned from watching her warrior mother how to ricochet an object to mask its origin.
The youngster chuckled as she pelted Gruella for the third time. "The Warrior Princess never forgets an enemy." She watched Shalia walk beneath and lowered her weapon. "Or a friend." When the young Amazon had passed the child resumed her attack.
Before the youngster could climb down she heard the voices of approaching Amazons that were apparently looking for her. "Huh…no Amazon will ever capture the mighty Warrior Princess." She leaned up against a branch. "Ok this means war. I’m a warrior princess so I can handle this," the child muttered determined to live up to her title.
The youngster moved through the trees until she spotted a very familiar Amazon with a
rather hefty head full of feathers. "Hmm that’s the one who called me an
orphan…Got me in trouble for touching her old feathers." She held her
spoon in the air. "I put the mark of the mighty Warrior Princess on you."
She smiled as she watched the woman pass by. "That means you get your butt kicked
lady," she said with a smirk.
The child looked at her surroundings until a plan took shape. She skidded down the tree
and over to a water trough. Cupping her hands in the water she made a small mud pile
beside her. She removed her tunic and covered her face with mud to mask her fair features.
"Ok now we’ll see the feathers fly." She chuckled at her own genius.
Making sure there were no witnesses present the child used all her little might and tipped
the trough on it’s side until all the water had drained into the path leaving a
rather large mud puddle. "Hmm this almost worked in Amphipolis," she
mumbled remembering the sore outcome when Xena had stepped in her trap by mistake. "I
think maybe my timing was off but Momma’s gone so there’s no chance of her
stepping in it this time."
Tarren covered the mud with leaves and with her newly camouflaged face moved through the
trees until she had spotted what she new was the supply house. She giggled as she crawled
in the window retrieved her supplies and returned to the trees. The child could hear her
name being called all over the village but ignored it knowing her mother’s voice was
not among them.
"I laugh at your lack of skills Amazons. No one can track the mighty
Warrior Princess." She paused. "Except Momma and she’s not here."
The child’s eyes lowered at that thought but she continued her plan. She took a rope
and tied it to a tree allowing it to drag through the mud and be covered. She tied it
around the base of the tree on the far side and then with a basket full of unearned
feathers she climbed back in the high branches and called. "Eponon over here. Come
get me…Oh feather lady."
The weapons maser heard the small voice and sprinted in that direction sure that locating
the youngster would earn her a reward from the queen. Once she was about to pass over the
rope Tarren gave a yank sending the Amazon face down into the mud. The youngster giggled
as she dropped the sack of feathers onto the muddy warrior leaving a rather large angry
warrior covered in mud and feathered from head to toe.
Feeling her work was done the youngster stood on the branch above her victim raising her spoon in the air. "You have just been defeated by the great Warrior Princess peasant," she yelled before disappearing into the thick of the high branches.
Eponon tried to stand but slid on a mesh of feathers. "If I catch that kid first…." She thought of Xena and growled slapping the mud with her open hand. "Xena you owe me big."
Back at the hall…
Gabrielle paced around the hall. "Look Queen Mussona I realize this whole thing
with Tyrell is unnerving but if we just work together…."
The arrogant Amazon shook her head. "Together? What do you have to offer? You have no
idea what it even means to be an Amazon. You were made a princess by right of cast.
You do not even live amongst your people. You are a visiting figurehead." She flicked
her wrist dismissing the Princess Bard’s attempt at negotiating.
Gabrielle’s eyes flared at the action but before she could speak a messenger brought
her a handful of parchments. "What are these?" she asked, annoyed by the
The messenger bowed her head. "Complaints."
The Princess Bard stared at the messenger in disbelief. "What do you mean
complaints?" She paused long enough to read some of the scrolls. "Tarren?
Hasn’t anyone found her yet?" she asked in shock. Gabrielle had expected the
youngster to be found already. Now she was getting truly worried.
"Yeah she could." An angry voice from the door responded. "She may be a small child but she’s not exactly innocent and do try and remember just whose little kid that is when you’re trying to catch her."
Gabrielle turned to see her weapons master half covered in a mix of mud and feathers.
"Eponon! By the gods on Olympus is that you?"
The muddy figure nodded. "Yes Princess it is me and I am sorry to report that we
have lost all signs of the…child."
Queen Mussona stood and gave a hearty belly laugh. "You cannot even control one tiny
little girl and you think you can bring our tribes together as a nation. I
Gabrielle’s eyes fell on the visiting queen. Her usually gentle green orbs were as
wild as a flaming meadow. "Shut up."
The queen’s laughter stopped and she leaned on the table glaring at the Amazon
Princess. "What did you say?"
The princess leaned on the very same table going face to face with the visiting dignitary.
"You heard me you arrogant overstuffed feather headed bag of wind."
Eponon folded her arms against her chest and grinned. "Welcome home Princess Gabrielle," she said with a smirk.
The princess ignored the words of her weapon’s master and kept her attentions focused on the queen. "I have been bowing to your demands for days when I should have been paying more attention to that little girl. Right now she is more important to me than whether you stay or go. So Queen Mussona if you are not wise enough to see your presence here is best for all including you then you are not as wise as I thought and are of no benefit to any of us in these negotiations."
Gabrielle turned on her heal to leave but then glanced back at the shocked dignitary. "And if you ever address me as anything less than Princess Gabrielle or treat me with less respect than I treat you I will personally shove my staff up your royal…backside." With those words said she shoved the parchments in her waistline hoping to use their locations to pinpoint Tarren. The Amazon Princess pushed passed the guards determined to find a child she loved as her own.
Tarren lay on a branch eating an apple she had pilfered from a nearby window. She
glanced over her muddy hands and face and smiled. "Ya know I could get used to
this… Dirt…food and Amazons to throw stuff at." She paused in her
thoughts. "I wish Momma was here to play too."
The little girl dropped her apple to the ground as she thought about her mother. She knew
the warrior would not be happy with her behavior and the chance of being taught to catch
fast apples was now gone. "Momma’s sure gonna be mad at me," she mumbled to
a squirrel sharing the limb. As the youngster considered her mother’s reaction to the
day’s events she heard a familiar voice echoing through the village. It was
Tarren frowned and watched as her friend walked through the compound calling.
"Tarren please come out. You are in enough trouble already. Don’t make it
any worse."
The youngster leaned on one arm and stared at her friend. She could see the anger and
concern in her eyes but still the child did not move. "Sorry Gabby but you have your
Amazons now," she whispered with a tear.
The child lowered her eyes and moved through the branches taking one last look back at her red-faced friend before disappearing into the trees once again.
Gabrielle scanned the trees knowing that somewhere in the limbs was a very small child watching her and not answering. "Oh Tarren where are you?"
Tarren took a deep breath as she dropped from a tree far from the compound. Suddenly playing Warrior Princess with the Amazons wasn’t even fun anymore. Seeing a stack of well-stacked arrows the child whipped out her chucks and with one swipe brought the pyramid into a covering of rubble. "Amazons."
The little girl sat down beside the pile leaning against a wall that encircled the village. She was tired from her war and content to wait there for her mother to return and find her. There was a rustle in the grass behind her and when the youngster turned she saw
three slim figures standing before her. The first stepped forward. "Well what do we have here girls? I think it’s a lost child. Maybe we should take the baby home," Lexus said with mock concern.
Tarren immediately wiped her tears and jumped to her feet. She grabbed her chucks and swung them expertly in front of her to warn the teenagers back. "I’m not lost and I’m not a baby." That was a private word to be used between she and her mother. The small child gave the tall teenager a strong enough shove to send her back a few feet. "You try and take me back and I’ll whack you good," she warned.
Lexus straightened herself out and glanced at her two friends. The child was definitely
a bit too threatening with the wands to make it worth their while to drag her back.
"Well we have a little fighter here." She looked from left to right. "Teril
and Galia meet Tarren. She is the daughter of Xena…so they say."
Tarren’s breathing became heavy as she glared at the teenager. "What do ya mean they
say? I am her daughter," she replied with a little Xena like growl. She continued
the motions with the chucks wanting to make sure that these enemies knew she meant
Lexus grinned evilly and folded her arms against her chest. "Really well I saw Xena
ride out of here this morning and she did not have her sword with her." She
paused. "I heard she borrowed one from Queen Ephiny."
Lexus studied the tips of her fingers. "Why was that?"
The child bit her lower lip and looked from one teenager to the next. "Momma said it
needed to be fixed and she didn’t have time to do it…besides she had her
Lexus shook her head. "Just like I thought. You can’t be her
Tarren dropped her chucks into her boot and again the small child shoved the teenager this
time with enough force to knock her opponent to the ground. "Say it again." The
tears were welling but she was making an effort to hold them back.
Lexus chuckled and got to her feet wiping the dirt from her skins. She knew she had the
child right where she wanted her. "Well Tarren it’s just that if you were Xena’s
daughter you would have tested the sword the way you were supposed to."
The child let her muscles ease and fell back against the long wall. "Test? What
Teril and Galia stared at their friend eager to know about the test as well. Lexus only
glared at them to let each know they too were expected to join in on the game.
Teril nodded in understanding. "Oh yeah the test…Everyone knows about the
With a light nudge Galia agreed. "Yeah sure I do my Mother’s blade all the
Lexus opened her arms. "Ya see. Everyone knows but you youngster but I guess it doesn’t matter. I don’t think Xena expects too much from such a small child anyway."
Tarren swallowed hard. She did not want to fail her mother in any way. "How do I
do the test?" she asked eager to prove her heritage and protect her mother.
Lexus smiled at her equally pleased friends. "Well I don’t know if I should tell you or not. I mean it’s not like we’re friends and you have not been very nice."
Galia leaned in close to Lexus. "How far are you gonna take this? If she tells her
mother or the Princess we’re dead." She paused. "Besides she is just a
little kid. She could get hurt touching a sword."
Lexus shook her head as she placed the silver bracelet on her wrist. "Don’t
worry! I have it all covered."
Tarren skidded back to the cottage dodging in and out of small hiding places so as not to be seen. When she reached the hut she entered through the window. She walked into the sleeping area where the prized weapon was kept and stared at the sheathed blade for a long moment. The weary child let her hand touch the sheath and then pulled it back as she remembered her mother’s many strong warnings about touching the sword.
Tarren was not sure if she was doing the right thing or not but she could not forget what Lexus had said about life or death. Without further hesitation she grabbed a sack and shoved the heavy blade inside dragging it to the window and using all her strength to move it unnoticed back to Lexus for the great test.
The child reappeared before the trio of teenagers dragging the sword in the sack.
"Ok I got it. Now test it fast."
Lexus studied her nails. "Oh no we can’t test it. You have to. "
Tarren let out a deep breath wondering how much more energy this might take.
The teenager let her foot run along the outside of the sack. "Well I’ll tell you
but if I do…." She paused. "Ya know this is a secret ceremony and if your
mother didn’t tell you then I’m not sure I should. I could get in a lot of
trouble for helping you."
The youngster dropped the sack. "Hey we made a fair trade. You gotta
Lexus eyed her new bracelet and smiled. "True and I do keep my promises. Ok but then no matter what happens you can't tell anyone about any of this."
Tarren nodded in agreement relieved she could gain the information needed. "I
won’t tell."
The teenager’s expression grew cold. "Swear on your mother’s life."
The child swallowed hard and nodded knowing she now could never reveal this secret.
"Yes I swear on Momma’s life."
Lexus smiled broadly and pointed to large rock behind the stone wall they were taking refuge behind. "Well you have to make sure the blade is sound so the first thing you have to do is take it out of the bag."
Tarren removed the sack revealing the sword of the Warrior Princess.
The teenagers were speechless at the sight of the famed blade.
"Maybe you shouldn’t do this." Galia said remembering the sight of the
small child crying in the corner when they first approached. "She is just a little
The teenager glared at her friend. "Nonsense she deserves our help.
Lexus shrugged. "No problem…I am glad to do it. Now you see that
boulder over there." She pointed to the large rock. "If a sword is true then the
blade will hold the blow. If it’s not then it will break in two."
The child’s eyes went wide again. "You want me to hit the rock with
Momma’s sword. What if it breaks?"
The teenager held her hands in the air. "Would you prefer it to break in her hand in battle?"
"No that would be very bad."
Lexus motioned toward the boulder. "Well then?"
"Ok." Tarren could barely hold the sword none the less swing it. She rested it
on her shoulder and swung with all her might.
"That thing will snap in two," the vicious teenager said with a chuckle.
The blade made contact with the rock and to the surprise of all stayed in one piece. It even sliced an edge of the hard boulder off. However, the force of the blow forced Tarren to lose her grip and fall to the ground.
Teril opened and closed her eyes quickly. "I’ve never seen a blade like
"Me neither," Galia agreed
Lexus moved over and picked the blade up. She immediately noticed a small nick in the
side. "Well it seems the blade is sound but you youngster have nicked your
mother’s sword. I doubt that will please her." She tossed the sword to the
ground and laughed. "Now we are even little girl." The teenager grabbed her two
friends by the arms and quickly left the crime scene before they were discovered.
Tarren watched the trio go and realized she had been tricked. She stared at the nick in the otherwise smooth blade and closed her eyes allowing a single tear to fall.
"Are you Ok?" a gentle voice from behind asked.
The youngster turned to see Shalia suddenly standing beside her. She knelt down beside
the teary youngster. "You know Princess Gabrielle has had half the village looking
for you."
Tarren shrugged and wiped her eyes dry with her sleeve. " I don’t care what
Gabrielle does." She looked at the sword. "But Momma’s gonna kill me."
Tarren sat on the ground pointing to the nick of about a quarter inch in the side of her mother’s blade.
Shalia asked no questions about the sword.
The child looked at her friend hoping for some advice. "I guess I should hide it or something?"
The young woman lifted the sword up and put it back in the sack. "No Tarren you will
just take it back to the hut and put it back where it belongs and when your mother returns
you will tell her exactly what happened."
"But Shalia I can’t…."
The young woman seemed to have a new force in her voice. "Tarren I said take it back
to the cottage." She handed the youngster the sack and motioned toward the cottage.
"When Xena returns you will tell her what happened or I will tell her."
"No Shalia don’t do that." The child crossed her fingers behind her back to protect her from breaking her sacred oath. "I promise I’ll tell her. Please let me do it."
The young woman nodded. "Very well Tarren. You may tell her yourself. Now return to the cottage and wait for me."
The child lowered her eyes and let her shoulders slump. "Aren’t you
The Amazon looked down the path she knew the teenagers had taken. "Soon I have
something to do first."
Tarren let her foot slide in the dirt. "Shalia about your bracelet…."
The young woman smiled. "Go my little friend. Everything will be fine."
Tarren nodded and slowly headed back toward the cottage.
The child felt her heart sink as she dragged the sword back to the hut and again slid it through the window. She placed the sword in its spot and stared at it again for a long moment. On the chair beside it was her mother’s whetstone and that inspired an idea…a very bad idea.
"Hey I can just fix it. I’ve seen Momma do it a 100 times."
Out on the trail near the village…
Lexus walked along the quiet trail feeling quite content with her actions. A hand
reached from behind a tree grabbing her firmly by the arm. "I do believe you have
something that belongs to a friend of mine."
Lexus shook her head nervously. "I don’t know what you mean."
Shalia looked at the girl’s wrist and removed the bracelet. "Well then let me
help you remember." She glared at the teenager who returned the expression without as
much force.
Lexus tried to break free of the young woman’s grip but it was iron clad. "You are interfering where you do not belong Shalia."
The Amazon stood tall as she pushed the younger girl back. "That child is my
friend and my responsibility. Do not bother her again or I promise you that you will be
There was a fire and a force burning in Shalia’s eyes that Lexus had never seen
before. "You are not even a real warrior…You wish to challenge me to a
fight…I accept."
Shalia’s laugh echoed through the trees. "I will not fight you child. You will
do what I say because I am a woman and you are not and perhaps never shall be. I am
an Amazon and a member of the house of your queen. Dare to defy me and suffer the
consequences." Her words were so filled with anger and threat Lexus found it hard to
believe it was Shalia.
The teenager bit her lip as she stared at the bracelet now dangling in Shalia’s
"It’s not worth it. You’re not worth it." She started to
back away only to be caught in a tighter grip then she thought possible for the slim
figure to have. "Remember what I said. Leave Tarren alone."
Lexus felt a chill run up and down her spine and she nodded.
Shalia smiled approvingly. "One more thing. I want to know exactly what you said to Tarren to make her take her mother’s sword and don’t try lying to me. I will know if you do." The young woman’s eyes turned red as fire and she glared at the now frightened teenager. "So will you tell me."
Lexus nodded and without hesitation began to reveal her entire vengeful plan.
Back at the cottage…
Tarren dropped the sword to the ground as the blood dripped onto the blade and across the
floor. She swallowed hard and fought back tears at the throbbing pain cringing as she
watched the blood cover her hand. The same dark liquid that had taken the life of the
Amazon on the trail was now running down her hand and onto her clothes. She wished her
mother were there to hold her. She wanted to call out for Gabrielle but could not allow
herself to do so.
Shalia appeared in the doorway and seeing the blood ran to the child’s side.
"Tarren what happened?"
The youngster offered up her palm to her friend. "I…I tried to…fix
Momma’s sword."
The Amazon let out a long breath and examined the wound. "This will need a healers attention. Come on." Shalia ripped a piece of a cloth in two and bandaged the wound. "There that will be do until the healer sees it," she said motioning the child toward the door.
The little girl glanced at the sword lying on the ground now nicked and covered in blood. "Momma is gonna be real mad."
Shalia tilted her head to one side. "Tarren that is ridiculous. She loves you. Now
come I must take you to her." She guided the child out the door and toward the center
of the compound where she knew the princess was still searching.
The youngster thought of Gabrielle and all their time on the road and then of the way she had not shown up for supper or told her stories. She missed the friend that had never lied to her but she was now gone. Gabrielle was now an Amazon Princess. As the youngster considered her destination her heart began to race and she turned. "No I don’t want Gabby. I want my Momma," she screamed sprinting toward the woods.
Shalia turned but only in time to see the child disappear once again. "Tarren come back," she called.
There was no response. The child had again disappeared.
At the compound…
Shalia found Gabrielle still searching the village and immediately explained only that she had seen the child with the sword and that she had taken off into the woods. She had decided that further explanation should come from the child.
Gabrielle’s jaw dropped as she listened to the story being told. "By the gods
she touched Xena’s sword." Even as she said the words it was as if they held no
Shalia nodded. "Yes my Princess and she cut her hand."
The princess swallowed hard and closed he eyes. "How bad is it?"
The Amazon shrugged. "Not too deep but it should be attended to further. I am no
Gabrielle felt her skin grow cold at the mere thought of Tarren in the woods alone and now
hurt. She mustered all the strength and command she could. "Ok I want you to get every
Amazon on two feet and start a circular sweep of the entire forest. Nobody sleeps eats
or stops until we find her."
"Find who?" a husky voice, asked from behind.
"Xena!" Gabrielle turned and saw a large muscular figure in a long cape dismounting from a familiar steed.
The warrior stared at her friend waiting for an answer.
Ephiny, who had ridden beside her, dismounted and also waited. "Yeah who do you need an all Amazon search for?" she asked with a frown.
The Princess swallowed hard. "Xena…Ephiny you’re both back."
Xena nodded as she moved closer to the group. "Yeah well we split the scouts. After
we finished our sweep we returned to the village. The rest of the party should be back
soon. Now who are you looking for?" Her eyes scanned the area and noticed her small
daughter was not to be seen. "Tarren. Where’s Tarren?" she asked with
growing concern.
Gabrielle stepped forward and stared at her friend. "It’s my fault. We were
having a really good time together then Queen Mussona said she was leaving."
Ephiny interjected. "She’s leaving."
Gabrielle pushed the Amazon to one side. "Yes and good riddens. Anyway Tarren got
upset and ran off."
Xena’s face grew white with concern. "That’s just great. How long has
she been gone?" she asked, already scanning the area for signs of her child.
The princess pulled out her parchments. "Well…she’s been
Ephiny and Xena looked at Gabrielle who handed them each a pile of the parchments. Xena
flipped through hers. "Pelted with dough balls from the trees, food stolen, mud
traps…What is all this?" she asked in disbelief.
Gabrielle glanced at Shalia who closed her eyes. "Tarren…It’s Tarren. I
guess she’s a little upset." She folded her arms behind her back and
lowered her eyes. "According to Eponon she’s playing Warrior Princess and
the Amazons are the…err…enemy."
The warrior closed her eyes and listened to the sounds around her. "She’s playing
Warrior Princess?" Xena opened her eyes and could not hide the growing concern on
her face. "That’s bad…very bad."
Xena looked at Ephiny whose eyes flared as she continued to read the complaints. In only a
few hours one small child had managed to put her village and people in a state of chaos.
"So why didn’t you send my trackers to find her?" the angry queen asked
with a stare.
Gabrielle looked at Ephiny with some indignation for thinking she would not have already
done that. "I did. The kid hides pretty well and every time they got close they
Xena grabbed her friends arm. "What? What could she do? She’s just a little
The princess lowered her eyes a bit. "She pelted them with dough balls."
Xena twisted her lips and shoved the parchments back into her friend’s hand.
"Dough balls? That’s great just great." She handed Gabrielle Argo’s
reigns and started toward the woods.
The Amazon Princess pulled on her friend’s arm bringing her to a halt. "Wait
Xena there’s one more thing."
The angry mother turned and faced her friend. "What? What else did she do…attack
the centaurs?" she asked trying to control her anger and fear.
Gabrielle nodded at Shalia who stepped forward ready to speak.
Before she could Queen Mussona pushed her way into the group. "Queen Ephiny I am
now leaving and I want you to know…."
Gabrielle shook her head and gave Mussona a not so gentle push. "Look you’ve
been saying that all morning and yet you’re still here."
Queen Mussona’s eyes flew open. "Impudent little…."
"Say it. I would love to get my staff." Gabrielle looked at the shocked queen
and shrugged. "Yeah I know. Look Mussona we have something important going on
here so if you’re gonna go...go." She waved her hand in dismissal.
Mussona stood tall. "I am going to my quarters now to pack."
The princess nodded. "Umm hmm…Well don’t let the door knob hit you where the gods split you."
Xena and Ephiny both stared at Gabrielle for a long moment before bringing themselves
back to the present problem. The warrior glanced at Shalia. "What else Shalia? Make
it fast I have a very naughty child to find."
Shalia lowered her voice so her words were both soothing and quiet. "Xena she cut her
hand…It’s not bad but I’m sure it hurts."
The mother’s eyes flew open. Now she was being told her child was hurt. "How?
Who hurt her?" she asked feeling the flames boiling inside her.
Shalia’s reply was fast and firm. "On your sword. She cut herself on your sword
The warrior’s mouth dropped and her eyes filled with fury. "No my daughter
would not touch my sword. She knows better." Her words held such force that
none dared to speak except Shalia.
The young Amazon took a brave step forward. "Perhaps there was a reason. If you allow
me to explain…."
Xena turned on her Amazon friend and Shalia could feel the pain in the great
warrior’s heart. "No Shalia! There is no reason anyone can give except
Tarren and I am going to find my daughter right now."
The warrior mother took a deep calming breath and looked again at Shalia. "Where
was she seen last?"
The young woman pointed toward the area in the woods Tarren had run toward.
Ephiny moved forward. "I’ll get every Amazon looking Xena."
The warrior closed her eyes and shook her head. "Thanks Eph but no. As a matter of
fact get everyone out of the woods. I’ll find her myself." She looked at
Gabrielle. "I don’t know what happened here but I intend to find out and I want
everyone to stay away from my daughter until I do."
Gabrielle moved closer. "Xena she’s scared."
The warrior nodded. "Gabrielle, right now she has every reason to be."
Gabrielle started to move behind her friend when the hand of her queen stopped her.
"Not so fast Princess. Xena needs to be alone with Tarren and you have a bit of
explaining to do about the state of this village and doors hitting visiting royalty in the
Gabrielle let out a quick breath and watched Xena quickly disappear into the woods in
search of a child they both loved. She closed her eyes. "By the gods please let
Tarren be alright," she prayed. "Find her quickly Xena."
Too be continued…
Need I tell you to feed Little Ego? J She’s very hungry and we have a long way to go. Part seven is in the works so write with your thoughts.