At the end of the trail…
Xena sighed as she approached the place with the fallen arrows had been located. This was not something she was looking forward to. Tarren was so tired that she was already napping in her mother’s arms. The warrior mother felt the child had in many ways been punished enough, but she felt it was important that the youngster complete at least one task as planned.
However when the pair arrived at their destination the warrior found a well-stacked group of arrows. She stared at the arrangement in disbelief. "How in Hades…." Hearing the crack of a twig she looked at the stone wall that encircled the village. She watched as a single arrow was passed from one set of hands to another until it reached the stack and was placed neatly on the pile. This act was repeated several times. "Son of a…." She glanced at her napping daughter and restrained herself from finishing that sentence. "By the gods I don’t believe this." The warrior took a deep breath and gave the child a gentle nudge. "Tarren baby wake up."
The little girl’s eyes flickered open. "Huh…Oh hi Momma." She yawned. "I’m sorry…I fell asleep a bit but I’m ready to work."
The warrior grinned and placed the half-dazed child against a tree. "I know you are." She rubbed the little girl’s cheek. "But right now I want you to stay here and be real quiet."
The little girl wrapped her arms around the tree trunk determined not to disobey her mother again on this day. There was after all no reason to test her mother’s strength. She could still feel it echoing behind her. "I won’t move Momma," she whispered with a tired smile.
Xena grinned knowing the child was trying very hard to behave. "Good girl."
The warrior moved quietly to where she had seen the pair of hands stacking arrows, and the
next time the arms reached out to place an arrow on the pile Xena grabbed them and pulled
the figure in front of her. "Hello Gabrielle."
The princess felt the tight hold of the warrior’s grasp and grimaced a bit. "Oh
Xena hi…I…we…Uh...I heard that you had a little trouble and thought
Xena smiled. "You thought maybe what?" The warrior kept a firm grip on her friend arm as she looked behind the long stone wall for the other culprits who had been passing the arrows secretly along. She shook her head in disbelief. "Ephiny! Boralla! Eponon?" She looked further down the wall and saw that nearly fifty Amazons were sitting in the line up waiting to offer their help.
The mother released her friend. She grinned a bit at the large group knowing they were only doing what they did out of care and concern for her child. She looked at Gabrielle. "Ok I appreciate that all of you want o help Tarren, but she has to learn to do this on her own so she is going to finish it all by herself," she stated firmly.
Gabrielle glanced at the seated queen and then took a step back motioning toward the
stack. "Anything you say Xena. You are her mother." There was something
in the bard’s voice that made that sound somewhat unimportant at the moment.
The mother folded her arms against her chest. "That’s right I am her mother!"
She turned and called to her child. "Tarren!"
The youngster sprinted to her mother’s side and seeing all her friends sitting beside the wall waved. "Hi…What are ya playing?" she asked wishing she were not being punished so she too could join the game.
The mother let out a quick breath and brought her attention to the child. "They are playing a very naughty game called make Xena look like a mean Momma."
The little girl shook her finger at each of them. "Shame on you. My Momma is not mean. She’s just my momma and she loves me lots." She reached out and hugged the warrior’s legs to emphasize the point.
Gabrielle sighed and for the first time realized that perhaps she had been wrong to organize this little troop. It had only started as she and Ephiny and then Eponon wandered over and before they knew it there was a wall full of Amazons eager to lend a hand to help the little Warrior Princess.
Xena nodded approvingly and lifted the little girl into her arms. "That’s my
girl. Now Tarren you and I discussed this. I know it seems tough but you and I are going
to have to finish this stacking all by ourselves."
The child nodded and looked at the large neat stack. "Ok Momma."
The warrior placed the youngster in front of the high pile and affectionately rubbed the little girl’s head. "Are ya ready?"
"Uh huh."
Xena peered at Gabrielle. "Give me he next arrow please," she said with a slight
frown. Of all people she had expected that her best friend would understand the importance
of the child learning from her mistakes.
The princess smiled and placed the narrow stick in Xena’s hand. The warrior let out a
deep breath but handed the item to Tarren. "Don’t touch the point. Hold it in
the middle and place it on top of the stack." The mother watched each step carefully.
The small child dropped her head back and eyed the large wall of arrows. "Momma can I
have a boost?"
The mother glanced at the small size of her child and the now tall stack and shook her
head. "Oh yeah sorry." She lifted the youngster into the air and watched as the
little girl placed the arrow in it’s proper spot.
The warrior nodded and placed the child back on the ground. "Ok Gabrielle where
are the rest of them? Tarren and I will finish this ourselves."
The princess smiled broadly and folded her arms against her chest. "That was the last
one Xena."
The warrior looked at he tall stack and then the queen who nodded in agreement.
Ephiny shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry…That was the last one. It’s all finished now." All of a sudden the queen was realizing this had not been a very good idea.
Hearing that Tarren had finished her task the Amazons sitting along the wall applauded loudly. This act was quickly silenced when Xena’s eyes flashed with anger and she glared at each of the cohorts. "That’s just great," she growled.
Tarren poked her head out and tugged on her mother’s arm. "Momma ya want me to knock it over again so we can make it right ourselves?"
The mother considered the thought but shook her head. "No baby it’s a nice idea but it just wouldn’t be the same." She lifted the little girl into her arms and gave the long line of Amazons one final stare of dissatisfaction. "Ephiny! Gods Eponon?" She turned gave her best friend a glare that said they would discuss his later and headed back toward the cottage where no one could interfere.
Tarren poked her head out from behind her mother’s shoulder wondering why the bard
was not telling stories to the other children as she had planned. "Hi Gabby."
The young woman smiled at being addressed by the affectionate title. She wanted to reach
out to the child but remembered how adamant Xena was about the plan so she merely returned
the greeting politely. "Hi Tarren."
The child sighed and lowered her head onto her mother’s shoulder as they made their way back to the village. She ran her small hands around the warrior’s neck grateful for this one person’s unconditional love and attention.
Back at the cottage….
Xena sat at the table letting her fingers drum on the table as she watched her young daughter facing the corner. This was the final stage of the punishment for which the mother was grateful. The child had been standing there for no more than10 minutes before the mother called her. "C’mere Tarren."
The youngster turned and frowned at the warrior. "But Momma my hours not up.
I’m still thinkin."
Xena grinned and patted her leg motioning for the little girl to join her. "I know
but I want you to think with me now."
The child approached and after throwing on the usual padding crawled into her
mother’s lap. "Don’t ya want me to think about what I did today?" she
The mother shook her head as she herself recalled the events of the day. "No not
"How come Momma?"
The warrior scratched her head. "Somehow I think you would miss the point."
She leaned back in the chair and the little girl nuzzled into her spot. The mother smiled
and ran a gentle hand over the child’s head. "Tarren I don’t like punishing
you. I just wanted to teach you that if you make a mistake you have to be willing to take
the consequences."
The youngster sighed knowing it was again lecture time. "What’s a"
Xena patted the child’s bottom. "That’s a consequence. It means
something that happens because you were naughty."
The child swallowed hard and rubbed her bottom tenderly. "Don’t want another
"No I would hope not." Xena rocked the little girl back and forth and let her
voice become as quiet and soothing as possible. "Tarren do you know why all those
people helped you today and weren’t mad a you?" she asked deciding a lesson
of some kind would be learned.
Tarren shrugged as she played with her favorite straps. "Cause they’re my
Xena took the child’s hand in her own and smiled. "That’s right and they
forgave you and even risked me getting mad a them just to help you."
The youngster considered the words and smiled. "Yeah that was sure nice of
Xena nodded as she gave thought to the action of her own friends. "That’s the
way friends and family are for each other." She paused. "We help each
other out and understand when someone makes a mistake…Sometimes we even
help them fix their mistakes like people did for you today."
The child could feel her own stomach starting to ache. "Are we talking about Gabby
again?" she asked noting the familiar path of conversation.
"Yes we are my smart little one."
The little girl lowered her eyes and fiddled with the warrior’s armor. "But
Momma, I don’t think she wants to be my Gabby anymore. She plays with other
kids now."
The warrior sighed, realizing perhaps her plan had been a bad one. "No Tarren, she
just wants you to know that she needs to be treated with love and forgiveness
when she makes mistakes just like you do. Lots of people would like to have a
Gabby around so we’re pretty lucky to have her. She may not be perfect and
she may make mistakes but so do we. She forgives us and she still loves us when we
do. I think its about time you learned to show her some of that same understanding."
Tarren bit her lip. "I have missed her ya know."
Xena brought the little girl in closer and smiled. "I know."
The youngster rolled out her lip and held tightly to her mother. "I really
don’t like it when she plays with other kids instead of me."
The warrior nodded. Maybe the plan was not half bad at that. "Why don’t you tell
her that?" she asked softly.
The little girl shook her head stubbornly. "No she still breaks promises and
The warrior mother ran her hands through the child’s hair. "Tarren baby, I know
you may find this hard to understand but grown-ups have lots of really important things
to do sometimes. If we didn’t do them then the world might not be such a nice place
for kids like you to live when you grow up. I believe, and so does, Gabrielle in working for
a greater good."
The youngster had heard the words spoken between the pair but never found it worth asking
about until now. "What’s that?"
Xena smiled knowing she was about to impart the most important lesson she herself had ever
learned. "It means that sometimes we have to think of other people first and
what’s best for the most amount of people and not just what makes us feel good."
She paused. "Sometimes that even means we hurt ourselves or people we love
accidentally just because we are trying really hard to do something that is best for a
greater amount of people or the world."
This was hard for a small child to understand and Xena knew it.
"Oh so then what Gabby did was right?" the child asked wondering where she
fit into the greater good plan.
"No baby it wasn’t right but sometimes you have to look at the reason
people make mistakes."
"Momma did you look at the reason I was naughty?"
The mother sighed and tasseled the child’s hair. "Yes I did."
"Then how come I still go the big one and the little one?" the child
asked with a frown.
"Because you deserved it and you know it." Xena shook her head. It was time to distinguish the difference between adults and children. "Tarren you are a small child and that means you get lots of stuff done for you. You like having stories read to you and you like when I carry you when you’re tired. Right?"
"Yeah I like that lots Momma."
Xena grinned at the youngster’s brimming enthusiasm. "Good. Ya see things
like getting toys and getting tucked in at night are things little kids get because they
are children and because they need to be taken care of. That’s fair. Right?"
Tarren knew this was a tricky question but she wasn’t sure what the trick was.
"Yeah Momma I guess."
The mother patted the child’s leg. "Ok well when you are an adult there are certain things you get for being grown up. You have responsibilities and you have to think a lot about other people," she said in a gentle tone.
The little girl wrinkled her nose. "Hmm I’d rather be a kid."
Xena smiled knowing the child enjoyed her role in life. "I know ya would and that’s good. However, as a little kid that also means you have to do what you are told because I know what’s best for you. I make rules for you to follow because I care about you. When you don’t do what you’re told you either get in trouble or cause trouble and then I have to punish you because you need to learn right from wrong. That is also part of being a kid. Do you understand that?" she asked hopeful that she was being clear.
The youngster frowned it was obvious that their was not going to be a reconsideration of the spanking rule. "Yes Momma this sounds like the bad part of being a kid to me."
Xena nodded knowing it was the truth. "Yes well being a child is not easy Tarren. I know that. It’s tough to have people always telling you what to do and how to do it and then just when you think you can have some fun your mother comes along and tells you you’re not allowed to do it. Yup you have to be respectful and do what your told or you get your butt paddled. Right?"
The youngster frowned. This kid thing was starting to sound really bad.
The mother smiled at the child’s pouty expression. She cupped the little girl’s face in her hands. "But it also means you have people that love you an awful lot and would do anything for you. It means you never have to reach too far for a hug or to be held and that someone will always be there to love you and care for you," she said softly.
The little girl smiled. "Ya mean like you and me Momma?"
"Yeah just like you and me. It’s a tough life kid but I guess, I hope, it’s a fair trade for you."
Tarren reached up and hugged her mother. "Sure Momma I’d say it was a real fair trade cause I wouldn’t trade being your little kid for nothin even if I do haffta take baths and get the big one when I’m really naughty." She paused and then looked straight into her mother’s eyes. It was if she were walking through a door and seeing the warrior’s soul. She spoke in a very serious tone. "I love ya Mommy."
Xena closed her eyes and wrapped her arms tightly around the child. That new and more childish title kept popping up and each time it pierced the warrior’s heart like an arrow. "I love you too baby." After a long tender embrace the mother cleared her throat. " However Gabrielle is not a kid. Sometimes I even have to remind myself of that," she mumbled. "She’s an adult and she has a right to do things that other adult s do Tarren."
The youngster lowered her eyes. "Ya mean she doesn’t have to play with me if she doesn’t wanna?"
The warrior ran her hand along the side of the child’s face. "No it means…Tarren Gabrielle is learning a lot of new things about herself and that’s really important for her. And when she was acting as the leader of this tribe then she had to think of what was good for everyone and not just what was good for her or for you. That is the greater good."
Tarren fiddled with her mother’s armbands as she considered the words. "Would
you have left for the greater good too Momma?"
Xena closed her eyes as she thought about the question. Such a simple thing to ask and yet
the answer was so difficult. "No…Youngster you are my child and we are
joined in a way that is very special. I could no more leave you behind than I could
leave behind any other part of myself." She paused and stared at the small
child seated in her lap. "My life has changed so much since I found you and for
me the greater good is the responsibility and yes before you ask the privilege
of keeping you safe and raising you well. That is my first and best responsibility to you,
to me and to the world. Everything else comes after that now, but that is just between
you and me." She ran a tender hand over the child’s face. "Gabrielle
still needs to know what her path is Tarren and as her family it is our job to support her
in her search and understand when she makes mistakes too."
"Momma is Gabby your friend?" the little girl asked.
Xena smiled at the question. "Tarren Gabrielle is more than my friend.
She’s part of our family. Ya see, before you came along I was a bit lost. I
was trying to get on a path that helped make things I had done wrong right again."
The child smiled broadly. "Like I was doing today Momma?"
The warrior shook her head at the comparison. "Well…no…yeah…sort of I
guess." She took a deep breath." Anyway Gabrielle was the first person to
ever have faith in me and she helped me to look inside myself and find a goodness."
She sighed at the memory. "With her help I became a better person Tarren. She has
stood by me through a lot and we have shared many things. I might not be the Momma
you love so much if it weren’t for her. Ya see baby, Gabrielle was the one who
showed me that loving someone was a very good thing." She grinned and touched the
youngster’s nose with the tip of her finger. "So Gabrielle is my friend and my
family and at times she has been my teacher too. I have a deep respect and
gratitude for her that…." Realizing she had more than answered the child’s
question she stopped.
Tarren cocked her head to one side. While she had often heard Gabrielle tell how much Xena changed her life and saved her from monsters and such the child had never heard her mother speak of the bard in such a way. "Momma do you love Gabby?"
The warrior grinned. "Of course I love her. She’s like my little sister Tarren."
The youngster shrugged her shoulders. "Oh well then if you love her Momma…I love her too."
Xena shook her head. "No Tarren this is one thing you can’t do just because I do it. It’s not like wanting to be a Warrior Princess or do stuff like I do. Gabrielle has real feelings and you have to search your heart and be honest with yourself and with her about how you feel."
The child could feel the warrior’s love surrounding her. She knew that her mother would never leave her behind unless she had no other choice. "I’ll try Momma. I mean I love Gabby in a way, but I’m not real sure how to talk to her anymore. "She paused. "Can I think on it?"
The warrior grinned and lifted the child in the air. "You do that and you think real hard because tonight is the feast of Artemis and it is a very important night to all the Amazons and Gabrielle has been working very hard making it special for everyone."
"I will Momma." She grinned a bit and let her dimples show. "So are we
gonna play now?"
Xena shook her head. "No we are not gonna play now. You are going take your
Tarren twisted her lips. "I don’t need a nap Momma. I’m not tired."
Xena lifted the little girl up and carried her to the pallet. "Hmm…I wonder
The child yawned and leaned against her mother’s shoulder as the warrior undressed
her and placed her in the blankets. "Now you take a nap and when you wake up
we’ll have our midday meal and you can do some of your scroll work."
The youngster pulled on the warrior’s arm and smiled. "And then?"
Xena grinned and gave the child a quick tickle. "And then maybe you and I will
take a nice long walk together just the two of us. I don’t really think you
wanna ride."
Tarren’s eyes grew wide at the mere thought of a hard saddle. "No Momma not
ever again."
Xena shook her head. "The big one huh?"
"Uh huh and the little one too," the child squeaked.
The warrior placed her elbows on the side of the pallet.
Tarren stared at the tired expression on her mother’s face. "Momma you look like you’re having a real bad day. Do you feel Ok?" The child placed her hand on the warrior’s forehead not sure what is should feel like but knowing it was a method to test for illness. "Do ya need me to take care of ya?" she asked quietly.
Xena nodded and lay down beside the child. "Definitely."
Tarren frowned. "Are ya sick?" she asked with great concern
"Then what do ya want me to do Momma?"
The mother smiled and pulled the child in beside her. "You just be the little bed
hog you always are and cuddle with me and I’ll be just fine."
"I can do that," the youngster stated proudly.
"I know you can. You’re very good at it," the mother said with a crooked smile.
Tarren burrowed deep beneath the warrior’s side eager to do her job well.
"You really tired Momma?"
The warrior considered her own day and nodded. "Yes I am." She turned and faced
the child. "Besides I’m not letting you go anywhere without me again and that
includes Morpheous," she whispered placing a tender hand on the youngster’s soft
Tarren smiled and hugged the warrior mother tightly. "Momma?"
The mother adjusted the covers snugly around the child. "Yup."
The small child leaned forward and gave her warrior mother a wide eyed stare and another big hug. "I’m glad I’m your great good."
Xena returned the gesture and pulled the child closer. "So am I Monster."
The little one grinned and then pursed her lips as if lost in thought. "Momma you can
be my great good too. Ok?" It seemed that was only fair.
The mother smiled and gave the child a gentle squeeze. "Thank you. I would consider that a true honor."
The warrior sighed wondering why naps always filled this child with questions. "Yes Tarren."
"What’s this Feast of Artemis thing we haffta go to?" the child asked,
wondering if she would have to guard her clothes again.
Xena nodded. This was a fair question. "Artemis is the goddess the Amazons worship
and tonight is the night they honor her with a big…well…party of sorts."
"Is it like Winter Solstice when the Santa comes?" the child asked eagerly.
Xena shrugged. She had never actually attended the feast before. "I guess sort of.
It’s a celebration just like that but not exactly the same."
The youngster crawled on top of her mother and peered into her eyes. "Will anyone be
coming with presents for little kids they love?" the child asked hopefully.
Xena turned on her side and suppressed a smile. "Uh sorry no."
The little girl frowned wondering what good a holiday was without presents. "Oh then
I guess I won’t be getting any presents tonight huh?"
The mother made a valiant attempt at remaining stoic. "Do you deserve a present after the way you’ve behaved?"
"Well…I…That’s not a fair question to ask a kid Momma."
"Why not?"
Tarren rolled back on the pallet. "Cause it’s like snitching on yourself."
The warrior covered her mouth to hide her smile. "Well we wouldn’t want that, so I’ll just say that the only present you’ll be getting tonight is a soft pillow to sit on and if you misbehave in the least little bit at that feast you won’t have that."
"Yes Momma." The child sighed and rolled back into her spot beneath her mother. "Momma?"
"Yes Tarren."
"Can I still give you a present?"
The warrior could feel the small form nuzzling next to her. She placed a hand on the
child that stretched down past her legs. "Tarren the best present you could give me
is to stay healthy be happy…and behave tonight. Ok?"
"Yes Momma."
Xena smiled and again closed her eyes but after a minute opened them and glanced over at
the small child lying next to her. "Tarren?"
The child yawned. "Yes Momma."
"Do you have a present for me?" the warrior asked wondering what it might be.
"Uh huh."
Xena smiled and leaned on her side eager for information. "What kind of
The youngster giggled. "I thought ya didn’t want it."
The warrior tapped the child on the arm. "I never said I didn’t want it. I
just said you didn’t have to give me anything. It’s not that kind of
The youngster yawned and slid deeper into the blankets. "Ok Momma."
Xena waited for a moment and then tapped the child on the shoulder again.
The little girl was getting a bit frustrated by the constant interruptions in her nap.
"Yes Momma?"
"So where’s the present?"
The child turned and patted the warrior’s head. "Sorry Momma but it’s not
that kind of holiday. I’ll be your present though." Tarren yawned and turned
away again.
Xena could hear the child giggling so she turned quickly and lifted the youngster high in
the air above her with one arm. "So you think it’s nice to tease your poor tired
mother?" she asked, tickling the child with her freehand.
Tarren laughed loudly. "No…Momma…I really do have a
The tickling continued. "Well then where is it?" I wanna see it."
"Have you been a good Momma?"
Xena cocked a brow and stared at the little girl. "You tell me."
"You do Ok." She giggled as the tickling again started. "Ok you’re a really
great Momma."
The mother smiled wickedly and brought the laughing child back to her chest enveloping her in her arms. "So then where’s my present?"
The little one grinned. "I’ll give it to later. That way you have something
good to wait for."
The mother smiled and cradled the youngster next to her chest. "I already have the
best thing in the world to look forward to."
The youngster frowned, wondering if someone else had given her mother a present that she
was unaware of. "What Momma?"
The mother placed a tender kiss on the child’s cheek. "You ya little
The warrior sat impatiently by the fire running the stone across her blade. "Are you done yet?"
The child shook her head. "No Momma, you said I have to do each of them 10
times today before I could play."
The mother frowned at the weight of her own words. "So how many do you have
He child counted slowly. "Eight more on the sword."
The warrior nodded knowing this was the most important one. "Did ya get the one
about Momma loves you?"
The child smiled and handed her mother the parchment. "Uh huh that’s what took
so long. I changed it a bit."
The mother took the scroll and dropped her sword to her side. "Why did you do that?
Now you’re gonna start all over again," she scolded.
The child lowered her eyes and kept writing as Xena read the scroll out loud.
"My Momma luvs me very much and I luv my Momma very much to"
The warrior looked from the parchment to the child and closed her eyes.
"You’re Momma has a big mouth. Put that quill down and come over here."
The youngster dropped the quill and walked over to her mother. "Yes ma’am"
Xena knelt in front of the child and pointed to the scroll. "That’s a lot of
extra work and I thank you for writing it." She opened her arms and the child
immediately fell inside the welcoming hug. "Now then how about that walk?"
The youngster pointed to her unfinished work. "But I didn’t finish my scrolls
The mother ran her hand over the child’s face. "Well I think you’ve done
enough for today so lets get going. And put a heavy tunic on it’s getting colder
The child frowned. "I don’t like the heavy ones." She scrunched up her
face. They’re heavy."
Xena grinned at the accurate description. "Heavy or not you’re wearing it. I
don’t want you getting sick."
Tarren pulled the heavy tunic from the clothing bag and dragged it on the floor until she
reached her mother.
"Hands up." Xena removed the lighter tunic and replaced it with the heavier
one. "There that’s not so bad. Is it?"
The child twisted and turned in the woolly fabric and nodded. "Yes."
The warrior lifted the little girl in the air and smiled. "I’ll tell you
what. I’ll make you some new ones that you’ll like better, but in the meantime
you where that. Ok?"
Knowing if she wanted to go out in the cool evening air she would have to where the tunic
the child nodded. "Uh huh."
The warrior looked at the frowning child and shook her head. "There’s one
more thing we need to talk about and I want to do it now."
The youngster struggled in the warrior’s hold. "Ahh Momma we’ve been talkin
so much. I wanna go outside and take a walk together like you said."
Xena placed the little girl down in front of her. She felt this topic had been delayed
long enough. "I know but this won’t take long. It’s about the sacks of
money Tarren."
The child lowered her eyes and turned away. "What about them Momma?"
Xena let out a long breath knowing this was not going to be easy. She sat down at the
table and pulled the little girl gently into her lap. "C’mere baby." She
glanced at the now silent child making an effort to get comfortable. "Tarren I want
to see what’s in the bags now." Time for discussion was over.
The little girl turned suddenly. "But Momma you said I didn’t haffta
tell until I was ready."
The warrior corrected the child. "Actually I said you didn’t have to tell
right away. I have given you plenty of time to come to me and you haven’t.
We can’t keep dragging this around without me knowing what’s in there
The little girl poked out her lip and pressed her arms against her chest. "You
Xena shook her head. "Hey remember you are the one who keeps reminding me that you and I are not to have secrets. You have a secret picture and a secret treasure bag and that’s Ok because some things are just private. But if Nala gave you this money with the idea that I had to approve of you having it then it’s different. Did she?" The mother stared at the youngster waiting for a reply.
Tarren ran her fingers up and down the warrior’s arm never making eye contact.
The mother lifted the child chin with a single finger. "Maybe or yes?"
The youngster looked at her mother knowing she could not lie. "She said I had to keep our secret until you were ready and the money would help with the secret."
Xena covered her own face with her hands. "Tarren I am not gonna ask you to break
your promise to Nala about the secret, but I am going to insist that you show me
what’s in the bags."
Tarren felt her inside freeze. "But Momma."
"Get them…Right now Tarren," the mother ordered in a no nonsense parental
The child folded her arms against her chest in Xena fashion. "No."
The warrior sat back in the chair and closed her eyes. "Youngster the time for
discussion is over. I am telling you for the last time to get the bags."
Tarren looked at the serious expression on her mother’s face. She thought about
her mother’s earlier description of a kid’s life that included doing what one
was told or facing consequences. She felt the throbs in her bottom from her mother’s
hand and lowered herself off the lap. "Yes Ma’am."
Xena let out a long breath grateful she did not have to act on her threat.
The little girl dragged her feet across the room and slowly returned with the large bag
of coins and placed it on the table. "The little one is mine. Nala said I could
keep it." This was the truth…almost.
The warrior shook her head. "Well I’m your mother and I decide what is
best for you so go get it," she said sternly pointing to the child’s satchel.
Tarren paused and the mother arched a brow. "Tarren if I have to say it one more
time there will be no walk and you will be rubbing that bottom of yours more than
you already are," she warned, hoping the child would, for once, do as she was told.
Tarren kicked the floor with her boot and reluctantly returned to her treasure bag and
retrieved the small bag as well. She placed it on the table and let her eyes drop as Xena
pointed to the bags. "Go ahead and show me what’s inside," she said
sternly, wanting the youngster to unveil what belonged to her.
The child took the small bag and emptied it on the table.
The warrior’s eyes grew wide when saw more than 50 old gold coins each worth at
least 300 dinars lying on the table. She stared at the little girl. "You have been
carrying this around with you all this time. Do you have any idea what the
wrong person would do to you if they knew you had this?" she asked shuttering at the
mere thought.
The child shook her head and started placing the coins back in the small sack.
"It’s mine. You said I had to show you and I did."
The warrior took a deep breath and placed her large hand over the coins and the child’s hand. "You just hold on there a minute."
Tarren paused and the warrior looked in the larger bag, which much to her dismay contained ten times as many of the same gold coins. "Nala what did you do?" she asked the air around her, shaking her head at the thought of the old mystic. She could not believe that her old friend would not see the perils of a small child carrying such wealth.
Tarren rolled out her lip at the tone her mother used regarding Nala’s gift. "She saved everything Momma. She just wanted to do something for us so she saved all the money she ever made," the child said with a tear.
Xena sighed and removed her hand from the coins and allowed the little girl to place
the coins back in the small sack. After a long breath she pulled the child back on her
lap. "We need to talk about this Tarren."
The youngster again folded her arms stubbornly against her chest. "Big bag is for
surprise and little bag is mine." She was more adamant about this than the warrior
had ever seen her.
The mother shook her head. "Nobody is trying to take away what’s yours Tarren,
but you are not old enough to be spending that kind of money and it is not safe to
carry this much of it around."
Tarren gripped the small bag tightly against her chest and ran her hands along the small
blue amulet she wore around her neck. She felt another tear fall. "But Nala gave it
to me. I don’t want it to go away. I wanna keep it with me. She gave it to me. I
don’t wanna lose it Momma. Sometimes I forget what she looked like and…."
The warrior wrapped her arms around the small child and held her close trying to calm
her. "Shh hey it’s OK…Relax we’ll work something out. You go
put the small bag back with your treasures for now, but if I see it so much as one
coin come out of there just once I’m taking it away." That was final.
The child nodded and skidded over to her treasure bag to return the sack before her mother
changed her mind.
Xena stared at the larger bag and shook her head. "Nala what was on your mind?
What kind of surprise was this all about? Why didn’t you just tell me? Tarren
can’t handle this and you knew that better than me." The words were spoken with
the knowledge no answers would be given from anyone but Tarren.
The small child rushed back to her mother’s side and reached for the large bag only
to have her hands pulled away. "Uh not so fast. This bag I am gonna hide and
then we are going to bury it somewhere safe until you are ready to tell me this
big secret."
Xena moved to the side of the pallet and shoved the bag under the mattress. "Now
until we can find a good place to bury it you are not to touch it. Do I make myself
The little girl swallowed hard as she watched an important part of the big plan
disappearing. "But Momma what about my promise to Nala?"
"I’m sorry Tarren but until you are ready to tell me what that promise was the
money will stay hidden. I am not going to allow you to get in gods know what kind
of trouble carrying that around." She paused and tried to make her thoughts clear.
"Tarren you are just a little kid and there are some things you just
can’t do alone. Nala should have known that."
The little girl stared at the mattress knowing her time would soon be up. "Yes
Xena shook her head and knelt beside the child. "Look I only want to do what’s best for you. I know Nala meant well but she was really old Tarren, and I don’t think she realized what she was asking of you and how dangerous it could be."
The child bit her lip and ran her fingers over the amulet. "It’s not true
Momma. Nala knew lots. She was really smart and she knew exactly what we all needed."
The mother could feel her small child’s pain. "What baby?
The child could sense her mother’s hurt at being left out of this secret. "I
can’t tell you now Momma."
The warrior sighed. "Well then I’m sorry too, but the money gets
The child swallowed and nodded knowing she was not going to change her mother’s mind.
"Yes Momma."
Xena could see the disappointment in the youngster’s eyes. She took the child’s hand. "Do you still want to go for a walk with me?" she asked realizing she was now not very popular.
Tarren shook her head. "No Momma. I think I’d rather finish my scrolls," she replied quietly.
The warrior mother closed her eyes. "Ok…I’m sorry you feel that way but if that’s what you want then go ahead." She motioned to the table that held the parchments.
The child walked slowly back to the table fighting back tears. She picked up her quill and quietly began writing once again.
Xena stared at the small form and swallowed hard. Tarren had never refused a chance to spend private time with her. The mother glanced at the teary eyed little girl wondering what the old mystic had made her promise that could be so important.
There was a knock at the door.
Xena welcomed the intrusion for a change. She opened the door only to be met by Shalia.
"Hello Xena." The Amazon looked past the warrior at the sullen child.
"Hi Tarren."
The little girl barely looked up from her scrolls. "Hi."
The warrior motioned the young woman in.
Shalia glanced over at the somber child. "Is this a bad time?" she asked not wanting to intrude.
The warrior took a deep breath. "No my daughter is just behaving like a spoiled brat again…nothing new."
The little girl bit her lip and shook her head. "I am not."
Xena turned and faced the child. "Tarren I suggest you get back to your scrolls," she said sternly. It was quite obvious that the warrior was hurt by the child’s rejection.
Shalia looked at the warrior and her child as if studying an experiment. "Xena is
there something I can do to help?"
The warrior nodded appreciatively. "Yes you can stay with her while I go for a walk alone."
She turned and gave her daughter one last offering look hoping she would want to join her
but the child only turned away.
Xena shrugged her shoulders. "Fine suit yourself." She looked at the young Amazon. "Thanks. I’ll be back in a bit."
The warrior moved out the door and Shalia walked over to the child. "Tarren you
hurt your mother’s feelings. Why?" The words were spoken in a scolding tone.
The youngster bit her lip and looked up. "I didn’t wanna hurt Momma. I really
wanted to go for a walk with her but I can’t. I gotta hurry Shalia before she buries
The young Amazon knelt beside the child. "What are you talking about Tarren?"
The child dropped her quill and immediately hugged her friend. "I need help Shalia or everything is gonna be real bad."
Tarren showed her friend the picture for the second time and revealed her entire secret
to the Amazon and Shalia covered her face with her hands. "Oh Tarren why didn’t
you just tell Xena? I am sure she would understand. It is a beautiful thing your Nala did
for all of you."
The youngster shook her head. "No I promised Nala that I wouldn’t tell
Shalia placed the parchment down and held the little girl closer. "But Tarren you are
just a baby. I know that and soon your Momma will too. Nala could not have
really expected you to do this alone."
Tarren stared at her friend for a long moment. "How do you know so much stuff
The Amazon grinned. "Some things are very clear to see if you look for them
The child frowned at the quizzical answer. "What am I gonna do Shalia? Can you
help me?" she asked hopefully.
The young woman shook her head. "No I am sorry. I wish I had the power to but I think
Ephiny might be the one to ask."
Tarren smiled at the idea. "Yeah she already knows part of my secret and she is
a queen." She paused. "Will you keep my secret?" she asked with a
pleading stare.
The young woman nodded. "Yes on one condition."
"What’s that?"
Shalia pointed out the door. "I will keep your secret if you go apologize to your mother."
Tarren lowered her eyes. "I didn’t mean to say nothing bad to her. I just wanted to do something nice like Nala said Momma needed." She considered her own words and reached under the mattress for a second parchment. "Ok Shalia I’ll say sorry to Momma."
Shalia smiled and took the little girl by the hand and led her out of the hut and into the
woods. She walked until she caught sight of the Warrior Princess leaning against a tree
tossing her chakrum in circles. She pointed to the sullen figure. "I think this is a
time for many hugs Tarren," she said softly.
Tarren looked up at her friend and smiled and then sprinted in the direction of the warrior.
Xena heard the small footprints and turned. "What are you doing here?" she asked stiffly.
The child lowered her eyes. "I wanted to say sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt
your feelings Momma. I’m sorry if I did. I know you’re just taking care of me
and doing Momma stuff by hiding the coins and I really do wish I could tell you the secret
but I made a promise and…."
Xena silenced the child with a raised hand. She glanced down at the youngster and knelt in
front of her. "Well what do you say we trade sorries? I didn’t mean to get you
so upset. I just want to do what’s best for you baby. That’s all I ever
Tarren smiled. "I know Momma. It’s Ok."
Xena picked the little girl up in her arms and held her tightly. "I love you
The little girl wiped away a tear. "I love you too Momma…lots."
The warrior smiled and continued to hug the child for dear life. "Lots and
Tarren lay her head down on the warrior’s shoulder. "Uh huh and lots more."
Xena gave the child a kiss on the head and swung her in a circle. "Hey how did you find me?" she asked wondering if that mark on her boot made her that easy to find. She shook her head knowing the child would not dare travel this far into the woods alone.
The youngster grinned. "Shalia found you real easy."
"Shalia?" She looked around the woods. "Where is she?"
The child pointed back to where her friend had stood but the young woman was gone.
The warrior raised her brow. "She sure is a quiet one isn’t she? Even I didn’t hear her go or come for that matter."
Tarren yanked on her mother’s arm. "Can we still go for our walk?"
Xena smiled. "Yes we can still go for a walk." She lifted the little girl into
her arms and then hoisted her on top of her shoulders. "Comfy?"
The youngster bit her lip, realizing there were obviously varying degrees of comfort at
this time. However being with her mother made it all worth while. "Uh huh."
"Then let’s go." Xena patted her daughter’s leg as she started into the woods. She glanced back one last time at the spot the Amazon had been standing. "She is definitely quiet. There is something very strange about that girl," she thought. The warrior’s suspicions were now aroused. The mother pushed the thoughts out of her head and stared at her up at her young daughter. "Hey what’s that in your hand?" she asked pointing to the parchment.
The child smiled proudly. "It’s your present."
Xena grinned at the thought. "Oh so there really is a present for me."
"Of course Momma."
"Can I see it?"
Xena sat down on the side of a boulder and placed the child on her knee while she unrolled
the parchment.
Inside was a child’s drawing of Xena holding a very long sword of fire in one hand, and Tarren in the other. The mother smiled at the way child held a sling shot with what appeared to be a large rock ready for action. Walking in the background reading a scroll to Argo was Gabrielle. Xena shook her head at the positioning of her best friend but knew this was to something to be brought up.
The youngster smiled broadly at her mother’s obvious satisfaction with the gift.
"No Momma that’s still a surprise. I did this one a little while ago. I
was just saving it for a time when I was really bad. I was gonna give it to ya
after I busted your sword but it didn’t seem like a fair trade. It’s just a
Xena looked down at the drawing and then at her small child. "I think you are right.
It’s not a very fair trade. This picture is worth 1000 old swords," she
said again glancing at the drawing.
The youngster opened her eyes wide at the thought of something she drew having such value.
"It is?"
The mother wrapped an arm around the little girl "Oh yes it sure is."
"Why Momma?"
Xena’s voice was as tender as it was touched. "Because you drew it for me and
that’s a very special thing and because of what it says down there at the
bottom." She pointed to a few poorly scribbled words
The youngster looked at her own writing and read it out loud:
"For my Mommy cause I luv ya lots. Yur Tarren Monstr."
The little girl smiled at her mother.
The warrior carefully rolled the parchment and stuck it safely beneath her armor. "I am gonna keep that with me all the time," she said proudly.
Tarren hugged her mother happy to have someone who would love her and understand her forever.
Xena lifted the little girl back on her shoulders. "Come on youngster. If we want to have our walk we have to move. Gabrielle will have our heads on a stick if we’re late for the feast."
The child twisted her lips as she tried to imagine the gentle bard having that kind of strength or ability. As she sat contentedly on her mother’s shoulder’s the child’s thoughts wondered. She sighed hoping that Ephiny would save Nala’s dream.
Chapter 26-a –The Feast of Artemis
Later at the Feast…
Gabrielle stared out over the large hall. All of the decorations were in place and the food had been placed on the tables. It was good to see all of the Amazons assembled in one circle as a family rather than seated at tables determined by rank and stature. "Well it was a lot of work but it was worth it," she thought as she glanced across the hall.
The princess smiled when she saw Xena seated next to Ephiny discussing something she was sure involved slicing and dicing something or someone. Little Tarren was seated, as usual, in her mother’s lap the child’s eyes were wide with awe as she hung on every word her mother spoke.
Gabrielle smiled to herself as she watched Xena lean over and for no real reason and without a care for who might see kiss the little girl on the cheek and nuzzle her closer. "Yup! There’s nothing like having your family together for a nice quiet meal. Yeah to be together for no other reason but to give thanks for all the gifts the gods have bestowed upon us," she said with a smile as she turned and left the hall to get the last of the ceremonial scrolls ready.
Seeing her younger friend departing the warrior got to her feet. "Tarren you stay here and talk to Ephiny. I need to speak to Gabrielle for a bit," she said rubbing the child’s head affectionately.
The little girl looked up at her mother and then down at the hard wooden chair. "But Momma…."
Seeing the child’s dilemma the queen spoke up. "Uh Tarren…You know maybe you could keep me company while your Momma is gone," she said pushing herself away from the table enough to offer her own lap.
The youngster glanced at the offering and then at her mother who nodded her approval. "Go ahead. I won’t be long and I promise I’ll bring something…." She leaned in close so she cold whisper in the little girl’s ear. "Soft to sit on."
The child smiled and slid carefully into the queen’s lap. "Please don’t
be too long Momma."
The warrior bowed her head slightly. "Yes ma’am."
Xena placed a hand on Ephiny’s shoulder to thank her for the gesture and her Amazon friend just shrugged. She was actually happy to hold the youngster for a while since she was feeling the absence of her own child so much. "Go Xena, Junior and I will be just fine."
The mother shook a warning finger at the little girl. "You behave or nothing soft comes your way Monster," she warned
Tarren swallowed and nodded in understanding. "Yes Momma. I’ll just sit here and talk with Ephiny. That’s all I’ll do." She offered her mother her widest and most innocent smile.
The warrior grinned and kissed the child on the head. "You just see that you behave." She winked and headed out the door to find Gabrielle.
Tarren could not help but be awe struck by the sight of the entire tribe sitting in a circle around more than one hundred tables joined to form a sign of unity. She let her eyes scan the tables that held the bounty of food. There were large turkeys and honey-glazed hams in the center. To the sides of the large meals were huge bucket like bowls of mashed potatoes, corn, and many colorful types of unidentified food the youngster was sure would be deemed vegetables. She wrinkled her nose at the thought of what the strange new food, she was sure her mother would heap on her plate, might taste like.
The youngster leaned back against the queen’s chest. "Ephiny when can we eat?" she asked, hoping sitting with the queen would speed things along.
The Amazon grinned knowing her small friend could smell the aroma of the many foods
filling the air around them. She herself was finding it hard to resist the temptation to
snack but as queen she was duty bound to set an example for the tribe. She smiled at the
little girl. "I’m sorry Junior but this is the Feast of Artemis so we have to
wait until the ceremony is over before we can eat."
The child frowned and fiddled with the queen’s armbands knowing Ephiny would not swat
her hand as her mother might for pulling too hard. "How long does that take?"
"Too long," the Amazon muttered as she thought of the lengthy speeches. She
glanced at the youngster and then the food and let out a long breath. "Basically this
is a time when we thank our goddess Artemis for giving us all the good things in our lives
The child looked at the food wondering what good it was to have if you couldn’t eat
it. "Like what?"
That was a fair question.
Ephiny scratched her head. "Well I would have to thank her for the health and well being of my people, my son…." She smiled at the thought of Xenon and hoped he were thinking of her at this time. "And for all my friends." She stuck a finger in the youngster’s stomach. "That means you too."
The child smiled broadly. "Me?"
"Yes of course you. We are friends aren’t we?" the queen asked with a smirk.
The little girl nodded but then lowered her eyes before she responded. "Yeah but I didn’t think you’d wanna thank anyone for me after I busted up your village."
The Amazon grinned. "Well stuff happens Junior, but friends are important
to have. They fill in all the gaps in our lives."
The queen rubbed the back of her neck realizing this might take a bit of explaining. "They make up for what we are missing. Right now I miss my son and having you here with me makes me feel much better about that. It makes it…." She paused and gathered her thoughts. "You make me smile the same way he does and that’s a very special gift so I am very thankful for your being here and for us being friends."
The little girl smiled. She was happy to be of service to her regal friend. "Well
I’m glad we’re friends too Ephiny. I’d get in a lots more trouble
here if we weren’t," she replied in a very serious tone.
The queen chuckled as she thought of the past events. Melosa surely would have had this
child caged. "Yeah well I’m glad you feel that way Junior." She wiped a few
stray hairs away. "You know you really do need a haircut."
The child quickly placed her small hand over the queen’s mouth hoping her mother was
not in earshot. "Shhhh don’t let Momma hear ya say that. I don’t want one
and she keeps saying I’m gonna get one."
Ephiny grinned knowing the child’s time with the growing mop of waves was not going to last. Xena would not wait until the youngster’s vision was impaired before cutting it. "Well I won’t say a word. Ok?"
"Thanks." She again looked at the food and sighed. "So does everyone have to say what their thankful for or just you cause you’re the queen," she said hopefully.
Ephiny leaned back and the child nuzzled a bit closer. "Actually Tarren everyone
here." She waved her hand around the room. "Will offer their thanks to Artemis
before we join in the feast."
The youngster swallowed hard. She looked at a room filled with what she was sure was a
million Amazons. "Everyone?" she asked with a groan.
"Yup every last single woman and child." She suppressed a smile. "I know it seems like a lot but everybody has stuff to be thankful for. Don’t you think everyone should have a chance to say what it is?" the queen asked with a grin.
The child shrugged. "Yeah but…Can’t we just write it down and
read it after we eat?" she asked, eyeing a bowl of sweet yams.
"Sorry no can do kid. The idea is to thank Artemis for her gifts and then join in the
feast as a way to honor her." She let her head drop a bit. "Don’t you have
things to be thankful for?"
Tarren tapped the tip of her chin as she considered the question. "Yup my Momma."
Ephiny chuckled at the fast response she knew the child would give. "Oh well that doesn’t surprise me. I’m thankful for her friendship myself. Anything else or anyone else you’re thankful for?"
This time the youngster took a bit longer to think. "Well there’s you and Shalia and Eponon and Boralla, Grandma and Nala and Uncle Lyceus." She turned and faced the queen. "Can I still be thankful for them if they’re not here anymore?" she asked not wishing to leave anyone who was or had been important in her life out.
"Sure you can." The queen took a deep breath. "Is there anyone else that maybe you forgot?"
The child scratched her head. "Oh yeah Argo. I love Argo and someday Momma’s gonna teach me to ride." She sighed. "If I can ever stay out of trouble that long," she muttered.
The queen sighed knowing of the troubles that her princess had been having with the
child. She let her voice drop to a maternal whisper. "Tarren tonight is a time of
friendship, family and forgiveness. Is there someone you think you may have accidentally
left off your list of people to be thankful for."
Again the child scratched her head and closed one eye to think even harder.
The queen closed her eyes. "Are you really sure there’s not a certain storytelling blond princess that you might want to mention."
"Oh ya mean Gabby?" The little girl shrugged. "Yeah sure I’ll be thankful for her too. I just forgot."
Ephiny sighed with relief. She did not want to see any of her friends hurt especially
on this sacred day. "Could you not forget later and maybe even put her closer
to the top of the list to make her feel better."
The child shrugged her shoulders again and smiled. "Sure I don’t mind where I
put her."
Ephiny shook her head deciding she was going to say an extra prayer for Xena for having to deal with these two in this obviously difficult situation.
Tarren was once again staring longingly at the tables of food when Shalia sat quietly beside her. "Ephiny you are needed to see the scrolls now."
The queen sighed at having to perform such a mundane and repetitive task as reading the scrolls. She glanced at Tarren. "Sorry Junior, but it look like you’ll have to find another horse to ride until your momma comes back."
The youngster grinned and eagerly reached her arms out to Shalia who smiled and slid the little girl into her lap. "I will be happy to watch Tarren until Xena returns," the young Amazon said with a smile.
Ephiny stood and grinned at the pair. She could see how easily the youngster cradled into her young ward’s arms. It was only a matter of moments before the child had her arms wrapped affectionately around Shalia’s neck and was talking her ear off about everything she was thankful for.
The queen let out a quick breath. "Kids," she muttered as she left the hall.
Tarren waited until Ephiny was out of sight and then reached for a biscuit. "Shalia I’m hungry. Lets go get something to eat."
The young woman pulled the small hand back into place. "No Tarren. This is the night of Artemis and that means we must have patience and show our respect to the goddess." She closed her eyes in a silent prayer of thanks to the guardian of Amazons.
Tarren leaned her elbow on the table and rested her head in her hand. "Yeah I know
we gotta say all the stuff we’re thankful for," she replied without enthusiasm.
"That is true and have you thought of what you wish to say."
"Uh huh Ephiny asked me and I told her." She patted the young woman’s arm.
"Don’t worry you were right up at the top with Ephiny." The child
tilted her head to one side. "But Momma is first of course."
Shalia nodded her thanks at being mentioned. "Of course." She ran a finger down the little girl’s nose and the child giggled. "And what of Princess Gabrielle?"
This was a topic that was hard to escape. "Gabby…Well she’s on the list too. I forgot the first time but I won’t forget again and I promise to put her before Argo." She bit her lip. "Please don’t tell Argo."
Shalia shook a warning finger. "Little Tarren I am surprised at you. I know what
is in your heart and that you love Gabrielle quite a lot. Why do you not share these
feelings with her and mend the wounds on this very sacred day?"
The child’s smile faded. "I dunno how. I told Momma I was thinkin on it and I
am." She paused. "It’s not so easy to talk to Gabby anymore."
Shalia ran a soft hand around the youngster’s face. "You will find a way when
you let your heart open up and speak what it truly feels my little friend."
"I’m still thinkin." Tarren shrugged as she stared at the bowl of mashed
potatoes placed only an arm's length away. She ran her tongue around the outside of her
lips. "Mushed potatoes is my favorite ya know?"
Again the finger of warning was waved. "Do not even think of putting your hand in that bowl Tarren. It would be the wrong thing to do and your mother would not be happy."
The youngster rolled out her lower lip and dropped her head on the table. Xena had surely given her enough warnings about the consequences of misbehaving at the feast. "I won’t touch nothing," the child said with a sulk.
Just as Shalia was about to respond Eponon dropped with a thud into the chair beside
the pair. "Shalia, Ephiny said you are to join her for the reading of the
The young woman started to protest but the weapon’s master held up a halting hand.
"And she said if you argued I was to carry you there." She cleared her
throat. "Her exact words were that girl is a member of my house and it’s
about time she started acting as a member of my family." She chuckled at her own
imitation of the queen. "I think you better move it. You know how she hates the
Shalia nodded and without asking deposited the small child gently in the weapon’s
master’s lap. "Fine I shall go to Ephiny and you Eponon will see to the
care of Tarren."
Before the weapon’s master could protest the younger Amazon held up a hand.
"That is an order from a member of the queen’s house and family."
She smiled and tasseled the child’s hair before leaving the hall.
Eponon scratched her head and let her fingers drum on the table as she stared at her
new responsibility. "So kid what’s new?"
The youngster sighed at being handed over to yet another lap. "Nothing much. What are
you thankful for? Besides all your feathers." That was an obvious thing.
The weapon’s master grinned. "Well for one thing I’m very thankful that I don’t have to sit next to Gruella this year. She eats like a pig."
Tarren giggled and soon the weapon’s master had a broad smile on her face. "I am thankful for many things kid, but Artemis knows what’s in my heart so I don’t feel the need to say it out loud. How about you?"
The youngster sighed. "My Momma of course and lots of people." She was not going to get started on the order she placed Gabrielle in again.
As the two friends were talking a large Amazon sat down in the chair beside them.
Tarren glanced at the stranger and frowned. "That’s Momma’s chair," she said quietly.
The Amazon shrugged and kept her place in the seat.
Eponon gave the chair a gentle kick. "Lorel you heard the kid. It’s her mother’s chair."
The Amazon faced the weapon’s master and growled. "So I’m keeping it warm for her Eponon."
Tarren leaned in closer tot he stranger. "My Momma likes her chair cold lady," she said with a hint of a Xena growl.
The weapon’s master had to smile at this small child’s show of both loyalty and guts. "You heard my little friend Lorel. Move your feathers out of Xena’s chair or I’ll move it for ya."
Lorel’s face went white. "Xena’s chair?" She looked at the child. "And your Xena’s child?" Apparently both had a reputation. "I ‘m sorry I just wanted to sit while I waited for my family to arrive." She slid to the next chair over.
The youngster glanced at Eponon and then the stranger. "It’s Ok Momma won’t mind if the chair is a little warm."
Lorel nodded thankfully at the child but glared at Eponon. "I would not offend the Warrior Princess Eponon but you I could care less about," she growled.
Tarren watched as her current bodyguard’s expression turned to ice. "I wouldn’t mind if you fell into a tar pit you featherless little chicken," she replied with equal venom.
Fearing that something bad was about to happen with her in the middle Tarren pulled on the weapon’s master’s arm until she had her attention. Eponon glanced down at the child. "Yes Tarren?"
The little girl let her voice drop to a whisper. "Uh you don’t like her do ya?"
Eponon shook her head at a fleeting memory. "Actually we were once best friends."
The youngster’s eyes grew wide. "Oh and what happened?"
The weapon’s master leaned back and relaxed a bit. "We had a bad fight and that
was that."
"What was the fight over?" the child asked eager for information.
Eponon waved a hand in the air. "I dunno it was a very long time ago."
The little girl scratched her head. "Maybe you shouldn’t talk to her if you can’t play nice." She thought about how Xena would handle this. "If I talked to anyone like that I’d wind up in my bedroll before it was even dark."
The weapon’s master sat back in the chair and folded her arms against her chest. "Fine I won’t talk to her." She pointed at the other woman. "Just ask her to give me back the feather she borrowed."
The child slid from the large lap and walked over to the stranger. She leaned in close and whispered in Lorel’s ear. "Eponon wants the feather you took back."
Lorel turned her head and stared at the child. She kept her voice low and steady.
"What I didn’t take any feather from her. She said I could use it for the
party years ago. Tell her Eponon shouldn’t say things that she doesn’t
mean," she replied, motioning the youngster back toward the weapon’s master.
Tarren moved back to the other side. "Eponon Lorel said you shouldn’t lie
like that."
The weapon’s master’s eyes lit with fire at the idea of being called a liar and in front of this child. "You go tell Lorel I said…." Eponon leaned in and whispered in the child’s ear and the youngster’s eyes grew wide. She turned to the Amazon. "I can’t say that Momma would give me the big one again for sure."
Eponon frowned at her messenger’s inability to repeat her sentiment. She glanced over at her former friend. "Ok then just tell her I said she needs to behave better or she’s gonna get in trouble." That would have to do with such young ears present.
The child shrugged and once again moved next to Lorel. "Eponon said you’re bad and you should stop it or she’ll kick your butt."
Gabrielle and Xena walked toward the hall and were soon met by Ephiny and Shalia.
Seeing the queen was on edge about the reading of the scrolls the princess placed a
hand on her Amazon friend’s arm. "Relax you’ll do fine. Just remember that
the spirit of your words is one of peace."
Xena nodded in agreement. "Yeah but hurry it up will ya I’m hungry." She
glanced at Ephiny. "Uh Eph if you’re here whose watching Tarren?"
The queen shrugged. "Relax I left her with Shalia," she said still thinking about the scrolls.
Xena folded her arms across her chest and pointed to the younger Amazon. "You mean that Shalia."
Shalia cleared her throat to remind Ephiny of her presence. "It is not a problem Xena. I left Tarren with Eponon."
Gabrielle looked at Xena and the warrior closed her eyes. "Eponon? Oh no that’s like leaving hot flint next to a pool of Greek fire." She sprinted into the hall but it was too late.
Tables were overturned and pieces of broken chairs were everywhere. Amazons were tossing Amazons from one side of the table to the other.
Ephiny covered her face with her hands and then took a deep breath before yelling at the top of her lungs. "Stand at attention!"
Hearing the order of the queen made the room grown quiet. Furniture was dropped and food that had been flying through the air landed without further movement. Amazons everywhere stood straight and tall as their queen walked past them and inspected the food stained bodies and walls.
Xena slipped through the room to the place where she had left her small daughter hoping the crazed Amazons had not trampled her child. "Tarren…Tarren!" she called anxiously.
There was small voice from under the table. "I’m doooown here Mooomma."
The warrior crouched beneath the table and found a small child kneeling before a large pot of mashed potatoes a spoon full still yet to be swallowed.
She wiggled her fingers in greeting as she continued to eat the potatoes.
"Oh Tarren." The mother sighed with relief and reached under the table lifting the little girl in her arms. She took a napkin from the table and wiped the reluctant child’s face clean. "Are you Ok?" she asked looking for some sign of a bruise or injury.
The little girl nudged the cloth away and smiled. "Yes Momma I’m fine but
I’m still hungry."
Gabrielle came rushing up beside her warrior friend followed by Ephiny and Shalia. The
princess was the first to speak. "Is she Ok?" the young woman asked, making no
effort to hide her concern.
Xena let her head fall against her child’s and again sighed with relief. "Yeah she’s just fine." She looked around the room. "But this place isn’t."
Ephiny placed her hand on Gabrielle’s shoulder. "I’m sorry Gabrielle. I
know you worked very hard to make this special."
The child could not help but notice the sadness in the bard’s eyes at the sight of
the damaged decorations and disheveled Amazons.
Xena glanced at her child wondering if she had somehow played any part in this reign of
destruction. "Tarren do you know what happened in here?" she asked with a
slightly arched brow.
"I didn’t do nothin Momma." She placed her hand up in oath. "It was
just the feast. Everyone was real hungry I guess."
"Uh huh." The warrior nodded as she wiped a small piece of mashed potato from
the little girl’s chin. "Especially you who likes mushed potatoes so
much. Right?" she asked with a slight grin.
The youngster licked her lips and fingered her mother’s armor. "Yes Momma but I
didn’t bust nothin. I swear I didn’t." The tiny voice was filled with
genuine sincerity.
The warrior chuckled. She knew that the small child had no direct part in breaking anything. "It’s Ok Monster I know you didn’t."
Ephiny shook her head as she looked around the room. "Well I guess Artemis won’t be too thrilled with us this year," she grumbled kicking away the remnants of a broken plate.
The youngster leaned over her mother’s side and stared at he queen. "Why
Ephiny you said the feat was about saying thanks. Can’t ya say thanks without being
clean and stuff? I mean that is what ya said," the child stated.
Ephiny placed her hands on her hips and nodded. "Yeah I did say it didn’t
I?" The queen glanced around the room at her staunch warrior tribe and shook her
head. "I just can’t believe this." She let her voice rise to a
scolding tone as she addressed the room. "We are a tribe...sisters…family and
this is how you all act. I am ashamed."
Her angry words were quickly drowned out only by the sound of two chuckling warriors standing a few paces away.
Ephiny’s eyes flared and she pushed her way through the crowd to find her weapon’s master and an Amazon named Lorel seated on the floor laughing. They were handing drinks back and forth and grinning when the queen approached.
Ephiny placed her hands on her hips and glared at he pair. "You two? That’s
how this started. Get on your feet. I called for attention and that means you move it,"
she yelled.
Eponon and Lorel struggled to their feet.
Tarren leaned over and whispered in her mother’s ear. "Uh Oh someone’s gonna get the big one and it’s not gonna be me." She grinned but then glanced at her mother. "Is it?" It was good to be sure of these things.
Xena patted the youngster’s back affectionately. "If you had nothing to do with this mess than you have nothing to worry about so just be quiet Youngster," she replied quietly not wanting to interfere in Ephiny’s actions.
Tarren bit her lip as she tried to remember how the first of the food started flying. It would be a good idea to get her story straight just in case questions came up later.
Ephiny paced back and forth in front of her two Amazons. "You two hot heads haven’t even spoken to each other in nearly five summers. Now you’re just sitting on the floor laughing like fools. What do you have to say for yourselves before I lock you up."
Eponon stepped forward and bowed her head. "I am sorry my Queen. It was my
Lorel stepped in front of her friend. "No it was my fault my Queen."
The two old friends started squabbling over who would take the blame and the queen threw her hand up in the air to silence them. She moved over to Xena. "Would you mind taking those two out to one of your forgiving trees for me?" she asked half seriously.
The warrior grinned and repositioned her child over her shoulder. "Uh sorry but they’re not my kids. They’re yours."
Tarren pulled on Ephiny’s arm. "Wait don’t punish them Ephiny. They’re friends now and you said that’s what Artemis wanted…Everyone to be friends and get along and forgive stuff. Right?"
The queen looked at the small face of innocence nestled in the warrior mother’s
arms and let out a long breath. She glanced at Xena. "Does she always remember everything
you say to her?" she asked with a smirk.
The warrior rubbed the youngster’s back tenderly and kissed her head. "Yeah but
only when it suits her," she replied giving the child a quick tickle.
Ephiny ran her hand over the side of the small child’s face and turned to her
princess. "Gabrielle, I leave this up to you. It was your hard work that was
The princess shook her head. "No Eph I don’t want that responsibility."
The queen shook her head and let her voice become deep and serious. "Sorry but like I
said the other day you have to lead as well as be a leader." She
pointed to Eponon and Lorel. "You decide their fate."
Tarren bit her lip and stared at her friend hoping the gentle bard she once knew was
somewhere beneath the Amazon title. The young woman looked at the child’s pleading
eyes and smiled. "I agree with Tarren. The Festival of Artemis is about love and
family and giving thanks, so I think we should do just that." She looked around the
room. "Although it might not be a pretty sight we’ll honor this day as a
Xena stepped forward eager to offer assistance to her best friend and the Amazons.
"I think I might have an idea how we can improve things a bit."
Gabrielle grinned knowing her leather-clad friend was always full of surprises. She waved
her hands. "Work your magic Warrior Princess."
Xena smiled whispered in her daughter’s ear and placed the child on the ground.
The youngster walked over to Eponon and Lorel. "Ok you two are in my troop," she said proud to have been given two big ones to command.
Eponon scoffed at the idea, as did Lorel.
The youngster bit her lip and turned to her other. "Momma what do you do when the troops won’t listen?" she asked with a sad little frown.
Xena folded her arms against her chest and glared at the two amazons in question. "You call me," she said stiffly.
The pair of still grinning warriors looked at their queen who only nodded. "You heard her. You two are in Tarren’s troop which fall sunder Xena’s command so I’d move it."
The two Amazon’s looked at one another and then their small leader. "Ok Tarren what do you want us to do?" Eponon asked with a sigh.
The child folded her arms against her chest in fair imitation of her mother. "That’s Warrior Princess Tarren to you peasant," she stated proudly.
The warrior turned her head and spoke in a warning tone. "Tarren remember your manners," she warned.
The child twisted her lips and let her shoulder’s sag a bit. "Yes Momma." She pointed to the pair. "Ok you can just cal me Princess Tarren."
Again the mother’s husky voice was heard. "Tarren!"
The youngster lowered her eyes. "Yes Momma." She waved her hand at the two large women. "Come on I’ll show you what Momma wants done."
Gabrielle and Ephiny both chuckled at the sight of the small child leading the two large muscular Amazons away.
The mother grinned knowing that once out of earshot they would be calling her Warrior Princess Tarren once again. "Ahh serves them right," she said with a chuckle. Xena gathered all the warriors into action and within an hour there was a large bonfire of burning furniture in the center of the compound. Blankets were placed around the fire and a large circle of Amazons sat under the stars ready to give thanks to Artemis.
Gabrielle smiled at her warrior friend as she took a place on the ground beside her.
"You are a genius Xena."
The warrior stretched her arms in the air. "Yes I am."
The princess chuckled at the reaction. "Gods and you tell Tarren she’s a ham. I wonder where she gets it from."
As the two friends laughed, Tarren came up beside her mother chewing on a turkey leg Boralla had given her. She waited tapping a foot impatiently. The mother sighed and pulled a cushion from behind her back and placed it on her lap and the child happily slid into her favorite spot. She saluted the warrior. "The troops are all done Momma. Can we eat now?" she asked taking another bite from the turkey.
Xena removed the food from the child’s hand and again reached for a cloth to clean
the youngster’s face and hands clean. "It looks like you already started
and you’re gonna wait with everyone else little one."
The little girl lowered her eyes and forced a pout as she watched the food being pushed
out of reach. "But Boralla gave me that. She said I’m too skinny." She
opened her eyes wide. "I’ll starve Momma."
The mother let her fingers run along the child’s stomach. "I dunno I think there’s a bit of meat there." She tickled the child and the youngster giggled wildly until the warrior settled her down by placing her over her shoulder and rubbing her back. "Calm down this is supposed to be serious event."
The child played with the warrior’s hair. "Ok I’m serious Momma. Can we eat now?"
The mother smiled at the little girl and shook her head. "No Monster we still have
a ceremony to listen to and everyone gives their thanks."
The child dropped her head to her mother’s shoulder wishing she had been left alone
with the bucket of mashed potatoes a bit longer. The youngster leaned her head over the
side of her mother’s arm and looked at Gabrielle. She wiggled her fingers and the
young woman grinned and clasped the child’s hand in her own.
Tarren smiled broadly because when the princess took her hand away the youngster found a large biscuit in her small palm. Gabrielle placed a single finger over her lips to let the child know it was a secret.
"Thanks Gabby," the little one whispered.
The princess nodded and the warrior winked knowing full well what had just transpired. However she was not about to interfere in any glad tidings between these two.
The princess got to her feet. "I better go help Ephiny or we’ll never eat,"
she said with a grin walking off to the queens quarters for the second time that night.
Xena nodded to her friend and waited until she was sure the child’s biscuit had been
secretly devoured. "Uh Tarren have you decided what your thankful for?" she
asked wishing she had made time for this earlier.
The little girl swallowed fast. "Uh huh."
The response came with a big hug. "You Momma…and Gabby and Ephiny and…."
Xena smiled as she listened to the child ramble off the list. All that needed to be heard had been heard. It was a start. She now knew that in the child’s heart there was still a very special place for a certain bard.
Meanwhile in the far away woods past the Amazon markers…
Sheloppa searched through the brush looking for any sign of the scout party or her fellow warriors. It was dark but they were now looking with torch determined to look as long as needed. As she poked her sword through a bush she heard a heavy clank. Drawing away the brush she picked up a heavy helmet with a sword slash across the top. She glanced at it for a moment as if trying to absorb the horrible meaning of what she was seeing and holding in her hands. Her eyes scanned the area and she backed out of the brush. "Warriors fall back," she ordered.
Gruella who had volunteered to join the group stepped forward. "Fall back but why?"
She stared at he helmet in the warrior’s hand and her face also went white.
A heavy mist started to fall around them and there was the sound of something like wolves baying in the distance.
Sheloppa forced the helmet into a young warrior’s hands. "Take this and go. Hurry back to Ephiny and stop for nothing. No matter what you hear do not stop."
The young Amazon jumped on her horse and headed in the direction of the very distant village.
Sheloppa stood beside Gruella.
The instructor held her sword high in the air as the Amazons formed a familiar circle
of defense. "You know what’s coming warrior?"
Sheloppa nodded. "Yes Gruella…I know what is coming." She held her sword
high. "Evil!"
Yes folks it’s time to feed the hungry Little Ego again. Please remember to feed her quality food. Ego likes to hear what you liked about the story. So feed Little Ego well…She’s waiting. J