"If anyone sees me carrying the princess through the halls unconscious, they could get the wrong idea, Gabrielle." Xena muttered, as she glanced both ways before exiting the small, winding stairway. "Considering the circumstances."

Gabrielle, juggling her parchment and scroll case, stopped and looked at her. "What circumstances?"

Xena's brow creased. "Oh..right.. you told me to shut up, so…."

"Xena." The bard clucked softly. "I did no such thing."

The warrior rolled her eyes. "You wanna hear this, or not?"

Gabrielle rubbed a hand on her upper arm. "Sorry, tiger, of course I do." She peered around a corner. "So.. what's up?"

"Edgevar's gone." Xena paused, and listened, then padded forward.

"Gone where?" Gabrielle looked at her, puzzled. "What do you mean, gone?"

"Gone, as in nowhere to be found, as in goodbye, as in ran off, as in.. "

"Okay.. okay.. I get the idea." The bard waved a hand. "But he'll be back, right?"

Xena shrugged one shoulder, then motioned the bard ahead of her. "Took his silverware and frilly shirts with him.. can't think of where he'd be going with those on a temporary basis except for a bardic competition in Athens. You think??"

"Waitaminute." Gabrielle stopped, and faced her. "Are you telling me he abdicated?" Her voice rose in astonishment. "As in… "

The warrior sighed. "Look.. open the door, all right? Someone'll be by here any minute."

With an evil look, Gabrielle pushed the door to their quarters open, and held it while the warrior maneuvered her burden in, then watched as Xena crossed to the couch and laid the limp princess down on it. "She musta hit her head." The warrior muttered, checking the girl's skull. "Yeah… hit the leg of that desk, I guess… she's got a bump here."

Gabrielle ambled over, and crouched next to her, leaning on the warrior's back for balance. "So… he's gone."

"Uh huh… Gabrielle, could you get my kit? I wanna give her something to wake her up. "The warrior replied, absently, still checking the discolored lump on the princesses' head. "Oh.. and the kid, too."

Halfway to the saddlebags, the bard stopped, and goggled at her. "We scared them BOTH off?" She exclaimed, astonished. "No centaur poop.. really?"

Xena looked up. "Yeah… the kit?"

Gabrielle grabbed it, and trotted back over. "Wow… did you expect that to happen? I mean.. what a great plan, Xena…. It worked perfectly!"

The warrior mixed a few herbs together, letting a pungent whiff drift up that caused Gabrielle to jerk her head back in startlement. "Yow."

"Um… no.. I .. well, I didn't know what he'd do.. wasn't really expecting him to take off like that…. "Xena lifted Silvi's head up, and waved the mixture under her nose. It took three passes, but the girl eventually jerked, then her eyes fluttered open.

And immediately grew huge and round as she realized who was leaning over her.

"Relax." Xena sighed. "I’m not gonna hurt you." She released the girl, then sat back, feeling the sudden surge of warmth as the bard's body leaned up against her. Gabrielle's hands fell onto her shoulders, and the bard's breathing pressed gently against the back of her head. "You passed out." Fingers flexed lightly against her neck, as Gabrielle worked on loosening her tense muscles.

"M.. my head hurts." Silvi said, in a confused whisper. "I.. .you were… I was surpr… I don't understand." Her eyes went to Gabrielle's face. "It seemed so real."

Gabrielle glanced down at the dark head resting against her chest, then looked back up. "That's because it is real." She replied quietly. "I.. don't think I could fake something like that."

The princesses' expression grew even more confused. "But.."

Xena gathered up her supplies, and stood, moving away from them, towards their gear, and leaving them facing each other. She remained silent, leaving the explanations to her soulmate.

Gabrielle walked over and sat down in the chair next to the couch, leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees. "I guess we shouldn't have told Nancia we were sisters." She admitted wryly. "It kinda confused things."

Silvi blinked at her. "You mean… you're not???"

The bard rubbed the side of her nose. "Um.. no." A shake of her head.

"Oh." The princess murmured. "I guess I can stop having my ladies research your village customs, then." She chewed her lip. "We were quite enchanted by your family values." Then she looked up. "Is everything you told me just a tale then? All your words about love.. and about… everything…"

Gabrielle was shaking her head again. "No… everything I told you was the truth, Silvi.. I said I believed in love, and in love at first sight… for me, that happened three years ago." She shifted slightly, and interlaced her fingers. "I was getting water at the river with a group from my village, when we were caught by slavers."

"Oh my." Silvi put a hand up to her mouth.

"I… I was kind of discouraged at home… " Gabrielle looked down at her hands. "I was having a really bad day, and that just kind of made it worse, you know?"

"Of course!" The princess exclaimed. "What did you do?"

"Well, it looked kinda bad for us, until Xena showed up, that is, and just kicked everyone's butt… and when I looked at her… " She paused, trying to think of a way to phrase what she'd felt. "It was like… " Her eyes drifted to where the warrior was kneeling, as she studied the strong back, and well muscled thigh within the range of her vision. "It was like I'd known her all my life."

Blue eyes glanced briefly back at her, then went back to their task, as Xena tucked away her supplies, then stood. She turned, hesitating, then ran her fingers through her hair.

Gabrielle correctly interpreted her actions, and held out a hand. "Hey… c'mere a minute."

Xena complied, moving over to the chair and looking down at her, as the bard's outstretched hand came gently to rest against her leg. "I'm gonna… "

"Go check Argo." Gabrielle completed the sentence with little trouble, giving the warm skin under her fingers a little tweak. "Right?"

She got a quick, but dazzling grin back. "Something like that, yeah." Xena gave a nod to Silvi. "If you guys are gonna talk about all that mushy stuff, anyway." She gave a shrug. "You certainly don't need me around."

Green eyes pinned her reproachfully. "I'd rather you stay… you need to explain to Silvi what's going on."

Xena blinked. It was rare for the bard to deliberately challenge her actions. "Um… all right." She meekly replied, then went to the other chair, and dropped into it, slouching down into its softness and resting her head against the back.

The bard gave her a fond look. "Thanks… oh, and thanks for the quills." Her eyes twinkled mischievously. "Nice surprise."

Xena suddenly found something desperately interesting involving the buckle of her belt.

Gabrielle bestowed an affectionate gaze on her, then turned back to Silvi. "We've been together ever since."

The girl's eyes slid to the surly warrior, then back to her. "Together as in… " She paused, delicately.

"Um.. part of the time, yes." Gabrielle replied, blushing a little. "We started off being best friends."

"But.. then..you… she… you're… " Silvi spluttered. "You're.. ugh.. how immoral!"

Bard and warrior exchanged insulted glances. "What?" Xena leaned forward a little, a menacing edge curling across the low, vibrant tones of her voice. "What do you think is immoral?"

Silvi's eyes widened. "Just.. wantonly living together… how horrid!"

Gabrielle scratched her nose. "Actually, we're married." She informed the girl mildly, then watched her start in horror. "Uh.. to each other, I mean." She hastily indicated Xena, and then herself.

Silvi chewed a finger. "Oh.. I suppose that's different…" She looked thoughtful. "My uncle says my duty is to get married, and have a baby… I think I want to do that… do you like being married?"

The bard nodded. "Very much." She paused. "And.. um.. speaking of your uncle…. " She half turned and cleared her throat. "I think Xena should tell you what she just told me."

Silvi turned wary eyes to the dark haired woman. "Yes?"

Oh, great. "Well.. it… seems he's left." Xena admitted, slowly.

The princess stared at her in puzzlement. "Left?" A worried frown shaped her pretty mouth. "What do you mean? He was just here.. I spoke with him before lunch."

Xena exhaled. "Yeah.. I know.. I.. we talked to him for a while too.. but.. um… " She leaned forward, and tugged a piece of parchment out from where it had been tucked into her belt, then scanned it. "He and Vasi decided to … leave."

Gabrielle got up, and walked over to her, perching on the arm of her chair as she read the document over her partner's shoulder. "Xena!" She gave her soulmate a sharp look. "You didn't mention that part!" She poked the document with a fingertip.

"I was getting around to it." The warrior muttered. "Silvi… I can't really say what their reasons are, but it's true.. they're gone."

The girl suddenly looked very lost. "But… what shall I do now? Who will take care of me.. of the city?" She sat up slowly on the couch and hugged herself. "Am I queen, now?"

Silence. Xena licked her lips, and felt a friendly hand slide smoothly down her back. "No.. your uncle left a regent for you." She finally said, very quietly. "Me, actually."

Startled eyes. "Y.. you?" Fear now, in Silvi's voice.

"Yeah." Xena leaned forward, and offered her the parchment. "G'wan, take it."

The princess hesitated a long time before she extended an arm and gingerly took the scroll, then read it. She let it fall into her lap with a despondent look. "It's true." She whispered, then looked up at the warrior fearfully.

Gabrielle had an arm around her partner's shoulders, her thumb gently rubbing against the skin of her upper arm. Xena was quiet, and expressionless, but the bard could feel the tension in her body, and she knew her soulmate was bothered by the girl's obvious terror of her. "Silvi… don't look so worried… you're in good hands, here."

"I'm.. not planning on sticking around." Xena stated, quietly. "Someone else can do it … you got any preferences?"

Silvi pulled herself inward, and nibbled her lip, a distraught look on her face. She didn't answer.

Gabrielle lifted her hand, and threaded her fingers into Xena's dark hair, gently massaging her neck. "Hold on…Silvi, the plan was.. when you got married, you'd take over, right?"

The girl responded to the bard's gentler voice. She looked over at her and nodded. "Yes… I'm sorry. .I suppose it's just shock.. I .. I never expected my uncle to do that." She paused. "Why did he? I told him he'd always have a place here… I don't understand."

"Maybe it wasn't enough." Xena said, bluntly. "He was planning on.. " She stopped, when she felt the pressure of Gabrielle's fingers against her neck. "Um.. I mean, I think he enjoyed being in charge.. maybe he went someplace he could do that." The pressure released, and she felt a gentle pat in its place. "Kinda.. cleared the way for you."

Silvi brightened. "Oh.. well… yes, I suppose that might be true." She regarded the warrior with a slightly calmer air. "Could you put my Framna in charge? That would be perfect…if I'm to be married to him anyway."

It went against her grain, Xena realized. That the girl would so willingly want someone else to take charge of her… but after all, she reminded herself, Silvi was young. Yeah. She's older than you were when you lead an army against Cortese, remember? The warrior sighed inwardly. But she's not me. I can't judge her by my standards. She's just a kid. "I'll think about it… lemme talk to him.. see what we're gonna do."

A slightly awkward silence fell.

Silvi eventually cleared her throat. "May I ask… why.. you are married?"

Gabrielle gave her a puzzled stare. "Huh?" Xena simply remained silent.

"Well… the whole purpose of being married is to have children and produce an heir, and… " Silvi stopped, obviously confused.

The bard shrugged. "No it's not. I know lots of people who are married and never have kids, and besides, I'm pregnant."

Silvi's face went blank. She stared at the bard, then at Xena, then back at the bard. "Well. I suppose I can now tell Elanora her little 'this is how life is' theory is wrong." She stated, smugly. "Obviously the man doesn't go to Athens and give an offering to Apollo, and that's how babies occur."

Frankly, Xena didn't know what to do. Half of her wanted to burst out laughing, the other half wanted to slide down into her chair in embarrassment. She could feel Gabrielle's fingers twitching against the back of her neck, a glance told her the bard was struggling with much the same dilemma.

Finally, Gabrielle turned, and put a fingertip on Xena's nose. "This does NOT, do you hear me, NOT come under sensitive chats."

"Sure it does." Xena replied immediately.

"No it doesn't" The bard shot back.

"Yes.. it does.. and besides, it's good practice." The warrior disagreed.

"Been there, done that already. Your turn." Gabrielle tapped her nose.

Xena sighed, and turned to the princess, who was watching them with a bewildered look. "Apollo doesn't have anything to do with it." She stated flatly.

"Well.. obviously. "Silvi replied. "Aphrodite, right?" She looked quite proud of her self for figuring it out.

"Umm…. no." Xena shook her head. "It… there really aren't any gods involved."

The girl looked astonished. "There aren't?"

"No…um…" Xena glanced around the room and started fiddling with the clasp on her belt. "You.. know you were.. um.. asking Gabrielle here about kissing?"

"Good start." The bard approved, in a very low tone.

Silvi blushed. "Well.. yes.. I mean.. all the poems talk about that…but what does that have to do with babies?"

Xena nibbled the inside of her lip. "Look.. didn't you ever have puppies.. or a kitten.. or something?"

The princess shook her head. "No.. I wasn't allowed."

"Uh huh… okay, did you ever go into the stables.. in the springtime?" The warrior tried again, aware of the giggles running through her partner's body.

"Stables!" Silvi looked shocked. "Never.. why would I?"

Xena sighed. "You never wondered where baby animals came from?"

The princess thought about that for a minute. "No, actually, I never did."

Damn it, I conquered half of Greece, I should be able to do this. "Okay." Xena's voice took on a no nonsense tone. "Listen, this is how it goes. Two people decide they want to have a kid, right?"

"Right." Silvi nodded, watching the warrior's face with interest.

"Right. So they lie down together… "

"What?" The princess giggled. "Lie down?"

Xena paused. "Well, it doesn't have to be lying down, you can… " Gabrielle snorted softly and she stopped. "Yeah, lie down, okay? They lie down together, and they have sex."

Blank look. "Have what?" Silvi glanced at Gabrielle.. "What's that?"

Bard and warrior exchanged glances. "I don’t think we'd better do a demonstration of that, tiger." The bard stated, deadpan. "After what happened the last time."

Xena could feel the giggles struggling to emerge, and she firmly clamped down her jaw, making the muscles on either side of her face stand out in the fading light clearly. "Right." She managed to reply, in a strangled voice. "Silvi… uh.. sex is the act of making love."

The princess's brow contracted. "How do you 'make' love? Is it like 'making' a cake or something?"

Gabrielle folded her arms, and stared at the ceiling. "Well.. let's see. " She murmured, more to distract Silvi from her suddenly helpless soulmate than anything else. "You get the ingredients together.. lots of soft stuff, lots of sweet stuff… you mix them all up… you bake them until it's exactly ready.. then enjoy… yeah, Silvi… I guess you could say it's kinda like making a cake."

Xena covered her face with one hand and just started laughing.

Gabrielle felt her partner lose it, and just started in herself, losing her balance and presenting Xena with a lap full of giggling bard. The warrior's arms closed around her in reflex as she tried to stifle her chuckles. "Whoa… take it easy there, Gabrielle.."

The bard wiped her eyes, and gazed up, enjoying the indulgent smile on Xena's face. "Sorry." She lied. "Didn't mean to land here." Lied again.

"Oh yeah." The warrior snorted wryly. "I'm believing that."

Gabrielle sighed contentedly, and wiggled her feet, which were hanging over the chair leg. Then she turned her head guiltily and regarded the watching Silvi. "Um… sorry about that.. it's just… I don't think either of us has had to do the birds and the bees thing before."

Silvi's eyes were fastened on Xena's face in puzzled fascination. "You look quite different when you smile." She blurted.

The bard rolled her head to the left, and regarded her partner, who had been caught with one of her sweeter, and more gentle looks on her face. "Yeah.. I always tell her she should do it more often." She teased, watching conflicting emotions flash across the warrior's expressive features. She folded her hands over her stomach, and just let herself feel the warmth and the love that was so much a part of their bond.

It felt so wonderful. She closed her eyes blissfully, and felt Xena's hold on her tighten just slightly, just enough for her to know that Xena knew exactly what she was feeling. She knew if she opened her eyes, she'd see the warrior gazing down at her with that quietly loving look that Xena reserved for her alone, and that.. that was something she wanted Silvi to see.

She opened her eyes, and met blue ones patiently watching her, framed by a tanned face whose features were just, but not quite, creasing into a grin. You wanna know what love is, little girl? She thought silently in the princesses' direction. This is love. This is what it looks like. She lifted a hand and very gently brushed the few strands of dark hair back that had fallen into Xena's eyes. "Time for a haircut."

Xena rolled her eyes and gave a mock groan. "Again?"

The bard tugged a dark lock. "Grows fast." She turned back to Silvi, who was watching them in rapt fascination. "She's really nice, once you get to know her… augh!" Gabrielle squirmed, as long fingers found their way under her tunic and began tickling. "Xena!!! Cut that out!"

"Nice, huh?" The warrior growled, finding a more sensitive spot just along the bard's ribs.

"Yahhhhh!!!!!" The bard squealed. "All right.. all right.. you're not nice, okay!!!???" The tickling stopped. "I'll get you for that later." She panted, giving her soulmate a mock glare.

"Promise?" Xena teased.

"Troublemaker." Gabrielle grumbled, then turned her head. "Like I was saying… warriors are great. Everyone should have one… they're clean, they're built pretty sturdy, they're great for reaching things on top shelves…" She felt Xena start to chuckle again. "You gotta feed them a bunch, and they do take a lot of personal care, but… not a bad deal, all in all."

Silvi giggled. "You're quite funny."

The bard's face wrinkled up into a smile. "Thanks." Her eyes warmed. "I try." She could see that the princess was more at ease now, and she was no longer giving her taller partner those wary looks. Good. She snuggled contentedly into Xena's embrace. The warrior's hand, still under her tunic, was stroking softly in idle patterns across the skin of her belly and she felt very much like a spoiled puppy curled in a favorite lap. "It's gonna be okay, Silvi… you've got a council that at least listens to advice.. and your staff here is very loyal."

The girl's brow creased as she considered that. "I often…. I wondered what it would be like, really… Father told me he'd find a good leader to marry me, so that I wouldn't have to do what he did.. but… I have wondered what it would be like to sit, and make decisions that affected everyone's lives."

Xena's brows lifted in mild surprise. Didn't think she had brains enough to even wonder. "It has its moments." She said, slowly. "Especially when you make the right decision, and everyone is better for it."

Silvi blinked at her. "Why… yes… I see what you mean." A pause. "But what if you make the wrong decision?"

The warrior shrugged. "That's how you learn to make the right ones."

"I see." The princess pressed her knees together, and nibbled a fingernail. "Can we talk more about this sex thing now?"

Gabrielle hid her face in the soft fabric of Xena's tunic, and giggled.

Xena sucked in a breath, then let it out. "All right." Her voice became brisk. "Look… let me lay it on the line for you."

"Is that part of the laying down together thing?" Silvi asked, with interest. She no longer seemed intimidated by the warrior, but then, considering that Xena was sitting there cuddling the fair-haired bard, that, perhaps, wasn't surprising.

"No." The warrior replied. "Sex is… " She sighed. "It's an act, between two people, where they fit various body parts together, and it sometimes results in a child."

Silvi stared at her. "You're joking." She covered her mouth with one hand. "Come now.. that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." She giggled. "That's as silly as making an offering to Apollo.. you might as well tell me that babies don’t grow inside heads of cabbage."

Gabrielle felt Xena sigh, and she lifted her head, to peer up at her soulmate. The warrior was peering back down at her with a desperately helpless look, and she finally relented. "Okay.. okay… " She looked at Silvi. "Silvi.. babies don’t grow in cabbages.. they grow inside people." She patted her belly. "I got one in there right now."

The princesses' jaw dropped. "You must be kidding." She stared at the bard's slim waistline. "That's impossible."

"No it isn't..they start off real, real small… and they grow. In about… "Here she glanced up at Xena, uncertainly. "How long?"

"About two months or so." The warrior quietly replied.

"Wow.. okay, in about two months or so, they get big enough to start poking out." Gabrielle continued.

Silvi rubbed her forehead. "You… you're serious about all this." She mumbled. "Has everyone been telling me lies all my life? Or is this a lie?"

"Silvi.. " Gabrielle gazed at her. "People tell other people things… that aren't true.. because sometimes the true things are either too complicated, or too painful for them to say." It was a truth she'd come to understand over the past year. "And, when people really, really love you, it's almost impossible for them to tell you things that hurt.. so they have to lie, because it comes to a point where what's going to hurt more, them lying, or you knowing the truth?"

She could feel Xena's heartbeat pounding against her cheek, and she slid a hand up, covering the warrior's and interlacing their fingers together. Are you listening? I hope so. "And when you think of it that way, Silvi.. you understand that when things are done because someone loves you, then lies can be forgiven."

The girl stared at the floor, then very slowly, looked up at her. "That is… a very beautiful thing to say, Gabrielle.. but.. my uncle never loved me." She put her hands in her lap. "I used to think I knew what love was.. but sitting here, and watching you… I've come to understand that I never really did." She stood up. "Does Elanora know of this yet?"

Xena shook her head.

"I will go inform her." The princess straightened her dress. "She will be surprised, no doubt." She turned, and glided towards the door, turning as she reached it, and looking back at them. The last glow of sunset backlit the chair, creating a crimson halo around Xena's dark head, and throwing the warrior's sharp features into shadow. "Thank you.. for all the.. information."

"Silvi." Xena's low voice shivered the air between them, and the low light in the room shot glints off her pale eyes. "He loves you."

The girl stopped dead still, and looked at her. "Did he tell you that?"

A smile, visible as a flash of white against tanned skin. "We're enough alike for me to know."

Silvi looked happier, as she let out a breath, then turned, and walked through the door.

It closed behind her, leaving two sets of eyes regarding each other soberly. "Did we do the right thing?" Gabrielle asked softly.

Xena's lips pursed, and she was silent for a few seconds, then she nodded firmly. "Yeah." She pulled the bard closer, and rested her chin on the fair head. "You were right… better he left, and left her some illusions, then stayed and had her find out what a snake he really was."

Gabrielle lifted a hand, and watched the last rays of the sun color it in gold and red, as she captured the light in a cupped palm. "I feel for her." The bard mused, quietly. "Her whole world's being turned upside down." She looked up. "I hope she's as lucky as me."

A flash of memory from the preceding year went through Xena's mind, and she wondered, briefly, whether 'lucky' was the term the bard really meant. Then she looked at the contented, peaceful look on Gabrielle's face, and accepted the fact that it really was. "Tomorrow morning, I'll call a session with all those stuffed shirts… turn over the regency, and we're outta here. How's that?"

The bard nodded. "Yeah.. I mean.. " Her eyes roamed the room. "The bed's nice.. and I like the tub.. but.. .I gotta tell you, Xena.. warthogs in the wild are smarter than most of these people."

They chuckled together. "Looking forward to going to the Amazons?" Xena inquired idly. "I promised Pony a rematch on that archery competition thing."

"Yeah.. " Gabrielle smiled. "I'm glad you're okay with that… we going to try getting out to Jessan's after the festival? I really want to see his little kids." She played with the lapel of Xena's tunic. "And…I wanted to talk to Wennid…just some questions about this stuff.. you know.. what we can expect.. that kinda thing."

Xena thought about that. "I don’t see why not… " She answered. "I don't think the weather's going to be anywhere near as bad as last year.. we should have good traveling." She shrugged. "Would have headed there first, except for this little detail.. .if we go now, we'll miss the festival, and I know we'll never live that down, so…"

"Mm." Gabrielle chuckled a little. "That's true…but you know what? I'm having a great time out here, but I'm also looking forward to getting home… I dreamed last night about our cabin."

"Huh.. so did I." Xena murmured, surprised. "I was.. um… sitting in that chair near the window.. it was raining out.. and I was repairing a trap… you were… um… "

"Sitting in front of the fire, reading a scroll." The bard whispered, her eyes widening. "I was… " her hand drop to her stomach. "It was months from now..I could feel the baby moving."

Now Xena's eyes grew round. "You called me over to feel it."

They stared at each other. "Wow." Gabrielle breathed. "Xena, that's very strange.. we dreamed the same dream."

"Yeah." Xena's voice was very soft. "Strange.. but it was nice.. I remember feeling really happy." She glanced down. "Hey.. maybe it's an omen, huh?" A hesitant smile edged her face.

Gabrielle laid her head down, remembering. There had been a peacefulness about the dream that had really appealed to her. She recalled clearly looking up from her reading, and glancing over her shoulder, and the odd, strange feeling of movement inside of her body. Was is an omen? She remembered the open, delighted look on her soulmate's face when she'd called out to her, and fervently hoped so. "Could be… it felt so real."

"They lit Gar's pyre this afternoon." Xena remarked quietly. "I took some of the ashes.. .I figure I can at least bring part of him back home."

Gabrielle patted her gently. "I'm sorry… I wish I would have been there with you." She fell silent as she realized when they'd both stood at a pyre last. Maybe it was better I wasn't. She reflected. Gods.. some things still hurt, don't they? If she closed her eyes, she could still feel the heat from that double fire against her body, and hear Ephiny's voice trembling over the crackling flames.

She could still feel the rending of her soul when Xena walked off.

Tears leaked from her, as she was unable to fend off the memories, and she felt the warrior's heartbeat suddenly double as Xena felt her distress.

"Hey… hey.. " The warrior gently cupped her jaw, and turned her face up anxiously. "Gab? What's wrong?" Panic rose in the normally steady voice. "Did.. I mean.. you wanted to be there? I know you .. I mean I know you didn't like him.. I just… I looked for you but.. I… Gabrielle?"

Calm down. The bard swallowed, and captured her soulmate's hand, hugging it to her. Calm down, and relax.. it's over. That's in the past. "Sorry." She took a shaky breath. "Just some bad memories."

Silence. Then the sensation of a hand softly stroking her hair. She sniffled, and reached around Xena's body, hugging her as hard as she could. The warrior hugged her back. "Xena?" She whispered.

"Mm?" A low, rumbling response, felt more than heard.

"Don't ever leave me."

"Gabrielle, I swore to you… "

"No.. not that.. not… that kind of leaving." Gabrielle was aware that she was shivering.

And then a solid, wonderful warmth surrounded her, cutting right to the core of ice she felt inside, and melting it as though it were never there at all. "Never." The word reassured her, and she took it, tucking it away into the dark places that still haunted her.

"Was it the pyre?" Xena's voice again, very gentle.

She nodded against her. "Yeah… it just hit me wrong… that was one of the few times in my life that I seriously considered just… just giving up."

"Yeah." Xena's voice cracked. "Me too." She exhaled. "I… found a little cave.. not far from the village.. that first night.. and …" Long pause. "And I… sat against the wall, there in the dark.. with my sword pressed against my gut.. my hands on the hilt just shaking… I wanted so bad to end it."

Gabrielle stilled even her breathing. I've never been able to ask her about that night. "But you didn't… just like I didn't."

"It hurt so much." Xena breathed, barely audible. "But I couldn't do it.. I couldn’t… I knew if I did, it would mean… I'd never… never… ever… see you again…. And.. I'd lost so much… so… much… "

The bard felt her tears soak into Xena's tunic. "I almost went after you."

"I might have killed you." The voice was faint.

Gabrielle nodded tiredly. "I know." Curiously, though, she felt a quiet peace. "But that's all in the past now… and I… that's where I want it to stay." Xena's fingers gently wiped the tears off her face. "Sorry."

"It's all right." Xena replied quietly. "It's better to get it out… we had some pretty rough stuff happen to us."

The bard nodded. "I know… besides, the good parts still outweigh the bad ones."

"Yeah?" The warrior stroked her hair.

"Mm.. for instance, listening to you try to explain sex to Silvi. That was a good part." The bard rallied, pushing the dark memories back into their holding place. She patted Xena's chest, feeling the dampness from her own tears under her fingers. "That was… very special."

Xena forced a quiet smile. "Yeah.. well…. I still think that comes under sensitive chats."

Gabrielle smiled. "All right… " She conceded. "I'll get the next one, okay?"

"Deal." The warrior replied. "You all right?"

The bard nodded. "You?"

Xena also nodded. "How about I grab us some dinner, and we spend a quiet night here."

Gabrielle perked up. "That sounds great." She reluctantly eased off the warrior's lap, and stood, stretching stiffened muscles with a wince. "Maybe I can finish the story I was working on… " She dropped onto her back on the bed, next to the snoozing Ares, who popped his head up and gave her a look. She ruffled his fur, and he crawled over, rubbing his head against her side and licking her.

"Okay.. I'll be right back." Xena promised. "Maybe I can find some cherries."

The bard smiled up at the canopy. "I'd rather have an apple."

Morning's light poured in the open front doors as Xena dodged by the council room, heading into the kitchen of the castle. She could hear voices raised inside the room, and she sighed, but the warm glow that had come from Gabrielle's very affectionate waking up shielded her from what was promising to be an unpleasant session.

The kitchen smelled of fresh bread and herbs, and the warrior spared herself a nostalgic grin, reminded of her mother's much smaller space back in Amphipolis. She spotted Gramma near the hearth wall, and changed directions. The older woman half turned to get a spice jar as she approached, and spotted her.

"Ah!" The cook dropped her spoon, and wiped her hands off on her apron. "Mornin there, sprout… I'm hearin you set the place on its ear, eh?"

Xena lifted both shoulders in a shrug. "Something like that.. yeah.. ."

Gramma sidled closer. "S'true that bistard Edgebutt hared off?"

The warrior nodded. "Uh huh."

"S'true he left ye in charge?"

"Uh huh."

"Hah… s'true ye told im ye were goin t'pull 'is parts off?"

"Uh.. no." Xena scratched the back of her neck. "Not exactly."

The old woman chuckled. "But ye're in charge.. right now?"

"Yeah.. for a little while.. until I go in there and straighten everything out." Xena explained. "Then we're leaving… I got someplace I gotta be."

Gramma nodded, her bantering air gone. "All right then… c'mere a minute." She reached out and grabbed a bit of Xena's leather armor, and tugged, drawing the warrior after her into a small storeroom. She carefully opened a small, flat box and drew out a parchment, and a quill. "Ye' can do this then… it's no much, and I don't think ye'll worry about it." She handed the scroll over.

Xena studied it, her brows creasing. "Gramma.. the staff here is indentured???" She looked up sharply. "That’s…Gods, you should have told me before now.. I would have… "

A wrinkled hand, laid on her arm. "Nah." Gramma sighed. "Most of us.. we're old.. best we stay where we are, eh? They're bound to take care of us, then, sprout.. a freeman they can boot, but not us.. and I've got noplace else t'go."

The warrior looked her right in the eye. "That's not true. You've got a place to go if you want one."

A faint smile creased the cook's face. "Still all fists and fire, ain't' ye." She chuckled softly. "Ye haven't changed a bit, Xena.. last time I saw ye was when those hooligans we're throwin rocks at t'pigs, and ye were chase'n im out the stockyard wi a stick."

Xena allowed a smile to flash, briefly. "That was a long time ago." She replied quietly. "And I went a long way away from that in between then and now."

Gramma nodded a bit. "Aye. .I've heard.. but t'important thing is, ye came back to who ye were." She sighed, and indicated the parchment. "These kids.. they're young.. still gots time to do things w'their lives.. some as may choose to stay here.. but some.. "

The warrior laid the scroll down, and held out her hand. "You got a quill?" She waited for Gramma to retrieve one from the box, and a small pot of ink. Xena dipped the end of the quill in, and paused, then signed her name neatly to the bottom of the document. "I see Mestre's name is here."

"Aye." Gramma stated, quietly.

"She's a good kid." Blue eyes flicked to the cook's face, with glinting intensity.

"Aye, she is." Came the soft reply. "She's taken quite a shine to ye."

Xena smiled. "Decided I wasn't so bad, huh?" She blew her signature dry, and handed Gramma the parchment. "There… can I trade that for some of that bread I smell baking? I promised Gabrielle I'd bring in some breakfast if we're gonna be stuck in that room for a while."

The cook carefully put the scroll away, running a finger long it's length before she closed the top of the box. "Aye.. surely." She answered finally, with a little catch in her voice. "Come along then, sprout."

Xena got her basket of warm rolls, complete with a small crock of honey butter and a few thick, still warm slices of ham that Gramma had tucked in there from a roast they were just taking off the spit. She spotted the bard standing near the far wall, speaking to a nervous looking Silvi, and she headed that way. Gabrielle was dressed in her travelling gear, and one arm was curled around her staff, but that was more for support on her still sore knee than any danger she though she might find in the council chamber.

A loud argument spilled out of the room as she ducked by, and she sighed. On second thought, maybe not. She'd spent about a candlemark speaking with Framna, who was slightly bewildered at this turn of events, and she was grudgingly satisfied with his responses, though she could have wished for a more experienced administrator for the city.

Well, that's what they have the council for, I guess. She sighed inwardly. I'm not really happy with Framna.. but then, I wasn't happy with Edgevar, either… best of all evils, huh? "Hey." She stepped up close to the bard, and held up the basket. "As promised."

"Oo." Gabrielle peeked under the linen cover and gave her an approving look. "Nice…" She glanced up. "Everything work out all right?"

The warrior waggled her free hand. "Yeah.. more or less.. I got Framna to agree to take on the rest of Gar's army… he and Bennu have thrashed out a kinda working relationship.. I think that'll be okay." She resettled her armor with a shrug of her shoulders and let out a breath. "C'mon.. let's get this over with."

The room's angry sounds quieted as they walked in, bard and warrior flanking the slight princess, who nevertheless managed to keep her head up as she was escorted to the front table, and took her seat.

Xena sat down to her right, in Edgevar's seat, and Gabrielle quietly settled next to her, the bard's mist green eyes surveying the room full of councilors and nobles with interest. The warrior found Framna's eyes in the rear of the room, and she looked right at him, then turned her head and looked at the chair on the left of Silvi, then back at him. An eyebrow quirked.

He got the message, and gently eased his way through the crowd, until he stepped uncertainly around the table, and sat down quietly at Silvi's side. Xena gave him an approving look, then she stood, and put her hands on her hips, letting her pale eyes rake the room. "All right."

They looked back at her with varying degrees of fear, interest, intrigue, and outrage.

Xena motioned to the patiently waiting bard. "Read it."

Gabrielle stood up, and unfurled the parchment, letting her eyes run over it for a minute before she took a deep breath to begin reading. Her ribs stood sharply out for a moment, and the muscles in her abdomen tensed, then her clear voice rang out over the hushed room.

Be it known to all present, that I, Edgevar, regent of Elios, have come to the end of my long, and noble service to the city. Pursuant to that, and to mark the coming of age of our royal heir, I remove myself from the city, so that affairs might be ordered without prejudice to my station.

I hereby relinquish all claims to office, and do graciously tender my resignation as regent.

Because our noble heir is not yet betrothed, I feel honor bound to provide the city with a sure, and strong hand until such arrangement can be settled upon. As such, I proclaim, as my last sigil of office, that the title of regent in my absence pass to the most gracious and honorable Xena of Amphipolis, until such time as our heir can assume her station.

May Zeus watch over you all.

Edgevar, Regent.

Gabrielle rolled the scroll up, and set it down on the table, then gave Xena a glance, as she seated herself and folded her hands on top of it. "That's it."

Xena nodded, then looked out at the room. "Any questions?" She let her voice drop into a dangerous growl.

There wasn't as much disagreement in the room as she'd expected there to be. A few faces were dark, but most of them were either thoughtful, or openly grinning. That was a surprise. A representative of the merchants managed to catch her eye, and he winked. Xena let a quirk tug her lip in response. "Hmm.. that wasn't so bad." She muttered in a low tone, which got a grin from Gabrielle, swiftly hidden behind a hand.

"Well… that was nice of him, but I think you all realize that I'm not the type to stick around very long." The warrior finally stated, surprised again at the disappointment that faced her. "Your princess has accepted an offer of betrothal from Framna here, so it's a moot point anyway."

A man stood, bracing his hands in his belt, and lifted his chin as he addressed her. He had hair as dark as her own, and pale, interesting, gray eyes. "What if that army comes back? No offense.. " He ducked a head towards Framna "But we all know who stopped them."

They all looked at Xena, nodding. A low mumble of agreement ran around the room. "Look.. " The man went on. "We know… we made mistakes, but we were desperate.. most of us… we just want a safe place to live.. and peace to go about our lives… I haven't slept so well in a year as I did last night."

Gabrielle watched her soulmate out of the corner of her eye, seeing her in the odd position of being caught entirely off balance. Xena had expected the city to be outraged at Edgevar's defection.. she certainly hadn't expected them to be glad, or that they would want her to stay on. But hey.. they weren't dummies, right? Gabrielle reflected. I'd certainly choose her over an untested girl and a guy whose army mutinied on him.

Part of her wished.. briefly, that they could stay on, just for a little while. She'd gotten to see this whole other side of her soulmate, and she kind of wanted to explore that a little. Xena had absorbed the troops reverence like a sponge, and she felt, at the root of her heart, that this was something her partner sorely missed.

It was something she was willingly, knowingly giving up as they shaped their lives in a different direction, and Gabrielle knew that she was making a conscious choice to do so, but…


Xena took a breath, and leaned forward, resting her weight against her fingertips. "I'm … glad I could help out." She started, slowly. "I know most of you didn't expect anything good to happen when Garanimus called me here…but things worked out. " She paused, and straightened, feeling their attention focus tightly on her.

Believing in her. In the back of the room, Bennu stood, a look of quiet loyalty in his warm eyes. Two of his sergeants flanked him, their armor gleaming gently in the torchlight. Proud.

For a moment, she wavered, considering a nice, secure place, full of comforts, full of company for Gabrielle, where the bard could show off her skills, and be surrounded by the kind of pampering she thought her partner deserved. She glanced to her right, and found mist green eyes gazing trustingly back at her.

Power was being held out to her on a platter, the opportunity to exercise skills she'd left to quietly rust. An army to run, councils to preside over. Respect. Honor.

No. That's how it all starts, right? You just wanted to protect Amphipolis. What happens if you decide to 'protect' this place? A few cities around here, not to well defended…easy pickings. She taunted herself darkly. Too much temptation. "I'm glad I could make things come right here, but I have things I have to do.. and a home I have to get to."

Disappointment. "Amphipolis isn't far from here." Xena reminded them. "I keep track of my friends."

More grumbling, but they looked like they felt a little better about that. "Bennu, get up here."

The tall man ambled forward, a small package tucked under his arm. "Aye?" He ended up in front of her, his head lifted high.

"Have you taken a vote?" The warrior asked, quietly.

"Aye." He answered, just as quietly. "We'd like to stay."

A murmur ran around the room again.

Xena nodded. "You gotta keep this place clean." She warned. "Or else."

He smiled at her. "Yes, Genr'l."

She smiled back, then looked up. "You need a defense force. I know this one's not what you expected, but they're good men, most of them have secondary skills you'll find useful." She informed the councilors. "They're farmers, and woodworkers, and leathercrafters.. some of them are smiths…don't waste them."

"What if.. they start acting like they did before?" The dark haired man objected. "Hassling merchants, and trashing the place.. then what?"

Bennu turned, and faced him with dignity. "Ye don't dump dung in ye're own bed." He uttered. "But ye might in someplace ye're just visitin." He glanced over his shoulder. "Besides…I'm not awanting the genr'l to come back and kick my butt."

Xena gave him a frank grin. "Smart boy."

Hesitantly, nods went around the room. "We… " A small, stocky man with the earth stained hands of a farmer stood up gingerly. "There's yardlands lying fallow a league out of town.. we've been looking for some to farm it.. most of us are afraid to go out there because it's on the fringe… there've been raiders. " He glanced at Bennu. "If any of your lot be interested.. send them to me."

The warrior crossed her arms over her chest, and gave the farmer a warm, approving smile. Most of the army was younger sons, with no chance for land at home, she knew some, at least, would leap at the chance.

Bennu nodded at him. "Aye.. that I will." Then he turned and faced Xena. "Genr'l… kin I ask ye a favor?"

Silence fell, as they all listened in interest. Xena paused, then nodded warily. "Sure."

He stepped forward, and took the folded packet from under his arm, splitting it in half and unfurling one of the pieces. Garanimus' standard, a black dagger on a red field. "I… know ye're taking a bit o'him back wi ye.. I thought… you could take this along too."

Xena stepped around the table and moved down to his level, reaching out and taking the dusty standard. "All right." She replied quietly, laying the fabric over her shoulder. "I'll do that."

Bennu nodded, and took a nervous breath. "It's not… ah.. if we're gonta stay here, it's not a good flag to be under anyway, eh? All bloody and all." He cleared his throat. "I was… tha is.. we.. " His eyes drifted back to the two sergeants, then back to her. "We were wondering… if ye'd mind… terrible.. if.. we used this one instead."

He unfolded the second packet, a dark, inky black linen bisected by a yellow hawk's head.

Xena sucked in a startled breath. Her standard. She looked at it, frozen for a long moment. "Haven't seen that in a long time." She whispered.

Bennu looked at it, draped over his large hands. "T'was Gar's….he'd take it out sometimes… tell us stories."

The warrior reached out and touched the fabric, which, by its crisp look had been well cared for. Oh Gar. Her mind remembered the tow headed boy he'd been, and her jaw clenched. "There… are a lot of folks out there that don’t look at this as an honorable standard, Bennu."

"Aye.. well.. they don’t know you, I'm guessing." The soldier answered with a smile. "Can we?"

Just like a little boy. Xena exhaled. Part of her was intensely flattered. Part of her was wary of that standard flying again. But she looked into Bennu's eyes, and realized that no matter what her answer was, she was going to leave a part of herself here. "Sure." She finally replied. "Maybe you'll give it a better reputation."

He grinned. "Thanks, Genr'l." He turned and gave the sergeants a thumbs up. Then he turned back and glanced over Xena's shoulder, as Gabrielle walked quietly up, and peered at the standard.

"Take care of that." The bard commented, with a gentle twinkle in her eyes. "She doesn't give it lightly." She raised her hand, and turned it knuckle outmost, at the level of his eyes, and watched him focus on the signet she wore.

Bennu's face creased into a broad smile. "All the more reason t', then… "He glanced up at the silent Xena. "She workin on t'reputation too?"

The warrior put an arm around her partner's shoulders. "She single-handedly rehabilitated it, as a matter of fact." She held out her free hand. "Good luck, Bennu."

He grasped her arm in a firm grip. "You too, Genr'l…ye c'n come visit sometimes, eh?"

"Sure." Xena released him, and let her eyes sweep around the room. "All right… weather's good, and it's time to get to work fixing this place up. Gabrielle and I are taking off… the rest is up to you."

And slowly, they stood, honoring her.

The courtyard bustled with activity as they stood outside, with Xena meticulously adjusting Argo's saddle. The mare was standing patiently, as the warrior tugged straps tight and adjusted buckles with practiced hands. They'd said goodbye to the palace staff, and had reluctantly accepted small parting gifts from Framna and Silvi. Now they were relatively alone, as the city tried to get back to normal.

Gabrielle had made sure everything got packed, and she was leaning on her staff, munching on one of the rolls Xena had so helpfully obtained. The courtyard was filled with sun, and she took a deep breath of the clean air, enjoying the feeling of warmth against the skin of her back, and her mostly bare shoulders. "We ready?" She asked, as the warrior finished her fiddling.

Xena grinned at her, and lifted the saddlebags up, tossing them over Argo's hindquarters and settling them in place. "Almost." She gave the bard a look. "You anxious to get going?"

The bard sauntered over, tearing off a bit of her roll and offering it to her taller partner. "Well.. I've never been to a harvest festival at the Amazons.. it sounds fun."

Xena accepted the tidbit, and chewed it. "Fun… yeah… it should be." She admitted. "Y'know, they do have some pretty interesting customers revolving around the festival and joinings during the festival." She finished her task, and vaulted aboard the mare, settling her feet in the stirrups and wrapping the reins about one hand before she extended the other down to Gabrielle. "C'mon."

To her surprise, the bard shook her head. "I'll walk.. I want to get the kinks out of this knee." She faced into the breeze, and let it blow her hair back. "Mmm… what a great day."

The warrior regarded her. "You sure?" She freed her feet from the stirrups, watching the bard's nod. "Okay." Argo snorted as she slid off the mare's back, and joined her soulmate. "I'm sure I can find a kink to get out too." She informed her, as she started walking down the wide lane that led down to the city gates.

Gabrielle gave her an affectionate look, and caught up, splitting another roll in half and handing her a portion. As they made their way down the street, they attracted attention, and Xena found herself returning a surprising amount of friendly hails.

At last, they were at the gates, and Gabrielle looked up at the fire scarred portals, which she'd last seen by torchlight. They were open now, allowing the streams of workers in and out who were rebuilding the market, and the fire damage on the guard towers was being fixed

To one side of the gates, a set of workers were clustered around a square wooden surface, which seemed to have words burned into it. They were carefully affixing it to the inner wall, and as the warrior and bard approached, the workers turned and hailed them.

Xena and Gabrielle exchanged glances, and changed course slightly, until they were near the small group. 'What's that?" The bard asked, ambling forward to see it. The hard working craftsmen backed off, and wiped their brows, standing proudly as she read it.

It was a plaque, of sorts, the letters burned into the hardwood, which was polished and bound in copper sheathing.

On this spot, two fortnights before the Fall Solstice, an attacking army was brought to a standstill by the skill and ferocity of a single warrior, who saved the honor of the city, and the lives of it's people without regard to her own safety.

Here, Xena of Amphipolis wrote herself into our history, and showed us all the meaning of the word courage. We honor her.

Gabrielle grinned, and gave them a thumbs up, then turned and spotted the visible blush on her soulmate's tanned face. "I like it!" She trotted back to Argo's gear, and tugged out a slip of parchment and a quill. "Wait… I wanna make sure I get it down right."

A small groan from Xena, who managed a weak grin to the craftsmen. "Um.. thanks." She rubbed her eyes, willing the flush from her skin. Great. Just great. "Gabrielle.. we gotta get going."

"Mmph?" The bard took the quill from between her teeth, as she'd been spreading the parchment flat on a stone. "I thought you said we didn't have any schedule?" She glanced up at the plaque, and started copying. "This'll make a great ending for the story."

The warrior sighed, and turned away, resting her arms over Argo's back and regarding a few birds flying overhead. A few moments later the bard patted her back.

"Got it.. okay.. lets go." She remarked cheerfully. "Perfect ending… " She waved a hand as they started out the gate. "And as they got to the gates.. a plaque was being raised… "


"Honoring the courage of the great warrior.."


"The city is forever in her debt… augh!!!" Squirm. "No fair… stop it… Xena!" Another squirm. "All right.. all right.. I'll stop!"

They ambled on. "What was that before about interesting customs of the Amazons?" Gabrielle remembered suddenly.

Xena grinned, but remained silent.

"Xena?" The bard walked backwards, peering at her. "What were they?"

A dark brow arched. "I guess I could be persuaded to remember.. for a price."

"A price!" Gabrielle's voice was indignant. "No way."

A pause. "What's the price?"

The warrior pointed at the parchment she'd been tucking away.

"Oh no." Gabrielle shook her head. "Nu uh, Xena.. I can just wait until we get to the Amazons and ask Ephiny."

A shrug. "Okay." Xena replied amiably, as the dust of the road began to kick up around her boots, and the sounds of the city faded behind them. It was a beautiful day, sunny, and with a touch of coolness in the air to remind them that summer was almost over. The fields on either side of the road gave off a heavy scent of wheat near to harvest, and the breeze that stirred their hair was thick with rich, green smells.

In the quiet, only Argo's footfalls seemed very loud. Ares was trotting off the road a little, rabbit hunting, and their soft boots made only a gentle, scuffling sound. Occasionally, the soft jingle of Argo's bit clanked, as the mare played with it, her head bobbing up and down in time with her rhythmic strides.

It was quiet, and very peaceful.

"All right." Gabrielle growled, handing the parchment over. "But these things better be good."

Xena smiled. Lasted a quarter candlemark longer than I thought she would.. she's getting better. "Which do you want to hear first… the one where the entire village gets to kiss you, or the one where you have to hang upside down by your ankles?"

Dead silence. "WHAT????"

Xena chuckled. It was going to be a great day.

The End

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