"Yes ... We were the last to know!" Eponin’s smile faded as she sensed the problem.

"Actually Eph., I was hoping Gabrielle was going to be the last to know."

The simple statement stopped Ephiny in her tracks. She had been so upset about not hearing it first, she had almost forgotten what it was they were all talking about.

"Where do you think Xena took her, Ep.?"

"If I know our Xena. Somewhere quiet, private and very special."

The room fell silent, just in time to hear horses’ hooves at the back door. The three turned and headed down the hallway as the back door opened.

Everyone noticed the red eyes first. Then searching, they spotted the shining gold on Gabrielle's left hand. Smiles and screams of delight erupted loudly. Hugs and kisses were exchanged between words of congratulation, and lots of 'it took you long enoughs.' Laughter and sounds of celebration echoed through the palace.

Within a half candlemark the whole village knew. Xena and Gabrielle were officially to be married. Amazons began to converge on the palace. When the common room filled, they began to spill out onto the palace steps and beyond. In the middle of it all were Xena and Gabrielle, both beaming, hand in hand, excepting all the well wishes.

It was Xena who sensed the change first. Gabrielle felt it come from Xena. The icy blue eyes searched the room until they fell on what had caused her senses to peak. Everyone felt it then. The crowd became hushed and the Amazons parted for Nazalon. The tall, dark warrior stood looking at the couple for a moment. She took the last few strides to stand before them. Eyes searched eyes as the three regarded each other. A slow, bright smile crawled onto Nazalon’s face.

"I know I can't be the first, but I want you to know it's from the heart. Congratulations. You're both very lucky and special people. I hope you both will be very happy." Xena smiled, and Gabrielle reached out and gave Nazalon a big hug. She held on for an extra minute as she whispered something into Nazalon's ear. As the two parted, Nazalon looked straight at Gabrielle, winked and smiled. The tall Amazon turned to Xena.

"I know she'll be happy ... but I'll be watching if she's not." The two warriors smiled and gripped forearms. Xena whispered as they parted, "I'll be counting on it." The noise of the gathering picked up again as everyone realized the warriors had finally made peace.

"OK ... OK ... Quiet everyone ... please. Quiet. Our Queen would like to speak." Jadax put a hand down for Ephiny as she climbed onto the table.

"Well, the first thing I'd like to say is, the official congratulations." A cheer went up all around. Ephiny looked over at the two and winked. Glowing smiles were returned.

"The second is, Are we losing our Amazon Queen or are we gaining a warrior princess?" The crowd of women erupted with laughter.

"The third, and most important, when’s the date?" Choruses of yeah’s went up around the two. Xena looked down into Gabrielle's eyes. Speaking directly to her betrothed, but loudly enough for all to hear she said.

"I did the hard part ... the rest is all up to her." Xena leaned down for a kiss. When they parted Gabrielle whispered to Xena, the warrior nodded and then replied. "Whenever you want? I will be there."

Gabrielle turned back to the waiting crowd. Searching out Ephiny's eyes, she said with a smile. "A fortnight ... a fortnight from tonight." Everyone cheered.

Ephiny winked and raised her hand, the loud crowd quieted.

"September 15 it is. To Xena and Gabrielle."

The gathering and celebrating continued long after the engaged couple had parted. Amazons loved a good party, now they had been given two weeks to do just that.




A couple of days later things had finally quieted ... slightly. Looking for a little peace and privacy Xena and Gabrielle were down on the training grounds alone. There had been a few women when they had shown up, but they had quickly departed. Not out of respect for their privacy, out of respect for Xena's chakram. The simple sight of the unique weapon and Xena had the grounds all to herself.

"But you've thrown it left handed before?" Gabrielle tilted her head in question.

"I know, but it's been so long. And I was always more accurate with my right hand." The two were sitting on a log. Xena was spinning the chakram with her left hand, getting the feel for her weapon again. Gabrielle had more confidence in her ability then she did. Xena changed movements and began to toss the weapon up in front of her. Without taking her eyes off the rotating ring she asked.

"Don't you think it's time to forgive Artemis?" Grabbing the chakram in the air, Xena turned to the surprised look on Gabrielle’s face.

"Who told you?"

"Does it matter? It wasn't her fault Gabrielle. I'm here now, aren't I?"

"It does matter to me. I was supposed to be her chosen one. I never asked for that. I've never asked for anything. But when I asked for help to find you, they did nothing?" Xena was surprised by the resentment in Gabrielle's voice and the mention of they.

"What do you mean they?"

"Artemis, Aphrodite and Ares. They said they couldn't help. They're Gods Xena, they could have if they wanted too. But they didn't. By the time we did find you, well it was almost too late." Gabrielle looked away. She had cried enough lately to last a life time, and she didn't want to cry anymore.

"How do you know they didn't help, Gabrielle?"

"Because they tried, but they couldn't find you. At least that’s what they said."

"But they did try. Maybe not directly, but they did help. Was it not my love for you that kept me alive? That made me crawl half way to Visala, trying to get to you?"

"Yes ... but Xena."

"Well is love not a gift from Aphrodite?"

Xena waited for a reply. Finally a reluctant yes was whispered.

"Ares came to see me in the forest the night Ephiny found me. In His own demented way, He tried to get me to remember how much I loved you. And what you meant to me."

"I didn't know that."

"Gabrielle, you know better than anyone how I feel about the Gods especially when they play with mortals lives. But I know how they feel about you, Artemis especially. If She said there was nothing She could do, I believe Her. I've heard from a very reliable source, Artemis is ... well, believe it or not, She is sorry. I know what that's like Gabrielle. To be sorry for not being able to do anything ... " Xena waited, hoping Gabrielle would make the connection.

"You mean like me, Xena."

"Yes, Gabrielle. I know there is a part of you that still feels guilty for not being there. But I am here to tell you not to feel guilty. There was nothing you could have done except get hurt, or maybe worst. You've never given Artemis the same chance. There was nothing she could have done, even for you. Give her a chance, Gabrielle." Xena leaned over and rubbed her back. Gabrielle looked up and tried to smile.

"Everyone deserves a chance. Isn't that what you always tell me?"

Gabrielle squinted and gave Xena her best glare.

"Don't you ever get tired of always being right?"

"Only when I'm wrong, Gabrielle, only when I'm wrong." Xena leaned back and let her chakram fly. Their eyes followed the ricochetting ring as they enjoyed the sound of Xena's flying chakram. Quicker than her green eyes could follow, the ring was back in Xena's hand. The warrior grinned as her eyebrows danced with excitement. Xena flung it again and tilted her head back, letting loose on a warrior princess war cry.

Gabrielle reveled at the sound, her Xena was back, and ready for battle. A small shiver went up Gabrielle's spine.


Chapter 46


Ephiny had her hands on both her hips as she looked at Xena questioningly.

"Well, what were you thinking of wearing?"

The blue eyes looked down at her leathers and armor.

"I don't think so Xena!"

"What ... Why not? I'll have them cleaned again. Nazalon already offered."

"Oh just what I need. You getting clothing advice from another warrior. Xena, this is your wedding day. Not a battle ground. Your leathers and armor are not appropriate attire."

Xena looked away in disgust.

"Should've eloped," she muttered. Ephiny's hand caught her right across the head.

"I heard that."

"What ... All right ... What did you have in mind?" Xena decided this was a battle she was not going to win.

"This!" Ephiny held up a leather outfit. Xena couldn't take her eyes off of it. She closed her mouth the moment she realized it was hanging open.

"That is beautiful, where?"

"Nazalon also has many skills. Apparently she had more faith in you than even she knew. She began to work on it after she had found the ring. She said you would wear this one day ... One way or another."

As Xena's fingers followed the leather and bead work, she knew what Nazalon had meant. Xena was to have worn this work of art to be married in ... or buried in.




Gabrielle was killing time. She had been told she wasn't allowed in the palace until Xena and Ephiny had finished. Her gown was being made by one of the Amazon dressers. Aliyia couldn’t believe her luck at having the honor of making the Queen's wedding gown. It was something she would be able to tell her grandchildren. Gabrielle had just come from seeing the gown in progress. It was going to be stunning. As she approached the palace steps, the royal guards had shaken their heads no. Xena and Ephiny were still not finished. The bard turned to the kitchen, but realized for once, she wasn't really hungry. Her scrolls and parchment were in their bedroom. What else could she do.

Standing in the middle of the courtyard, she looked to see what her options were. When her eyes fell on the temple, she immediately looked away. It was too late. She could hear Xena's voice inside her head. 'Don't you think it's time to forgive Her.' Gabrielle turned back and looked at the temple? She waited a moment longer, then headed in that direction. Pausing for a moment with her hand on the door, Gabrielle took a breath and entered the temple.

At first she thought she was alone, but as her eyes grew accustomed to the dim light she saw the priestess, with two other Amazons.

"Could I have some privacy, please?" She asked quietly. The three nodded and bowed to their Queen as they left.

"I wish they wouldn't do that," she muttered to herself.

"Why, you are their Queen, Gabrielle." Artemis had been waiting, always hoping her chosen would return. She knew who She had to thank for this. She shimmered to life next to her alter.

"I hoped you would return, Gabrielle." Artemis couldn't believe the amount of relief in her own voice.

"I was angry, my Goddess. I realize now it wasn't you who I was really angry at ... I was angry at the men who did this to her."

"I know that Gabrielle, and I know Xena still is. But there is, and was nothing, I could do about it. If I could have found her, I would have. It pained me to see you like that, and Xena too."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did, and for what I said. Can you forgive me?"

"I will Gabrielle, when you forgive yourself."

"I don't know if I can ever do that."

"Then you and Xena will never stand a chance. You have to forgive, and ... you have to let her be who she really is."

"What do you mean, who she really is? I love her for who she is."

"Then you need to let her go. Her anger is growing inside her and without vengeance, her rage will tear her apart, and your relationship with it. You need to forgive and she needs to release her anger and to be vindicated. When this is all over, when you have forgiven yourself, and Xena has got her justice, only then will your power of love heal the wounds of your past."

"But how do I start, my Goddess?"

"By realizing there was nothing you, or I, could have done." Artemis reached out to touch her chosen one, Gabrielle felt the power of the Goddess surge through her.

"Welcome back, my chosen Queen." With a flash of light Artemis was gone.

Gabrielle sat for a while thinking about everything she had said. As she stood to leave, a streak of light produced two Goddess. Artemis and Aphrodite. Gabrielle blinked from one to the other.

"I almost forgot Gabrielle, my congratulations and best wishes for your up coming nuptials."

"Yeah, me too. Maybe my brother, will like stop hanging around and panting, every time the warrior princess swings her sword. Probably not ... later" And with that, the two were gone.




As Gabrielle walked back to the palace, the royal guard smiled and opened the door for her Queen.

"Thank you. They finally finished, did they? I mean how long can it take for Xena to decide she's wearing her leathers to her own wedding." Gabrielle muttered as she entered the quiet common room. There was no one there. Looking in their room, it was empty too. She returned back to the front door again.

"There's no one here?"

"Oh, I knew that my Queen."

Gabrielle waited, then raised her hands, palms upward.

"Well ... where did they go?"

"Oh, the Queen is asleep in her room."

"And Xena?"

"She was heading toward the barn."

"Thank you," Gabrielle said as she shook her head and off to the barn she went.




She stood silently in the doorway watching Xena brush Argo. 'She is a beautiful woman, I am so lucky.' Gabrielle thought. Her eyes left Xena and fell to the ground.

"Are you going to stand there all day and watch me? Or do you want to come in and tell me what's on your mind?"

Gabrielle looked up. "How do you do that?"

"I don't know ... I just do. Come here you," Xena pulled her in for a loving embrace.

"What's going on in that head of yours? Cold feet? I thought that was my department?" Xena said smiling down into the face in her hands. Gabrielle's eyes were miles away.

"What's wrong?" Xena suddenly got serious.

"Xena, you and I will always have our differences."

"Yeah." Xena wasn't sure if she liked the way this was going.

"I don't believe in revenge, but I do believe in justice."

"What are you saying, Gabrielle?"

"If I let you go, to find the man that did this ... Would it be revenge, or justice?" Gabrielle looked intently into Xena’s darkening, blue eyes as her hand laid against the warrior’s scarred cheek.

"It would be vengeance. Pure and simple." Gabrielle now knew Artemis had been right. Xena's eyes were alive with rage. There was no way she could keep all that anger inside her, Gabrielle knew it would eventually destroy them.

"Then do me one favor, let me go with you."

"NO!" Xena’s answer was very plain and very simple, and she had left no room for discussion.

"I won’t let you go alone." Gabrielle stood firmly up to her warrior.

"Fine ... then I'll take Eponin, if Ephiny oks’ it."

"And Nazalon too. Please." Xena nodded, her warrior blood was pumping strongly.

"Then Xena ... I think I know who it was."

Xena's head spun at Gabrielle’s admission.

"What!?" Xena couldn't believe her ears.

"I went to Artemis's temple today. We had a chance to talk. It got me to thinking of what you had said, about the leader. It all fits. Whenever you mentioned Ollious, you never mention the men we fought on the road that day. I wondered why. Then I realized it was because you hadn't put the two of them together. We called him Ugly."

The name was all she needed, and she remembered one of the final pieces of the puzzle.

The fight on the road. The bastard who had cracked the whip against her back. The Ugly man who had said her beautiful face needed a scar. She saw the blade coming down on her face. In her horror and pain, she thought she had lost her eye. But she could clearly see the river of red as it ran down her body. Her hand, it had been his sword hilt that had split it open in the first place. He had reveled in the pain it had caused her everytime he split them open from there on after.

Gabrielle saw Xena flexing her deformed right hand. It was then Gabrielle knew she was right. It had been Ugly.

Without saying a word, Xena reached for Argo's saddle. Gabrielle stepped in front of her.

"Xena, you promised to take Eponin and Nazalon."

The warrior princess paused and looked down into Gabrielle's eyes.

Gabrielle could see the color of rage in Xena’s blue eyes as they held their icy stare on her.

"Ok." Xena said firmly as she put the saddle down. She collected Gabrielle's hand in her own and they headed for the palace.




"You're leaving now?" Ephiny wasn't sure if she was totally awake. Part of her hoped this was just a dream, a nightmare actually.

"Yes, Ephiny. But Gabrielle is staying here. I would like to take Eponin and Nazalon, but I won’t without your blessing." A part of Xena was hoping she wouldn't give it.

"You know where you're going, don't you? And who you're after?"

"Yes. His name is Felcon. I killed his brothers that day on the road when we met Ollious. He said he followed me. When he saw me, fall from Argo's back, he knew I had hit my head and possibly broken my arm. So he left to find some of his buddies, and when he returned he thought I was gone at first. The rain had covered most of my tracks, but he spotted me under some bushes. I didn't know who he was then, but I knew enough to know I couldn't be caught. When I crawled out from under the bushes, the ground gave away because of the rain. I vaguely remember falling and hitting the rocks on the way down. But I recall the impact of hitting the ground." Gabrielle and Ephiny grimaced as they visualized the impact. Gabrielle instinctively put her arm around Xena's waist.

"When will you be back? Your wedding is in five days, Xena!"

The warrior turned to her betrothed. "Three days, four at the max. I will be here. I promise."

"I will get Eponin and Nazalon, we'll meet at the barn."

"Thank you, Ephiny." Said Gabrielle as the Queen departed.

They were alone and Gabrielle turned to Xena.

"Why didn't you tell me all this in the barn?"

"I didn't recall it until Ephiny asked." Xena had turned, placing her arms around Gabrielle's shoulders.

"What made you fall off Argo's back? I've never seen that happen to you."

"I was tired, and very sore. I should have stopped, but I wanted to get here. I guess I fell asleep, I don't really know. I remember waking suddenly, something had spooked Argo. It wasn't her fault, she jumped one way and I went the other way. But I didn't clear the saddle properly. I don't know, maybe it was my hand. When I woke up, my arm was definitely broken. I remember this horse kept nudging me. I didn’t know who she was or where I was. It was all I could do to remove the blankets and the water skins. I went through the one saddle bag I could reach and I found some food and my medicine bag. I removed what I needed and then used the bag for my bleeding hand. I didn't know at the time there were weapons on the saddle. Well, Argo finally left on her own. I guess she went looking for help. I didn't see her again until I was at the bottom of the cliff. By then it was too late, even she knew it. I guess that's when she came here." Xena brought her eyes back to Gabrielle.

"Are you still ok with this?"

"No, but it's something you have to do. I know that now. But we are getting married in five days, right."

"Yes, my love. I wouldn't miss my own wedding to the woman I love." The two met half way, their kiss was passionate and all consuming. Neither wanted it to end, for when it did, they knew their separation was too follow. It was Xena who pulled back first.

"I love you, remember that." Xena said.

"Just don't you forget it." Gabrielle smiled and the two headed for the door.




Eponin was at the barn saddling her horse when the two arrived. Nothing was said, Xena and Eponin only exchanged nods. Nazalon arrived moments later. Seeing everyone else was busy with their horses, she grabbed her saddle and started with hers. Eponin was finished when Jadax and Ephiny entered the barn. Jadax was carrying a sack of food that she handed to Eponin, but everyone else was looking at the Queen. Her sword and bow were on her back.

"Where do you think you are going?" It was Gabrielle who said it first.

"I'm going too. I wouldn't have my warriors leaving without me."

Gabrielle looked to Jadax for help. The forest scout nodded. "This time, I agree with her."

"You're in charge Gabrielle. Jadax will help with anything you need. Xena, let's get going, were burnin' daylight."

Nazalon handed Ephiny the reins to her regal mount. Once outside, they all mounted, except for Xena. She held her bard once more and then kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry. I'll bring them all back." After a final embrace she mounted Argo and they left in a thunder of hooves, four women in search of vengeance.

Jadax came up beside the bard. Gabrielle slipped an arm around the scout's shoulders.

"I still can't believe you agreed to let her go, Jadax."

"I said I agreed, I didn't say I wanted her to go." The two turned and slowly headed for the palace.


Chapter 47


The four rode hard, almost too hard. Ephiny could see the pain at times on Xena's face. But the warrior princess had the lead and she was setting the pace. They rode into the one street of Visala just after dark. The small town may have had a population of about 300, but the road through town was vacant, as all the shops and working folks were home with their families. They rode in silence, all eyes opened wide, and alert for trouble. Xena spotted what she had been looking for and turned Argo to the railing in front of the tavern.

"I didn't think we really need that right now." Ephiny commented as she watched Xena tie Argo to the rail.

"Why not stable the horses and get some sleep?" She added.

Eponin was off her black mare as she turned to her Queen.

"I don't think she’s looking for a drink, Eph." The regent hadn't thought about the fact of where exactly they were. It was then Ephiny realized what Xena was looking for. The three Amazons tied their horses and quickly joined Xena as she entered the tavern.



All sounds stopped as the tall warrior princess glanced around the room. Only about ten people were in the tavern, not including the large, bearded bartender. All heads turned as the warrior princess came through the swinging doors. Most of the people there knew who she was. But most had thought she had died that day in the road.

Two cowardly men in the back wished now she had. They slowly pushed back their chairs, looking at the distance between them and the back door. Neither saw the chakram coming, but they felt the wind of it go past their noses.

"Where are you two going? I believe you paid good money, for a chance at me ... Well I'm here for my refund."

They dove for the door landing short of it by two feet ... Xena's feet. She picked one off the floor and threw him onto a nearby table. She shook a finger at Nazalon when the Amazon had come to join in on the fun.

"Ah ah, these are mine." Xena growled. The rest of the tavern patrons exited quickly. Nazalon reluctantly returned to Eponin and Ephiny as they stood at the bar.

"Never join the party until you’re sure you’re invited, Naz. This is Xena's party, she's waited, and she deserves it. Come on, I'll buy you a drink, then we can watch a true warrior in action." Eponin threw an arm around the warrior.

The three leaned against the bar, drinks in hand, and watched Xena. They oohed the punches, and ahhed the kicks, and clapped when she threw one out the door. Ephiny even called 'bad form' when the warrior went to draw her sword. Xena had turned with a sneering smile and sheathed her weapon. Two more blows to the chest and one to the head with a turning kick, and he was down and out. Xena bowed at the applause from the bar.

"On the house Xena. Welcome back." The bar keep said, splashing a mug of cold ale in front of her.

"OHH ... It's good to be back" She grinned at her friends and downed the ale.

The four left the tavern and headed to their horses. They had decided to continue on and camp outside of town.

Ephiny rode up beside Xena, as Eponin slowed slightly to ride next to Nazalon.

"All the stories I’ve heard about her and Gabrielle really are true. She is the warrior princess, isn't she Eponin?" Nazalon staring in ah at the back of Xena.

"She is the best. You should have seen her before her injuries." Eponin looked away, she didn't want Nazalon to see the regret on her face, but it didn’t matter, Nazalon heard it in her voice. Xena was good, but never again would she be what she once was, and Eponin knew that now. Looking at Xena’s slumping shoulders, the warrior princess knew it too.



"You ok, Xena?" Ephiny asked looking at her friend.

"Yeah. "

"Felt pretty good didn't it?"

"Yeah." Xena said solemnly, but the Queen knew by her voice the warrior knew better. Ephiny saw the pain and remorse deep in her eyes.

"You knew it was going to end sooner or later. Maybe it's time for a change, you’re getting married in, well, in four days now. Why don't you think about sticking around? We would love for you two to stay and make the village your home."

"Maybe." Ephiny heard the conversation die in Xena’s single word. The regent held the silence and just rode beside her friend.

The light of the moon was all they had to guide them down the well-traveled road. The silvery shadows in the forest, just off to the side, kept their secrets in the trees. Just small whispers of cedar boughs mixing with the hooves of the horses as they rode in silence. Far off in the distance a sensitive ear could pick up the sounds of the river as it tumbles down its own lonely path on the way to the sea.

Xena’s mind was spinning. Her eyes and ears were picking up things she now remembered, things she had tried so hard to forget. But it was the fight in the tavern her mind wouldn't let go of. Xena knew her punches weren't as fast, her kicks weren't as high. Her timing was still off, but she expected that. Her strength still wasn't what is was. But it was more than that. It was her, she knew she wasn't what she was. I little piece of her had just died by Falcon’s hand and she now could hear its haunting screams. The warrior princess would never be what she once was. She could still hear the echos as her past died away.

Ephiny pointed off the road to a trail she had spotted. She lead her chestnut stallion through the trees as the others followed. The lack of underbrush in the forest made it easy to make camp for the night. Nazalon and Eponin hauled two logs over to the firepit Xena had made. No one spoke as a fire was made and their dinner cooked. As comfortable as the Amazon’s were in the forest, was as uncomfortable as they felt with the brooding warrior princess. No said a word to her, which was a good thing, cause she really didn't feel like talking. The three Amazons tried not to notice after dinner as she slowly crawled into her blankets with a moan, and went to sleep.

They sat around the campfire and talked in whispers.

"What do you think, Eponin?" The warrior glanced over at Xena's outline.

"I think she’s hurting in more ways than one."

"Do you think she's up to this?" It was Nazalon speaking, the concern she felt echoed in her words.

Ephiny and Eponin exchanged questioning glances.

"She still is Xena ... I don't think we're going to change her mind one way or the other." Ephiny said as she poked at the fire.

"She needs to do this ... for herself. But we better keep an eye on her, but don't let her know we're keeping an eye on her." Nazalon and Ephiny nodded in agreement with Eponin.

"Let's hit the blankets, it’s going to be along day tomorrow."




Eponin was up first, or thought she was. As she rose from her bed and looked over at the empty blanket beside her, she knew she wasn't. Scanning her eyes around the camp, she saw no sign of the warrior princess, but her ears did. She arose and headed in the direction of the sounds. Silently moving through the trees, Eponin spotted Xena a few 100 paces away from the camp. She watched as the warrior princess worked out with her sword. Making her way closer, Eponin stopped and leaned against a tree. She observed with admiration as Xena's sword flashed and twirled in her left hand. From here it was hard to see, what, if anything, the warrior princess had lost. Eponin knew she was watching elegance in motion, the natural movement of a woman born to fight. Eponin knew even with her injuries, the warrior princess was still one of the best. She smiled to herself, just before the chakram sank into the tree ... inches from her head.

Looking first at the weapon, then turning her sights onto the smirking face of her friend, Eponin was surprised to see Xena's sword was still in her left hand. It was then the Amazon warrior realized she had thrown her chakram ... with her right hand.

Xena sheathed her sword and walked over to her. Eponin raised her eyebrows.

"You threw that with your right hand?"

Xena only smiled and winked. "Where there is a will, there is a way, my friend." She reached up and pulled the chakram from the tree and returned it to her side.

"When did you realize you could throw it right handed, again?"

"About a minute ago."

Eponin's mouth dropped open as Xena strolled past on her way back to the camp. Eponin closed her mouth, and slightly smiled. She looked back at the mark on the tree, squinted her eyes, and shook her head. She wasn't sure if Xena had been joking, or not.

"She was joking ... I hope." The warrior said aloud, then turned to follow Xena back to camp.



They ate breakfast and discussed the best way to find Felcon.

"I don't think we can rely too much on what I remember. I wasn't exactly marking a path, nor taking measurements of the distance I traveled. But I do know, it can't be that much farther. The question is, in what direction."

Ephiny pulled a map from her saddlebags. Eponin unrolled it as she spoke.

"Process of elimination. We know you didn't cross any rivers, not in your condition. But how about streams?"

All eyes turned to look at Xena. She shook her head, negative.

"We can pretty much ignore the mountains, you’re strong, but not that strong." Ephiny said as she followed the map with her finger. "Do you remember any trails or roads?"

Xena said nothing as she closed her eyes and searched her mind.

"Did you cross them, or follow them ... or avoid them all together?"

Xena shook her head in self disgust. She opened her eyes. "I don't remember."

"Go with your instinct’s Xena. That's how you would have survived, instincts. Ask yourself now, what would you do?"

"I'd follow them. I wouldn't want to be seen, but I ... but I didn't let the road out of my sight. I recall horses, but I was never certain it wasn't Felcon, or one of his men. So I stayed hidden."

"Was it this main road?" Nazalon asked, pointing back to the road they had left last night.

"I don't know. How many roads are there into Visala, Eponin?"

"Three. One from the west, one from the north and one from the east. We can eliminate the one from the west, which road leads to Bosswanna. So that leaves north and east. Not to mention, all the little roads, and larger paths. Think Xena, anything else?"

Xena hung her head and rubbed her temples, searching her mind for anything, something that would give them even the smallest clue. Her mind whispered to her, in the darkness and the shadows.

"What Xena ... we couldn't hear you." Ephiny said as she looked at Xena’s pain filled face. The regent was getting concerned. Maybe Xena wasn't up to this after all.

"The darkness and the shadows that's what I followed, before I would sleep. I was going west, toward the setting sun. This is the right road. I'm sure of it now." Xena stood.

"Then lets get going, I feel the need to kick some ass." Everyone turned and smiled at Nazalon exuberance.

Before they broke from the trees, a plan began to formulate.

They knew Xena had not crossed the road, so Felcon’s hideout was on the south side. It was decided by Ephiny, Eponin and Nazalon would take to the trees, following along the south side of the road. Xena and Ephiny would take all four horses and travel on the road. Everyone understood and as they began to part, Ephiny added.

"Let's all be careful, and keep our eyes and ears open. At the first sign of anything, or any trouble, pull back and let us know." The Amazon warriors nodded and took to the trees. Ephiny watched with a mixture of pride and fear as her two Amazons disappeared into the canopy of the giant cedars.

It was well past noon before Ephiny heard the Amazon bird call. Xena had heard it to. They turned all the horses off of the road. They didn't have to wait long for the two Amazons to descend from the trees.

"I think we found it!" Eponin said.


Chapter 48


It had been lonely in the palace. Jadax and Gabrielle had tried to keep each other company, but it hadn't really helped. Their minds were with the others, their hearts were with their lovers. This afternoon wasn't any better.

Gabrielle was seated at the table in the common room, quill in hand. She had been working on one of her many lists, regarding their up coming wedding. She knew she was just trying to fill her time. There was no need for a guest list everyone knew they were invited. The food preparations had started days ago. Her gown was almost finished, and she knew she couldn't keep bothering Aliyia or it would never get done. Sighing, she leaned back over the parchment. She had been working on what she wanted to say to Xena when they took their vows.

Jadax had looked up at Gabrielle when she had sighed, the little scout knew how she felt. She looked out the window and then back at the hunched over blonde woman.

"Let's get out of here." Jadax said.

"And do what?" Gabrielle muttered, not lifting her head from the parchment.

"I don't know, but I know I can't just sit here, waiting."

The bard’s head lifted and the two looked at each other, neither had any idea what to do.

"Come on." Jadax jumped up and took Gabrielle by the hand.

Exiting the palace, the bard turned to the forest scout.

"Where are we going?"

"To the banquet hut." Jadax said as she continued to pull the bard down the hill.

"I just left there this morning, everything that can be done there, has already been done."

"That's what I'm counting on." Gabrielle was confused, but relented and went willingly.

The two small figures entered the door to the large hut. Jadax released her hold on Gabrielle and immediately began searching.

"Now where would they put it all?" Jadax said as she began lifting blankets and searching through boxes. Gabrielle looked around the dark hut again. Tables had been set up in uniformed rows. The walls had been decorated with feathers of turquoise and red, the colors she and Ephiny had chosen. She felt her butterflies as her eyes automatically went to the table where she and Xena would be sitting. A large center piece made of more feathers, carved wood and colorful stones was situated in the center of the long, head table. Two elegant candle holders were placed at either end, both holding a multitude of candles.

"AH-ha," yelled Jadax triumphantly. Gabrielle turned to see what she had been looking for. Jadax held up a bottle in each hand.

"That's what you were looking for ... bottles of port. Jadax, I don't drink!"

"That's ok, neither do I. But Xena and Ephiny do, especially when they don't have anything else to do."

"I don't think we should, Jadax. That's the port for our wedding, and I don't want to get into trouble."

Jadax looked stupefied at Gabrielle.

"Excuse me, but it’s your wedding, and ah ... how can you get into trouble, you’re the Queen."

"Believe me Jadax. I can find trouble, without even looking." Gabrielle kept looking at the grinning little scout. Jadax waved the bottles of port, as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"All right." Gabrielle pulled out a chair as Jadax began to tug at the cork.




Nazalon quickly added, "there's a big building, and two smaller huts. There's lots of movement, at best guess there's about 20 of them. It was hard to tell."

"Was he there?" Xena asked directly to Eponin.

"I'm not sure, from your description, it could have been half of them."

"They’re all big and ugly." Nazalon looked from Xena to Ephiny.

"How far away? And what's the coverage like?" Asked Ephiny.

"Not far, and very good. The trees come right up to the edge of their camp."

"I remember that. That's how I was able to get away. The growth is quite thick."

They sat and drew out a plan, discussing ever possibility, trying to cover every angle.

Xena and Eponin would go in first, Nazalon and Ephiny would be in the trees as back up, That way the men wouldn't know how many of them there were ... or how few. But no matter what happened, the leader was to be Xena's. The warrior princess had made that very clear.

They made their way to the encampment silently along the tops of the trees. It didn’t take long before they could smell the fires and soon could smell the camp it’s self.

Xena felt her stomach churn as the familiar odor invaded her memories again.

Within a candlemark the four sat in the trees, watching the comings and goings of the men below. As Nazalon had stated, there was one large, barn like, building and two smaller huts. There were several fires going, one was obviously for cooking as a large cauldron was steaming above the open flame. The regent could see Xena’s eyes staring at the large wooden building, then Ephiny saw them dart back and forth, she turned to see what Xena was looking at.

Three large posts were buried deep in the ground just paces away from one of the fires. All of the posts had chains and shackles attached to them. Ephiny felt her mouth go dry as she could see by the stains in the silver wood, they had been used often.

Xena knew Ephiny was watching her, but she refused to look at her friend. It was taking every ounce of her inner strength to keep her mind in the present.

Using hand signals and bird calls, the four women communicated without a problem. Ephiny’s eyes were on the camp, but most of her attention was on her friend. They all saw the tension and anxiety on Xena's face, but only Ephiny saw the tremors in the warrior princess’ hands. The regent couldn't, and didn't, want to think what images were going through Xena's tortured mind. Turning back to the camp, and then back to Xena, the warrior princess signaled 18 men, so did Nazalon. Ephiny and Eponin concurred.

Four to eighteen, not good odds,’ thought Xena. ‘Nope, not good odds for them.’

Xena descended from the trees ... "YIYIYIYIYIYIY," Eponin was right behind her.

All movement in the camp froze. Men's eyes widened and many mouths dropped in fear.

"Hi boys, did ya miss me?" Xena drew her sword, her eyes were alive, her smile was deadly.

Someone in the back identified her. "Xena," at the mention of her name, two men took to the forest, they didn't stop running ‘til it was dark. A few of the more foolish, drew their own swords.

"I want FELCON, " she snarled out the name. Eponin’s eyes watched everyone, she knew already which ones would strike first, and which ones would die quick. The quiet Amazon spotted the first one as the wave of swords descended on them. Before she could strike the first blow, Xena’s sword stopped him in his tracks, the battle was on.

Nazalon looked at Ephiny as she let go of her tree limb. "I’m not missing out on this."

The regent beat her to the ground. "Behind me junior," the two Amazons joined in on the action.

Ephiny quickly split the battle Xena had with eight, each taking four men.

Nazalon went back to back with Eponin. The remaining men didn't stand a chance.

Xena's heart was pumping madly, her sword flashing right and left. She felt good, and let go a few more war cries. Bodies were flying in every direction. Fists and feet were dropping the men left and right. Xena brought an elbow into one of the men's face, she felt his nose crush, and he crumbled where he had once stood. Watching her remaining enemies, Xena smiled with confidence, as she watched the Amazon’s pulverize the rest of the group.

"Where is Felcon?" She demanded again.

"I'm right here, Xena." The blue eyes darted to the man who had spoken the words. Xena saw a flash from the blade, of the man in front of her. Not taking her eyes from Felcon, she ran her blade through him as his sword fell from his dying hand.

Xena took a step toward the large man who had almost killed her, the man who had filled her body with scars and her mind with visions she couldn't forget. It was his hand holding the whip, his hand holding the sword as it tore open her face ... and it was his laugh she heard in her nightmares.

"Felcon." She snarled out the name as Ugly slowly drew his sword, a wicked smile was on his dirty face. As Xena stepped closer, she knew her friends were right behind her.

"This one is mine, all mine." The Amazon’s stood their ground, they knew this was Xena's battle.

"Well, I guess you were a little tougher to kill than I thought." Felcon sneered a smile as he circled the smoldering warrior.

"I'm a little tougher, when I'm not tied down ... beaten and whipped, you bastard." Xena’s sword twirled slowly in her left hand.

"I think the scar becomes you Xena. It adds to your beauty ... I knew it would ... Too bad about your hand, how are you with your left?" He lashed out with his sword, but Xena swiped it away, then followed through with her own sword. Felcon was quick to glance the blow away. Xena snapped a foot into his side and she felt the air escape from his lungs.

"Not bad, warrior princess. This could be fun, beating you up a second time." Swords clashed again, neither hitting their intended targets.

"I never stood a chance the first time, you bastard, and you knew it. You knew I had lost my memory, and my right arm, before you even came along." Xena struck in anger, her sword was deflected, but her right elbow was not. The pain shot through her arm, as her elbow connected with Felcon’s chin. His eyes wavered as blood ran down from the split in his chin.

"Oh ... good one." He looked at the blood on his hand, his blood. He brought his fingers to his mouth and licked at the salty warm fluid. He smiled at the warrior princess and tossed his sword from hand to hand. He continued his vile words.

"No Xena, actually the first time was on the road with Ollious and his boy ... and with your little blond friend ... when you killed my brothers." Whether it was his anger at his brothers deaths, or the mere mention of her Gabrielle from his lips, either way, it didn't matter. Xena saw the sword, she never saw the fist. Pain clouded her mind for a scant moment as his knuckles had split the corner of her still tender scar. Xena stepped back to clear her head as the Amazons stepped forward.

"Back off," Xena growled through clenched teeth.

She took a step forward and Felcon did the same. Raising his sword, he brought it down into emptiness. He had heard the war cry, but he hadn't seen her flipping through the air over his head. Xena landed as best as she could, but her body wasn't ready for a long, drawn out battle. Fatigue and pain had taken its toll. She knew she had to end this soon. His back to her, she drove the hilt of her sword into his kidneys. Felcon turned to face her, his sword lashing out. Xena barely had time to duck. As she stood up, she drove her head into his already injured chin. This time it rocked the big man good. Xena let another kick go, this time She heard His ribs break.

Taking a quick step back Xena pulled the remaining energy and strength from her reserves. She brought her sword around again, knowing this was the final volley, winner take all. The warrior lashes left and right, up and down, at times lunging, other times defending. She had him and she knew it. His face was swollen and bleeding, as well as several cuts to both of his arms. Xena was ruthless as she beat him to the ground. Strike after strike she pounded away with her sword, she was driving him down. Finally, Felcon dropped his weapon and began to beg for mercy. Xena stood over him, her sword high above his head. With one motion she could have beheaded him. Part of her wanted to ... but she knew she was no longer that person. Xena’s sword slid slowly back into its sheath.

"I won’t kill you Felcon. I won’t sink to your level. I'll let the magistrate deal with you." Xena looked down at the pitiful, broken man. "He'll show you mercy ... more than you ever showed me." Her insides were shaking with relief and exhaustion. She knew she had to get away from him before she either changed her mind or fell to the ground. Xena turned and began to walk toward her companions.

"But Xena, I did show you mercy." Felcon said as he rose to his knees behind Xena's back. "I didn't kill you. I couldn't even break you." Xena stopped, her little voice in her head was screaming again, and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck begin to rise.

"But I will kill you now ... and then I’m going after your little blond friend." Everything seemed to happen then in slow motion. Xena saw Ephiny's eyes flash in sudden alarm. The warrior princess turned back to Felcon, but her weakened legs began to collapse. She saw the knife coming out of his hand, aimed squarely at her. Xena felt the rush of adrenaline as she saw Felcon’s smile freeze on his ugly face, and he toppled over. His heartless body lay dead with Xena's chakram was deeply embedded into his skull. She looked at the still form and then down at her outstretched right hand, she hadn’t even been aware that she had thrown it.

The warrior princess let go of all she had been holding onto, everything that had once kept her going. The pain spread through her body as Xena felt her world darken, her limp, bloody body fell to the ground.


Chapter 49


"But why did yous let Ephany go."

"The same reasons you let Xeena go. They had too, its part of ... whos they are."

The two were still seated at the table, sort of. Their butts were in their chairs but their chins were resting on the table. They had discovered through trial and error, this was the best position for them in order to keep somewhat of a visual contact. A single, half empty bottle of port remained on the table between them. The other bottle had been pushed to the side, it was still full and corked.

"Do yous know howww much I love my Xeennaa." Jadax's eyes transfixed on the bottle, as her swaying hand hunted it down.

"Gabby, everyone knows howww you twos loves each utters. Wees tried to tell yous, long ago ... Gotacha." The little scout's fingers encircled the bottle she had been hunting.

"Oh, my face is hot." Gabrielle lifted her head and slapped her hand onto her flushed face. Jadax pulled the bottle away from her lips and passed it to her Queen. Gabrielle swallowed a couple more mouthfuls, placing the bottle onto the moving table. Her body and face shuddered from the alcohol. Jadax starred at her and burst out laughing.

"Do thats again," Gabrielle immediately complied, both began to shake with laughter. The stress of waiting for their lovers began to unload its burden, with the assistance of the port. Jadax reached for the bottle, taking a swig, then mimicked Gabrielle as she shook her body. The alcohol entering her stomach added to the convulsion. Laughter erupted from both of them again.

"How do they drinks this tuff? It's brutal." Asked Gabrielle as she looked at the bottle of port.

"Cause their our ... Warrior women ... and we love them." Reaching for the bottle, then holding it high.

"To Ephanny and Xeena." Jadax toasted the two warriors.

"To Ephany and Xena." Gabrielle tipped the bottle back.

They fell silent, each lost in their own thoughts of the women they loved.

"Do you think ... you and Ephiny will ever get married?"

"I'd like to, but she is our Queen and I’m not of royal decent. I can't ask her, she has to ask me."

"Oh ... that's crap." Gabrielle said blatantly.

"Personally, I always thought it was bullshit." Jadax stated, her eyes wide as her head swayed.

Jadax reached for the bottle again.

"To us," she toasted.

"And the women who love us ... no, I mean ... to the women we ... To us, and the shit they put us through." Jadax cheered as Gabrielle lifted the bottle to her lips.

Alcohol was now rushing through their bodies, quickly replacing their emptiness and worry that had strung them so tightly. They drank to forget and they drank to occupy the minds. They hoped to wash away the knowledge of where their companions had gone.

"To the Amazon nation ..." toasted Gabrielle.

"... and the alcohol it makes."

"... and the women who love it."

"The nation or the alcohol?" Jadax paused, the bottle half way to her lips.

"Both," laughed Gabrielle.

"Oh, that not fair ... that's two drinks."

This made Gabrielle laugh even harder, causing her to fall from her chair. Jadax put the bottle on the table, and stared at her with a knitted brow. Gabrielle was laughing uncontrollably.

As the little scout reached out to help her Queen, she too landed very unceremoniously on the floor. For unknown reasons that only in their alcoholic haze did they know, the two rolled on the ground, tears of laughter streaming from their faces.

It was Jadafar that heard the laughter first as she past in front of the banquet hut. It didn't take her long to recognize the voices who owned the laughter. Before too long Amazon's had begun to gather, eyebrows raised, and grins on their faces. Not one of them was surprised that Gabrielle and Jadax had finally broken from the strain. But the smell of port lofting from the hut told most of the story. It was no secret the two didn't drink.

Jadafar and Plaiertei turned their backs to the hut, guarding the two in privacy. Though still listening as the two released the pressure they had built up inside.

Jadafar had turned twice at the sound of breaking furniture, but when laughter followed close behind, she turned back to her self-imposed post.

Jadax picked up another chair and threw it, gales of laughter followed as the chair hit the ground.

"Whoo ... who duooo you think you are, Xena." Asked Gabrielle from the floor.

"No, Eponin." Jadax fell over with laughter.

The bottle of port had long since be emptied, but neither of them wanted to reach for the other bottle still on the table.

Jadax crawled over to Gabrielle's side, both women looked up at the ceiling.

"By the Gods, I love her." Gabrielle said with a permanent grin of her face, her thoughts a million miles away.

"Who, Eponin? Do you think Xena knows?"

"No, Xena! " that simple statement was the last words uttered by either of the two, as they floated off into their port induced, sleep.



Her head was thumping with pain. The only real sound she could hear was a roaring in her ears. In her mind she was back, back at Ugly’s camp. Felcon's camp, she could feel the aches all over her body. ‘No, not again. He was dead. I killed him. I didn't want to, it hadn't been my plan. But ... he was going to go after ... Gabrielle!’

Ephiny tighten her grip on her friend as Xena sat up calling out for Gabrielle.

"Xena ... Xena it's me, it's over. It's all over." Xena's blue eyes looked around her. She was back, but Felcon was dead.

She tried to stand, but her legs were too weak to pull her upright. Nazalon came to Xena's other side, and between her and Ephiny, they got the warrior princess standing.

"I'm all right." Xena said as she pushed away the help.

"Fine, you may be all right, but I'm not. You gave me a heart attack, Xena." Ephiny said refusing to loosen her grip on Xena's arm.

Eponin arrived at Xena's side, after having placed the last body on the pile.

"You all right?"

"A little shaky and sore."

"I think you may have misplaced this." Eponin handed Xena her cleaned chakram.

"Thank you, but I didn't misplace it ... I hit what I was aiming at." She returned her chakram to her side.

Xena walked slowly toward a water barrel, she looked down at her reflection.

One eye was starting to swell, there were some new and bloody scratches on her right cheek, but her fingers went to her bleeding scar. Gingerly touching it, Xena closed her eyes.

"Not exactly the perfect image of a bride." Ephiny placed a soothing hand on Xena's back.

"I don't think Gabrielle will mind, just as long as you show up and say I do."

Xena dipped both hands into the cool water and began to wash away the blood, dirt and battle grim.

"Xena?" The warrior turned to Nazalon. The Amazon held out a burning torch and turned to look at the pile of dead bodies.

"I thought you might ..." Xena took the torch into her hand, gently she pulled Ephiny’s assisting hand off her arm. She walked slowly toward the pile. Staring down into familiar faces of the men who had almost killed her. She laid the flame to kerosene soaked bodies and they immediately ignited.

Xena turned as the flames grew rapidly behind her. A column of dark smoke rose to the sky, as the air filled with the pungent odor of burning flesh.

With a torch still in her hand, Xena limped over to the two wooden shacks. Though she had never been in them, they were still apart of her nightmares. Little to no emotions showed on her face as she ignited them. The three Amazons watched as she made her way to the barn. Her blue eyes glanced at one of the whipping posts she had been chained to. She knew the dark stains had been her own blood.

She continued on and stopped in front of the barn. It was her prison ... her own personal torture chamber. Constructed many seasons ago, the dilapidated wooden structure looked almost sad with abandonment. The elements had not been kind to the building. It was in desperate need of some help and kindness, just as its prisoner had once been. Xena stood in front of the large, flimsy double doors. Her mind was exploding with horrific images. The mighty warrior swallowed down the panic that threatened to make her flee.

Not this time.’ Xena set her jaw as she threw open one of the doors and entered her worst nightmare.

With fear and concern clearly showing on her face, Ephiny waited a moment and followed her.

The regent looked around in horror. The walls were splattered and stained with blood, the foul stench of torture hung in the warm, stale air. The regent tried not to stare at the full collection of tools hanging on the wall, not tools for farming but instruments for torture. Ephiny’s eyes went from the long length of chain, to the thick leather straps and Ephiny recalled Xena’s broken and beaten body. She turned to look at her shaking friend.

Xena was standing, her eyes glued to the shackles still hanging from a beam. Ephiny couldn’t image what was going through her mind. She moved slowly and stood beside her. Ephiny said nothing as she placed a gentle hand on the warrior’s back. Xena turned and looked at her.

"I wanted to die here ... but my love for Gabrielle wouldn't let me." Xena turned and looked back at where she had spent almost all of her time. She looked down at the stained hay covering the dirt floor. The warrior’s body twitched with memories.

The regent rubbed Xena’s back as she spoke with compassion.

"But you didn't. It's time to let it go. It’s over ... and Gabrielle is still waiting."

Ephiny put her arm around Xena's shoulder and turned the warrior toward the doors. Nothing more was said as they left the barn. Xena stopped at the doors and turned back around. Her face twisted in anguish and anger as she flung the torch, still in her hand, back inside. She stood and watched for a moment as the flames ignited the old wooden frame. In a matter of heartbeats the heat of the inferno pushed the warrior princess back.

The four stood and watched as the old barn collapsed in on itself, releasing the last moan ever to come out of its four walls. The camp burned in a roaring inferno, it didn't take long for everything to be leveled. They all hoped the memories of what happened here, would soon vanish like the rising, thick smoke. No one hoped more than Xena.

When everything had burned out, they started back for their horses. Eponin had suggested maybe her and Nazalon retrieve them, but Xena wouldn't hear of it.

"I don't have time to sit and wait for someone else to get my horse."

"Xena, you’re tired and you’re in pain." Ephiny said, but she knew better than to argue.

"Yes, Ephiny I am." The admission surprised the Queen.

"But I'm getting married in three days, and I'd like to get back." Everyone joined in with Xena's smile.

The four warriors left in search of the horses, Xena's mind and heart ached for Gabrielle’s touch. All she wanted was to feel the soft caress of her fingers and the comfort of her embrace.

The warrior princess limped away from camp along side her friends and companions. This time she was leaving and she knew where she was going, and she knew why. This time, she was walking and her head was held high.




The four rode into the village and straight into the barn. Donya and other stable hand were there to attend their horses. They had ridden all night and they all felt it, Xena more than any of them. She had never said a word, but Ephiny and Nazalon were by her side when she dismounted Argo. The four soundlessly left the barn.

The village was coming to life, but much to the Queen's relief, no one approached them. ‘They must know how tired we are,’ she thought. Her eyes were on her palace, her mind on the little scout that laid inside. Turning to look at Xena, she knew her mind was also on her lover. Turning away from Xena, Ephiny noticed Jadafar and Plaiertei standing in front of the banquet hut. 'That's odd' she thought. Plaiertei motioned them to come over.

"Why are you two guarding the banquet hut?" Jadafar and Plaiertei exchanged looks at the regent’s request.

"It needed guarding." Plaiertei smiled at Jadafar, ignoring the look of confusion on the four returning warriors.

"Guarding from what?" Xena was getting a little annoyed. All she wanted was her bed, Gabrielle and some sleep. Though not necessarily in that order.

Jadafar reached for the door and motioned for Xena and Ephiny to enter. She held up a hand to Nazalon and Eponin, and they waited outside. Once the door closed, Plaiertei filled them in on what was inside. Both returning warriors smiled in disbelief.

Xena and Ephiny stood side by side in the dark hut waiting for their eyes to adjust. Their noses reacted to the heavy smell of port that hung in the stale air. They looked around the room and stopped suddenly at the sight of their two consorts, snoring in a heap on the floor.

"Oh, this is good." Ephiny said stifling a laugh as she looked at Xena, then back at the two.

Xena limped slowly over to pick up the empty port bottle laying on the wood floor. She raised her eyebrows at Ephiny. A smirk was forming on her tired face.

"They're going to be hurtin'," she said. Xena sat down at the table and reached for the other bottle of port. She raised a questioning eyebrow at Ephiny.

"Why not." The regent stepped over the heap of snoring women, righted one of the chairs and sat down with Xena. Taking the bottle from her lips, she passed it over to the Queen.

"So, what do we do with them now?" Ephiny didn't answer as she took a long drink. Pulling the bottle from her lips, she looked back over her shoulder.

"Love them," she answered softly with a smile. She passed the port back to Xena. The warrior princess took another long pull of the port, hoping to dull her aches and pains. She placed the cork back on the bottle and turned back to Ephiny.

"We better ... cause there not going to love themselves when they wake up." She couldn’t help but grin as she looked at them again.

"I think they needed this, Eph."

"I think we all needed this. Let's get them home." They stood and went to collect their loved ones.

Ephiny gathered Jadax in her arms, as the movement caused the little scout to open her eyes.

"Hi ya fanny." She giggled slightly, then fell back asleep, her head on Ephiny's shoulder.

"Fanny?" Xena smiled.

Ephiny just closed her eyes and shook her head.

Xena scooped Gabrielle into her arms and struggled slightly to stand.

"You want Eponin to carry her."

"No, I've got her." Xena held her bard close and kissed her cheek. Gabrielle’s eyes fluttered, but she only managed to open one.

"Your home ... my big warrior is home ... Hey, wanna get married?" Gabrielle started to giggle.

"Yeah, I wanna get married." Xena whispered as the green eyes floated closed. Xena kissed her sleeping bard again. "To you."

Ephiny pushed open the door with her back as Nazalon quickly grabbed it for her. Smiles passed between everyone as Xena and Ephiny packed their little bundles to the palace. Nazalon made her departure before they reached the palace steps. Xena wasn't surprised when Eponin followed them inside.

They parted themselves, each heading for their own bedroom.

Xena gently laid Gabrielle on the bed. As much as she missed her and wanted her, she didn't have the heart to waken her. ‘Besides,’ thought Xena, ‘I'm way too tired.’ The warrior princess had Gabrielle undressed and under the covers when she heard the knock. She opened the door to see Ephiny standing there.

"What?" Ephiny tilted her head toward the common room.

Xena followed her.


Ephiny turned to face Xena. She knew what she had to do, and she knew Xena wasn't going to like it.

"You’re sleeping in Eponin's hut."

"I'M WHAT! ... I don't think so," she started to turn back to her bedroom, to the warmth of her bard and the comfort of her own bed.

Ephiny placed a hand on her arm to stop her.

"Yes, Xena. I know we just got back, but tradition is tradition, and there are certain formalities that have to be followed."

"Bullshit ... I'm going to my own bed ... with Gabrielle."

"Xena ..." Ephiny looked into Xena's tired blue eyes.

Xena looked desperately at Eponin for help, but the warrior only shook her head slowly. Looking back at Ephiny, Xena sighed.

"I’ll remember this," she muttered as she followed Eponin out of the palace.




When Gabrielle finally woke up many candlemarks later, she was very unhappy. She thought Xena was home, but she was alone in her bed. Then she tried to sit up. She slowly laid back down with a groan. She closed her eyes and hoped the spinning and nausea would pass. She laid very still in her bed. With her eyes closed and her ears open, she could hear sounds out in the common room. She wished she didn't, but she knew she had to get up. Pulling the blankets off of her, she looked down at her nude body. Eyes widening, she searched her mind trying to remember who had undressed her. She recalled the warmth of the lips kissing her. Xena was home, she knew that now. But where was she, and why wasn't she here next to her? Gabrielle slowly dressed and went looking for answers.

Ephiny and Jadax were sitting in the common room and Jadax didn't look any better than Gabrielle felt.

"Good morning, or should I say afternoon." Ephiny said too brightly, and way too loudly. Jadax and Gabrielle both grimaced.

"Where's Xena? Is she ok?" Gabrielle asked as she gingerly made her way to one of the chairs.

"She's fine, Gabrielle. Sore, tired, but very fine. She’s sleeping in Eponin's hut."

"Excuse me!" Her eyes widening in surprise.

"You two are to be married in two days, Gabrielle. Traditionally, you’re supposed to be apart for at least a week."

"We have been Ephiny, and more. Too much more." Gabrielle forgot about her hangover for a moment, and started for the door.

"Where do you think you’re going?"

"To be with Xena."

"Not by yourself you’re not. I'll come and chaperon." Gabrielle looked at her in disbelief. Then turned to leave. "Fine ... whatever." She was in no mood to argue.

'By the Gods I feel crappy,' she thought as she crossed the compound. Grimacing as she tried to swallow away the taste that was in her mouth.

"A little too much fun, uh?" Gabrielle glared at her.

"You just need a little hair of the dog that bit ya." Ephiny said with a grin. She had been up most of the morning with a very ill Jadax.

"Keep that foul stuff away from me. I don't know how you guys manage to drink so much of it."

"Well, you two didn't seem to have a problem with it, last night?" smirked the Queen. "I guess we won’t be leaving you two alone for a while."

"Never again Ephiny, never again." The Queen didn't want to know if she meant them or the port.

The door to Eponin's hut was closed. Ephiny reached and opened it for Gabrielle. Her green eyes softened at the sight of her sleeping warrior. Walking softly toward the bed, she knelt at Xena's side. Her eyes went to the fresh blood on Xena’s scar. Slowly and gently she brought her hand to Xena's face.

"I've missed you," Xena said softly as she opened her eyes and turned to look at her beloved.

A smile spread across Gabrielle's face.

"I missed you, too." She started to lean forward and Ephiny loudly cleared her throat.

Both women turned to glare at the intrusion.

"No kissing ... sorry." Gabrielle turned back to Xena and rolled her eyes.

The bard became serious as she looked into the tired face of the woman she loved.

"Is it over?"

Xena looked deeply into Gabrielle's green eyes.

"For the most part ... yes. I didn't murder him. He died by his own accord."

"And how are you?" Xena managed a smile, but Gabrielle could see the desire growing in Xena's eyes. The warrior looked over at Ephiny and lowered her eye lids.

"How are you feeling?" She asked noticing the pallor of Gabrielle's skin.

"Like an idiot."

"Don't, Ephiny and I probably would have joined you if we hadn't of been so tired." The Queen smiled at Xena’s glance.

"Ok, that’s enough you two. Come on Gabrielle, time to go." Xena longingly looked at Gabrielle as the bard quickly leaned over and snatched a kiss. Ephiny hollered but it was too late. Grabbing Gabrielle by the arm, the chaperon almost had to drag her from the hut.




So it went for the next two days. No kissing, no hugging, no personal contact at all. They were never left alone, matter of fact, they rarely even got to see each another.

Jadax and Gabrielle took much ribbing for their little adventure with alcohol. They now had sworn they wouldn't even touch a drink on Gabrielle's wedding day.

Xena and Gabrielle never had a chance to speak about what had happen. So out of frustration, Gabrielle finally spoke to Ephiny. The Queen had been reluctant at first, she didn't think it was her place, but she knew Xena would probably omit some of what had happened.

Gabrielle sat silently and listened. It tore her up inside when Ephiny described the loss of some of who Xena was. She remembered the very words Xena herself had said, "What am I if not a warrior." Gabrielle shuddered at the thought. She said nothing, and Ephiny continued describing the battle at the camp. When she told Gabrielle what Felcon's last words were, she felt her chest tighten and her stomach do a flip. What if he had killed Xena? She knew a man like that could break her easily. She couldn't have lived through what Xena had. She began to ache, all she wanted was to be by Xena's side. Ephiny continued in detail, only leaving out some of what she saw in the barn. She knew that was up to Xena. She told the bard the words Xena had said while they stood in the barn, and the fire that had leveled everything.

"It's over now, Gabrielle." Ephiny said, placing a concerned hand onto the bard's back.

"But will it ever really be over for her, Eph.? I know she lives it every time she looks at her hand, or sees her face, or when I touch her back. It will never be over. She will always carry those scars. If I could make them go away, I would. But I can't. All I can do is love her and let her know I love her."

"I think she knows Gabrielle."

"I have to go to her Ephiny, to Tartarus with tradition. She needs me and I need her." Gabrielle pleaded.

"I can't allow that, and you know it. It's not just the tradition or I would. If you two are alone before your wedding day, the Gods won’t grant you a happy marriage. It’s just one more day, Gabrielle. Then no one will separate you two again. You have my word as Queen. But for now, separated is what you two will be."

Ephiny hated to do it. They were her family and they were her friends. But she would never go against the Gods.



By the morning of their wedding day, both had had enough. It took everything the Amazon’s had to keep them from seeing one another. Ephiny and Jadax had their hands full with Gabrielle, but it was up to Nazalon and Eponin to look after the love starved Xena.




"We're listening Xena, so let’s hear some more water splashing." Eponin said over her shoulder as she looked at Nazalon. Xena was supposed to be washing in the royal hot pool. It was the first time she was out of their sight, and they weren't sure if they could trust her.

"Fine. How’s, this?" Xena yelled as a wet cloth flew over the bushes, landing squarely on Nazalon's head.

"I'll be glad when this day is over," she said, pulling off the cloth and throwing it back over the bushes.

Satisfied at the sounds of Xena bathing, the two warriors relaxed a little. Looking at the sun, Eponin knew they had to leave soon. Gabrielle and her chaperons were due to arrive soon. Eponin hollered for the warrior princess to hurry up.

"Yeah, yeah ... yeah," she said, emerging from the bushes. "It's my wedding, relax." Her hair was wrapped in a towel, her body in an Amazon robe. "We've got candlemarks to go."

Xena slid her arms through the arms of the two Amazons.

"So, who wants to buy me the last drink as a single woman." The three headed down the path toward Eponin's hut, and a bottle of port.




They sat together on Eponin's cot. Each holding onto a mug of port.

"Happiness and love to you both," Eponin said as they all raised their mugs and drained them.

Xena sat back, "I can't believe this is really going to happen. I've loved her for so long."

"And she has loved you, my friend." Eponin held up the bottle, but Xena declined with a shake of her head.

"No thanks, Ep. I want to be clear headed for this." Eponin looked at Nazalon, who held out her mug as Eponin poured another shot. Placing the corked bottle back onto the table, she turned back to the bride.

"Nervous?" Eponin asked.

Xena smiled and shook her head no, "Yeah ... a little." Eponin smiled and splashed a mouthful of port into Xena’s mug.

"She loves you ... you love her. The rest is easy."

"Yeah, like you've been married before Nazalon."

Nazalon chuckled, but shook her head.

"Which reminds me? I've been meaning to ask you. When you were giving us your best wishes, when we announced our wedding?" Nazalon nodded.

"Gabrielle whispered something to you, and you laughed. What did she whisper?"

Nazalon was quiet as she looked into her empty mug. She brought up her head and smiled at Xena, who had her mug to her lips.

"She said she was sorry, but if I was interested, she had a sister." Xena’s port sprayed out of her mouth as everyone broke out in laughter.


Chapter 50

A glowing Gabrielle emerged from her bedroom, Ephiny smiling proudly right behind her. Jadax turned and let out a low whistle.

"Xena is one lucky woman."

Gabrielle blushed like the true bride she was. She turned around so Jadax could see her whole outfit.

It was a beautiful Amazon gown of white. Low cut, and sleeveless. The material was gathered at the waist then covered by a white leather strip, accented with turquoise beads that hung to her knees. Her shoulders were covered with the green and blue feathers which appeared to float down her back and onto her chest. Simple sandals adorned her feet. Ephiny had offered her some of the regal bracelets, but Gabrielle wore no jewelry. All she wanted was to wear the gold ring that was back in Xena’s possession.

Her blond hair was pulled up and gathered on her head, making her look more regal than the small crown on her head.

"Are you ready?" Ephiny asked.

Gabrielle smiled and nodded. She didn’t want Ephiny to hear the nervousness in her voice. It didn’t matter. She and Jadax could see the shaking of her hands and the knocking of her knees.

Jadax hurried to the door to let the royal guards know their Queens were coming out.

As they climbed the stairs for the door, Ephiny saw the slight concern on Gabrielle’s face.

"She'll be there. Don’t worry, you know she loves you." Gabrielle turned and smiled as Ephiny winked.

'Had it been that obvious,' the bride thought? The doors opened and the Queens emerged. Four royal guards, in full formal Amazon wear, drew their swords to a point. Gabrielle looked down at the row of brightly feathered guards. Jadax was no where in sight, Gabrielle guessed she had gone over to wait for them. The two women strolled down the stairs and stopped under the peaked swords. Nodding they were ready. The four royal guards walked the two Queens to the ceremonial sight.




The murmur of excited voices filled the small amphitheater. It was only used for weddings, funerals and royal coronations. Rows and rows of Amazons sat on carved wooden benches leading down to a raised stone platform. Thirty slate steps marked the walkway down the aisle, before climbing up six wide rises to the level of the guests, giving everyone a clear view of the wedding. Lining the back of the platform where the ceremony was to be held, were tall carved columns, top by magnificent floral archways, connecting the columns together. A pulpit for the priestess was crafted out of wood with swirling designs that flowed inwards to a carving of Artemis.



Ephiny gave one last reassuring hug to the shaking bard, then she made her way down the steps, following her royal procession. Everyone rose as the Queen took her seat next to her consort.

"How’s she doing?" Jadax leaned over and whispered in Ephiny’s ear.

"Ok. But if this doesn’t start soon she’s probably going to pass out. Have you seen Xena?"

Jadax only shook her head as she watched the priestess take her position.

Gabrielle waited for the signal for her to start. She hadn't seen Xena, but she smiled at all the smiling Amazon faces in front of her. She saw the priestess standing on the raised stone platform. All of a sudden she realized, it looked so far away. Before she could acknowledge the presence of the new group of butterflies in her stomach, Gabrielle saw movement next to the platform. Her mouth went instantly dry as she spotted the raven black hair. Her heart almost stopped as Xena came fully into view beside the priestess. Gabrielle gasped, her heart jumped and began to beat madly against her aching chest.

Xena turned and looked up at her. 'By the Gods you are beautiful.' Was all that went through Gabrielle's mind.

The tall, dark warrior was dressed in all white leather. Full length white leather pants fit snugly over her long legs, and a long, white, tapered leather jacket that came down to her knees. The buttons of the jacket were made of turquoise, matching the color on Gabrielle’s belt, and were unbuttoned to Xena's bronze chest, revealing ample cleavage. The jacket was trimmed with snow white, rabbit fur, the soft pelt covered both shoulders as it came down the front and back. The warrior princess’ raven hair flowed over the rabbit fur, a striking contrast in black and white. She was breathtaking, a bronze beauty glowing in a sea of radiant white.

Xena felt Gabrielle's eyes on her and she looked up and smiled. Her perfect white teeth matching the reflection off her outfit. With a simple wink, Xena chased away all the butterflies Gabrielle had. Almost on cue, the music began. Gabrielle took a deep breath and started to walk down toward her.

She climbed the stairs to the platform on shaking legs, she was thankful when Xena offered her hand to her. Gabrielle felt the self assuring energy as they finally touched for the first time in days. Joining her warrior princess on the platform, Gabrielle looked up into Xena's face. She was sure she had never seen her eyes look any bluer than they did today.

The priestess began to speak, but neither of them really heard her. The just looked into each other’s eyes and communicated the love they had for one another.

Xena pulled her eyes away when the priestess said her name. The warrior turned back and in words meant only for her Gabrielle, she spoke.

"I offer to you my love, a love you have helped to grow and nurture. I would offer you my heart, but you already have it. It beats inside of me for you every day, and will until the day I die. And last, but what is most important, I give to you my soul. So you will know from this day forward, we will always be connected. Forever in time and eternity, we will always be together. I will always remember that you were a friend first, a lover second and my soulmate forever. I love you Gabrielle, and I will until time runs out of sand." Xena leaned down and kissed Gabrielle's hand. With her own shaking fingers the warrior princess slipped the elegant gold ring back onto the finger of the bard’s left hand.

"Forever Gabrielle." Xena said into the bard’s weeping green eyes.

"Gabrielle?" The priestess motioned.

"Xena, My warrior princess ... You have fought for me, and struggled for me to become the person you are now. I was by your side then, I am by your side now. You have let me grow as a person, as a lover, and as a friend. But now I'm to be your wife, and partner. By your side, forever. There is no place I would rather be. I promise to love you, as long as there is life inside me. When I breath no longer, our souls will journey through the times forever. Always united to be as one. I love you, Xena. I always have and always will."

The priestess began to speak again, but the only words they heard were, "... and you may kiss your bride."

Xena leaned down and placed a long, passionate kiss on her wife. The basin erupted loudly as the Amazon's cheered wildly for their Queen and her princess.

They parted and turned, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and heart to heart. Together they faced the throngs of Amazon women converging on them. In a moving mass, everyone began to head to the banquet hut.

It seemed to take forever to get everyone seated, but finally they did. Ephiny as Queen held the first of many toasts.

"As Queen, may I wish all the happiness onto you both, and may your love for one another continue to overflow." Cheers of happiness went up from the crowd.

Jadax jumped up with her glass of milk, she winked at Gabrielle who looked down at her own fruit juice.

"You both deserve the love you have for one another. I know the road you travel down will be rough and rocky, but you no longer travel it alone. Your life is now a true partnership, united forever, as one."

"So when is it going to be your turn?" asked Gabrielle loudly, looking straight at Ephiny. The Queen's eyes opened wide as she briefly choked on her wine. She looked from Gabrielle and Xena to the blushing scout beside her. The Amazons cheered loudly as the regent stole a quick kiss from her consort. Gabrielle could see by the look on Ephiny's face it wouldn't be long. The regent turned from her consort and pointed a finger at the newlyweds.

Xena smiled and nodded at Ephiny, then turned to Gabrielle. Xena thought she never looked happier. Gabrielle turned and smiled, then leaned up for a kiss. Another cheer erupted.

Next was Eponin, as she stood on her chair, a raised glass in her hand.

"To my Queen and her princess. I am honored to call you both friends. I have laughed and cried with you both, and I have seen your love blossom and grow. Having been with you both through these tough times of late, my wish is that you never be separated again. To Xena and Gabrielle." The room had grown silent as Eponin spoke, now everyone toasted with a murmuring of 'to Xena and Gabrielle.'

The room held its silence when Nazalon stood. She looked from Gabrielle to Xena. A smile of happiness was on her face. "I wish you both all the happiness in the world. May you always be there for one another, and may you always remain the best of friends?" She raised her glass to the newlyweds. Xena nodded with a smile and a wink.

The toasting and well wishes went on for almost a candlemark. When Xena heard Gabrielle’s stomach start to growl, she rose slowly.

"First, thank you for all being here. I know the last little while has been tough on some of you. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Our love has only grown with the help of you all. To Ephiny, your Queen ... your friendship and hospitality have been without a doubt, overwhelming." Xena held her glass a little higher. "To the Amazon's and their Queens." After a toast and another cheer, "Now, can we eat?"

Laughter rippled throughout the hut.

The evening continued in celebrations, well wishes, toasts and cheers. Finally everything was over and they all moved outside for the final tradition. A large bonfire lay ready to be lit. Then the dancing, and real Amazon celebrating could begin.

Ephiny approached Xena and Gabrielle with two torches. Handing one to each, they turned to light the fire as the Queen spoke.

"May your single torches unite to light the fire of union ... may it last as long as the stars. May it rise higher than the mountains, and wider than the seas. Let your love grow like the flame, and may your spirits rise above, like the smoke of that flame." They held hands and watched their bonfire grow, the heat of the flames sending them backwards. Ephiny continued,

"And may the Gods grant you a happy union."

As if waiting for an invitation, Artemis appeared in front of the newlywed. Her feet standing in the flame of the flickering fire.

The Amazon's bowed, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"Gabrielle ... Xena" Artemis said, the two only nodded.

"My happiness for you both, and I mean that Xena. Gabrielle, I told you your love would heal you both. Was I right?"

"Yes my Goddess. You were." Gabrielle squeezed Xena's hand tighter.

"Then kiss her with all the love that is in your heart my child, and your wish for happiness will be granted." With a flash the Goddess was gone.

The blond bard turned to her dark warrior.

"Her wish is my command." Gabrielle said as she looked into Xena's eyes. The warrior smiled and bent to obliged.

"Yes, my Queen." Their lips held the electricity they had for one another as their love flowed between them. They felt the surge of passion begin to take control as days of separation had left them wanting each other.

Gabrielle pulled away, her eyes opening wide. Her hand went immediately to the side of Xena's face. The disfiguring scar was disappearing. Xena looked down on Gabrielle as she felt her body tingling. They both looked down at her right hand, all that remained now was two faint scars between her thumb and forefinger.

Gabrielle could see Xena standing up straighter and stronger, as the warrior princess felt her back and leg instantly mend. She was whole again. Gabrielle's one wish for Xena had come true.

"She said our love would heal our wounds." Gabrielle said as she searched Xena's eyes, all she could see was love.

"No, Gabrielle. She said your love would heal our wounds." Xena picked her up with two strong arms and twirled her around on two strong legs. Her bright smile illuminating her dark features.

"Your love is bigger than both of us." She brought her feet to the ground and crushed her lips onto her wife's.

No one said a word. Ephiny, Jadax, Nazalon and Eponin couldn't believe their eyes. All the Amazon's stood back in amazement. What had just happened would be told over and over again, until there was not an Amazon left to tell.

The two newlyweds finally parted as Xena lifted Gabrielle easily into her strong arms.

"May I take my wife to bed, My Queen?" Xena whispered.

"I thought you would never ask." Xena smiled as she brought her forehead down to touch Gabrielle’s. The bard felt her heart melt into the calm seas of blue and she knew her warrior had returned to her.

The Amazons watched as they left the light of the fire, and were absorbed into the shadows of darkness. Together they had beat the odds, they had fought the battle and had won the war ... all in the name of love. Reunited ... the warrior and her bard.



Their past was not perfect but it had made them who they were. Their future was held in reserved silence in the warrior’s hands, for now they had the present ... and for them, that was enough.


Their hearts had brought them back together, and their love had healed all their wounds. What they shared would last longer than both of their lives. Their souls would be together through all of eternity.


The End

I told you once we were forever,

And now we know that it is true.

You brought me back from nowhere,

And our love returned me to you.

My mind may not remember,

But my heart would not let go.

To the woman who stands before me,

Who fought the darkness in my soul.

Eternity ... Is time without beginning,

Or an ending to our life,

I only wish it could be longer,

As I turn to face my wife.

To you I offered friendship,

In return you taught me love.

We’ve fought the Fates to stay together,

Now we know we’ll meet above.



As a writer I have one more person to thank. Hunter ... without a little push, Naz would still be standing in the shadows. Thank You, friend ... M&Ms all around! :o)

All comments maybe directed to, sinful@telus.net

C 12/15/99


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