by Revan



Copyright: This story is copyrighted to the author © November 1999 by Revan. Do not use any part of this story without my written permission. Contact:


Disclaimers: See Part 1 for standard disclaimers.






The staff Ether Day party was an annual October hospital tradition. The hospital had been the site of the first surgical operation under anesthesia in America, and still had the original amphitheater--the Ether Dome--where the procedure had taken place. Ether Day honored the staff who had worked at the hospital for five, ten, fifteen--and so on--years.

After ten fucking years, I could use something to sniff, too, thought Bryn as she made her way into the crowded ballroom of the Holiday Inn across from the hospital. She usually would have given a function like this a pass, but she was on call that night and still couldn’t refuse her graduate student’s impulse to take advantage of free food.

Another thought flitted around the edges of her consciousness. Maybe Dana will be here.

She hadn’t seen the surgeon for over a month after their trip to the Science Museum. As September came and went, Bryn found herself becoming more and more distracted. Face it, you’re obsessed.

She sighed. I...missed her. She fingered her beeper. She had been filling in for Jon Saylor on the clinical service for the past week, while he was off at a conference, and had made a point of working late each night, giving herself a convenient excuse for going to the evening meal.

See, Dana? Look at the lengths I went to...five days straight of that food.

Suddenly two nights ago Dana was there, sliding into the seat across from her, picking up where they had left off in August, acting like nothing had happened. Bryn had the sense to stay away from forbidden topics, but was aware that an undercurrent of tension had entered their relationship.

Relationship? That’s overreaching, for sure...

She made her way over to the buffet and surveyed the choice. Those little meatballs... chicken strips... those awful stuffed mushrooms... yup, same as last year. With a sigh, she headed to the bar.

As she turned away with the glass of Scotch in her hand, her eyes found what she was looking for. There was Dana, backed up against a wall by a tall, leggy blond, whose entire body radiated menace.

That bitch is standing much too close to Dana, noticed Bryn, her heartrate increasing.

One look at Dana’s face--a complex mixture of anger, embarrassment, and unhappiness, spurred Bryn into action. She fought down an overwhelming desire to pick up the blond by her designer lapels and toss her into the cheese tray.

She turned back to the bartender. "I need a gin and tonic, too."

Both drinks in her hands, she sidled up to the surgeon. The blond was now seriously in Dana’s face, and although Bryn couldn’t hear her low words, the intent was unmistakeable.

"Hey Dana, here’s your drink."

The surgeon turned, eyes wide.

The blond, now conveniently named "Bitch" in Bryn’s mind, looked down on the shorter woman with a sneer. "What is this?"

The emphasis on the ‘what’ instantly brought out Bryn’s second soul.

"Why, I’m Dana’s friend," she drawled, her handling of the last word loading it with layers of connotation. "And you really don’t want to know what I turn into if I think something is bothering her."

Dana hadn’t moved.

"Come on, I’ve got a plate full of those greasy mushrooms that you like so much." Bryn pushed the drink into Dana’s hand and pulled her away, towards an empty table on the other side of the room.

Dana didn’t know whether to be angry or grateful. Her voice reflected both. "You know, I can fight my own battles."

Green eyes sparked. "Of course you can." One hand waved, dismissive. "That was just my jealousy talking."

Dana fell speechless, her mind reeling. "Huh?"

Bryn continued, unperturbed. "It’s just that I thought I was the only one who was allowed to fight with you in the hospital."

She doesn’t know what her words sound like, realized Dana. Or what effect they’re having on me.

"Uh..." What am I supposed to say now? "How’d you know I like those mushrooms?"

"I didn’t. You do? Yuck. It was the only thing I could think of to say." Bryn shrugged.

Dana, again at a loss, swirled the ice in her glass and took a sip. She gave a small jump when the internist’s beeper went off, only half-listening as Bryn flipped open her cell phone and answered what sounded like a routine antibiotic approval question from the Pharmacy.

Saved by the bell. Well, you can’t get much more different than Dr. Mallory and Carla. Wasn’t that a mess. Damn.

God knows, it’s obvious which one I prefer.

Bryn closed her phone, and Dana looked back at her drink. There was a short silence.

"So tell me, Dr. Mallory..." Dana glanced up as Bryn stiffened slightly at the old antagonistic phrase, "do you like your job?"

Bryn was baffled. What’s this all about? She decided to take the question at face value.

"Yes...yes, I do."

"What do you like about it?"

Bryn considered. "Well...I’m pretty much my own boss...I like being able to read, and think, and come up with ideas...and then be able to execute them. I like the intellectual side...and the hours are flexible; my bacteria don’t page me, you know? And I don’t do the clinical stuff enough to get burnt out by’s always a challenge. I still think ID’s the best part of medicine." She stopped and sipped her drink.

Huh. I’m on call tonight...I only get one sip. She put down her glass.

Dana continued to stare at the ice in her own drink. "’re happy, then?"

Bryn was now completely at sea. Well...nothing wrong with the truth, here.

"I’m happy...but..." she caught blue eyes looking into her. "But I’m not satisfied."

"No?" The inflection invited her to continue.

Jesus, thought Bryn, am I going to blush?

" professional life is OK...though you make more psychic dollars than real ones in research, right? But my love life is total crap."

Dana looked away. "So, you haven’t met Prince Charming yet?"

Bryn suddenly got a clue. Are you trying to smoke me out, Doc? Particularly after that scene with Bitch over there...

"Not exactly...Anyway...I don’t believe that one person will suddenly show up and sweep me away, all that soulmate stuff."

Dana was startled. "Huh?"

"You know...where you’re looking for your other half, and know deep down when you find that other soul?" Bryn snorted. "Or where two people keep coming together again and again in different lives? I don’t buy that crap. I think, after an initial attraction, two people need to work on intimacy." Bryn paused, surprised by the odd look on Dana’s face. "What about you?"

Dana’s eyes were a cold, distant blue. "I believe in it completely."

"Soulmates?" Whoa. What did I just step into?

Dana nodded slowly. She opened her mouth to reply when a large arm draped itself across Bryn’s shoulders, followed by a too-lengthy kiss to the blond’s cheek.

"Well, hello there, gorgeous." A curly head looked up, nodding with false politeness across the table. "Hi, Dana."

Dana managed to control her wince, but felt her face get hot and hoped to hell she wasn’t blushing. So...usually she liked Donald Lakmann. He was finishing up his cardiac surg training...and just happened to be the son of the Chief of Medicine.

He sure seemed to know Bryn well enough.

Dana’s eyes followed the hand drifting down Bryn’s arm. "Uh... I’m gonna check out those mushrooms." She got away from the table, but not soon enough to avoid overhearing Don ask Bryn out to dinner.

Well, hasn’t this been one hell of a disaster. Her mood blackened. First some old history, now Bryn with Don. Fuck.

She angrily plopped some mushrooms onto her plate. Well, what do you really know about her, anyway? had the wrong picture.

She turned to find green eyes following her. Bryn was alone at the table. Huh.

"So," she succeeded in keeping her voice light as she pushed a plate over to the blond, "what happened to Don?"

Bryn sighed, drumming her fingers on the table. "I told him to get lost. More diplomatically than that, though."

Dana found she couldn’t let the subject drop, even though she knew she was on thin ice. "You two looked pretty close, there."

Bryn’s eyes widened. Where was this heading? "We went out a few times quite a while ago. He still takes liberties."

Stop pushing, Dana. Stop. She couldn’t.

"So? He’s cute, really smart, funny, is gonna make big bucks...and his father is Chief of Medicine. Where’s the problem?"

Bryn took a deep breath. You really want to know, Dana? It’ll change everything... She collected herself, then suddenly saw the humor in her situation.

She put on a mock glare. "You know, Doc, I’ve done a lot of questionable things to get to where I am today, but sleeping with the son of my department chief doesn’t happen to be one of them."

Dana winced. Well, she deserved that.

" know what happens when you give a cardiac surgeon Viagra?"

Dana looked up. "Huh? What?"

Bryn’s eyes laughed back at her. "He gets taller."

Dana found herself laughing so hard that she wasn’t sure she heard Bryn’s next, off-hand words.

"And...wrong gender."


Bryn’s beeper went off, and both women jerked involuntarily. The blond grunted when she saw the message on the LCD screen, and pulled out her cell phone. For an instant, she caught Dana’s eyes, then dialed and leaned back, her lids closed, the phone to her ear.

Dana could hear the rings, then an answering rumble. Bryn spoke.

"Hi, this is Dr. Mallory, from ID. I was paged?"

There was a wait, while Bryn shifted slightly in her chair. "Hey Brandon, what’s up?"

Dana sat back and watched as Bryn slowly straightened.

"Uh huh...yeah...right. What? Are you fucking me?"

Dana’s eyebrow rose. Since when did Dr. Mallory swear?

"OK...sure...I’ll meet you in Path in five minutes."

She snapped her phone closed and stood up. Her eyes searched Dana’s face and she paused, hesitant.


Dana looked at her. "Gotta go?"

Bryn gave a slight nod. "Guy from Colombia with a worm in his cerebral biopsy. It wasn’t expected."

Dana hadn’t been listening. "Huh?"

"Cysticercosis...pork tapeworm, remember? Looked like a single tumor on MRI."

Dana pulled herself back. "Ah." Her memory of parasitology was close to nonexistent. "Well...see you."


The surgeon watched as the blond made her way through the crowd and out the door. Doesn’t that just suck. didn’t even get around to asking her out.

She pushed her long frame out of the chair, suddenly weary. Passing by Don Lakmann, she took in his beefy hand wrapped around another woman’s arm. The memory of Bryn’s joke returned, and she laughed to herself, feeling remarkably better as she walked the short distance home.


* * * * * *


Dana turned off the main corridor, finally out of scrubs and into civvies--jeans and a button-down shirt--and headed towards the Jackson doors. Let me get home. Maybe this time I’ll at least get the bills paid before I fall asleep.

She was swinging her backpack over both shoulders to balance the weight, when out of the corner of her eye she glimpsed a small blond woman in a sharply tailored red suit hurrying down the hall. Her legs stopped of their own accord and her mouth was suddenly surprisingly dry.

OK, she said fiercely to herself. Don’t be such a goddamned coward. Ask her now before you lose your nerve and spend yet another sleepless night beating yourself last night.

"Uh," she managed, as Bryn seemed to sense her and glanced up, her gait slowing. She tried again. "Uh, um... I’m glad to see you...

Bryn stopped, looking up. Dana regrouped. "I was sorry we couldn’t talk more last night," she began lamely.

The blond tilted her head. "Talk? Since when do you talk?"

Dana winced. "I’m not that bad, am I? Uh... you free for dinner tonight?" Oh, great, you big that was real smooth.

It was only when the silence had grown that she stopped castigating herself long enough to look down and see that Bryn was clearly rattled.

"I can’t," said the blond, not meeting her eyes. "I’m sorry, Dana...I just can’t tonight..." She glanced up to find Dana’s face completely unreadable. My god, how does she do that? I don’t have a clue what’s really going on in there. "Uh...I just have this important’s at seven and I’m worried..."

"You’d better hurry, you don’t want to be late," said Dana impassively. Underneath, she felt herself fighting for control. Christ, did I misjudge this whole thing so badly? I could have sworn... What fucking reality am I in? At least there was a ladies’ room on this hall where she could go throw up. With no control left, she found herself looking down, not wanting to reveal her unhappiness.

Bryn still had her gaze fixed firmly on the floor. "Yeah, well, its sort of an unusual thing...god, I really have no reason to be so embarrassed over telling you about this, do I?" She visibly reached a decision and raised her head.

"I..." she started, then stopped as she was hit by the look in Dana’s eyes, which triggered a wave of internal panic. Oh god, not now. Of all times, not tonight.

"It’s just that almost nobody around here knows about this, you see?" she said softly. "So I’m not used to talking about’s sort of my secret."

Dana was now completely lost, and wishing she could edge closer to the bathroom door. "Huh?" she blurted.

Bryn laughed. "Hey, it’s no cosmic mystery, OK?" She took a breath, and decided to dismantle some walls.

"You see, I do karate--Tae Kwon Do, actually--and tonight I’m testing for my next belt.’s a big night for me, and I’m a little stressed out about it."

That’s the understatement of the year. She looked up to find that Dana’s eyes were returning to their usual clear blue.

The taller woman took a deep breath and nodded. Get a grip, Sanders. She searched her memory. "That is a big deal... I had a friend who was into that stuff, used to invite all his family and friends to go watch when he tested. Is your fan club going to be there?" Her voice faded out. Oh god, babble on. Now wasn’t that subtle? What the fuck is the matter with you?

Bryn suddenly looked uncomfortable. Holly had called that morning, saying her babysitter had cancelled, and that she didn’t think she’d be able to be there. "I don’t...uh...remember, I said it was sort of my private..."

Without thinking, Dana grabbed her arm. "You have to have someone rooting for you," she said with a fierce conviction that startled the smaller woman. "Let me come and watch."

Bryn found herself breathless with Dana’s boldness, and was failing at keeping her heartrate in check with the surgeon’s hand wrapped around her forearm. Even Dana seemed struck speechless by her own outburst.

"Well..." Bryn said, after a pause. "OK, you’re right." She gave Dana a bemused smile. "This way." She motioned down the main hall to the White lobby doors. "My school’s in Cambridge."

They joined the crowds in the main corridor, with the flow of people heading out at the end of the day. As they passed Coffee Central, Dana peered sideways at the blond, noting her uncharacteristic silence.

" OK with this? I didn’t mean to..."

"No, I’m glad you’re coming," admitted Bryn. "I’m just trying to get focused, that’s all. You know, you’re pretty distracting."

Dana stopped cold. "Hey, if this is going to be a problem for you..."

Bryn laughed. "No, actually it will probably motivate me. I know that I’ll have to do well or you’ll yell at me."

"Gee, thanks," muttered Dana, not so sure she liked that thought. But...distracting? Now that had possibilities...

Just then she felt a small but surprisingly strong hand pulling her out of the stream of people toward an eddy in front of the ATM machines.

"There’s only one rule," hissed Bryn fiercely. "Ready?"

"Uh...shoot," nodded Dana, puzzled, and very aware of the hand on her arm.

"When I fall on my ass, you MAY NOT LAUGH," whispered Bryn. "Deal?"

"You’re on," agreed Dana. "No laughing."




As they pushed through the main revolving doors towards the ambulance pool, Bryn found her thoughts as disordered as the jumble of EMTs, stretchers, and flashing lights that greeted them in the chill of the early autumn dusk. Would she do better with Dana there?

She glanced over at her tall companion. At least she’d have the best-looking cheering section of the whole lot. Holly was going to have a fit when she found out that Dana had been there. And...maybe once he got a look at Dana, Jack would stop hitting on her...that would be an added benefit. She chuckled out loud, then shook her head in response to Dana’s questioning eyebrow.

Dana turned and pointed at the two garages in front of them. "Where’s your car?"

"I don’t have one." Bryn headed to the right. "I live in Cambridge and usually take the T, or sometimes my bike when I have to go somewhere that the T doesn’t."

"Really?" asked the surgeon, a sudden glint in her blue eyes. "Cycling’s my sport."

"You mean, the kind with two wheels and pedals?" Bryn tilted her head. She remembered the fancy yellow racing bike.

"Well, yeah, I..."

"Mine’s a Harley," interrupted the smaller woman.

Dana let out a strange choking sound. "Are you NUTS? Do you have any clue how dangerous those are? Do you know how many head injuries I’ve seen from motorcycles in the EW?" She felt a growing panic. Blood spreading into blindingly white snow...

Bryn tuned out the rising voice. "Calm’s my vice, and I’m not going to change, so drop it, OK? But... I’m grateful for the concern."

Dana collected herself and shot her a look. "I never pictured you in leather and chains."

Bryn laughed easily. "I’ve never been into chains, but I do have this leather jacket that I love. And if you’re really, really lucky sometime...I might show you my tatoo."

Despite the fact that she, of all people, knew that it was anatomically impossible, Dana felt her stomach sink down to her knees. "That would be something," she managed, as they turned down Cambridge Street towards the Charles Street station.




The ride to Cambridge passed in edgy quiet, as Dana stretched out what Bryn realized were very long legs and the surgeon allowed herself to be hypnotized by the underground tunnel lights flashing by. As they were climbing up the stairs at the Harvard Square station, Bryn broke the silence.

"What did you mean by ‘I had to have someone rooting for me’?" Now doesn’t that have a few layers of meaning. Let’s see how she answers...

Dana thought for a moment. "It’s just that when I was competing, I always did better when there was a cheering section. I think it helps a lot."

"Competing? In what?" asked Bryn, intrigued.

"Cycling...remember, my sport? With the pedals?" smiled Dana. "So what’s going to happen tonight?" she asked, obviously changing the topic as they headed down Massachusetts Avenue.

Don’t push her, Bryn, thought the blond as they passed Kinkos and Starbucks. But...file this away for future exploration, OK?

"Well, first we’ll do our forms, then some really depends on how many people are testing at each level and what Master Kim wants to see us do." They walked another block. "Here we are...these stairs run to the school’s space above the Hong Kong."

"God." Dana shook her head, remembering. "I haven’t been near that restaurant since I was an intern. I got smashed drinking one of their Scorpion Bowls."

"Dreadful, isn’t it?" smiled Bryn. "Seems to be a rite of passage around here."

They made their way up the stairs and down a narrow hallway that was filling with people in white karate uniforms, along with others who were obviously guests. Bryn showed Dana to a room set up with folding chairs for the event, which looked out over a large, airy space with well-worn wooden floors. At one end hung large Korean and American flags; at the other a diverse collection of men and women of a variety of belt colors, ages, and body types were stretching and doing warm-up exercises.

"Uh," said Bryn, interrupting her thoughts. "I’m gonna go get changed. See you in a bit?"

"Yeah," said Dana, "this is great. Kick some butt for me, OK?"

Bryn laughed. "As if you couldn’t do that yourself." She turned and went back out the way they had entered, blue eyes lingering on her back.

After Bryn had disappeared down the hall, Dana turned her attention to the action on the floor. She picked a seat with a good view and settled in, eagerly soaking up the familiar feeling of the charged atmosphere of athletes preparing for a big event. Even the smell was right. God, it’s been a long time.

‘Too long,’ a small voice reminded her.

Pushing that thought firmly away, she started evaluating the students with her professional eye. Too heavy...not flexible enough...that one’s good--overconfident, though...that girl looks tough...

She felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickle and knew before she looked that Bryn had stepped out on the floor. Bowing to the flags, the blond took her place among the warm-up crowd.

Dana found that she couldn’t take her eyes off of her. She suddenly realized that she had almost never seen Bryn when she wasn’t dressed up in her work clothes. The baggy karate outfit didn’t reveal much, but it was enough to make Dana recall the brief glimpse she had at the marathon, and couldn’t hide what Dana realized was the innate grace of the smaller woman.

With a start, she realized that Bryn was wearing a brown belt. Holy shit, she thought, she’s going for her black belt. I really don’t know crap about her, do I...

Dana was openly staring now as Bryn started practicing her kicks. Christ, I’d like to see what kind of muscles she has under that uniform. Oh man, get a grip...

She couldn’t stop the internal argument. So, what’s the harm? The whole point is to watch, right? I’m allowed...nothing wrong with a little eye candy.

Her reverie was broken by the voice of a young man who had taken a seat next to her. "She’s good." He nodded in Bryn’s direction.

"You think so? I’ve never seen this before," admitted Dana noncommittally.

"Yeah...she your friend?"

When Dana nodded, he continued, "We’re in for a show; testing for black is always extra tough. I saw it last time when my wife got her green belt." He pointed to a young woman who was doing some impressive splits, making Dana wince unconsciously.

Eager Husband, encouraged by Dana’s interest, continued to chatter. "This place is something else; just wait until you see the electricity fly when Master Kim shows up. I’ve never seen anything like it."

Huh, thought Dana cynically, I probably have...

So she wasn’t prepared for the change in the room when the small muscular Korean man stepped onto the floor, a student in a black belt called out, and everyone snapped to attention in an echoing silence.

Wow, admired Dana, now there’s presence. Eager Husband had been right; even she could feel the electricity in the room. Like when I first met Greg DuMond, she suddenly remembered. She tilted her head and studied the master. Wish I could do that. Sure would be useful on rounds...

With initial greetings and bows over, the students went and sat at the back wall, while the master took a chair behind a long table set up in front of the flags. He glanced at at a sheet of paper and barked out four names. Four white belts jumped up, ran into position in a line, and bowed. Another bark, and in unison they started the moves of a form.

With that finished, they paired up and began what looked like scripted punches, kicks and blocks against their partners. When they moved into free sparring, Dana found her attention wander, and her eyes sought out Bryn, who was sitting quietly with her back against the far wall.

To Dana’s surprise, Bryn’s eyes were focused on her. Even at this distance, she could see the flash of green as Bryn gave her an incredible smile.

For the second time that night, Dana’s stomach dropped. Look at her, she marveled. I’ve never seen her look so at home and relaxed. She’s really in her element.

‘Like you used to be,’ muttered her internal voice, and this time Dana didn’t ignore it, but silently agreed.

Deep in her own thoughts, it took a while for her to notice that the chair on her left was now occupied, and that the curly-haired brunette in it was observing her carefully. The woman nodded when she caught Dana’s eye.

"You must be Dana. I’m Bryn’s friend, Holly."

Dana stiffened. Who? A friend...what type of friend? Bryn never mentioned her. She’s pretty--she’s buff, too.

Holly hadn’t missed any of it. She glanced back at the competition. "I wasn’t sure I was going to make it husband’s out of town, and the damn babysitter crapped out on me this morning...I just found another an hour ago." She sensed rather than heard Dana let out a breath.

"Bryn and I have been doing this shit together for four years. I couldn’t stand the idea of not being here to watch her." She turned and fixed Dana with her gaze. "I’m glad she invited you."

Dana smiled ruefully. "Actually...I’d have to say I invited myself."

Holly scowled. "That girl just doesn’t have a damn clue, does she?" Dana stilled as the older woman continued muttering. "For a smart kid, she just can’t see it even when it’s right in front of her." She seemed about to say more, when her jaw tightened and she looked back at the gym floor.

The time passed, with the belts being tested in succession; yellow, green, blue, the forms becoming more numerous and complex, the fighting more intense. The eager husband’s wife did well; Dana could feel the pride radiating from him. The blue belts even had to break boards with a kick, and Dana found herself holding her breath each time.

When Bryn’s name was called, Dana was surprised how her own heart rate jumped. Nervous, eh? I wonder which one of us is the more nervous. I bet I am. Suddenly, she understood something of what her parents must have gone through every time she raced. Interesting...

Bryn was the last student, the only brown belt being tested that night. She felt oblivious to all the eyes focused on her. She had never felt so confident, so together and in control.

Must be because my cheering section is here, she grinned to herself. Her forms were balanced and powerful, and she did them without conscious thought.

Even when Master Kim paired her with David for free sparring, she stayed focused. He was a black belt whom she always thought was a bit of a prick--well, maybe more than a bit. He had a penchant for landing blows on lower belts. Master Kim’s philosophy was that kicks and punches should just miss--by a fraction of an inch--and that the better you were, the closer you could get without actually landing a blow.

David must’ve missed that lesson, Bryn thought. Then there was no more time for thinking as they bowed and the sparring began.

After a few quick series of attacks and blocks, Bryn realized that she was in trouble.

The bastard’s out to get me, went through her head as the black belt landed a powerful side kick to her left arm, numbing it momentarily. She spun and ducked as a roundhouse kick came sailing where her head had just been. I’m gonna get killed out here.

She started to panic as David got close enough to grab her uniform and land a punch to her stomach. She twisted away and circled warily, shaking out her left arm and bringing up her fists as Mr. Kim shouted a warning at the black belt. Her confidence fleeing, she was an easy target for David’s next series, which ended with a blow to her knee.

Bryn felt her leg buckle and barely managed to stay on her feet as her opponent danced away. She was surprised by the sudden surge of anger that swept through her.

Make me fall on my ass in front of Dana, would you? She felt her rage gather and focus. You piece of shit, you are not going to have any idea what hit you...

Bryn straightened, her green eyes turning to ice. The change in her was palpable, and across the room Dana found herself tensing. What followed was a flurry of punches and kicks that even Bryn couldn’t recall afterwards, but which ended with her opponent sprawled on his back with Bryn coiled like a wild animal above him.

"Enough." Master Kim rose and clapped his hands. David stood up, shaking his head to clear it, and the two opponents bowed. The master motioned to Bryn’s last test, a slab of concrete balanced on two cinder blocks.

She walked over and without hesitating drove the base of her palm through the block in a single motion. She stared at the shattered fragments for a moment, then turned and bowed to the master. Their eyes met, and after a moment he gave a slight nod.

The testing was over, and the students began to make their way off the floor to their guests, a hum of conversation replacing the silence that had fallen after the last fight.

Dana let out a breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding. What the fuck went on out there? She was surprised to realize that she was actually a little frightened. What was going on with Bryn? The other guy was landing some blows and then--wham!--it was as if a different person had appeared.

"That was incredible," whispered Holly, and Dana nodded in agreement. Her eyes followed Bryn as the blond woman made her way slowly off the floor, bowing to the flags before coming over.

Bryn was startled when she noticed Holly, then gave her friend a hug, fighting to keep her eyes from tearing. Holly broke the embrace, holding her at arm’s length, studying her face. "See you next week, OK?" The brunette glanced over at Dana.

Bryn nodded, then turned to the surgeon. Dana flinched. There was a profound sadness in the green eyes, and Dana felt herself engulfed by a sudden fierce protectiveness. "You OK?" she managed.

Bryn shook her head. "I’m not sure," she said quietly. The two of them stood motionless for a moment, Dana gazing down at Bryn’s head and Bryn finding something interesting to look at on the floor.

Finally Bryn tilted her head. "I’m going to take a shower and change--it’ll just be a moment, OK?"

"Yeah, yeah...I’ll wait here..." murmured Dana. As if I could go anywhere. She sank back into her chair and began her own examination of the floor, her mind in turmoil. Something weird had happened. Could she get Bryn to talk about it? Would Bryn want to talk about it with her?

Holly was leaning over, collecting her coat and bag. She looked at Dana. "You doctors..." She shook her head.

"What?" Dana pulled herself back, confused.

"She needs..." Holly stopped, pursing her lips. Shut up, Reller. This isn’t your place. took me about ten seconds to see it...and you two don’t have a fucking clue. "Well, nice to meet you." She turned and walked out the door.

Five minutes later, Dana was startled when a soft cough brought her back to the room. Bryn was next to her, dressed in sweat pants, a long-sleeved T shirt, and sneakers, her hair wet.

"Let’s get outta here," said the blond, already moving towards the door.

Dana caught up in two long strides. "Look’s like you’re the one who needs the drink tonight," she tried to joke.

"Yeah...right," exhaled Bryn. "Actually, I feel like throwing up. I’ll walk you to the T, though."

Struck dumb, Dana followed down the stairs in silence. Halfway down, she saw Bryn’s left knee buckle and the smaller woman fall, huddling over her leg.

"Jesus fucking...goddamn fucking piece of shit... Sorry," the blond muttered, glancing up. "I try to keep that out of the hospital."

Dana swung by her, knelt and began to look at her knee. "Yeah...impressive vocabulary. And we’re not in the hospital. Is it your knee--where you got kicked?" She started to roll up Bryn’s pants leg. "Let me see."

"It’s OK, don’t worry," Bryn shot out angrily. The pain on her face showed the obvious lie.

Dana took one look.

"Shut up," she snarled, in her best Chief Resident’s voice, and much to her amazement, Bryn fell silent. She swung Bryn’s gym bag over her shoulder with her own pack and then picked up the smaller woman in her arms. Thank God I’ve kept up at least some of my lifting. She strode down the stairs and out onto the street.

"So, where do you live?" she asked, trying not to notice the face suddenly so close to her own.

"Up Concord--just north of the Observatory," murmured Bryn. Despite the fact that she felt like vomiting and her knee was exploding, she couldn’t believe how good it felt to be carried this way. She half closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation as Dana turned toward Harvard Square.

"Wait..." she squawked. "You can’t carry me there--it’s much too far."

"I’m not planning to carry you there," grunted Dana. "I’m going to get a cab...there we go..." The taxi that she flagged pulled over to the curb and the surgeon slid Bryn in.

"Where are we going?" Dana asked, as the driver gave her a quizzical look.

"32 Hobart Street--just off Concord by the Observatory," muttered Bryn.

Dana relayed this to the cabbie, and as the taxi pulled into traffic shifted her position so that she had her arms wrapped around Bryn, who had sunk back against her, clearly in pain. The rest of the drive passed in silence.

Dana’s mind barely registered the small, quiet street and the detached white two-family where the taxi stopped. She paid the driver, fished Bryn’s key out of her pack, and managed to open the door to the ground floor apartment without dropping her patient or the bags.

She was in EW mode and she knew it--in charge, understanding exactly what to do and how to do it. She kicked the door closed, flipped on the lights, and took in the apartment in a glance. room...dining room and kitchen over there...OK, bedroom. She carried Bryn across the living room, turned on the bedroom lights, and laid her down on the edge of the bed.

"OK," she said, "let’s see what we’ve got here." Her clinical persona had taken over, and Bryn, despite her pain, observed her with fascination. If she didn’t feel so awful, she knew she’d be enjoying the fact that Dana had taken off her sneakers and socks, and was removing her sweatpants.

My damn luck. Bryn sighed. I finally get her in my bedroom, I’m half-naked, and I can’t move. Must be my day. "Ow!" she cried, as Dana manipulated her knee.

"Ah ha, bet you forgot that one from your med school Ortho rotation," said Dana, concentrating on her exam. "I don’t think you fractured anything, and the joint seems stable. You’ve got a lot of swelling, though--it’ll be pretty colorful over the next week."

The surgeon abruptly rose and disappeared into the kitchen. Bryn heard the familiar crunch of the ice machine. A minute later, Dana returned with a Zip-Lock filled with ice, which she rested on the growing bruise.

"Look, I’ve got your keys--I’m going to that CVS I saw at the end of the block. Do you have an insurance card?"

"Huh?" Bryn couldn’t follow what was going on.

"I’m going to get you a knee brace and write you a script for some narcotics...I can do that, you know." Dana pinned Bryn to the bed with serious blue eyes.

"Uh...sounds good, Doc. My wallet’s in the gym bag." Bryn lay back as the surgeon merely nodded and left. In a moment she heard the front door close and the lock turn.

Whoa, this is going much too fast, thought Bryn. Wait a I’ve known her for a year--and wanted her almost that long.

"But you barely know her," whispered a small voice.

So why do I feel like we were meant to be together? I know if I let her leave here tonight I’ll never forgive myself.

Unable to think clearly enough to decide what to do about Dana, Bryn’s mind wandered. what happened tonight, anyway? Who was that person out there, and why did she appear when I began to worry about Dana seeing me get kicked around?

Her knee renewed its throbbing and Bryn decided that she was going to stop thinking for a bit. She tried to relax and clear her mind, but the minutes seemed endless until she heard the door open and Dana’s distinctive footsteps come down the hall.

There was the sound of bags rustling and water running, then the tall surgeon appeared in the doorway with a glass of water in one hand, a small bottle in the other, and a frown on her face.

"Here you go," she said. "Two Percocets." She watched as Bryn gulped them down, then turned her attention back to the knee. She removed the ice pack, and felt around the area.

"You’ll need that brace tomorrow; I’ll show you how to use it," she said briefly. "If the pain persists, you should get some films. There might be a fracture there, in the fibula." She pointed.

Bryn observed her quietly. "Why are you frowning?"

Dana gave a small start. "I didn’t know I was...just thinking, I guess." She swung her body around and faced her patient. "Believe it or not, I do do that sometimes."

Bryn managed to smile. "Thinking about what?"

Dana paused. "About how to make you feel better. Here, let me see if this helps." Sitting on the side of the bed, she began to massage the muscles above the injured knee.

"You’re tensing these too much--they’ll tire and start to ache, just adding to your discomfort."

Bryn found it hard to concentrate with the strong hands on her leg, but she forced herself to isolate the area and consciously begin to relax the muscles as Dana worked on them. After a few minutes, Dana paused.



OK, Bryn, suck it up and apologize for yelling at her back there on the stairs.

"I’m sorry I was so nasty when I fell," she got out roughly. "You’ve really helped me tonight."

"You know, Bryn," Dana said slowly, looking away, "there’s nothing wrong with asking for something when you need it."

"Look who’s talking," joked Bryn with a small laugh, visions of the self-sufficient commanding Chief Resident on the wards. She rolled on her right side, away from Dana, in order to take the pressure off her left leg.

With her back to the surgeon, she couldn’t see the look that crossed Dana’s face.

She froze when she felt a light hand barely touch her shoulder. Dana’s voice, pitched low and soft, cut straight through to her heart.

"I’m asking now."

Bryn couldn’t breathe.

Was it possible?

Was everything she had needed...everything she had dreamed of...really being offered?

She felt disoriented--and suddenly realized that Dana had removed her hand and had let out a soft sigh. Willing her body to move, Bryn rolled back and gazed into Dana’s face.

She was totally unprepared for what she saw in those blue eyes. could there be such hurt...such anger and pain?

Dana let out a small, humorless laugh. "I’m sorry...I guess I thought..."

Now Bryn acted without hesitation. She reached out and picked up Dana’s hand, which was resting stiffly on the side of the bed. She raised it, pressing Dana’s fingers to her lips.

Catching blue eyes with her own, she knew she was lost. She pulled Dana’s hand to her chest, laid it on her heart, and folded her own hands over it.

Dana was far beyond knowing what to feel. "Bryn...I...."

The smaller hands tightened. "Please...stay here tonight." Bryn’s voice broke. "Don’t leave...."

Dana had fallen completely still, her eyes large and glistening. "Bryn," she whispered, "is this what you really want?" Is this what I really want?

"Oh, yes." Bryn’s voice was barely audible. "We were meant to be together. Can’t you feel it?"

There was a pause, as Dana searched the gaze that was holding her, suddenly realizing that reflected there was her own desire and longing. "Yes," she replied, "Always," and she bent her head so their lips touched, first gently, then passionately, leaving both of them gasping in wonder.

Dana opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. She abruptly stood up and paced to the foot of the bed, whirling to face Bryn, radiating nervous energy.

"This is going too fast," she muttered.

Bryn laughed, giddy with the reflection of her prior thought. "Right... we’ve known each other almost a year, and I’ve wanted you for that long."

Dana looked startled. The voice in her head was screaming. This isn’t fair...not to her...not to Sara. Leave. "I should go," she offered hesitatingly, warring with her desire.

Bryn’s second soul took charge. "Look, Doc, what you are going to do is to take off your clothes, turn out the lights, and get into this bed. Got it?"

Dana looked at her. "And if I don’t?"

"Well, then," said Bryn pensively, "I’ll kick your butt. I can do that, you know."

"Uh...when your knee’s better?" suggested Dana, sitting back down on the side of the bed.

"Oh...yeah, when my knee’s better," offered Bryn, reaching for the buttons on Dana’s shirt.

"You know," remarked the taller woman, as she leaned down to unlace her shoes, "I could get used to being ordered around like this."

"That’s good," replied Bryn, before the light was turned off and all words disappeared in the overwhelming passion and joy of Dana’s lips and hands moving over her body.





Continued in Part 6

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