by Revan



Copyright: This story is copyrighted to the author © November 1999 by Revan. Do not use any part of this story without my written permission. Contact:


Disclaimers: See Part 1 for standard disclaimers.






"Everyone...this is my friend Bronwyn Mallory." Dana started the introductions. "Bryn, this is my Mom, Uncle Cyrus...Aunt brother Joseph and his wife Susan."

Bree nodded to all of them politely, suddenly overwhelmed by the sense of family, as a look of surprise flashed around the table. Mrs. Sanders threw up her hands in mock disgust. "You could have given me some warning, Dana...I could have at least had the table set already."

Dana looked uncharacteristically flustered, and Bryn found herself taking over. "She didn’t know--it was an unexpected meeting," offered the blond.

"Well, then, welcome," cut in Aunt Rachel, always the hostess. "Cy," she turned to her husband, an older, grey-haired man whom Bryn noted with amusement was sporting a ponytail, "move your butt over, we’ll put another chair in next to Dana’s spot. two know each other?"

"Nah," returned Dana sharply. "She’s just some good-looking chick I picked up at the lobby bar and decided to bring home for dinner."

Bryn raised her eyebrows. Well, isn’t she in a mood. She noticed that no one at the table seemed in the least bit fazed by Dana’s tone. Having second thoughts about my meeting the folks? Who else have you brought home? Did they like Sara? She forced herself to push down the residual anxiety and shreds of anger remaining from their earlier conversation. OK, Mallory, you can do this. Time to turn on the charm.

"We both work at the hospital in Boston," she began as another chair was produced.

"Are you a surgical resident, too?" Susan jumped in, obviously eager to help keep the conversation going.

"God forbid," laughed Bryn, seizing on the topic as a good ice breaker. "Work for Dana? Are you nuts? Do I look like I have that thick a hide?" From the amusement on everyone’s face, she knew that she was on the right track. "You might as well know," she said, turning towards Dana’s parents, "Your daughter is the best damn doctor in the whole place, but not the easiest to work for."

Everyone laughed, and heads nodded in agreement. "Glad to know my sister’s reputation is still intact," drawled Joseph, drawing a glare from the surgeon. "Oh, come on, Dane, stop shooting daggers at me. Since when have you been Miss sweetness and light?" He turned back to Bryn, a sly smile crossing his face. "So, do you have any good stories for us?"

"Stories?" Bryn felt Dana wince. You really think I’m ready to forgive you? Now, this could be fun...better not push it too far, though. "You betcha...let’s see..."

She paused, gathering all her story-telling ability, then launched into a dramatic rendition of Dana’s sewing up the cardiac laceration in the EW.

Given the rapt look of attention on everyone’s face, Bryn knew that she had done her job well. By the time she had the patient being wheeled off to the OR and Dana stripping off her bloody gloves, unperturbed as ever, the relatives had expressions varying from amazement to awe.

Uncle Cy gave a low whistle. "Who’d have thought this little hellion would end up doing something like that?"

Bryn looked at Dana out of the corner of her eye. Whoops. The surgeon was sitting impassively, with only a slight movement of her jaw indicating her reaction to the story. Dana tilted her head and glowered at the blond. The gold flash in her eye was enough to give her away, however, and Bryn let out a breath.

Bryn nodded in response to Cy’s comment. "Well, there’s no way I could do it." She turned back to Susan. "To answer your earlier question, I’m in the Infectious Disease Division."

"When does your residency finish?" asked Rachel, starting to pass around the salad.

Dana grimaced. "Bryn’s not a resident, she’s on staff." She couldn’t keep an edge from entering her voice. "She’s a damn Assistant Professor of Medicine at the fucking Harvard Medical School, for god’s sake."

"I can see Harvard hasn’t improved your language any, young lady." Her father’s observation brought sympathetic chuckles from around the table.

"Associate Professor," offered Bryn.

The surgeon looked at her, clearly flabbergasted.

The blond shrugged. "I was promoted."

Dana slumped in her chair, and glumly took a long swallow of her drink. What else have I missed? Fuck. The beginnings of a really bad mood began to creep into her.

"What brings you to Aspen, Bryn?" asked Joseph. "A medical conference? Or just some skiing?"

"Dana." Bryn played with her fork. "I came to be with Dana."

Well, that was a conversation stopper, she thought into the sudden silence. God, I hope I don’t cry. Unconsciously, she clenched and unclenched the hand in her lap, until she felt Dana’s strong fingers reach over, stilling the motion.

The surgeon’s bad mood had evaporated. Might as well lay it all out. "Bryn and I met a year ago," she said to no one in particular. "We were yelling at each other about a patient. She told me I had a swelled head and big..."

"Dana!" squawked the blond, burying her face in her hands.

Dana smiled. "Anyway, it’s been all downhill since then."

The atmosphere shifted as Dana’s relatives absorbed this latest revelation. Bryn looked around to find, to her amazement, sympathetic smiles.

"Anyone who is still standing after my sister yells at them deserves another drink," remarked Joseph, refilling Bryn’s wine glass. "So, Bryn, do you ski?"

Bryn gave him a look of gratitude at the change of topic. "You’ll have to ask Dana to pass judgement on that. I feel like I fell down the mountain for six hours straight today."

Dana bristled. "Don’t listen to her--Bryn’s a real athlete. She’s a black belt in Tae Kwon Do."

Bryn paused to catch her breath. Good guess, Doc...but even I wasn’t sure about getting that belt. She turned to Dana in mock exasperation. "There seems to be a pattern here. I keep trying to be modest, and you keep blowing my cover. What gives?"

"Serves you right for telling that EW story," grumbled the surgeon, to delighted laughter from the rest of the family.

The conversation turned to skiing, with the hotel owners debting the relative snow conditions and the size of the holiday crowds compared to the prior year’s. Bryn found herself relaxing, as she enjoyed the excellent dinner and spectacular wine. Half an hour later she felt pleasantly full, just slightly drunk, and satisfied by the reception that several more of her stories had received. Even Dana seemed to have relaxed.

"So, Bryn," asked Uncle Cy, "are you going to have a chance to see your folks over these holidays?"

Bryn stiffened imperceptibly. Damn. And here I thought we had finished with the bad part. Time to bite the bullet. She swallowed.

"Actually, my parents haven’t spoken to me for, ten years...since they discovered that my med school roommate was...more than just a roommate."

She could feel the shock running through Dana’s body. "So...the fact that this evening has been so pleasant means a lot to me." Under the table, the pressure from Dana’s fingers increased. "You don’t have to break my hand," Bryn muttered.

Looks of sympathy and embarrassment flashed around the table, and Bryn studied the reflection of the firelight off her waterglass. Finally, Dana’s mother said quietly, "Well, we’re glad you could be a part of our family for the New Year." She turned to her daughter, and added, a severe tone entering her voice, "It’s just too bad Dana didn’t have you here for Christmas, as well."

Bryn glanced at Dana, who had the strangest look on her face. No need for the truth here. "Well, I was on call on Christmas Day," she replied smoothly, "and I just couldn’t get away until now." At least that was true. "Sign me up for next year." She was gratified by the flash in Dana’s eyes.

"So what do you think of Dana’s job offer from University Hospital?" This was from Joseph.

Thank you, Dr. Callaghan, for spilling the beans, thought Bryn with gratitude, or I’d be running out of here screaming by now. "We haven’t really had a chance to talk over all the details," she said without hesitation. She caught Dana’s eye. "I haven’t started looking into job possibilities in Denver yet."

The look on Dana’s face was now priceless. Serves you right, thought Bryn. Out loud she said, "Are all your family dinners like this?"

Joseph shook his head and smiled. "No way. We’re really all taciturn and sullen, just like Dana. You’re just the most interesting thing to happen along here in ages."

Everyone laughed, and as Mrs. Sanders bustled to clear the table and bring out dessert, the conversation made its way to safer topics.




Halfway back along the path to their cabin, Bryn concentrated on the soft crunching sounds her boots were making in the new snow. She shivered, and began to worry. Dana had been silent, and wasn’t meeting her eyes. Now what? thought the blond, exasperated. I thought I did OK tonight.

Suddenly Dana stopped short, and Bryn put her hands up to keep from charging into her. She found herself wrapped in Dana’s arms, with a gruff voice whispering into her ear. "What do you say tomorrow night we go out for dinner?"

Bryn exhaled, relieved. "I don’t know...for someone who’s parent-challenged, I think I did pretty well in there."

She heard Dana’s low chuckle. "We should have sent in the mine sweepers before starting. I’ve never seen so many bombs exploding." She paused. "Fucking Associate Professor."

Bryn winced. "Fucking job offer from University Hospital."

Dana tensed and drew away. "Yeah...well about that..."

Bryn reached out and grabbed an arm. "You want to talk about it?"

Dana unlocked the cabin door and followed Bryn inside, shedding her parka. "You know, I think I’ve done more than enough talking tonight." She took Bryn into her arms and began to kiss the side of her neck. "I’d like to do some doing, you know?"

Tangling her fingers in the taller woman’s hair, Bryn let out a gasp as the surgeon found a spot that was hard-wired to other parts of her body. "You did a lot of talking?" she managed. "I don’t recall more than three or four words together. I thought I was running that show."

"You were spectacular," admitted Dana. "I love you."

Bryn closed her eyes as the words set off an explosion of feeling, lifting her to a place she hadn’t even known existed.




I don’t want to move from here...ever. But I have to pee.

Unhappy at her body’s demand, Bryn carefully untangled herself from long limbs and rolled over, sitting up on the side of the bed. She couldn’t hold back the groan as her muscles rebelled. Holy shit...that hurts.

"What’s the matter? Are you OK? I...I didn’t hurt you, did I?" Dana was sitting up, concern evident in her tone.

The memory of the previous evening slammed into the internist. ", it’s from the skiing." She ran her hands over her tense thigh muscles and gave a small laugh, suddenly shy. During the night, Dana had somehow tapped into her deepest fantasies, and the results had been... " know, I really liked that." She couldn’t keep from blushing. "I thought it was obvious." Uncharacteristically at a loss for words, she looked at the floor.

Dana laughed. "Huh...well, if shouting my name at the top of your lungs when you come counts, then yeah, it was obvious." She quickly bit off her words at Bryn’s gasp and crimson flush. "Oh...sweetheart...don’t be embarrassed. Please...." She slid across the bed to hold the blond.

Bryn was tense, and Dana thought for a moment about what to say. "I don’t want you to be embarrassed... You know, I liked what you said about working on intimacy...I really want to do that."

Bryn felt herself relaxing. "Oooh...ten points, Doc. That was the right thing to say." Be honest here. "It’s just that...we were really at the limits of my experience."

Dana nodded. "Me, too. But it was fun." She suddenly changed the subject. "What do you want to do for New Year’s?"

Bryn was surprised. "Oh, man...I’d forgotten. It’s tomorrow night, already." She smiled. You mean...besides this?" She gestured to the bed.

Dana grinned. "Well...before this."

"What are the options?" The blond was intrigued. This could be fun. When’s the last time I had a good time on New Year’s Eve?

The surgeon tilted her head, pondering the possibilities. "Remember, this is Aspen...pretty much anything and everything. Dinner, dancing, a show...skiing down the mountain at midnight..." At Bryn’s wince, she laughed. "OK, forget that one...did you have anything in mind?"

Bryn considered. Maybe... "Do you like to dance?"

Dana was emphatic. "Oh, yes. I’m a great dancer."

Bryn raised her eyebrows. I’ve never heard her boast...about anything...before. That must mean she’s incredible.

"Well, want my fantasy night, right?" At the surgeon’s nod, she continued. "I want to go shopping today and buy a really outrageous, sexy you can’t keep your eyes off of me. And then I want a great dinner...and dancing."

Dana smiled. "All right...but it wouldn’t matter what you were wearing. I wouldn’t be able to keep my eyes off of you, anyway."

She reached for the telephone on the table next to the bed, and dialed. Bryn could hear several rings, then a voice answering.

"Hey, Tommy, it’s Dana Sanders." Bryn watched her lover grin at the excited tone on the other end. "Yeah...I’m here over the holidays...visiting my folks. you have room for two for tomorrow night? Oh, come on...for an old friend?" She paused, waiting. "Great...nine o’clock? Let me give you my credit card number..." She dug into her wallet. "Here..." She rattled off the card number. "OK...yeah, it has been a long time. I’m looking forward to seeing you, too. Thanks...I owe you. Bye."

She looked over at a curious internist and smiled, self-satisfied. "Old high school he’s manager at a great place. Should be fun."

Bryn tilted her head. "Sounds like you needed connections to get in."

Dana nodded. "’s a popular spot, we’ll be able to do some celebrity spotting. And we’ll need those dresses, or they’ll never let us in the door."

Bryn paused. "So I’m going to be able to get you dressed up, too?" This will be fun.

Dana raised an eyebrow. "You think I want you lusting after all those movie stars? No damn’d better watch out."

Bryn grinned. Oh...yeah. Definitely fun.




It was well past noon when they finally made it outside. Dana smiled to herself, sensing the smaller body walking beside her. This vacation sure turned out different than I had expected.

Bryn saw the smile. "What are you thinking about?"

The surgeon grinned. "That...this isn’t what I had planned."

" you hate shopping that much?"

Dana laughed. "I don’t mind shopping, Bryn...particularly when it’s for such a good cause."

The stopped at a cafe along the way. Bryn picked out a sunny table in the window, while Dana brought over their designer coffees and what looked like two bloated softballs.

"What the hell are those things?" asked Bryn, with a doubletake at the enormous blobs.

"Breakfast," explained the surgeon, passing over one of the muffins. She had bought a newspaper, too, and handed half of it to the blond. Opening the other half, she stretched out in the chair, reading.

Bryn watched her. Huh. It’s not that she doesn’t want to’s that she doesn’t need to. When was the last time I was with someone and didn’t feel like I had to make conversation? This is...nice. She took a sip of the coffee. This is nice, too. I don’t want to know how much she paid for it. Sceptically, she observed the muffin. It could feed a small country.

The time passed in companionable silence. They swapped sections, and kept on reading. Finally, Dana looked up. "Ready?"

Unwilling to break the mood, Bryn simply nodded. She was surprised when Dana gathered her in for a kiss.

"This is fun," the surgeon commented, simply, and Bryn was so breathless all she could do was nod again.

The small boutique that Dana had decided to try was just down the street. A chime rang as they entered, and a young, trendily-dressed redhead looked up from behind the counter. "May I help you?" she said, pleasantly.

Dana studied her. "You’re one of the Delaneys, right?" she ventured.

The clerk was surprised. "Yes...I’m Karen. Do I know you?" Her tone suggested that she wouldn’t have forgotten Dana if they had met before. Bryn tried not to bristle. Does she know everyone in this town?

Dana shrugged. "I went to high school with your sister look a lot like her." She turned her head to the racks. "We’re going to Tommy’s tomorrow night...we need something to wear."

That was all the information that the clerk needed. "Right. You..." nodding to Bryn "...over here." She led Bryn to one row of racks. "And" Dana was sent to the other side of the room.

The surgeon flipped through the rack, hearing low murmurs and cheerful comments behind her as Bryn and the clerk looked through the clothing together. The next thing she knew, they were heading towards the dressing rooms with an armful of dresses. Dana grinned to herself. Can’t decide, eh? You’ll be in there forever.

She searched the rack again, more carefully this time., this could do. She pulled the dress out, examining it. Yeah...this is right. She went into another dressing room and quickly tried it on. Just right.

When she stepped back out into the main room, the clerk was just returning from taking another armload into Bryn. Dana caught her attention. "I’ll take this one." She handed the dress over.

Karen looked surprised. She was clearly used to customers with Bryn’s shopping style. "Oh...great." She folded the dress carefully, admiring it. "Wonderful choice...perfect for you." She put it in tissue paper, then inside a bag. "There you go."

Dana took out her credit card. "Here..." She slid it across the counter.

Karen shook her head. "It’s already taken care of."

"Huh?" Dana didn’t know what she meant.

The redhead tried again. "Your friend..." she nodded towards the dressing room " paying for it."

Dana’s eyes narrowed. She turned slowly. "Dr. Mallory..." The words were drawn out, spoken in a low, and forbidding, voice. Even Bryn, who was expecting it, felt a chill.

She stuck her head out from behind the curtain. "Don’t you dare say another word, paid for the dinner tomorrow, and I didn’t make a stink. Now it’s my turn." She glared, and stepped out from the dressing room.

Dana couldn’t have said another word if she had wanted to. Her mouth fell open, mirrored by the identical expression on the clerk’s face.

Bryn selfishly let herself preen, enjoying the two gaping expressions. "Guess it’s OK, then?"

Dana’s mouth moved, but no sound came out. She walked around the internist, raking her with her eyes. The dress was a deep green, with a provocative neckline, two thin straps, and a perfect cut for the blond’s body.

"Gorgeous," breathed Karen.

Dana recovered her voice. "Delicious," she agreed.

Bryn was startled. Now there’s an adjective I’ve never heard this context...before. Interesting.

Dana was still looking. "I’ve got some jewelry that will be perfect with that Mom’s been keeping some family heirlooms for me. You’ve got to wear it."

Bryn smiled. "Great." She looked at her companion. "Now, what about you?"

"I’ve already got something." The surgeon pointed to the bag on the counter.

Bryn was disappointed. "You mean...I don’t get to see you in it?"

Dana’s voice turned sultry. "’ll get to see me in it. That’s why you bought it, right?"

"Ah...right." Bryn couldn’t help blushing. "Let me get changed, and we’ll go find some shoes."




"Hi, Chuck...long time no see." Dana was greeting the bartender, and Bryn, who was dealing with several shopping bags, her parka, and hat, grimaced. She really does know everybody. She piled the bags against the bar. After buying the dresses and shoes, she had made Dana take her to shops where she could find gifts for her lab tech, and the secretaries in the office, and Holly’s boys.... When it got dark, and Dana was at her limit, she let the surgeon pull her into this bar.

Bryn looked up, and smiled to herself. Why do all the 50-something guys here have ponytails?

"I don’t believe it...Dana Sanders. It’s been...years and years, and then some." The older man leaned over to give Dana a hug.

"What are you doing behind the bar? I thought that ended when you took over the place...what, more than ten years ago." The surgeon took a seat on one of the high stools. Bryn slid in next to her.

Setting out some napkins and placing a bowl of nuts in front of them, Chuck nodded. "I was being uncharacteristically nice...I gave my usual guy the night off, since he’ll be working New Year’s tomorrow." He leaned towards her, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "I like it, you know...but I’ve gotten slow. It’s good to get back and see the action...keeps me in touch. What can I get you?"

Bryn took advantage of the break in the conversation to get Dana’s attention. "I’m going to find the ladies’ room...back in a minute." She saw the sign across the room, and headed toward it, Dana’s eyes lingering on her as she walked.

"So..." Dana found the bartender examining her. "Looks to me like your tastes have changed."

"Huh?" She stared back, puzzled. "What?"

"Just that she seems like a different type." He laughed. "Well, I remember that butch blond you used to hang out with...whatever happened to her?"

Dana felt the pain come, then let it pass. "Sara Andersen?"

"Yeah...Andersen...looked like a Viking, too."

Dana kept her voice even. "She died in a skiing accident...twelve years ago."

"Oh, man..." Chuck grimaced. "Let me just go over here and work on getting the foot out of my mouth, OK, Dana? I’m really sorry."

She gave him a smile. "No, it’s all right, Chuck; it was a long time ago, and...I’m happy again."

He smiled in response, then turned, called by another customer. Dana sat, pensive. Her thoughts were interrupted by a blast of alcohol and a hand on her thigh. The stool next to her was now occupied by a handsome young man with classic features and styled hair. She glared. Fucking pretty boy...looks like a model.

"A beautiful woman like you shouldn’t be sitting alone." He leered at her.

Give me a break. "Thanks, but I’m not alone. And that chair is occupied."

He looked down at the stool. "It sure is. And I’m mighty happy to be here. And need a drink." He looked around for the bartender.

Dana looked too. Where the hell is Chuck when I need him? Her friend was all the way at the other end of the bar, serving some customers. Damn.

Pretty boy wasn’t fazed. "He’ll be back in a moment. So, are you here for the holidays? Do you ski?"

She sighed. How should I handle this? Should I do the Chief Resident thing and just blow him out of the water? Nah...I was hoping for a pleasant evening. She turned back. "I want you to take your hand off my leg. And my friend has that chair."

If anything, his hand moved farther north. "I don’t see anyone here. Seems to me you might like some company."

Her voice got tight. "It’s time for you to leave."

" this gentleman bothering you?" The voice was frighteningly calm.

Uh oh. Dana took one look at Bryn’s face. That’s the way she looked when she tested for her belt. We’re in trouble. "Well...he doesn’t seem to understand that that chair belongs to you."

Pretty Boy turned to investigate. "Oh, I get it...are you two out cruising together? Well, I can round up a buddy for your blond friend." He reached out and grabbed one of Dana’s hands.

Suddenly, his arm was being held tightly, and he looked around, surprised. "What?"

Bryn’s second soul was completely in control. "You’ve been asked to leave. I suggest you do it now, before I make you."

He laughed, then grimaced as her hand tightened. "Hey, stop that..." His annoyance turned to anger. "Listen, you bitch, you weren’t invited into this conversation."

She twisted his arm, and he found himself out of the chair. "Well, fuck you, you little cunt..."

She felt, rather than saw, the fist heading toward her face, and entered into that plane of existence where every action appears crystal clear, every movement preordained. The blow coming at her seemed in slow motion, and she smoothly side-stepped it, letting the man’s momentum carry him towards her, so that he met the powerful punch that exploded from her hip.

Bryn saw, in her mind’s eye, one of the very first lessons that Master Kim had taught her. "When you punch," he had said, in his pedantic manner, "think of the blow as moving through the target, out to the other side." She felt her fist move through the man’s abdomen. Yes...that’s the right way.

Dana couldn’t tell what had had all been so fast. She had seen the man’s hand up, heading towards Bryn’s head, and the next thing she knew, he was sprawled on his back on the floor, a good ten feet away. How did she do that? That was incredible.

The moment over, Bryn found herself confused. What did I just do? She looked down at her fist, which was still clenched, and shook it out. Ow. She was suddenly, deeply, embarrassed. She looked up to find both Dana and the bartender staring at her. "I’m sorry...I don’t know what came over me."

To her surprise, they both laughed, grinning at each other. Annoyed, she moved over to the bar. "What?"

Dana recovered, taking Bryn’s hand and rubbing the fingers gently. "It’s just that both Chuck and I know what came over you...and I have to admit, I liked it. It’s been a long time since...I had someone protecting me."

Bryn spent a moment processing that new piece of information, as Chuck moved over to the now groaning man, working with the bouncer to move him out of the bar. She studied Dana’s face, meeting her eyes. To her astonishment, the surgeon seemed...What is it? Exhilarated... excited... aroused, even. Wow...that’s an interesting thought. Better file that one away. This is giving me some new ideas...

Chuck came over, once again behind the bar. He turned to Dana. "Remember what I said about a different type?" He nodded at Bryn. "Forget that."

Dana couldn’t contain her laugh. "Uh...later, OK?" she managed, in response to Bryn’s questioning look. She turned back to the bartender. "You know, I think we’re ready for those drinks now."

He smiled. "And I think they’re on the house."




On their way to the restaurant for dinner, Bryn blurrily realized that she wasn’t feeling any pain. "Uh...Dana?" She looked up at the taller woman, who had an arm around her shoulders.

"Um...yes?" Dana caught her eyes, and grinned to herself. She’s toasted.

Bryn cleared her throat. "Uh...I’m toasted. How much tequila did Chuck put in those drinks, anyway?"

Dana shrugged. "You are a cheap drunk."

Bryn giggled. "Especially when the drinks are free. That was nice of him."

Dana studied her as they walked past the brightly lit shops, enjoying the cold air. "You sure you’re up for dinner? We could just go home if you want."

"No, I’m starving." The blond was adamant. "And I need to put something in my stomach. And...we need to talk."

Dana stiffened. Uh oh. "Maybe this isn’t the best time."

Bryn shook her head. "I’m not that drunk, Doc...just disinhibited enough to get through the hard parts."

Hard parts. I don’t like the sound of that. Dana frowned. "You’re not going to let me out of this, are you?"

The blond’s eyes glinted. "Nope."

The surgeon sighed, then suddenly stopped, pulling her companion over to the edge of the sidewalk, away from the pedestrian traffic. "There’s just one rule."

Bryn looked over, puzzled. "OK, shoot."

"Um...I’ve already shown you that I’m not the best at finding the right if I don’t get it right the first time, I don’t want you to get all huffy at me."

"Huffy?" The blond’s voice rose. "Did you say ‘huffy’?"

"Yeah," said Dana, her eyes smiling. "Like...that."

"OK." Bryn’s tone was grudging at best. "I’ll...behave." She quieted, but Dana could hear her muttering under her breath. "Fuck me...huffy...."

It was time to change the subject. "So, what happened there tonight? This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this in you, you’s like a different person shows up." Dana looked over, curious to hear the answer.

Bryn paused. "I really don’t know...I don’t understand it."

Dana smiled. "It’s too bad you don’t believe in reincarnation...I could come up with some good theories."

"Yeah?" Green eyes sparked. "So...what was I in my past lives?"

The surgeon thought for a moment. "Well, a healer, for sure...and definitely a storyteller. And...a warrior."

Bryn laughed. "That’s what I am now. As for you..." she pinned Dana with her gaze. "I’d say...a lover, and a general."

"A general?" Dana raised an eyebrow.

"Sure." Bryn chuckled. "You should see how the residents act when you walk into the room...after they finish peeing in their pants, they’re all practically at attention, saluting."

Dana made a rude sound. "I don’t think so."

Bryn shook her head. "No, really. You just don’t see it."

Dana decided not to argue the point. "You know, I’m starting to think I should take up martial arts. Sure does come in handy."

The resonse was instantaneous. "No...don’t do that."

"What? Why not?" Dana was puzzled. It didn’t seem like Bryn, to be so...What? Jealous...possessive? What’s her problem, here? "Don’t you think I could do it?"

The blond reached out and took her lover’s hand, softly stroking the long fingers. "Hey, don’t be’re a natural athlete, it’d be easy for you. It’s just that...your hands are too valuable, and I’ve injured mine a lot over the past few years. The hospital has a lot invested in these fingers...and, well...I do, too."

Dana had to grin. I’ve got to calm down...she’s got me all uptight about the ‘hard parts.’ " we are." Dana steered Bryn to a nearby doorway. The surgeon had chosen a northern Italian restaurant, with a romantic atmosphere and great food. It was popular, but wouldn’t be so noisy that they couldn’t talk.

A short while later, they were working through an antipasto plate. Bryn looked up. "So?"

Dana winced. "I was hoping you’d forgotten."

"Dana, give me a break." The blond sighed. "I’ve been thinking about nothing else for...weeks. I need to know why you walked away...and now why you want to give this a try."

What do I say here? Dana glanced over to find that Bryn was obviously nervous. She needs to know all of it. Just give her the truth...all the doubts...all of it.

"OK." The surgeon carefully placed her fork down on the table and put her hands on the cloth, studying them. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, then began. "After Sara died...depression doesn’t even begin to do it justice, Bryn. I was barely existing. Somehow, I went back to school, and lost myself in studying. And I began cycling, more and more, and more...hours each day. I had always bicycled for cross-training, but this was obsessive...maniacal. The upshot was that my grades improved enough that I was able to get into medical school...and I became a pretty competitive road racer."

Dana paused, taking a sip from her water glass, ordering her thoughts. "I was able to push myself so hard because I really didn’t feel anything. The pain from the loss was so great...nothing else could possibly match it. I took a year off after the first year of med school to train for the Olympics. That was a rush, but not the joy it should have been. I wasn’t doing it for myself, but for her...for her memory."

"My parents were worried...tried to get me interested in other things, other people...but they weren’t surprised when I decided to go to Boston for residency. I was frightening during med focused. I got the top grades in every rotation. Nothing else mattered. And it was obvious that I was going to do surgery...trauma surgery."

Bryn reached out, taking a hand. "Because of Sara’s accident?"

Dana nodded. "If I could save someone their family from the loss...that would be a worthwhile thing to stay alive for. Otherwise, there wasn’t much reason." She looked up at the sharp intake of breath from across the table, and shrugged.

"I had some relationships...women, some men, too. It was always just for the diversion, or some sex...never meant anything to me. How could it? I had already met my true soulmate. Nothing else could ever be like that...or even come close."

Blue eyes met green. "And then I met you." Dana let out a small laugh. "It took me so long to realize what was happening... I was never going to let myself love again, Bryn. If I did, it would mean choosing between betraying Sara...saying that my love for her wasn’t what I had thought...or pretending it was something that I knew it wasn’t, which wouldn’t be fair to you."

"So I tried to walk away. Huh." Dana flinched, remembering. "What a was torture. What I didn’t understand was...that wasn’t the choice at all. I wasn’t betraying, or pretending. I knew what I felt about Sara...and what I felt about you. Choice wasn’t even part of the equation. It was just about you and me. And there...I didn’t have a choice."

She smiled, wistful. "You were right, you know. I’m not the same person I was when I was twenty. But I know what real love feels like...I’ve had it. And this...the way I feel about it."

Dana took a breath. "I feel like I’ve been blessed, love, and be loved by two such magnificent people in my lifetime."

She fell silent, and Bryn closed her eyes, turning her face away. She wasn’t sure that she could withstand the look on Dana’s face, or the feelings that were threatening to overwhelm her. Can it be true? Can she really love both of us that way? Or am I just fooling myself into believing it, because...I want it so much?

"So, what about you?"

Bryn looked up, startled. "Huh?"

Dana pointed a finger. "What made you get on an airplane and try to find me out here, not knowing..."

Bryn nodded. "Ah..." She paused. This is going to be hard. "I...wanted to tell you how I felt, and it had reached the point where it didn’t really matter anymore what your response was going to be. I say it." Oh, good job, Mallory. That was crystal clear.

What’s the problem, here? Why do you feel so scared? For god’s sake, she just spilled her guts to you...told you that she loved you. And you’ve already told her that you love her, too.

Bryn sucked in a breath. This isn’t the first time someone’s told me that they loved me. Or the first time I’ve said "I love you" to someone, either. But it never, never felt like this. So, am I too scared to tell different this is?


Bryn was off balance. "What?" She understood that enough to ask a question?

"Why did you have to tell me?" Dana was deadly serious.

Bryn stopped. Don’t beat around the bush. "OK... ah..." She couldn’t go on, and hid her eyes in her hand. The next words were almost in a whisper. "This is hard for me, Dana."

"Why?" Not getting a response, Dana tried again. "Why is it so hard?"

There are too many questions in the queue now...I’m getting confused. She reached for the remnants of her courage. "Because...because I’ve never felt this way about anybody before." And I want you to feel the same way. She briefly met Dana’s eyes. "When I was in high school, and college, I always wondered why I felt so distanced from my boyfriends... Then in med school, I met Cathy, and wow..."

Dana smiled, remembering. "Really different, huh?"

Bryn nodded. "Oh, yeah." She shook her head. "But, I lost a lot with that move."

"Your family?" The surgeon’s voice was soft.

Bryn gave her a tiny smile. "Uh-huh. But it was the right thing to do. And, in any case...I didn’t have a choice. I had to do it...needed to do it." Her jaw clenched.

Dana could just glimpse the hidden pain, and she fought back a wild surge of anger. The image of firing a grenade launcher into the Mallory living room was appealing. This is still a big problem for her...but now is not the time to go into it. "And?"

Bryn sighed. "I thought that would solve everything...boy, was that naive." Her lips curled in a self-deprecating smile. "The sex was in another league, but the relationships were still..." She shrugged. "So, I figured that anything more was just a fantasy. Deep down...well, maybe not so deep down...I wondered, though... maybe it was me...something in me was lacking."

Bryn looked across the table, pensive. "But with you...from the beginning, I felt so connected. It was really insane, you know? We hardly even talked to each other. And then we became...well, really good friends. I was so happy to see you, talk with you, all those nights... Being with you felt so familiar."

She paused, getting the next words out with difficulty. "And then.... Ah... You hurt me so much, Dana..." She stopped, unable to continue.

Dana stared down at her trembling hands. "I’m so sorry, Bryn..." she whispered.

The blond blinked. "I know." She took a breath. "But I realized...just because you’re supposed to be with someone doesn’t mean it’s always going to be fun, or easy, or...good, even." Maureen was good for me. She never hurt me. And I had no problem when she left. "In fact, it probably makes it have to keep working, because you’re...not free."

She laughed, humorless, helpless. "I couldn’t shake the connection. I had to see you. It was the same feeling I’d had all those years before...of having to do something, of not having a choice, no matter what the consequences. I couldn’t just let this pass...let you walk away without my telling you. I’ve been wanting it for so long."

Come on, Mallory. The guilt’s not all hers. Admit it. She swallowed, suddenly ashamed. "And...I felt really badly about walking out on you that night...if I had been more understanding, maybe things would’ve been different.... But I wanted to hurt you, too. I was really, really angry..."

Dana leaned back. The words were almost a growl. "I won’t walk away again...don’t you do it, either."

Bryn flinched. "I won’t." She thought for a moment, gathering the right words. "And...I’ve been thinking about the whole soulmate thing."

Dana laughed. "What? I thought that was my didn’t buy it."

Bryn bit her lip. "Well, you believed in I started thinking about it. A lot."

At Dana’s quizzical look, Bryn became exasperated. "Look, what else was I supposed to do during all those weeks when I was lying there in bed, jerking off?"

"Hey..." Dana reached out and captured one of Bryn’s hands. "Go on."

Bryn collected herself. "I...started off along much the same lines as the things you just said..." She freed her hand and ran it through her hair in a nervous gesture. She was getting too close to her insecurities, and was becoming rattled. "You can’t have two if this--you and me--was real, then the other one wasn’t...but if that were so, how could you ever believe in this relationship, either?"

She caught Dana’s eyes for a moment, then stared back down at her plate. "The problem was...this love felt so I thought...what if a person could have more than one soulmate...and Sara and I are yours?"

She looked at Dana, who was frowning. "What, you don’t buy that?"

"Um...too crowded?" Dana shrugged. "I’m just not sure I can still believe in any of this, Bryn. When I did, I always thought there could only be one, but and me...oh fuck, I don’t know."

Bryn gave her a slight grin, and continued, "Well, I figured that it would explain why I was so angry with you every time I ran into you...because in this lifetime you were supposed to be with me, not with her."

Dana smiled, unsuccessfully trying to hide a chuckle. The blond cocked her head, eyes glinting, smiling back. " then I wondered, maybe there really is just one soul...and it came to me when she died."

Dana sipped her drink, considering, clearly playing along. "There’s a timing problem, through...I might favor that theory if you were born after she died, but you two were about the same age. So...nope."

"OK, then..." The atmosphere was definitely lightening a bit. Thank god she’s not taking this topic too seriously. "How about...there was a cosmic accident, and we each got one half of the same soul? That way there’s only one soul, which...overall, has lots of advantages."

Dana shook her head. "Now that’s a ridiculous idea."

Bryn snorted. "Yeah, like the rest of this makes so much damn sense? Logic went out the window a while ago, OK?" They both laughed, the tension easing some more.

Suddenly Bryn stilled, her face sad. "I sort of like the last idea, though...because it means...Ah..." She swallowed, hard, and her voice became quiet. "It means that I don’t have to wonder which one of us you’ll wake up next to in your next life." She met Dana’s sharp gaze, clearly vulnerable.

"Oh, Bryn..." Dana reached out, holding her hand again.

Bryn closed her eyes, blinking a little too rapidly. "I told you that I wouldn’t compete."

"Well, I’ll just have to find some way of convincing you how I feel." Bryn looked up to find that the surgeon was leaning back, simply appearing thoughtful. Her blue eyes captured Bryn’s. "Any ideas?"

She’s not upset, or worried, realized Bryn, feeling her anxiety dissolve. She truly believes in our being together. Suddenly lighthearted, she took a deep breath. "Um...that thing you did last night...that’s a good start. You could do that again...a few more times."

"What?" Dana shook her head, her lips twitching. "You’re far too demanding, Dr. Mallory, did you know that? That almost killed me last night."

"Well, you asked." Bryn grinned.

Dana seemed to come to a decision. "Don’t worry...I’ll think of something." She drummed her fingers on the table, her mind turning. "Something right." She nodded to herself, looking pleased.

"Uh oh," said Bryn. "I’m in trouble. But I knew that...a long time ago."




Bryn woke first the next morning. I’m still on East Coast time. Dana’s already adapted. She reached over and moved the curtain. Oooh...nice day. She moved her head, testing it. Not as bad as it might be...I must’ve been nuts, having that last marguerita. Man.

She thought over the options. I should get some exercise today...clear my head. We could go skiing early, then take a nap this afternoon, so we’ll be ready for the evening. I bet Dana wants to ski again. She looked over at the form curled next to her. So maybe not a nap. Unable to keep her hands to herself, she began exploring.

"Um...humph...go away." The surgeon rolled over.

Bryn snorted. "Are you sending me away, Doc?" she queried, using her best bedroom voice.

"" Dana was waking up. "That wasn’t for you."

"Oh, no?" Bryn looked around. "Who, then?"

Dana looked sheepish. "My dream...I was yelling at some residents who were complaining about the damn call schedule."

Bryn lifted her eyebrows. "You were dreaming about the call schedule?"

Dana laughed. "Just goes to show what a fucked up life I’ve had. Now..." she grabbed Bryn’s hands. "What was it you wanted?"

The blond smiled, and demonstrated. "Well, this...and this...and I thought it would be fun to go skiing today...get back early, so we can rest before going out tonight."

She was gratified by the grin that lit up Dana’s face. I was right...she really does want to go skiing.

"I like that plan." The surgeon nodded, happy.

They called it quits at three o’clock. Bryn skidded to a stop next to Dana at the bottom of the final slope. "That was great." I do feel good. We took enough breaks...and I didn’t push myself so hard.

During the walk back to the hotel, Bryn found her mind racing. I have so many I have the nerve? She looked over at her tall companion, recalling the expression on Dana’s face after the fight in the bar. I just have to let my other soul take over...and see what happens.

They left their skis in the hotel lockers and walked to the cabin. Inside, they shed their boots and jackets. Dana stretched, then headed towards the bathroom.

Then it was Bryn’s turn, and she took her time, using the solitude to finalize her plans. Simple. Start with something simple.

When she emerged, Dana was standing with her back to her, facing the bed, pulling off her sweater. Bryn captured her from behind, undoing the buttons and pulling down the surgeon’s jeans in one quick movement.

Dana was startled. "Bryn, don’t you want to..." The next thing she knew, she was spun around, and pinned onto the bed by the blond, whose expression could only be described as fierce. "What about the hottub..." The words were cut off by a rough, forceful kiss.

"No talking. You can only say two things...’please’ and ‘I like that.’" Her captor was deadly serious.

Dana swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. She spoke the truth. "I like that."

"I know..." growled the blond. "I remember." She shifted, moving one hand to free Dana’s legs from her jeans. The surgeon took advantage of the move to try to escape, but found herself pinned again. I’m trapped. God, she’s so strong. I didn’t realize...

"No..." The smaller woman was almost angry, as the surgeon continued to struggle. Dana looked up, and into swirling green eyes. She was shocked by what she found. It was Bryn...and it was more. Her lover had been joined by the warrior in the bar, the angry fighter in her apartment, the teaser on the wards. Dana felt a surge of passion, and groaned, surrendering.

It felt so good, to utterly give up, to relinquish control. It had been so long.

Bryn understood. "Good..." she purred, starting to do what she needed to do, was driven to do. She placed Dana’s hands above her head, noting her glistening eyes and open mouth. The surgeon’s breathing was already ragged. "That’s right...don’t move." She pulled off Dana’s shirt and bra. "Yes..."

Dana was struggling to keep still. The sensations were already overwhelming, and Bryn had barely started. Her skin was on fire as fingers began exploring her shoulders and chest, stroking, tickling, but carefully avoiding her breasts. Her nipples hardened and she groaned at the teasing, wanting the touch, needing the touch. "Please..." It was a gasp, and Bryn smiled in pleasure.

"Not yet...not so soon," she murmured, and Dana groaned. Her legs were still tangled in the jeans, and she was desperate to free them. Bryn noticed, and pinned the surgeon’s thighs with her lower legs. "No. When I’m ready."

Dana felt a surge pass through her at the words; her back arched, and she screamed. Bryn groaned in response, her own arousal building. She took pity on her captive, and took a nipple in her mouth. The response was gratifying, as Dana bucked, crying out again.

The blond sat up, renewing her grip. "I said, don’t move." Dana was almost beyond being able to comply, the tremors running through her body. The surgeon closed her eyes. "Please..."

Bryn let out a hiss. Oh...yes. She began teasing Dana’s breasts, lightly, then backing off. When the struggles to remove the jeans began again, Bryn gave in to her own need, pulling off Dana’s clothes and watching with deep pleasure as her legs opened. Her passion surged as she took in the wetness coating Dana’s thighs, and she felt her own gather.

She ran a finger through the wetness, and traced her lover’s folds. Dana cried out again. "I like that...oh, I like that." No longer able to hold out, Bryn put two fingers inside and began a rhythm, giving Dana what she needed, helping her with her hand and tongue, joining in the passion, until she heard the screams and felt the contractions. Yes...whispered her soul. Yes.




Bryn fingered the emerald necklace, and shivered, remembering the sensation as Dana had placed it around her neck. It’s beautiful. She looked up, hearing the footsteps. Her heart stopped. I god....

Fortunately, the bed was right behind her, and she sat down, heavily. "Jesus...."

Dana halted, and Bryn could see surprise, then concern flick over her features. "What...?"

Bryn cleared her throat. "Every fantasy I ever had just walked in the door...and I’m completely blown away." How can she be so gorgeous? I’m going to pass out, I swear.

The surgeon grinned. "I take it that’s a compliment, then?"

Bryn managed to get her legs under her and she walked over. "Oh, yeah..." She reached out to touch the black fabric, a thin strap looping around the surgeon’s neck, the cut doing incredible things for her cleavage...

She gasped as her hands made their way to Dana’s bare back. "Oh my god...I think they forgot half of this dress."

Dana was enjoying every moment. "Yeah...and you paid four times as much for half the material, right?"

"It was worth every penny." Bryn couldn’t keep her eyes still. "But the orthopedic bills for my fractured knuckles are going to cost a fortune...I’m going to be fighting interested parties off you all night."

"No...I’m going to be holding you all night, so you won’t have a chance." Dana’s tone was final, and Bryn didn’t feel like arguing.

The surgeon picked up their coats. "Ready?"

"Guess so," replied Bryn, taking a deep breath. "Let’s do it."




The restaurant was just a short walk away, and the sidewalks were clear, so they didn’t have to wear their boots. Even so, Bryn was losing feeling in her toes by the time they arrived. She wasn’t prepared for the blast of heat, and of activity, when they entered. She looked around in disbelief. This is a fucking fashion wonder Dana said we had to get these dresses. "Uh...Doc?"

Dana looked over. "Yeah?"

"There are a lot of half-naked people in here."

"Enjoy it." Dana turned back to the clerk who had appeared and was taking their coats.

Bryn took her advice, looking more closely at the crowd. Holy shit. She grabbed the surgeon’s arm. "Isn’t that...that guy over there, by the bar...doesn’t he play that older doctor on that EW show?"

Dana glanced toward the bar, and laughed. "You mean the one that happens to be the most popular show on TV?"

Bryn shrugged. "I never watch that shit." She looked again. "I recognize him, though."

Dana nodded. "Yep...let me introduce you."

"What?" The blond’s mouth fell open.

So, I can surprise you, too. The surgeon smiled, pleased. "Believe it or not, I was his ski coach for a week during one of my winter vacations during med school. He’ll probably remember me. Come on." She dragged the amazed blond over to the bar with her.

The handsome actor saw them coming, and his eyes lit with surprise. "I remember you...Dana Sanders, right?" He gave her a polite hug, then looked her over. "Man, didn’t you grow up pretty. Are you still a ski pro here?"

Dana laughed. "No, you won’t believe it, Sam...but actually, I’m a trauma surgeon in Boston."

"Oh, right." He glanced at Bryn and saw her nod, then turned back to Dana. "Are you kidding me?" At her shaking head, he grimaced. "Well, that’s the story of the night, for sure...I only play one on TV. Man." He turned his gaze to Bryn. "Who’s your...friend?"

Dana wrapped an arm around Bryn’s shoulder, removing any doubt about their relationship. She did the introductions. "Sam Redhawk...Bryn Mallory. Bryn’s a doctor at the same hospital in Boston."

Sam shook his head. "Remind me to check in there the next time I’m sick...even the doctors on our show don’t look this good." He looked up, as they were being crowded by some fans, seeking an autograph. The actor sighed, gracing the doctors with an ironic grin. "Well, nice to meet you, Bryn. And good to see you again, Dana. Enjoy the skiing, and happy New Year, OK?"

Dana pulled Bryn off to another corner of the bar and ordered some drinks while the internist continued celebrity-spotting. This is a rush...who knew I was such a sucker for this stuff? And I barely even know who these people are. She had found two more when Dana handed her a glass of champagne.

"Cheers." The surgeon clinked her glass and took a sip. "Our table will be ready pretty soon...after we eat, we can dance it off." She followed Bryn’s gaze. "Oh, yeah...isn’t he the one in that submarine movie?"

Bryn laughed. "I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who can never remember actors’ names."

Dana shrugged. "I can’t even remember the last time I saw a movie...except on TV or a tape." She suddenly did remember. "Ah...except the Everest one."

Bryn stilled, and Dana found herself panicking. Don’t let this get dark. Talk about the good stuff. She produced a rueful grin. "I couldn’t believe you asked me out...I had convinced myself you didn’t really mean it as a date, you were so off-hand about the whole thing."

Bryn was thoughtful, remembering. It seems like a long time ago. "Yeah...I was really amazed at myself for asking you. Then I was nervous you wouldn’t show up."

"You were nervous? I was a wreck...and then when you put your leg against, I almost kissed you right then."

Bryn’s mouth fell open. "I didn’t have a clue. I couldn’t read you at all."

Dana sighed. "Well, that evening didn’t end the way I had wanted it to...I’m sorry about that." She felt a hand on her cheek and looked down into green eyes.

Well, that was a revelation. "Apology accepted." Bryn smiled, and lightened the moment with a kiss.

They drank some more and continued to people-watch, finding a few more movie stars, until a waiter came to take them to their table.

An hour later, Bryn pushed back her plate, stuffed. "Man, you can choose the restaurant any time, Doc...that was fabulous." She looked over at her lover, who was just finishing her meal. "And it’s the first time I’ve ever seen you pay attention to your food."

Dana flinched. "You mean...the evening meal? I’ve had too damn many of those. Anyway..." her eyes caught her companion’s "...I want to spend a lot more time paying attention to the important things now, you know?" She reached out and captured one of Bryn’s hands. "How about a dance? I like this song."

"Sure." Hope I didn’t eat too much. This dress won’t be that forgiving. Bryn got up and followed Dana out onto the floor.

Completely unselfconscious, Dana took Bryn’s hands and began to lead her in a ...samba? mambo? Whatever... thought the blond. I never knew the damn difference, anyway. Some Latin thing. Dana’s skill made her easy to follow, and the surgeon soon had Bryn moving along with the intricate footwork. She’s...amazing.

"Where did you learn to dance like this?" managed the blond, catching her breath as the dance ended.

Dana shrugged. "Always liked it...never had such a good partner, though." She grinned, pulling Bryn in closer as the music slowed.

Several dances later, they were moving in a slow waltz across the floor. Bryn glimpsed a tall form with dark hair across from them. "Hey..." she whispered, "isn’t know...what’s her name?"

Dana followed Bryn’s eyes. "Oh, yeah...Reed something."

Bryn nodded. "Right." She watched the actress for a moment. "Man, I haven’t seen her in anything for years. Wonder what she’s been up to?"

"I read something about her...where was it?" The surgeon’s brow furrowed. "Oh, People Magazine."

Bryn let out a rude sound. "Dr. Sanders...People Magazine?"

Dana stopped in the middle of the dance floor. "Now you just wipe that smirk right off your face, Dr. Mallory. It’s the only decent thing we have at our outpatient clinic waiting room." She glared. "And it’s come in handy tonight. Anyway...I read that she just finished making a film that’s set in...Miami, I think it was."

"Guess that explains the tan." Bryn was still looking. She felt the surgeon’s hand on her chin, turning her face away. "Sorry...was I staring again?"

"Drooling’s more like it," was the wry reply. Dana glanced back across the floor. "Wonder who the blond is that she’s with?"

Bryn got to take another look. "H’m...not my type."

Dana’s eyebrows lifted. "Well...she’s your size."

"How dare you." Bryn’s voice conveyed mock outrage. "I am not that short, Dr. Sanders."

Dana grinned. Guess I found a sensitive subject. "No..." She slid her hands down the blond’s back. "I’d say you were just..." the hands moved lower "...the right size." She leaned in to muffle Bryn’s squawk with a kiss. Feeling the response, she deepened it, until she realized that she was about to lose her now unsteady partner.

"Whew..." Bryn shook her head to clear it. "How do you do that?" She pushed herself closer to Dana. "You know, Doc, this dress I’m wearing wasn’t made to hide that level of arousal."

Dana laughed. "Hey, it’s dark in here...and it’s New Year’s Eve. And it certainly doesn’t bother me."

"Um..." Bryn didn’t trust herself to say anything more. "Well, hold me, then...until I calm down."

The surgeon grinned and complied, sweeping them into a fast dance as the music became more lively and the dance floor filled.

Midnight came almost too quickly. The waiters made their way through the crowd, passing out glasses of champagne. Dana captured Bryn’s lips for another long kiss as the noise erupted around them. She didn’t bother trying to fight the tears that suddenly filled her eyes.

The blond’s hand reached up to touch the drops, and she gave the surgeon a quizzical look. Dana managed a small grin. "No...I’m just happy, that’s all, Bryn."

They drank some of the champagne, and kissed again. Bryn knew she was beyond satisfied. That tastes good.

They danced again, more slowly now. Dana never did know where the next words came from. She bent her head down, and spoke them softly. "You know, Bryn...when two people love each other completely...then their souls do become one. And now I know that can happen more than once in a lifetime."

Green eyes looked up. "Just...not at the same time, right?"

Dana laughed. "Right." She held Bryn and danced a little longer.

This feels right.


She placed her lips next to Bryn’s ear. "Marry me."

Bryn stiffened. "What? You’re drunk."

Dana shook her head, a small smile forming. "No I’m not." She pulled Bryn closer, continuing to dance. "I need to show you what you mean to me, remember? So...marry me."

Bryn looked up, searching her lover’s face.

The truth was crystal clear. All that was left was accepting it.

She reached out to take it, leaning her head against Dana’s shoulder.

"But Dana...I already did, a long time ago."

Dana nodded, suddenly at peace. She laid her head on Bryn’s hair. "Ah...that’s all right, then."

The dance went on, into the night, never ending... it always had...

...and as it always would.





The End least for now.


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