The Right Thing

By SX Meagher

Part 13

On a Friday night in May, Townsend poured a glass of juice for her friend and joined her on the couch. They clinked their glasses together, and the younger woman said, "Here’s to the last regular meeting of the lonely hearts club."

"Hey, it hasn't been that lonely, and you don't know what’s gonna happen. Jenna might surprise you."

"She’s surprised me quite enough for one year," Townsend said, making a face. "Traipsing off to the Philippines, coming home for Christmas and not inviting me to Utah, writing less and less frequently ¾ I think her surprises have all combined to give me a message that I’m unwilling to hear."

"What do you think you’ll do?"

Townsend shrugged her shoulders and shook her head briefly. "I don’t know. I just don’t feel decisive about anything, pal. I’m feeling so down."

"I know," Hennessey said softly. "You’ve been a little down ever since the semester started, but it seems to be getting worse. I’ve been worried about you."

With a small smile, Townsend said, "I’ll be all right. I guess I’ve been having trouble adjusting to the thought that Jenna won’t be coming back, and you won’t be coming back, either. I don’t know how I’ll get through next year." She had been struggling with her emotions, and now she lost the battle and started to cry.

Hennessey took her in her arms and rocked her gently. "It’s going to be hard for me, too. As much as I love Kate, and as much as I miss her, being with you this year has made me very happy. I feel closer to you than ever ¾ and I didn’t think that was possible."

"I didn’t either," Townsend whispered, "but I love you more than I ever have." Her shoulders began to shake, and she sobbed, "Oh, Hennessey, I love you so much. I can’t let you go! I can’t!"

"My heart breaks every time I think of leaving you. I can’t imagine what next year will be like. I’ll be with Kate, and that’ll be wonderful ¾ but not being able to see you whenever I want is going to be horrible."

"I know, I know. It feels like a major part of me is being taken away, and I don’t know how I’ll be able to cope."

Hennessey pulled away and looked at her friend with a very somber expression. "You’ll go to more meetings, you’ll seek support from your sponsor. You’ll get through this, Townsend."

Suddenly, Townsend stood and gave her friend a look that mingled shock and rage. "This isn’t about drinking, goddamn it! Is that all that matters to you? Townsend can’t drink! Townsend can’t take drugs! I fucking know that, Hennessey. I’ve known that for four fucking years! I’ve had one fucking slip in four years! But you seem to think the only part of me that matters is my sobriety. That’s not all that matters, goddamn it! What about my heart? What about my soul!" She sank farther down into the couch, the fire slowly extinguishing itself. "Goddamn it, Hennessey. Goddamn you."

The older woman sat up and dropped her head into her hands. "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I know you have needs, and most of them aren’t about drinking. It’s just … it’s easier for me to focus on your sobriety. I can … I can assuage my conscience by feeling that I help you stay clean."

"Your conscience?" Townsend blinked the tears from her eyes and gave her friend a confused look. "What’s your conscience got to do with anything?"

"Nothing. I … I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about." Hennessey got up and went into the bathroom, lingering so long that Townsend almost went to check on her. When the older woman returned, her eyes were red and puffy, and she looked very uncomfortable. "Uhm … I think I’d better go."


"You heard me," she said quietly. "We’re both having a tough time with this, and we might be better off each dealing with it on our own."

"Since when?" Townsend was on her feet, staring up into Hennessey’s eyes. "What’s wrong with you? You look like you’re … I don’t know ..." She stared at her friend, finally coming up with the appropriate word. "You look like you’re lying!"

Eyes shifting, never landing on Townsend’s face, Hennessey mumbled, "No, I’m not. I’m just tired. It’s been a long week."

The blonde moved a step closer, and said just one word, enunciating it very clearly. "Bullshit."

"What?" Hennessey looked down into unblinking eyes, taken aback by the fire she saw in them.

"I said bullshit. You’re not tired, and it hasn’t been a particularly tough week. You’re hiding something, and I’m not gonna let you get away with it."

Townsend could almost see her friend’s hackles rise. She knew, better than most, that it was difficult to get under Hennessey’s skin. And she also knew that the tall brunette didn’t lose many tests of will.

"I’m entitled to my private thoughts and feelings," Hennessey said, a nearly visible curtain closing behind those usually open and trusting blue eyes.

"Of course you are," Townsend agreed. "And I’d never dream of invading your privacy ¾ unless it was two days before you’re going to leave Boston, and your private thoughts obviously concern our relationship! Now, tell me what’s going on."

"No." Hennessey went to the coat closet, opened it and pulled her coat out ¾ only to have it snatched from her grip and thrown across the room. "I’d rather leave with my coat, but I’ll leave without it," the older woman said, her voice flat and emotionless. She reached for the doorknob, but Townsend was right in front of it, blocking her attempt. "Townsend, don’t be like this. I’ll call you tomorrow."

"You’re not leaving," the determined blonde said.

"I don’t want to push you out of the way ¾ but I will."

A pair of verdant green eyes stared up at her. "You’re not leaving."

Shaking her head, Hennessey tried to move her friend, exerting just enough pressure to accomplish her goal. To her surprise, Townsend wasn’t as light as she looked. Pushing harder resulted in little success, but Hennessey wasn’t about to give in. She put both hands on her friend’s waist and pushed with all her might, moving her obstinate friend a few inches. But Townsend wasn’t going to give up any more easily than the taller woman, and she placed her hands on Hennessey’s hips and gave an equally hard push.

To her amazement, Hennessey found herself stumbling backwards, the coat closet keeping her from losing her balance. She could feel her anger rise as Townsend gave her a superior smirk. Gathering all of her spirit and her strength, she bull-rushed her, trying to knock her off balance. But Townsend saw her plan, lowered her center of gravity and dropped her head, sticking it right into Hennessey’s belly.

The taller woman let out a gasp and felt herself being propelled back into the living room. Digging in, she put her hands onto Townsend’s shoulders and started to grapple with her.

They pushed and pulled and tugged on each other, but neither was making any headway. Their efforts were so intense that both women were out of breath in mere moments, managing to vocalize only grunts.

Townsend’s thumbs were hooked through the belt loops of the larger woman’s jeans, and Hennessey’s hands remained locked upon the blonde’s shoulders. Even though Hennessey was taller, Townsend’s lower center of gravity and her quickness allowed them to fight to a near draw.

Hennessey’s height did allow her a very slight advantage, though, and she would manage to move Townsend a few inches in any given direction before the smaller woman could dig in again. But she wasn’t able to plan her moves ¾ and she inadvertently pushed Townsend into the sharp edge of the coffee table, causing the blonde to cry out in pain when the wood dug into her calf.

Instinctively, Hennessey pulled her friend towards her, just as Townsend was making another push. They flew back a few feet, landing relatively softly upon the couch before they slid onto the floor, arms and legs entangled.

Hennessey was on the bottom, Townsend looking down at her as they both struggled to catch their breath. The taller woman felt Townsend’s full weight resting on her body, felt the firm breasts pressed against her own, the slightly open lips so close, so accessible. Without censoring herself, Hennessey found her brain shutting down as her soul told the truth. "I want you," she said, her eyelid s fluttering closed.

Townsend stopped breathing. Her chest no longer moved against the taller woman’s rib cage, but her heartbeat increased dramatically ¾ the pounding reverberating through Hennessey’s body. "What?" she finally managed.

"I know I shouldn’t tell you this ¾ especially now. I know I shouldn't, but I can’t lie any longer. I want you, Townsend. I've wanted you all along."

"But … I … we both agreed that we didn't feel that way anymore!"

"No, we didn't," Hennessey said quietly. "You said you didn't feel that way, and I didn't disagree."


"Ever since I returned from Paris, I’ve been fighting with myself. I didn’t know it was possible, but I swear that I love you and Kate equally. I’ve … I’ve focused on your sobriety because that’s the only topic I feel safe with."

Townsend’s eyes closed, and she took in a deep breath. She nuzzled her face against the soft, well-worn cotton that covered Hennessey’s chest and murmured, "Why didn’t you tell me?"

"Because it’s not fair ¾ to either you or Kate. I can’t tell her how I feel about you ¾ it’s just plain wrong to tell her something like that. And I was just as determined not to tell you ¾ but you’re too damned strong to resist." She reached down and patted Townsend on the thigh, smiling as she asked, "When did you get so damned strong?"

"You know I’ve been running every morning and going to the gym. Do you think I do that just to see the Charles River?"

Hennessey’s expression turned serious and she asked, "Can you forgive me for telling you?"

"Are … is … that it?" Townsend asked, her eyes wide. "You’re just going to tell me that you love me as much as you love your girlfriend and then drop it?"

"Yes," Hennessey said. "I can’t do anything else."

"Yes, you can!" Townsend said, rolling quickly off the brunette. "We have to talk about this! You can't just throw this at me and leave it at that."

"There's no point in discussing it, Townsend. I'm committed to Kate, and that's the end of it."

"Jesus, Hennessey! I know you're in your first relationship, but it's not a good idea to love two women."

"I can't help it," the brunette said. "When I’m with her, I love her completely, and I’m very, very happy that we’re together. But when I’m with you, I feel the same way. I didn’t miss her nearly as much as I should have this year. I was perfectly content to be with you." She shook her head and said, "I didn't realize that until we went to Gloucester and you asked me if I missed her. Damn, I've been nearly obsessed with this ever since then."

"Then maybe your feelings for her have changed," the blonde said gently.

"No, they haven’t," Hennessey said. "When I was in Paris, I felt the same way about her that I now feel about you. I was totally happy with her, Townsend; to be honest, I didn’t spend much time thinking about you ¾ in that way. I missed you, of course, but just like I missed my daddy and my grandparents. I honestly feel like I love you both equally ¾ but Kate and I are committed to one another."

"How committed are you if you feel this way about me, Hennessey?"

The lanky brunette got up and walked into the kitchen where she got a glass of water. She came back into the living room and sat next to Townsend when her friend beckoned her to join her on the couch. "I'm pretty confused … I suppose that's obvious. But I do love Kate. I'm deeply committed to this relationship, Hennessey, but I can't stop myself from feeling desire for you. It's just not possible."

"What are we going to do?" Townsend asked.

Hennessey wrapped her in a hug and said, "We move on, sweetheart. Kate will be here tomorrow morning, just in time for graduation, and we’re leaving Sunday afternoon. I have to move forward ¾ with her."

"Can you do that, Hennessey? Can you love her and put your feelings for me aside?"

Hennessey shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I can. I've done it all year."

"You poor thing," Townsend whispered. "This must have been so hard for you."

"It was, but I wouldn't change a thing. I've had one of the nicest years of my life, Townsend. I couldn't have asked for a better senior year. I can go back to the South now and feel like I got to enjoy my last year with you. I couldn't have done it if Kate had been here. It's … it's a form of closure for me, I think."

"Are you sure, baby?"

"Yeah, I think so. I'll admit that I'm pretty confused sometimes, but it's usually because I'm keeping something to myself."

"I'm glad you told me," Townsend said.

"I feel like it was a very selfish thing to tell you," Hennessey asked softly. "Should I have kept it to myself?"

"No, no, you did the right thing," Townsend said. "It’s nice to know that you love me ¾ even if we can’t be together. It's always nice to be loved," she said, her smile growing brighter. "Especially by someone who's so loveable."

"I'll always love you, Townsend, even if I don't always desire you."

"I feel the same, and I hope you know it," Townsend said.

Hennessey ruffled her hair and said, "Now, you get to bed so you look pretty in the thousands of pictures my gramma will take tomorrow."

"Magna cum laude from Harvard is nothing to sneeze at, hot stuff. And I bet I take more pictures than your gramma does. I’m very proud of you, Hennessey. Very, very proud."

Hennessey nodded, looking a little embarrassed, then started for the door. She picked her jacket up off the floor and paused. Looking into Townsend’s eyes, she asked, "Can I kiss you goodbye? We won’t have any time alone … tomorrow."

Townsend chose to ignore the unspoken truth ¾ that once Kate arrived, things would shift, and Hennessey’s heart would once again belong exclusively to her lover. "Yes, of course you can kiss me," she said. Expecting their usual brief brush of lips, Townsend was shocked to the core to have Hennessey take her in her arms and kiss her fervidly, holding on so tightly that she could hardly take in a breath. The kiss went on and on, their tongues touching tentatively, then sliding against one another as Townsend unconsciously let out a low growl. Hennessey remained latched to her friend’s lips, and they both stumbled slightly, crashing against the door with a thud.

Hennessey’s large hands slid through Townsend’s hair, holding her head still while she kissed her with an intensity that the smaller woman had never felt from her friend. This was the true, unbridled essence of Hennessey: mature, decisive, full of passion and need and power ¾ and Townsend had never, until that very moment, known exactly what she had lost.

* * *


Durham was in the throes of a late summer heat wave, and most of the students scurrying around campus took advantage of the opportunity to show off their summer tans.

One student, a long-legged brunette, walked out of her final class of the week and immediately pulled her hair back into a ponytail, then clipped the thick strands to the back of her head with a tortoiseshell clip. She struggled to heft her book bag over her shoulder, then began to walk. She hadn't gotten five yards when a voice called out to her, "Hey, stretch."

Hennessey's eyes popped wide open, and she spun around, trying to find the speaker. Finally, her eyes lit upon Townsend, and her incredulity quickly gave way to a bright, shining smile. "What in the world …?"

Townsend sprawled rather lazily against the bench she was sitting on, cocking her head at her friend. "Just came to see how my best friend was doing."

Shaking her head, Hennessey sat next to her and draped an arm around her shoulders, saying, "We have phones down here, buddy, and you have my new number."

The smaller woman snuggled into Hennessey's loose embrace. "God, it's good to see you," she said. "I know that I could have, and probably should have, called, but I wanted to see you, Hennessey, not just talk with you. I've been worried about you."

Hennessey looked at her friend carefully and said, "We've been exchanging e-mails all summer, and I never got that impression. What are you worried about?"

Townsend gave her a lopsided grin and said, "Well, now that I'm here, it sounds kinda stupid." Her smile grew wider and she said, "Actually, it sounds like I'm really full of myself."

"What in the devil are you talking about?"

"Look, I've been anxious ever since your graduation. This is the first time in our relationship that something big has come up, and we haven’t been able to talk about it face to face." Hennessey didn’t reply. She tilted her head and stared more intently at her friend.

"I’ve been worried that you're not over me," Townsend said. She rolled her eyes and added, "Not that I have a cure for you if you're not." Her brow knit and she said, "I guess the truth is that I start school next week, and I can't bear to think of being in Boston without you or Jenna. I miss you." She looked up at Hennessey with her eyes misting over, and the larger woman gave her a warm hug.

"I miss you, too," she said. She placed a soft kiss on her friend's cheek and said, "I'm a little disoriented myself. It seems funny to be back here in the South. People talk so slow," she added, chuckling softly. "I'd finally gotten used to the Boston accent, and now I have to get used to this North Carolina twang."

Townsend slapped at Hennessey's bare legs. "Stop teasing. I'm being serious."

Hennessey met her gaze and nodded. Her voice was soft when she said, "I know you are. I guess this isn't the time to avoid the topic, is it?"

"No." Townsend squeezed the tanned thigh and said, "I want to make sure you're okay. I want to make sure that you're happy."

Hennessey looked at her for a few moments, then asked, "What will you do if I'm not?"

The pair stared at each other for a while longer, then Townsend scratched her head, looking a little embarrassed. "I hadn't gotten that far. I guess I should've had a better plan, huh?"

With a warm smile, Hennessey gave Townsend another hug, whispering into her ear, "I'm glad you're here. You don't need a master plan to visit me. I think it's wonderful that you cared enough to come."

"I do," Townsend said. "I care for you so much, stretch. It'll kill me if you're unhappy."

"I'm not unhappy," Hennessey insisted, then rephrased. "I'm happy. I really am."

"I just … I just can't stop thinking about what happened between us the night before you graduated," Townsend said. "It goes through my mind nearly every day."

Hennessey gave he friend another long look. She pursed her lips and asked, "Have you changed you mind? Do you want to try again?"

"No." Townsend looked down at the ground. "I still love Jenna, stretch. I don't know what it is about that woman, but she brings out something in me that I don't wanna lose."

"Good," Hennessey said with enthusiasm. "I'm glad to hear that."

"You are?"

"Yes, of course I am. When I made a fool out of myself this past spring, I thought I made it clear that I was happy with Kate. I don't want you to be pining away for me. I want you to do your best to get Jenna back when she comes back home."

"You really do?"

"Yes. Yes," she insisted when Townsend continued to look unconvinced. "This is what makes sense for each of us, baby. I told you that I was committed to Kate, and I meant it. I don't want you to think that this is some commitment that I wish I could get out of, either. It's not. I swear it's not."

"Promise?" Townsend asked, leaning her head on Hennessey's chest.

"I promise," the larger woman said. "I love you both, but I'm happy that I'm with Kate. She understands me, she comforts me, she treats me so well. She's very, very loving, Townsend, and I just hope that Jenna comes to her senses and realizes how much she loves you, too."

"I don't think that's gonna happen," Townsend said, "but that's not going to stop me from wanting her."

"You're not the type to give up easily," Hennessey said, looking at her friend with obvious admiration.

"No, I suppose I'm not. Even when I should."

"Hey, don't talk like that. You don't know what's gonna happen."

"No, I don't," Townsend admitted. "I guess what I said before is really the truth. I'm just freaked about going back to school."

"Understandable," Hennessey said. "We were a pretty tight pair last year."

"Yeah," Townsend said, her voice sounding wistful and sad. "It's not gonna be the same without you."

"I know. I know." Hennessey put her arm around her again and hugged her tight. "It feels odd to be here, too. Every Friday night this summer, I'd feel like I should be going to your apartment."

Townsend gave her a sad smile and said, "Friday's are gonna be hard."

"Well, today's Friday, and I think we should make use of it. I'll take you to dinner at the nicest place I can afford. Boy, Kate's gonna be surprised!"

"Will she be home?"

"No, not until late." She looked at Townsend and asked, "You're staying with us, aren't you? We don’t have a spare bedroom but ¾ "

"I wish I could, but I only have time for dinner. My mom had to give a lecture at UNC, and we're flying back tonight. I have to be back in Chapel Hill by 11:00."

"What airline flies to Boston after 11:00 p.m.?" Hennessey asked.

"We came on a private jet, honey. Mother doesn't like to wait in lines."

"Nobody does," Hennessey said, laughing softly. "Most people just get over it."

"My mom isn't most people," Townsend said. "And neither am I. I'm taking you to dinner, stretch. And I don't want to hear an argument."

"I'm a very easygoing person," Hennessey said, smiling brightly. "Especially when one of my favorite people wants to buy me dinner."

"You'll always be one of my favorite people too, Hennessey. Always."

* * *

Part 14

Nine months later …

Townsend looked up into the brilliant sun and tossed her mortarboard as high as she could, laughing gleefully when hundreds of similarly propelled hats came falling down upon the graduates’ heads. She was still trying to catch her breath when her parents broke through the crowd to wrap her in a congratulatory embrace. "We’re so proud of you, sweetheart," her father said into her ear.

"Thanks, Dad. I’m proud of myself."

"You’ve accomplished so much, honey," her mother added. "When you were in high school, I would have been the first to assume you'd never graduate from college. I’m so happy to have been proven wrong."

"Townsend’s very good at exceeding expectations," a deep, melodic voice said from over the graduate’s shoulder.

Whirling around, the smaller woman threw her arms around Hennessey, hugging her tightly. "I had no idea you would come!"

"I’ll never miss an important day in your life," Hennessey whispered. "I promise that."

"Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?"

"Well, I wasn’t sure how I’d get here, or when I’d get here ¾ so I didn’t want to make a promise I couldn’t keep. My term isn’t over, and I had so much work piled up it was nip and tuck, but I lucked out and got an excellent last minute fare from one of those wholesale re-sellers."

"Oh, Hennessey, it means so much to me that you’re here."

"It means a lot to me, too." She released the blonde and stepped back a bit. "Hi, Miranda, Tucker."

"Great to see you again, Hennessey," Tucker said. "It’s been quite a while."

"How are things at … Duke?" Miranda asked, not entirely sure that she had the correct school name.

"Things are great," Hennessey said, smiling brightly. "I’ve still got a week left in my term, but I couldn’t miss this big event."

"Oh, that’s so thoughtful of you," Miranda said. "How long will you be staying?"

"I have a nine o’clock flight tomorrow evening."

"I hope you’re planning on staying with us," Miranda said. "We’d love to have you."

Townsend turned and gazed at her friend. "Will you stay, Hennessey? We really would love for you to."

The brunette shrugged her shoulders and said, "To be honest, I didn't make any plans. I was so fixated on getting here on time, I didn't think to make a hotel reservation."

"Then it's settled," Miranda said. "I have so many questions about the writing program at Duke that I can't wait to get you alone."

"Huh-uh, Mom. If I only get her for a day, I’m keeping her all to myself. You can call her to ask her questions." Townsend said this with an impish smile, but everyone knew that she was completely serious.

* * *

Much to Townsend’s regret, her mother had planned a small celebration back at the house, and about two dozen relatives and friends of the family were waiting for them when they pulled into the drive. Internally, Townsend rolled her eyes, but when her mother turned and asked, "You don’t mind terribly, do you, dear? I wouldn’t have planned anything if I’d known Hennessey was going to be here." She gave her a warm smile and said, "Of course I don’t mind. Who would mind having someone go to the trouble of throwing her a party?"

* * *

Hours later, the last guest had been shown out, and Townsend tugged on her friend’s hand, leading her upstairs. "Let’s go to my room and talk all night," she said, making Hennessey smile.

"If my memory serves me well, you’ve said that many times ¾ and yet, you’re always the first to fall asleep."

"I haven’t had anyone to practice with," the blonde said. "How can I get better if I don’t work at it?"

"Good point. We’ll give it another try tonight." Hennessey tossed her arm around Townsend’s shoulders and followed her into the spacious, beautifully decorated room. "Boy, I remember the first time we came here for the weekend. I’d never been any place this nice in my whole life. I kept thinking back to what you must have thought when you visited my house."

Townsend gave her friend a generous hug. "I thought that I was in love with you ¾ and that any place you were was just perfect."

With a nervous chuckle, Hennessey pulled back and asked, "Mind if I put my jammies on? I’m not used to being dressed up all day."

"Sure. Let me show you to your room. Do you prefer the blue or the green décor?"

"Blue. Definitely blue," Hennessey replied. "I like the view from that room."

"So do I. I would have chosen that one, but the morning light hits it far earlier than I used to choose to rise." She shrugged and said, "Maybe I should switch if I’m going to be here for a while."

Hennessey opened her bag and took out a faded Harvard T-shirt and a pair of loose-fitting, gray, athletic shorts. "Be right back," she said, ducking into the bath. Moments later, she reappeared, and Townsend handed her a hanger for her dress.

"You looked lovely today," the younger woman said. "I’ve only seen you in a dress once or twice, but you look wonderful in them."

"I don’t mind getting dressed up, but I don’t do it for pleasure ¾ only when the occasion calls for it."

"Window seat?" Townsend asked, already knowing the answer.

"Absolutely." The dark-haired woman climbed onto the wide seat, smiling when her friend handed her a few pillows.

"I know you like to be comfortable," she said. "Wait right here. I’ll go put my pajamas on, too."

Townsend was only gone a few minutes, and when she sat down, Hennessey reached over and wiped a speck of toothpaste from the corner of her mouth. "Missed some," she said.

"I was in a hurry. I’ve only got you for a few hours, and I don’t want to waste a minute."

"I wish I could stay longer, but I just can’t swing it."

"I understand. School has to come first. And Kate, of course. How did she feel about your coming?"

A tiny frown settled on Hennessey’s face. "She wasn’t overjoyed about it, to be honest. She had a weekend off ¾ the first one in months ¾ and she naturally wanted us to spend it together. I’m not sure if she would have minded any other weekend, but ¾ "

"Oh, Hennessey, I don’t want to cause trouble in your relationship."

"No trouble, I promise," the larger woman said. "The timing just wasn’t great. Kate won’t be angry by the time I get home; she was just disappointed."

"Well, I can’t say I blame her. Her schedule sounds horrible, and yours isn’t much better."

"Hers is much worse. I don’t think people realize how hard medical school students work. It’s no picnic."

"How much time do you spend together?" Townsend asked.

"That depends on how you categorize it. We’re in the same room quite often, but we’re usually both studying or reading. We usually have one afternoon a week where neither of us absolutely has to be doing something else."

"One afternoon? You can’t be serious!"

"Oh, I am serious. She spends more time at the hospital than she does in class now. She only gets one day off a week, and sometimes that’s when I have a deadline. It’s been tough ¾ very tough ¾ to make time for each other."

"Hasn’t that hurt your … relationship?" Townsend asked, trying not to pry.

"Yeah, of course it’s harder this way. But that’s what you get when you partner with a med student. Believe me, Townsend, it will only get worse. We’ll be lucky to see each other at all when she’s a resident."

"Is it worth it?" Townsend asked, her voice soft.

"Yeah," Hennessey said immediately. "I love her, Townsend. I love her, and I’m supportive of her ¾ just like she is of me. The next eight to ten years are going to be hard, but we’ve learned that we both have to do what we want ¾ what makes each of us happy. I’m sure she’d like it if I were there to tend to her every need when she isn’t busy, but my work is as important to me as hers is." Hennessey adjusted herself, plumping her pillows up to better support her back. "Here’s how I think of it. Some couples can be each other’s entrees. Their lives revolve around each other. It’s not like that for me and Kate, and it probably never will be. We’re both independent women who are very motivated and driven. We’re more like the condiments in each other’s lives. We provide spice and flavor ¾ not the whole meal."

"And you like being a condiment?" Townsend asked, looking suspicious.

"Hey, I won’t lie to you. There are times that I want to be the entrée. I had a bad cold earlier this year, and Kate was on a forty-eight hour shift at the hospital. I wanted her to sit by my bed and read to me and then make me soup and tea. But I had to take care of myself. I didn’t like it one little bit, but that’s the way it is."

"But isn’t that what being in a relationship is all about? Being there for each other?"

"Yeah, sure it is. But that’s not all it is. It’s also about giving each other the space that you need to fulfill your dreams. That’s where we are now." She gave her friend a sad look and said, "They say that you can’t have everything in life, and I’ve come to realize how true that old axiom is."

"Is it enough for you, Hennessey? Are you happy?"

"I am," the larger woman said without a bit of hesitation. "I wish I had more of her, but the little bit I get is well worth the time we have to be apart. She’s an extraordinary woman, Townsend, and I love her and respect her and admire her. Those are all very significant parts of a relationship."

"Do you still … love me?"

Hennessey’s face softened into a warm, affection-filled smile. "Of course I do. I always will. I … think I've finally gotten to the point where I'm able to love you platonically," she added. "It took me a long while, but I think I'm there."

"I hope so," the blonde said. "I don't ever want to come between you and Kate."

"You won't," Hennessey assured her. "Kate and I are permanently partnered. We're both committed to being together for the rest of our lives, which might not be too long if she keeps working herself to death!"

* * *

They continued to talk until their throats grew dry. Together they snuck downstairs to get something to drink, but wound up with ice cream instead. "I don't know why, but ice cream tastes better out of the carton," Hennessey decided, tapping her spoon against the rim of the container. "It's more indulgent somehow."

"What do you two do for meals? Do you cook for each other?"

"No, not very often. I love to cook, but I don't take the time to do it for myself. Every once in a while, I'll make a nice meal if we're both free on a Saturday night or Sunday afternoon, but I could count how often I've done that on one hand."

"And you're okay with that?" Townsend asked.

"No, I don't like it," Hennessey said. "But there are sacrifices we have to make for each of us to get our degrees. That's just one of them." She gave Townsend a lopsided grin and said, "Don't even ask me about my sex life."

Wincing, Townsend asked, "That bad?"

"Well, it's not that we never make love, it's just that Kate's usually in the mood when she's been on duty for thirty-six hours. It's one of the ways she likes to relax."


"So … that's usually at 2:00 or 3:00 a.m.," Hennessey said, laughing. "We have sex ¾ I'm just half-asleep."

Townsend patted her friend's hand and said, "Don't complain. I'd rather have it at 2:00 a.m. than not have it at all."

Nodding, Hennessey said, "I shouldn't have said that, bud. I know it's been hard for you."

"Yeah, it has been, but I think I'm finally ready to let go and start dating. I'm going to Europe with my mom for a while, and when I get back, I'm going to dedicate myself to finding someone who is completely indifferent to her creator of choice."

"Aw, there are some religious people who don't have to leave the country for two years," Hennessey said, smiling.

"I'm not taking any chances," Townsend insisted. "No devout Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, pagans, witches or devil worshipers." She laughed at herself, saying, "If I take out a personal ad, it's gonna be a quarter page long."

"You don't need to take out an ad," Hennessey said. "I know twenty women at Duke who'd love to go out with you."

"Hey, I've got money," Townsend reminded her. "I'll fly 'em in!"

* * *

"So, what are you planning on doing in Europe?" Hennessey asked when they went back upstairs.

Townsend looked away, a glimmer of indecision on her face. "Uhm …"

Hennessey reached out and touched her arm. "I don't mean to pry, baby. You don't have to tell me."

Giving her friend a thoughtful look, Townsend said, "I don't think she'd mind if I told you." She smiled and said, "My mom is checking into a chemical dependency unit in Switzerland. She told me that she's so impressed with my recovery that she can't ignore how her addiction to pain-killers is dulling all of her senses." Her smile grew wider and she said, "I've never been a positive influence on anyone, Hennessey. It makes me feel great."

Hennessey reached out and drew her into a warm hug. When she pulled back she said, "You've influenced a lot of people. I've been to meetings with you where I've heard you tell your story. I know that many, many people have been encouraged and strengthened by you. Plus, you've been a positive influence on me for years. Just because I didn't have a problem with alcohol, didn't mean I wasn't screwed up. You've helped me make a lot of changes, buddy."

"Not as many as you've helped me make," Townsend said.

Hennessey extended her hand and said, "Let's call it a draw and agree that we're both saintly, okay?"

Townsend gave her a playful whap with one of her pillows. "Don't say the ‘s’ word in my presence! Too religious!"

* * *

From: Townsend Bartley <> Sent: July 20, 1999
To: Hennessey Boudreaux <>



Well, I'm home, and I wanted to thank you again for writing to me so often when I was in Europe. I love Switzerland, but it was pretty darned lonely to be there for over two months. The only time I saw my mother was on Sundays, when family members are allowed to come for group meetings, but I needed to be there for her. I've been in rehab before, and I know what it's like to be ignored on visiting days. Luckily, my father came to visit twice, and my mother's sister, Julia, came for a week. Julia and my mom have been on the outs for years, but they've managed to get closer since my mom isn't using. It seems that Julia had been on her for years to admit that she had a problem, and my mom didn't want to hear it. It's nice to have my aunt back in my life; she's a nice person, even though she's a little new age for my tastes. By the way, shouldn't new age be old age by now? <bg>

Mom is doing well, and she's determined to go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting every day for at least ninety days. I plan on going with her for a while. Luckily, I can relate to almost any kind of compulsive behavior, so I should get something out of the meetings as well <s>.

I have what I think is good news to relate <s>. Apparently, Jenna has been trying to contact me for over a month. She didn’t leave a message when she called, but the maid mentioned that a young woman called every week while I was gone. Knowing that Jenna would be the type to not leave a message, I called her, and she admitted she was my phantom caller <s>.

She’s back from the Philippines and ready to return to college. The great thing is that BYU didn’t admit her, so she’s going to go to Utah State in Logan. You might wonder how it’s good news to be dinged by a school. Well, Jenna tells me that she was rejected mostly because of her essays. The little devil intentionally screwed them up so she wouldn’t have to go to school with the Mormon majority <bg>. She said all sorts of blasphemous things on her essays – like how she was questioning her Mormon faith, and that being in the Philippines had shown her that living in a Mormon community wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

Luckily, she tried hard on her applications to the University of Utah and Utah State. She’s decided on State because they have better skiing <s>, and it’s two and a half hours from her parents. She claims that she wants to be as far away as she can so that she can live more openly.

Here’s the good news: she wants me to come to Utah to live with her! I was stunned as you might imagine! I thought she was going to give me the heave-ho as soon as she got back, but she swears that she was unable to be any more open in her letters because her roommate questioned her constantly about why she didn't have a boyfriend back home. Apparently, you're viewed with suspicion if you don't have a boyfriend, but if you do have a boyfriend, you're not supposed to be sexual with him. Not too much pressure on the wedding night, huh? <s>

Anyway, she claims that she loves me more than when she left, and that the last two years have only served to convince her that being in a lesbian relationship is right for her. I hope with all of my heart that that’s true, Hennessey, and I think the only way to find out is to go to Utah. I don’t have any firm plans of my own, as you know, but I want to take some more writing courses. I suppose I can do that in Logan as well as anywhere, right?

So, we’re going to meet up in August and rent an apartment. I’m pretty excited (Okay, I’m very, very excited!), and I hope you’re excited for me. As you know, I tried my best to move on last year, but I never met anyone who appealed to me as much as Jenna did. If we can work out some of our issues, I think we can make it. Wish me luck, buddy!








* * *

From: Hennessey Boudreaux <> Sent: July 29, 1999
To: Townsend Bartley <>


Hi pal,

Well, this is a week of unexpected surprises! I just got back from a long weekend with my grandparents – and I came out to everyone! I stopped first at camp and had a long talk with MaryAnn – as a kind of warm up. Then, on to Beaufort. In order, I talked to: my father, then my grandfather and then my grandmother. Yes, I took the easy route, but you’ll be glad to know that none of them tried to strangle me <lol>.

Actually, Daddy and Granddaddy didn’t have much to say one way or the other, and since I guessed that would be the result, I chose them to be first. By the time I got to Gramma, I’d told three people and was beginning to feel like an old hand. She wasn’t happy about it, by any means, and she’s not ready to have Kate come visit again, but when I left, she told me that she loved me as much as ever. That’s all that matters to me.

I know it will take the three of them some time to get used to this, but at least I’ve taken the first step. I know I’m at least three years behind, but I wasn’t ready until now. I guess I should have gone to see my momma, but she’s recently moved – or been dispossessed – and no one knows exactly where she is. I’m sure I could have tracked her down if I’d tried hard enough, but I wasn’t in the mood for a guilt trip. I’m poorer than I’ve ever been, and I’ll be damned if I’d give Momma my last few dollars, so the visit would have been painful for both of us.

Anyway, I’m happy that I got it over with – now I’ll just have to spend a few years getting them used to it <s>.

Enough about me; let’s talk about you. I’m very, very happy to learn that you’re going to make another effort to be with Jenna. I care for her a lot, and you know how much I care for you. If you two can make each other happy, you’ll be making me happy, too.

I hate to think of you all the way over in Utah, but with my schedule I guess I couldn’t have come to Boston to visit you very often, anyway. Let me know your plans and how I can best stay in contact with you.






* * *

From: Townsend Bartley <> Sent: August 29, 1999
To: Hennessey Boudreaux <>


Greetings from Utah!

This isn’t the best place in the world to get a drink, but Logan is a very pretty spot!

We’ve been here a week and managed to find a nice apartment. You’ll be glad to know that it’s a two bedroom, and we’re making the second bedroom a guest room. It’s available any time for you, stretch.

After getting settled, and getting our utilities turned on (note new e-mail addy), we decided to investigate a little. Jenna’s never been here before, so it’s a new experience for both of us. She’s so darned happy to be back in the U.S. that she’s like a kid in a candy store <s>. I don’t think she realized how wonderful this country was until she left it. Life is like that sometimes, though. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone. I’m glad she has her country back – and I’m glad I have her back.

We started our exploration of the area with a long-ass hike up Naomi Peak. It’s a four-mile hike, rising to an elevation of ninety eight hundred feet. I was amazed at how easy it was for me. I guess all that running has paid off, huh? Jenna’s in great shape, too, although she’s lost a lot of weight. I liked her baby fat, but she’s just as pretty as ever. She’s a lot more muscular – but mostly in her legs. Walking her ass off all over the Philippines saw to that <s>.

Anyway, we walked up this craggy trail, and we were the only people there. I was amazed to see miles of wildflowers stretching across the meadows: lupine, columbine, mountain daisies and other stuff that I don’t know the names of <g>. It was warm out, and we had such a magnificent view that we sat right down in the middle of this wildflower-rich meadow and drank some of our water.

Sitting there on that hill, I looked at Jenna and was stunned by the love I felt for her at that moment. This wasn’t about lust, it wasn’t about sex, it wasn’t about attraction. It was love, Hennessey. I realized that I love her enough to do anything to stay with her. I wasn’t sure of her before, but she seems so much more mature, so centered now. She seems to know what she wants, and – much to my delight – she wants me.

We stayed in the meadow for a long time, kissing and holding each other. I couldn’t hold her tight enough, Hennessey. Damn, she means so much to me! Some other hikers came by, and I was astounded when Jenna didn’t freak out. We stayed right there, and she kissed me again – right in front of other people! Now, that’s progress!

On to academic matters, now. Jenna will be taking a full class load, and I’m taking two classes. One is at Utah State, and it’s an upper division creative writing course. The other is a little more touchy-feely <s>. It’s at a local place that offers writing workshops, and I’m taking a class in how to find my creative voice. It might be bullshit, but I’d really like some help in learning how to vent some of my feelings in a creative fashion. I’ll let you know how it goes.

I know your classes start soon, so I’ll send good study vibes your way. I hope you and Kate get more time together this year, but I know that’s unlikely. I suppose you have to make the most of every minute you have, stretch, and I know you’re up to the task.

Anyway, it looks like we’re both in good shape for a change, huh? You’re out and you’re proud <s>, and even Jenna’s out to strangers on a hilltop in Logan. Let’s hope the good times keep rollin’.



p.s. You're the only person I'm giving this e-mail address to. I need to be able to talk freely with you, and I don't want to have to worry about Jenna reading my mail. She's not a snoop, but things happen.




* * *

From: Hennessey Boudreaux <> Sent: November 30, 1999
To: Townsend Bartley <>


Hi there,

First, I want to apologize for being such a horrible correspondent. I don’t know where the time goes, but by the time I have a minute to myself, I fall asleep. You know how I need my eight hours, and there aren’t many nights that I get that. Having Kate working such ridiculous hours doesn’t help much, ‘cause I try to stay up to spend a little time with her if she’s supposed to be home before 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. Usually, of course, I’m sound asleep on the couch, and I don’t even know how I got into bed when I wake up the next morning <s>.

I do have some good news, though. After many, many, many hours of discussion, Kate has decided on her specialty. It's not her first choice, but she's decided to go into psychiatry. She’ll have a regular schedule and be able to be home for dinner every night. We’ll even be able to start a family – something we both want to do. She'd prefer to go into something a little wilder <s>, but she agrees that we need to have time together to make our relationship work. I am so thankful that she's willing to make a sacrifice like this for me – it's a very clear sign of how committed she is to our partnership.

The bad news is that until she finishes her residency it’s gonna be brutal. Sometimes it’s hard – very hard – to keep our eyes on the prize, but that’s our only option. There’s no way to do this in an easier way, and it means so much to her that I’d never dream of complaining. The poor thing is always tired and stressed out, and she’s working with a resident who seems to delight in humiliating her – so it’s been very rough for her, too. Every time I feel like I have too much to do, I look at her – sitting at her desk after twelve hours at the hospital – working to make sure she’s prepared for the next day. I know people think that doctors make too much money, but giving up eight years of your life should be worth it financially! Boy, don’t I already sound like a doctor’s wife? <s>

I love Kate, Townsend; you know I do. And one day we’ll be able to spend all day lazing around our big, expensive house <bg>. I can put up with an awful lot to make her happy, and I hope this turns out to be exactly what satisfies her. I know I’d resent her if she tried to interfere in my professional life, so I’ll never do that to her. We can only be happy together if we’re each happy individually.

I don’t know what your plans are for the holidays, but if you have some time, I’d love to have you come to Beaufort for a while. Kate is going to Europe with her parents for ten days, and they very generously offered to take me with them, but I need to spend some time with my grandparents. You’re probably going to be with Jenna, skiing all over Utah, but if by chance you have a few days – I’d love to have you. Jenna’s welcome too, of course, but I don’t know how she’d feel about spending her vacation with me. Please be sure to tell her that I really do like her and would love to see her again.

Let me know, buddy, and again, please forgive me for being so self-absorbed.

Love always,





* * *

"Damn, Hennessey, I forgot how much I love it down here." Townsend tightened her lightweight coat around herself and reached for her friend’s arm, wrapping her hand around it. "I also forgot how chilly it can be at this time of year."

"It’s been five years since you were here for Christmas," Hennessey reminded her. "Although I do not know where the time went. It seems like it was just a short while ago."

The younger woman nodded reflectively. "In a way it does, but it seems like a lifetime as well. We’ve both been through a lot since then, haven’t we?"

"Yeah, yeah, we have." Hennessey grasped her friend’s hand and held it gently. "One thing hasn’t changed, though, and that’s how totally comfortable I feel with you. Every time we get together, it seems like it’s been just a few days since we’ve seen each other."

"That's the nicest thing," Townsend agreed, smiling warmly. "So, since you’ve been such a poor correspondent, I want you to fill me in on everything that’s happened since the last time we were together."

"Damn, that’s been since summer. My memory isn’t that good!"

"Hey, we’re going for a long walk on the beach. We’ve got nothing else to do, so spill it, Boudreaux. I know you’ve got a mind like a steel trap."

"Yeah, I guess I do." Hennessey took a deep breath, which Townsend could hear even over the gentle roar of the sea. "I didn’t tell you the whole truth about why I’m here."

"Huh? Aren’t the people who fed us breakfast really your grandparents? Wasn’t that good-looking guy your daddy?"

Laughing softly, Hennessey nodded. "Yeah, they’re the same old bunch, but what I didn’t tell you was that Gramma didn’t want Kate to come home with me. Kate’s parent’s came up with the European trip just to provide us with an alternative."

"Ouch!" Townsend didn’t say another word; she merely gripped her friend’s hand a little harder.

"Yeah. Things were pretty tense around the apartment for much of this month. You know," she said thoughtfully, "I try never to talk about the problems we have ¾ I don’t think it's fair to Kate or to you. But I’d like to talk about this one just to get some feedback."

"Sure, babe. You know I’ll help if I can."

Hennessey reached into her coat pocket and extracted a covered elastic band, spending a few moments pulling her hair back into a ponytail. "I’ll never get a comb through this mop," she said, shaking her head. "Okay, here’s my position. See if it makes sense."

"I’m all ears."

"My gramma is more important to me than I’ll ever be able to express. But she’s an older, hard-headed woman, and frankly, she’s more than a little prejudiced. Luckily, she’s not antagonistic to racial minorities, but she’s intolerant of religious, cultural and sexual deviations from what she considers the norm. I’m not going to be able to change her mind about lesbianism in the near future. In fact, I doubt that I’ll ever be able to do that. But that will not stop me from loving her and spending time with her. I owe her my life, Townsend, and that’s a debt I’ll never be able to repay."

"I know that, sweetheart," Townsend said. "I understand your perspective, but I’d like to hear Kate’s, too."

"All right. Kate has never had to struggle with being out ¾ until now," Hennessey said. "She’s not taking it very well, and I think this thing with Gramma is making it worse for her."

"What is she struggling with?" Townsend asked.

"Her advisors have made it clear to her that being out at the hospital will hurt her career," Hennessey said, wincing as the words left her mouth. "She’s not at all happy with that assessment, and it’s been wearing on her. Most of her classmates know, but the attending physicians don’t, and she’s afraid to let the resident she’s assigned to find out. She’s getting a taste of what it’s like to be in the closet ¾ and she hates it more than you’d believe."

"Oh, God," Townsend sighed. "I thought Duke was pretty progressive."

"It is," Hennessey said. "I’m completely out, and no one blinks an eye. But it’s a different culture in medicine. There are some very conservative guys at the medical school, and it’s vital that Kate impress them. I think she feels like she’s compromising her principles to play the game ¾ and that’s why she’s so intolerant of my gramma. It’s bad enough when you have to play this game professionally ¾ she thinks our families should support us totally."

"And that’s not gonna happen."

"Not for a good, long while," Hennessey agreed.

"So, what does Kate want you to do?" the blonde asked.

"She wants me to tell my gramma that we're a pair. We come home together, or we don't come home at all."

Townsend stopped dead in her tracks. "Hennessey! You could never stop seeing your grandparents!"

A slow, crooked smile settled on the older woman’s mouth. "I know I couldn’t. Thanks for knowing that about me."

Grabbing a handful of her friend’s jacket, Townsend asked, "Are you saying Kate doesn’t know that about you? How could she not?"

With a slight furrowing of her brow, Hennessey shook her head. "She knows, but it’s more of a conceptual knowledge. She doesn’t understand it on an emotional level. She truly believes that when someone loves you, that person loves you exactly as you are. And if you’re not loved that way, it’s not genuine love."

"Oh, Hennessey, anyone can see how much your gramma loves you. Anyone!"

Shaking her head a little more forcefully, Hennessey said, "Not Kate. She’s always had such support ¾ such complete support ¾ that she doesn’t understand that most people can only offer conditional love. She truly doesn’t understand it, Townsend, and it’s caused a lot of problems for us. She’s hurt that I chose to be with my family instead of her, and I’m hurt that she can’t see my perspective."

"Damn, I can see why this has been hard for you," the blonde murmured. "It sucks."

"Yeah, it does," Hennessey agreed. "But there’s one good thing about it. Kate loves me unconditionally, and we’re both completely confident that we’ll get through this. It’s a problem, but it’s not fatal."

"God, you’re lucky to have that confidence," Townsend said, wrapping her arm around her friend’s waist and hugging her tight.

* * *

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hennessey asked as they drove down a narrow, curving lane in a neighboring country.

"No, I’m not, but if you want to see your momma, I’d like you to do it while I’m here. I know how hard it is for you, baby, and I want you to be able to talk to me about it afterwards."

"Thanks." Hennessey gave her friend’s knee an affectionate squeeze. "That means a lot to me."

They drove on in silence, Hennessey obviously tense and a little irritable. She quietly cursed the numerous potholes in the poorly maintained street, and Townsend knew that cursing didn’t come naturally to her old friend.

At the end of the street, Hennessey parked the car and peered around, checking addresses. Letting out a sigh, she opened the door and said, "Let’s go."

"Are you sure this is right? The note said 715 and that house is 713 and the one next to it is 717."

"This is right," Hennessey said, a grim tone in her voice. She walked up the long driveway that lay on the south side of 717, occasionally kicking one of the surprisingly large rocks that littered the way.

Townsend looked at the piece of broken picket fence that someone had hung by chicken wire from one of the eaves of the garage, marked with a free-hand painted legend ¾ 715. She shuddered, the feeling rattling deep in her soul, and jogged a few steps to gently hold Hennessey’s hand.

A seriously out-of-plumb door on the side of the garage beckoned them, and Hennessey knocked soundly. In moments, her mother came to the door, looking very happy to see her daughter. "Hi, Momma," the tall woman said, giving her mother a warm smile. "You remember my friend, Townsend. She came with me when I visited you a few years ago when you lived over on Riggs Road."

"Oh, sure," the woman said, with no recognition whatsoever dawning in her muddy brown eyes. "How are ya, honey?"

"I’m well," Townsend said, smiling on cue. "How have you been, Maribelle?"

"Just fine, fine and dandy." She gave Townsend a wide smile, and with regret the younger woman noticed that a few more teeth had gone missing since their last encounter. "Why don’t you two sit down …" Maribelle looked around the garage, noticing, as if for the first time, that there was only one chair resting on the oil-stained concrete floor. The décor was rounded out by a double bed mattress and box spring ¾ also on the floor ¾ a small, painted dresser, and the type of space heater that the fire department warns against every Christmas.

"No, we’re fine," Hennessey said. "It was quite a drive to get out here. Why'd you leave Beaufort?"

"Oh, you know how expensive everything is over there. If you don't play golf, there isn't a decent place to live."

Hennessey nodded politely knowing that the only time her mother would live near a tended lawn was when she was laid to rest. "So, how do you get around?"

Maribelle shrugged her shoulders and said, "Lemont has a car, so it’s no trouble."

"Lemont?" Hennessey asked.

"Oh!" For some reason, Maribelle looked nervous. "He’s … he’s the fella who owns the house. Real nice old man. You’d like him."

"I’m sure I would," Hennessey said, rocking on her heels with her hands in her pockets. "Uhm … what exactly did you want to see me for, momma?"

"Oh, just to catch up. It seems like we never see each other any more."

"Well, it has been a while," Hennessey agreed. "But I don't get home very often."

"Right." Maribelle nodded, pausing just an instant. "Now, you’re in school for how much longer, baby?"

"A year and a half ¾ then I have to write my dissertation. But I don’t need to be in Durham to do that."

"Right … Durham. I’ve heard it’s nice there," she said with a wistful sigh as if she were speaking of Florence or Paris.

"It is. I miss home, though," Hennessey said. "They’re both Carolinas, but the southern one will always be where my heart lies."

"That’s cute," Maribelle said, letting out a little giggle. "They are both Carolinas. I never thought of that." At that moment, Townsend became dead certain that Hennessey’s intelligence did not come from her mother’s side of the family. "So, what do you do for fun, honey?"

Hennessey gave her a puzzled look, having not had her mother ask her a personal question in years. "Uhm … I study a lot, I teach a couple of undergraduate courses ¾ "

"Don’t you have a boyfriend yet?" Maribelle gave Townsend a wry look and said, "I don’t know what she’s waiting for. I had an eight-year-old by the time I was her age."

"No, Momma, I don’t." She hesitated for a moment, and Townsend could just see her mind working. Obviously deciding that she had nothing to hide, Hennessey said, "I won’t ever have a boyfriend, Momma. I’m a lesbian. I have a lover named Kate who’s in medical school at Duke. She’s part of the reason I decided to go to school there."

The woman’s eyes grew wide, and she looked like she might faint. "A doctor? You shacked up with a doctor?"

Blinking slowly, Hennessey said, "She’s in medical school. She won’t be a doctor for two more years, and then she’ll be in training for another four years or so."

Shaking her head slowly, Maribelle breathily said, "A doctor."

"Yep. A big, ol’ lesbian doctor. Just rollin’ in greenbacks." Hennessey was clearly more than a little annoyed, and Townsend was afraid she was going to cause a scene.

"You’ve always had the breaks, Hennessey," the older woman said, looking jealous and a little resentful.

"Yeah, my life has been sweet." Maribelle didn’t notice the derisive tone, and Townsend wasn’t going to be the one to point it out, so a strained, lengthy silence reigned in the musty room.

Maribelle’s head cocked as if she’d heard a sound, and she said, "Wait right here, honey. I’ll be back in a second." She scampered across the floor before either woman could say a word, and in a few seconds she was speaking with someone in the driveway.

"Havin’ fun?" Hennessey asked, giving her friend a grim smile.

"No. I don’t come to see her, and I don’t expect to have fun. I’m here for you."

Now a genuine smile settled on the handsome face. "I have to remind myself that no one makes me come here, and if I’m gonna do it, it has to come from a loving place ¾ or it’s a waste of time. Thanks for reminding me of that, pal."

"Anytime. That's my job."

The door opened, and a man with a forty-six inch waist and thirty-eight inch pants entered. He was wearing a tight, whitish, short-sleeved polyester dress shirt and a narrow tie. "Pensoneau," he said, extending his hand. "Are you Hennessey Boudreaux?"

"Yes." She gazed at him quizzically and started to ask who he was, but he got another question out before she did.

"Is Maribelle Pikes your mother?"

"Yeah …"

"Are you receiving funds from a relative other than your mother?"

"What? No, I’m not, but why do you care?"

"Look, kid, my job’s hard enough. Don’t be diddlin’ me. Are you a full time student?"

"Yes, but ¾ "

His voice grew louder, and he persisted, "How many years of school do you have to complete?"

"Two, but ¾ "

"That’s all I need. Thanks." He turned and left the room, and as Hennessey started to go after him, Townsend grabbed the pocket of her jeans.

"Is it really worth it?" she asked quietly, holding on tight.

She felt the tension in the material ease, and Hennessey shook her head. "No, I suppose not." They heard the man start to walk back down the drive, and Hennessey went out into the warm sun to stand next to her mother. She watched the man get into his vehicle, clearly marked "State of South Carolina." With a lightning quick move, Hennessey snatched an envelope from her mother’s hand and quickly turned her back when the older woman tried to snatch it right back. Moving and dodging the flailing hands, Hennessey pulled a check from the envelope in the amount of $352.00. She turned around and held the check in front of her mother’s eyes, asking in a very unkind tone, "How did my presence here today help you get this?"

"That’s none of your business, Hennessey. Now just run along. You’ve got a long drive back."

Placing both thumbs and forefingers on the center of the check, Hennessey threatened to tear it in half. "You’d better tell. They won’t cash it if it’s been taped together."

Townsend walked out and came up behind her friend, putting her hand on her back, feeling coiled tension and heat.

The move distracted Hennessey just enough to allow Maribelle to grab the check from her, and she shoved it into her shirt. "I told you this here’s none of your business, young lady. Now, just get into that fancy car and take off!"

"Fine, I’ll just call the Department of Social Services. I’m sure they’ll be glad to investigate a little fraud."

"You don’t know what you’re talking about," Maribelle scoffed.

"When a state employee asks me questions about my parentage, my support and my education ¾ I’m involved. And if I’m involved, you’re committing fraud. So I do know what I’m talking about, Momma. I suggest you tell me the truth, or the state will."

"Fine!" She said this so forcefully that a spray of spittle flew out of the gaping hole where a bicuspid should have been. Hennessey wiped her face and stepped back, leaning against Townsend, who put an arm around her waist. "I don’t know why it matters to you, Miss High and Mighty North Carolina, but I’m starving to death down here. Somebody told me about a way to get a little help, so I took it."

"How am I involved?" Hennessey asked.

"I had to get a birth certificate saying you were sixteen," the woman answered, unashamed. "I knew the man was coming today, so that’s why I had you come over."

Hennessey laughed, despite her anger. "How stupid was that guy? I look older than I am!"

Her mother gave her a look that indicated just how gullible she thought her daughter was. "I had to slip him a couple of Jacksons to get him to go along. Everyone’s a cheat," she muttered.

"Thanks for telling me the truth," Hennessey said. "If that is the truth." She took Townsend’s hand and started to walk down the drive.

"Are you gonna tell them?" Maribelle demanded.

Stopping in her tracks, but not turning around, Hennessey said, "No, I’m not gonna tell them. How long can you get the benefits?"

"Two years. The cheap motherfuckers only give you two years."

"Fine. Thanks." She continued to walk, gripping Townsend’s hand tightly.

"Promise you won’t tell!" Maribelle called after them.

"I promise," Hennessey replied, her voice breaking as tears slipped down her cheeks.

* * *

An hour later, they were sitting on the dock at Boudreaux’ Shrimp Shack, and Hennessey was lazily skipping stones across the calm waters.

Townsend’s voice broke the silence. "How ya doin’, buddy? Feel like talking?"

Hennessey smiled at her friend and said, "Sorry I’ve been so withdrawn. She … she never ceases to amaze and disappoint me."

"I know that, sweetheart, I really do."

"I’ve been thinking about it," Hennessey said, "and I’ve decided I’m going to have Kate help me make up a spreadsheet and figure out how much money my mother's stealing. I’m gonna pay it all back ¾ no matter how long it takes me."

"I knew that would be your instinct," Townsend said. She slipped her arm around Hennessey’s waist and gave her a squeeze. "You’re such an honest, mature woman. Are you absolutely certain you and Maribelle are genetically connected?"

"Yep. Daddy would have noticed," Hennessey said, laughing softly.

"Well, this is one more example of why you justifiably love your gramma so much. She and your granddaddy are the people who’ve made you the woman you are. If you’d been left with your momma, you’d be helping her figure out ways to defraud the government rather than ways to pay the money back."

"Yeah, she's certainly not a person I'd like to model my life after." She sat quietly for a few minutes with Townsend letting her set the pace of their conversation. "You know," Hennessey began, "this is part of the problem for Kate. We have a difficult time communicating about things that are more emotional than logical."


"Yeah." Hennessey skimmed another stone across the water. "Kate is very logical, very linear. She likes to look at the benefits and drawbacks of a situation and then decide how much of her time and energies to invest in it. I understand that's how she is," Hennessey said. "I really do." She put her hands behind her, resting them on the dock, then leaned back, looking up at the sky for a moment. "But she doesn't seem to be able to do the same for me."

Townsend lightly scratched her back and asked, "How do you mean, baby?"

"I don't mean to make Kate sound cold, because she isn't," Hennessey said emphatically. "She's kind and generous and very supportive of me ¾ as long as I'm not doing something that she thinks will only hurt me."

"Ahh … so part of it is that she's protective of you," Townsend said.

"Yeah. That's all of it, really. She wouldn't care if I was just wasting my time ¾ it's my time to waste. But she doesn't understand why I'm connected to people who hurt me, people who don't understand me, people who don't support me completely."

"And I'd guess that your mother is at the top of the list of people who hurt you."

"Yeah, she's pretty much number one," Hennessey agreed. "Kate wants me to set a limit with my grandparents to coerce them into accepting our relationship, but she wants me to cut my mother off ¾ permanently."

"Oh, Hennessey, you could never do that," Townsend said, giving her friend a warm smile. "You'd visit your momma in jail if she took a shot at you!"

"Thanks for understanding," Hennessey said, laughing softly at her friend's example. "That means a lot to me."

"I understand how you feel about your family and your home, Hennessey. I also know that the two are interwoven for you. This land, these people, this ocean." She threw a stone as far as she could and added, "The combination is your home. You’ll never be happy if you’re too far away from any of them."

Hennessey didn’t say another word. She rested her head on her friend’s shoulder and cried for a long while with Townsend slowly trailing her hand down the shaking back.

* * *

The next day they went out to the nature preserve and spent the better part of the morning walking around, trying to identify the profusion of native plants and animals. Hennessey did significantly better at the game than Townsend, but the blonde was so happy to see her friend in such a relaxed, upbeat mood that she didn’t allow her competitive spirit to interfere.

"You seem like you feel pretty good today," Townsend said. "No hangover from yesterday's visit?"

"No, not really," Hennessey said. "When I'm not with her, I have the ability to summon my empathetic side and see how tragic her life really is. It's just when I'm with her that I feel like strangling her." She gave her friend a sad smile and said, "You know, you sure didn’t have much to say about why you were free to come down here. Is everything going okay with Jenna?"

Shrugging, Townsend said, "Yeah. At least I think it is. She needed to go home, and she didn’t feel comfortable taking me. She was sure her family would notice how we act around each other ¾ and I’m sure she’s right."

"And … that doesn’t bother you?"

"I wish she would come out to them and get it over with, but she’s making progress. I’ve made it my business to meet some lesbians in Logan, and she feels comfortable socializing with them. Heck, we even hold hands in public ¾ on deserted streets," she added, laughing. "I can’t make her go any faster than she’s comfortable with ¾ even though I wish I could."

"I wish Kate felt like you do," Hennessey said. "She’s not the most patient person in the world."

"Honey, she’s gonna be a doctor. If you wanted patient, you should have gone for a poet or a sculptor!"

"Yeah, good point," Hennessey said, chuckling. "I guess she can’t have every trait that I want. Heck, I’m sure I fall short in a lot of areas for her, too."

"We all do," Townsend agreed. "It only matters that the important traits are there."

Looking at her friend just long enough to make her slightly uncomfortable, Hennessey asked, "Does Jenna have everything that’s important to you?"

Thinking about her answer for quite a while, Townsend finally nodded. "Yeah. She does. She’s kind and generous and thoughtful and patient with me. She rarely says a bad word about anyone, and she makes it a point to help others. She’s been a very good influence on me, and I’m grateful for that." She smiled impishly and said, "And she’s a hell of a kisser. Very few miles on those sweet lips."

"There’s a glimmer of the old Townsend," Hennessey said, laughing heartily. "I miss your raunchier side sometimes."

The blonde shrugged, coloring a little as she did. "Jenna’s such an innocent woman that I intentionally tamp that part of myself down. I guess I have to be away from her for a few days to let it come back out. Sometimes I feel like the reformed town prostitute living with the preacher."

"I hope you know that I love every part of you, Townsend ¾ old, new, mature, immature. Every part of you is just right."

"Thanks. The same goes for me. It always has, and it always will."

* * *


Continued in Parts 15 & 16

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