AUSXIP Interviews Julia Voth
by Lori Boyles / MaryD
06 January 2010
Voth, the star of the movie
Bitch Slap, took time out of her busy schedule to talk to AUSXIP reporter Lori Boyles
recently. Julia talks about her role as "Trixie", how
her modeling career helped her with her first movie role,
her first love scene, her first onscreen kiss and what's in
store for Julia after Bitch Slap.
You’ve been a
model since you were in junior high. Has it been hard to
make the transition from modeling to acting?
It has actually been easier
then I thought. A lot of people think just because you’re a
model you’re going to be a poor actress, but I think that
modeling has helped me to feel very comfortable being ‘in
Character’. I found, as I studied acting, that I approached
modeling like an actor would a role. Creating a character to
portray a role/image/or idea is something I’ve been doing
for years. I guess that started because I needed something
to occupy my mind during long shoots.
“Bitch Slap” is your first movie role. What did you do
to celebrate when you heard you got the part?
I celebrate with Dom.
Your “Bitch Slap” character, “Trixie”, is described as a
stripper with a heart of gold. What research/training did
you do for the part?
Bitch Slap is known for the
intense fight scenes and although my character doesn’t have
much for fight scenes (I leave that up to the other girls) I
do get physical in my own way. I have two great dance
scenes, which I did train for and I’m very proud of. I don’t
think I have ever felt sexier then when I was up on the
stage dancing in my 7-inch platform shoes to Prince. It was
very empowering. And as for my research I did watch the
classic exploitation films like Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!.
But I based my Character more on Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen
Prefer Blondes then anything else.
Do you wish that you would have gotten to do the more
intense fight scenes that Erin and America did?
When we were on set I was
tempted to just jump in. But like I said I got to do
something that no one else got to. However, I am promised in
Bitch Slap 2 I will have my share of fights.
You had your first onscreen kiss and sex scene in “Bitch
Slap”. What was that like for you? Was it easier with your
onscreen partner being a woman?
Bitch Slap was my first
for a lot of things actually. I checked a bunch of things
off my list… Work on a green screen? Check! Wield a sword?
Check! Dance in high, high heels with Angels wings on my
back? Check! And yes, First onscreen kiss which happened to
be a girl… But I think it was the same because I approached
it in my character and not me. That is what she needed, so
it was an easy decision and was necessary to the story.
How many weeks were you in the desert filming and what
was the most difficult part about filming there?
We were there for almost
four weeks. The most difficult part would have to be working
against the elements. Sandstorms blowing into your eyes and
mouth and your hair sticking to your lip-gloss and glycerin
and fake blood and then delivering a good performance. It
wasn’t easy, but I think I realized I was capable for much
for then I thought before.
I thought Rosalida Medina did a great job with the
costume designing for the movie and there was some crazy,
sexy costumes, especially for “Trixie”. What was your
favorite/not so favorite outfit and why?
Rosa is amazing, I love
her! I think my favorite is one you don’t actually see in
the Theatrical version (its on the Directors cut). It’s
Carbarella, complete with headlights and a license plate
that says ‘1 Hot Ass’ on it. And I don’t think I have a
least favorite, the least comfortable for be Dominatrix, the
boots killed me.
When you look back on the whole “Bitch Slap” experience,
what has been the best part of it for you so far?
Everything. Making it was
amazing, and everything after has been a whirlwind.
What one word would you use to describe each of your
America- Extraordinary
Erin- Smart
Michael- Inspiring
Greg- Brilliant
Minae- Hilarious
Zoe- Kick-Ass!
You’ve done a number of the conventions out there to
promote “Bitch Slap”. Have you enjoyed them and the fan
response to the movie?
The fans have been
wonderful! It’s the first time in my career that I’ve had
this kind of recognition, and I have to say it’s really
great. I am so thankful to have so many people embrace
something I’ve worked really hard on, and also are so
excited about everything else I’m doing too. It’s part of
the whirlwind I was talking about.
You are the face of “Jill Valentine” in the “Resident
Evil” video games. Is that weird playing the game and seeing
yourself in the video game?
I am so proud of Resident
Evil and my involvement in it. But yes, it is very weird to
see yourself in a game and ever weirder to play it. I
actually couldn’t. It was too real, then I would be killed
and it’s always in some gruesome way. I’d rather just sit
back and watch someone else do it and hopefully they don’t
kill me, LOL.
I’ve heard that there will be a “Bitch Slap 2”. Anything
you can tell us about that?
My lips are sealed.
What can you tell us about your poetry? Have you finished
your book yet?
It’s a book of dark poetry
currently titled ‘Catharsis’. It is it raw, real and the
most honest thing I have ever done. It is primarily written
through my own experience and struggles in my life. I write
to move forward and to bring out my true self, to take the
next step in the path that we all try to create to make
sense out of the world that we are in and make sense of the
life and history we came from. We all struggle with the same
issues in our lives but to acknowledge them and accept them
it the first step to finding a release.
Any other projects you would like to mention?
I have a few things in the
works but nothing I can talk about just yet. But I will keep
everyone posted.
Photo Credits:
▪ Photos of Julia for this interview are courtesy
of Julia Voth
▪ Photos of
(Bitch Slap) are courtesy of Epic Slap, LLC
Interesting Links
Julia Voth Myspace Page
▪ Official
Bitch Slap Facebook Page
▪ Official Bitch
Slap Site
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