What was your first thought when you saw the
title...”Bitch Slap”?
I thought to myself, I hope it's my character
who gets to bitch slap someone.
Then you read the script…what did you think?
A movie about beautiful, strong women who kick
butt? Count me in.
Were you familiar with the classic B-Movies and
the exploitation films from the ‘70s that “Bitch
Slap” pays homage to? Were you a fan?
I remember watching these classic, exploitation
films when I was younger and thinking to myself,
"I wanna be that when I grow up." Who knew my
dream would come true!
What was your favorite thing about getting to
play “Kinki”
Doing a role that requires me to speak in
only Japanese!
Did you have any input into the character? Was
there anything specific that was the “Minae
touch” in the character?
Rick, Eric and Brian were fantastic and
really gave me artistic freedom to play with the
character. I added a sweet touch to Kinki that
made her more unpredictable and surprising. You
weren't sure whether to you were going to get
the sweet Kinki or the meaaaaaan Kinki.
“Bitch Slap” has amazing fight scenes and “Kinki’s”
weapon of choice is the yo-yo. Any special
training for you with the yo-yo?
Absolutely! I took lessons from this
young, college girl who was a yoyo champion in
2007. She basically showed up to our private
lessons with her school backpack in one hand and
a James Bond like suitcase in the other. She
opened up the hard shelled suitcase and
displayed 25 different types of yoyo for various
tricks. She was amazing! I had no idea there
was this whole under ground culture of yoyoers.
Did you come to truly appreciate the yo-yo after
Oh yeah. I think I want to learn a whole
routine with costume and music and compete in
the National Yoyo Competition. Perhaps, I
should go as Kinki!
Did you enjoy doing all the fight scenes? What was it like
having a fight scene with Zoe Bell.
This was my first time fighting in a movie and
to have the privilege of learning from the best,
Zoe Bell ..... well, it was a fantastic
experience to say the least. And better yet!
To have a fight scene with her and for my
character to kick her butt? Wow Weeeeee! I can
actually say that I kicked Zoe Bell's arse! Who
can actually say that??? ;)

If you could play another character in ““Bitch Slap”,
which one and why?
I would want to play Hot Wire. He is
always yelling out loud exactly whats on his
mind and there must be such a freedom in that!
;) However vulgar that may be!
What one word would you use to describe each
of your co-stars:
Erin - Smart as Hel! Get it? ;)
Julia - Soulful - She is deep and has some juice
going on. I love it.
Michael - Sexy. Even with a speedo on.
Greg - Ballsy. He goes for it, whatever he
does. I really admire that.
- Perfect. I would marry her in a minute if I were a guy.
Zoe - Fearless. When I grow up, I want
to be Zoe Bell.
I’m also familiar with your work as “Kelly”(doctor,best
friend, and sex addict) on “General Hospital”.
What would happen if “Kelly” and “Kinki” ever
met up?
I think it would be a pretty good stand
off. Kinki with her lethal yoyo and Kelly with
her gynecological equipment....who knows who
would win?!?

have to mention your website with “GH” co-star
Kent King(minkonline.com)
and the videos of both of you facing your
fears(loved them by the way). You did the
trapeze and skydiving… what’s next? What
brought about the 2 of you doing this?
Kent and I were both at a place in our lives
where we were ready to let go and grow. We
believed in order to let go and be free, we
needed to step up and face whatever was getting
in our way or scaring us. So we wrote a list of
all of our fears, however big, small, strange or
emotional and decided to face them. The
experience has been sooooo rewarding for us that
we decided to create
minkonline.com to inspire women to
push past their boundaries and conquer their
fears as a means of empowerment. Upcoming fears
are body image, diving in a swimming pool, math
calculating, bungee jumping and shark diving.

Any other projects you would like to
I am currently
working on the OLD NAVY SuperModelquin Campaign.
I am the voice of Amy, the Asian mannequin who
isn't very bright. It's been so much fun working
on the project.