S1E11 – The Black Wolf Xena Warrior Princess
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Xena (Lucy Lawless) goes undercover to aid a group of rebels following a shadowy leader known only as the Black Wolf.
Scribes and Scrolls: Written by Alan Jay Glueckman. Directed by Mario Di Leo. Edited by Jim Prior.
Passing Parade: Robert Trebor (Salmoneus), Kevin J. Wilson (Xerxes), Nigel Harbrow (Koulos), Emma Turner (Flora), Ian Hughes (Diomedes), Maggie Tarver (Hermia), Ross Duncan (Parnassus), John Dybvig (Brigand (Ox), Jonathan Bell-Booth (Chief Guard), John Pemberton (Arresting Guard), Tim Hosking (Blacksmith), Colin Francis (The Grump), Adam Middleton (Black Wolf Sympathizer), Jimmy Rawdon (Father)
Story So Far: Xena gets thrown into jail to help free a childhood friend who is part of a band of freedom fighters.
The blacksmith working hard on a cold horseshoe. He obviously charges by the hour.
When Gabrielle outs herself to Salmoneus as Xena’s friend. The usually surly Warrior Princess’s expression dissolving into one of undeniable pride was priceless.
“Would you believe Xena taught me to swing a sword and embroider linen for my wedding chest?” Yes. And no.
“I threatened all of you Black Wolves individually and as groups, it made no difference…” Koulos having proving totally ineffective as a general’s second-in command tries boring his prisoners into submission with long-winded ineffectual exposition.
Koulos: “Guards!”
Xena: “Oh don’t bother the dears, they’re sleeping.”