Through Rain, Hail and Shine…
Xena March in Support of WGA Strikers
Before I left for Burbank to join the Xena
March, Steven Sears sent me an email about the latest update
about the march to alert everyone on the weather conditions. I
remember writing back to him saying… “through rain, hail or
shine, we will be there” – I didn’t think it would literally
come true that all three would come true!
What an amazing day – over 200 Xenites
walked up and down the footpath outside NBC studios. To see all
those fans support the writers – WOW! I had marched with
Katherine Fugate and the other writers (including a lot from
Army Wives) before the Xena march a few weeks before for a
couple of hours – it’s hard work and very tiring. I did it only
for a few hours and when I was there it was sunny and nice but
they writers do it in the rain and the cold. We got a taste of
how hard it was during the Xena March.
I hope our show of solidarity buoyed the
striking writers – I know how much it meant to Steven, Katherine
and the rest of the Xena writers and Rob Tapert (look for a
message from Rob to the fans to be posted shortly)
For those who couldn’t make the march, you were there with us in
I had such a great time and that day
created some very special memories:
- Meeting up
with my friends – that is one of the best things ever!
- Rob in his
outfit of bright blue coat, hat and boots…. Only thing
missing was his fishing gear! He is such a generous and
thoughtful man - Thanks Rob!
- Steven
with camera clicking away and beaming from ear to ear at the
turnout – this was Steven’s baby.
- Renee
attempting to take a photo of me while I was taking a photo
of her – had to stop so she could take a photo… it was one
of those moments that was just priceless – . She walked that
line for a couple of hours through the rain, sun and cold.
You are simply amazing Renee. She is a class act.
- Meeting
Liz and RJ, Chris, Vicki and TJ - putting faces to names
I've known for 11 years..wow.
- Rob giving
me grief over my dognapping escapade....
- Adrienne
and her wonder dog Taz…another class act who stayed for two
hours marching along. I was tempted to dog nap but since
I’ve been outted as a dog napper, my cover was blown. Taz
was safe.
- Katherine
beaming at the turn out and feeling very proud of the
Xenites (watch for her thoughts about the march and the fan
turnout in the upcoming AUSXIP video interview)
- My
“peeps”…there are some very interesting photos that will
never see the light of day…EVER. It was going to be the
template for the rest of the con weekend. More about that in
my con report…<g>
- Hail Hail
Hail…it came down and it was bloody cold. Who knew LA could
get so cold…I thought it never rained in Southern
- Myself,
Lida, KT(J) and Cindy huddling under my Washington state
souvenir umbrella protecting our cameras….who cares if we
got wet…those cameras were safe! LOL! We are such geeks.
- Have I
mentioned how cold it was? The rain pelted down, it would
stop for a bit then the sun would briefly making an
appearance to lull us into a false sense of security then it
would rain. The hail followed…have I mentioned the cold? <g>
It was a superb two hours and I've never
been happier to stand in the rain - this was fandom support at
it's best.
The writers (of all shows who are at the
Disney gate) wanted me to tell you all how much they appreciated
the goodies that the Xena fans have provided. They couldn’t
stress enough how much it meant to them. Having 200+ Xenites
marching with them gave them an even bigger appreciation of this
I was so proud to be a part of this fandom.
Thanks guys!