Warlord Daze

by Katrina

The following is a bit of alternative fiction based on certain characters from the Xenaverse. It is not meant to infringe on anyone else's rights. If you don't agree or disapprove, please go read something else.

Xex Alert: Oh Boy Is There. .This is a Prurient Piece with a Bit of Kink (If you hear the crack of the whip then you'll be in the neighborhood) Proceed at your own risk. :)

Remember, this is all meant in fun!

The villages and townships agreed right away and had sent the requisite tithe and then some. Xena knew something was up when the first group arrived. It was comprised of men and women, staunch, determined farmers and ordinary folk turned warriors. The leader of the group bowed to her, gave her a scroll written by their town council and informed her that they were honored to join the cause and that they'd brought as many supplies as their township could afford. It was more than she'd asked for; weapons (they had a blacksmith who once forged for the Athenian army) , food, medicals (lots of herbs in their area), clothing, and a few extras that made life easier (games, wine, and a hidden stash of pornographic scrolls).

It was *Not* the reaction she'd been expecting, though her face didn't show it. She accepted graciously and handed the responsibility of the group over to the one of her new lieutenants and the supplies to the supply master. She planned on having a serious talk with Gabrielle.

That didn't happen. Instead she got involved with a bit more planning, then the next group arrived not too much later. She was more prepared. Again, the mixed genders, the willingness which was almost a serenity, and more supplies than she'd demanded. This time there were trained warriors among the villagers, along with a scroll that described the strengths that might be useful to the Warrior Princess. The scroll also indicated the understanding of the necessity that the villages be combined under one banner and there were a few suggestions relating to an idea of a certain Amazon Queen about the possibility of creating a council of villages that, while under Xena's direct rule, also worked as something similar to a functioning democracy, much like the Amazon nation. Xena's lips had quirked at that. The scroll ended with a wish for their success and safety, health to Xena: Warrior Princess and respects to the Queen of the Amazons. By the Gods! she was going to have that talk with Gabrielle.

There was a second scroll from the same village from the town's seer. She tucked that one into her belt to read for later. It might prove useful, but she doubted it was something meant to be read in front of the soldiers. The second group was remanded into the care of another lieutenant.

Xena wasn't sure what to think. Instead of frightened farmers coerced into service, she'd just received willing soldiers ready to battle. True, they weren't quite soldiers yet. They would have to be trained, but they were willing. She wondered if they understood what was ahead, or if they were there just because Gabrielle wrote a rousing note.

At first she questioned why they would send women, then she realized that Gabrielle must have indicated who and what she was in whatever letter she'd sent along with Xena's demands. She wondered if the bard had made any changes in her instructions or if she'd left them and had simply added to what the warlord proposed. She flexed her hand and smiled. She would get to the bottom of this.

Though that didn't happen either, at least not for a little while. Instead, things got busier. Apparently Gabrielle had written a Lot of notes. People and supplies kept pouring in. There were a few villages unable to send supplies right at that moment, but they committed to helping create a supply line.

Just *What* had Gabrielle written in those notes?

Gavin, the warlord, sent a messenger who arrived late in the evening the second day after receiving the letter. He'd ridden hard and fast, stopping only to rest his horse before moving on. His was bone weary, but he managed to make it to the warlord's tent. He unresistingly surrendered his weapons to the quiet Amazon guarding Xena's tent, then stepped in, once he was called.

Though he was tired, his mannerism was professional and he snapped to attention once he spotted the warlord. She was unmistakable. Long dark hair, wild blue eyes, feral smile, strong sensual body. Oh yes, she was beautiful. She was also deadly. Gavin warned him not to fool around.

He noted that her table was covered with parchments. A slave stood in close proximity to the incredibly beautiful woman, embraced at the waist by a strong arm. The fair skinned, golden-red haired woman's face held both an intensity of expression and an impassivity. They'd been discussing something important, he was sure. They were both beautiful, he decided, lovely in their own unique way. He'd heard that the warlord was insatiable. It was supposed to match her passion in battle, which was godlike. Looking at the slave, he could see the woman had a passion of her own. It marked her face with a kind of glow, but he wondered if they matched.

The warlord waited patiently. She was used to people staring, though this fascination with Gabrielle was a new thing. She supposed she would get used to that too. "Xena, I'm Itylus, Gavin's first. He wished that he could be here personally, but was unable. He was injured during our last foray. He wished me to give you this." The first reached slowly into his pocket, withdrew an amulet and stepped forward. "He said you would remember."

Xena took the amulet from across the table. It was heavy, round, and gold with intricate carvings. She tossed it into the air and caught it in her palm. Then she grinned. "When will he be here?"

"The healer said give them a seven day, but Gavin's stubborn, I'd guess five."

"Xena? Mistress?" The slave spoke thoughtfully, carefully, "Where is Gavin located? It might be better if he stayed where he's at since you plan on moving soon anyway. Depending." She pointed at the map, her finger making a line. Gavin wasn't far from the indicated border.

Itylus used his own finger to show the camps location. "We are two days, hard riding, from here." He tapped his index finger lightly on the map. Xena nodded.

The slave spoke softly, "It would be better to have him meet you there, than have him ride so far, and it would give him the full seven days, wouldn't it?" She'd caught that look of worry on Xena's face. Gavin must be a good friend or at least a good ally.

For the suggestion the bard got a really good squeeze and a sparkly grin, "Yes. That will work." The dark woman glanced at Itylus, "Get some rest. Take the full day tomorrow. I'll have a scroll ready for you the next dawn." She smiled softly and pressed her fingers against the object in her hand, "It will be good to see Gavin again." She smiled winningly, then she handed the amulet back. The first bowed in respect, then left the tent. The last words he heard from the Warrior Princess, as he stepped out into the night, were, "Now, Gabrielle, where were we?" Then there had been a laugh so erotic that it had thrilled up his spine and made him wonder if, despite his tiredness, he would actually be able to rest that night.

He glanced at the guard who looked so stoic and wondered. She must have read his mind, for she smiled serenely, shrugged and shook her head, "You get used to it." He looked back at the tent with wide eyes.

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