A Bard in Need Update - This Fandom ROCKS!
Yesterday I posted about Gina's call for help and yesterday the Xenaverse responded as you guys always do: with generosity and a willingness to help a fellow fan. I LOVE this fandom! There is no other like it.
Here is Gina's latest update:
"Yesterday morning when I posted that update, I felt as low as I ever felt in my life. Nothing lay before me but darkness. I went to work and then, when I came home and turned on my computer, checking my email, I was overwhelmed by the response. I mean, I've said that before, overwhelmed, but I don't think I've actually experienced it until yesterday and continue to, today. I can't express how light I feel. I haven't stopped smiling (and crying a bit, but it was from joy.) I've always known I've had the best readers... no, the best friends in the world. People reached out with such kindness and such caring. They helped me at a time when I need it most, and never expected. I can't thank you enough, I don't know how (except possibly to rededicate myself to my writing with a vengence and get more stories out this year for J/7, for Bad Girls, and yes, as many novels as I can come up with.) I will be answering every email though it will take me some time.