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22 January 2015

Greater Good: Petition to Hold Congressional Oversight Hearings On The Pandemic Rise Of Cancer


Jeff Schubert from Filmnut has a petition and I think it's important (especially for those in the US). Please take a moment to read, click on the link and (if you are in the US) please sign.

It’s time to collectively move from awareness to action in the fight against cancer.

After 44 years, and millions and millions of deaths, we are still way to far away from President Richard Nixon's 1971 promise that we would find a cure for cancer in 5 years.

Cancer diagnosis' has soared to a catastrophic 1 in 3 for women and 1 in 2 for men. This is not a theoretical or hypothetical threat. Cancer is real. It is growing. Why? Cancer is not a contagious disease. What is in our medicines, food, air, hygiene and cleaning products, and lifestyle, that are contributing to this epidemic? What are the most effective curative, and preventative strategies? And can we better educate our children?

We need transparency and we need to demand congressional oversight hearings for....

Read More and Sign