I tell ya every time I write this down I crack up laughing. Let me explain. Over the course of the weekend I was interviewed twotimes by Mr Shatner and his crew (special shoutout to David and Kevin who I've come to like very much) and once on Thursday before the con met with David and Kevin at lunch.
William Shatner and his crew were filming a documentary on Xena fandom and the Final Convention. I believe they were truly surprised by us and how we are so different from other fandoms.
I'm not quite sure how this happened but I agreed to be interviewed and figured it was once. Mr Shatner had other ideas. It was intense and quite honest - he is a very good interviewer.
I had surreal moment number 4829283 when Bill stopped me mid morning and asked me if I wouldn't mind telling my story - the story most of the Xenaverse has never heard about. I won't go into it now but when Mr Shatner asks me to come into my room and view my gadgets...you can't refuse :)

Bill's assistant came first and was totally confused until Maria cracked. LOL! Then Bill turned up and turned the tables on the gals! That was just hysterical.
In the picture...the brown haired blob behind them is ME :) LOL! For what it's worth...Maria is 5'7 and Jo is 6'2...
We then got stuck into the interview and it lasted for an hour...a very intense hour. The whole experience was something I will never forget.
William Shatner Wants To Come To My Room To Check Out My Gadgets...<giggle> I actually had to admit that I was in trek fandom in addition to the Xenaverse. What a surreal experience that was.
I believe the doco will be shown at film festivals and eventually on DVD in 2013.