This is a shocking news - Baermer, beloved bard with extraordinary talent has passed away unexpectedly. It is great sadness I report that we lost another one of our Amazon sisters.
Please take a moment and remember Baermer. Here are her stories. We lost a fantastic woman and an incredible talent.
After Horde
Book I: Precursors (Alt)
Book II: Poteidaia Under Siege (Alt)
Book III: The Mytilene Debate (Alt)Book IV: The Battle of Amphipolis (Alt)
Eleusinian Mysteries (Alt) NepentheanOf Amazons, Warriors, and Revenge (Alt)
Old LessonsRead The Fine Runes (Alt) The Peloponnesian War Series
Slumbering Bard The Lost Tribe of the Kapru Kali (Alt)The Personal Scrolls of Gabrielle, Bard of Poteidaia (Alt)
The Princess and the Popper (Alt)