Logo created by Lucia

This site was created and is maintained
by MaryD
The page is best viewed in a resolution of 800 x 600
APRIL 2000
22 April
- Updated Season 5
Rumours Section
- Okay you all remember that rumour about a "well known
fanfic writer" who will be writing for Season 6 of Xena? Well I can officially
announce the name of that "well known fanfic writer"...Melissa H. Good. Yep one
of my favourite authors is now writing for my favourite show :-) Break out the bubbly.
Break a leg Missy! You worked for it, you deserve it - Good on you, Missy!
This news is fantastic to Missy's many fans and I know the MerwolfPack (The Missy Good Fan
Club) will be celebrating the news. If I wasn't excited about Season 6 before I am
ecstatic with the news now - this put the icing on the cake for me personally.
Updated Season 6 Episode Rumours and
The Bard's Corner
21 April
A few days ago I asked you all to keep T. Novan in your
thoughts as she was quite ill with cancer. TN has received so much mail for which she is
very grateful and it would take her weeks to answer. I've added an open letter from T.
Novan to everyone
Click here for the letter
The Bard's Corner
General Announcement:
If you are a fanfic addict (like me) and want to discuss it
along with talking with the bards who produce the work there is a great list called
Ex-Guards at onelist.com (egroups.com now). Come and join in the fun - it's a great group!
You can subscribe by sending an email to: ex-guards-subscribe@egroups.com
or by going to the web site at http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/ex-guards
20 April
AXIP News Archive
The Bard's Corner
Bards of the Xenaverse
ROC File Updates
Xenaverse News
- For those that missed Lucy on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno -
the rm file by Steffan is back up and there is also a clip of Leno's monologue about Lucy
giving birth http://forevaxena.tripod.com/videos.html
Many thanks to Cindy for the link
- Game Boy has announced that it is about to release a Xena game
on its platform (on the Amazon.com site it is rumoured that the release is to take place
sometime in May this year). Confirmation of this game release news can be gained by
visiting: http://www.nintendo.com/gb/gamelist.html
Many thanks to Argeaux for the news
- People Magazine is taking a poll on the 50 Most Beautiful
People. Lucy or Renee are not listed but you can vote by going to the web site at
Many thanks to Tessa for the alert
- For Alexandra Tydings fans - she will be at the Big Easy Comic
Con in New Orleans on Memorial Weekend (US). The author Anne Rice will also be in
attendance. And for those of us old enough to remember..Timmy from Lassie and Batgirl from
the original Batman series will be there as well.
19 April
Season 5 Episode
- Added two promo transcripts for Looking Death In the Eye - one promo was for the
episode and the other was a combination of previous episodes and LDITE
Lucy News
- All Lucy's appearances in New York have been cancelled due to
a change in plans which means the appearance on The Conan O'Brien Show, Regis & Kathie
Lee and the Mets baseball game where she was to pitch the first ball will not go ahead.
Sharon Delaney reports that Lucy is fine and it's just that plans have been changed.
- Added news about the release of I'll Make You Happy - a movie
Lucy and Michael Hurst did together back in June of last year.
AXIP News Archive
- Monica Lewinsky loves Lucy Lawless according to that
wonderful and utterly untruthful rag The National Enquirer. Dear Monica - get in
line...there are millions of xenites in front of you :-)
Xenaverse News
- Bad news for Kiwi Xenites
The Dominion Newspaper in NZ carried a letter to the editor about a lack of Xena on kiwi
tv and this is the reply from the TV3 communications manager - click here for reply
Bard's Corner
I am quite pleased to announce the addition of Rescue
Warrior to The Bard's Corner. Her story The Suspect is just fantastic. A great read!
Multimedia Section
18 April
- The Simpsons episode which "guest stars" Xena (with
Lucy's voice) will be shown on Aussie TV on May 4. See below for a cartoon from The Sydney
Morning Herald. Updated AusNews
- Updated Season 5 Rumours
The ROC File
Season 5 Episode Guide
The Bard's
For those that have been following my Uber, In the Blood of the Greeks you can now download
the palm pilot version from Xena
Fan Fiction for the Palm Pilot site :-) That's so cool. http://members.xoom.com/xenadocs/maryd.htm
Cartoon Connection
17 April
Season 5 Screengrabs
- Added 174 screengrabs from S5 Episode #18 -
Antony & Cleopatra (Updated by Carol & Judi)
- Added screengrabs from the previews of S5 Episode #19
- Looking Death in the Eye (Updated by Carol & Judi)
- Added 2 special combined grabs from Judi that are taken from
the ending credits of Antony & Cleopatra. It's hard to tell if these pictures
are from LDITE or any of the other final episodes of Season 5. If you don't want to
be spoilt--don't go here
<g> (Updated by Carol & Judi)
The Bard's Corner
I am very pleased to announce a new addition to The Bard's
Corner - Power Chakram. Power's story Destiny's Dominion is an epic folks..and I mean an epic
and a great read! <g> There are 85 chapters. So bear with me while I add them
to the site. You won't be disappointed in this story - quite the adventure and X&G
find themselves in all sorts of trouble...Caeser is up to no good again.
AXIP News Archive
- There is a Lucy Interview in the Tele Star Magazine in French.
Now sure how old this is and since I don't read French...can't tell :-) All I know - it's
about Lucy.http://members.xoom.com/daxlaw/xena.jpg
Many thanks to Leonel - AXIP Newshound for the link
16 April
I want to thank everyone who has sent good wishes and vibes to Tonya Muir. I'm sure she
will appreciate all the good thoughts coming her way. Another bard, T. Novan is also in
need of your strength. TN is battling cancer herself. Why not take a moment to send TN a
note - I'm sure she would appreciate it. Her email addy is tnovan@aol.com
- she is a special friend of mine and a damn good writer.
Bard's Corner
I am very pleased to welcome a new addition The Bard's Corner
- Lariel
of the Xenaverse Interview Section
(Updated by Shari)
15 April
- Interview with Ted Raimi on the future of Joxer and what is
coming up in the next four episodes of Season 5. Don't read if you want to remain spoiler
Many thanks to KSATAA1 for the link
Lucy Media Alerts
- Changed dates for The Daily Show
14 April
Folks regarding Tonya Muir.
I've been told there is a list available if you would like to be kept informed of how
Tonya is - to subscribe send a message to For_Tonya-subscribe@egroups.com
Cathy will be able to send you an address on where to send cards and stuff - she can't
pass on messages and Ana from the MerwolfPack can send out any messages to Tonya.
Lucy Media Alerts
- Updated date for Regis & Kathie Lee Show
- Updated date for The Daily Show
- Updated date for The Rosie O'Donnell Show
- Added Westwood Radio Show to Alerts - see the Media Alerts
for time and date
- Updated Time for the Mets Game where Lucy will pitch the
first ball
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- I received this email yesterday from Blackstar Videos
Also released are more escapist superhero adventures from Xena:
Warrior Princess (Episodes 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10) as well as Hercules - The Legendary Journeys
1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 and sci-fi adventure in Farscape (Volume 1.3), the new series which is
fast becoming as popular as Star Trek.
To have a look at all our new releases, with links to DVD titles, go to:
Or, if you'd like to have a look at our Pre-Order Chart, then go to
13 April
This is a bit of a personal request. Tonya Muir is in
hospital undergoing some pretty rigorous cancer treatment. She has given us so much in
regards to her fanfic - please send her some good vibes and keep her in your prayers.
We're thinking of you Tonya! For anyone wishing to send get well cards and wishes to Tonya
- please send an email to CathyB to get the
addresses where you can send them to. Many thanks to Cathy for volunteering.
Season 5 Episode
The Bard's Corner
Bards of the Xenaverse
(Updated by Shari)
Xenaverse News
- The following is from an email I received from Chrissys.com
Congratulations to Lucy Lawless and her fans on her nomination for the Roswell award. The
Roswell is 100% nominated and voted on by the fans. Lucy Lawless was nominated for leading
Actress in a Sci-Fi/Fanasy series for her role as Xena. Fans can place their votes at Chrissys.com
- The Official Xena Site has an interview with Kevin Smith
available in Real Player format http://www.studiosusa.com/tv/xena/netshow/
Many thanks to Amy Z for that link
- Isreali Xenites have something to cheer about - Season 5 will
be starting on April 30, on Channel 2 and will air twice a week - Sunday and Wednesday at
5:00 pm.
Many thanks to Mikee PM for that news
- For Danielle Cormack (Ephiny) fans there is a real Player
interview with her on
12 April
Lucy Media Alerts
- Lucy will be on the Conan O'Brien Show which is in NY on 26
April 2000 at 12:35 am. For Aussies - the show is shown on Foxtel's Comedy Channel. Last
time she was on that show the dog puppet sang to her and wore breastplates!
The Bard's Corner
AXIP News Archive
- A few days ago I posted a news article claiming that tourist
bureau of New Zealand didn't think that Xena was a big drawcard to New Zealand. Jennifer
has received a reply from the Tourism New Zealand - click
here to read.
- Added article from The
Sydney Morning Herald about Channel 10 axing Xena, Hercules and Charmed
Xenaverse News
- French TV has removed Xena from their lineup and replaced it
with Beverly Hill 90210. The show was in the 4th season (and was only into episode 7) and
they axed it! So if you are a French Xenite and would like to protest. Here is a link to
the French Protest Page
Many thanks to Kattel for that news and the link
11 April
- For all those that have been asking me when the interview
with Renee from the Xpose #11 occured - just got word from the editor and he said that it
was conducted during the filming of Antony & Cleopatra which was in Feb or March this
- Archived 1 - 9 April 2000 what's new
- Updated Season 5 Rumours
Season 5 Episode
- Added interesting bit of info about Kindred Spirits from Josh Becker about the
ending of episode.
The Bard's Corner
I am very pleased to welcome back to The Bard's Corner -
Jules Mills and her Nanoverse Series.
AXIP News Archive
- Added transcript of a question from a reader about the
return of XWP to Aussie TV - Xena Fans Will Never Forget TV Week (Australia)
- There is a Xena cover of the April 8, 2000 Issue of "Le
Monde" and the article relates to Women and the vote. Click here for the translation
Xenaverse News
- Aussies: The Sydney
Morning Herald reports that Channel 10 have decided to show more locally produced shows
which means Xena, 7 Days, Hercules and Charmed will be axed.
- Belgium - Season 5 of XWP will start on Kanaal
2 - 4.20 pm from Saturday 22st, 2000 on (Original version with Dutch subtitles).
Many thanks to Martine for the update
- Bruce Campbell and Ted Raimi will be the guest stars at the
first Official Xena and Hercules Convention in New Orleans on June 3 and 4, 2000. They
will also be at the Saturday Night Cabaret. For more information please visit the Creation
Web site at http://www.creationent.com
10 April
9 April
- Channel 10 - the much maligned and rightly so - tv station
which doesn't air Xena (but should) has decided to air Hercules' 5th season. The show will
start Next Monday 10 April. No news on when Xena will be back. The bad news for NSW
viewers...we won't be seeing Hercules. We get Jerry Springer.
The Bard's Corner
Bards of the Xenaverse
(Updated by Shari)
- Shari has posted new interviews on the Bard's of the
Xenaverse Section
Lucia's Cartoon
8 April
The Bard's Corner
Folks if you haven't started reading this story - DO IT!
This is just so good. It's what Family Affair should have been about. Excellent story
telling and Excellent story. Highly recommended! Go to
Sinful's Corner on TBC for all the parts
AXIP News Archive

Mark Wyman from Visimag emailed me with some
interesting news! I added the news about the Xpose Special #11 with an interview with
Renee O'Connor. You can get a sneak peak into the interview at
Starburst #43 will feature the interview with RJ Stewart. The
interview is devided into a Cleo 2525 session and Xena session.

Check out the photo layout for Starburst #43! That will be
available soon. You can get a sneak peak at it by going to
- Playstation:News:Electronic Arts delivers a Princess to your
Playstation with Xena
- N64:Preview:Xena Warrior Princess: Talisman of Fate
- Playstation:Preview: Xena Warrior Princess
- N64:News: Television's Warrior Princess Arrives for N64
- Playstation:Review: Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle
Many thanks to Arianne
Barreto for the above links
7 April
- Updated Season 5 Rumours
Section with speculation about the last three episodes of Season 5.
- Added episode rating for Lifeblood - 2.9. The lowest of the
AXIP News Archive
The Bard's Corner
Lucia's Cartoon Connection
- Added "More Surprises!" to Page 4 of Lucia's Cartoon Connection
Xenaverse News
- The Ada E. Clegg school is having their annual auction on
Friday, April 7, from 4-8 PM and they have 2 autographed Lucy photos- click here for more details
6 April
Season 5 Episode
If you wish to attend Politically Incorrect with Lucy you can
(323) 575 4321 or or via email: http://abc.go.com/pi
They are taping the LL episode on April 13th for airing on the 15th.
Many thanks to Lida for that information
AXIP News Archive
- Here is a sneak peak at the upcoming Woman's Day
Magazine (NZ) with the Lucy segment. Transcript and pic up when I get the magazine.
- Starburst Special #43 will feature an in depth 8 page
interview with RJ Stewart and will feature a photo shoot with Xena and Gabrielle and
the three ladies from Cleopatra 2525.
Many thanks to John for the information above.
Xenaverse News
- The movie "For the Love of the Game" which was
directed by Sam Raimi was released yesterday in the US on video.
- The remake of the Love Bug with Bruce Campbell was released on
video in the US.
Many thanks to Jenn for that information
The Bard's Corner Updates
5 April
Lucy is in the current NZ Woman's Day (10
April) what has been described as "in a sexy outfit". Scans up soon
Many thanks to John for that alert
Lucy will be appearing on the show called
Politically Incorrect on the 15th April 2000 at 12:06 am. Check her guides for any time
change in your area
Many thanks to Jacqueline Jacob for the alert -
Updated Lucy Media Alerts
The Bard's
I am very pleased to announce that Kandis Glasgow has joined The Bard's Corner
4 April
The AXIP News
The Bard's
3 April
Added picture and transcript from FHM Magazine from the upcoming The 100
Sexiest Women in the World 2000. You can also vote for Renee in the FHM Contest!
There was a small Lucy Lawless article in
the NZ Woman's Weekly and some pics - scans and transcript up soon.
The Bard's
Xenaverse News
2 April
Today's Update has been brought to you by
Heart Palpitations R Us
we promise not to raise your heart rate..
unless you are reading a fanfic story :-)
The Lawless Files
I have started to redesign this section - I've done the main
page, Lucy in the Media and Who is Lucy sections.
The Bard's Corner
I was sent an email about a new award for
Exemplary X:WP Fan Fiction called The Swollen Bud Award
A new awards program designed to draw reader attention to
some of the very best in fan fiction based on the television series "Xena: Warrior
Princess" has announced its first set of winning stories. Click below to view
about about the award
A Xenite in Need..
If you are going to the Creation Con in Orlando on the Memorial weekend and do not
want to stay at the Delta Orlando there is another option. A number of people who stayed
at the Delta last year were not impressed with the hotel or the service they provided. As
a result, we made a group booking at the Radisson Twin Towers which is within walking
distance to the Delta. Cost per night is $85.00.
If you are interested in more information and details
on how to book:
1 April
Dealing with Donna Movie News
The Bard's
I've added two very talented bards to The Bard's Corner:
Marcella Wiggins & FlyBigD
Lucia's Cartoon Connection
MaryD's Artwork
March What's New

Fox and Panther
Print - click here to find out more about it