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31 August
AXIP News Archive
30 August
The Bard's Corner
My Little Corner
The ROC File
Xenaverse News
- The following is from Sheri of the Official Ted Raimi Fan Club
If you've ever longed to see Bruce Campbell and Ted Raimi bring their infamous
banter to the open stage, don't miss their live "Cabaret" show. Brought to you
by Creation Entertainment, hosts of the Official Hercules & Xena conventions, this
classic comedy routine brings to mind such legends as Martin and Lewis - but with that
Bruce and Ted flair! Thanks to the combined efforts of the actors' official websites, in
collaboration with The Fake Shemps Fan Site and Creation Entertainment, you can sample a
few special moments from the "Cabaret" right now, online. http://www.tedraimifan.com/cabaret.html
There will be clips posted at Bruce's fanclub site and the Fake Shemps site
shortly. Please keep checking back often! http://www.bruce-campbell.com
29 August
I am very pleased to announce that Brilliant Digital
Entertainment and AXIP have joined forces to bring you Xena Webisodes! There will be
weekly Webisodes for you to enjoy! [Click here to go the top of the page to
start watching Xena Webisodes]
US TV Alert
Xena Vs Ally McBeal - Celebrity Death Match -
September 1, 2000 - 12:30 EST on MTV
Many thanks to Linda Crist for that alert
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- Congratulations to Joe LoDuca for winning an Emmy Award!
out the Emmy Awards site for more winners. The live telecast of the major awards is held
on the 10th September.
- This is way cool - and quite a good resource. Xena Torres
has finished putting togethers the transcripts for Season 1 - 5. A lot of hard work has
gone into compiling these. Check them out at http://www.geocities.com/xenatorres
- At the recent Cherry Hill Convention, Ted Raimi was asked if
it was true that he was in the new Spiderman movie that brother, Sam Raimi, is producing.
Ted told the fans that it was just a rumour.
- The push is on from Xena Fans to see Season Seven. If you
feel the same way there is a petition now online where you join in with other xenites to
see a continuation of the show past Season Six
- For Hudson Leick fans - news from the SFX con in Toronto is
that Hudson may be appearing on Cleopatra 2525. There are no plans on her return to XWP.
Many thanks to Morrigan for the news
AXIP News Archive
Aussie Magazine Alert: Next
week's Australian TV Week will have an article on Lucy!
It seems to be the month for Kevin Smith to be in the
magazines in New Zealand! The following articles/links are from Kiwi Attic where you can
purchase the magazines as well.
- New Zealand Womans Weekly 4 September 2000 issue
This mag has a double page spread on Kevin and his relationship with
long-time friend Geoffrey Dolan who also stars in Lawless 2. Some cool
pics of KS........ Mag is US$5 + shipping
- New Zealand Womans Day 4 September 2000 issue
This mag has a double page spread on Angela Dotchin which also has a small pic of Kevin in
it. Further into the mag is also a pic of Angela and Kevin but the BIG surprise was a full
page pic of Kevin with his PIG!!!!!! yep you read right a pig! Seems Kevin is Mr December
in a calendar called Heart Throb.....(*more on that below) and this is the promo work and
the calendar shot also. Awesome pic very detailed Mag is US$5 + shipping
- New Zealand TV Guide cover full sized POSTER
As eluded to last week we did manage to get a small supply of TV Guide posters with Kevin
and Angela on the cover. These are extremely limited and very very hard to get as they are
sent to retailers then destroyed (criminal huh!!!) so we are indeed fortunate to get a
supply from TV Guide for distribution. The posters are MINT but come folded. These are
US$5 each BUT we will ship these FREE for you in a magazine order.
- Heart Throb Calendars
It seems Kevin has agreed to appear in the National Heart Foundation calendar (2001)
called Heart Throbs. We understand he is Mr December. Its a celebrity calendar issued to
improve heart health in New Zealand and has New Zealand Celebs with their own heart throbs
as its theme. Kevins heart throb is a PIG!!! He said he was going to pose with a sheep but
didn't think he could stand all the jokes........ (and a pig is better????) We have a
supply of these calendars ( arriving tomorrow) from the NZ Heart foundation and will
immediately scan these and load them to a web site for you. They tell me Kevin is on the
outside cover of the calendar as well as Mr December. The proceeds of this calendar go to
the National Heart Foundation to assist heart health in NZ. The calendars will be US$14.95
+ shipping. The calendar is full-sized 12" x 12". Again shipping is US$5 and
each second calendar we will ship free. A scan of the calender will be up on the Kiwi
Attic web site tomorrow
28 August
More great news for Aussies!
Channel 10 will be screening Xena EVERY DAY for 3
weeks during the Olympics at 12:00 noon starting September 11! They are putting on
non-rating shows during the Olympics. Season 5 will be screened! In addition Foxtel will
be screening Xena Season 1 and 2 starting September 1 every day.
26 August
My Little Corner has moved to a new site. It's now located
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
AXIP News Archive
Lucia's Cartoon Connection
25 August
I've been contacted by Tim Smith who is the Catalog Marketing
Manager at Universal Pictures Video Australia with the following EXCITING News for
February 2001 will see the huge Launch of Xena First Season
They will available of two episodes per tape for the recommended retail price of $18.50
from all major retail outlets.
There will be three volumes in February and then 2 volumes
per month every month until the end of the series!
Each tape will have 2 episode on them and from what I've been
told there will be some extra Xena goodies with the tapes.
If you have any questions you can contact Tim Smith, Catalog
Marketing Manager at Universal Pictures Video Australia at playbackoz@unistudios.com
Please be aware you can't purchase the tapes direct from Universal Pictures Video
Australia but from the retail outlets in February 2001.
24 August
AXIP News Archive
The Bard's Corner
One of my favourite and talented bards - Lena has now got her
own site! Go and have a look! Lena has also got her own egroups where you can keep updated
with her fanfic.
The following is from The Uber Abode Website (really cool
website which is a must see for any Uber fan)
Saturday August 26, 2000 at 5 PM PST (California),
Sunday August 27, 2000 at 12 noon AEST (Australia)
The Uber Abode will be hosting a chat with SX Meagher, the author of the "I Found My
Heart In San Francisco" Series. This will be held at Delphi.com. The address is
http://www.delphi.com/uberabode/ For information regarding this chat go to
Merchandise News
The ROC File
23 August
TV Alerts for Aussies:
E! News - 28 August 2000 at 8 pm will have a segment on
They are doing a Gay Icon story. I believe this is the AUSSIE version of ET and not
the American Version.
Staring from September 1 - TV1 will be showing Xena
EVERY DAY. So those with Foxtel - set those VCRs and catch the Warrior Princess in Season
1 and 2.
AXIP News Archive
The Web edition of TV Zone #130 is now online.
What does the magazine feature? It's a six-page retrospective on Season Five, with
quotes from RJ Stewart, Steve Sears, and Rob Tapert. Plus how Amazon High became
Lifeblood, Joe LoDuca on Lyre, Lyre..., and Harrison Ellenshaw on Fallen Angel's FX.
There's also a short rundown of what's known about Season Six
Aussie Xena News
- I have to wonder about Channel 10 and their programming
department after reading the latest letter from them. They still think the show is for
kids. Hercules was for kids. Xena was NEVER for kids - at least I wouldn't show it to my
kids if I had any. David Mott who is in charge of programming has blamed the producers as
well. [Click here to read a letter in response to the axing of
the show]
Xenaverse News
22 August
Xena Video News (in PAL for UK/Australian/NZ Xenites)
Blackstar Videos in the UK is going to be releasing two boxed sets of Season 2.
You can purchase Box Set 1 with episodes 1 - 11 for $70 (Australian) $92.57 (NZ) or
£27.99 (UK), $41.69 (US). Box Set 2 with episodes 12-22 are the same price.
Delivery is free worldwide.
To order Season 2 - Episodes 1 - 11
To order Season 2 - Episodes 12 - 22
The Bard's Corner
Little Corner
Xenaverse News
- The gang at New Xenaland are giving Xenites a virtual tour of
the locations XWP has shown in Seasons 1 - 5. The following is from Liz:
Come and see where they filmed such classic scenes as Xena and
Callisto face off in the meadow in Sacrifice (gee was it 1 or 2?), the creek where
Boadicea, Pao Ssu, Callisto, Borias and many more people slaughtered innocent bystanders.
Thelonius's finest work to date - he must have worn out a dozen pairs of tramping boots
getting these pics.
- This is a followup to the message from bookdaft about the
cancellation of the Dark Horse Xena Comic and a offer for free Xena Comics
[Click here to find out the latest about that]
18 August
I'm off to chilly Melbourne for the weekend so no updates
from me until Tuesday at the latest. Carol stephens@catskill.net
and Shari shaz@shaztilz.com will be available while
I'm gone.
The Bard's Corner
17 August
The Bard's Corner
Lucia's Artwork
- Lucia has drawn Little Dar and Kerry on a bike which is
absolutely beyond cute!
Added to the DakVerse Main Page Check it out!
Xenaverse News
- I'm not sure where this bit of news goes but here it is. Xena
has been cloned <g>
oink oink alalalalallalalala
It seems some enterprising scientist has gone when no one has gone before and cloned a pig
and the little oinker is called Xena. The little piglet has a dark coat but there are
rumours it has blue eyes (sorry couldn't resist). You can find out more on http://news.excite.com/news/r/000816/14/science-pigs
- Speaking of animals called Xena...the Wedge Tail Eagle that
was last seen flying the coup from Taronga Zoo in Sydney has escaped into the wilds and is
on the run..er..on the fly somewhere. It hasn't been seen in a long time..I guess Xena the
Eagle isn't going to land any time soon...
And now for something a little bit more serious <g

The Dutch Hercules/Xena fan club just published the second
newsletter of this year. It includes an exclusive set report, an interview with RJ Stewart
(excerpts were published here - click here to read),
an interview with Missy Good, Lucia's Little Adventures and other articles.
- The following is from Bookdaft about the Dark Horse Xena
Some of you may be aware that Dark Horse
will be canceling the comic XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS with the fourteenth issue. I had
promised I would report back the reason the comic is being canceled. Frankly,
the problem appears to be low sales, especially in the last 3 months, coupled with a
high licensing fee. Dark Horse has tried several options to reduce their costs or
increase their revenue, including negotiating a reduction in the fee, but nothing
has worked so far.
[Click here to find out how you can save the Dark Horse
16 August
The Bard's Corner
LJ Maas has been awarded an Outstanding Merit Award by the ex-guards mailing list.
LJis an outstanding bard and it's well deserved! The artwork is by Lucia.
AXIP News Archive
The Official Xena Magazine #11 is now available in the UK.
Cathy O'Grady has the transcripts of some of the articles.
The following is from Claire Stansfield's Official Web Site
Do you have a question you'd like to
ask Claire? Want your curiousity quenched? Well, now's your chance! Please e-mail me your
questions at aida@xenawp.com and in the subject line
write {Claire Question}. Please use good judgement when asking these questions. Lets have
fun with this. ;)
15 August
Episode Guide
I'm (Carol) very pleased to announce that after alot of hard
work by Judi and myself, we have added screengrabs for all of Season 1 & Season
2. I've also moved all the links for Seasons 4 & 5 to the new episode guide to
hopefully make it a little easier to navigate between the episodes. Judi is
diligently working on Season 3 now, so we hope to have all episodes represented with
screengrabs in the new AXIP Episode Guide.
AXIP News Archive
Mark Wyman from VisiMag - the people that bring you TV Zone,
XPose and other magazines emailed me with the latest news about TV Zone. The cover is
below of TV Zone #130. This issue will be available in the UK later this week. If you wish
to preorder go to: http://www.visimag.com/tvzone
The Web edition with excerpts from the magazine will be up on their site on Friday. What
does the magazine feature? It's a six-page retrospective on Season Five, with quotes
from RJ Stewart, Steve Sears, and Rob Tapert. Plus how Amazon High became Lifeblood, Joe
LoDuca on Lyre, Lyre..., and Harrison Ellenshaw on Fallen Angel's FX. There's also a short
rundown of what's known about Season Six.
The Bard's Corner

Well the following isn't really a TBC addition but Gun Shy
did appear on TBC (and you can still read the online version). I am very pleased to
announce that Gun Shy by Lori L. Lake is now available to order from JHP! Folks I
absolutely LOVED this story from the moment I added it to TBC and now it's in book
form. I highly recommend it.
The DaKverse Page
14 August
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- According to Stirling Entertainment, "TV Zone # 130"
will be a retrospective season five Xena cover. Two other magazines to feature Xena
prominently, due to be released in October and December "Xpose # 51" and
"Starlog #281", both supposedly having interviews, news etc. Also, they mention
that the Dark Horse Xena comics are possibly coming to an end with issue 14 being the
last. Also, new series 4 Xena cards being released by Rittenhouse by possibly January
- Also, interesting information about the TV guide issue that
Renee was in. Some type of 9th issue cover, large size version, released only in New York
with additional pictures and very collectible. Check it out
The Lawless Files
- Updated Lucy in the Media
Alerts page with a TV Alert - "Hercules and the Amazon Women" with Lucy
Lawless as Lysia, will be shown at 1:25 AM (CST), Friday, August 18th, on the TBS
Superstation (US).
The ROC File
- Updated ROC Media Alerts with
TV Alert for "Follow the River" with Renee O'Connor will be shown at 7:00 PM
(CST), Saturday, August 19th, on the Odyssey cable channel (US).
Little Corner
13 August
Little Corner
12 August
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- The following is from Kiwi Attic
"Stunning, sexy, smouldering and gorgeous" Kevin Smith - thats exactly
how he was described in the lead up to his live interview on TV tonight here in New
Zealand. Just 15 minutes ago Kevin appeared LIVE on a nightly TV show called today live.
The show is a 30 minute showcase just before the main news bulletin for the day. It
interviews a broad range of people, usually 3 per night. Kevin appeared last ( they save
the best for last and make ya sit through the other stuff!) So you want to see what he
looks like today I hear? Well I made some screen grabs as it aired and here they are. http://kiwiattic.bizland.com/Kevin/KSlive.htm
- Ted Raimi Movie News
According to an inteview given to Whoosh, Ted is going to be appearing in
the new Spiderman movie being produced by his brother Sam Raimi
Ted will also be in the new Coen Bros latest movie, The Barber Project that is in production now
and will be released in 2001. Ted's role is that of Boven.
Ted is Dr Coffee in the movie The Artic
Expeditions which is in Post Production
- For US Fans - Xena will be shown Monday to Friday at 5 pm on
the SciFi Channel starting September 25, 2000.
Xena 2001
- For those going to the convention next year, Sharon Delaney
has confirmed she will be the interviewer to both Lucy and Renee on stage.
Lucia's Cartoon Connection
- Added "Inspiration"
by Lucia to Xena and Gabrielle's Little Adventures
Non Xena Updates
11 August
- Updated Season Six Rumours
- For those wondering about the XIPPY
Awards - I haven't had much time to read any fanfic for the past week and a bit so the
XIPPY's will be back next week.
- Dan Ma from Xenamedia.com has the Lucy interview to download
from the recent Extreme Close Up show on TV1 (In Australia through Foxtel). You can
download it in 4 parts from his site at http://www.xenamedia.com
Lucy News
- Lucy was mentioned in this weeks tvguide. http://www.tvguide.com/movies/flickchick/
A person wrote in to ask tvguide's column flickchick about Lucy playing a lesbian
role. They also had a very nice pic of Lucy (The role was in the short film
Many thanks to Colleen for the news
Xenaverse News
- News from Sharon Delaney: The start of Season 6 has been pushed back to October 2, 2000. Why? I have a
feeling there is a little sporting event that will be happening in the Southern Hemisphere
that will gobble all the ratings for shows and spit them out :-) Sorry but the Sydney
Olympics have pushed back the date from 25 September to 2 October.
Xena Merchandise
- The following is from Stirling Entertainment
Now on offer in the Premier Club Exclusive #10 is two
fine pieces of original
pencil art by the critically acclaimed and renowned Australian artist Ann Baldock. The
Xena art poster print and Gabrielle art poster print are extremely limited edition poster
size black and white prints measuring 456mm x 594mm (approx 18 x 24 inches) and are the
first pieces of a series collection to be released gradually, of which pieces are already
praised and owned by Lucy Lawless, Rob Tapert and Lucy's parents.
- And from Sharon Delaney at Creation Entertainment
The Xena 2001 Calendar has gone down to New Zealand to Lucy and Renee for approval. It
contains sand and surf, mysterious eyes, boating, dancing girls, photographer Renee, a
"wet" month, one very leggy Kiwi, blood on the hands and in the soul, and
something for the Ares' fans. My favorites are February (a Xena and Gabrielle pose that
should be made into a statue) and the last photo in the calendar which is a shot of Xena
that just grabbed my heart from the moment I saw it.
This isn't Xena related but it's a way cool book!
- For fans of LJ Maas (me <g>) LJ's new book TUMBLEWEED
FEVER is now available to order! This is one hell of a good book and the cover
was done by LJ so you get a double treat! I reckon it's an absolutely fantastic story. The
book is going to be published by Renaissance Alliance Publishing. So to order your copy go
10 August
The Bard's Corner
I am very pleased to announce the addition to
Chickram to The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- Starlog 2000, September issue #278 (USA), has a pull-out
Xena episode guide poster. It lists every episode from the Hercules Warrior Princess
trilogy all the way through "Motherhood," and includes the writer, director, and
a very brief synopsis . The bottom of the poster has a list of actors for regular and
recurring cast members, and a photo of Xena with her new chakram.
- Dark Horse Comics Xena: Warrior Princess #10 has a very nice
photograph (not cartoon) on the cover of ROC in her season five outfit.
Many thanks to Linda Crist for the information above
The following isn't Xena related but I thought I would add
- Cleopatra 2525 will now be a one hour show instead of half an
hour due to the demise of Jack of All Trades.
Many thanks to Cathy O'Grady for that news
9 August
The Bard's Corner
6 August
Not Xena Related but it's my good news
so I'm sharing <g>
Renaissance Alliance Publishing has
announced that my novel You Must Remember This will be published soon.
Way cool huh? I'm always happy to hear good news - makes up for the bad <g> Want to
find out more? You can head over to my own fiction page where you will find out what YMRT
is all about!
The Bard's Corner
4 August
A few people have been asking me who this
"Dando" person is referred to in the interview with Lucy on the UK Cable Guide. Jill Dando
was a BBC Broadcaster in the UK that was stalked and killed. You can go to the BBC News site for
more information. Many thanks to Mirrordrum for the BBC link
The Bard's
Xenaverse News
- Creation Entertainment has announced that Meg Foster (Hera)
will be a guest at the Cherry Hill Convention So, along with the previously mentioned Ted
Raimi, Ebonie Smith (M'Lila), Tim Omundson (Eli) and Adrianne Wilkerson (Eve/Livia), For
more information visit Creation's web site
- For Aussies wishing to buy the Sony Playstation Game - Dick
Smith Stores have it (and others) in August Promotion for $42.55 http://www.dse.com.au/cgi-bin/DSE.storefront/1441748020/Product/View/Y9742
(this is WAY cheaper than yesterday's update so many thanks to Stephen for the updated
AXIP Artwork Section
(Updated by Dee)
Little Corner
3 August
The Bard's Corner
Merchandise News
2 August
The Bard's Corner
The ROC File
Xenaverse News
- News from Andrew of Andrew's
Xenaverse Page
The Second Graphics Contest was a rousing success with over 70 entries compiled -
That's a whole lot more than the 20 something entries the first contest racked up! The
results are in, and the winners and their outstanding graphic artwork are online at: http://www.TheMoogle.com/xena/contests/index.shtml
- For all those Alison Bruce (Melosa) fans - Alison is has a new
kiwi movie out. Check it out at their website
- Cindy McBain contacted me to alert everyone to a new
Xenafest/Con being held in the UK in September 1 - 3, 2000 called Panathenea - this will
be a charity event - one for the children's hospital The Richard House Trust in England
and one for an international one chosen by Kevin Smith called War Child. The guest list
includes: Kevin Smith, Dean O'Gorman (Young Iolaus/Homer) and Karl Urban (Caeser/Cupid).
Kevin has kindly agreed to appear in a Saturday night Cabaret as well For more information
go to
- A contest is underway for Xenites to win some interesting
prizes. Check Greyhounds Online Publications first anniversary and contest page
- Music video time - Dan Ma has created another video Set to
"I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You" (Love theme from "The Mask Of
Zorro") using clips from Seasons 4 and 5, it illustrates how, throughout time, space
and dimension, two souls are destined to be together forever.
The following is from Sword and Staff:
There's a new auction up at the S&S site. You can reach it at http://sword-and-staff.com/auction.htm
Items include a number of autographed pix, including one that
Lucy signed for us at the taping of Politically Incorrect. There is also an autographed
glossy of Renee, and for Argo fans, there's an Argo autograph (all right, so Renee
actually signed it for Tilly, but it still counts! <g>). There are several other
autographed photos, including some from Hudson Leick, Kevin Smith, Allison Wall, and the
ladies from Cleo 2525. There are a number of other items including art by Rebekah
Lynn; audio fan fiction tapes of stories by WordWarior, Missy Good, and LN James; an
Aussie Xena phone card; some magazines, as well as a few other items. Feel free to check
it out.
Sword and Staff is a fan-run organization. It has no
affiliation with Universal Studios, StudiosUSA, Renaissance Pictures, Creation
Entertainment, Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor, or any other person or entity associated with
the show Xena:Warrior Princess.
AXIP Artwork Section
(Updated by Dee)
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