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~ JANUARY 2001 ~
New Features - AXIP Chat
Talking Xena Message Board
New Poll: Did you
Enjoy Old Ares Had a Farm
AUSXIP Talking Xena Message Board
31 January
The current issue of the US TV Guide has an
advert for Lucy's appearance in the sitcom Just Shoot Me. It's the Feb 3-9, 2001 Issue on
page 219
Many thanks to AnneMarie for the alert
The Bard's Corner
- Kiwi charities have relied on celebrities to help their
causes for decades but how would they fare if networks pulled the plug? Celebrities have
been fronting good causes in New Zealand for decades but that might be about to change
after one network has been forced to re-think its policy.
[click here to read Woman's Weekly article and scan of
- The New Playstation World magazine features Playstation 1 game
called: "Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix" which has two female detectives in it
called Hana and Rain. The plot contains some overt subtext between the two apparently. To
illustrate what they mean by 'subtext' the magazine has a very not so subtle look at Xena
and Gabrielle and asks the question "Are They or Aren't They"?
[Click here to view article and scan]
Xenaverse News
- The following is from Mist at Sword and Staff
As many of you have heard, Tonya Muir lost her long battle with cancer this past week.
Tonya was truly a sweet soul, and anyone who knew her or met her knows that we have all
suffered a great loss with her passing. Tonya was very supportive of our efforts with
Sword and Staff, and I felt it proper that we do something to celebrate her life. In her
memory, I will be collecting donations to the Rainforest Preservation Foundation. The
acreage of Amazon Rainforest we preserve in her name will be a perpetual memorial to a
young woman who touched so many lives. If you'd like to participate, please send a check
payable to the Rainforest Preservation Foundation to: Sword and Staff
P.O. Box 224
Floral Park, NY 11002
29 January
The Bard's
Oxygen Xena
Chat Information
Oxygen Television started showing Xena episodes on January 1
beginning with a marathon of the shows that day and a chat-a-thon Oxygen will begin
having hosted Xena chats starting Monday, January 29. I've added the full schedule (so
far) of Xena Chat starting on 29 January 2001. Many thanks to Donna Lear
Community Manager - Oxygen Television Chat for the information.
[Click here to go to the Oxygen Xena Chat Information
Sharon Delaney has announced that a new
section of the Official Xena Fan Club has been uploaded that contains messages to the cast
and crew thanking them for the last six years. You can find it at:
UK Xena News - You lucky
Brits will be watching Season Six on Sky One starting from March 3, 2001
Many thanks to Helen for that news
More on the Xena Trading Cards
from www.scifihobby.com Here's a quick note from Rittenhouse on our upcoming
Xena: Warrior Princess trading cards. First, the Xena 9-card Preview set is expected to
begin shipping at the end of next week (Feb. 2). Second, pre-orders will be accepted
online, via fax (215-572-5233), phone (215-884-9410) and snail mail (let us know if you
need our address) for Xena: Warrior Princess: Seasons 4 and 5 Trading Cards late next
week. This product promises to be the biggest and best Xena set ever, with a 72-card base
set and several levels of bonus cards including 9 Enemies, 6 Allies, 9 Gabrielle: The
Warrior Bard, 9 Xena: Face of a Warrior, 6 Xena: Undressed, 6 Autograph Cards, 1 Xena:
Warrior Princess card and 1 costume card (case topper). Insertion rates and a more
complete checklist will be posted to our website, www.scifihobby.com, next week. The list
of autographs for this initial product includes Lucy Lawless, Kevin Smith, Ted Raimi,
Jennifer Sky and Claire Stansfield. We are expecting to release another Xena series based
on the current (and concluding) season 6 later this year (Nov.). That set will include
autograph cards from Renee O'Connor, Alexandra Tydings, Hudson Leick, Adrienne Wilkinson,
Lucy Lawless (can you ever really get enough of anything she does?) and others. Just
thought you'd like to know that we have been hard at work already lining up just about
every Xena actor you could ever hope to have sign trading cards.
Many thanks to Karen for the information
28 January
Media Alerts
Added this week's XIPPYs to the following stories
I have re-organised the awards page into: Alt,
Gen and Uber to make it easier to find stories in those three catagories.
The Bard's
27 January

The Promos for Just Shoot Me with Lucy Lawless
have been aired. Judi has done a few grabs from them [click here to see more]
26 January
Lucy's in a bit of a bother - she can't find
her Is There A Doctor In the House (Season 1) script with her notes in
it. It was auctioned off in 1997 and Sharon Delaney would like to know which lucky fan has
this script - Lucy wants a copy of it! If you have it and would like to help Lucy out
email Sharon Delaney on outback@primenet.com
Episode Guide
- Season
Six Episodes
The Bard's
In memory of Tonya Muir - here is a
beautiful poem
"Strength" by Kel
The strongest thing on earth is not made
By the hands of man or by machine.
It is not a stone of diamond or jade
And still it remains untouched and unseen.
Under the worst circumstances it still
Continues to gather more and more strength
Acting upon its own instinct and will
Pushing itself to impossible lengths.
No one can conceivably comprehend
The immeasurable power inside.
But everyong knows that wounds it helps mend
By facing things no escaping to hide.
Look closely and listen and you'll hear it...
The fearless cries of the human spirit.
If you would like to add your condolences, there is now a memorial page for Tonya
- http://www.nutbread.com/tonyamuir.htm or
read her brilliant fan fiction
The Journey Home (Alt)
Wounded (Alt)
Ventured, Nothing Gained (Alt)
Each and Every Day
With Faltering
Steps (Alt)
Making Strides
with CN Winters 1971
with XWPFanatic & T.Novan - Season 1 Exposure
- The annual Xenafest (or: Xena Camp) of the German Xena
Fanclub (DXF) will take place from May 25-27th in Winterberg. Our programme for the event
includes new X:WP episodes (well, *new* in Germany, anyway...), fanfiction readings,
a filk night, musical cabaret, workshops (e.g. swordplay, aerobie), T-shirt contest,
trivia quiz and sports events (the ever popular "Chakramee" match...). We are
planning to invite an actor from the show to the camp and will announce the name as soon
as the appearance has been confirmed. Please visit our website at http://www.xenafanclub.de/camp2001 for further information. Click here to see Lúcia's first draft for the
"official" DXF camp logo. ;-)
CARD SET - no cost given <Page 310> This 72-card full-color, 2.5" x 3.5"
set features six all-new cards from the last two seasons. Seasons four and five never
issued trading cards. Set features: Lucy Lawless as Xena, Renee O'Connor as Gabrielle,
battling evil kings, vengeful warlords, and mythical warriors. And, as a special bonus,
you;ll get two rare promo cards, one of Xena and one of Gabrielle(P1 & P2) for a total
of 74 cards ! To see the cards http://www.diamondcomics.com/news/01_22_01/6_xena_tc.htm
- XENA: "THE KISS" PHOTO SET - US$30.00 <Page
371> It's hot, it's steamy, and it's here ! The famous new photo you have been raving
about ! You'll feel the emotion as Gabrielle is about to be kissed by Xena - her soulmate
and the only person suitable to awaken her from her spell ! Set is accompanied by four
other 8" x 10" "touching" photos of Gabrielle and Xena from Season 6.
Many thanks to Nitefal for that information
- Found out how you can bid for an authentic XWP Chakram
[Click here for
more details]
- UK Xenites News
February on TV in the UK Tuesday at 7pm on Channel 5 "First
Terrestrial UK Showing"
6 Feb Series 4 No. 13 Paradise Found
13 Feb No 14 Devi
20 Feb No 15 Between the Lines
27 Feb NO XENANot sure which episode someone
saw to get this synopsis for Daughter of Pomira:
"Xena tries to end a feud between her own former army
and a fierce tribe of nature-lovers"
Someone tell me when the Horde became nature lovers? And when
did Xena's former army turn up? Heh.
Many thanks to Jeffrey for the above information
25 January
It has just been announced that Tonya
Muir has passed away surrounded by family and friends. Her friends, her fans and her
family has lost someone very dear. Rest in Peace, Tonya.
All condolence cards should be sent to:
Gina Yount
744 S Nile Way
Aurora, CO 80012
Gina is Tonya's mum.
It was announced recently that all money from the sale
of Tonya's book "Breaking Away" will be donated for research into investigating
unknown primary source cancer.
Sword and Staff will administer this collection. If you
wish to donate in Tonya's name please send your donation to
Sword and Staff
P.O. Box 224
Floral Park, NY 11002
There is a cure for cancer...it's just a
matter of finding it.
I've been trying to
come up with the words to express my sadness at Tonya's passing and I think the following
expresses how I'm feeling.
This is from Star Trek:
The Next Generation and the passing of Tasha Yar
"So you'll understand when I say, 'Death is that state in which one exists
in the memory of others', which is why it is not an end. No goodbyes, just good memories.
Hailing frequencies closed."
Tonya, you will forever be in my memory and therefore no goodbyes, just very good
25 January
AXIP Episode Guide
AXIP News Archive
Xenaverse News
- Ted Raimi will be appearing at the Armageddon Expo in New Zealand along with Kevin Smith
as well as FARSCAPE star Virginia Hey STARGATE:SG1 star Teryl Rotherey STARGATE:SG1
star Don S Davis comic legends Walter & Louise Simonson, Dark Horse Comics
Senior Editor Diana Schutz ultimate Spiderman comic writer Brian Michael Bendis the
6th DR.WHO Colin Baker Jo Grant from Dr Who Katy Manning the voices of the animated series
DRAGONBALL Z - Sean Schemmel (GOKU, KING KAI / NAIL), Christopher Sabbat (PICCOLO / VEGETA
/ YAMCHA) at the Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand 10-12 February 2001
- New music video by DS Bauden is now available. The song is Melissa
Etheridge's "I Take You With Me", It's about 7.2 MB so it's gonna be a big
download, but it'll be worth the wait
24 January
I was very saddened to receive this email today. As many of you know Tonya Muir is sick
with cancer. Unfortunately the news is quite bad. Tonya hasn't been able to answer mail
and if you have sent her any please know she isn't ignoring you she is just not able to.
Clive (Tonya's husband) and Tonya are now staying with her mum instead of a hospital or
hospice. Tonya and Clive you are in our thoughts and prayers.
If you wish to send "We are thinking of you card" please send it to
Gina Yount
744 S Nile Way
Aurora, CO 80012
Gina is Tonya's mum. Let's put that Xenite force into action and show Tonya and Clive
our support and love.
AXIP Staff
- Added two reporters to the AXIP News Staff
Aussie TV Alert
- Foxtel is showing another Xena-Rama from February 5 - Xena for three hours every day
from 10:30 pm and 7:30 pm Mondays in the segment Cool Summer Chicks. So if you have Foxtel
- you're going to be watching Xena Season 2.
Many thanks to Tara for that news
Lucy Media Alerts/Lucy News
Reminder: Lucy's
appearance on The Conan O'Brien Show (the one where she sat on his lap and ruffled his
hair) will be repeated TOMORROW - 24 January (US)
AXIP Episode Guide
DJWP has been doing the Season 6 Reviews but due to time contraints and RL cannot
continue. I want to take the time to thank DJ for contributing to the Episode Guide and
for writing great reviews. Many thanks DJ!
- Season Six Episode Guide
- Added season six episode review for Legacy
by SLK
AXIP News Archive
The ROC File
- The latest issue (#16) of the Official Xena Magazine has an article about Renee
directing Dangerous Prey. Transcript/Scans of the article will be up shortly.
- ROC News
- The following is from Sharon Delaney
from the Official Xena Fan Club
I just received a packet of wedding photos from
Renee to put in the next fan club newsletter. She didn't release any publicly and wishes
only to share them with the fans. She and Steve also included a note they wanted me to
pass along to everyone who wished them well on this truly happy occasion:
"Hello everyone! It's about time we dropped a note thanking "all ya'll"
for the generosity you showed when we were married. The letters of congratulations were
greatly appreciated. Also, raising money for charity was the perfect way to show your good
wishes for us. We were truly amazed and humbled by such a force of benevolence. We had a
wonderful wedding day, surounded by our families, and we hope to take a long, relaxing
honeymoon sometime this year. Thanks for showing that again, the Xena fans ROCK!
Renee O'Connor & Steve Muir"
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
Kiwi Xenites Alert:
Helpers sought for concert collection
Volunteers are needed to help out at the Sky City Starlight Symphony concert in
Auckland Domain, collecting donations to help children's health. The concert is on
February 3 and is expecting a crowd of 250000, with celebrities Kevin Smith and
Lucy Lawless hosting the show. Volunteer Collectors will need to be at the Domain
by 4pm to be briefed and will be provided with refreshments during the evening. The money
raised will go to Kidz First in South Auckland and the Starship Foundation. Contact Rachel
Hughes, phone: 09-309-2007
[North Shore Times Advertiser - 23 January 2001]
23 January
AXIP Staff
- Added two new News Reporters for the AXIP News Section
Lucy News
In a recent article in NZ magazine New
Idea, Kevin Smith revealed that Lucy and Kevin will be co-hosting the Sky City Starlight
Symphony in Auckland in February.
The spunky star is having a hectic
start to his new year, including co-host duties at the Sky City Starlight Symphony in
Auckland next month, with Warrior Princess Lucy Lawless. The pair may sing a duet. 'We've
both done Christmases in the Park before. I'd like to sing some kind of modern classic,'
he says.The concert will raise money for both Auckland's children's hospitals, Kidz First
and Starship, and Kevin says it's nice to feel he's giving something back to the
[Click here to read more of the article on axip]
AXIP News ArchiveJanuary 21st issue of Sunday News has some very
speculative gossip regarding Lucy Lawless and Auckland's gay celebrations in the form of
the Hero parade. It seems as if there has been an un-named source responsible for the
continuation of the Hero parade this year, in February, and rumours are that Lucy is
behind it.........for one reason or another, the article suggests if it is her, it may be
an appreciative gesture for all the support she has had from the gay community. This too,
has been transcribed at the link below:
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- The Oxygen channel has it's Xena section up and running. It also has three previews up. http://schedule.oxygen.com/program.jsp?brand=41
and has links to the fan zone, Xenaptitude Trivia and more trivia. The site also has a
Xena Caption contest and a poll on fans favourite episode.
Many thanks to Dianna for the alert
Here's a peek at the 9 card preview set for the new
Xena cards by Rittenhouse http://www.scifihobby.com/products/xena/9cardpreview/
Many thanks to Tanya for the link
This isn't Xena related but it's one of my favourite shows - The West Wing won a Golden
Globe Award! If you haven't seen The West Wing..you are missing out on some fantastic
television. Many thanks to Jane for the screengrab!

22 January
AXIP Episode Guide
- Season Six
The Bard's Corner
AXIP News Archive Added quote from Lucy about her exercise regime from
Canadian movie magazine FAMOUS - January 2001
21 January
The Bard's Corner
AXIP News Archive
- Added scan from The National Enquirer
about Lucy's plans after Xena
- Added scan from TV Guide (New Zealand) about
the upcoming Armageddon Expo. They promise to have special guests from Dr Who, Star Trek,
The Tribe, Stargate, Farscape and Xena.
MDFiction.Net Update
20 January
Great news for Aussies!
Tim Smith the Products Manager for Universal Pictures Video has advised me of some
great news. February 7 is the launch date for the first 3 volumes of Season 1 in
PAL format! Each month after there will be a further two volumes released.
In the first 3 Volumes, they have produced 'Collector Cards', which use the front
sleeve graphic of each title. There are two eps per tape and the episodes will be released
chronologically right from the start! They will be available from all leading video
retailers, Target, Big W, Myer Grace Bros, K-Mart etc!
For international folk (particularly those from the U.S.), if they can source them from
local online retailers, and they ship overseas - they can pick up each volume for about
US$9 each (which is a bargain!). Each volume will retail for the RRP of $18.50.
NEW ZEALAND. So if you're are US Xenite and want to order them - please be
aware you won't be able to play them unless you have a dual VCR.
Xenaverse News
- The new Xena series of non-sport cards produced by Rittenhouse archives there will be
randomly inserted cards autographed by Lucy. This series of cards is due to be released in
March and covers seasons 4&5 of the show. There is a full page add with this
information in the February-March issue of "Non-Sport Update" magazine.
Many thanks to Karen for the news
19 January
AXIP Episode
- Season Six
AXIP Staff
If you are interested in joining the AXIP News Staff email me at kira@zip.com.au and it the subject header put AXIP
- Added Tania to the AXIP News Reporters staff list.
AXIP News Archive
The Bard's Corner
I am pleased to announce a new bard to The Bard's
Corner - Caina Q. Fuller
The following is quite special. Michael Ruskin is 16 years old, a Xena fan and a very
special young man. He has created a website for teenage bards. Michael is a huge Xena fan
and he has done an extraodinary job. Check them out ;-)
Published Bards
This is a new section I am adding to AXIP -
Many talented bards have published their work and I'll be adding them to this section.
- The following is from XWP Fanatic - Castaway is finally
published and ready for purchasing! It is available at Amazon.com and the link is supplied
below. Amazon is listing it at a mere <g> $12.95, which, I assure you, Advocate and
I will see approximately $0.085 per book. Yes, our get-rich-quick-scheme has come to
fruition. We only need every person on this planet to buy four books each and we're set.
Wish us luck! Why should you order this book? Again, our retirement funds need help. But
you also get the delightful extra chapter, not released on the web, detailing Shannon and
Ryan's post-island life. It's a long chapter. It's well worth your money. <bg>
Really. Honestly. Would we lie to you?
here to purchase this book from Amazon.com]
CHARITY ON FANDOM.COM AUCTION Creation Entertainment is happy to announce that an
actual Chakram used in the production of Xena: Warrior Princess is being auctioned off
starting today at Fandom.com Auctions.
[Click here to find out more about the auction]
For more Lucy spotting - you will find Lucy featured in the National Enquirer and The
Star. Not sure what it's about but if you're collecting magazine with Xena/Lucy then add
them to your collection.
18 January
AXIP Episode Guide
- Season 6
The Bard's Corner
AXIP News Archive
I've redesigned the news archive and put all the newspaper articles in Year order.
There is a comprehensive transcript archive ranging from 1997 to 2001. I will be adding
articles that I've had since 1995 which are not included in the archive. The magazine
section has been updated to include magazine articles from October - December 2000 and
January 2001. The TV Show transcripts of appearances by Lucy or Renee is also now archive
in Year order as is the Online Conferences/Convention reports. The magazine section is the
only one archived alphabetically. NZ Herald - 14 November 1999 - Death-knell for our
legendary warriors
Added article from NZ Herald - 19 December 2000 - Xena ready to harness lightning's last flash
Added article from NZ Herald - 25 February 1999
- Costly cash-in on Xena behind
Saatchi pitch
Added article from NZ Herald - 18 October 2000 - Xena confronts last villain
17 January
AXIP News Archive
The Bard's Corner
After a short holiday the XIPPYs are back. What's a XIPPY? It's an award I give out to
outstanding fan fiction in the categories of Uber, Alternative and General. These stories
are not just on AXIP but all over the web.
16 January
AXIP News Archive Added scans from Woman's Day (New Zealand) January 22, 2001
"Lucy's Farewell"
Added scans from Sunday
News - 14 January 2001 - Lucy talks about being Xena
The following is from Leanne at Kiwi Attic
Kevin Smith is pictured with Jennifer Ward Lealand and Michael Hurst in a two page feature
with other New Zealand celebrities who attended a circus opening night in Auckland. Check
the cutie out at this link: http://kiwiattic.bizland.com/Kevin/NI200101.htm
You can order the magazine from Kiwi Attic for $5 (US) + shipping.
Xenaverse News
15 January
AXIP Episode Guide
- Season Six
Added screengrabs for Old Ares Had a Farm
Added preview screengrabs for Dangerous Prey
The Bard's Corner
The following story is a special treat for Ephiny
fans. L. Fox will be writing a series of stories based on the early life of Ephiny.Added The Adventures
of Young Ephiny: Coming of Age by L. Fox
NewsThe following is from Mist at Sword and Staff
I have uploaded a new auction to the Sword and Staff web site. There are a lot of great
Xena items there, many of them autographed. Some non-Xena items that feature Xena cast
members are there as well. You can find the auction at http://sword-and-staff.com/auction.htm
[Click here to find out
more about the auction]
14 January
CARES - Safe and Sound Appeal
The following is from the
Official Xena Fan Club
To benefit the Safe and Sound Appeal, an organization combatting
child abuse in New Zealand that Lucy is lending her efforts to, we have two autographed
photos (one of Xena, one of Gabrielle) up for auction on the Fandom.com web site at: http://auctions.fandom.com/
Bard's Corner
Added Last Wish of Gabrielle (#24 in the
Journal Series) by Murphy
Added Girl in the Window (#25 in the
Journal Series) by Murphy
Added Mordida - Part 1 by Bel-wah
Added The Awakening - Part 7 by Lena
The Swollen Bud Awards (heh) have been announced and
bards from The Bard's Corner has once again are some of the recipients. The following is
from The Swollen Bud Committee The Swollen Buds of January 15 (yeah, we're ahead of
schedule; we're surprised, too!) include 7 stories and series of stories by Jamie Boughen,
Culprit (who wins two!), Becky Lutzke, and Purple Pen and repeat winners Missy Good and LJ
Maas. http://members.spree.com/entertainment/sb_awards/
13 January
New Feature:
The AUSXIP Talking Xena Message Board is
now online and ready.
12 January
Bard's Corner
11 January
Episode Guide
- Season 6
Episode Guide
Bard's Corner
10 January
Bard's Corner
I am very pleased to
announce the addition of J M Dragon to The Bard's Corner
9 Janaury
Episode Guide
- Season
Six Guide Updates
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- The following are from Kiwi Attic for Kevin Smith
The first is a programme from the Auckland Theatre Company and is
their magazine detailing all of the plays for 2001. In it, of course,
is a two page spread on 'The Blue Room' play which Kevin is doing with
Danielle Cormack. However, this is available in a very limited quantity http://kiwiattic.bizland.com/Kevin/Blueroomplay.htm
- The latest NZ New Idea has a story about the Auckland Special
Children's Christmas Party that Kevin supported with an appearance. The kids and sponsors
loved him apparently (who wouldn't) and he is pictured with one of the children. http://kiwiattic.bizland.com/Kevin/NI130101.htm
8 January
Episode Guide
- Season Six Episode Guide Update
News Archive
7 January
NZ TV Guide - 13 to 19 January 2001
Documentary special about New Zealand actress Lucy Lawless and her rise to
international fame as Xena, Warrior Princess. Lawless, born Lucille Francis Ryan in Mt
Albert, Auckland, talks about her life and career.
7:30 pm 17 January 2001 on TV3
Many thanks to Richard K for the news
[This could be the same as the E! Profile on Lucy seen last year in the US]
6 January
New Montages
I'm starting a new series of Gabrielle artwork based on the
episodes from Season 1 through to Season 6.
AXIP News Archive
AXIP Episode Guide
The Bard's Corner
Upcoming Fan Fic Alert:
I do enjoy making these <g> Okay, two of my favourite authors are at it
again. Advocate and T. Novan have teamed up once again and are writing a story called
Madam President. It's the story of Devlyn Marlowe, President of the Unites States of
America and her biographer/writer Lauren Strayer. It's a Uber and it's easily goes into my
all time favourite fanfic folder (yes I do have one of those folders). It's absolutely,
postively fantastic. Yes I am a tease <g> Stay tuned.
DS Bauden has a new fanfic story called "Home for the
Holidays" up that is only available on her list. It will eventually be posted to The
Bard's Corner but if you can't wait that long, you can join the list and read it there.
The ROC File
Xenaverse News
4 January
The Lawless
ROC File
3 January
Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- Italian Xena News
- The tv channel 'Italia 1' will start airing Xena again in
Italy starting today. Each day, usual timeslot (17:30). They'll start with season 2 and as
usual they won't air Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
Many thanks to Storm for the information
2 January
Episode Guide
- Season
6 Episode Guide
Bard's Corner
The following story is truly an
epic - LJ Maas has written another wonderful installment in the Queen series. I suggest
downloading the zip file and reading this offline because it's HUGE.
Xenaverse News
1 January
Updated What's New on
the Lawless Files
Updated ROC Media Alerts
Results from the recent Polls conducted:
1. Do You Like Season 6 So Far?
1306 people votes in this poll
1255 (96%) liked Season 6 so far, 40 (3%) didn't and 11 (0%) didn't know
2. Do You Believe Xena and Gabrielle are Lovers?
1833 people votes in this poll
1492 (81%) votes yes and 341 (18%) voted no
The Bard's Corner
Added The
Bluest Eyes in Texas - Part 3 by Linda Crist
AXIP News Archive Added scan from Metro Magazine of Kevin Smith - voted 1993 Most Sexiest Man in New

That's the cover of the latest issue of the
Dutch Herc and Xena Fan Club.
- exclusive interview with Michael Hurst
- Lucia's Little Adventures (*G*)
- interview with Willa O'Neill
- Olympiad convention report
(Claire Stansfield and Danielle Cormack)
- Xena DVD review and contest
(thanks to Universal Studios *G*)
- Xena episode guides and more
For those interested in the newsletter, e-mail xenangab@dahx.demon.nl
AXIP Artwork Section Added new artist - GabsTheGreatest
Added new artist - Geist
Added new artist - Jacquie
Added new subtext zone artwork by Geist
Xenaverse News
- UK Xena News - Many thanks to Jeffrey for the
information No Xena until 9th January then every week on Tuesday at
7pm on Channel 5 "First Terrestrial UK Showing"
09th Jan - Past Imperfect
16th Jan - Key to the Kingdom
23rd Jan - Daughter of Pomira
30th Jan - If the Shoe Fits
- Netherlands Xena News - many thanks to Petra de
Jong for the information Karl Urban's movie The Irrefutable Truth about Demons
is available on rental video in the Dutch video rental stores... Soon also available on
- US Xena News - Reminder for US Xenites - The Oxygen Channel (US) will
be showing a 14 hour Xena Marathon starting 1 January 2001 from 8 am "Sins of the
Past" and ending with "Athens City Academy of Performing Bards". So if you
missed the first 14 episodes of Season 1 now's the time to catch up.
Also, following the 1st, Xena will air regularly on Oxygen as follows: Weekdays 11am/10c,
and 6pm/5c (same episode twice daily, in order M-F) Weekends 4pm/3c (in order weekend to
weekend) So far it also appears they are airing it in order on three time
schedules. Giving people the option of always watching weekday mornings, weekday evenings
or just the weekends. To find out more and post your own thoughts (they will air fan posts
with the Xenathon) they can go here - http://schedule.oxygen.com/program.jsp?brand=41
many thanks to Kiss for the update
From the Star-Ledger (local New Jersey newspaper) On
the Video Notes Page:
Gal Power:
In a tribute to TV girl power, Columbia House Video Library offers collector's editions of
the series "La Femme Nikita" and "Xena:Warrior Princess." The
introductory volumes of both offer the series pilot at $4.95 each. Call (800)638-2922 (US
Only) - Many thanks to Grannycat for the information
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