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Xena News
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31 March
ROC News
- From Creation's Herc/Xena online email list it has been
confirmed that Renee and Steve are expecting their first child.
"During her television interviews, Renee announced
that, yes, she and her husband, Steve, are expecting their first child."
New Section: Goodbye!
Farewell! Page. This section will contain all the articles, rm files,
screengrabs and pictures dealing with the end of the show.
Media Alert: - the following is from Sharon at
Creation Entertainment
This is just a heads up. You sould start keeping an
eye on ET, E Channel, etc. We have no dates, no times. Just that some stories might start
News Archive
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- UK Xena News -
This month's copy of "Cult Times" shows 4 un-named episodes from
Series 2 at 9.55 am on Saturdays, Channel Five, a terrestrial channel and 5 episodes from
Series 3 at 13.00 Sundays, on Sky 1. No new episodes from Series 4. The second half
of Series Three will be available, for sale, from 9th April in the UK PAL Video tapes.
Many thanks to Jeffrey for the following information
30 March
Today is a sad day in the Xenaverse...the show is wrapping
up. They will be finishing filming the final episode in Auckland. To all the cast and crew
and in particular, Lucy and Renee, thank you for giving us such a great show to watch.
It's been an amazing run and I will miss it greatly. This fandom is incredible and even
though we all have differing views, when it mattered the most (ie The Way protest) we all
came together in one big collective group. Whether you believed in the subtext, are an
Ares/Xena fan, a Gabrielle/Joxer fan or you just loved this show because of two women who
battled the baddies, it all boils down to this - We are Xenites and this show ROCKS!
We have 7 more episodes to go before Xena does her war cry
for the final time. Let's enjoy them because I doubt we will see a show like this again
with two lead actors that were made for the roles.
Thank you Lucy, Renee, Rob Tapert, RJ Stewart and all the
people who worked so hard to bring this show to our screens.
News Archive
The Lawless Files
The ROC File
The Bard's Corner
Bard's EBook Corner
The Ebook corner was being maintained by Carol Stephens and
Judi Mair and I want to thank them for doing such a great job with it. They will no longer
be maintaining it so until further notice I will be maintaining that section so if you
would like to see a story (that is available on The Bard's Corner) converted to ebook
format please email me on kira@zip.com.au
Xenaverse News
- Anyone looking for a Season 2 Press kit? Ebay has one
available. The blurb from ebay says: Press kits for 2nd season of Xena and
3rd season of Hercules. Xena kit in purple/blue folder. Contents: Fact sheet, bios of Lucy
Lawless, Renee O'Connor, Rob Tapert, Station list, press release on 2nd season, 3 b&w
8x10 photos, 6 color slides. Hercules kit in brown folder. Contents: Fact sheet, bios of
Kevin Sorbo, Michael Hurst, Robert Tapert, Sam Raimi, Robert Trebor, station list, press
release on 3rd season, 3 b&w 8x10 photos, 6 color slides. Both very good condition.
Ship to US only. Paypal, money orders, personal checks (must clear). Price includes
priority postage w/delivery confirmation. Currently it's going for $67.00
29 March

Happy Birthday to Lucy Lawless!
The Flawless One turns 33 today.
Lucy News
- Yesterday AOL featured Lucy (as Xena) on their site.
"Girls Fight Back", the article discusses tough females in the media today. Xena
was first on the list. There is a survey asking readers who would win in a fight. Xena is
winning (well of course). Unfortunately only AOL members can participate.
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
28 March
AXIP News Archive
New Poll
How do you want to see the show end?
The Bard's Corner
27 March
AXIP Staff Changes
Dee will no longer be maintaing the Artwork section. Many thanks to Dee
for all the hard work she had done in that section.
Lucia's Cartoon Connection
For over a year we have seen Lucia's artwork on AXIP - Little
Xena and Gabrielle have amused us with their antics. Her work has also appeared on the
Official Xena Site (Lucia did the logo for CARES that appears there). Lucia's
illustrations also appear in books published by Renaissance Alliance Publishing. Lucia is
now offering to draw any person who wants a cartoon of themselves as a little kid or any
fantasy artwork for children. For prices and other details please contact Lucia on lunobrega@uol.com.br
AXIP News Archive
Aussie Xena News
AXIP Artwork Update
The Bard's Corner
26 March
Season Six Episode
The Bard's Corner
AXIP Artwork Update
ROC News
- Some time ago Renee shot a film called Rubbernecking. Due to
financial problems this film hasn't been released. The makers of the film Fender Bender
Films will now be showing it at the New York International Independent Film and Video
Festival, EL Tinker Auditorium, French Institute Alliance Francaise 22 East 60th Street
(Between Park + Madison Ave.). Sunday April 1, 2001 2pm Be aware of Daylight Savings Time
Change For industry/press passes (Distributor or Press) please fax a request on letterhead
to ATTN: BRIEGE (212) 387-0873. General Admission tickets are $10. Please let Fender
Bender Films know if you are attending. You can fax (818) 623-8632 or email FenderBenderFilm@aol.com
Distributers for the film are urgently required.
Xenaverse News
- Italian Xena News:
Xena is back in Italy! Italia 1 will air the 5th season (1st time in
Italy) starting next monday, usual timeslot (17.30). Still, the last ep of season 4 won't
be aired.
Many thanks to Storm for the news
25 March
New site unveiling - Turn The Page - my new online
bookstore. I've been working on this baby for some time and I think it's time for it to
see the light of day :) Check it out.
The Bard's Corner
Exposure Series
24 March
Chat Alert:
Katie Stuart Chat Friday, Mar. 23 5 - 6 p.m.
Katie Stuart has acted in 7th Heaven and City Guys and is currently shooting in New
Zealand for Xena, Warrior Princess. On top of that, she just signed a recording contract!
Magazine Alert:
- Girlfriends magazine has decided to do a series finale special
on Xena for their May 2001 issue. It should be available for purchase in mid April. Many
thanks to Zeta for the alert
Aussie Xena News
- The third season of Xena will commence on TV1 for those with
Foxtel on
2 April 2001 (In Australia Only)
Season Six Montages
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- Josh Becker (Director and writer) has an interesting look back
on working on the Hercules and Xena sets. Josh directed the upcoming Soul Possession
- The Blue Room with Kevin Smith and Danielle Cormack premiered
yesterday in New Zealand. Alicia went to a preview of the show and she has written a
- Creation Entertainment has announced a worldwide exclusive
production of a limited number of exact replica CALLISTO swords made from the same team
that makes the props for Xena. These limited edition prop replicas (only 250 worldwide)
will be available for shipping in the first week of April (the first 25 of the edition).
23 March
Episode Montages
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- For Xenites in Belfast, N. Ireland
I received a note from Tomihawk letting me know that there will be a
Xenafest in Belfast. They will be showing 3 new season six episodes (which haven't been
broadcast in the UK or Ireland) and the best of seasons 1-5 uncut, with the occasional
Buffy, X-Files, Cleopatra2525, Jack Of All Trades, etc. thrown in for good measure. Their
next event is on April 7th and more details can be found at www.tomihawk.com/agu
22 March
The Bard's Corner
Lucia's Cartoon Connection
Lucia is back to drawing Little Xena and Little
Gabrielle! The latest comic strip is from Missy Good's Legacy.
Music Videos
21 March
ROC News
- Latest rumour to hit the Xenaverse is that Renee is pregnant.
This rumour is indeed true (as far as I know) and we await Sharon Delaney from the
Official Xena Fan Club to confirm it officially.
AXIP Episode Guide -
Season 6
Aussie Xena News
- Volume 5 of the Season 1 Tapes is now on sale. The volumes
that you can buy are:
Volume 1 - Sins of the Past / Chariots of War
Volume 2 - Dreamworker / Cradle of Hope
Volume 3 - The Path Not Taken / The Reckoning
Volume 4 - The Titans / Prometheus
Volume 5 - Death In Chains / Hooves & Harlots
They each have a Collector's Postcard inside and they are UNCUT. You can buy them
for $18.95 but I've found them online at Civic Video
for $14.95.
- For those you attended the Cult TV Night at Eclectica Bookshop
Cafe, I hear it was a great success. Darran, who organised the night sent me this note for
the next Cult TV night
The success of the evening has led us to host another event,
scheduled for Saturday April the 7th, starting at 6pm and running through to approximately
11pm. The nights viewing will consist of three new Xena Season Six episodes:
1. Whos Gurkhan? 2. Legacy. 3. The Abyss. We will also be screening bloopers
from the Xena episode Whos Gurkhan? and two classic episodes of Buffy the Vampire
Slayer: 1. The Wish. 2. Doppelgangland. Also on the evening artists and writers of the
magazine Eschaton will be in attendance to sign copies of the publication, so be sure to
pick up a copy (on sale now) and get it autographed on the night. If you do plan on
attending please let us know by either calling on 02 9529-6400 or by sending an email to eclectica@optusnet.com.au
The Bard's Corner
AXIP News Archive
For those keeping spoiler free for the Season Ender - please
don't click on the following page. I have placed articles appearing in various papers to
one file. I'm calling it The Season Ender file
<g> so if you want to remain spoiler and rumour free - don't read.
The following is from Kiwi Attic
Xenaverse News
- The following is from Mist at Sword and Staff. The latest S&S auction is up on the website at http://sword-and-staff.com/auction.htm There is a good mix of autographed and non-autographed
merchandise, including a number of fan fiction items and some very unusual art. All
proceeds from this event will go to benefit the Rainforest Preservation Foundation. To
date we have saved over 483 acres of Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, and this auction should
easily put us over the 500 acre mark. Last month's auction was very successful, and as a
result of our efforts, at least 7 children will be able to spend a week at Camp Sundown, a
camp that is run in the night time hours so that children suffering from Xeroderma can
enjoy the camp experience. Thanks to all those who participated in that event.
Sword and Staff is a fan run organization. It has no affiliation with Universal Studios,
StudiosUSA, Creation Entertainment, Fandom.com, Renaissance Pictures, Lucy Lawless, Renee
O'Connor, or any other person or entity associated with the television show Xena:Warrior
- The wholesale deletion of sites from Tripod is now getting
some attention from online news sites. Added a link to the article Massacre at Tripod
from Salon.com which might explain why Tripod acted the way it did.
- UK Xena News
It doesn't look at all well for UK Xena fans. Due to falling ratings the show has
been taken off prime time and will not be returning on March 20 as planned. Season 4 will
NOT resume. Poor ratings in Australia saw the show relegated to early early mornings until
they finished with Season 5. The Brits won't even have that luxury. If the station doesn't
put the show on a reasonable hour, how the heck can it get ratings of any kind if someone
doesn't know when to tune in?!
20 March
AXIP Won an Award from Poya's site at
http://www.xenaland.com. Many thanks to
Poya for the award.

AXIP News Archive
Season Six Episode
The Bard's Corner
To all you ebook lovers, Renaissance Alliance Publishing has
announced that they will be now selling ebooks! Cathy LeNoir, the CEO of RAP issued this
press release to the RAPBooks Mailing List.
It is my great pleasure to announce that Renaissance
Alliance Publishing, Inc. has acquired the eBook rights to Tumbleweed Fever and Prairie
Fire by LJ Maas.
Tumbleweed Fever was published last Fall and will
be the first eBook to be produced by this company. It should be available in eBook form in
about 2 months. Prairie Fire is expected to be published later this summer and will be
produced in eBook format simultaneous to print publication. We will be producing a limited
number of our titles in eBook format over the next few months to test the market. The
eBooks will be available through booksellers. Stay tuned for more announcements of titles,
or visit our web page at www.rapbooks.com. This is
an important step for RAP, Inc. and one that we take great pride in being able to take at
this point in our existence. Thanks to all of you for your past support of us. We look
forward to continuing to provide you with hours of quality reading entertainment.
Xenaverse News
- Many Xena webmasters have their websites on the free web host
Tripod or angelfire. It seems TPTB over there are deleting web sites. It seems there isn't
any rhyme nor reason for this action - it's not based on whether sites have subtext or
nonsubbers - it affects everyone and it has also affect Buffy sites. Hopefully soon
someone will reveal why Tripod has decided to take this action.
- The following is about the Xena Trading Cards from
With 2 weeks still to go until release, Rittenhouse Archives and scifihobby.com are
pleased to announce a complete sellout of our Xena: Warrior Princess, Seasons 4 & 5
Trading Cards! Production had been limited to 10,000 sequentially numbered box and 2,000
collectors albums (each with a promo card and autograph card). Please note that the
release date has been moved from March 28th to March 30th.
19 March
AXIP News Archive
CARES - Safe and Sound Appeal
- The $175,000 raised in response to public concern about child
abuse last year is sitting idle because the Government and local backers cannot agree on
its use. The money collected by the Safe and Sound Appeal, featuring Lucy Lawless, star of
Xena: Warrior Princess, was to help set up specialised centres to bring together all the
agencies fighting child abuse.
[Click here to read article from NZ Herald -
17 March 2001]
The Bard's Corner
17 March
The Bard's Corner
I don't usually do this with a story but I'm going to - just
this once because one of my best buddies T. Novan just made me cry. This is an excerpt
from her last installment of the Truth Series
- "Friendships had been formed. Relationships had been
started. The Muses had been inspired once again. Hundreds of thousands of people had found
a common bond. Even if they couldnt agree what side of the subtext fence to stand
on, at least they all agreed they loved the show, and over the course of the last few
years they had come to nearly worship the leads."
Excerpt from The Truth and Nothing But the
Truth - Part 7 (Final) by T. Novan
I've been trying NOT to think about the end of the show I
love but this story brought it home that there are only 7 more episodes to go.
16 March
AXIP News Archive
- The montages from Season 1 through to Season 5 are now back
online and are all linked.
Published Bards Section
- Susanne M. Beck's book Redemption is
available to purchase from Amazon.com
- The following stories are now available for PRE-ORDER from RAP
Lost Paradise -- Francine Quesnel (a.k.a. Wolfdragon)
Safe Harbor -- Radclyffe
Encounters -- Anne
Hope's Path -- Carrie
Storm Front -- Belle
Take Time Out -- RJ
And Those Who Trespass Against Us -- Helen Macpherson
Tales of Emoria: Future Dreams -- Mindancer
Glass Houses -- Ciarán
Llachlan Leavitt
Retribution -- Susanne
M. Beck
Turning the Page --
Georgia Beers
The Bard's Corner
The long awaited sequel to Retribution is now
available from Sword'n'Quill.
14 March
AXIP News Archive
The Bard's Corner
To all those that have been asking - the web version of
Restitution will be available online soon.
13 March
I don't usually do this but I'm going to post an
email I received this morning - it amused me so much I'm going to share :-)
First, Xena and Gabrielle were around long before
MCA/Universal stole the characters, so MCA/Universal have no copyrights in them
whatsoever. The ancient Greeks invented them, not the writers of Xena. The same goes for
Hercules, who proper name was Oddesseus. Both MCA and Universal were good at two things
during their foundings: Monopoly (Motion Pictures Patents Association) and theft (Bell
stole the phone design from his future father-in-law, Edison was just a plain thief who
stole from anyone he could hire, with his work for hire patent agreements, and even the
Patent Office has overturned Marconi's patent of the radio and granted it to the true
inventor, Tesla.) So, you see, MCA/Universal has no rights in Zena because like their
founding father MCA/Universal is just another Hollywood/New York gang of thieves and
Many thanks to the person who sent me this - it gave me a
good belly laugh.
And now onto some great news. It was announced
today that Susanne M. Beck's (aka Sword n Quill) new novel "Retribution" will be
available in Pasadena from Renaissance Alliance Publishing!
The following is from Cathy LeNoir, the CEO of RAP
It is my very great pleasure to announce that several
months ago Renaissance Alliance Publishing, Inc. acquired the rights to the stories
Retribution and Restitution by Susanne Beck. At Sue's request, we did not make this
information public at that time. She has today granted us permission to make this
Retribution -
Retribution is a story with action, drama, suspense
and too
many emotions to list. Told by Angel herself, it will let you see into her very soul. This
sequel to Redemption details the lives of Ice and Angel as they cross over the border and
try to make new lives in a small vacation town in Canada. They meet both friends and
enemies along the way and their love for one another grows and deepens. But obviously, as
a fugitive from justice, danger is always only one step away for Ice. The man who fixed it
so that she was sent to jail for a crime he committed is out to get her again. Several of
his cronies manage to find her, and she trades her life for Angel's and is dragged away.
Can she save herself and find her way back to Angel and happiness?
Restitution -
Picking up three months after Retribution left off, this is the
story of how Ice finally makes full restitution for her crimes by agreeing to a plea
bargain set up by a secret justice probe. The authorities are out to get the man who's
almost twice killed Ice (and who is in possession of some secrets which could topple a
state government if he's caught). She only agrees to the plea because if she doesn't,
Angel will be incarcerated for harboring a fugitive, and Ice will not let that happen.
More information can be found on our web site at www.rapbooks.com/authors.html as it
becomes available. Both of these books will be published under the RAP imprint.
It is also my pleasure to announce that we are now taking pre
publication orders for Retribution. We will be taking pre orders for a VERY limited time,
so get yours in now. Furthermore, Retribution is currently at the printer and it will be
available in time to get the author's autograph at the Pasadena convention in May.
12 March
Season Six Episode
The Bard's Corner
9 March
AXIP News Archive
The Bard's Corner
9 March
7 March
Katherine Fugate's web site "Katherine Fugate
Online" is offline for a few days. It will be back up soon.
Aussie Xena News
- For Bruce Campbell fans - the movie Army of Darkness will be
shown on Channel 9 on the 11th March at 1 am. Time to set the VCR.
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
The following is from Creation Entertainment
- Just posted the art for two upcoming t-shirts. Thought you'd
enjoy the sneak peek. They are on the fan club page at: http://www.primenet.com/~outback/fanclubs
As soon as they are ready for ordering, we'll send out a message.
Fan Fiction Trekking
(Star Trek Fan Fiction)
6 March
The following is from Denise:
- In an effort to allow everyone a shot at some of the
incredible posters we will be auctioning off in Pasadena, we have five that are being put
up for silent bid. These are professionally done and mounted, and are in NZ for signature
by Ma. Lawless and Ms. O'Connor. In addition, thanks in large part to Missy Good, who
wrote the episode and got permission from RenPics, and also to Rob Tapert, who gave Missy
the story to write and the permission for her to release it, we have a copy of the Sappho
script up for auction as well, signed by Missy. The auction is open to everyone in the
Xenaverse. You may bid as often as you like. High bids will be posted, hopefully daily,
but at least once a week. To take a look and/or bid, go to http://www.xenamultimedia.com/special/auction/
Everything we take in goes to the American Cancer Society. If you have questions, email me
at Storybyrd@aol.com.
Season 6 Episode Guide
News Archive
Aussie Xena News
- Word coming out from the channel 10 studios is that Season 6
of Xena may be shown on channel 10 some time in the near future.
The Bard's Corner

The annual Xenafest (or: Xena Camp) of the German Xena Fanclub (DXF) will take place from
May 25-27th in Winterberg and they have a very special guest - Claire Stansfield will be
there! [Click here to find out more about the Xenafest]
Xenaverse News
The following is from Mist at Sword and Staff
- I have been asked by the Starship Foundation to again remind
Xena fans that the Safe and Sound Appeal is officially closed. They are asking that you
NOT send checks to them for that purpose. If you would like to support the Starship
Foundation and the Starship Hospital, they are announcing a new initiative to celebrate
the 10th Anniversary of the Starship Children's Hospital. Details follow below and can
also be found on the Sword and Staff website at
http://sword-and-staff.com. I will be collecting donations through Sword and Staff to
support the creation of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Theatre. Donations can be made payable
to Starship Foundation and sent to:
Sword and Staff
P.O. Box 224
Floral Park, NY 11002
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
5 March
News Archive
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- Music Videos
- The following is from DS Bauden
I have another music video available at my site :) It's to Bette
Midler's "One True Friend" you're gonna love it. You will need an updated
version of Quicktime for the best results for the video. It's about a 5.3 MB file.
Creation Xena Posters Update - the following is from
Creation Entertainment
- We received over 300 posts in the "what posters should
we make" poll. Thought you'd like to see the results. [Click here to read more]
3 March
AXIP is in the news! AXIP has been been
reviewed by UpBeat Magazine - it's an awesome review <g> Check it out! Upbeat
Season 6 Episode Guide
AXIP News Archive
ROC News
- Rubbernecking will be screening in New York
in April and the more people they get involved the more likely the film will get picked up
by distributors.
The debut feature for filmmakers Sean Kinney and Ross Martin, "Rubbernecking,"
has been invited into the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival. The
film will be screening Sun. April 1st 2PM (No prank) at the El Tinker, French Institute,
at 22 East 60th Street (Park/Madison Ave.). Be aware of Daylight Savings Time Change.
General Admission tickets are $10. For industry/press passes (Distributor or Press) please
fax a request on letterhead to (212)387-0873. Many thanks to Alicia for the
The Bard's Corner
1 March
I hope all the Seattle based Xenites are well after
the earth rocked and rolled today under them.
Season 6 Episode Guide
Click here for February Updates
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