
Happy birthday MaryD, 9/24/01
Incorporating What's New on The
Lawless Files
& What's New on The ROC File
Logo created by Lucia
visitors since 15 December 1996
Though Mary and I will be in contact every day while
she's on vacation, please e-mail me, Redhead
with any updates.
If I'm not sure about something, I will ask her first, as I have been doing.
September 30
Wahoo!! Mary's back, Mary's back!!! (Oh,
I mean darn, shucks, Mary's back... *g*) But good, golly, gosh I missed
her!! This will be my last update and I want to thank my friend Mary for
trusting me with her "baby" and thank all of you for the encouragement and
support you've shown me. It'll take some getting use to not receiving 20 emails a
day, wow! It's been fun, challenging and educational but I'm still lost in
here! It was also a great comfort during the World Trade Center tragedy. But
now that Mary's back, I think I need a vacation.
not in Kansas anymore
- Mary's last entry on her way back home!!
The Bard's
Post Fin
September 28
on America
- From Creation: added information on a Charity Brunch
Boat Cruise with the help of Hudson Leick, Ted Raimi, Claire Stansfield and Alexandra
Tydings. Many thanks to EZ Ryder for the information
- From MaryD herself, a link to Betsy Book's personal documentary
of a sister and brother's experiences in New York City the week following the World Trade
Center disaster. Many thanks to the boss for this link.
Xenaverse News
- What's for breakfast? How about some XENA: A TASTE OF HONEY CEREAL? From Scifihobby.com and many
thanks to Holly for this info.
- The Xena Warrior Princess Virtual Series 7 has opened with a
bang!! You can check it out at http://xwpvs.tripod.com Many thanks to Guilda
for the link.
September 27
I'm working on all the fan fiction stories that came in at
once (or so it seems, ha!) so please bare with me, I'll get them posted and the links
fixed before you know it.
not in Kansas anymore
- Big lights, bright city, Mary visits New York, New York.
Xenaverse News
September 26
on America
- Added day 12 (last installment) of a Volunteer's Diary
by Dragonfly. A personal note of gratitude to Dragonfly from all of us unable to be
there with her. Thank you for your valiant efforts, you will not be
September 25
not in Kansas anymore
- Birthday girl celebrates in Ottawa, Canada
Xenaverse News
- Added scan of the Xena Game Boy Color game just
released this last weekend here in the UK. Many thanks to Mark for providing it.
- The Chakram mailing list has closed its doors. Many thanks to
YIYIYI YIYIYI for this alert.
Lucy News
- Added Lucy's appearances on Foxtel
CD, DVD & Video News
- More info on the DVD list for Season 1 and 2 for Australia. Many
thanks to Sarah T. for the info.
on America
September 23
not in Kansas anymore
- Added her adventures in Syracuse and Ottawa, plus a couple
more squirrelly photos. <g>
Xenaverse News
on America
September 22
Xenaverse News
- Added a plea from Snow Raven regarding the pirating of music
videos being sold on Ebay.
The Bard's
Post Fin
CD, DVD & Video News
- Added list of DVD's for season one. Many thanks to
Petra for the list
on America
- Added day 9 of a Volunteer's Diary by
Dragonfly (ok, I'm crying again) {{{{{{{{Fly & son}}}}}}}
- Sword and Staff will be raffling off a two game Starship
Charity Monopoly set consisting of a Lucy Lawless autographed Monopoly game. Check
out the Attack on America page for more info.
September 21
Post Fin
The Bard's
I need the bards help. Mary will be back very
shortly and I need help cleaning up a small mess before she finds it, lol. If you
would be so kind as to check your indexes to make sure I didn't leave off a link to your
latest work I'd sure appreciate it. And please don't tell Mary!!!
on America
- Added day 8 of a Volunteer's Diary
by Dragonfly
- Added a poem by Emilia {{{{{{{{Em}}}}}}}
September 20
The Bard's
X Marks The Spot
- Added a juicy rumor about Lucy's character and the
cancer man. Many thanks to Arlene for the link.
on America
- Added day 7 of a Volunteer's Diary
by Dragonfly Okay, so I forgot to actually load day 7, sorry my bad. It's fixed
and now I have to go answer a ton of email asking where day 7 is at. Glad to know
everyone's reading and supporting Fly like that.
- CN Winters has organized an auction with fellow bards,
authors, fans and stars of Xena: Warrior Princess in the effort to raise money for the
American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Items include original artwork, season video
sets, autographed photos of Lucy and Renee (as well as other cast members) from Creation
Entertainment, rare collectibles, hard to get magazines and many items too numerous to
mention. All proceeds go to benefit the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Bidding
starts Friday, Sept. 21st, 2001 and will end Wednesday, September 26th at 11:00 PM EST.
Please stop by and visit the site at http://cnwinters.tripod.com/auction/charityhome.htm
- Added poem, The
World Came Home by Melba Harris
- Added poem, When
Darkness Comes by Jennifer L.
- Added link to Remembrance, Artemis' website with ribbons and banners for
September 19
on America
September 18
Lucy News
The Bard's
on America
September 17
Attack on America
Turn The Page
September 16
Attack on America
Bard's Corner
MaryD's not in Kansas anymore
September 14
I want to let everyone know that I am
forwarding to MaryD your emails of appreciation for her support of America during this
time of tragedy. As an American myself, I am also very appreciative of Mary who
asked that the ribbon and flag be put on her site in show of support and all the
country's who are standing beside us. Redhead
Attack on America
(added a new page for this)
Added a commentary, This Time by Amy
CN Winters is organizing a Xenite Charity
Auction for the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund
From Mist of Sword-and-Staff; added a
message from Xena's mother, Darien Takle aka Cyrene regarding the attack on America.
Added a Volunteer's Diary by
Added a conversation Marilyn T., a New
Zealand fan, had with Michael Hurst.
MaryD's not in Kansas anymore
ROC Files
Post Fin Fic
X Marks The
September 12
Our prayers continued to be with the victims,
families, rescuers and police during this time of national emergency in America. Many
thanks to Vicky for passing along the yellow ribbon graphic.
Bard's Corner
Once again I must apologize for getting so far
behind on the fan fiction. Hopefully this will catch everybody up. (I blame
Mary's headcold for slowing me down *g*)
X Marks The
September 11
A very sad day for America as the World
Trade Center and Pentagon are targets of terrorism. My prayers go out to all those
affected by such a cowardly act. Redhead
I just heard from MaryD and
she's fine! She left DC yesterday and is now in Syracuse where "she's not
moving from!" She asks that we all pray for those that have lost their lives in
these terrorist attacks.
To all those offering Mary shelter in
Syracuse, thank you, but she is fine and staying with friends as was planned.
September 10
Lucy Media Alert
From SharonDel: Lucy will be on
Entertainment Tonight Tuesday, Sept 11, promoting her upcoming appearance on the X-Files
season premiere Nov 4 and 11. (Many thanks to my pal EZ RYDER for passing along
this alert to me.)
News Archive
Bard's Corner
September 8
Newsflash!! MaryD gave me her
headcold!!! Now is that anyway to treat a friend?
The Gay and Lesbian Review's
September-October issue has a rather moving and thoughtful article about Xena. The
website is www.GLReview.com
Many thanks to Maria SJ for the info. (My apologies, I was also told about this a
couple of days ago and I've lost the email and name of the person who told me.)
MaryD's not in Kansas anymore
Lucy News
Marks The Spot
USA Today, Friday, Sept. 7, 2001. The
article is "Weekend's top 3: Once again great?" By Robert Bianco, Page
9E. Gish, Anderson and LL in a publicity shot. (Many thanks to Virginia K.
for the scan and info)

September 5
I talked with Mary today and bless her heart,
she has a terrible head cold. I thought it made her sound sexier on the phone though
(hee-hee). I hope you get well soon mate, it's a total bugger to be sick on your
holiday. (talk for a bit and all of a sudden I've got an accent, ha!)
MaryD's not in Kansas anymore
Bard's Corner
Post Fin Fic
Aussie News
Lucy News
Xena Props and Other Goodies
Marks The Spot
September 2
Aussie News
MaryD's not in Kansas anymore
September 1
Bard's Corner
Xena Props and Other Goodies
