
Logo created by Lucia Nobrega
visitors since 15 December 1996
Quote of the month
Gabrielle: Xena and I have a connection.
It's stronger than either one of us. We're soulmates
28 February
Added new section: Fan Events
Over the next few weeks The
Bard's Corner will be getting a major face lift/redesign to make it easier to find the
stories you enjoy. Stay tuned :-)
Artwork Section
Kevin Smith - In
Memoriam Page
Xenaverse News
26 February
Lucia's Corner
Xena CD, DVD & Video

The following is the DVD Inlay for the DUTCH version of the A
Friend In Need - Director's Cut DVD. The Dutch version DOES NOT have the
extras (Lucy and Renee commentary). The DVD is Dutch subtitled (no other subtitles),
region 2 and will be released on April 24. The English version (Region 1 - DVD & NTSC
VHS) will be released March 26.
Many thanks to Petra de Jong and Boxxz Screen
Entertainment for the scan and the information
The Bard's Corner
Kevin Smith - In
Memoriam Page
25 February
The Bard's Corner
Kevin Smith - In
Memoriam Page
Xenaverse News
The following is from Mist at Sword & Staff
- Lucy Lawless autographed Monopoly games are still available through Sword and Staff for
anyone who may want one. The games are available in exchange for a donation of US$100 to
Starship Foundation, plus the cost of shipping and postage. The game is a special Starship
Charity Edition, and is hand signed across the game board by Lucy Lawless. The
boards are signed "Love and thanks, Lucy Lawless, 10/01. If you'd like to see what
the autographed game board looks like, please visit the S&S website at http://sword-and-staff.com There are a
couple of pictures of the board and also one of Lucy signing them. If you would like a
copy of the game, please drop me a line at MistNY@aol.com
and I'll send you information on how to order one. Also, it's come to my attention
that someone has a game up for sale on ebay and is asking five times the purchase price.
That sale is intended for someone's personal profit, and will not benefit Starship
Foundation, so please be careful about how you bid on ebay, as I don't want to see anyone
pay more for these games than is necessary.
Best, Mist http://sword-and-staff.com
- The following is from the organisers of the Orlando BardCon
Orlando BardCon now has logo items up for sale. We are offering two separate logos for
sale through Cafe Press. One is our standard BardCon logo and the second is in memory of
Kevin Smith which contains the Ares symbol on our logo. All profits from the sale of the
items will go to the Kevin Smith Foundation.
Ares logo items - With $3 added to the base price http://www.cafepress.com/cp/store/store.aspx?storeid=OBC2002KS
Orlando BardCon logo items - With $2 added to the base price
Orlando BardCon 2002 http://www.bardcon.com
23 February
Lucia's Corner
Lucy News Archive
Kevin Smith - In
Memoriam Page
The Bard's Corner
The Bard's eBook Corner
The Artwork Section
Xenaverse News
Pasadena Xena Convention 2002
21 February
Lucy News Archive
Lucy Picture Archive
Kevin Smith - In
Memoriam Page
20 February
Kevin Smith - In
Memoriam Page
19 February
Heads up to artists - it seems a person is selling artworks
belonging to various artists on ebay. The sellers name is jht-evergreen. If your artwork
is being sold without your consent you can check the auction
list for this person
You can send your complain to ebay at
I don't have a problem with people downloading artwork or
montages from my site (please do - that's why they are up here) but I do have a problem
with people selling these works. That is a HUGE no-no.
Kevin Smith - In
Memoriam Page
The Artwork Section
The Adventures of
The Bard's Corner
18 February
Kevin Smith - In
Memoriam Page
- The following is from Mist at Sword and Staff
As you by now know, Kevin Smith has died as a result of the injuries he sustained ina
fall in Beijing, China. Kevin leaves behind a wive and three young sons. In
response to fan request that we do some kind of memorial for Kevin, Sword and Staff will
be taking donations for Kevin's family. I know there is talk of a Foundation being set up,
and if and when that happens, the funds will be sent directly to that foundation. In the
meantime, anyone wishing to donate can do so by sending a check through Sword and Staff
for that purpose.
Checks or money orders should be made payable to Debbie Cassetta and sent to:
Sword and Staff
P.O. Box 224
Floral Park, NY 11002
If you prefer, you can send the donations via PayPal. Please send the PayPal donations to DebbieCassetta@aol.com You can use
PayPal by logging on at http://www.paypal.com
Please do not make checks payable to Sword and Staff (as it is not a legal entity). Also,
please note that these gifts will be going directly to Kevin's family and are therefore
not tax deductible as a charitable expense. If you have any questions or comments, please
feel free to contact me at MistNY@aol.com
- For anyone in the Atlanta GA area -
(17 Feb) Sunday evening from 7-8pm is a candlelight memorial gathering.
The gathering will be at My Sisters' Room, outside in the gazaebo area. Anyone wishing to
share will be more than welcomed to do so. Please come by and pay your respects by signing
a card that will be forwarded to the family. If information is available regarding
donations, we will share it at that time. Sword and Staff is going to coordinate efforts
in that regard.
- Michael Hurst, in Pasadena for the Creation Xena Convention
has paid tribute to Kevin in a TV1 News report - the rm file is currently on their web
- Oliver Driver, the director of The Vagina Monologues said last
night's premiere of The Vagina Monologues in Auckland was dedicated to Kevin and
theatre-goers observed a minute's silence before the show.
- The following is from Beth, from The Official Kevin
Smith Fan Club
When news of Kevin's accident first broke, Angela [from ALWheaties] asked me if it
would be okay to gather messages, which I offered to forward them to Robert [Bruce] for
Kevin's family. But things have taken such a tragic turn, and Lori and I are working
together to help anyway we can. Robert was not only Kevin's agent he was also a very close
friend who loved Kevin dearly. I think for purposes of simplicity it would be best if we
coordinate this effort as much as possible, and send any messages for Kevin's family to
Lori Joyce [president of Joel Tobeck's Fan Club]. They will be forwarded at an appropriate
time. email: lori@actorsdownunder.com
Kevin's family and close friends (including Robert) need to not be bothered with fandom in
their time of grieving. Thank you all for your understanding and support, please feel free
to copy and paste this on any forums or mailing lists where this is relevant. In fact, I'd
appreciate it very much if you would.
- The following is from CN Winters and Bridget Petrella
(Upbeat Magazine)
As many of you know Kevin Smith otherwise known as Ares God of War has
died Feb. 16th, 2002 resulting in an accident in China. My good friend Bridget
Petrella of Upbeat Magazine called and asked me to
take up a donation that she will send off to the publicist of Ren Pics so that Kevin's
family - not any charity organization but Kevin's own family - can receive the funds.
Being a 'non-union' worker in New Zealand, Kevin leaves behind a wife and three children
who could greatly use the support. We are asking that every fan send in $20. If you'd like
to give more or if you'd like to give less that's perfectly fine. Every dollar will help
his family get on their feet while they rebuild their lives. Our heartfelt condolences go
out to Kevin's family, his fellow performers and the millions of fans at this terrible
loss. On a more personal note I got the chance to spend some time and talk with Kevin at
the Dearborn, MI convention where the photo below was taken. Sweet doesn't even
begin to describe this very talented yet humble man. He wasn't just a 'God' ... he was a
PRINCE in the truest sense of the word. Please make your checks out to: Winters
Productions and send to
Winters Productions
PO Box 319
Newport, MI 48166
If you have any question please feel free to email me at cnwinters@hotmail.com or Bridget at UPBEATmag@aol.com.
- Added article from Stuff.co.nz about
Kevin's injuries
- The Sydney Sun Herald also has the Reuters story about Kevin's accident and death.
- N.Z. actor who played Xena's love interest dies
Reuters Feb 16 2002 10:38PM
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A New Zealand actor who played the leather-clad, bicep-bulging God
of War, Ares, opposite Xena in the television series "Xena: Warrior Princess"
has died in China after a fall. Kevin Smith, 38, died in hospital late Friday from head
injuries he suffered in Beijing, where he had been working on a film production, the N.Z.
government said in a statement. Smith played Xena's love interest in the fantasy drama
based loosely on ancient mythology, which ended filming in New Zealand last year after
being broadcast in more than 100 countries. The government statement paid tribute to
Smith, saying he was "known not only for his enormous talent and amazing beauty, but
also for his intelligence and self-effacing humour." The New Zealand Herald reported
Smith's next role was to have been in a Bruce Willis movie, "Man of War," to
begin filming in Hawaii next month. Reuters/Variety
Lucy News / Safe and Sound Appeal News
- The following is from the NZ Herald
This weekend, Sky City and the Starship Foundation will launch an advertising and
fundraising campaign aimed at helping children and young people at risk of abuse. The
appeal, fronted by actor Lucy Lawless, will raise funds to help medical specialists from
Starship join police and Child, Youth and Family Services in a multi-agency centre. The
first centre of its kind in New Zealand, its aim is to stop children falling through gaps
in the system. Children will be able to be treated by all three agencies under one roof
rather than in different offices or even different parts of town. Starship needs another
$100,000 to refurbish its part of the building before the centre can open in August.
Appeal details: Safe and Sound Appeal donation envelopes will be
delivered to Auckland households from Monday. Donations can be made online at the Starship website or sent to Freepost
Safe and Sound Appeal, PO Box 91939, Auckland Mail Centre.
in The Vagina Monologues News & Photos
17 February
Fans all over the Xenaverse are in mourning today because of
the death of one of the nicest actors and human being - I have never heard anything bad
about Kevin Smith. People have described him as a generous, fun loving man. It's a tragic
event at such an young age. My heart goes out to his family and friends but in particular
his three young sons.
In tribute to Kevin Smith, some time ago I created a montage
for his Official Fan Club and I would like to share it here today. I have updated the
montage to include my favourite photo of Kevin.
Rest in Peace Kevin.

The following is from Mist at Sword & Staff.
Several people asked about some kind of memorial in his memory or perhaps doing something
to help his wife and children. I hope we can organize something through Sword and Staff. I
need to get my head screwed on straight after this news. Please let people know that
S&S will organize something in his memory
A Kevin Smith Memorial Room has been created in the palace.
Please come by and join us in a remembrance vigil for Kevin. You may leave a small
memento, flower, or candle in the room.
There will be a memorial service tomorrow in Kevin's room:
Sunday, February 17 5:00pm ET / 2:00pm PT / 10pm Europe
Monday, February 18 9:00am East Australia / 11:00am New Zealand
Please feel free to pass this info along to other lists. Information about how to get to
the Warrior Palace can be found at: http://www.warriorpalace.com
There wil be a service held for Fellow bard Diamondogg and Kevin Smith at the
forevaxena tavern at http://www.forevaxena.com on
the left side of th epage click on "forevaxena's tavern". This will be held on
Feb. 16th at 4pm est.
The following is from ALWheaties
I am incredibly saddened that our Beloved Kevin has passed away! Prior to
knowing this, I had collected well over 70 Get Well/Best Wishes cards for Kevin and put
them on 2 webpages. The cards that have come in are from all over the world from
Indiana to Israel and are a loving testiment of how much Kevin was thought of by everyone.
Now, I am accepting Sympathy and cards of concern for Kevin's
family. I will include all these notes together on the webpage and all will be
forwarded to Kevin's family. No one's email addresses will be included on the
webpage, but if you do not wish your letter to be on the webpage, that is ok and it will
still be forwarded. Many Thanks to everyone who have sent their cards in and Best
Wishes to Kevin's family, our prayers
are with you!
Take Care!
Angela aka ALWheaties
Added to Kevin Smith - In
16 February
16 February 2002 - 12:20 AEST
Kevin Smith (Ares) has died from injuries he sustained in a fall in China.
My condolences go out to his family and friends
click here to read NZ
Herald report
Lucy TV

Added screengrabs from Sky News Australia - NZ 3 News Segment
The news station had a segment on The Vagina Monologues on the first night in
Auckland. Lucy looks spectacular!
I have also created an Real Player movie file of the entire segment
Click here for video file of the
NZ 3 News (Sky News) segment. Size 1.8 mb in rm format
Virtual Season 7
The Subtext Virtual Season 7 has a double episode
this week <g>
This is a total incredible Valentine's Day episode. Not only is the STORY great
(and parts of it are based on a story idea by Rob Tapert) BUT Lucia has outdone herself
with the artwork. That's all I'm going to say about that - go and read it!
While escorting a lost group of Hestian Virgins to their temple in
Thebes, Gabrielle tells a story to help pass the time
For Adobe Acrobat PDF,
eBook,iSilo PDA and RTF Formats
Happy Never After
This is a totally hysterical episode that will make you LOL -
Taking a shortcut away from trouble, Xena and Gabrielle find themselves locked up and tied
down as they try to help a hapless couple navigate love - and taxes
For Adobe Acrobat PDF,
eBook,iSilo PDA and RTF Formats
MaryD's Artwork
The Bard's Corner
The Bard's eBook Corner
Update on Kevin Smith from ALWheaties
I wanted to write a quick hello and a BIG THANK YOU for all your kind
letters and cards for Kevin Smith! I am still collecting them, but have had so many
come in that I think I will make a webpage with them all as some have graphics, etc.
By making the notes into a webpage, it would make it much easier to forward
everything onto Kevin and his family as it would be all on one page verses several notes
that might get lost in the jumble. Also, I can preserve how each note came in
(colored text, pictures, etc. can all be kept together with each note). I would not
print any of your email addresses, just your message that you sent me. If any of you
do not want to have your message listed within the webpage, that is ok. Just let me
know and I will be sure not to include it on the webpage, but it would still be forwarded
onto Kevin and his family. If any of you have any questions, please write me back
and let me know. I will keep you all informed as to when the webpage is online.
If you wish to send a card/get well wishes to Kevin send them to angela.wheaton@snet.net
15 February
The Talking Xena Message Board has not been deleted from the
web - it's just under new management. http://pub47.ezboard.com/btalkingxena
The Bard's Corner
Picture Archive
14 February
Xenaverse News
Kevin Smith was in China filming a movie and news has been
released that has revealed that Kevin was involved in an accident and was hospitalised. To
read more go to http://www.stuff.co.nz/inl/index/0,1008,1101624a11,FF.html
and TV3 has a rm file regarding Kevin's accident http://www.xtramsn.co.nz/news/0,,3762-1127434,00.html
ALWheaties is organising for Cards and Best Wishes to be
forwarded to Kevin. If you wish to send your good wishes/cards please email ALWheaties at angela.wheaton@snet.net
To Kevin Smith and his family I wish him a quick recovery and
hope he gets home soon.
Lucy News
- NZoom has an rm file talking about the Vagina Monologues where
Lucy is interviewed
http://onenews.nzoom.com/ (right hand side of the
page under Holmes: "Getting comfortable with your Vagina"
Picture Archive
The Bard's Corner
Due to the server move some links may not work properly. If
you find any dead links can you please email me so they can be fixed. Email them to webmaster@ausxip.com
13 February
Xena Graphics Archive
Picture Archive
Lucy Media Alerts
- Added info about the NZ New Idea - Lucy's Pregnancy Scare and
ordering information
The Bard's Corner
There is a new mailing list for Discussion of the new novel
by T.Novan and Taylor Rickard, Words Heard in Silence http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WHIS/
The Bard's eBook Corner
12 February
Hi folks,
As many of you are aware the AUSXIP Talking Xena Message Board has always
had a rule about negativity (I have always strived to keep this site as positive as I can)
and about bashing Lucy, Rob Tapert, Renee etc. Lately this has been ignored by quite a few
people. As many of you know I don't like negativity and I have come to a decision not to
have this message board associated with AUSXIP. The message board will still be around on
ezyboards (at the same address) but without AUSXIP in the name.
Please don't see this as a form of censorship; EVERYONE has the right to their opinion and
I respect that. This was not an easy decision to make but as always the person I have to
be true to is myself.
I want to thank Redhead for all that she has done, for all the hard work in building the
message board up. For her enthusiasm for TX and the amount of hours and angst she has gone
through. I would also like to thank the moderators for the effort they have put in.
Battle On!
Artwork Section
The Subtext Zone
Picture Archive
- Added photo of Lucy from the Sky City Symphony from the
Woman's Day (NZ) - 11 February 2002 issue
The Bard's Corner
Adrienne Wilkinson
Information Page
11 February
Lucy News Archive
The Bard's Corner
I am quite pleased to announce the addition of Ana
Ortiz to The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- Morgaine has an absolutely fantastic music video out called
The Different. It's based on Melissa Ethridge's song Different from the SKIN CD. It's an
absolutely fantastic video to an equally fantastic song. www.chroniclesofmorgaine.com
- Bardcon.org will be holding their first (of what hopes to be)
annual meeting in Chicago April 13th and 14th, 2002. We expect first year attendance at
200 people and we are planning things accordingly. At this time we are researching
locations and expect ticket prices to be between $30-40 for both days of the convention. A
dinner is also being planned for 7 pm on Sunday, the final day of the convention at a
separate charge this again will be in the $30-40 range. If feasible we may offer a
discount to those who purchase both a con ticket and a dinner ticket. Were currently
looking for fan fiction writers who would like to meet with fans that weekend to discuss
the characters we love. Buffy, Xena, Star Trek, Star Wars, you name it its a
workshop/panel/seminar atmosphere which will let the bards interact with the
readers and vice verse. As an added bonus to Xena fans, the About Face Theater will be
doing a musical revue of Xena Live II with a special performance time for us, which will
be announced at a later date, where the audience can do a Q and A with the shows stars and
writers. Ticket prices for Xena Live will also follow soon.
[click here to read more about the bardcon]
- News for Italian Xenites
Season 6 will commence next week on the same channel as before and same timeslot.
Coming Home will not be shown but will start with the second episode. Season 5 will not be
Many thanks to Storm for the information
Xena Merchandise

27 Pages of Xena - complete Season Six episode guide and
more. Purchase from Power Star for $4.95 (US) click
here to order
Adrienne Wilkinson
Information Page
9 February
Picture Archive

Added The
Vagina Monologues program guide with 4 photos of Lucy and her co-stars.
Virtual Season 7

Someone is looking for Xena and Gabrielle. Can they help this old friend out a tight spot?
Also available For Adobe Acrobat PDF, eBook,iSilo PDA and
RTF Formats
Artwork Section
The Subtext Zone
Xenaverse News
- The Orlando BardCon 2002 is being held May 25th at the Walt
Disney World's Grand Floridian Resort. The cost for the day is $52 which includes a lunch
catered by Disney. We have arranged for a room block at the Port Orleans Riverside which
is also on Disney Property for $129 plus tax per night. In addition to the con we have
several additional activities planned. On Friday evening we have an informal get together
at the ESPN Club at Disney's Boardwalk. Sunday morning we will be having our BardCon
breakfast at the Grand Floridian Resort's Citricos Restaurant for $35. For more
information about the con and to purchase tickets please visit our website at http://www.bardcon.com
8 February
Xenaverse News
/ Lucy Media Alerts
- Oxygen Goes "Behind the Kiss" to Parody Hollywood's
Favorite Love Stories
Sunday, March 10 at 10:00 pm
Oxygen will premiere "Behind The Kiss," a one-hour special by award-winning
animator CORKY QUAKENBUSH, Sunday, March 10 at 10:00 p.m.(a) Created in stop-motion
animation with claymation figures, this special features a spoof of talk show host Charlie
GERE, ELLEN DEGENERES, and JULIE ANDREWS at the premieres of Hollywood movie parodies,
including "Xena, Warrior Princess Diaries," "Romeo and J. Loet,"
"An Officer and a Yentlman," "Hannibal: You've Got Meal" and
"Bitanic." "Behind the Kiss" parodies Hollywood love stories, by
warping plotlines of two blockbusters into something entirely new:
In "Xena, Warrior Princess Diaries," Xena (Lucy
Lawless) is saving the world, but what she really wants is to be popular.
As Julie Andrews instructs her to be a "real princess," Xena reverts to her
ass-kickin', hell-raisin' ways.
[click here read read entire article]
Lucy News Archive / Picture Archive
X Marks The Spot
The Bard's Corner
7 February
Artwork Section
The Bard's Corner
6 February
New Section: The
Adventures of Astro Bear
Astro Bear is a new series by Lucia Nobrega that will feature Astro Bear. Astro
Bear rides a star ship around the world looking for kids in trouble. He gives special
attention for those that are in hospitals. This page is dedicated to helping the Starship
Foundation and the campaign by Lucy Lawless against child abuse.
Picture Archive
Lucy News Archive
The following is from Kiwi Attic of Lucy articles from various New
Zealand magazines
The Bard's Corner
Turn The Page
Above All Honour by
Buy this book from The Open Book
This is an EXCELLENT novel and a thoroughly good read.
Single-minded Secret Service Agent Cameron Roberts has one mission - to guard the
daughter of the President of the United States at all cost. Her duty is her life and it is
the only thing that keeps her from self-destructing under the unbearable weight of her own
deep personal tragedy. She hasn't counted on the fact the Blair Powell, the beautiful,
willful First Daughter, will do anything in her power to escape the watchful eyes of her
protectors, including seducing the agent in charge. Both women struggle with long-hidden
secrets and dark passions as they are forced to confront their growing attraction amidst
the escalating danger drawing ever closer to Blair. From the dark shadows of rough trade
bars in Greenwich Village to the elite galleries of Soho, Cameron must balance duty with
desire and, ultimately, she must chose between love and honor.
Soul Speak by Trish Shields
Buy this book from The Open Book
Have you ever touched a love so pure that you know without
reservation you can't possibly live without it? Have you ever loved a woman so deeply that
the lines between you blurred? If you have, then you want to read Trish Shields' poetry as
she explores her love and passion for another woman in poetic verse that is sure to touch
you at the very core of your being.
The Peacekeepers by Jeanne
Buy this book from The Open Book
Nimri, Chatterre's new Keeper of the Peace, must find her inner
reservoir of mystic power to safeguard her tribe from their bitter rivals, lead by Thunder
Malcoeur. Unless she can find this magic core, she knows her tribe will be annihilated.
Light years away, Colonel Larwin Atano, fights to save his intergalactic starfighter.
Despite all efforts, he crashes. Larwin perceives Chatterre's inhabitants as a minor
inconvenience in his conquest of the planet's resources
Nimri believes Larwin is a
supernatural Guardian, who will protect her tribe from Malcoeur. Who will survive the
coming conflict?
5 February
Lucy News Archive
Lucy News
Lucy is interviewed on Enteraintment Tonight (4
February US/5 February Aus). In the interview she reveals that she suffered a miscarriage
between the end of Xena and her current pregnancy. It was also implicated that at some
point there was a worry about her current pregnancy.
ET Online has a snippet of the interview on video and transcript
Xena CD, DVD & Video
- Seems like Region 2 (UK) will have the jump on the US for the
Season 6 DVD.
Released 1 April 2002. Price £28.29 ($78.66 Australian $40.04 US). The
Region 4 (US/Canada) Season 6 DVD is scheduled to be released in September
Order Season 6 DVD
from Blackstar UK
- Also released 1 April 2002 will be the PAL version of Season 6
on VHS Video
Price: £22.89 ($63.65 Australian).
Oder Season 6 VHS/PAL
from Blackstar UK
The Bard's Corner
This isn't Xena related but it does involve a friend of mine
(and the best interviewer/reviewer in the Xenaverse or out of it) SLK.
Sheryl-Lee has just opened her own web site and it's absolutely fabulous! Check it out - http://axis.nanou.com.au/slk/index.html
4 February
Artwork Section
The Subtext Zone
The Bard's Corner
I am very pleased to announce the addition of Taylor Rickard
and Amber to The Bard's Corner. The following story "Words Heard In
Silence" is an absolute beauty! Don't miss this one folks. Every week will see the
release of two chapters.
Also two very promising stories are All It Took Was You by
Ali Vali and Freedom's Heart by Amber. Both are Ubers set in different time periods.
Excellent stuff.
2 February
News Archive

Added a link to The New Zealand Herald which has an interview with Lucy about the
upcoming play The Vagina Monologues in New Zealand
Added interview with Adrienne Wilkinson
from UpBeat Magazine on her new show called "As If"
Artwork Section
The Subtext Zone
The Bard's Corner
I have removed two Uber stories by T. Novan (Southern Comfort
and Returning Home). TN will be replacing these two stories with a newer version which
will be posted in parts starting from next week.
The eBook Corner
- The following is from Petra de Jong in the Netherlands:
Join us for the final DAHX Hercules and Xena Fest on April 14, from 10.00 to
17.00. With episodes (the Ring trilogy and (hopefully) the director's cut of FIN),
and fellow fans. And of course an auction for the seal rehabilitation center. One of the
items to be auctioned off is a Starship Monopoly game, signed by Lucy herself (see http://sword-and-staff.com). Place to be: De Baten,
Dukatenburg 1, Nieuwegein, the Netherlands. Entrance: 4 euro. For more info, e-mail fest@dahx.demon.nl

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