Eva and Zoe Fiction Series by MaryD & Artwork by Lucia Nobrega
The Open Book: Out
of Darkness & You
Must Remember This
Amazon.com: Out
of Darkness & You Must
Remember This
Logo created by Lucia Nobrega
visitors since 15 December 1996
31 January
Xena CD, DVD and Video
The Lawless Files
CARES - Starship Foundation
Safe and Sound Appeal
Picture Archive Updates
News Archive
Artwork Section
The Subtext Zone
Bard's Corner
Xena Merchandise
Turn The Page
Full Circle
by MaryD - Pre Order Now from The Open Book.
Full Circle is the third novel in the Eva and Zoe series. Set
four years after You Must Remember This, it sees Eva and Zoe settled in their own home,
comfortable in their jobs, and still very much in love with each other. An opportunity
arises for them to go back to Germany and Greece. For Eva the journey home brings back
memories of her childhood amidst a war ravaged Berlin. Can she find some solace in a place
she once called home? For Zoe, it's a time to heal her soul from the brutality of the war.
For both women it's time to reflect on the past, learn from the present, and move
on to the future - bringing them Full Circle.
30 January
Xena CD, DVD and Video
- Entertainment Weekly Magazine announced in last week's issue
that Xena's 6th Season will be available on DVD from September 10, 2002.
Many thanks to Jen for the news
News Archive
The Bard's Corner
ROC Media Alert
- Added information about upcoming movie for the US.
Xenaverse News
29 January
Artwork Section
News Archive
The Bard's Corner
Post FIN Fic
The eBook Corner
Xenaverse News
- Isreali fans are going to be happy with the following
Season 6 will be shown in Isreal every Saturday at 6:00 pm on channel 10
starting from February 1, 2002.
Many thanks to Monic for the news
Turn The Page
Nuturing Souls by DS Bauden
You can pre-order this book which will be available soon.
It contains the storiesA Fresh Start and In Healing Arms under one cover.
26 January
Today in History: Australia Day! That's means a long long
weekend <g>
Artwork Section
The Bard's Corner
The eBook Corner
25 January
For those in New Zealand - the following is from the
NZ Herald - 25 January 2001
The weekend's best deal must be the Sky City Starlight
Symphony in the Auckland Domain. The entertainment begins at 6 pm tomorrow with
cheerleaders, a charity endorsement by actor Lucy Lawless and the Volvo Ocean Race
presentation. The concert, featuring Dame Malvina Major, the Sky City Massed Choir and the
Auckland Philharmonia and more, begins at 7.30 pm and is hosted by John Hawkesby.
Admission is free. Volunteers will collect donations towards the Safe & Sound Appeal
to benefit abused children and young people. No parking is available in the Domain. The
concert will finish about 10.30
CARES - Starship
Safe and Sound Appeal
Lucy Lawless needs you. As Starship Foundation board trustee
and ambassador, she will start a fundraising drive at the Sky City Starlight Symphony this
Saturday to raise money for the Safe and Sound Appeal. The appeal will help abused
children and young people. Around 400 volunteers are needed to collect donations during
the concert. Anyone able to give a few hours during the concert should ring (09) 309-2007.
From NZ Herald - 23 January 2002
The Bard's Corner
24 January
Articles / X Marks The Spot
Artwork Section
The Bard's Corner
CARES - Starship
The following is from Mist at Sword & Staff
- Anyone interested in donating to the Safe and Sound appeal can
do so through Sword and Staff. I thought it might be a great idea to donate the money from
Xena fans in the name of Lucy and Rob's new baby. If you'd like to donate, please make
CHECKS PAYABLE to STARSHIP FOUNDATION. (Please DO NOT send Postal Money Orders as they are
not good outside the US and its possessions). I will earmark the donations for the
Safe and Sound appeal, and let them know that the donations are being made to
celebrate the upcoming birth of Lucy's baby. If you prefer, you can make your payment by
credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express). Just send me your full name and
address, credit card type, credit card number, expiry date, and the amount of your
donation. You can mail your donations to:
Sword and Staff
P.O. Box 224
Floral Park, NY 11002
If you have any questions, please contact me at MistNY@aol.com
23 January
News Archive / CARES - Starship Hospital
- Lucy is once again lending her support to raise $100,000 for
the Starship Children's Hospital. Today's NZ Herald has an interview with Lucy about the
here to read article in NZ Herald]
- The following is from Mist at Sword and Staff
Got a note from my contact at the
Starship Foundation today. One of the things he mentioned was that a second Safe and Sound
Appeal is set, and once again Lucy will be lending her support. Anyone interested should
keep an eye on the New Zealand Herald. Lucy's scheduled for an interview with the paper
this week, so you should see something about it there.
Lucy is also set to officially annouce the launch of this second appeal at a huge outdoor
concert next weekend. Hope some of you down in NZ will be able to attend. Sounds like
quite a show. http://sword-and-staff.com
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
DVD News
The following isn't Xena related but are some of my
favourite shows becoming available on DVD
21 January
News Archive
The Bard's Corner
With the recent shakeup in the Xenaverse about sites and
soforth JM Dragon's site went down and is now back up. The new site is located at www.jmdragon.net
Post FIN Fic
Fan Fiction Trekking
20 January
I am very pleased to annouce that the Artwork Section
is now open for submissions.
Submission guidelines for Artwork
on Ausxip
Any and all Xena and Fan Fiction characters/images welcome! Ausxip Artwork will host
subtext images but NO nudity and nothing graphic. When sending images, convert them
into jpgs or gifs, no bmps please. Zip if you can. Send me as many images of Xena,
Gabby, Alti, Ephiny etc drawings/paintings as you like. Send files to Mesh
ROC News
- Creation Entertainment has announced that Renee's male lead
for the play Love Letters will be Michael Hurst.
Xenaverse News
- Creation has also announced that Josie Ryan (Lucy's younger
sister) will be debuting her play "Sister WonderWoman" at the convention.
Sister WonderWoman is an expose into the lives and loves of a Hollywood superhero
has-been and those of her humdrum, homespun sister from the sticks. She plays the
roles of both sisters. We follow the career of Rhonda Carter as she encounters the
world of TV, husbands who are in love with her alter ego rather than the woman herself,
her decline, her reliance on booze and drugs and her attempts to create a new life after
stardom. The other story of Sylvia is of the frustrations of living in the shadow of a
famous sister, of boyfriends who are interested only in her sister and a naive quest for
personal success. For more details go to: http://www.creationent.com/calendar_frame.html
18 January
Xena CD, DVD and Video
Eva and Zoe Merchandise Store
Valentine's Day Specials
Great Buy
Buy Out
of Darkness with You
Must Remember This today! from Amazon.com
Turn the Page
Eye of the Storm by Melissa Good
Pre-order this book! To be released soon
"Eye of the Storm" picks up the story of Dar Roberts and Kerry Stuart a
few months after the story Hurricane Watch ends. At first it looks like they are settling
into their lives together but, as readers of this series have learned, life is never
simple around Dar and Kerry. Surrounded by endless corporate intrigue, Dar experiences
personal discoveries that force her to deal with issues that she had buried long ago and
Kerry finally faces the consequences of her own actions. As always, they help each other
through these personal challenges that, in the end, strengthen them as individuals and as
a couple.
Love's Melody Lost by Radclyffe Buy this book!
Victim of a terrible accident, famed composer and pianist Graham Yardley loses her
sight, her heart and her soul. Wealth and fame mean nothing after the devastating loss of
her beloved music; her life is reduced to silence, darkness and bitter regret. In a bleak
mansion atop windswept cliffs, the blind woman withdraws from the world, her once
consuming passions now a source of anguish and fear. Then Anna, a lost woman seeking a
place in the world, comes into her life and awakens feelings she thought were dead
forever. A fragile melody of love is played between these damaged souls, a song made
sweeter and stronger by the day
but will their blossoming romance be destroyed by
an outsider's greed or will it succumb to the discord of Graham's tormented heart? Can she
find happiness with Anna?
Fan Fiction Trekking
- This is a link to one of the best FF series I have read - Gina
Dartt's Janeway/Seven series. Gina has started a new series called Star Trek: Millenium
which features Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine. I thoroughly enjoyed her IN Between
Series and this one is just as good.
Check it out at:http://www.northco.net/~janeway/Millennium/Mindex.htm
17 January
Due to the move to the new servers a couple of the
fanfic links are not working properly. I will be fixing those as soon as I can.
The Bard's Corner
Aussie Xena Fest News
Xenaverse News
15 January
The link for what's new from
1 January to 11 January is now available.
- Updated AUSXIP In The News
AUSXIP was listed in the final issue of the Official Xena Magazine for fan run web
AXIP News Archive
- Adrienne Wilkinson will be in a new show called "As
If" on UPN according to UpBeat Online News.
Xena CD, DVD and Video
The Bard's Corner
13 January
The Bard's Corner
Xena CD, DVD and Video
Xenaverse News
- Adrienne Wilkinson News
Adrienne's personal publicist informed me of the following news:
Adrienne has just wrapped a Sci-Fi Channel Movie of the Week in Bulgaria in
November that's due to air in March of 2002, it's called 'Interceptor Force 2', Adrienne
plays the female lead Dawn Desilvia.
- In other Adrienne news - she is also an Excecutive Producer
for Nite Owl Productions
12 January
Ausxip is back up and running :-) Thank you everyone
for your patience.
I am pleased to announce that the Artwork
section will be re-opened. Submission guidelines are on the main artwork page. You
can submit your artwork to Mesh at mesh@ausxip.com -
no artwork or fakes showing nudity will be accepted.
ROC File Update
- Updated ROC Media Alerts
with TV movie re-run
- Update to Renee's appearance in February - Renee will
only be making an appearance for the stage play Love Letters at the Official Xena
Convention in February. She won't be appearing on stage for a Q&A. The male lead has
not been announced yet.
Updated ROC News
Lawless Files Update
- Added small mention of Lucy's Playboy offer from NZ Truth
& TV Extra to Lucy News
News Archive
The Ebook Corner
Xena CD, DVD and Video News
- The director's cut of A Friend in Need will be released March
26, 2002. The DVD will have commentary by Lucy and Renee plus the additional footage that
was cut from the airred FIN.
Price: $18.71US - Region 1 only - from DVD
Express - Pre Order now for your copy
- Updated information about the release of Box set 2 of Season 5
10 January
Site update:
As mentioned yesterday I'm in the process of moving the site to a new server. Yahoo
has reduced the amount of space everyone can use to 100 meg (unless you pay mega bucks and
I'm not prepared to give Yahoo mega bucks) although quite a few Xena websites are housed
on Yahoo and therefore everyone is scrambling to find new homes. Unless I wanted to reduce
ausxip down to 100 meg then Yahoo wasn't an option nor was shutting down the site.
I'll keep you all updated as to what is happening with it but
I expect by the end of the week Yahoo will a thing of the past.
8 January
Bushfire update: It was a good 48 hours -
Sydney and the mountains were drenched in rain (yeay!) which doused a lot of the fires but
there are still more ablaze. Elvis, the super water bombing chopper got some help from the
US in the form of Georgia Peach and the Incredible Hulk - two water bombing choppers on
loan from the US.
Reminder: Lucy will be
on ET today which will be looking at pregnant stars
I'm going to indulge myself for a moment and introduce the
newest member of the Brooks household <g> Her name is Zoe-Kat and she's an 18 month
old Ginger beauty and is absolutely adorable :)
The Bard's Corner
Aussie Xena News
- Sydney Xena Fest News
9th February - Now that's a big date!
Keep it free because that's when Istvan's Café will be available exclusively to those of
us obsessed with Xena! Keep tuned in for more details on
6th Gathering of the Fans at Istvan's Café
Xenaverse News
- The ARGO Legacy Awards are a celebration of the incredible
talent and effort that went into the production of all six seasons of Xena: Warrior
Princess. You're invited to take part in this endeavour to enshrine the greatness
of the show by participating in the ballot session, which will run from 18 December, 2001
- 11 January, 2002.
To vote go to: http://www.bgaynor.pair.com/rax/argolegacy.htm
5 January
There is now a bushfire appeal to help those people who lost
their homes in the ongoing bushfires. The devestation has been great. To donate to this
appeal go to:http://www.paymate.com.au/
For those in Australia you can donate by going to any branch
of the Commonweath, Westpac, ANZ or St George banks.
The Bard's Corner
News Archive - Renee
4 January

Bushfires opposite the evacuation centre at the Sussex Inlet RSL
mirrored in the Inlet. Photo: Peter Morris
The fires have not gone out and the brave firefighters from
all of Australia's six states plus help from New Zealand are fighting this storm. Elvis,
the super chopper, that can dump tons of water from above is doing a mammoth job. Latest
news is that three more choppers like that are being sent from the US to help fight the
At least 20 arsonists, many of them under 18 years old, have
been caught. Due to the leniant laws in this state, if they don't have a previous record,
they are sent to counselling/conferencing and no sentence is recorded. http://www.smh.com.au/news/specials/local/bushfire/index.html
Lucy Picture
The Bard's Corner
Ebook Corner
2 January
NSW/Sydney Fires Update:
Unprecedented hot and windy conditions, which have plunged Sydney into the driest spell in
its recorded history, are posing new threats to the city as the Christmas bushfire
disaster stretches into its tenth day. By last night, with no relief in sight from the
gusty north-westerly winds:
- Humidity had fallen to 5 per cent.
- Sixty-six fires were burning across 367,000 hectares.
- The live fire front had more than doubled - from 630
kilometres to in excess of 1300 kilometres.
- The total area burnt out grew yesterday from 367,000 to
500,000 hectares.
The following is from the Sydney Morning Herald this morning
AXIP News Archive
X Marks The Spot
Xenaverse News
- The first annual BardCon will be held the weekend of April
13th and 14th (Saturday and Sunday), 2002 in Chicago, Il. at the Hyatt
Regency Woodfield just west of O'Hare Airport and minutes from Downtown. http://www.bardcon.org
- Added new artwork by Lucia from novel #6 - A Time of Healing and excerpt from
the chapter where the artwork is taken
Click here for December 2001
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