30 April FicPick of the Week Design a Logo contest I'm holding a design contest for a new logo for the FicPick of the Week. To enter all you have to do is design a logo 150 x 175 in size and
460 x 60. The best logos will be featured in the FicPick of the Week segment and will be awarded to bards/webmasters to add to their site. Design the logo with a bardic theme in mind and submit it to
Contest closes 16 May 2004. Xena DVD News
Good News / Bad News for Aussies and Kiwis
After a long delay of not getting word about whether Season 4 to 6 will be released in Australia on DVD, I've received word today from Dave that Seasons 4, 5 and 6 will be released on 28 July 2004 for Australia and
New Zealand (Region 4) - each season will be a six disc boxset similar to Seasons 1 to 3. Unfortunately, it seems that we won't be getting any of the extras that Region 1 is getting - just the episodes. Bummer.
Many thanks to Dave for the information
Xena Articles
- Added scans of an article from Oprah Magazine - May 2004 which looks at female role models / action heroines from Wonder Woman, Cagney & Lacey, Xena and the
rest of the action heroes that followed Xena.
Kevin Smith Memorial
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News Olivia Cruises, www.olivia.com , is doing a Lesbian Film Festival cruise October 30 - November 6, 2004. The
cruise is a Mayan Caribbean Cruise aboard the Holland America's, MS Veendam Guests will include Jeannie Epper and Zoe Bell. They will also be screening Double Dare on the cruise. Zoe and Jeannie are not listed on the
website. The info comes from the Olivia spring catalog. If anyone is interested in the cruise, they may want to contact Olivia to make sure Double Dare will be screened.
Contact info:
Olivia Cruises
1 800 631 6277
4400 Market St.
Oakland, Ca 94608
Many thanks to T.Novan for the cruise news
29 April Aussie Xenite News
- The 2nd Campfire/Dinner of 2004 of the Sydney Xenaphiles will be held this coming Saturday (1 May) at 7 pm at the Bay Tinh Vietnamese Restaurant at 316 Victoria Road, Marrickville (Cnr Victoria and Marrickville
Roads). To RSVP contact Sue Bon - Camp Leader suebon@iprimus.com.au
Lucy Articles
Xena Articles
Xena DVD News
The Bard's Corner Uber
- Added Solitude (Complete) by D
A woman contemplates in solitude as she awaits her partner to return all the while reminiscing about their friendship and love.
28 April Lucy News More about the "Naked Samoans" cartoon that Lucy did a voice for one of the characters. It's actually called "bro'Town".
and will be seen on TV3 in NZ
The series is described in an interview with Oscar Kightley in NZ Listener and it discusses the cartoon show that willbe called "bro'Town" which is based on the Naked Samoans comedy group
Philip Matthews talks to Oscar Kightley, playwright and sports presenter.
As well as writing Niu Sila, you have been involved in transforming your Naked Samoans comedy group into cartoon characters for a show called bro'Town. Let's talk about both.
Bro'Town is a primetime animated sitcom that's going to hit New Zealand in a few months on TV3. It's going to be awesome. We grew up watching Fat Albert -- it was a cartoon and they were dark as well.
Read entire interview on http://www.listener.co.nz/default,1773.sm Lucy Magazine Alert
- Kiwi Attic has two magazines from NZ for those interested. One of them is the NZ TV Guide and the other is
NewsDay - if you wish to purchase these two magazines contat Crispian from kiwiattic kiwiattic@xtra.co.nz
The Bard's Corner Classic
- Added It Could Be Worse (Complete) by Iseqween
Xena and Gabrielle weather a few ripples in their new friendship immediately following their experiences in the second episode, "Chariots of War."
- Added Transitions (Complete) by Iseqween
Their more active years behind them, Xena and Gabrielle spend some quality time enjoying what they have and preparing for the future.
Lucy & Renee Images
Ellen has some great pics of Renee and Lucy for sale:
Renee from the NZ Pre-Oscar party on 2/27/04

Lucy from the STAGE Benefit (3/04) www.members.cox.net/ellenf/LLStage8x10.jpg
If you would like to purchase these images - contact Ellen on teddy333@cox.net
27 April Many thanks for the suggestions for the Lucy Card 'n' Quote section - I've now added a Xena section with Xena quotes, artwork and the
Xena theme music. Click here to view the Xena Card 'n' Quote section I will be adding a Renee and Gabrielle Postcard sections shortly. I haven't
forgotten Renee <g> Lucy Images
Lucy News
- News from the WIFTI Summit that Lucy attended in New Zealand is that she revealed she has done voice work as a character in an upcoming NZ animated film called "The Naked Samoan".
The Bard's Corner FicPick of the Week Darkness Falls by Missy Good
The rift in the series between Xena and
Gabrielle was traumatic enough and I was dreading reading fanfic about it but Missy came
through with my favourite post rift story. She dealt with the issues that Xena and
Gabrielle endured and crafted it into one of my all time favourites. Darkness Falls is
about that journey back from Tartarus that Xena and Gabrielle took -- a look into a
relationship that withstood the angst and the bitterness. An exceptional story.
26 April New section on www.lucylawless.info
- Added a new Lucy postcard section called "Lucy Card 'n' Quote". Send a friend or yourself Lucy artwork with a Lucy quote! Feedback and suggestions for
improving this section is most welcome :)
Lucy Images
New MaryD Art
Xenaverse News There is an interview with Zoe Bell (Lucy's stunt double) about her work on Kill Bill on the BBC site
I'd done all the wirework before when I was working on Xena: Warrior Princess, so it was second nature to me. The hard part was stylistically making the change. When I worked on Xena I had to concentrate
on fighting like Lucy Lawless. In Kill Bill I not only had to stop fighting like Lucy, after three years of copying her moves, but start fighting like a Wu Shu martial artist. I'd never done Wu Shu before so mentally it
was a massive challenge
25 April
Lucy News

Added transcript and scans from The Sunday Telegraph TV Guide - 25 April - 1 May 2004. Lucy talks about the Warrior Women series
that will be on Discovery in Australia, a little about a possible Xena movie and Eurotrip The following is from Stuff.co.nz about the WIFTI summit that was held in NZ from 21-24 April.
....Some of the country's best-known film and TV faces were in the crowd, including former Xena star Lucy Lawless, actors Jennifer Ward-Lealand and Cliff Curtis and Perfect Strangers director Gaylene Preston.
Lawless, based in LA for the last eight years, came home for the summit and told the Sunday Star-Times she hoped to soon move here for good.
"I'm trying to get something down here, that's the dream. It feels like I've been away too long. I think there's a real sense of excitement here, like it's a burgeoning spirit."
Click here to read entire article
24 April Lucy Images
Warrior Women News I got a bit of a thrill (I need to get out more...) on seeing the Lucy advert on the Discovery Channel for Warrior Women in Australia. The doco
is also featured in a composite for shows on the Discovery Channel which does show Wang Cong'er on a horse but one thing to notice in the advert - the story of Wang Cong'er- is missing from the advert and only Joan,
Grace, Lozen and Boudica are shown along with Lucy. Articles
Boogeyman News
Subtext Virtual Season The Staff of the Subtext Virtual Seasons would like to thank all our readers for helping us to keep Xena & Gabrielle alive. We
hope you join us next fall for Season 10!!
Carol, Denise, Judi, Missy, Sue, T.Novan, Lucia, MaryD, Linda (Calli), Trish, Linda, Marsha Deserting the Past
As Xena and Gabrielle finally look towards the future, they find their past hasn't quite given up it's hold on them yet.
23 April
Xena DVD News

The cover for the Season 4 DVD has been released and I'm very happy to see that Gabrielle is on the cover with Xena - as it should be and about time.
Click on the thumbnail for the larger image
Lucy News
Warrior Women News for US Fans
- It's not good news. The official word back from Discovery USA is that they don't have the rights to the doco and it won't be shown. The only way it will be seen in the US is if it comes out on video/dvd or
Many thanks to AJ for passing that along.
- If you are in the US and want to see WW there is an online petition underway - not sure how successful this will be but you'll never know if you don't have a go..so sign it and see what happens - there are 654
signatures so far http://www.petitiononline.com/ll61701x/petition.html
Lucy & ROC Photos for Sale:
Ellen has some great pics of Renee and Lucy for sale:
Renee from the NZ Pre-Oscar party on 2/27/04

Lucy from the STAGE Benefit (3/04) www.members.cox.net/ellenf/LLStage8x10.jpg
If you would like to purchase these images - contact Ellen on teddy333@cox.net
The Bard's Corner Uber
Xenaverse News The following is from Creation about the upcoming 10th Anniversary Xena Convention
Just a short heads up to those interested in The Official Xena Convention January 21-23, 2005 in Burbank, California celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the series. May 3, 2004 is the cut-off date for purchasing
GOLD WEEKEND PACKAGES. To reserve the last of the GOLD PACKAGES please visit: http://www.creationent.com/cal/
After May 3 additional tickets grades will be on sale.
22 April
Lucy Update
Warrior Women
Aussie and Kiwi fans have the opportunity to see the five part series of Warrior Women. May sees the doco being screened on the Discovery channel in Australia and New Zealand.
Joan of Arc will be the first episode screened on 3 May 2004 at 9:30 pm (Australia) and 11:30 pm (New Zealand) and over the next four nights. Repeats are also scheduled. One really odd thing from the tv schedule is that
the episodes Lozen and Boudica are repeated more times than the other episodes. 3 May 2004 - Joan of Arc
4 May 2004 - Grace O'Malley: Pirate Queen
5 May 2004 - Lozen: The Apache Warrior
6 May 2004 - Wang Cong'Er
7 May 2004 - Boudica
Click here for the complete list of episode repeat dates and times, reviews and screengrabs
Lucy Image Archive
21 April
ROC News
Movie News - One Weekend A Month
New Movie details - "One Weekend A Month" - Renee plays a single mum, with a young child, in the National Guard who may be headed for Iraq.
Movie News - Alien Apocalpyse
Renee will be heading off to Bulgaria to work on the Sci Fi channel movie, "Alien Apocalypse," starring Bruce Campbell, directed and written by Josh Becker from a story idea he and Rob Tapert worked on 15 years ago.
For more information about this film go to
Alien Apocalpyse Info Section.
Lucy News
News from Sharon Delaney
Just heard from Lucy and she's having a great time as a patron of the Women In Film and Television International summit, meeting in Auckland, April 21 - 24
Xenaverse News
Upcoming screenings of the stuntwoman movie, "Double Dare," with Zoe Bell: April 23 & 26 San Francisco International Film Festival
May 1 & 2 Boston Independent Film Festival
April 25 USA Film Festival in Dallas, TX/Angelika Film
Center http://www.usafilmfestival.com/
20 April
I've changed the quotes to include quotes from two of my favourite episodes "In Sickness and In Hell" and "Fins
Femmes & Gems". A little bit of fun.
Lucy News
Kiwi Attic has two photos of Lucy (one with Julius) and one with a little girl from one of her visits to the Starship Hospital.
I have a few of these cool photos left of Lucy nursing a wee patient and holding a toddler at the Starship Hospital. What a real boost it must be to the kids recovery when they get a chance to hang out with Lucy!
[MaryD: the toddler is Julius who was having extra mummy time <g>]
These were acquired from a newspaper some time ago and I have just found them again. They are 18cm x 13cm in a gloss.
They are US$15 each plus US$4 for shipping. However if you want them both, the total will be US$30.00. No charge for shipping. I will be donating a portion of these to the Starship for your support :) To order
email Crispian at Kiwi Attic at kiwiattic@xtra.co.nz
Xena Cast/Crew Articles
Xenaverse News
The following is from Alex Tydings:
Tydings is doing well. everything in my life has changed, and i am very happy. taking time off to build a nest with this wonderful man and have a baby, all of which is thrilling to me. focusing on our new house and
our family (currently two gorgeous old dogs and a very active kicker in my belly), so you won't see or hear much from me for a while. but know that i am well and very happy - just taking some time to give some attention
to the important things.
Contributed by Amy
19 April
The Bard's Corner
Fic Pick of the Week
- Words Heard In Silence by T. Novan and Taylor Rickard
I'm a real history nut and any story that can combine history with fiction, I jump at it. TN and Taylor have crafted a beautifully written story set in the dark days of the American Civil War. I love the realism, the
absolute historical accuracy of the story. The only thing fiction about it are the characters of Charlie Redmond, a dashing, debonir Army colonel leading his men as they push on to victory against the South. Rebecca
Gaines is a Southern lady who is alone and quite suspicious of the Northern Army camped outside her house. Charlie hides a secret that would destroy his life if it became
known - he is a she. Rebecca is the woman that claims Charlie's heart in a moving story that can truly be described as an epic. Find out about Lucky Charlie and Miss Rebecca. Great three dimensional characters set
in a difficult time period. Awesome
Mel & Janice
- Added Heat Wave (Complete) by Trish Shields (ArdentTly)
Lucy Articles
Xena Cast/Crew Articles
Xena Movie News
ROC News
The following is from Sharon Delaney - ROC Movie news but no name for the movie Renee has been working on...
- Interviewed Renee yesterday -- in a parking lot as usual <G> The wind was blowing or we would have been under the umbrellas at a local Coffee Bean. Instead, we took refuge in my car and then hers. She was headed
for her acting class -- it was improv night. We had a terrific conversation about the work she did last weekend on her friend's movie where she plays a single mom, with a young child, in the National Guard who may be
headed for Iraq.
No Xenophobia for Renee
- The movie Xenophobia that Renee was going to be doing for SciFi channel will no longer be made according to Sharon Delaney.
16 April
Ausxip Print Archive
- Added link to article "Deadly Dilemma Of Lesbians In Entertainment" and of course it
had a Xena mention:
"And "Xena" doesn't count either - remember, they KILLED Xena off, right when it was becoming pretty much established that her and Gabrielle were, indeed, queer as football bats. "
Lucy Update
Eurotrip - UK News
- The UK Release of Eurotrip has been moved back from it 30th April release date. Release date is now 25 June 2004.
Many thanks to Geoffrey for the news
Warrior Women
Episode Guide / Reviews by Grace
- Fixed links to video of Lucy segments on Warrior Women for episodes Joan of Arc and Grace O'Malley
The Bard's Corner
A correction to yesterday's Update - Enginerd's story which I wrote as "Out of Africa" is wrong - it should be "Out of India". My apologies to Enginerd over
that oversight.
Subtext Virtual Season

Xena and Gabrielle find themselves in a small village, surrounded by some interesting people
15 April
Lucy Update
The Bard's Corner
Mel & Janice
The following is from Cavalier Press: Cavalier Press is taking a poll - http://www.cavalierpress.com/polls.htm - on preferred book size. Please vote!
Authors T. Novan and Taylor Rickard will join KG, Blayne, and Verda at Orlando BardCon to meet with fans and autograph books.
We continue to take pre-orders for Orlando BardCon. Place your order using this form - http://www.cavalierpress.com/preorder.htm - and you can pay for the order
with check or credit card when you pick up the books at BardCon. This is only for people attending the convention!
14 April
Aussie Xena News
For those Sydney Xenites who are going to The Easter Show at Homebush, watch out for a painting that has been entered into the painting competition. Entry number 5547 is a drawing of Gabrielle. It shows (to the best
of Andjam's recollection) Gabrielle, with chakram at belt, and sai in one of her boots (she's kneeling at an angle), holding an urn, and a shadow of Gabrielle - except that the shadow is Xena-shaped (like in Phantom
menace poster where the boy
Skywalker has a Darth-vader like shadow). The show ends 15th April.
Many thanks to Andjam for the news
Lucy News Warrior Women
13 April
FicPick of the Week
Lost Soul Walking
(Alt) by DJWP
This is such an beautiful story. Two souls destined to be together forever meet one another. Very moving. Xena and Gabrielle go through several lifetimes to achieve what they have always wanted. A DJWP special.
Ausxip Print Archive
1996 Articles
1997 Articles
1998 Articles
Lucy Print Archive
1998 Articles
12 April
Ausxip Print Archive
I've been doing some general clean up and redesigning the articles archive. Deleted links to articles that are no longer on the web; fixed dead links to articles on ausxip. Early in 1996-1997 a lot of the articles
were in txt format. I have deleted those and will be coding them to add to the Print Archive.
Lucy Images
The Bard's Corner
The following is from Sue
A new Meetup group, Lesbian Literature, is starting for lesbian book lovers. http://lesbianlit.meetup.com Meetup is a gathering of local groups which meet at the
same time in cities all over the world. The purposes of each local group are to simply enjoy discussing our favorite books and authors with other wonderful women, to learn about other writers, and to support the
authors and small publishing houses, which live so close to the edge financially and which so crucially embody our lesbian culture. A companion Yahoo egroup, Lesbian Lit,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lesbianlit will unite our world wide discussion groups into a single mega-community, letting us meet each other online and
learn about each other and each other's literature, and providing us with the information that will enable us to use our power as book buyers to assure the vigorous well-being of our authors and publishers alike.
Please join in, enjoy, and make a difference!
10 April
Lucy Images
- Updated Misc Lucy Images with pics of Lucy with Oris Erhuero at the 2001 ASCAP Music Awards and one from
the Vines & Wines Gala 2002 with Lucy trying her luck in opening a medicine chest
Lucy News - REAF Auction 2 August

A furthur update to the Lucy Costume that Julie has donated to REAF for their 2
August auction for
Help Is On the Way X Benefit Concert - Julie has sent me a note to say that she will also be
donating Lucy's Valkyrie costume. The Valkerie costume has a hand written note from Lucy. This is the costume that Lucy wore as a Valkerie in Return of the Valkeries and it also has the necklace that Lucy wore as part of
the costume (see second image).
Lucia's Corner
9 April
Lucy News Articles
- Added new interview with Lucy about the Season 3 DVD from The Man Room -
19 February 2004. Great quote from Lucy about Renee in Fins Femmes & Gems
"Renee can play five hundred shades of minx, she’s just a scream..."
Lucy Magazine alert
- There will be a second Lucy interview conducted by Jeanette which will appear in Traveller Magazine. Traveller' is published by the Accor - Novotel group and is found in Accor -
Novotel - Sofitel - Mercure and Ibis motel rooms across Australia and New Zealand. The interview should be in the October issue.
Ausxip Article Archive
- Added link to review of Season 3 DVD from DigitallyObsessed.com (I suspect the writer is a big Lucy fan)....
"Lucy Lawless is simply an awesome figure of a woman. There is no doubt that Xena Warrior Princess could not have survived without her way of providing us with "just enough" of Xena. Lawless never overplays
the Warrior Princess, even in her most outlandish situations. The dry humor and twinkle in her eye is balanced with a lovely sense of caring behind all the "kill 'em all" bravado. Xena exhibits the loyalty and
honesty of a true hero. Lawless shows a fine range in her turns as look-alike Xenas and those times when Xena finds herself in unusual situations that require her to test her assumptions. The commentaries and
interviews with Lawless reveal a serious professional who enjoyed the efforts made in making Xena the successful show it is and is extremely proud of the product. There is nothing quite like when Xena gets angry and
squints at the camera."
Read the entire article on
- Added mention of Lucy & Renee from DigitallyObsessed.com - review of Hercules
"Following five television movies and two solid seasons,
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys had attained remarkable popularity in the fall of 1996. However, the overwhelming success of its spinoff,
Xena: Warrior Princess, threatened to overtake this lighter show. That series tackled darker themes,
and the emotional relationship between Xena and Gabrielle grabbed many audiences....
Read the entire article on
The Bard's Corner The genre listing will be back on the main index page shortly. It's being redesigned. Uber
Virtual Subtext Season 9
8 April
Lucy News
Furthur to yesterday's magazine alert for Brisbane (Australia) Xenites to watch out for the Lucy interview in the Sunday paper TV Guide on the 25th April; I've been contacted by the writer of the
interview, Jeanette Gibbs, who advised me that the interview will run in all major Sunday News Limited papers in Australia and not just Brisbane.
Scans and transcript of the interview will be posted here on the day.
Boogeman Articles
Ausxip News Archive
The Bard's Corner
The Bard's Corner has been redesigned - it's a little different from the rest of the site and it's quite striking IMO. Mesh has been doing the redesign and it looks absolutely fantastic. You will need
to change the address for your bookmarks for the index pages to www.ausxip.com/fanfic.php
The URL for the individual stories remain the same but the index pages have been changed. The genre sections will be redesigned as well.
7 April
Ausxip News Archive
Lucy News
Magazine Alert
- For those in Brisbane, Australia - The Brisbane Sunday Mail TV Guide will have an interview with Lucy on the 25th April.
Many thanks to Xenrielle for the news
Kevin Smith Memorial Page
6 April
I am VERY pleased to announce a new site (I don't usually announce new sites but this is special). Marilyn Edwards has been taking photos for the last 30 years. Marilyn's
photos are just amazing and she has the biggest zoom I have ever seen (and no I don't have zoom envy..well a litle bit but that's another story). Marilyn has decided to showcase her photos on her new site called
PhotosByME. At the moment the site is relatively new and the Burbank 2003 Xena Con photos are up and more will be added. Go check it out - the photos are absolutely awesome and the image of Renee to the left is my
favourite shot - Beautiful photo of a beautiful woman. Marilyn's site is at www.photosbyme.net - I am a HUGE fan of Marilyn's work and the woman herself; she is an
incredibly nice person with a great talent.
Renee News

Katherine Fugate has a great pic of Renee on her site in the classic Charlies Angels stance which is funny - she also has some great reviews of her movie "The Prince & Me". Check them out at
5 April
Lucy News
Help Is On the Way X - Broadway And All That Jazz Benefit
To support Lucy's appearance at the Help Is On The Way benefit Julie have donated one of Lucy's Xena costumes to REAF for their August 2nd auction.
They are hoping to get Lucy to sign the costume and offer it for auction online, as well as at the benefit. The costume is Xena's gold lame' beauty contest outfit from the Miss Amphipolis episode. In a few months if
it still appears that Lucy will be able to attend the benefit she has agreed to also donate another costume to the auction. Details of the auction will be announced soon. Donating to the Benefit or Ordering Tickets
- If you want to donate and you can't be at the concert, REAF has added a secure online ticketing order form to the site. The donation can be made "in honour of Lucy Lawless" in the "List My Name as..." section.
You can also fax your order through on 415-282-5492 or 00111 415-282-5492 (from Australia).
Download Ticket Order Form (to fax) or order online at
REAF Secure Online Ticketing Order Form
FicPick Of the Week
Lucifer Rising by S. Bowers
This story was my first foray into reading Uber fan fiction and sold me on the Uber idea. This story is packed with adventure, intrigue, love that knows no bounds and a good dose of mystery thrown in. This is the story of Jude
Lucien (Uber Xena) an ex DEA agent and Liz Gardener (Uber Gabrielle) a nosey reporter. This is a fantastically richly woven story that you will not be able to turn away from this xenaverse Uber classic.
Xenaverse News For UK Xenites:
- Sky channel BRAVO 124 play a X.W,P episodes on Sat: and Sun starting at 6pm repeated on 125 at 7pm this started from episode 1 and next week will be showing Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts SAT Athens
CityOf Performing Bards. T/W/T/F same channel at 2pm repeat 3pm Hercules TLJ should be ep25 this Tuesday
Many thanks to Gina for the news
4 April
The Bard's
The Bard's Corner Ebook Section Mesh has redesigned the ebook section of The Bard's Corner and it's look absolutely gorgeous. This The eBook Corner hosts fan fiction & original stories in a specific format (*.rb)
for Rocket eBook Readers. For Xena Fan Fiction stories you can read on your computer or for printing, please visit The Bard's Corner.
To save the eBooks, right click on the title of your choice, then hit "Save Target As". If you need more help on how to get the files on your computer, or on your eBook reader, please consult the FAQ or your eBook
Librarians "Help" section. Fiction Series 3 April Lucy News
The following is from Sharon: Lucy had a great birthday and thanks everyone for their good wishes. It was spread out over the whole weekend. She got together with Renee, had a party and I showed up as a Beefeater with balloons and
flowers from her friends in England. She took pics, but they're never going to see the light of day! <G> 2 April
TV Schedules
The Bard's Corner Uber
Renee Update For US Fans (EST) - Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
For Those of You Just Joining Us The writers retreat to a camp and Kevin Sorbo (as himself) must rescue them from a would-be murderer without revealing his true identity as Hercules. Guest star: Renee O'Connor.
Thu Apr 1 05:00P SCIFI- Science Fiction
Alien Apocalpyse News 1 April
Updated Lucy News
New Lucy Interview - LesbiaNation - 31 March 2004
We recently caught up with former "Xena" star Lucy Lawless making the pilot season rounds in Los Angeles, what she calls "the roller coaster of hell." The public hasn't seen much of Lawless since her brief guest role on "The
X-Files," her animated appearance on "The Simpsons" (and that tiny walk-on in Spiderman), but now she's back and ready for action. With two new film appearances under her belt, possible "negotiations" in the works for a TV show,
and the new Xena Season Three DVD set on the shelves - she's one busy lady, and loving every crazy minute of it.
Read the entire interview
Ausxip Links - Updated Merchandise links with the addition of
NZNG - New Zealand Natural Goods - online store for all things Kiwi run by Steve Muir (Renee's husband). Goodies
range from food, clothing, wine, art & culture, mother and baby and other gifts. Based in Los Angeles. Bringing a taste of kiwi to the US and elsewhere.
- Updated
Official links with the addition of Becker Films - the official site for Josh Becker, director for Xena episodes Soul Possession
(2001) Kindred Spirits (2000) If the Shoe Fits (1999) In Sickness and in Hell (1998) Fins, Femmes & Gems (1998) Blind Faith (1997) For Him the Bell Tolls (1997) Warrior . . . Princess . . .
Tramp (1996) A Fistful of Dinars (1996) - He also wrote the episodes: Ep: Chariots of War, (1995) Co-Story Ep: Locked Up and Tied Down (1998) Co-Story
Renee Update Images The Bard's Corner Classic Uber
Click here for March 2004 updates.... |