29 Feburary
Ausxip Image Library
Lucy News
Multimedia - Sounds
Xenaverse News
Upcoming tv alerts...
March 30, 12:00 EST (US): Hercules
- Armageddon Now Parts 1 & 2 airs on March 3, at 11 am et and 12 pm et.
(These two episodes started the whole Conqueror series of fanfic)
- Karl Urban's one appearance as Julius Caeser (all other appearances were as Cupid) follows Armageddon Now 2, then Greece Is Burning with Wila O'Neil (Lila on XWP).
- Surprise with Callisto (helps explain why she is in that pit that Xena enters to talk to her in A Necessary Evil) airs March 4th at 5 pm et.
- Judgement Day will air March 9 at 5 pm et.
- Men in Pink (No Xena, Gabrielle or Callisto, but a teaming of Autolycus and Salmoneus that is pretty funny, with the Edith Sidebottom {aka Michael Hurst} will air March March 23, at 5pm et.
- Yes, Virginia There Is A Hercules (again no Xena or Gabrielle, but Hudson playing Liz Fiedman) airs the next day.
- Stranger In A Strange World, which does have Xena and Gabrielle, will air on March 26 at 5pm et.
- The Xena trilogy will air on March 29 starting at 12 pm et. The King of Thieves airs after that.
- Another non-Xena ep, but is also very good - Love Takes A Holiday - centers on Iolous and Aphrodite, airs March 30 at 2pm et.
- Judgement Day and Stranger In A Strage World airs again on March 31st with JD at 1pm et and SIASW at 3pm et.
Many thanks to MET for the information
27 February
Lucy News Images
Added two Behind The Scenes Images of Lucy from On Air With Ryan Seacrest
Eurotrip News
The Bard's Corner Uber 2004 Xena Convention
More Reports from KT... 26 February
Lucy News
Articles Images
Eurotrip News
25 February
Lucy News Lucy Store - Photos

Ellen has some terrific photos for sale from the Eurotrip Premiere of Lucy - 17 February 2004
Added three photos to the Lucy Store - Photos Section Eurotrip Reviews Ausxip Music Videos There was some problem with the video when attempting to
download; that problem has been been fixed. - Added Nellie Stinson & GabEgrrl to the Music Video Section
Nellie Stinson Videos - Added Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
- Added The Warrior
GabEgrrl Videos - These Nights Alone" by Matt Kirl Gabrielle deals with life without Xena
- "You're Still the One" by Shania Twain various scenes
- "Through the Fire" by Chaka Khan scenes from Return of the Valkyrie
- "Dreamin" by Vanessa Williams scenes from Who's Gurkhan
- "I'll Always Love You" by Taylor Dane very subtexty!! various scenes
- "The Woman In Me" by Donna Summer very subtexty!! Heart of Darkness
- "Only You" by Jody Watley caution scenes from FIN but attempts to resolve finale
- "It's gettin' Hot in Here" by Nelly .zip file very subtexty!! HOD n HERE
Xena Merchandise
The following is from Cindy from
www.forevaxena.com - I've got a really great offer for Xenites running through the site right now. Karen Adler (who designs the Chakram Clocks for the XenaHerc Catalog) is offering incredible discounts on her work
(including versions of the clock that you can't get through the catalog!) until the end of the month. All folks have to do is go to http://www.forevaxena.com/merchandise/chakramClocks.html to get the details!
Xenaverse News The following is from SciFi Wire - Ngila Dickson took home a trophy for her work in both The Last Samurai and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King when the films tied in the excellence in film, period/fantasy category, at the
sixth annual Costume Designers Guild Awards ceremonies on Feb. 21, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Many thanks to MET for the news
Aussie News.... - Jennifer Sky who played Amarice in Them Bones Them Bones, Chakram,
Fallen Angel and Ides of March, and Cleo in Cleopatra 2525 will be appearing in this weeks episode of Charmed called "The Power of Three Blondes". Channel 10 at 7:30 26 February Many thanks to Mark for the news
24 February
Lucy News
Lucy Multimedia
Box Office News
The Bard's Corner / Turn The Page
The following is from Lynn Ames
"I am overjoyed to announce that The Price of
Fame will be available in print very soon from StarCrossed Productions (that's www.StarCrossedProductions.com ). Now, before you go asking why you should
bother shelling out money you could be spending on half a nice dinner somewhere when you can read the story right here, let me count the reasons why: First, there are 23 new scenes in the print version that you
can't find anywhere else, including here. Second, a good book lasts a lot longer than a good half dinner. Third, buying the book will save eye strain (hey, I'm just looking out for your best interests
here...sitting in front of your computer screen to read 300 pages is hell on your vision). Fourth, my dog likes to eat, and I confess that it's a nasty habit of mine every now and then, too. So, if you want
to take the story out for a test spin here, be my guest; I hope you love it. And if you're like me and you just can't resist the feel of a good book in your hands, I hope you'll go out (or surf) and buy
it. Thanks for your support, Lynn Ames.
The following is from Phil / BardCon/StoryPlus Postcard Project
Last Chance--One More Time
- No...not THAT Last Chance...but that did get your attention, didn't it?
Last Chance to get in on the BardCon/StoryPlus Postcard Project. We are getting ready to wrap this one up, so if you haven't sent me a postcard from your home city, state, country (whatever)...signed ever
so neatly on the front picture side with your name or pen name or email nickname...please do so ASAP.
We are asking that you find a beautiful, colorful picture postcard from your home state or city. Then sign the front of it in black sharpie marker. On the back of the postcard we ask that you PRINT your
name clearly and also indicate which of the categories you wish to be identified with: Bard (X&G writer) or Writer (Ubers and Originals) or Artist/Webmasters or Fan. If you consider yourself a member of
more than one of those categories, sign/send me a postcard for each one.
Then please put the card(s) in an envelope and mail them to: Phil Schudde, 1514 Valparaiso Blvd, Niceville, Florida 32578 -- Please, it is very important that you mail them to me in an envelope and not
directly. We want the images and signatures to stay as crisp and clean as possible.
The cards will then be combined into a spiffy new form which will then be available for purchase via a donation to StoryPlus. It's a great way to collect signatures of your favorites and to again show the
world the generous nature of the 'Verse.
Thank to all those who have already sent their cards in. Y'all ROCK.
Again...postcards get sent here:
PHIL Schudde
1514 Valparaiso Blvd.
Niceville, FL 32578
Thanks and stay tuned.
BardCon: MemorialDay Weekend-Annually
Xenaverse News
Xena Night at Meow Mix
- June 8th 2004, 6pm
New York City
June is Gay Pride Month, and there's lots to celebrate, so start early with
the Xena Night Gang! The theme of this event is gay marriage, so come be
political (and politically incorrect) while celebrating the Everlasting Love of Xena and Gabrielle! We've got lots of cool stuff in the works, on top of our usual low-tech multimedia extravaganza, so show
up early and stay late! Xena Night comes but twice a year and you've no one to blame but yourself if you don't make it there in June!
Please check out the web site for details and other recent entertaining
We hope you can make it!
The Overlord Julia and Her Royal Consort Camille aka brown bettie
Hudson News
- The premiere episode of Tru Calling, which Hudson appeared in, will repeat on March 4th. Fox 8pm et/7pm ct. (US)
Many thanks to MET for the news
23 February
Lucy Multimedia
Xenaverse News
The following is for Italian fans attending the Italian Xena Con
- We're happy to inform you that the program of the Italian XenaCon is finally available on the site http://www.deepcon.it For any info
contact info@deepcon.it IMPORTANT: when you send the convention booking form, remember to write that you're Xena fans in the space 'Ulteriori Note'.
22 February
Lucy News Videos
Eurotrip Images
- Eurotrip will hit theatres in the Netherlands on May 13.
The following is from Petra:
- Read the interview with Lucy on the about.com site. She mentions a Dutch woman as 'inspiration', her name's Xaviera Hollander (not Xavier Hollander as is mentioned in the article). Don't
know if people are interested in who this person is but she has her own website http://www.xavierahollander.com/, her nickname? The Happy Hooker *G*
Lucy Article Archive
I've gone through and redesigned the Article/Print Archive. The magazine archive has been presented in magazine name order rather than date which made it hard to find an article by year unless
you knew the magazine name. I've now sorted the articles in month/year order. The main print archive is now located here The newspaper
articles have also been redesigned - they remain in month/year format but got a bit of a spruce up.
If you find any broken links please email me at
Fixed broken links to:
ROC News
- Renee alert: 'The Flood: Who Will Save Our Children?' will air on Dutch tv station RTL4 coming Wednesday (Feb 25), time: 20.30...
Many thanks to Petra for the news
Xenaverse News The following is from The Xena Circle
- Xena Warrior Princess Girls Night! If you live in the Los Angeles area - there will a first ever Xena Warrior Princess Girls Night! The event will take place next Thursday at Fuse (696 N.
Robertson Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90069). If this one is a success then there may be a girls night in a big city near you!
21 February
Lucy Updates

Screengrabs of Lucy from
On Air with Ryan Seacrest - 20 February 2004
Judi has created over 230 images from the interview!
Click here to view screengrabs
Reminder for US Fans:
20 February
On Air with Ryan Seacrest
Eurotrip articles
Eurotrip Images
- Updated Eurotrip Images with new image from the movie of Lucy as Madam Vandersexx
Warrior Women
20 February
More Lucy photos from the Eurotrip Premiere... Eurotrip Reviews
Music Video Section
- Added Sir Joxer and CorXena to the music video section
Sir Joxer Videos
- Added "Memory" by Andrew Lloyd Webber from "The Cats" - two versions 55 mb and 7 mb in avi format
CorXena Videos
- Added "Tribute to Xena & Gabrielle: One Against An Army" - 4.8 mb in wmv format
The Bard's Corner
Subtext Virtual Season 
Pompeii - Part 1
As often happens with their vacations, Xena and Gabrielle pick the exactly wrong time to visit the lovely Pompeii.
19 February
New Lucy Screengrabs
Lucy News
Lucy Lawless and the film makers of "Eurotrip" invite you to bid on Lucy's Madame Vandersexxx outfit from Lucy's new
movie, "Eurotrip."
All proceeds to benefit The Trevor Project--saving young lives. The Trevor Project is a non profit endeavor established to promote tolerance for gay and questioning teenagers, and to aid in suicide prevention.
click on the thumbnail for larger version
The Eurotrip costume auction, to begin 18 February 2004
Eurotrip Premiere Pics...
Lucy attended the Eurotrip Premiere and wire image has 62 images of Lucy on the red carpet :)
www.wireimage.com - do a search for Lucy Lawless and there she be :) More photos... Eurotrip Articles
ROC News
- The following is from Missy Good
Howdy folks – first off, thanks to all who sent feedback for Renee on her performance at the
Xena Convention in Burbank. She wants to pass back a
message to all that she’s very glad that her performance touched people in some way, whether they liked all of it or not, and that she appreciated all those who took the time to explain how the performance
had affected them.
Xena DVD News
18 February

Lucy On Entertainment Tonight
18 February (US) - 19 February (AUS)
For Aussies this show is on TCN9 at 5:00 pm and 4 am
the next morning.
Please check your local tv guide for time in your area
Lucy News
Multimedea - Videos
- The following is from Sharon:
Lucy will be at the Euro Trip premiere on Feb. 17 at Mann's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Looks like the arrivals will be between 6:00-7:00pm as the movie starts at 7:30. The movie itself is by invitation
Ausxip Multimedia Videos
Lucia's Corner
The Bard's Corner Classic
15 February
Lucy TV Alert - 20
February - On Air with Ryan Seacrest
Channel 6 at 4:00 pm Channel 6 KRIV
Channel 11 at 5:00 pm in Los Angeles
Please check your local guide for times in your area
Lucy will be on the show promoting Eurotrip
Happy 33rd Birthday Renee! (Technically tomorrow since it's still the 14th Feb over yonder)....
Lucy News
Interview Screengrabs
2004 Xena Convention
Photos & Reports
14 February
Lucy News
MSN Chat
Eurotrip Eurotrip Review
Eurotrip Dates:
- The premiere of Eurotrip in Germany will take place June 24th 2004
Many thanks to Poopyhead for the news
Xena DVD News More on the Best Buy Online Vs Store Bought Season 3 DVD sets The following is from Iseqween
I ordered online. I'd opened the set, as well as the envelope with the CD. I called BB customer service and
said I had not received what I expected, based on BB's claim that it had exclusive material. I said the info on their online site was irrelevant, that they had advertised on the internet the "exlusive bonus
content" with no suggestion whatsoever that pre-ordering would actually be a disadvantage. The customer service rep said I could take the set back to a store. I did. I showed them the difference between what
I'd received and what was in the store. They said they'd send a credit notice to my card company. I then purchased the bonus version.
Make sure that the front cover of the box has a violet-colored strip at the top that says "Exclusive Bonus Content -- All New Interviews With Cast and Crew." On the back cover, the first bullet under
"Features" will refer to the exclusive material. The extra 30 minutes cover the whole third season, XWP's origins and how the "rift" came about. There are quick bits from Lucy, Renee, Sears, Hudson, and
other key Xenastaff. Some comments are repeated on other commentaries. The new stuff is interesting, but probably won't be a big surprise to long-term fans.
When I went online a few hours after returning the set, I had the following note from BB:
"We have received the items you returned on 02/12/2004. Your return
details are listed below.
Our records indicate that this item was returned because the product did not meet expectations. Your credit card and any Digital Dollars used for this purchase have been credited. "
Also from Laurie Ann: Suncoast was once affiliated with Best Buy. But have since been sold. They do
have the extra bonus DVD.
13 February
Aussie Xena News
Lucy News
- TV Alert - Repeat: Celebrity Uncensored on E! with Lucy (Episode #16) Firday night / Saturday morning (13/14 February) EST on E! at 12:00 am.
Many thanks to TNovan for the alert.
ROC News
The Bard's Corner
Conqueror For those who have been waiting for the Conqueror Series in book form - Amazon.com has it in stock
Journey's End - Order from Amazon.com
12 February
Season 3 DVDs Box Set from Best Buy
For those that have bought the Season 3 DVD Set from Best Buy ONLINE please check your box to see if you have received the bonus 30 minute directors / cast interview. The box should have a purple banner stating it has exclusive material.
I've been told that this 30 minute bonus is NOT included in the sets ordered online. If you went into the store and bought the set, it will have the bonus item.
If you bought the online version and you don't have the bonus item DO NOT OPEN the package. If you have a store nearby go into the store for an exchange.
Also be aware that their customer service person will tell you:
According to our information, there has been no mention of exclusive content for the Xena Season 3 box set in our weekly store ads or on
This is false. There is bonus material and fans who have bought from the store have the bonus material.
If you don't have a store nearby go to their contact page and email them that you did not get what you ordered (or thought you were ordering):
Or call them on 1 888 2378289
or write to them at:
Web Site Inquiries
Customer Care
P.O. Box 949
Minneapolis, MN 55440
Store Inquiries
Best Buy
Corporate Customer Care
P.O. Box 9312
Minneapolis, MN 55440
Lucy Updates
The following is from Sharon:
- Lucy will be at the Eurotrip premiere on Feb. 17 at Mann's Chinese
Theatre in Hollywood.
- She'll be doing radio interviews on Thursday, Feb. 12. If I get a list
of stations, I'll post them.
Warrior Women
- For Dutch fans - Contributed by Danielle
Missed Warrior Women? Discovery Channel is repeating Warrior Women, starting this wednesday
with Joan of Arc on 23.00 hr. On 18 February they will air Grace O'Malley at the same time and on 25 February Lozen. Check out
www.discoverychannel.nl for details
and the special section they gave Lucy's show. Some nice pictures too!
ROC Updates
Interview Screengrabs
2004 Xena Convention
Photos & Reports
- Added photos by Virginia and Lourdes
- Added photos by Heather
- Fixed links to photos by Norma
Official Xena Fan Club News
The following is from Creation Entertainment
Wow! What a wonderfully warm and
memorable weekend we all had in Burbank this past Jan. 30 to Feb. 1 celebrating with the Xena stars and production folks who made the series one that continues to live on!
And, an unbelievable moment in convention history: Renee's theatrical performance was just amazing: funny, moving, delightfully entertaining! An incredible reception for a performance like no other ever given
at a fan gathering: our heartfelt gratitude to Renee for raising the bar on convention guest appearances forever! And, thanks to our adorably outrageous Ms. Lawless for surprising her co-star in a wacky costume
that reminded us of that other legendary Lucy! For those that were not in the audience: the look on Renee's face.
Read More ...
Xenaverse News For Dutch fans - Contributed by Danielle
Yorin is now airing two Xena episodes a week: on monday (23.50 hr) and wednesday (23.50 hr)!
Then two shows that include ex-Xena stars: on saturdays you can check Peter Mc Cauley (bad guy Talmadeus in The Greater Good) as professor Edward Challenger in The Lost World at 15.40 hr at Yorin. The same
channel also airs Mutant X with Victoria Pratt (Cyane in Adventures In The Sin Trade) as Shalimar Fox at 17.20 hr.
11 February
MaryD's Art
Lucy News
- Some cool news :
The Lawless Files has been awarded the Celebrity Site Of The Day (for 26 December 2003) - just found out about
it <g>
Interview Screengrabs
Warrior Women
Xena Merchandise News
Xena DVD News Region 2 News
- For Italian fans, FIN - The Director's Cut has been released on DVD. To order go to www.dvd.it - Price is
Region 1 News
The Detroit Free Press - 10 February 2004 has a small mention of the release of Season 3 for Region 1
- Other releases
The week's big TV box is "Xena Warrior Princess -- Season Three" (THREE STARS out of four stars, Anchor Bay, $69.98), a 9-disc affair collecting the entire season of this campy action-fantasy series
starring Lucy Lawless, and produced by former suburban Detroiters Rob Tapert and Sam Raimi, scored by present suburban Detroiter Joe LoDuca, and featuring that other Raimi brother Ted in a very special dual
role in the fan- favorite episode "The King of Assassins."
The New York Post - 10 February 2004 has a small mention of the release of Season 3 for Region 1
For a while, "Xena," the Sapphic spinoff to "Hercules," was even more popular thanks to the stalwart Lucy Lawless and a general air of silliness. Season Three ($69.98, Anchor Bay) has one of their best
cliffhangers, "Sacrifice I and II," and loads of extras.
9 February
Upcoming Lucy Chat
The Xena Circle has announced that there will be a Lucy chat on MSN Chat
February 13 at 1pm ET/10am PT for US fans -
February 14 at 5 am (Australia) and 7 am (New Zealand)
Lucy Articles /
High Resolution Scans
Xena DVD, CD & Video News
The following is from
The Beacon Journal - The Xena package (Anchor Bay, 22 episodes, 8 discs, $69.98) also included print pitches for things like commemorative Xena coins and a coin holder, and no informational booklet. But as with previous
sets, it's a beautiful presentation, containing a separate CD-ROM of extras along with commentaries and introductory segments to episodes and a blooper reel. And the audio is fabulous.
2004 Xena Convention
Photos & Reports Photos Music Videos Added Jen Stamey to the Music Videos section. Jen's video was shown at the 2004 Xena Con in Burbank. This is such a fun video that I couldn't help but smile as I was watching it :) Majorly cool!
Jen Stamey Videos - Added Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better (from Annie Get Your Gun)
by Jen Stamey
The Bard's Corner
Classic Uber 8 February
2004 Xena Convention
Photos & Reports Messages to Renee - If you were at the convention and you saw Renee's performance and would like to send a note to ROC, you can do it via Missy Good at
merwolf@bellsouth.net or Sharon Delaney at
outback@creationent.com - Just don't send it to both.
Xenaverse News The following is for German Xenites: - Finally the German Xena Fans are lucky get to see the last season of Xena: Warrior Princess. RTL will start to show the final season for the first time on german television on March 14 at 16.50!
http://www.quotenmeter.de/index.php?newsid=4511 Many thanks to Poopyhead for the news
6 February
2004 Xena Convention
Photos & Reports Artwork - I was inspired by the vision of Renee as a cowgirl <g> and created two new montages. Images by Steve Sears (thanks Steve!) and inspiration by Renee O'Connor -
Rodeo ROC #1 and #2
- And of course
Crazy Fan Lucy gave me a chuckle so I added a new montage of the crazy fan. Once again images by
Steve Sears and inspiration by the crazy fan herself Lucy Lawless
Photos - Added photos by Norma of Steve Sears from the convention
Reports Ausxip Print Archive Xena Movie News
The Bard's Corner Uber 5 February
2004 Xena Convention
Photos & Reports Reports Photos - Correction to yesterday's update: the photos by Helena were in fact
photos by Lisa Key.
The Bard's Corner Classic Uber
- Added The Price I Paid (revised/complete) by Mavis Applewater
- Added
All In A Day's Work (PWP #87 - complete) by Mavis Applewater
Rumors at work put a young woman in an interesting situation.
4 February 2004 Xena Convention
Photos & Reports Added Links section Photos Xenaverse News
From Zap2It.com - Tsianina Joelson News... - Also at FOX, Nathan Fillion ("Miss Match," "BuffyTVS", "Firefly") is replacing Matthew Settle in the drama "Hollywood Division" from Universal Network TV's "Hollywood Division." Fillion, who starred in
NBC's comedy pilot "Alligator Point" last development season, will play a police detective. D.J. Cotrona ("Skin"), Geoff Stults ("7th Heaven"), Rockmond Dunbar ("Soul Food"), Tsianina Joelson ("Bring It
On","Xena") and Moon Bloodgood ("CSI: Crime Scene Investigation") also star in the pilot.
(MET has added some to the parentheses. Zap2It.com hadn't included Xena as being in Tsianina's acting credits or Buffy for Nathan)
Many thanks to MET for the news
3 February
MaryD's Artwork
Xenaverse News
- To all Xena fans, and especially to the wonderful PARIS JEFFERSON (Athena)fans: We're happy to announce that Paris will be at the 1st Xena convention that
will take place in Italy, Fiuggi, next March (from the 11th to the 14th). Every info can be found on www.deepcon.it To book, click on Modulo Iscrizione. Please
remember to write "Xena fan" in "Ulteriori note" Many thanks to Max for the news
2 February
following has NOTHING to do with Xena but it's got female gladiators <g> It's the new Pepsi commercial that I absolutely love because it features one of my favourite songs from Queen - "We Will Rock You". I
caught the commercial and saved it :) So for those that haven't seen it - check it out. It stars Enrique Iglesias as an evil Roman emperor, Britney Spears,
Beyonce Knowles and Pink as gladiators. Download Pepsi Commerical (wmv 4.2 mb)
Convention News
Indepth reports will be posted once people start making their way back home. First pics are up on Missy's merwolf site - check them out :)
Renee helping to unearth Lucy from the disguise :)
Renee & Lucy on stage (Lucy still in her disguise) :)
www.merwolf.com/dsc02478.jpg LOL!
Small snippets from the con are...
- The BIG fandom talking event that Creation was hinting at was Lucy dressing up and surprising Renee after Renee's play. That was pretty cool of Lucy and Renee WAS surprised. She appeared on stage
with Renee for approx 5 minutes. Hope Creation will release a video/dvd of Renee's performance because it sounds like it was AMAZING.
- The other news was from Katherine Fugate who said Rob Tapert was trying to get the rights to Xena from Universal to make a Xena movie. Fingers crossed he
Music Videos Added Rocketchick to the Music Video Section
Rocketchick Videos - Added "Oh How The Years Go By" (Xena & Gabrielle) - mov format
This video won first place at the 2004 Official Xena convention
The Bard's Corner Classic
1 February Image Library - Added new images to Gabrielle Gallery
- Added new images to Xena and Gabrielle Gallery
- Added new images to Behind The Scenes
Music Videos Added Xena Warrior Nerd to the Music Videos section
Xena Warrior Nerd Videos - Touched by VAST (X&G)
- Wherever You Will Go by The Calling (X&G)
- Now and Forever by Carole King (X&G)
- Do What You Have To Do by Sarah McLachlan (X&G)
- Bring Me To Life by Evanescence (X&G)
- Beautiful (X&G)
Xena CD, DVD & Video News
Region 1 News - Season 3 DVD
Click here for January 2004 updates....
Artwork by Lucia Nobrega