29 February 2008
Coffee Talk #6
Lucy DVD News
TVShowsonDVD reports that the first season of
Burn Notice will be out in June (hopefully).
Lucy has one episode on that show called False
Flag (originally airred in the US 13 September 2007.
- For Australian fans, Burn Notice is currently
being shown on Channel 10 on Tuesdays at 9:30 pm.
Lucy's episodes will be shown on 25 March 2008 if
they keep to schedule.
Battlestar Galactica News
- Hollywood North Report: Vancouver-lensed Battlestar
Galactica returns to Sci Fi Channel Friday,
March 28 at 10 pm with back-to-back half-hour
Hollywood North Report
28 February 2008
Vote for Lucy....The following is from Claudia..
Nowadays it's hard to find that right gift for that
person that has everything... good looks and voice,
family, friends and adoring fans. So, bearing that
in mind, I thought we could honor Lucy's 40th
birthday with a surge of voting at
https://www.richlabonte.net/tvvote/ . 40,000
votes before March 29th to be exact. That would put
Xena: Warrior Princess over the
half million mark [and push us well past the slowing
gaining Bonanza
fans]. Right now we're averaging 400 votes a day and
I'm sure with an extra click or two a day, 1100-1200
wouldn't be too hard. Back when we were going for
250,000 and racing Firefly, we had daily totals over
2500 votes. What a great [easy and cheap] way to
send Lucy a fan-based gift. Remember, one vote an
hour at
Please cross-post to other groups who might be
Battlestar Galactica
I'm very pleased to say that the redesign of the
Lucy Battlestar Galactica subsite has been
completed. It started out with a cool image that I
tweaked from the new Season 4 promos of Lucy, KT
(the newest addition to the ausxip sidekick ranks
and not to be confused with KTL the wonderful review
writer) tweaked it even further by creating a great
design for the BSG site. I've finally completed the
finishing touches to the site and it's ready for
viewing! Please report any major glitches to me.
Kudos for the site design should go to KT at
Lucy Lawless Battlestar Galactica News & Multimedia
Message from Katherine Fugate:
hey all,
just spoke to my very close friend Alexandra
Tydings, who played Aphrodite on Xena. wanted to let
you all know the below MySpace URL is NOT ALEX.
nothing wrong with fansites honoring a star/singer,
etc., but one should be upfront about it on the
MySpace page. alex values her fans greatly and would
never want them to be confused in any way.
so if you are a fan of Alex's, wanted to give you
the heads up this site is not run by or authorized
by the real Alex Tydings from Xena.
27 February 2008
Justice League DVD News
Video Clip
2008 London Convention & Concerts
The following is from Deb from the London
Xena Meetup Group
To All Xenaites Attending Lucy's London
The London Xena Meetup group would like to remind everyone
attending,that flying back home on the monday it's a good a
idea, not only is it a bank holiday and the airports will be
busy and the flights more expensive but it's also the LONDON
Yep, we strange brit's hold our meetup's on the 1st monday
of every month and we would LOVE it if everyone that is
attending lucy convention would stay for one extra day and
join us in our monthly all things Xena celebration's.
We'll keep everyone updated via Maryd and of course through
our own web site www.xenameet.co.uk.
I look forward to seeing you all in May
26 February 2008
UK TV Alert
Battlestar Galactica
Promo Images
Season 4 Spoilers
- Some major and minor spoilers can be read over at
the io9.com website...some may be true and others may
not be true.
Click here to view
Gabrielle Images
Season 3
Season 5
25 February 2008
Wizards First Rule Update
is the new series by Rob and Sam. The poster has just been
released via Disney/ABC. The following information was
posted by Terry Goodkind, the author of Wizards First Rule:
The first season will be 22 one hour
episodes, on Saturday evenings, probably at either 8 or 9
pm. Since this is a syndicated program you will need to
check your local listings for the station in your area.
The first season will cover the story of WIZARD’S FIRST
RULE. Along with exciting opportunities afforded by the air
time in which we have to tell the story, the TV series also
brings unique challenges.
By now I’m sure you have noticed the beautiful
accompanying art. This is the preliminary art for the show.
Because I think it looks great I wanted everyone to see it,
to see the beautiful work done by the people at Disney, so
we were able to obtain special permission to post it. Keep
in mind that this is preliminary artwork. The kissing
couple, for example, will eventually be replaced by the
actual actors playing Richard and Kahlan.
The series is going to be filmed in New Zealand.
American actors will have the major parts, while some of the
minor parts may be actors from that part of the world.
more on Terry's official site
22 February 2008
TV Alert for UK Fans - Army Wives
- Army Wives Season 1 starts on Living
TV next Thursday 28 Feb 08
Many thanks to Mags for the news
Renee Article on AfterEllen

Renee is mentioned (and an older video) in AfterEllen
(AfterEllen's love affair with Lucy and Renee
continues...they've smart people).
FROM SIDEKICK TO SOLDIER As we reported this week on the blog,
Renee O'Connor
will guest star in the upcoming season of the Lifetime drama
Army Wives...Click
here for more - Many thanks to Tracey for the news
2008 Roxy Concerts - Friday
2008 Roxy Concerts - Saturday
- Music Videos
- Added
Jen Stamey's award winning Little Child - Jen's
video was shown at the recent Burbank convention and
also won. The song Little Child is performed by Lucy
from the Unexpected Dreams: Songs From The Stars CD
The Bard's
- Updated
In Print with the latest news and book cover by Vada
21 February 2008
New Renee Message
- Renee has updated her site with a thanks to all
for the birthday wishes!
Click here to view
Battlestar Galactica
Galactica Season 4
AfterEllen has the first look at the new BSG promo pics and
there are two of Lucy that are just gorgeous!
Click here to view
And the super hi res versions and an extra pic of Lucy can
be found
20 February 2008
Message from Katherine Fugate
to maryd and christa and the entire xenaverse
thank you for the glorious red roses and the sublime welcome
back to work on Army Wives. these past few months have been
an adventure and one in which were greatly aided and
shouldered by the love and support of Xena fans worldwide.
thank you again for thinking so highly of me and of all
now - back to typing i go!
cheers and love, katherine
Congratulations to Katherine and the rest of the Army Wives
team - AWRT Announces Gracie Award Winners and Army Wives
has won an award.
American Women in Radio & Television
announced the 2008 winners of the annual
Gracie Awards, which
recognize exemplary programming created by, produced for and
about women, as well as individuals who have contributed to
the industry.
Read more
Xena Photo Club Images
Lucy Images - Links
- iF Magazine - Exclusive Photos: LUCY LAWLESS
THEATER. The Warrior princess herself entertains her
many fans who showed up to cheer her on.
Click here to read more and see the pics
19 February 2008
Lucy Concerts
2008 Burbank Convention
Lucy Concert Pictures
2008 Burbank Convention
Six Degrees From Lucy....
ET Online and
TV Guide
reported today that Marissa Jaret Winokur is going to be on Dancing with the
Stars! - Many thanks to LB for the news
18 February 2008
WGA Xena Day March Pictures
Lucy Concert Pictures
Friday Concert
2008 Burbank Convention
Lucy Photos for Sale
"Cowboy Lucy" David Mack Drawing Now On Sale
- The following was posted by Sharon on Lucy's
site: Just added the David Mack "Cowboy Lucy"
drawing for sale in the photo section. It's an 11 x 14
print on parchment paper. As in the past, Lucy has
signed some of them and they'll be sent out randomly.
The paper is pure white although my scan came out a bit
Click here to order your copy
17 February 2008
Upcoming AUSXIP Auction
A Celebration of Lucy's 40th Birthday
Charity Auction
There will be no anniversary auction this
year because this year will be a little different. We are
holding a special auction in celebration of Lucy's 40th
Birthday which is coming up on 29
March 2008. In addition to the birthday greetings for Lucy
(similar to Renee's birthday greetings). The auction will
benefit the Starship Foundation and The Alissa Ann Ruch Burn
Foundation. We have some TERRIFIC goodies donated by a whole
bunch of cool people! Stay tuned for more news on this.
In the meantime why not hop over to the charity auction site
and see what Adrienne has up on auction.
Lucy Concert Pictures
Saturday Concert
2008 Burbank Convention
AUSXIP News Archive
The following is from the
Trevor Project Newsletter January 08
- As a complement to its Circle of Hope program, The
Trevor Project has created a new donor program, Circle
of Life. The Circle of Life has been established to
recognize individuals who have created gifts to The
Trevor Project through planned giving, either as part of
their estate planning or as a bequest...The fi rst
Circle of Life gift was made in December 2007, in loving
memory of Aleida Estela Santiago by her life partner
Grace Godlin, in the amount of $25,000.
Click here to read more
Many thanks to Bonni for the article
Xena Prop House
Army Wives Press Release
- Attention! Army Wives back in training - 14 February
Cynopsis reports that now that the writers' strike is
over -- hallelujah! -- Lifetime Television will soon
begin production on the second season of Army Wives with
episodes scheduled to air in early summer. This is great
news for fans of the Lifetime original drama series that
was a ratings juggernaut when it premiered last summer.
Click here to read more
The Bard's Corner
Bards in Print Update
16 February 2008
New Lucy Video Clips
Sharon has posted the following news to the
Xena fan club page
through my movies, I found a couple clips I thought you'd
enjoy over the weekend. The first is from the soundcheck for
the convention when Lucy sang the "Cowboy Song" for the
first time. The second is Lucy singing "Melt Into Me" at the
Chicago convention with Joe LoDuca accompanying her on
guitar. They rehearsed that song for the first and only time
about 20 minutes before they were due on stage.
Click here to download clips
2008 London Convention
More guests join Lucy in London for the 2008
London Convention. The following is from Creation:
(Brunnhilda of Xena fame) will be joining our guest list
at The Official XENA Convention coming to LONDON on May
2 to 4, 2008. Brittney joins an already outstanding
guest list which includes LUCY LAWLESS, ADRIENNE
WILKINSON, STEVEN L. SEARS, composer JOE LoDUCA, and Xena Fan Club Manager
2008 Burbank Convention
2008 Roxy Concert
Xena Music Videos
Added new video artist - Pascale
Xenaverse News
The following is from Mike in Sweden
- Xena has been off the
air in Sweden for a couple of years, but has returned
this week on TV3, and it looks like they are going air 4
episodes a week (monday to thurday) after midnight. TV3
was the channel that originally aired Xena in Sweden (on
sunday afternoons no less), starting back in october
1998 (at which time fans in the US had seen 70 episodes
already and had come to the "Sin Trade" episodes).
15 February 2008
Cat's Trying for a Cure
The following is from Cat Crimins who is going to
tackle a triathlon in the fight for those battling blood
cancers. AUSXIP is going to support Cat in this
endeavour so if you would like to join in you are more
than welcome - here's Cat's message:
I know what your're thinking, and
yes, I am crazy.
I can climb up a huge granite rock using wire
cables, I can swim, bike and run for a cure. No
On June 8th 2008 I will be participating in a
triathlon. I'm probably not the first person that comes
to mind when you think of endurance sports but I'm going
to change that.
The best part about this adventure is that I'll be
helping to save lives in the process. I'm training for
this event with an organization called Team In Training.
All of us on the Team In Training team are raising funds
to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and
myeloma from taking more lives. I'm completing this
event in honor of all individuals who are battling blood
cancers. These people are the real heroes on our team,
and we need your support to cross the ultimate finish
line - a cure!
I've lost loved ones to cancer and I am also doing
this in their honor. Getting up at 6am on a Saturday
morning to train doesn't sound so bad compared to
enduring chemotherapy. Please make a donation to support
my participation in Team In Training and help advance
the Society's mission. Even a small donation will make a
big difference.
I hope you'll visit my web site often.
Be sure to check back frequently to see my progress and
updated photos of me in training. Thanks for your
14 February 2008
AUSXIP Interviews Steven Sears
and I had the opportunity to sit down with Steven Sears for
a lengthy interview while I was in the US. It's a
fascinating interview about Steven's childhood growing up as
an Army brat and what led him to acting and then
writing. He talks about the writing process and what is
required to be successful. Steven talks about the Xena Day
Strike march that was to happen (the interview was on the
January 11 and the Xena Day Strike march occured January 24)
and how he has been touched by the Xenaverse's generocity
and other aspects of the fandom. It's one of the best
interviews Steven has given and it's exclusive to AUSXIP.
It's quite a lengthy interview - approx 1 hour but it's well
worth the download.
Click here to download interview video clips
Next Month on AUSXIP Interviews: Video Interview with Katherine Fugate - writer of the very
much loved episode "When Fates Collide" and now the creator,
producer and writer for the Lifetime hit show Army Wives.
Another absolutely fascinating interview.
Lucy Concert Artwork

Added new artwork based on the images from
the Roxy 2008 Concert.
Click here to view - Roxy Diva II
Battlestar Galactica News
TVGuide Online is reporting on the effects the writers
strike will have on DVD releases and in particular for
Battlestar Galactica:
TV Guide Online says....We've gotten word from
multiple trusted sources that Universal Studios Home
Entertainment has decided to release Battlestar
Galactica - Season 4.0 late this year. Very late, is
the indication (but no date has been finalized, as far
as we know). We expect it to be timed for release before
the broadcast premiere of the second half of the season,
as has been done in the past, to maximize sales. The
"4.0" package will contain the episodes that have
already aired by that time, with the final episodes
eventually getting released on a "Season 4.5" set down
the road... probably in 2009.
Click here to read the full article
Many thanks to LB for the news
Justice League New Frontiers DVD Reviews
WF DVD Report - Justice League Review 12 February
Lucy Lawless is great as Wonder Woman, absolutely
flawless. She really brings a commanding presence to the
role that I haven't heard anywhere else before
More from the same site: While Batman did take me by
surprise a bit, by and large everyone pretty much nailed
their roles from the start. Neil Patrick Harris as The
Flash and Lucy Lawless as Wonder Woman were no-brainers
Diamonds and Guns
- Renee has announced on her
Diamonds and Guns site
that the movie will be screened at the On Location Memphis
Film Festival 27-30 March 2008. There will be a panel and
Q&A session. If you would like to purchase tickets to this
event please go to
- There is a
Q&A with
Dawn Higginbotham, writer for Diamonds and Guns on the
On Location Memphis web site.
The Bard's
Non Xena Related Fiction - Stargate SG1
12 February 2008
AUSXIP Interviews Steven Sears
Renee Roxy Concert Pictures
Lucy Roxy Concert Pictures
Friday Concert - 25 January 2008
WGA Xena
Day March - Photos
The Bard's
Brunhilda/Gabrielle Fiction
Brunhilda's Secret (Complete) by Zeta
This story is lovingly dedicated to Brittney
Powell, the talented, charming and stunningly beautiful
actress, for her once in-a-lifetime portrayal of
Brunnhilda in the Season 6 Xena Ring Trilogy and my
inspiration for the writing of this fan fiction.
11 February 2008
While I was in Los Angeles, I visited one
of the coolest places ever. It's the
Star Eco
Station. It's non-profit environmental
education and exotic wildlife rescue center, dedicated to
the mission of Preservation Through Education. Located in
Culver City, CA, USA. I was so impressed by the place and
what they do, that I've decided to add a permanent link from
AUSXIP to them.
- The Xenaverse Refreshes Campaign: We have
suspended the donation button on the news that the
strike may be over. If indeed the strike is over,
the money that has been left over will be donated to
a charity that Katherine and Steven have chosen.
An update will be posted once we know for sure that
the strike is officially over.
have finally gone through my Lucy pics from the Friday concert and they
are now available to download/view. I did not take any photos from the
Saturday concert; just enjoyed the concert without looking through the
viewfinder :) Lucy was just amazing and I had a superb time.
I have to say
Cat Crimins and
Tig Notaro are
seriously funny - I admire anyone who has the courage to
stand up in a room full of people and just make people laugh
AND interact with the audience and change their act.
Lightening quick on their feet. It's quite a gift and those
two have that gift (although Cat could use some new material
not involving me but that's another story...it would have
been funnier if she had gone with my conductor joke but
nooooo...good thing she's a friend...love ya Cat!)
Lucy Roxy Concerts
The Bard's
Sweet Thing by Iseqween
In the alternate life the Fates rewarded Xena
during the early second season episode REMEMBER NOTHING,
someone else gets the chance to experience life without
a Warrior Princess and to change her destiny.
Brunhilda/Gabrielle Fiction
Brunhilda's Secret (Complete) by Zeta
This story is lovingly dedicated to Brittney
Powell, the talented, charming and stunningly beautiful
actress, for her once in-a-lifetime portrayal of
Brunnhilda in the Season 6 Xena Ring Trilogy and my
inspiration for the writing of this fan fiction.
10 February 2008
WGA Strike May Be Over....
The following was in this morning's
Sydney Morning Herald
Hollywood writers in tenative deal to end
strike February 10, 2008 - 7:19AM
Striking Hollywood screenwriters said Saturday they had
agreed a deal to settle their three-month old dispute and
could be back at work next week if it meets with union
members' approval. Leaders of the 12,000-strong Writers
Guild of America emailed members early Saturday to inform
them an agreement with studio chiefs had been reached which
would be discussed at meetings in New York and Los Angeles.
Read more
WGA Strike / Xena Day March
Lucy News
New Lucy Message
Battlestar Galactica
The following was posted on
TVGuide Online:
Finally! Galactica's Flight Plan Is Revealed
After what feels like a frakkin' eternity, Sci Fi
Channel has announced the premiere date for its Emmy-
and Peabody Award-winning Battlestar Galactica. The show
returns to our orbit with a pair of back-to-back
specials airing Friday, March 28, during the 10 o'clock
hour. Up first is Battlestar Galactica: Revisited,
presenting essential information on the characters,
relationships and major plot points of the series' first
three seasons. Battlestar Galactica: The Phenomenon
follows, offering a celebrity-studded celebration of the
show's impact on pop culture. And oh yeah — the first
new Season 4 eppy hits your screen Friday, April 4, at
10. Happy travels! Many thanks to LB for the news
Army Wives News
The following is from the
Pittsburg Post Gazette
Q: Is Lifetime's "Army Wives" going to return to
Lifetime and, if so, when? Were they affected by the
writers' strike? I really enjoyed the series last year and
was looking forward to seeing it again.
-- Charlotte, Pittsburgh
Rob: As we noted last month in
an interview with the head of Lifetime programming,
"Army Wives" has been delayed by the writers' strike. But if
the strike ends soon, as I expect it will, new episodes may
be able to air this summer as planned.
08 February 2008
AUSXIP will be following two new series in
2008 from two of my favourite people in addition to the
second series of Katherine's
Army Wives.
Strangers In
Paradise - New Series Steven Sears and Terry Moore
Some more great news to emerge from the 2008
Burbank Convention was Steven Sears' news that Strangers in
Paradise will be made into a series! Strangers in
Paradise is a long-running
comic book, written and drawn by
Terry Moore which will be brought to the screen by
Steven and Terry Moore! The story primarily concerns the
difficult relationship between two women, Helen Francine
Peters (known simply as Francine) and Katina Marie
("Katchoo") Choovanski, and their friends David Qin and
Gwynnethina Casey Bullocks-Femur (known as Casey).
Read more
Check out the article on
AfterEllen.com about the new show
Wizard's First Rule - New Series Rob Tapert & Sam Raimi
As many of you have also heard, Rob and
Sam are teaming up again to bring a new fantasy series to tv
called Wizard's First Rule - It's an epic fantasy
series based on the novels of Terry Goodkind.
The following description is from the
Wikipedia about the book series:
The primary protagonist in Wizard’s First Rule is
Richard Cypher, a young woods guide. Richard lives in an
area of the world known as Westland, which is the only
part of the world that at the time contained no magic.
The Westland is separated from the other lands by a
dangerous magical boundary that prevents anyone from
passing through it. On the other side of the boundary
lie many sovereign nations, jointly known as the
Midlands, and the empire of D'Hara. Richard works as a
woods guide leading important political figures through
dangerous forests, while his brother's interests lie
entirely in politics. Richard is naturally compelled to
investigate the mysterious murder of his father when he
happens upon a woman named Kahlan Amnell, whom he helps
keep alive as she is being hunted by a group of four men
known as a quad. After saving Kahlan’s life, it is
revealed that Kahlan has somehow come through the
boundary and is now searching for the First Wizard, who
is rumored to have crossed into the Westland before the
creation of the boundaries. Richard feels that this
woman is in need of protection and takes her to the only
man he can trust, his best friend and mentor, Zedd.
Read more
Read AfterEllen.com's blog entry about the new show
Kevin's "Ares" Costume Update
As many of you know Kevin's Ares costume was
put up for auction by his wife Sue who wanted to mark his
45th birthday in a special way by erecting a wonderful
memorial stone. As is the case in this fandom, Sue got her
wish - the costume sold for
$14,100 (USD) or converted to NZ$
The following is a note from Sue to all the fans:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all
the people involved in this auction From those who put
it all together, to the people who bid and those who
watched. Thank you all for your support.
I am truly thrilled at the result and pleased the
costume is going to a good home where it will be
appreciated. I always have been grateful to everyone for
their support and kindness. The interest shown in this
auction and the continued loyalty of his fans is surely
a testament to Kev, the man he was and still is to us.
We are planning to use the proceeds to erect a headstone
to honour Kev's memory and to mark his 45th birthday.
Again, my sincere and heartfelt thanks to everyone.
Sue Smith
"Foes, Femmes & Djinns" - A film by Tara Chadwick &
Wendy Woody
 The featured film from the 2008 Xena Con is coming to DVD! Order your
copy now! Orders will be shipped in approximately 3-4 weeks. The
cost is a $20 minimum donation (S&H included), with profits going to
the ASPCA (visit www.aspca.org).
The DVD includes the reedited special edition of "Foes, Femmes &
Djinns", along with bloopers, commentary, pictures, and more!
included is the 2007 Xena Con hit, "Inappropriate Stranger", in which
Callisto reeks havoc upon innocent RenFest patrons! That's just how
Callisto rolls.
For ordering information, contact
wwoody@verizon.net, or check out
https://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/15/1178967/ShippingInfo.jpg 2008 Burbank Convention Xena Music Video Contest Winners Congratulations to all those who won!
- Aaron Ray Stanley
- Shannon Moran
- Amy Hills
- Amy Thornley
- Lynne Krause
- Deborah Abbott
- Angela Pavlica
- Paul Rabogliatti
Lucy News Curb Your Enthusiasm -
Series 6 now out on DVD  Lucy's episode "The Tivo Guy"
Episode 7 When Larry chooses the TiVo guy over his wife, Cheryl walks
out on him, and soon various friends and relations are
"choosing" Cheryl over Larry. Larry seeks solace in the arms
of a new woman: none other than Lucy Lawless, but his choice
of undergarments could wreck his chances with the Warrior
Princess. Click here to order from Amazon.com
07 February 2008 Renee News New Renee Interview - The Star Scoop - There is a great Renee
interview in the online magazine The Star Scoop and
it also uses one of my favourite pictures of Renee
The Star Scoop - THE RETURN: Reneé O'Connor Reneé O'Connor, best known for her work as Gabrielle
on Xena: Warrior Princess may have put down her
staff and sais, and no longer fights gods and
demons, but these days she's staying busy with
diamonds, guns, and the boogeyman. After a break
from the spotlight, O'Connor has a slew of projects
in the works, and she just released her first film
from her own production company, Diamonds and Guns.
Read more
Refreshes Campaign Weekly Drop Off Report.... The
drop off elf continued on her merry way yesterday by
dropping off some supplies - snacks rather than liquids
this time. Click on the thumbnail for the larger image.
The campaign will continue until the strike is over
and let me all thank you once again for the wonderful
support you have all given. BandAid: A Musical
Tribute to Benefit the Industry Strike Fund
was some night from the reports I'm getting from friends
who attended - fans, writers and bands got together for
a big bash to support the Industry Strike Fund and one
Ms Katherine Fugate organised it all! Kudos to the extremely talented Katherine.
Check out the video on YouTube of the WGA President.
Patric Verrone at BUSBY'S for "Band Aid" benefit Steven has some great pictures from the event on his
site - Check them out here Let's all hope this strike ends soon. Lots of rumours
floating around so maybe one of them will be right. Dragonlance Movie Review by MaryD Whilst
in the US I had the opportunity to sit and watch Lucy's new
animated movie "Dragonlance". I don't really know much about
Dungeons and Dragons game and that whole thing has long
since passed me by so the story went right over my head.
Having said that, I think I may have needed to pay more
attention or I need to read the books. What did perk up my
interest was Lucy. I got a thrill hearing Lucy's "Xena"
voice again. Lucy did a great job as Goldmoon (who isn't a
warrior but a priestess of some sort with the ability to
heal). I'm guessing that fans of the series will get a huge
thrill out of this movie. Goldmoon would have been better
with dark hair (she already had the blue eyes and the
voice). All roads lead to Xena <g>
As a Lucy fan, this is a must have.
You can purchase Dragonlance from Amazon.com 06 February 2008 Lucy Roxy Concert I've got quite a few photos to go through for
my own concert pics from Friday. I didn't take any on
Saturday - those will be going up in the next few days. Pictures 2008 Burbank Convention Reports Talking Xena Now On MySpace... Hello everyone!
As some Xenite "MySpace"-ers may have noticed already,
Talking Xena now has its own MySpace page!
Here's our page:
The idea came about that Talking Xena can network with --
and stay connected to -- fellow Xenites (cast, crew and
fans) who frequent MySpace, and especially meet the *new*
Xena fans who seem to be there often. :) We can utilize the
bulletins, albums, and other features to highlight and
showcase what we're up to on our board. Any new fans who
have never heard of us can learn more this way, and join us
through MySpace.
** One thing though... If you wish to add Talking Xena as a
MySpace Friend, yet you have a "Private" page where we
cannot see your profile to learn a bit about you -- and we
don't recognize your name -- we'd like to at least receive
an intro or bio message from you so we can have a sense of
who you are, before considering adding you.
So, anyone with a MySpace page -- who hasn't found us yet,
that is -- can hook up with us! 05 February 2008 Lucy Articles Sunday
News (NZ) 4 February 2008 - Lucy Lawless is still on top
- Lovely Lucy Lawless has topped the LesbiaNation Top Ten
Women We Love of 2007. The popular lesbian website lists
"beautiful and talented women of all persuasions, artists,
musicians, athletes, filmmakers, movie stars and television
celebrities". But all of the top 10 as voted for by their
readers are TV stars. In second place was Renee O'Connor,
last year's winner, who also starred in Xena as Gabrielle.
Read more
- Many thanks to Barbara Davies for the news
2008 Burbank Convention
Photos I've finally sorted through some of my
pictures from the convention. Lucy Roxy Concert Photos Reports Xena Music Videos Videos by Lynne Krause 
Added a superb new video by Lynne which is
dedicated to all the bards of the Xenaverse for their
timeless tales! This video was shown at the recent Burbank
Convention. Click here to download video 04 February 2008 Xena Day Strike Support LB
was the ausxip reporter on duty at the Xena Day Strike
Support day with video camera at the ready. She interviewed
Rob, RJ, Steven, Katherine, Adrienne, Vicki, Tim and TJ -
you can get a very good idea of what we put up with during
those two hours - rain, hail, shine and alot of love. You
will also get to see my mug (and the back of my head) which
shouldn't distract you too much from a great video <g> It
was a very memorable event; it will become a Xenaverse story
to tell for years to come. Many thanks to LB for filming and
editing this video and having it beautifully edited with the
Xena theme song. How perfect is that? Go and have a look see
- I know you will enjoy it as much as I have.
Click here to download video clip (28 mb - wmv version) Lucy Roxy Concert
Pictures - Friday Concert Pictures - Saturday Concert WGA / Xena Day Strike
Support T-shirt Update Received the following note from Wendy: I was called out of town suddenly as my father was admitted
to the hospital for emergency heart surgery; therefore, we
will not be able to submit multiple orders for the
t-shirts. We will take orders until February 16th, which is
two weeks from the date you posted the original
announcement. After that time has expired, I will place one order for all requests received for the t-shirts. I
am sorry for any inconvenience this causes. T-shirts will
be shipped after we receive them from the printers. As a
general time frame, it took us about one week to receive our
shirts originally. Caprice or I will respond to all e-mails
with the necessary information, but I hope everyone will be
patient with us given my father's illness.
So, to recap:
Price: $20 Shipping: actual shipping price Deadline: February 16th Payment options: check, money order, paypal Send e-mail to:
BATTLEONWRITERS@GMAIL.COM with size, quantity, method of
payment and mailing address
Thanks to everyone who showed an interest in the shirts
while we were in Burbank!!! 03 February 2008 2008 Burbank Convention Audio For many fans Steven Sears is known as a writer, exec
producer, photographer and all round nice guy who has alot
of time for fans (it's a very common to see Steve surrounded
by fans at any convention). What is less known is that he
can sing. During the Burbank convention cabaret, Steve sang
a couple of songs - one of them is my all time favourite -
Hallelujah - written by Leonard Cohen and performed by many
including kd lang. Unfortunately I missed the cabaret and
didn't hear Steven's version of Hallelujah until afterwards.
There is a youtube video of Steve's performance (tsk tsk but I'm
really glad someone did) After watching the clip, it became
another favourite rendition of the song. Steven has graciously agreed to allow me to add the mp3
files to the site - these are not from the Creation event
but were created by Steven for his own use in preparation
for the cabaret. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Click here to download the audio files Photos Lucy Roxy Concert Photos - 25 January 2008 Concert Photos - 26 January 2008 Concert Video Clips
The following is from Sharon Delaney and posted to Lucy's
list: - The tour de force song of the night was Tuck and
Patti's "Wide Awake."
Lucy sang it accompanied by guitarist Ted Perlman. The
lyrics are right on target for today's world and Lucy's grabbing
our heartstrings to sit up, take notice and take action! Have a listen
on her home page
02 February 2008 Hey folks, I'm back! It was so good to meet up with so many
interesting people on this trip and make some more friends
along the way. It was wonderful to meet and chat to people
who appreciated the site and what it meant for them. As I
kept repeating over the weekend...it is a labour of love and
it's easy to love and respect those involved in the show -
they make it easy. So a special shout out to them - they
rocked my world in 1996 and continue to make it special 11
years later. I've got quite a few photos from the convention and the
concerts to add so watch this space! A very special thanks goes to Mesh who
does an amazing job while I'm away..she even had to deal
with a practical joke about Mr Stitch..hehehehe. Speaking
of Mr Stitch...I had a very meaningful with him and he has
agreed (after alot of tugging back and forth) to give me
back the site. <g>
Love ya Mr Stitch! Now to find a way to smuggle him back
without his mommies knowing....
Xenaverse Refreshes Campaign

Another Xenaverse Refreshes Campaign drop was undertaken
before I left Los Angeles by the Drop Off Elf. Here's a pic
of the goodies that were donated to the strikers.
I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the campaign
fund - your generosity is mind blowing! The writers (of all
shows who are at the Disney gate) wanted me to tell you all
how much they appreciated the goodies that the Xena fans
have provided. They wanted me to convey their appreciation
to all the fans. I was marching with them three weeks ago
and they couldn't believe that Xena fans are supporting them
because of Katherine, RJ, Liz, Steven and others who have
worked on a show that has been dead for 7 years.
Xena Fans March in Support of the Writers - Through Rain,
Hail and Shine… Report by MaryD
Before I left for Burbank to join the Xena March, Steven
Sears sent me an email about the latest update about the
march to alert everyone on the weather conditions. I
remember writing back to him saying… “through rain, hail or
shine, we will be there” – I didn’t think it would literally
come true that all three would come true! What an amazing
day – over 200 Xenites walked up and down the footpath
outside NBC studios...read
my report Images Added
photos from the Xena Day by MaryD - Renee
- Rob
- The fans
- Adrienne
- RJ and Tim
- Steven
Video Clip Xena WGA Strike T-shirts
The following is a note from Wendy & Caprice - the
creators of the Battle on Writers T-shirts that were on
diplay at the Xena March... If
you would like to get a t-shirt - "we decided to put them up
for sale with all proceeds going to support the writers."
Here's the info: T-shirts $20 each Shipping-actual shipping
costs To order email: BATTLEONWRITERS@GMAIL.COM Include SIZE, and number of shirts you want Also indicate
how you wish to pay. We will accept check/money order and
Wendy is willing to do Paypal also. We will email you back
w/total amount owed. We will send your shirt(s) after we
receive payment. We will take orders for 2 weeks ONLY! We
will mail shirts once per week.
LUCY NEWS Roxy 2008 Concert iF
Magazine 1 February 2007
JANUARY 26TH, 2008 - Lucy Lawless returns to The Roxy on
Sunset even better than before!
Click here to read review
01 February 2008
BURBANK CONVENTION/ROXY CONCERT Read Christie Keith's wrap-up of the events of the
convention. Snippets
below, click here for the full article. | Thanks to MET
for the info. "Another Xena: Warrior Princess
convention is over -- this one was the 13th, and that's
apparently Xena's lucky number, because from the
opening day to the
close, and including Lucy's two sold-out concerts on
Friday and
Saturday nights, it was a love-fest all around. Before losing all power of speech, I
interviewed Lucy and Renee for a forthcoming article on
AfterEllen.com. I also spoke with X:WP writer and Army Wives writer/creator Katherine Fugate
(who promised us an upcoming story arc featuring Renee as a
lesbian)." XENAVERSE NEWS "Steven Sears announced at the Xena
con this weekend that he and I are working together to bring
Strangers in Paradise to television… and
he’s right! That was our coming out announcement. I’ve known
Steven for years… well, we met when I did the SiP-Xena issue
(#16)." Read the full entry at Terry's blog. | Thanks to MET for
the info. »
January 2008 Updates
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Archived News |