Part 6 of 9

Xena saw it just in time shoving the bard and herself into a somersaulting tumble across the hard ground and narrowly escaping his fury. The coven women were not as fortunate and at least six women disintegrated to powdered dust instantly.

Lynchia and Sauri ducked for cover under the altar as Pan whirled around sending another thunderous lightening bolt after Xena and Gabrielle. Lynchia spat in anger as the warrior rolled yet again out of harm's way. She peered out to see how close the portal was and smiled inwardly as it had indeed nearly arrived and that idiot was too busy throwing a tantrum over his broken flute to notice. Lynchia signaled Sauri with her eyes and they both stepped out from under the altar to greet the arrival of the Old Ones.


A terrific wind blew across Gallion's fire, sparks flying, the flames bending nearly on their end. He looked up at the blackened sky. By the gods that was some storm brewing, like nothing he'd ever seen. The horses had begun to nervously strain against their binds and he got up and worked his way towards them as bits of leaves and debris flew across his form. The wind was increasing steadily and he was sure the night sky was only seconds away from pouring down upon them. By the time he reached the horses they had begun to rear up on their hind legs in a panicked attempt to escape whatever unnatural event was threatening to unfold before them. Gallion was running around them trying to both calm and restrain their futile attempts before they injured themselves or each other. Argo was the strongest of the mares and pulled hard and heavy on her restraint. Gallion looked over to see her beginning to break free of her tether. By the gods! He fought the terrific wind heading over but it was too late. As he neared, Argo snapped the leather bind that held her and turned towards the woods in an all out gallop. "Hades!" Gallion cried but before he could attempt to run after her another of the horses broke free and nearly trampled him as it raced by. All hell was breaking loose! The two remaining horses were pacing and pulling madly at their binds. A terrific bolt of lightened shot down hitting the ground not twenty yards from where Gallion stood and he jumped instinctually falling backwards and inadvertently into the path of one of the horses. He rolled away just in time as the hooves came crashing down to the dirt just inches from his face. Gallion was beginning to fear for his life. He rolled another few feet to safely distance himself from the horses. He rose to his feet, ducking yet more small twigs and branches that the wind now carried on its back. He was in a quandary. If he left the campsite he'd be in deep trouble, if he lost Xena's horse he'd be dead. He had his answer as he raced into the woods and after Argo.


Mensor groaned as another branch smacked hard against his face. He was finally coming around as the wind and debris acted as a natural slap across his face. He fought to open his eyes as he tried to recollect why he was here and why his head felt like he had drank an entire keg of some lethal brew. And then he remembered. He sat up quickly and his world slid sideways and he landed down hard making contact with the forest floor. Too fast. He reached up to feel his hair sticky and matted with what could have only been blood. He braced himself more carefully this time and managed to get to his knees before another wave of dizziness swept over him. He unsheathed his sword and using it as a brace, pulled himself up. At last he was standing. He staggered to the forest's edge and looked up at the sky. By the gods! A funneled cloud had spiraled its way down through the opening in the temple's roof. Well this was certainly new and didn't look to be a good sign. He made his decision and staggered towards the temple doors.


Xena squeezed the bard tightly and rolled out of harms way yet again. Gods it felt good to have her close, despite the circumstances. But they couldn't keep this dance up forever. Then Xena's eyes widened as she saw Sauri and Lynchia step out from under the altar, the funnel opening now hovered over them and something black and oozing began to work its way out, worm like and writhing. She was momentarily caught off guard as Pan sent another bolt of fury towards her. Hades! She pulled the bard out of the way just in time, the aroma of singed hair a reminder of just how close that last one was. He was grinning madly now and closing in on them. Xena raised her arm containing the sword and pointed behind him, "Pan! the Portal!"

Pan whirled around to see Lynchia beckoning the Dark Lords through the hole. How dare she begin without him, never mind she'd not delivered on their deal! In fact, that Tartarus warrior was beginning to really irritate him. However, his growing anger with Lynchia outweighed this at the moment and he stomped over towards the altar and the Opening of the Portal. He paused behind Lynchia tapping her lightly on the shoulder.

Lynchia was welcoming them with open arms. They were the Black Knights swirling towards her, evil Dark Lords of pestilence and disease, of exquisite torture and enrapture, of nothingness and abyss, of all things Darkly Powerful. They would be hers to do her bidding, the world would bow to her magnificence, she would be unstoppable, she would rule the...who in Tartarus dared interrupt her glorious moment? She turned around to see Pan looking down at her with more than slight irritation. Idiot. She'd had just about enough of him. "Good bye Pan." She smiled and with a wave of her hand, commanded the Dark Knights to destroy him and they descended on him like blackened flies.

A look of surprise swept across Pan's wrinkled features as he tried to comprehend the magnitude of his situation. A terrible blackened pestilence had swarmed around him as he frantically tried to swat away

at its ungraspable reforming of itself. Pan had never before experienced pain so at first he did not recognize it for what it was but once the realization set in, he was furious. The tiny little irritants were working their way into his skin. Oh Lynchia was going to pay dearly for this. He tried to see her through the swarming blackness that covered his eyes but could only make out vague shapes. He lunged round with a powerful arms but came up empty.

Xena watched in horror and growing revulsion. "Stay down." She cried to Gabrielle as she covered the bard's eyes so she wouldn't have to see. Something indescribable had worked its way through the portal and onto Pan. She had no idea what it was but she was sure of one thing - she didn't want it coming all the way through that hole. Sauri and the remainder of the coven had stepped back and away, watching in awe of what was transpiring. Only Lynchia stayed in position below the portal, smiling as she watched the god struggle before her. Xena looked down at her sword and made her decision. She jumped up in a flat out run towards the portal, sword poised and ready, as she closed in on Pan. She shoved Lynchia aside and went flying into Pan, sticking the sword through his chest and using the weight of her running jump, heaved him up and into the mouth of the portal. Xena couldn't seem to stop herself from grinning as she shoved him harder into the hole using him, in essence, as a supernatural stopper.

Lynchia looked up in horror as the warrior continued to shove Pan further into the opening which had now become completely plugged. Only his kicking hooves were now visible and all signs of her precious Dark Knights had disappeared! Xena was about to ruin everything she'd worked for in one fail swoop. Lynchia screamed in rage and descended on the warrior's back attempting to claw out her eyes with her bare hands.

Gabrielle was on her feet the instant Lynchia lunged for Xena and made her own furious jump landing hard on Lynchia's back sending all three women crashing to the stone floor. Sauri and the other coven women hesitated and then followed suit landing on top of Gabrielle.

The air left Xena's lungs from the weight of the women on top of her but little of this mattered. She was pumped with adrenaline and charged from the battle. Finally she was getting to vent some of the pent up aggression that had been building in her for the last two days. And vent she did. She grabbed Lynchia's arm, extracting it from her face while elbowing her hard in the midsection. She thought she heard ribs crack and smiled inwardly.

Gabrielle's hair was pulled back as Sauri yanked it hard. Gods, these women didn't fight fair. She came round with her fist and made solid contact with the blonde woman's face and she crumbled. Gabrielle stifled a cry as sharp pain shot through her hand from striking the blow. Hades, she wished she had her staff. How did Xena do this? Another robed woman tried to claw at her but she grabbed her arm, wrestling for position as she worked her way round to face her attacker. She kicked out hard sending the woman flying off the pile and onto the floor. Gabrielle rejoiced but her victory was short lived as another coven member grabbed her by the hair pulling her backwards and her hands flew up immediately trying to keep her hair from getting torn from her scalp. Then she heard a scream from behind her and they all momentarily stopped fighting and turned to look. One of the coven women was pointing up at the portal that appeared to be swelling from the pressure of Pan. Gabrielle's eyes widened as it looked as if the funnel was going to explode. It was beginning to shake and there was a low rumbling that was beginning to emit from its swirling mass. Uh oh.

"It's gonna blow!" someone cried and suddenly everyone scrambled in all directions, clawing and kicking past each other to get as far away as possible before it did just that.

Mensor staggered to the temple opening and his jaw dropped. Women were running in all directions away from what appeared to be a black funnel that was swelling unnaturally near its end. Unnatural, that is, for something that was far from natural in the first place. He spotted Xena and Gabrielle rising to their feet and his heart lifted. "Over here!" He cried.

Xena looked towards the temple door and caught her first glimpse of Mensor that appeared to have been on the wrong end of a battle, dried blood spilled down the side of his head and onto his armor. Xena turned back to take one last look at the plugged portal and broke into a run scooping up the bard's arm and pulling her with her and towards the temple doors. There was no time to lose as that baby was about to go.

Lynchia turned to see Xena and Gabrielle running past her and lunged out grasping at the bard's ankle sending the bard sprawling to the floor. Xena 's arm was yanked back and she whipped around to see the cause, her eyes narrowing as she saw Lynchia's sprawled figure pulling at her Gabrielle. Xena yanked back Gabrielle's arm pulling her to her feet while Lynchia fought to hold her. The rumbling from the funnel was nearly deafening now and Lynchia's scream of rage nearly drowned in it. As the bard's ankle slipped from her grasp, Lynchia spat as the warrior, "I'll see you in Tartarus."

"In your dreams." Xena replied as she yanked Gabrielle back towards her and the temple doors. Mensor was still standing there frozen. "Move!!" She screamed as she reached the opening, grabbing him on her way by. The trio raced out into the night running for their lives.


"Last thing I remember I was running for the door

I had to find the passage back to the place I was before"

Hotel California

Gallion lunged for Argo's tail in a last ditch effort to trap her but he missed by a hair's breath and landed hard on the ground. He jumped up spitting twigs out from his teeth and continued his futile race after the mare that had gained a good distance in that last exchange. Gallion's hair was matted to the sides of his head from the sweat of the exertion and he was sporting many tiny cuts and bruises from tangling with the thick brush he was working his way through. But he noticed none of this as he was far too in fear of losing Xena's prized mare. He was sure he would be demoted to stable boy for the rest of his natural existence if he failed. He silently prayed to Zeus that the horse would not hurt itself in its panicked run through the woods as it was a dangerous place at a leisurely pace, never mind in the dark and at breakneck speed. However, he was considering himself somewhat lucky, as if it were open field, Argo would have long since left him in the dust.

His breath was coming in gasps now as he ran hard after Argo, keeping her tail in his sights. And then he heard a faint rumbling that was growing louder as he advanced through the woods. He had no idea what it could be but he was pretty sure it was not a good thing. And then he caught his first glimpse of the clearing leading to the temple. Hades, he wasn't supposed to be anywhere near this place tonight. Oh, he was going down for sure over this one. And if that horse hit the clearing he'd never catch her then. Gallion made a final leap towards Argo's tail, his outstretched hand catching the very tip and he managed to hold on to it. He was dragged roughly out of the woods for a few feet before the hair he gripped gave way and separated from the rest of Argo's tail landing him hard onto the grass, his chin smacking against solid ground.

The ground shook beneath Gallion and he looked up towards the temple to see Xena, Mensor and Gabrielle running out of its opening as if the harpies were on their tail. Argo was heading flat out for her master. Suddenly he heard a loud tearing noise as if something gigantic had given way, and his eyes traveled to the large bulbous funnel that was jutting out of the temple's roof. His attention was torn away as Xena was calling to him. He couldn't make out her words from the loud tearing sounds but he had a good idea of the message as she was frantically waving her hand in a forward motion for him to turn back. He hesitated as Argo was still heading towards what appeared to be the source of Xena's panic but decided he'd better follow instructions and picked himself up and high tailed it back into the woods.

Xena's heart seized when she saw Argo break through the clearing and head right for her with what appeared to be Gallion hanging on to her tail. The mare was heading in the wrong direction. Hades! She motioned Gallion back but Argo was still racing towards her. And then it gave way and a terrible tearing noise came from inside the temple. She turned to see Lynchia and the others making their way to the opening but it was too late. A blinding white ball of flame shot out towards them and she had to look away and keep going. A terrific boom tore through the temple and the force of the explosion sent the trio flying into the air. Everything seemed to slow down for Xena as she lost her grip on Gabrielle's hand as she was catapulted high into the night sky. She vaguely heard Gabrielle yell, or perhaps it was her, she wasn't sure as she lost all track of direction and sound, the deafening explosion overwhelming all senses. And then she was seeing ground coming up far faster than she could calculate and before she could even raise her hands to protect herself she was hurdled head first into the dirt. Her brain didn't even have time to register pain before all thought was extinguished.

Argo was frantic as she reared up and then toppled over from the bad wind. She rolled and was upright again wide eyed and panicked to see her master land on the ground. The master was in trouble and that's all she knew but so was her tiny companion that was also lying closer. A bad bright fire was heading directly for them and all instinct told her to gallop away but she couldn't. Large chunks of things that should be on the ground were landing all around her and she dodged them as she raced towards the companion that smelled nice. She reached down and grabbed the cloth attached to her and pulled hard, her hooves backing into the dirt as she dragged the tiny one away from the terrible badness and towards the woods just as bad rocks fell where she'd lain. She dropped the tiny one and galloped back to her master. She tried to drag her but was not as successful as the strange attire her master was donning kept tearing with each pull. She gave up and positioned her large frame above her as a protective shield from the things that were falling from the sky. Argo stood strong despite the cuts into her back from the flying debris. Her master meant everything to her, she was her world, and protecting her was all that mattered. Something hard hit the mare's head and her legs nearly gave way but she steeled herself and remained standing as the night sky went a bright orange and then completely black.

(Author interrupt: whew! Anybody as exhausted as me? Breathe deep the air..calm, stretch, begin again)

Chapter 21


"They know that I love you

They know that itīs true

Iīll stay here beside you

Whatever you do"

Lullaby for a Sleepy Girlfriend

"Come on..." Gabrielle shook her harder. She was trying not to panic. She knelt in closer, placing her ear to her chest, and checked for a heartbeat once again. It was still there, just like it was a moment ago. She leaned back and looked down at her unconscious lover.

"It's alright." Mensor put his arm on her shoulder, "She'll come round, give it time." He knelt down beside the bard flinching from the pain that pulsed through most of his body at the moment, though none of it life threatening.

"This is the third head wound in less than two weeks." Gabrielle sighed fighting back tears as she placed her hand on the warrior's head, stroking her hair gently.

"She's tough." Mensor smiled trying to reassure the girl, "She'll be fine." He looked at Gabrielle's own head, which was also matted with blood. She was also bleeding steadily from a cut on her left arm, among other things. "We need to fix you first." He said.

Gabrielle looked over at Mensor who looked like hell. "I can't possibly be worse off than you."

"You're both a mess." Gallion quipped as he came over. "I've brought supplies from Argo's pack. She also needs some fixing but I think she'll be fine." He sighed and knelt across from Mensor and Gabrielle and looked down. "Has she moved?"

Gabrielle shook her head.

"Here, let me see to that arm." Gallion offered as he held out a cloth. His Gabrielle looked so upset he longed to comfort her.

Mensor looked over at Gallion and signaled with his eyes. "Let's check the temple debris first and see if we can find any survivors."

"But we just checked..." Gallion stammered.

"Well, we're checking again." Mensor said. Gabrielle really needed to be alone with the warrior far more than she needed stitching. He reached across and grabbed a cloth from Gallion's hand. He began to tie Gabrielle's arm. She didn't even flinch, she was too preoccupied. "Be back in a minute." Mensor said as he got up and signaled Gallion to follow. Gabrielle turned to look up at him and a silent thanks was passed between them.

Gabrielle watched as them head back to what once was the temple. The moonlight afforded enough light to see that the only thing left standing was the actual altar, and both gilded eagles, though one was leaning at an odd angle. Everything else was reduced to a heap of rubble. It was amazing they'd survived. Then her thoughts turned back to Xena. She looked down at her, so peaceful and ravishing in that red dress, though it had taken quite a beating in the last hour. It was torn up quite badly and more than likely beyond repair though she was sure Xena would be glad to see it go. She picked up the warrior's hand, squeezing it gently and bent down, kissing her softly on the lips. The warrior moaned and Gabrielle's heart lifted. She sat back and watched as Xena struggled to wake. Then, finally, the warrior's eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at Gabrielle. "Hi there." Gabrielle smiled back as the tears started rolling down her cheeks from relief and pent up emotion.

"Is this the Elysian Fields?" Xena croaked as a grin spread across her face despite the pain.

"Sorry to disappoint, just me in a meadow." Gabrielle laughed through her sobs. "How's your head?"

"It hurts." Xena sighed. "Again."

"Maybe this'll help." Gabrielle grinned as she bent down kissing the warrior on the forehead.

"Lower." Xena instructed.

Gabrielle kissed her on the eyelid.

"Lower." Xena grinned.

"Really." Gabrielle smiled and kissed her on the nose.

"Almost there." Xena sighed and the bard covered her lips with a gentle kiss.

"Much better." Xena whispered as she pulled the bard down on top of her, hugging her tight.

"Hey," Gabrielle grinned as she pulled away from the kiss to look into the warrior's eyes that had watered in the last moment. "You're getting mushy on me."

"Must be the dress." Xena smirked and gave the bard another squeeze for good measure. Then Xena got serious and looked around. "Mensor and Gallion?"

"Both fine. They've gone to check the temple debris for any signs of life." Gabrielle said as sat back and gazed down at the worried warrior.

Xena sighed in relief, and then jerked her head up.

Gabrielle gently pushed her back down. "Argo's fine too." She smiled. "Just rest that hard head of yours for a moment."

Xena relaxed a little and then looked at the bard over with a furrowed brow. "You're bleeding."

"I'm fine." Gabrielle sighed. "Stop babying me."

"Sorry. Bad habit." Xena smiled and lifted the bard's hands off her shoulders and entwined them in her own. And then Xena got serious again. "Listen, we have to talk about the other night.."

"Never mind that now..." Gabrielle said, squeezing the warrior's hands hard. "Just lay there will you. You're so stubborn."

"I am. Now help me up." Xena grinned.


"Alright, then, come to me." Xena said and yanked the bard back down on top of her giving her another hug. God it felt good to hold her, despite the fact that her head was pulsing painfully. Maybe it was time for a helmet addition to her armor. Of course, once you put it on for the day there was no way you could take it off, the hair was always a mess and Gabrielle wouldn't like that. Now since when did she care what her hair looked like? Gods, this relationship thing was ruining her. Her thoughts on the design were interrupted by someone approaching from the left and moving fast.

Gallion raced towards the women who appeared to be resting on each other. "Xena!" He cried breathlessly, his chest rising and falling rapidly from the exertion.

Xena used Gabrielle as a hoist and pulled herself into a seating position. "What is it?" She asked with growing agitation. The boy was frantic.

"It's Cairne.." Gallion gasped. "He's dying....and he's calling for you."

Gabrielle looked at Xena with mild puzzlement Cairne, who was Cairne and why did it sound so familiar?

"Take me there." Xena said.


Xena knelt down besides Cairne, as did the others in a small protective circle among the rubble. Cairne's eyes were closed and she checked his colour and pulse which were almost nonexistent. He should have already long since died as the gaping wound in his midsection had drained most of his blood force, yet he held on. Her heart went out to the old man that had given everything to her tonight. Without him, she would have surely failed. "It's Xena, Cairne." She whispered. His eyes fluttered from the sound of the warrior's voice and he tried to form words but was having great difficulty. She thought she heard something and leaned in further.

Cairne tried to open his eyes but the body no longer had the power to move. Damn broken down vessel. He heard, or rather felt the warrior near. He needed to speak to her but couldn't form the words. "She's...."

"It's alright, we're fine," Xena whispered as tears formed in her eyes. "You saved us Cairne, I owe you everything for that, my friend. Just lay still."

"lynchi..a.." Cairne struggled.

"She's dead Cairne, it's alright." Xena said trying to soothe him taking his hand in hers.

"..lynchi..a..n..." Cairne mumbled as the words would not come, they just wouldn't come. He would have traded a lifetime for one moment to find his voice again. It was ironic how things you always took for granted became everything once gone, and all else that once seemed important, fell away to nothingness. And then he was looking down at the warrior, gently tending to him, her heart so giving, though she could see little of this. And her companion, Gabrielle, so loving and still full of wonder, and his loyal friend, Mensor, that had always liked him, despite his failings. Poor Gallion, who really should learn to appreciate his youth, instead of raging against it, as it goes by far faster than one ever dreamed imaginable. Life was just funny that way. Be safe my friends.

Xena sat back, "He's gone." as she tried to fight back tears that were threatening to spill in front of the others. Then she felt Gabrielle's gentle touch on her back. Xena wiped back a tear, pretending to push back her hair from her face. Gods, "Let's give him a proper burial. We want to make sure he gets to the Elysian Fields."

"I'm sure he's already there." Gabrielle whispered.

Chapter 22


"Feel the silky touch of my caresses

They will keep you looking so brand new

Let me cover you with velvet kisses

I'll create a look that's made for you"

Dress You Up, Madonna

"Isn't it exciting!" Gabrielle cried as she closed the door behind her, leaning against it and grinning at Xena, who was sitting on the bed in Cupid's room.

"Calm down Gabrielle, it's just dinner." Xena sighed as the bard looked over at her with a sparkle in her green eyes. She was holding not one, but two dresses in her hands.

"Oh Xena," Gabrielle sighed as she made her way over to the bed bouncing down beside the warrior. "You really must learn to enjoy.."

"The moment." Xena finished. "Yes, so I've been told." Xena looked down at the bard's hands. "What are those?"

"Dresses!" Gabrielle replied in exasperation holding them up to the warrior's nose. "You know, that Rapunzel's room is quite the climb, but the wardrobe has some really nice things in there and I swear they're all made for me. Every one is my size, it's amazing."

"Amazing." Xena said flatly.

Gabrielle frowned. "It took me over and hour to narrow it down to these two. Now sit there while I try them on and tell me which you like better. Ok?"

"I'll help you take the clothes off." Xena offered smiling at the rambunscious bard as she reached over and began to untie her green top.

"Forget it," Gabrielle grinned as she backed away from the bed. "I'm afraid the merchandise has a price tonight."

Xena frowned, "What kind of price exactly?"

"Well, there are a few stipulations actually." Gabrielle said as she began to untie her green top ensuring she was directly in front of the warrior for full effect. She was rewarded immediately as she saw those ice blue eyes sparkle with desire just from anticipation of the bard's next move. Good, it was nice to feel in control for a change, a rare commodity around the warrior. The bard finished untying her top and let it fall to the ground exposing her full breasts. Xena swallowed. Then she worked her skirt over her hips letting it fall to the floor.

"The boots." Xena croaked.

Gabrielle bent down and removed one, then the other, never taking her eyes off her lover. She stood back up and gestured towards the soft cream dress on the bed. Xena handed it to over, her eyes never leaving the bard's nakedness. She slipped it over her head letting the soft silk fall into place. Xena swallowed again. "You like?"

Xena nodded.

Continued - Part 7

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