Part 7 of 9

Gabrielle lifted the dress over her head and handed it back to the warrior, gesturing for her to hand her the emerald green one. The warrior complied. She slipped this one over her head and worked it down over her hips with her hands as it was a tighter, and more revealing design. It came just past knee length with slits up either side and a low cut neck with half sleeves that were opened at the shoulder to expose Gabrielle's well toned muscles.

Xena tried to swallow but there was no saliva left.

Gabrielle grinned at the warrior. "Judging from your lack of spit, I'd say this is the one then?" Xena nodded. "Ok, green it is." Gabrielle said as she walked over to the table against the far wall that had a decanter and silver goblets on it, all decorated with tiny little cupid's arrows. This place was over the top, no question. Gabrielle poured two goblets with wine and carried them back to the bed with Xena still watching her with more than mild interest. Gabrielle handed one to the warrior. "It'll help." She watched as Xena drank the entire contents in one drink.

"Than.." Xena croaked, " I mean thanks." She finally managed grinning up at the bard. "How much is this going to cost me?"

"Nothing," Gabrielle smiled, "Just your cooperation."


"Ok," Gabrielle said trying not to get too excited. "I want you to wear a dress tonight to dinner."

"Gabrielle," Xena groaned rolling her eyes.

"Xena, please." Gabrielle pleaded with the softest eyes she could muster. "For me? Just tonight?"

"My head hurts." Xena sighed and flopped down on the bed.

Gabrielle climbed on top of her and seductively hovered over the warrior. "I'll make it better." The warrior closed her eyes. Gabrielle leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. "I promise."

The warrior melted from the touch of Gabrielle's lips on her own, the taste of wine mixed with sweet flavour of her. Xena returned the kiss with a passionate one of her own, a warmth spreading through. Xena reached her hands up to pull the bard close but was denied.

"Uh uh." Gabrielle sat up grinning seductively down at Xena.

Xena sighed, her eyes still closed. "What colour?"

Gabrielle shot up off the bed with great enthusiasm. "I don't know, I don't know, ...let me think..." She raced over to the wardrobe opening it up to reveal a full row of garments, all various designs, and all seemingly the warrior's fit. Gabrielle hummed as she pulled each one out, examining it, and deciding its fate, possibilities piling on a high backed cupid's chair, rejections back inside. Dum dum dum, da dum da dum da dum....

Xena watched all this transpire with mild amusement as she lay propped on one elbow watching the bard work the wardrobe with ease. Finally Gabrielle had a short list and began holding them up for her. Xena shook her head in various directions depending upon the degree of like or dislike. Then the bard lifted up a sapphire blue one that caught the warrior's eye. That was the one. Gabrielle brought it over to her and the warrior sat up taking it in her hands. It felt luxurious, the fabric a thin, almost see through, delicate silk. Xena couldn't stop herself from running her fingers across the material. What in Hades was she doing?

"Here," Gabrielle bent down beginning to remove Xena's leathers. "Let's try it on." The warrior mocked disinterest but Gabrielle knew better. The bard slipped the dress over Xena's head, letting it fall across her shapely figure. "Stand up." Gabrielle instructed taking the warrior's hands in hers. The warrior obeyed and stood, the dress falling gently down over her thighs. Gabrielle swallowed.

"Problem?" Xena asked grinning at the speechless bard. Gabrielle shook her head. "More wine?" Xena asked. The bard nodded.

Gabrielle accepted the goblet and took a long, deep drink as she let her eyes travel up and down the warrior's body. By the gods she looked incredible. The dress was another low cut, similar to her own but with sleeves that came down past Xena's elbows, and tight to her muscular arms. The length was fairly long but the fabric so delicate that the faint colour of Xena's skin could be seen creating a feast for the eyes. Gabrielle shook her head. "You can't wear that, it looks too good. I'll have to bring my staff to dinner to protect my investment."

"Well it's on now and I'm not taking it off, so it stays." Xena sighed. "Have I met my end of the bargain or not?"

"Almost." Gabrielle grinned running her hand down the side of Xena's arm feeling the smooth fabric. Gods, what was it again. Right. Oh yeah. "You're getting drunk tonight."

"I am?" Xena asked incredulously.

"Yes," Gabrielle said, "You're too uptight all the time, you need to loosen up. Tonight we DRINK!"

"Gabrielle," Xena warned, "If I recall correctly, only a week ago you asked me to kill you before you got that impaired again."

"True," Gabrielle sighed, "But we're on vacation and tomorrow we're going to the Isle of Lesbos so let's live a little."

"Just living is exciting enough for me." Xena replied.

"Xena," Gabrielle warned. "You must learn to relax, let down your hair, stop being so uptight. Breathe deep the air. Do you know how hard it is to massage your shoulders when you've been brooding for a few hours, I swear my fingers are going to.."

"Alright!' Xena cried, "I give. I give. I'll drink. Who'll carry who back to the room?"

"Not that inebriated! I want you functional for later." Gabrielle cried looking up at the warrior grinning down at her.

"So that would be me doing the carrying then?" Xena sighed.


"Well then," Xena gestured with her hand, "Lead the way."

Chapter 23


"That woman's got me drinking

Look at the state I'm in

Give me one, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight, nine, ten bottles of gin

That Woman's Got Me Drinking

Gallion was trying hard to concentrate on his food but his eyes kept traveling to Gabrielle across the table that looked ravishing in the emerald green dress that offset her incredible eyes. He should have been enjoying his meal as it was the first time he had ever dined at the royal table as he had been promoted to junior assistant to the advisor. But he could have been standing knee deep in horse manure for all it mattered, as long as he was afforded the opportunity to gaze at this beauty before him. He swallowed hard and tried to negotiate the fork to his mouth without missing and making a complete ass of himself. She was magnificent!

Let me see. Fork into the meat, lift to mouth, open. Place inside, close and put down fork. Mensor sighed. For some terrible reason he was finding it difficult to negotiate his meal, the raven hair beauty across from him was looking far too edible tonight. Why were all the good ones taken? He sighed and looked over at Gabrielle, who looked equally ravishing. This was torturous. Fork into meat, cut with knife, lift to mouth, open discreetly...

"I'd like to propose a toast." King Pelagos said as he raised his goblet. "To the two most beautiful warrior women in all of Greece. Wait, make that all of the known world!"

"I'm a bard, actually." Gabrielle said tentatively.

"Oh." King Pelagos looked over. "I thought you were Xena's partner?"

"She is." Xena replied too quickly. Gods. "She records everything I do."

"Oh." King Pelagos said. "How flattering."

"Uh, yes it is." Xena said awkwardly as she raised her goblet and downed the rest of the drink. The others followed suit. "But she swings a mean staff."

"To Gabrielle! The Bard! With Staff!" Gallion cried and raised his goblet and they all toasted again.

Two servants came up on either side of the table and filled everyone's cups.

"All of you," King Pelagos said raising it in the air. "I can't thank you enough for what you did up on the mountain." Everyone drank. "I still can't believe it, Lynchia, of all people." Everybody drank. "Wait, that wasn't a toast."

"Oops," Xena said, "Sorry, I think that was my lead."

"Quite alright Xena." The King smiled at warrior. "It is amazing, all that time, holding secret rituals in the temple under our noses. You really saved us all. Arcadia will be eternally grateful."

"Wait til they get the bill for the temple." Xena whispered to Gabrielle.

"And Pan, of all gods, boy, oh boy, poor misguided soul." King Pelagos sighed.

"In Memory of Pan!" Gallion cried, raising his glass.

"Without a trace." Mensor added raising his own mug and they all drank.

"Actually, there was a hoof..." Gallion said.

"To the Hoof!" Gabrielle cried and they all toasted.

"The Hooves, why not?" King Pelagos chuckled as he turned to Xena. "So tell me, what are you plans now?"

"Isle of Lesbos." Xena replied before she could stop herself. Gods, she was drinking too much. "It's a little island.."

"Yes, yes..." The king pondered. "I've heard of it, odd place really, no men."

"Yes! Isn't it great." Gabrielle blurted out.

"She means, true relaxation.." Xena smiled at the king while giving the bard a pinch under the table. "No distractions."

"Ahh." The king nodded as he contemplated this. "I see."

"Well." Mensor said as he tapped his goblet on the table.

"So." Xena said looking around the room.

"To Mensor and Gallion, and the King!" Gabrielle raised her goblet high, nearly spilling its contents but catching them just in time. "All great guys!" Everybody drank and the servants hustled over to refill.

The toasting lasted for another half hour. Gallion was the first to go as he began to slide, ever slightly, in his chair. Before anyone noticed, he had lost nearly a foot in height.

"Gallion old boy!" Mensor slapped him hard on the back. "What do you think of the new seat eh?"

"Am I sitting?" Gallion asked, his glazed eyes looking up at Mensor.

"Sort of." Mensor quipped. And then turned to Xena. "Never seen a woman that could drink like you do."

"I have many skills." Xena retorted though she almost tripped over that last word. But there was no way in Tartarus she would be out drank by another warrior. She looked over at the bard that was starting to slide down in her seat, not as progressively as Gallion, but close. Much more and the bard would be useless tonight, and she was just starting to warm up. Nothing like making love with a belly full of brew. "Eat something Gabrielle." Xena whispered.

"What?" Gabrielle mumbled looking at the warrior through a glowing haze. Then the warrior stuffed a biscuit in her mouth. Ah, eat. Got it. Right. Eat.

"Of course, none could ever beat me." Mensor grinned over at the warrior with a twinkle in his eye.

"Really." Xena looked over at him. "Wanna bet?"

"Choose your weapon." Mensor smiled, leaning across the table.

Gabrielle looked back and forth between the two. Weapon? Weapon? Weapon?

"Trojan Kickers. Straight up, ten on the line." She challenged.

"Oooohhhh." Mensor grinned. "Take no prisoners?"

"Kill em all." Xena replied raising her goblet high in the air with growing excitement.

Kill them all? Kill them all? Gabrielle cried inwardly. She swallowed hard and almost choked on her biscuit.

"It's a deal." Mensor put his hand out across the table and Xena accepted it in a fisted shake. He signaled to a servant that came over and he whispered instructions in the man's ear and he hurried off shaking his head.

King Pelagos watched in fascination. Warriors. He didn't understand them. Crazy bunch, really.

Two servants came back, each with his own tray of silver cups, and stood beside either warrior placing ten in a row in front of each of them, all filled with the most lethal brew the castle produced. This was not a game for the faint of heart.

"Big soldiers." Xena quipped looking down at the tall cups, nearly twice the size that she was used to. Oh boy.

"Big castle." Mensor replied as he began to psyche himself.

Both warriors eyed each other from across the table, preparing mentally for the battle.

"Gallion," Mensor said, his eyes never leaving Xena's. "Signal the attack."

"" Gallion asked through a drunken haze as he fought to stay upright.

"When his head hits the table?" Xena offered.

"Agreed." Mensor grinned and placed his hand as close to the first Trojan as possible. Xena followed suit. There was a moment of peaked anticipation and then Gallion pitched forward and the battle began.

Each warrior picked up his respective Trojan downing it and slamming it hard on the table in rapid succession, picking up the next as soon as the last had fallen. They were neck and neck, each moving as rapidly as the other but as they moved down the line Mensor began to slip, but then he recovered and Xena appeared to be losing but as they reached the ninth Trojan they were tied again. Xena slammed her Trojan down and reached for the tenth just a hair faster than Mensor and downed it with lightening speed and slamming it down a split second before his last man hit the table.

Xena grinned, as she wiped the excess from her mouth with the sleeve of her dress, well at least these Tartarus things were good for something.

Gabrielle's mouth hung open, still. Well she'd said drink, but this was ridiculous.

"You're good." Mensor pointed across the table, his finger swaying just a bit. "Very good."

"I'm drunk, actually." Xena replied smiling over at him. "I haven't done that in years. I'm out of practice."

"You'd never know it." Mensor smirked.

"You haven't seen me walk yet." Xena grinned as she tried to raised an eyebrow and failed.

"Not to worry, we have service carts we use after the Trojan battle." Mensor quipped, "We're quite shivilize, er civilized here."

"But of course." Xena laughed. By the gods, her headache was gone. Finally. She looked over at Gabrielle who appeared to be in shock. She looked good enough to eat at the moment. She had to look away before she did something foolish. She looked down at her dinner plate. Well, she'd had just about enough of that. It was definitely time for Cupid's room, like right now. Before she passed out.

Gabrielle looked over at Xena. She seemed fine but there was something just a bit off. Perhaps she was leaning, slightly. Or perhaps, she, herself, was leaning. She couldn't tell, but it didn't matter as she read one thing in those eyes, and one thing only. Bed now, or never. "Well, it's been a long day, pretty tired."

"Yeah." Xena added as she opened her eyes wide. Oh boy. How old had she been exactly, when she last played that game?

"Time for bed. I'd say." Gabrielle nodded.

"Yep." Xena nodded. "Bed. Now."

"Bed." Mensor repeated. Good idea, perhaps if he just laid out on this floor.

"So," Gabrielle smiled looking over at the king. "Thanks for dinner. And everything."

"No, Thank You!" King Pelagos replied.

"I'm just..."Gabrielle pointed towards Xena. "Nightmares..."

"Of course," KIng Pelagos smiled. Poor thing.

"Nightmares." Xena repeated as she rolled her eyes back in place.

Gabrielle got up grabbing Xena's arm and lifting her from the table. "We're just..gonna.." She gestured towards the door. Then she looked over at Mensor. "That cart. Did you mention a cart?"

Chapter 24


"I drank the potion she offered me

I found myself on the floor

Then I looked in those big green eyes

And I wondered what I came there for"

Devil Woman

"Thanks for the ride. Great fun." Gabrielle called after the servant that was heading back down the hallway, shaking his head. It had taken both Gabrielle and he over five minutes to talk Xena out of the hot springs. Both of them would have drowned for sure this time. Thank the gods the warrior had left her weapons in the room or it could have gotten ugly. Never mind the cart race that Mensor had challenged them to. Luckily he passed out at the starting line. She closed the door with her left hand while holding Xena up against the wall with her right. She looked over at her lover, who was swaying slightly as she leaned against the wall. She really needed to learn to keep her bardial trap shut.

"It's the head wound." Xena looked at her seriously.

"Right." Gabrielle said slowly.

"The dress?" Xena said as she began to slide down the wall.

"Of course." Gabrielle replied as she shifted over, using both hands to hold her up. "Can you make it to the bed?" Gabrielle asked Xena, who was looking intently at the bard as if trying to negotiate something very important. Gods, she looked so sexy when she was off guard.

"Bed." Xena repeated.

"Come on." Gabrielle coaxed as she grabbed the warrior's arms and began walking backwards. The warrior followed. "Good...that's good..we're moving.."

"You're beautiful." Xena sighed as she leaned into Gabrielle, wrapping her arms around her.

Gabrielle braced herself but it was too late, they both landed down hard. Gabrielle went to speak but the warrior placed her lips on hers drowning any words. Gabrielle forgot everything and basked in the feel of her mouth. Gods she was a good kisser, even impaired. A warmth spread through her as Xena's tongue teased her own with a passionate hunger - perhaps, even better. Gabrielle sighed, reaching round and grasping Xena's head in her hands. She pulled her away reluctantly looking up into her gorgeous eyes. "Xena, we don't get satin sheets very often. Just a few more feet and we'll have arrived."

"We're not on the bed?" Xena asked.

Gabrielle shook her head.


Xena got up pulling the bard with her. "Where's the Tartarus bed then?"

Gabrielle smiled up at the warrior wrapping her arms around her waist. "Over here." Gabrielle guided the warrior towards the bed, parting the thin veiled curtain of the canopy, and laying her down gently. She kneeled on the bed, straddling the warrior, and grinning down at her.

"What?" Xena asked looking up at one edible woman.

"You're intoxicatingly enrapturing tonight." Gabrielle sighed as she ran her finger down Xena's chest, stopping at the low cut fabric of the dress.

"You mean I'm drunk." Xena grinned back at the gorgeous strawberry blonde she still couldn't believe was hers alone. And the dress, though she'd never admit it, she was considering purchasing from the king as Gabrielle looked so unbelievably sexy in it. The amazon outfit was good, but this, well this was..oh yeah....

"Yes." Gabrielle grinned down at her. "And so obedient. A little overzealous even."

"Your wish is my command." Xena sighed.

"Good, I like that in a woman." Gabrielle said as she leaned down, brushing her lips against the warrior's and pulling them teasingly away. She was rewarded by a soft moan of disappointment. Xena reached up to pull her down but she caught her hands in her own, entwining her fingers with the warrior's. "Uh uh. Lay there and be obedient." The warrior sighed. Gabrielle bent down brushing her lips and nipping at the bottom one, lightly, eliciting another soft moan.

"A warrior is only so obedient..." Xena croaked.

"Shh." Gabrielle warned. "You're interrupting." And then she placed Xena's hands gently on her thighs and the warrior immediately squeezed them hard sending a shiver of desire through Gabrielle from her touch. Gods, what was she doing? Right. She ran her hands down Xena's arms taking the sleeves and working them slowly downward as Xena's cleavage became more visible with each movement. She wanted to dive down and tear this damn dress off but she steeled herself and went slowly, stopping just short of Xena's full breasts being revealed, her already hardened nipples just shy of escape. Gabrielle had to look away, and instead let her eyes travel to Xena's inviting neck that was in desperate need of attention.

With each nip of the bard's teeth on her neck, Xena moaned louder. She closed her eyes and drank in the feel of Gabrielle's tongue as it drew lazy circles on her skin. The bard ran the tip of her tongue seductively up Xena's neck line and the warrior gasped as she felt her nip softly on her ear, pulling it gently, then sucking harder at the warrior's silent insistence. Every sensation was matched by a growing warmth spreading from her center. Gods, her body was so relaxed, every wave of desire was reaching farther than she was prepared for and she was pretty sure she was moaning loudly enough to wake half the castle. But she didn't care. That was the beauty of being impaired. Gabrielle's breasts were brushing teasingly against her own through this exchange which was further driving the heat within her. The fabrics were so thin and delicate, offering a seductive resistance between both women's nipples. Xena couldn't decide which sensation was driving her more mad.

Gabrielle smiled as she felt Xena shudder beneath her each time she brushed herself against her. However, this in turn was making her dizzy but she was determined not to sink down, not yet, she was enjoying this far too much. Her lips trailed delicate kisses down Xena's neck, as she worked towards her chest that was rapidly rising, a deliciously shimmering sweet under the candlelight. She worked the dress down just far enough for her nipples to be released and she was there to greet them, taking one softly in her mouth, and working her tongue slowly around it. The warrior immediately cried out and arched her back to greet Gabrielle's mouth with an urgency that took them both by surprise. Well, this was getting interesting. Gabrielle sucked harder, her mouth hungrily teasing the warrior's hardened nipple, eliciting a deep groan from her lover. Xena could no longer stand it and lifted her arms up to pull the bard down but Gabrielle was there to capture them, gently, but firmly placing them back down on either side of the warrior's head, locking their fingers together, gently caressing the warrior's palms with her thumbs. She just loved that, perhaps even more than playing with her hair. She couldn't decide at the moment, she wanted to do it all, now, but patience had its rewards - though she didn't think the warrior would agree on that at the moment.

"Gabrielle.." Xena groaned.

"Hmm." Gabrielle asked as she kissed her way over to Xena's other breast.

"Take this dress off before I tear it off." The warrior warned.

Continued - Part 8

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