Part 8 of 9

"Oh." Gabrielle's eyes widened. "Ok. Gimme a second here." Well, so much for patience tonight. The bard sat back and worked the warrior's dress off her arms as her lover watched her with dark eyes that betrayed a need so intense it nearly took Gabrielle's breath away. She worked it down over the warrior's hips to reveal one incredible looking body, already shaking from desire. She stared at her nakedness for a long moment, get mesmerized by its beauty under the candlelight, before the warrior finally could stand it no longer and reached up tugging at Gabrielle's dress. "Hey." Gabrielle pulled back smiling down at her love. "Patience."

"Is not in the drunken vocabulary. Now move it or lose it." Xena warned.

"Ok, ok." Gabrielle sighed as she finished removing Xena's dress working it down over her sexy legs. She came back up, straddling the warrior and lifted her own dress over her head and off in an instance. "Better?" Gabrielle smiled. The warrior nodded. Gabrielle lifted the red satin sheet and covered them before she finally sank down and gave in to her.

Xena sighed as she wrapped her strong arms around the bard squeezing her tight to her body that was burning in anticipation of this sweet exchange. And then her hands were all over Gabrielle in an instance, as if released from a prison, she couldn't seem to control their wanderings. They ran up and down the bard's delicious curves and finally deciding on tangling themselves in the bard's gorgeous strawberry hair. Xena's lips covered the bard's with an urgency that took, even herself back, her tongue exploring every part of her delicious mouth. She was so sexually charged she was in fear of losing herself to it, she had to try and slow down or she'd explode. But then the bard's thigh slipped between her legs and her breath caught in her throat as she began to shake from the sensation of Gabrielle rubbing seductively against her. She was dripping wet from a need so great now, it was drowning out everything. It was a vulnerability she wasn't prepared for and a part of her fought to keep herself from being taken by it.

"Let go.." Gabrielle whispered between kisses as she worked her leg between Xena's quivering thighs. Gabrielle smiled as Xena moaned loudly under her lips from the sound of her voice. She didn't know how she always knew the right words that would heal her warrior, it was a quiet calling from her heart. Gabrielle ran her hand down the warrior's leg, massaging it gently, enjoying the feel of her strong muscled thigh, under her touch. The feel of Xena's soft skin and these satin sheets was beginning to drive Gabrielle crazy. She pulled the warrior's leg closer to her as she wrapped herself tighter still to the warrior's body, kissing her deeply, and with a building passion of her own.

Xena ran her hands down to the small of Gabrielle's back, as she raised her hips, to meet the bard's thigh, as another wave of sweet pleasure swept over her. She wanted to speak, to tell her how much she loved her, how much she loved this, but she was afraid words wouldn't be enough. Instead she used her body to convey the deep emotion that was coursing through her, in a silent exchange of love.

Gabrielle's desire was building so deeply now that each brush of her thigh against Xena's wetness sent a surge of heat through her. She could feel her own wetness against the warrior's thigh which further drove her to dizzying heights. Xena's hips were slowly rocking against her and she was having a real hard time concentrating on anything now. She could sense, above her own passion, that her lover was beginning to let go, her hips moving faster, her body quivering more insistently, her moaning having become one long and luscious note. And then the warrior cried out under her lips and her body began to shake uncontrollably as Gabrielle held her.

Wave after wave of orgasm coursed through Xena's body as she allowed herself to finally release the intense need that had drowned out everything in the last few seconds. She vaguely was aware of Gabrielle's tight grip on her as she drank in the sensations that rippled from her center outwards, and clung to her instinctively for fear of losing herself completely. But then she did just that as the bard slipped her hand between her thighs, stroking her gently at first and then more insistently, and sending the warrior further over the edge and into the abyss.

Gabrielle basked in the pulsing sensations under her fingers as Xena rocked gently against her, and finally slowing enough to breathe, her chest rising and falling in small gasps. Gabrielle pulled back looking into Xena's eyes, they were half closed. "Hey," Gabrielle smiled at her, "You alright?" The warrior could barely manage a nod, she was so overcome with emotion. Gabrielle kissed the her eyelids and she moaned softly. She kissed her cheek, tasting the salty sweat mixed with the sweet taste of her skin. Then she brushed her lips delicately across the warrior's own, eliciting another quiet moan. Gabrielle leaned back looking into her eyes again. "I love you."

Xena looked up at Gabrielle, whose eyes sparkled with passion. She wanted to speak but couldn't. But she wasn't going to let that stop her from showing her how deeply this woman moved her. She reached up and captured Gabrielle's lips in hers coaxing her back down to her inviting body. She gently guided Gabrielle on her side, as she ran her hand up and down the curve of Gabrielle's hips, pulling the bard's thigh over her own, and nestling in tight to her body. She needed to feel her close, as she had the urge to climb inside her and stay there forever. She gazed into Gabrielle's eyes as she reached up and teasingly ran her fingers across the bard's hardened nipples. The bard closed her eyes and began to tremble. Xena brought her hand up and brushed back the fallen locks from Gabrielle's face, stroking her hair until Gabrielle finally opened her eyes again. "Hi." She finally managed to whisper.

"Hi you." Gabrielle whispered back. "You ok?"

"I'm great, as long as I'm lying down beside you, perfect." Xena smiled back at her.

"I love you so much.." Gabrielle sighed as she basked in the feel of Xena's hands, as they twirled lazy patterns in her tangled hair.

"You're everything to me." Xena sighed as she leaned in and kissed her softly, and then more passionately as she felt Gabrielle shudder from her touch. She pulled back and looked into her lover's eyes as she lazily ran her finger down her chest, that was beginning to rise more rapidly at the thought of the warrior's intentions. The bard's eyes began to flutter closed. "Keep your eyes open," Xena asked softly, "I want to watch you release yourself to me."

Gabrielle complied and looked deep into her lover's eyes as the warrior slowly, and seductively, ran her fingers down her taught abdomen, hesitating just above where Gabrielle was aching for her to go. "Xena...please.."

The warrior hesitated for another torturous few seconds and then she gently slipped her hand into the soft folds of Gabrielle's inviting center, stroking her slowly at first, wanting to savor each gasp from her lover's lips. "That better?"

"Gods...yes...much.." Gabrielle groaned as Xena teasingly ran her fingers back and forth, exquisitely slow, as an ache began to pulse through Gabrielle's loins. "That's..."

"Nice." Xena finished for her. Gabrielle nodded slowly. "You looked incredible in that dress tonight." Xena sighed as she continued to run her fingers lightly between her lover's quivering thighs. The bard swallowed. "Speech problem?" Xena teased.

"Yes..." Gabrielle gasped as she fought to keep her thoughts straight. Xena was slowly driving her insane here. She inhaled sharply as the warrior slipped two fingers inside her, while continuing to stroke her. "Yes.." Gabrielle moaned, more insistently this time.

Xena smiled as she watched her lover fight to keep her eyes from naturally closing from the fierceness of the desire coursing through her. The warrior was feeling herself warm, as she watched Gabrielle's lips part slightly, so exquisitely erotic. Finally she had to kiss them, as they looked far too inviting.

The bard shivered as Xena bit down on her lower lip, sucking gently on it, letting her tongue dance across her open mouth. It was deliciously sweet. She was beginning to lose herself in those gorgeous ice blue eyes, as she longed to step into their seductive pools, as her hips moved in time with Xena's hand. She was completely hers now, waiting for Xena to allow her release. All else slipped away to nothingness, as the heat within her grew to an almost unbearable height. "Gods...Xena..I'm.."

"Come for me," Xena coaxed and that was all her lover needed. Xena watched as Gabrielle's eyes darkened, and her body began to convulse, her hips rocking uncontrollably over Xena's hand .

"Ohh...Xena..." Gabrielle cried out, no longer able to hold on as she closed her eyes and buried her head in her lover's neck, while an intense orgasm wracked her body. Her fingers dug into Xena's back as the pulsing continued to rage through her, as she moaned loudly into Xena's soft skin.

Xena held Gabrielle gently, stroking her hair, comforting her, as she was still shaking from the depth of the feelings that were surging through her. Gabrielle continued to moan softly, her lips brushing gently against the warrior's neck, as her breathing slowly settled back to a deep relaxed state. Xena smiled as she felt her lover slip into a gentle sleep, her body wrapped tightly around the warrior's. Gods, the Elysian Fields had nothing on this.

Chapter 25


"Out all night till the sun comes up

You know I'm never gonna learn

Raise my glass and fill my cup

I'm playing with fire

And I'm gonna get burned"

Drinking with the Devil

She was looking up at Lynchia, who was smirking down at her, in triumph. She really just wanted to get up from this floor but couldn't for the life of her move. Lynchia was laughing at her struggling as she tried to negotiate her limbs that were being held firm, she just couldn't do it, she'd won, she was going to kill her, and she was raving mad, with blood lust, the warrior was sure of this as she could see it in her cold black eyes, no heart, mo mercy, no soul. If she could only...move...she'd..

The warrior awoke with a start, sweat pouring down her temples from the exertion of the dream that had seemed so real. She was gasping., she was trapped, and she couldn't move. For a split second Xena panicked and then her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she realized the bard was draped over her in a death grip, snoring loudly, echoing with great intensity in her ears. That tartarus head wound was back in full force, in fact, it had worsened, perhaps it was more serious than she'd first imagined, perhaps...and then her stomach slid around, a snake in a basket. And she remembered. No, perhaps wasn't the word, as daggers began to drive their tiny little incessant selves into her brain. No, perhaps was far from it. This was a full blown, rip snorting, hang right on over the edge hangover and she hadn't had one of these in years. Hades, why was she so competitive? She really had to learn to keep that particular trait under tighter reins. She swallowed. She needed air. Now. She worked her way out from under the bard and slipped onto the cold stone floor which was very refreshing at the moment. She swayed slightly and righted herself. Terrific. Just terrific. It would make for an interesting boat ride to the island, of this she was sure. She took tiny, tentative steps towards the terrace, where she was hoping she would find salvation. But she doubted it. She walked out into the blackness of the night, cupping her head in her hands in the hopes that it would stop pulsing. She was very thirsty. Big thirst. Huge thirst. She reached the edge of the balcony and gripped the railing with one hand, the other still holding her head. She closed her eyes and let the cool breeze blow gently across her naked body. No salvation was forthcoming. Hades, Hades, Hades. This was not a good sign, not a good sign at all.

Gabrielle awoke to find the bed empty. Where was she? She sat up, her eyes adjusting to the darkness, and looked around. Nothing. She slipped onto the floor and got up in a hurry. She scanned the room and finally decided on the terrace as the only escape route. She walked out to find the warrior leaning over the railing, gripping it tightly. By the gods, she had nothing on. She went to go over. Wait. She had nothing on. She hesitated. But her concern won the battle and she hurried over. Xena?" She whispered tentatively.

"Water." Xena croaked.

Uh oh. Gabrielle hurried back into the room, nearly tripping over a cupid sculpture and narrowly missing his sharp arrow, as she fumbled around in the dark looking for the pitcher on the night stand. Hades. She finally found it, and searched for a cup, and then decided just to bring the tartarus pitcher which she took a long drink from on the way back. Dry didn't begin to describe how dehydrated she felt at the moment. She didn't want to even think about how bad Xena was. Why, did she do this? Why? Why? Why? She came up behind Xena, holding out the pitcher towards her. The warrior looked up gratefully. Gabrielle hesitated before she realized the warrior was not going to remove her hands from the rail. She held it up to her lips as Xena drank slowly, her eyes closed, as if she was drinking from the tree of life. This was all her fault.

"Xena I'm sorry." Gabrielle whispered to the poor warrior.

Xena shook her head, finally finding her voice. "Don't be." She gasped. "I was feeling a bit fat from dinner, it's for the best. Really."

"Oh gods.." Gabrielle cried. "How can I make it up to you?"

"It's alright, never too old to learn a lesson, yet again." Xena gasped. "More."

Gabrielle held out the pitcher as the warrior drank deeply from it.

"White powder?" Xena asked tentatively.

"Yeesh, we used it all up in Karyaes...when Xena, I'm sorry." Gabrielle stammered.

"No white powder?" Xena sighed. The bard shook her head. "Go get the sword and cut off my head."

"What?!" Gabrielle cried in alarm.

"It's a joke." Xena smirked.

"Oh." Gabrielle looked worriedly over at Xena. "Want to come lie down?" The warrior shook her head. "Ok, I'll go get some robes, we'll sit out here together, ok?" Xena nodded weakly.

Gabrielle came back through the terrace dragging two tall backed cupid's chairs with her, robes draped over her shoulders. She set them up beside the railing. And then placed a robe over Xena's shoulders and one over her own. She finally coaxed the warrior from the edge and into the seat. They both sat out gazing up at the stars. It was a beautiful night if you subtracted the hangover. Gabrielle took a long drink from the pitcher and handed it to Xena, who also took a long drink and handed it back.

"This is the best part of the night." Xena sighed looking over at her beautiful bard, her hair tussled from lovemaking, her features striking under the moonlight, making her even more sexier than usual.

Gabrielle smiled as she took another sip from the jug. "I guess I'm usually sleeping about this time."

"Sometimes, when you sleep, I gaze at you for hours, watching your chest rise and fall. It calms me." Xena admitted.

Gabrielle looked over wide eyed. "Since when?"

"For as long as I can remember." Xena sighed, smiling over at her.

A warmth covered Gabrielle's heart and she reached over grasping the warrior's hand in hers, squeezing it tight. "I didn't know." She whispered.

"There's alot you don't know about me." Xena looked over at her.

"In time." Gabrielle said as she reached over, brushing back locks of raven hair that had fallen over the warrior's face. A look of concern covered her features as she touched Xena's cheek. "Any better?"

"With you, everything's better." Xena smiled taking the bard's hand and nuzzling into it. "Come here."

Gabrielle moved over sitting on Xena's lap, wrapping her arms around her, and listening to the beating of her heart as she rested her head against her chest. It was calming and she found herself drifting. And then the beat increased, ever slightly, and she looked up to check on Xena. The warrior was gazing out into the moonlit night. "You alright?" Gabrielle asked.

The warrior looked down, giving her a reassuring smile. Her eyes sparkled in the darkness, but much darker than usual. "Never better."

Gabrielle warmed and caught herself gazing intently into those beautiful brown...eyes? Gabrielle pulled back slightly. "Xena?"

"What?" Xena asked, concern crossing her features with the worried look Gabrielle was giving her.

"Your eyes." Gabrielle stammered.

"What?" Xena asked.

"They look brown." Gabrielle said with mild panic.

"Calm down, Gabrielle, it's the lighting." Xena sighed.

"No." Gabrielle shook her head. "They're brown." As she leaned in checking more closely. "Yes, maybe it's the stuff you were drinking..." She felt the warrior stiffen. "What is it?"

"Get dressed." Xena said suddenly serious.

"What?" Gabrielle said looking up at the warrior. "Xena, you're scaring me. What is it."

Xena stood up taking the bard with her. "Get dressed. now." Xena warned.

"Xena, tell me what's wrong!" Gabrielle pleaded.

"She's here." Xena said looking out onto the horizon. "And she's come to kill us."

Chapter 26


"She's just a devil woman with evil on her mind

Beware the devil woman she's gonna get you"

Devil Woman

Xena opened the door a crack and peered out into the darkened hallway. Long shadows wrapped themselves around the walls and floors creating an eerie empty feeling. She peered around the other way straining to see anything unusual in the darkness. Why were there no torches lit? It was late, true enough, but there were always torches lit somewhere, weren't there? The only light afforded her was the pale moonlight that filtered in the few open windows at both ends of the corridor. She felt the bard's chest against her back. Well she didn't have to worry about the bard straying tonight, that was for sure.

"Anything?" Gabrielle whispered nervously as she clutched her staff and tried not to wrap herself around Xena. She had the incredible urge to climb inside the warrior and curl up and forget everything. It was so overwhelmingly tempting. Gods, they needed a vacation.

"Just your incredible breasts brushing against my leathers and distracting me. Other than that, the coast is clear." Xena quipped.

"I can't believe your thinking of sex at a time like this." Gabrielle whispered.

"And I can't believe your thinking of curling up and sleeping." Xena retorted.

"How did you know that's what I was thinking?" Gabrielle asked incredulously.

"I don't know. We must be hanging around each other too much." Xena turned around and faced the bard that was looking far too wide eyed for her own good. "Now listen to me. Lynchia is not your average psycho. She has powers that even I'm unsure of. I have no idea how she survived that blast but I know one thing, she's not going to be in a good mood. Take nothing for granted, anything that can happen, may happen, and anything you didn't think possible, probably will occur. Now she may try and get inside you, don't look into her eyes." Xena watched as the bard's eyes got even bigger. "Gabrielle, anything happens to me, get as far away as possible. Is that clear?"

"No." Gabrielle replied weakly. Gods, if only she could just lie down maybe this would all just go away and she'd wake and it would all be a bad dream and...

"Gabrielle." Xena barked. "Stop it."

Gabrielle shook her head. "Sorry. I don't know what's come over me."

"Lynchia has." Xena sighed. "Keep thinking of the love we have for each other, every time you get sleepy or lost, think of me, think of us." And with that she bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. She pulled back reluctantly looking down at her lover. "You ready?" The bard nodded. "Ok, let's go."

They crept down the darkened corridor slowly and cautiously, the only sound was a tiny incessant squeak, echoing softly against the cold stone walls.

"Tartarus boots." Xena whispered under her breath as she approached the end of the hallway that abruptly turned to the right, and complete blackness from her vantage point.

"Maybe if we oiled them?" Gabrielle offered.

"S'ppose.." Xena replied thoughtfully and then signaled the bard to pull back tight to the wall as they reached the corner. Xena peered down into the blackness. Nothing. She strained harder, trying to see all the way down its length. Nothing. She could make out two possible openings to other hallways before she reached the open courtyard. They would have to get past those first. She could be hiding anywhere. Now where would she be and why would she be hiding, or what would she be planning? If Xena's hangover wasn't pounding so loudly in her head she might be able to think straighter. Well at least she'd stopped throwing up. That was a bonus.

"Anything?" Gabrielle asked tentatively.

"Nothing." Xena whispered and then signaled the bard to follow as they began walking down the hall towards the first opening. Her gut was tighter than harp strings at the moment and she recognized the sensation immediately, there was danger very close. That or she was going to throw up again. But then she stiffened when a shadowy figured stepped out from the second hallway opening, swaying slightly in the darkness. She heard the bard's breath catch in her throat. It took a moment to recognize the figure, and then she relaxed. "Mensor." She called out in a whisper. Mensor raised his hand. She turned to the bard, "It's ok. Come on." And they began walking towards him. But as Xena approached she became less at ease. There was something odd about the way he stood, something, unnatural. She hesitated, her arm signaling the bard to stop. "Mensor?" She called out again. He waved, again. But it was his other hand that she was more concerned with at the moment as it was behind his back. She reached behind her and unsheathed her sword.

"Xena?" Gabrielle whispered worriedly, "What are you doing?"

"Shhh." Xena replied, "Stay back."

"No." Gabrielle cried under her breath.

"Yes." Xena warned. "We can fight about this on the vacation. ok?"

The bard relented, but stayed poised and ready in a battle stance.

"Mensor," Xena said casually as she approached. "How's the head?" Nothing. She took another step. "Got something there for me? Behind your back?" Nothing. She was ten feet from him and closing, and still he had not moved. She could finally make out what he was wearing, which further unnerved her as he was still in his sleeping attire, as if he had just...but before she could think further he began his advance. Slow at first, and then picking up speed as he finally revealed what he was carrying. He brought round his arm and raised his long sword, heading straight for her heart. Hades! She dropped to her knees just in time as he lunged for her, and she barely got her sword up in defense before he swung round and came down hard, metal on metal. Xena strained under the force of the blow, his strength was phenomenal, far greater than she would have expected. She rolled out of harms way and was on her feet again as he swung round narrowly missing her stomach as the tip of his sword drew a line across her leather.

"Xena!" Gabrielle cried and began running towards them. What in Hades was Mensor doing!

Xena panicked as she saw the bard racing over and nearly was killed as Mensor lunged forward. She deked to the side, as his sword swished by her breastplate and she brought her own sword round lifting his up in the air. "Stay back." Xena gasped to the bard as she strained against Mensor's powerful arms that were forcing her sword back down and towards her chest. They were eye to eye, beads of sweat forming on both warrior's brows from the sheer exertion, and perhaps, the hangover. Mensor's eyes were completely black, as if he was no longer inside himself. He was staring at her but she was sure he didn't know or care who she was at the moment. The muscles in her arms were beginning to tremble as he slowly worked her back towards the wall.

Gabrielle hesitated. She knew she should stay out of this but could also see that Xena was losing her advantage, though she couldn't believe it. She waited, ready, if she had to step in, as sweat began to form on her palms, she was gripping her staff so tightly.

Mensor's knee came up hard striking Xena's midsection as he threw her into the wall. She fell immediately to her knees but kept her sword protectively over her head as he kept pressing his own sword down on hers. All the air had been punched out of her. Not the gut. Why the gut? This called for evasive maneuvering. She rolled away as his sword came crashing down where she had just knelt and he whirled round in search of his target but she was quicker and already on her feet. He was greeted by a hard kick to the face and he went flying back, sliding along the smooth floor of the corridor. Thank the gods, a break. But it was short lived as he was on his feet and running at her, sword pointed at her heart. She jumped high into the air and somersaulted landing just behind him as his sword plunged into open space. She could have killed him then, sword into his back, but she hesitated. And it cost her. He jumped backwards in the air and kicked her square in the face, and she went down, her sword clanging against the cold stone.

Gabrielle's eyes widened.

Mensor raised his sword high over his head and plunged it down towards her heart but she caught it in her hands and kicked him hard in the groin. It didn't even register. While still holding the flat of the sword inches from her neck now, she kicked up again, trying to loosen his grip on his sword with little success. Hades, this was crazy! The tip was beginning to touching her skin now and she could feel the first prick of pain as it pierced her skin. Tartarus. Xena kicked up once again and braced her foot in his midsection, lifting him off his feet and rolling him off and over her head, as she rolled up and ended up standing on him, still holding the tip of his sword in her hands. Ooh, that felt good, and she had to stop herself from grinning, this was her friend, after all. She kicked him hard in the face, but he barely noticed as she felt his nose give way. Uh oh.

Gabrielle flinched when she heard the sound of crunching bones.

Xena kicked his sword from his hands and landed on him, her knee slamming hard into his chest as she shot her fingers into his neck. He immediately went limp.

The bard came running over. "Did you cut off the flow..."

"No." Xena said as she stepped up off his chest, her breath coming in gasps as she tried to replenish her lungs. "I paralyzed him."

"Xena!" Gabrielle cried looking down at Mensor.

"It's reversible." Xena explained as she walked over and picked up her sword.

Gabrielle gazed down at Mensor, his eyes still black, like a doll's eyes, not quite human. Blood was beginning to trickle down his face and on to the stone. "I think you broke his nose."

"I know I broke his nose." Xena sighed as she came over and stood beside the bard, resheathing her sword. "He is not going to be happy about that."

Gabrielle touched her neck. "You're bleeding."

"I'm fine." She reassured her. "Let's go."They turned towards the darkened corridor and he was on them in an instant, taking her and the bard down. Xena had barely time to register surprise before her head hit the ground, hard, sending an intense wave of pain through it. She was seeing stars as she whirled round to be greeted by a swift kick to her chin. Then everything went black.

Chapter 27


"don't it make my brown eyes,

don't it make my brown eyes blue"

Crystal Gayle

Lynchia was laughing down at her again, a terrible pain pressing itself into her head. It was agonizing and it was washing away all rational thought. She was gasping, hard, from trying to remain alert but she was losing the battle. Her chest hurt, her legs hurt, everything was on fire from the incredible agony. Finally she managed to weakly lift her head and she saw Gabrielle, and she was standing on a ledge, and she was going to jump. Xena tried to cry out, reaching for her love but it was too late as she watched her disappear into the blackness of the night. She began to scream.

"Gabrielle!!" Xena cried out, her body shaking itself into consciousness, her heart pounding in her chest. Her face was pressed against the cold stone, a dull throbbing working itself through her head. She pulled herself to her knees and looked around the corridor, dark and lifeless. "Gabrielle?" She whispered though she already knew she was gone. Her heart went to her throat as she Gabrielle's staff lying discarded on the floor. And then she felt something sticky under her hands and looked down to see a small pool of blood. There was another few drops a bit further away, and as she squinted she could make out a small trail that led down towards the open courtyard. She got up and began to follow its path.


"Your head is humming and it won't go

In case you don't know,

The piper's calling you to join him,

Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow,

And did you know

Your stairway lies on the whispering wind."

Stairway to Heaven

"Nice view, don't you agree?" Lynchia asked, as she gazed out the window at the city of Arcadia.

"It's nice. Yeah." Gabrielle nodded, oh gods, she was going to puke, she was sure she going to puke, she would not puke, she would not puke.

"Not feeling well?" Lynchia turned around and peered at the bard, that immediately flinched and turned away.

"I'm fine...really...fine." Gabrielle replied as she looked up at the ceiling, curved as well, how interesting. Gods. Anywhere but at Lynchia.

"What's the matter my little bard." Lynchia purred as she walked over to Gabrielle who was seated on the Rapunzel's hair, foot stool, her hands and feet bound tightly.

"Oh, just a little hungover...I'll be fine...really." Gabrielle grimaced. Will not, will not, will not throw up. Just don't breathe. Do not breathe. Do NOT breathe.

Lynchia leaned down, cupping the bard's chin in her hand. "Sooner or later, you'll have to draw a breath."

"True." Gabrielle nodded as she continued to gaze up at the ceiling, her lungs beginning to burn from lack of oxygen. She swallowed.

Lynchia guided the bard's head down until she was looking directly into her eyes. The bard's face was turning red. "Breathe." The bard shook her head. "Now." The bard would not. Lynchia waited.


Xena peered out into the open court yard. It was completely empty. Where in Hades had everyone gone? It was as if the castle had been emptied. There was no signs of life. Nothing. She searched the ground and found the trail of blood again and moved quickly after it, her sword in her hands, poised and ready, should she need it.


Her lungs were bursting and finally she gasped, drawing in a long breath and closing her eyes as she fought hard not to lose her dinner.

"Open those beautiful green eyes of yours." Lynchia coaxed.

Gabrielle steeled herself and finally cracked them open. She swallowed hard. Should she live through this one, she would never, ever be able to record what she was seeing now in her scrolls. She just would not be able to write it down. She just would not be able to...

"Don't worry, little one. You're not going to live." Lynchia purred and walked back over to the window.

Gabrielle caught herself following the woman's movements. A gentle breeze flowed through the window and onto Lynchia's face, if you could call it that. Gabrielle swallowed.

Lynchia turned to gaze at the bard. "She's coming."

Oh my gods. Gabrielle felt her gorge rising. She fought hard to keep it down as she studied the figure before her. It wasn't so much that she was charred nearly completely beyond recognition, she could accept that. And even though most of what once had been her hair was now permanently melted into the blackened mass, the remainder, jutting out at odd angles, as small collection of tufts on a barren, cracked landscape. Or the smile, that was now permanently visible as there were no longer lips to cover the starkly contrasting white teeth, almost canine in their intensity. A perpetual insane grin, that would never disappear. All of this, she had already come to accept. It was the eyes....that glistened from dark cavernous pools, bulging and receding all in the same breath. No lids to hide their piercing gaze. But what was the most evil, that wrapped a terrible fear around Gabrielle's heart, was that they were ice blue, and they were Xena's.


Xena shook her head, she had been briskly walking towards the tower when she'd felt, no that wasn't quite it, saw Gabrielle, before her on the cobblestone of the courtyard. She hoped she wasn't beginning to hallucinate as she really didn't have time for that now. She looked up at the huge tower that climbed high into the night sky. This had to be it. She knew it just as she knew her own beating heart.


Lynchia smiled at Gabrielle as she reached into the pocket of her crimson robe. She pulled out a small doll and held it up to the light. "Recognize this?"

Gabrielle's eyes widened. "Where did you....where did you get that?" She stammered. It was a miniature replica of her Xena. Totally wrong, mind you, the legs, all wrong, the chakrum, ridiculous, even the colour of the leather, and what was up with the cape. It didn't do her near justice. Obviously, never seen her naked. But it was nonetheless, Xena.

"Sex shop." Lynchia replied as she pulled the tiny sword out of its scabbard.

"Sex shop?" Gabrielle repeated. By the gods! Did Xena know about this???

Lynchia toyed with the sword for a few seconds, as she gazed out the window, as if contemplating some great cosmic riddle. And then she pierced the wax leg with the tip of the sword, nonchalantly, as if in passing.


Xena cried out, dropped her sword and clutched her thigh as she fell on the staircase, landing hard and tripping down a few stairs before she caught herself. What the...! She looked down at her thigh that she was sure was split open as a terrific pain spread from its center, but there was nothing there. She gasped as she tried to catch her breath, and contemplate this all at the same time. Leg cramp? Like none she'd ever known. The pain slowly began to subside and she finally allowed herself to let go of her thigh. She had broken out in a cold sweat, he chest rising and falling rapidly from the shock.


"She ruined everything, you know." Lynchia sighed as she continued to look out the window.

"Well, I'm sure she didn't mean..." Gabrielle swallowed. She thought she heard Xena cry out, perhaps she was just imagining it. Gods, gods, gods.

"Oh yes," Lynchia said, "I had the universe in the palm of my hand...and poof! Gone." Lynchia said as she twirled the tiny sword lazily between her fingers. "Gone...gone...gone."

"Well, " Gabrielle nodded. She could think of nothing to say to that. I mean, universe, big plans, really.

"Huge." Lynchia agreed. "And then...poof!" She raised the tiny sword between her fingers to further the point. "And I have Xena to thank for everything."

"Well, I mean, have you ever thought you might be partly to blame..I mean after all..." Gabrielle stammered.

"Silence!" Lynchia cried as she turned towards the bard.

"Silence is good. It's good. Silence. Yah. Sure. I'm just won't hear...I mean.." Gabrielle groaned inwardly. She peered at the doll in Lynchia's hand, that she held tightly. There was something that bothered her about the way Lynchia was playing with it. It was almost as if...

"So obedient..." Lynchia sighed looking over at the bard. "I still can't, for the life of me, see what she she's in you."

"Hey, now wait just a minute. There's no need for insults." Gabrielle cried.

"And I was thinking to myself, when I was reforming in the rubble, took some time," Lynchia explained, "How can I truly repay her for all she's done for me..."

"Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't want anything, really, she's quite simple that way...I mean.. Hey, watch the doll!" Gabrielle cried as Lynchia stuck the sword in the belly of it. Now that was just too much. Really.


"Gods..."Xena cried out. She doubled over, clutching her stomach and braced herself against the curved stone wall of the staircase as sweat began pouring down her face from the sharp pain that tore through her. She sheathed her sword, her hands shaking, and began to crawl on her hands and knees up the impossibly long spiral staircase. She had a pretty good idea this had nothing to do with her hangover. And the sooner she got to the top, the closer she'd get to the source of this horrific pain and the possibility of ending it. She rounded the corner and caught sight of a shape on the stairs, sprawled awkwardly. Her heart froze, it was Mensor.

She worked her way towards his still form, reaching out with her shaking hand and checking for a pulse. There was a faint one there. She positioned her fingers over his neck and expertly hit the points that would release his limbs in the event that she never made it back down these stairs. She pulled him up against the wall, in a more natural position and left him there. His face was covered in blood from his broken nose. Xena prayed that this was the source of the trail she'd been following. She looked up at the stairs above her. How many had there been when she last walked this? She didn't want to even think about it, there had been quite a few, and she was a long way from home. Of this, she was sure.


Continued - Part 9

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