
The characters of Xena: Warrior Princess™©® and all others associated with the television series of the same name are owned by Renaissance Pictures and Studios USA. This is a work of fan fiction and no copyright infringement is intended.

Sexual Content: Oh yeah. It’s in there <G>. We’ve got graphic heterosexual as well as lesbian couplings. Okay, it’s probably okay to say ‘sex’ in the sexual disclaimer. We won’t be nearly so modest later. So cover up your eyes, kiddies and grannies. Actually, if you’re under 18, move on. But grannies are welcome to pull up a chair and enjoy. This story is intended for an adult audience only.

Violence: Yes, this is a Conqueror story so there is violence. Some of it is graphic. Callisto is also not very nice to a little boy in this story. She doesn’t hurt him physically, but she says some pretty mean things to him.

Videotape: We just slipped this one in to see if you were paying attention. But hey, don’t we wish<G>?

Language: Lots of foul language in this one folks. Be warned.

Drugs/Alcohol: And we’re not talking about all the beer TN and Advocate consumed while writing this tale. Heck, we’re not even talking about all the beer TN and Advocate drank while reading each other’s work on this story. To be clear, there is alcohol consumption in the story.

Acknowledgements: To Zoinks, who gave TN the original idea – a big thank you. To our beta readers, Barbara Davies and Chris – your assistance was invaluable! And, of course, we had a blast working together. But we won’t bore you with our mutual admiration.

Comments/Feedback to: TN and Advocate



Soul Searching

By T.Novan & Advocate

With Zoinks


Chapter Six: Between Love and War


Xena got to her feet, albeit very reluctantly. Wrapping a sheet around her waist, she left the bedchamber to get the door. Gabrielle mumbled some choice words about timing and privacy and began hunting for her robe, which she found tangled with Xena’s trousers at the foot of the bed. Sliding one arm into the garment, then the other, she pulled it around herself and knotted the belt, freeing her hair with one hand. Snagging Ares’ pants, she trailed after Xena to see what crises had befallen the realm now.

Palaemon’s eyes went wide when the Queen entered and it became quite clear in his mind what he’d interrupted. He looked back and forth between Gabrielle and Ares, hoping ridiculously that somehow he was misinterpreting the situation. Stepping in mid-conversation, the Queen laid her palm on the small of Ares’ back, moving it in slow, comforting circles. The gesture was unconscious and intimate and Palaemon stared for a moment before snapping out of his daze. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, I was just informing…"

Xena put up a hand to stop him. "Palaemon, just go back to the dungeon and make sure the prisoner is well secured. The Queen and I will be down shortly."

"As you wish, Lord Ares." The Captain bowed begrudgingly and left the room, his former good mood having evaporated.

When the door clicked closed Xena turned around and grinned. "Guess who they just arrested?"

"Please don’t tell me it was Autolycus." I don’t have anything left to cut off! Well, that he’s willing to have cut off.

Xena shook her head, laughing softly. "Not yet, Gabrielle. Though that wouldn’t surprise me. No one reforms overnight."

Gabrielle raised her eyebrows at the light tone of Xena’s voice. Perhaps her favorite thief had unwittingly earned some points with the Conqueror by interrupting her and Ares earlier that day. She herself had by turns been upset, angry and finally grateful. "Well? Who then?"

"Your favorite nut cake and mine."

"Yes!" Gabrielle pumped a victorious fist.

"My thoughts exactly."

"Where did they find the traitorous bitch?"

"She was caught in the healer’s chamber, trying to kill me… eh… Ares… eh…" Xena scratched her head.

"Bacchae!" Gabrielle spat vehemently. But never mind, let’s just get dressed and get down there." She practically ran back into the bedchamber to get dressed. Gods, let this all almost be over. Please.

"So much for afterglow," Xena grumbled, following her spouse. You’ve reached the end of your road, Callisto.


Xena and Gabrielle parted company when Autolycus met them outside the dungeon and requested, in a slightly demanding tone, complete with reproachful glance at Ares, that he needed to speak with the Queen.

The Conqueror laughed to herself as Autolycus gently took Gabrielle by the arm and led her away. "I thought you were a more popular God, Ares. Seems everyone knows what a bastard you are."

Xena opened the door to the dungeon and nearly gagged at the foul stench. Darkness pervaded her senses and she squinted, peering through the dim torchlight. She had to remind herself that Gods probably didn’t puke.

The guard bolted from his chair, staggering slightly at his apparent dizziness from rising so quickly. "Lord Ar… Ares!"

Xena affected an arrogant pose typical of the God of War as she looked down at the portly man. "You were expecting Cupid?"

"No, Lord Ares, but…"

She waved a dismissive hand. "Take me to Callisto."

"Yes, Lord Ares."

The jailer lead Xena further into the dungeon, far deeper than she’d gone in several seasons. The man hung his smoking torch on a hook that protruded from the damp, stone wall. Spitting on both hands, he planted his feet and used massive forearms and biceps to grasp the handle of the heavy door and pull, throwing his shoulders and back into the movement. The thick, wooden slab scraped slowly against the stones of the floor as it opened with a loud creak.

The odor that rushed out nearly knocked the Conqueror off her feet, her stomach roiling. She shook it off. Doing her best to breathe solely through her mouth, she stepped inside. This is where they kept the worst of the worst. It was silent and dark as death itself. Which was fitting, Xena decided, seeing as these prisoners would find themselves crucified within a few short days. Her gaze flickered across the condemned men and women. I guess I wouldn’t feel much like conversing with my cellmates in here either. No wonder they never cry for mercy before being nailed to the cross. They’re too happy to be free from this hideous stench!

"Last cell on the right, Lord Ares. We put her in there alone, to keep the other prisoners from killing her."

Xena grunted her acknowledgment and stuck out a waiting hand.

The guard immediately retrieved his torch and thrust it into the Conqueror’s grasp.

"Leave me."

"Yes, Lord Ares." He smiled a rotten-toothed grin laced with contempt before disappearing.

"I love you too," Xena muttered to the jailer as she took long strides towards the end of the foul corridor. Looking through the bars, she found Callisto huddled in the corner, sitting on the cold floor, hugging her knees. She had been stripped of her armor and leathers and was wearing a dirty, shapeless tunic that would be recycled upon her death. "Get up, you crazy bitch!" Xena commanded. Pictures of Callisto with a bloody whip in her hand flooded her mind, dredging up a dark rage unsuited for a meeting where she was supposed to be Ares. She bit the inside of her cheek, forcing herself to concentrate on the tasteless task at hand.

"Ares!" The former general rushed forward to the bars of her cell, relief clearly written across her face. "Get me out of here!"

Xena chuckled humorlessly. "Why would I want to do that? Especially considering your most current pastime seems to be trying to assassinate my Chosen."

Callisto tried to look contrite, but couldn’t quite manage it. "I know you told me not to touch either one of them. But…"

"But nothing!" Ares said that? "Shoving her down the steps was bad enough…"

Callisto’s forehead creased. "You know very well I didn’t do that. I was just trying to give the pathetic assassin a little help. Come on, Ares," she prodded. "If we were free of Xena then we’d be free of the annoying little blonde too, and I could rule the Realm!" She drew the very tip of her finger into her mouth and gave Ares her best seductive smile.

Xena’s stomach lurched. When Callisto reached through the bars to caress her face it was all she could do to keep from backing way. Her nostrils flared in disgust and General smiled coyly, taking it as evidence of arousal.

"You shaved," Callisto purred, lightly stroking the skin. "I like it." Brown eyes drifted to Ares’ hair, then widened. She paused. "Umm… love the hair, too. It’s… um… interesting."

Xena captured her hand, giving it a painful squeeze. "I don’t care whether you like it or not. And don’t pretend like you didn’t push Xena down the Old Watchtower steps!"

Callisto drew back from him, studying his face with a critical eye. "Did you get hit in the head or something? You know that wasn’t me. If I’d gotten that close, she’d be dead, not just dying. Oh well, I can always hope she’ll survive and end up a pitiful cripple."

Never! "She would fall on her sword first." A slight tremor shook Xena’s voice. Gods, I hadn’t even thought about that. Her eyes closed briefly as the thought of being a lifetime burden to her mate brought the acrid taste of bile to her throat. "About that night…"

A smile curled Callisto’s lips she remembered the battle that Ares had taken her to that night. "Oh, it was delicious! All that beautiful blood and carnage. Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten that I was your guest." Her look turned sultry. "Especially considering what we did after."

Xena cleared her throat. "Of course not!" Hades! She puffed up her chest and flashed back her own sexy grin. "I wanted to hear you say it." She shrugged one shoulder. "You know how I am."

Callisto continued to eye him with a hint of wariness. "Of course I do. I know you very well, Ares."

"So who is the assassin you’re trying to help?" Xena asked with forced casualness.

The general threw her hands in the air. "Like I know. But whoever it was got close enough to touch her and didn’t cut her throat... the idiot." She took a step backwards when the temperature in the room dropped ten degrees. Ares was running out of patience and she felt the first gnawing of panic deep in her guts. Would he actually leave her here to be crucified? "C’mon, Ares. Get me out of here. Let me finish what I started, so you and I can rule the world the way it was meant to be ruled!"

Before Xena could answer, Palaemon and three other guards entered the door at the far end of the corridor. With long poles, they pushed opened the slender, barred windows near the top of the high ceiling. A blast of cool, fresh air flooded the dungeon and the prisoners groaned and covered their eyes at the bright light. Scented candles were spread out down the cellblock and bundles of aromatic herbs were scattered across the floor.

"Palaemon, what in Tartarus is going on?" Xena barked.

"The Queen is on her way in," he paused, giving the God what could only be described as a disgusted look, "Lord Ares."

I get the smelly dungeon and when Gabrielle comes in they air the place out and sprinkle herbs around like it’s Solstice! "What in Hades name is going on here?!" she roared indignantly.

"Ares," Callisto grabbed him by the vest, "get me out of here and I’ll…"

"You’ll what?!" Gabrielle stormed into the dungeon. "You’ll come for someone in my family again? Perhaps my child or my dying wife? Or maybe even me?" She raised her left hand, comparing her joining bracelet to the long cut on Callisto’s face. "I wonder if I could give you a matching set."

"You little bitch!" Callisto let go of Ares as her arms flew out between the bars.

"Now is that any way to speak to your Queen?" Gabrielle smiled, taking a tiny step backwards and putting just enough distance between herself and the cell that the tips of Callisto’s fingers could barely graze her tunic.

"You’re not my Queen. I’ll cut my own throat before I ever bow before you."


Xena heard the crack in her wife’s voice and knew that her recent yelling escapade, meant to intimidate the satraps, had taken its toll on her voice. She turned to a guard. "Bring Queen Gabrielle and me each a cup of water."

The guard nodded, leaving to do the God’s bidding.

"Guess what, Callisto?" Gabrielle took the time to wrap an arm around Ares’ trim waist. "You’re not going to get the chance to hurt anyone I love ever, ever again. Isn’t that right, Ares?"

Xena grinned happily. "That’s right, my Queen." She lowered her head, catching her spouse in a tender but passionate kiss.

Palaemon looked on in surprise as Callisto howled in fury. Raging eyes glanced back and forth between the dark God and the young Queen.

Gabrielle released Xena’s lips, taking great care to gently stroke Xena’s face and tug on her bottom lip with her teeth before pulling away. Xena loved that and she knew it would earn her an audible whimper. Which, of course, it did. She moved a step closer to Callisto and licked her own lips very slowly, giving the former General a bright smile and saucy wink.

Callisto’s looked on in horror as Ares gazed at Gabrielle adoringly. It was a look she’d never seen on his face before and one she was certain he was entirely incapable of. "You’re not Ares!" she accused, shaking a finger at Xena.

The tall God pointed at himself innocently. "Oh? Who am I? Zeus perhaps? Or Aphrodite?" She smirked, cocking a brow in a gesture so like Xena that, despite it’s improbability, Callisto knew exactly who she was looking at.

"Xena?!" She began to cackle hysterically. "Oh, this is wonderful!" She clapped her hands together. "I don’t know how, or why, but…"

Gabrielle let loose a steely laugh. "My, my, my," she clucked with mock sadness. "It seems this dark, scary dungeon has done something to your already demented brain. Palaemon?"

"Yes, Your Majesty?" He stepped forward from his place along the wall.

"I was going to order her crucified." Gabrielle hesitated, apparently thinking the situation over. "But it’s obvious that she is not in her right mind. It would be wrong to put her to death." Her eyes took on a predatory glint. "Move her to the Capital Asylum instead. And make sure she’s confined with the criminally insane. I wouldn’t want her to lack for company."

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Callisto retreated to the back of her cell, shrieking, cursing, and mumbling something about spells and tricks, further cementing in everyone’s minds that she was utterly insane.

The jailer sent to fetch the water returned, and passed the Queen a cup. Gabrielle smiled her thanks and took a long satisfying drink, enjoying the cool liquid that slid down her throat almost as much as she was enjoying Callisto’s tantrum

Next, the jailer handed a cup to Ares .

The God took a healthy swallow of the foulest liquid Xena had ever tasted. It exploded out of her mouth and she began choking. Gabrielle patted her back. "What is this?" Xena hacked out, wiping her tongue with her fingers, wishing she had sleeves.

The jailer squared his shoulders. "Water drawn from the tank, Lord Ares."

Xena threw the cup down the corridor, sending it clanking to the very end. "The tank the prisoners wash their clothes in once a month?!"

"This is the water the prisoners drink," he informed Ares coolly, steeling himself for a swift and severe punishment.

Xena sneered and took a menacing step towards the huge man, who suddenly had the other guards and Palaemon at his sides to help him if necessary.

"No, Ares," Gabrielle interrupted, hoping to keep her spouse from attacking the guard. She pressed her own cup to Xena’s lips, allowing her a taste of her cool, clean water. "You’re dismissed, guards. Thank you." She shot Palaemon a warning look, and he quickly gathered the jailer and guards, pushing them towards the door before Ares’ temper completely snapped.

When they were well out of earshot, and Palaemon had retaken his unobtrusive spot along the wall, Gabrielle slid her hand under Ares’ vest just to taunt Callisto. "This body is so delightful," she cooed for the General’s benefit, only barely remembering not to add ‘Xena’ to the end of her sentence. "Let’s go put it to good use again, shall we?"

Xena nibbled on the Queen’s neck, momentarily forgetting everything except the soft silky, warm skin beneath her lips. "In so many ways, and for so long you’ll beg me to stop."

"Never," she promised sincerely. After several moments of probing kisses and roaming hands, Gabrielle pulled away and blew Callisto a little kiss. She took Xena’s hand and began walking down the cellblock, well aware of her partner’s slightly ragged breathing and flushed skin. Gabrielle looked over her shoulder. "Enjoy your new digs. You’ll be there for the rest of your natural life." She smiled coldly, enjoying the moment to the fullest. "Or until the other prisoners grow as tired of you as we are."

Callisto dropped to her knees, screaming.


Gabrielle laughed wickedly as she and Xena made their way down the stone corridor that led back to the palace. Xena was nearly bursting with pride. Gabrielle truly was a mate worthy of ruling the Realm at her side. Her lover’s throaty, satisfied laugh made Xena proud and completely horny. She glanced down to Ares’ groin. "I’m glad you at least had the good taste to behave in the dungeon."

"What?" the blonde asked, giving Xena a bump with her hip, only barely having heard the words. Though she was certain it was terribly wrong of her, she felt as though she was walking on clouds. She had been particularly amused when Callisto told her if she wanted it all, she’d have to fuck Palaemon too. The poor captain had nearly fainted on the spot. And the Queen and Conqueror had immediately agreed to bump Palaemon’s pay to hazardous duty status and find him a mate so that he wouldn’t be so nearly so desperate next time.

"I didn’t say anything," Xena protested lamely. She frowned, hating having to burst Gabrielle’s happy bubble, but not wanting to put it off any longer than necessary. "Gabrielle?"


"Callisto wasn’t the one who pushed me down the stairs."

Gabrielle stopped dead in her tracks, her good mood scattered to the winds. "What?! But she tried to kill you. They caught her! She…"

"Yes, love, she did." Xena grasped Gabrielle’s hands. "She tried to kill me today. It seems that she was with Ares the night I was pushed down the stairs."

Gabrielle pressed her palms against closed eyes, dangerously close to bursting into tears. "Gods," she sighed miserably. "This was supposed to be over." I was sure Callisto was the one!

Xena pulled the smaller woman into a hug, kissing the crown of her head. "I wish it was."

"We’re back at square one."

The Conqueror shook her head. "Absolutely not, we’ve ruled out Callisto. We also know that Malauis’ suicide was a ruse, and that he was murdered by my assassin."

"’Would be’ assassin, Conqueror," Gabrielle immediately corrected, daring Xena to say differently.

"Right." Xena tucked a pale strand of hair behind Gabrielle’s ear. "‘Would be’. Anyway, hopefully, at this very moment, one of the satraps is buckling under the pressure of your wonderfully delivered threats."

Gabrielle let out a frustrated breath, kissing Xena on the collarbone before she pulled away and they resumed their trek. "You’re right. We’re not back at square one. We’re on square one and a half."

"Gabrielle." Her name was drawn out.

"S’okay, Xena. I won’t give up."

Xena grinned affectionately. "I know. So where to now? We really can’t do anything else until we give the satraps more time to mull over Antony’s," her lips quirked into a sly smile, "tragic fate."

"Now we go to visit your body," Gabrielle said decisively as they rounded a corner, several guards snapping to attention as they passed. "I miss it and I want to make sure it’s all right."

Xena grimaced. "Do we have to?" The thought of seeing herself lying there like that made her kind of queasy and angry at the same time.

"I really need to, Xena. But I can go alone, if you’d rather." Please don’t take me up on that. I need you there with me, convincing me that you’re whole and that you’re right here with me.

"Not a chance."

Gabrielle gave the hand she was holding a sympathetic squeeze, before trying to lighten the mood. The faint smell of roasting pork and fresh bread let them know that on the other side of the wall to the left of them was the palace’s massive kitchens. Their stomachs growled in unison. Xena shook her head and the shorter woman chuckled wryly. "Oh… I almost forgot. You wanna know what I heard today while you were talking with Callisto?"

"Probably not." Xena smiled despite herself. "But go ahead anyway."

Gabrielle grinned back. "Rumor around the palace is that people are furious with Ares for being such a cad as to seduce their grieving queen." She stopped for a dramatic pause, draping her arm over her eyes and sighing, "who is, of course, so distraught over her dying mate she’s unable to fend off his roguish advances…"

Xena rolled her eyes. "Puuuuleeeez."

Gabrielle threw her head back in laughter, bringing it forward and nodding. "Yup, Ares is just an old dog as far as the palace staff and your soldiers are concerned. I’m practically a widow in mourning and you’re taking terrible liberties with me."

"Remind me to tell Palaemon who was on top."

"Don’t you dare!" She slapped the firm bicep. "They all think I was carved from a honeycomb, even the ones who weren’t sure about me before are on my side now."

"Well, I agree with the staff. Ares is a bastard. And you are sweet as honey but have a Tartarus of a sting."

Xena sidestepped a second swat decidedly lacking in real sting. "Ouch! You know, the way you’ve got everybody around here wrapped around your little finger," Including me, she silently added, "and the way you’ve spun a tale for the satraps, makes me think that you should have been an actress or maybe even a bard."

Gabrielle snorted. "Get real, Xena. A bard? I’ve had enough of smelly taverns and groping soldiers to last me a lifetime." Her eyes rolled sideways, fastening on her tall, dark partner, who, despite looking very different, still felt very much like home to Gabrielle. "Well…" she amended. "Most soldiers."


Grimacing, Autolycus held the small, bloody pouch, as far from his body as he could. A guard pulled the conference room door open and the thief marched in, tossing the sack onto the table with an unceremonious, tiny thump. "From Our Queen…" He glanced at Cleopatra. "Hope you weren’t fond of the right one."

The Egyptian monarch stood on shaky legs. She reached for the bag only to have her hand caught by Melosa. "Allow me, Your Majesty." Melosa’s lips turned down in distaste… for Cleopatra. "I prefer to look at the contents before you puke all over it."

Cleopatra bit back a nasty retort but nodded, leaving the gruesome duty of peeking inside the sack to the Amazon. Melosa opened the bag. "It’s an ear."

"Human?" Brutus asked.

"No, elephant." She stared at the open-mouthed Roman. "Of course it’s human, imbecile!" The Amazon passed the bag to Boadicea, who was obviously wholly unsatisfied with the discovery. She had anticipated an eyeball or at the very least a nice scrotum. This was downright disappointing. With a nod, she concurred with Melosa’s identification of the body part and passed the bag to Lao Ma.

Autolycus snagged a toothpick from a bowl on the table and gnawed on the end speculatively. "Antony must not have been listening to the Queen when she said you had three marks to tell her who made the attempt on Our Lord’s life. I hope for his sake someone is listening this time." He tapped the toothpick on his chin before flicking it away. "Of course, if you’re not, I’m sure either one of you or Antony will see the light in the next round." He began walking away. Stopping in the doorway and not turning around, he shrugged. "Then again, maybe he won’t."


Even though Gabrielle knew Xena was standing behind her, safe and sound, seeing her wife’s battered body lying helpless in bed made her heart ache and a solid lump rise to her throat. "I never hurt for him the way I hurt for you," she whispered to Xena’s body, her fingers gently combing through long, dark hair. "And I knew him my whole life."


Gabrielle felt Xena moved behind her, placing large hands on her shoulders, kneading them comfortingly. She reached up and grasped one of Xena’s hands and was quiet for so long Xena didn’t think she was going to answer. "I was just thinking about Perdicus," she said finally. "When he was killed… I was sad because was my friend. But when I saw you… like… like this…" She looked down at Xena’s body and tears sprang into her eyes so quickly she didn’t have time to stop them. "I… I wanted to die." She swallowed hard. "I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. I don’t want to imagine a life without you."

"I’ll find out who did this to me. To us." The Conqueror cupped Gabrielle’s chin, lifting until wet eyes looked into hers. "Or I’ll die trying." She winked.

Gabrielle tugged her chin away grumpily but a tiny laugh still escaped. "That is so not funny, Xena."

Xena felt an odd sensation in her belly. Oh great. "I didn’t mean to really upset you, Gabrielle. I..." The rest of what she was about to say was interrupted when the door to the room opened and Nyssa and Jarrod stepped into the room.

"I’m sorry." The girl looked at Ares nervously. "We should have knocked. I didn’t think anyone would be here but the guards. They’re not outside and... and… and…"

Gabrielle and Xena waited patiently for the tutor to stop rambling. It was obvious that she was uneasy in the presence of the handsome God. "Excuse me, Your Majesty. Jarrod asked to see Our Lord Conqueror. I… I… thought it would be all right. But... but..."

"Relax, Nyssa." Gabrielle smiled gently, unable to stand another second of the painfully awkward babble. "Now is a fine time. Is Jarrod finished with his lessons for the day?"

The tutor nodded.

"Then your work day is done. Have a nice evening, Nyssa." Gabrielle smothered a laugh when the girl glanced over her shoulder on her way out of the room, her gaze landing squarely on Ares, who smiled and wiggled his fingers into a wave, causing Nyssa to run smack dab into the closed door.

"Gods... I ... I," Nyssa began to stammer, her hands moving to her reddening cheeks. "I didn’t..."

"It’s all right, Nyssa." Gabrielle stood up and opened the door for the girl. "Ares," she warned in a low voice, feeling Xena gear up to tease the flustered girl further. The Queen turned around and silently mouthed ‘Be nice!’ to her laughing mate before ushering Nyssa out.

"Good… b.. bye then." The tutor darted away. Gabrielle shook her head and shut the door behind her. When she turned around again, she put her hands on her hips and gave Xena a look that meant she was in deep trouble.

The Conqueror smiled, holding up both palms face up in a gesture of complete innocence. When Gabrielle continued to glare, she grunted unhappily. "Gods, Gabrielle, I do have a reputation to uphold, you know," she whined.

Jarrod looked slightly confused, but quickly focused on the silent patient.

The Queen smiled, extending her hand to her son and effectively ignoring the troublemaker standing across the room, and stepped towards Xena’s bed. She pulled him close and whispered in his ear. "Tell her you love her, son. I know she’ll hear you."

Jarrod looked doubtful, but his Mama coaxed him with a small shooing motion. The boy leaned over the bed, careful not to touch Xena. He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. "I love you, Mother. Please come back to us soon."

Xena moved behind Gabrielle, pressing her lips to her wife’s ear so that only she could hear the words. "She will, son. She loves you both too much to do anything else."


The three of them sat together at the dining room table in the Conqueror’s apartment, with Jarrod peeking at Ares from the corner of his eyes. Palaemon had explained that since Xena was Ares’ Chosen, the God of War was here to help Gabrielle prevent the satraps from seizing control of the Realm while Xena was injured. But what the boy couldn’t figure out was why Ares was always so close to his Mama. Why his eyes would flicker at others suspiciously, but when they landed on her they would soften and look all lovey-dovey. And even more bizarre – his Mama was doing the same thing! Only she and Xena should look at each other that way! They were married.

Xena, sensing Jarrod’s displeasure, remained mostly quiet throughout supper, watching the boy push his food around with his fork.

Gabrielle set her napkin on the table, frowning as she looked at her son’s mostly untouched plate. Something was wrong. Jarrod usually was well into his second helping of everything by now. "Jarrod, sweetheart, you need to finish your dinner." She gestured to the food with her chin.

"Yes, Mama." He picked up his fork and began cutting a piece of roasted lamb. But the meat never made it to his mouth.

"Something wrong, Jarrod?" Xena asked, wondering if the boy would speak his mind.

"No, Sir."

"You’re lying." The words were spoken firmly.

Jarrod’s eyes widened. He had forgotten who he was talking to. "I’m sorry, Sir. It’s just… just…"

"Speak up, boy."

Startled eyes focused on the God. "Ares, what are you…?"

Xena silenced her mate with a look.

Jarrod dropped his fork with a clatter, and his intense green eyes lifted to meet Ares’ stare.

He was angry, Xena realized with a start. Although the lad was doing his best to hide it, his thin lipped smile and set jaw gave him away.

"I miss Xena. I want her to get better and come home so we can be a family again."

Xena lifted her cup, hiding her grin behind the wide rim. "What else?" Come on, Jarrod. There’s more. It doesn’t take a God to see that.

Jarrod looked at his Mama then at Ares, his brows coming together. "Will you be sleeping on the couch tonight?"

Gabrielle nearly spit her wine across the table but managed to hold it in with the help of her hand. Where does he come up with these things?

"Do you think that’s where I should sleep?" Xena leaned forward, pushing away her plate of dry, overcooked lamb, and tasteless, mushy vegetables. Damn those spiteful servants and their petty revenge!

Jarrod nodded. "Yes."

"Why?!" Xena demanded in a deep, booming voice that caused Gabrielle to jump.

The eight-year-old sprang to his feet. His knee hit the edge of the table and Gabrielle reached out just in time to grab his cup before it tipped over, spilling his milk. "She is not available!" He pointed to his mother. "It’s just not right! Xena’s not dead yet! And I don’t care if you are a God!"

"Jarrod!" Gabrielle’s jaw dropped. Her mind spun as she realized Jarrod didn’t want Ares taking Xena’s place in her bed and their lives. Gods, who told him he could grow up?! "Sit." She scolded her son with an intonation to her voice that had forever meant he was pushing his luck.

Glumly, he sank back into his seat, his eyes trained firmly on the table. His lower lip poked out and he shoved his hands into his pockets, grumbling under his breath.

Next, the Queen pinned her wife with a withering glare and tilted her head toward Jarrod, urging Xena to do something.

Xena looked back sheepishly, knowing she’d intentionally provoked the outburst. "Okay," she mouthed silently to her Queen. She laid her palms on the table and pushed herself to her feet. "You’re absolutely right, lad. She’s not available. And my place in on the couch."

Gabrielle’s jaw dropped further. That’s not what I meant! Oh, you’d better not be serious, Conqueror.


Xena nodded solemnly.

"Thank you," the boy said quietly. Regaining most of his normally bright disposition almost immediately, he pulled over his plate and began digging into the food, humming around a large bite full of warm, spiced squash and juicy, roasted lamb. He would tell Palaemon and Autolycus about his success tomorrow.


Gabrielle tucked Jarrod in and told him an about an evil but stupid Cyclops who captured a young village girl but was outsmarted by her wily ways. When the story was over, they remained together, snuggled safely in his bed, speaking in low, hushed tones as Gabrielle did her best to reassure him that Ares’ presence wasn’t a threat to their family. Rather, that he was there to help. A few sniffles and more than a few hugs accompanied Jarrod’s apology for his behavior at dinner.

Xena sat on a low, padded, leather sofa in front of the warm hearth, half-listening to their conversation, but unable to pick out more than an occasional ‘I’m scared’ or ‘I miss her too’. She poked at the fire with a long metal rod, adjusting the logs and stoking the glowing embers, comforted by the familiar smell of hickory and the knowledge that the people she loved most were close by. Xena was amused by Jarrod’s boyish jealously and well-grounded sense of propriety. And she was proud of him. Proud of his vigorous protest in the face of a God. And glad that someone couldn’t just waltz into her home and slide into her spot in her family’s heart. Not without a fight.

She sniffed the bitter wine in her cup, tossing its contents into the fire. There was a loud hiss as the red liquid splashed against the glowing logs and the flame burst higher. She still couldn’t believe the cook and serving woman had dared give her food and drink unfit for her worst enemy. And I thought I was hated before! her mind growled. Then her brain seized up as she realized with startling clarity that her people feared The Conqueror more than Ares himself. They would have never challenged her in this way. Her conscience nudged her and she admitted to herself that, despite how she felt about Ares, she’d done far, far worse than seduce a queen while her mate lay dying.

Xena stood and stretched, scowling as she tugged at the leather chaffing her thighs. Gods might not sweat, but Conqueror’s pretending to be Gods most certainly did. Ares was never seen out of his black leathers, so she was left with little choice but to have this set cleaned. She moved to the bedchamber, quickly removed his clothes, and wrapped herself in a fine linen sheet. She gathered up the heavy leather garments and padded barefoot to the front door of the apartment. The cool, stone floor felt nice on the bottom of warm feet. When she pulled open the door, she motioned for one of the two guards that were posted at the end of the corridor.

The man hustled forward, his armor clanking, his long spear swaying from side to side as he headed over. Gilles had told him, before going on duty, that the Queen might have company this evening, and he wrinkled his nose at the God who was taking advantage of their Queen in her hour of need. The bastard. "Yes, Lord Ares?"

"Send these to be cleaned," Xena ordered flatly, shoving the dark leather bundle against the guard’s chest.

The soldier fumbled with the clothing for a second, keeping a woolen stocking from falling by capturing it with the edge of his spear. "Lord Ares?"

Xena exhaled tiredly. "Need I repeat myself? Have these cleaned. Oh..." She disappeared for a moment, then plopped her boots onto the pile in the guards hands. "And my boots shined."

A second guard joined the first at the Conqueror’s door to see if there was a problem. "I’ll send these to be cleaned, Lord Ares," the first guard said.

"And make sure they’re back first thing in the morning."

"You bet I will," he mumbled.


"Of course, Lord Ares." He retreated down the hall, kicking along the stocking that had managed to fall despite his half-hearted efforts to the contrary. Xena looked at the other guard who was still standing before her. "Problem?" she inquired with an arched brow.

"No, Lord Ares. No problem with me," the man replied dutifully, though it was obvious that he didn’t believe a word of what he was saying.

Although she wanted to slam the door, she didn’t for fear of rousing a sleeping Jarrod. Controlling her temper, she clicked it closed quietly and stalked back to the hearth, warming her hands in front of the flames. "Yes, Lord Ares. No, Lord Ares…" she grumbled sarcastically. "Arrogant pieces of Centaur crap." She turned at the sound of Gabrielle’s chuckle behind her. "And just what do you think is so funny?"

Xena’s voice was grumpy, and Gabrielle knew her patience had been stretched to the limits. She was quite sure that, had she not intervened on multiple occasions today, several of the palace staff would be cooling their heels in the dungeon right now, or worse. "Kind of the pot calling the kettle black isn’t it, My Lord?" The shorter woman bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing.

"Oh, very funny." Xena readjusted the sheet draped over her body. "It’s entirely different."

"Is it?" Gabrielle quirked a brow, her eyes roaming over Xena’s attire. "You look good in that. Bet you’d look good in one of those fancy Roman numbers, too."

"Uh huh. But I’d look even better out of it." Xena wriggled her eyebrows several times.

The Queen moved forward and ran the back of her hand over Xena’s prickly cheek. "You need a shave."

"Well, there’s four words I never thought I’d hear from a woman."

Gabrielle smiled. This was odd. "Do you have any particular four you’re fond of?"

"Make love to me?"

"Hear those often from women, do you?" Gabrielle teased, knowing that most of Xena’s court and enemies alike would give their eyeteeth to bed the tall beauty.

"Not anymore, wife." Xena drew out the last word playfully, grinning when Gabrielle scrunched up her face and a pink tongue made an appearance.

Gabrielle wrapped her arms around Xena’s neck, lacing her fingers together. "Uh huh. And how about Cleopatra?"

Brown eyes widened. Zeus! Where did that come from? "Hmm… yeah, well…that was a special case."

"Special case, my foot!" Gabrielle dropped he hands from Xena’s neck. Turning on her heels, she marched out of the living room without so much as a backward glance, her smile going unseen.

Xena stood dumbfounded. Huh? She can’t be mad at me? I didn’t do anything! "Uhhh, just in case you’re wondering, Gabrielle, I’m not real fond of those four words either." The Conqueror crossed muscular forearms. Xena tilted her head and peered through the open bedroom door, catching glimpses of Gabrielle passing in and out of the bedchamber’s shadows. It was when she got hit in the face and chest with the Queen’s tunic and underclothes that she grinned broadly.



"Make love to me."


Xena stood by the side of the bed, the sheet long forgotten. Panting, she took a deep swallow of good, sweet wine, which, thankfully, Gabrielle had ordered, making sure that the servants knew it would be for her and not Ares. Xena watched transfixed as Gabrielle’s sweat-slicked body moved slowly in the bed. She licked her lips and absently set her cup down on the bedside table, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, her eyes never leaving her wife.

The Conqueror had lost track of how long they’d been making love and playing. But by the Gods, did she love it! This time around, Xena wasn’t a total novice in Ares’ body and she didn’t let things get away from her as they had before. It took more concentration than normal, she discovered, but once she understood that her new body tended to charge full speed ahead, regardless of intentions, she was able to control herself better and have Gabrielle in exactly the ways she wanted. The ways they both wanted.

It had been a very long time since she’d been with someone who could keep up with her sexually, and even then, it had never, ever been like this. She hadn’t been capable of understanding what a difference love made in all things until that early autumn morning when she rode into Poteidaia and changed her life forever. It was freedom in its most raw and wonderful form, and she drank it in greedily.

Gabrielle looked up at her spouse with heavy-lidded eyes and smiled, white teeth glinting in the muted candlelight. Her hands were slowly, erotically gliding down her torso. And Xena’s gaze followed them inch by inch, burning a path down her lithe, slightly muscular body. Gabrielle writhed against silk sheets that felt cool against her heated flesh. Her lips were slightly parted, and she hummed softly in sensual delight, her body still tingling from their last encounter. Just as her hands slid down onto upper thighs and began roaming through reddish-blonde curls, they detoured, playfully tugging up the sheet, denying her extremely aroused partner a view of exactly what she was doing.

"Oh no!" Xena growled, grabbing for the sheet. Gabrielle laughed and snatched it way, the slippery edge sliding between Xena’s fingertips."

"Is this what you want, Lord Conqueror?" she asked innocently, sounding every bit like a Poteidaian farm girl, but looking at Xena with lust-filled eyes that would make Aphrodite blush. She slid the crimson sheets back just enough to reveal a smooth thigh and the edge of a hand buried in glistening curls.

Xena closed her eyes and dropped her head forward, her chest expanding with the enormous gulp of air she’d swallowed. She let it out very slowly, her erection growing painfully ridged. She was literally beginning to shake under the weight of her mounting arousal. "Yes, Gabrielle," she said between clenched teeth. "You know it is."

Gabrielle drew her fingertips along her center, moaning softly and feeling no shame in her pleasure or the pleasure her mate was receiving watching her in this way.

Xena’s eyes flashed in pique. "Up!" she demanded. She needed Gabrielle now. When the younger woman didn’t move quickly enough for her tastes, she leaned forward and, with a powerful hand, tore the sheet from the bed, allowing it to fall where it may once Gabrielle was fully exposed before her. Hungry eyes devoured this glorious gift.

The blonde sat up and moved to her hands and knees, slowly making her way across the bed to her lover, her movements taking on a feline-like quality. "How do you want me, Xena?" she asked in a husky voice far more subservient than normal.

A drop of perspiration rolled down the Conqueror’s chest, before evaporating against impossibly hot skin, her desire multiplying with every passing second. "That’s good," Xena groaned, spinning her index finger in a small circle and motioning for Gabrielle to turn around.

The smaller woman easily complied. Thick, fair hair fell forward pooling on the sheets as she looked over her shoulder, giving her hips a little roll. "Like this?" She presented herself fully. "Is this how you want me?"

"Oh yeah." The Conqueror’s gaze swept over her wife’s beautiful body. Gabrielle stretched sensually and Xena’s grin turned predatory. "So beautiful." Xena skimmed her hand along the damp skin of Gabrielle’s thigh, feeling soft, downy hair beneath her fingertips. Her palm moved over a firm, round buttock, then slowly slid up the length of her spine, rubbing and massaging as she went. Without warning, she grabbed Gabrielle’s hips, and firmly yanked the panting woman toward her.

Xena leaned over her spouse’s back, fitting her much larger body tightly against Gabrielle’s, their moist skin sliding together. She threaded her hand though her messy hair and pulled back, sending Gabrielle’s chin upward.

Gabrielle’s senses were reeling. She could feel her mate’s more aggressive side pushing itself to the forefront, and she welcomed it, enjoying the rush of fire that pumped through her veins whenever she was taken by The Destroyer of Nations. Or the one doing the taking. Hot breath tickled her ear and she shivered at the low, husked words that tore through her.

"You’re mine," Xena growled, tightening her grip in damp, pale hair. She moved the hair aside, bushing her lips against the smooth skin between Gabrielle’s shoulder blades. Her hand snaked around and under the body, whose heart was beating so furiously she could feel its pounding rhythm through Gabrielle’s back, against her own chest.

Gabrielle’s stomach trembled and jerked in the wake of her fingers, which moved forward, finally coming to rest on a full breast. Xena squeezed, sighing at the feeling of skin so soft she wondered if it would melt in her hand. She gently grasped the warm weight.

Gabrielle whimpered, screwing her eyes tightly shut. Gods, Xena. She fought hard not to come on the spot. She wasn’t near ready, though her body was screaming otherwise. When Xena took her taut nipple between a long finger and thumb and firmly rolled it, a hot trickle of moisture burned a path down the length of Gabrielle’s inner thigh. "Yes," she moaned breathlessly, shifting back and trying to make the contact she so desperately wanted, offered herself to her mate completely.

Xena knew what they both wanted, but she was determined to control it. And control it she did, by ruthlessly holding Gabrielle’s hips solidly in place, despite her own body’s nearly insatiable need to bring her closer. "This time you beg me," she husked, giving the ear near her lips a tug with sharp teeth. The Conqueror took what was hers, capturing Gabrielle’s mouth in a rough kiss, which was immediately returned.

Not to be outdone, when Xena pulled away Gabrielle surged sideways, nipping Xena’s throat with enough force to draw a small drop of blood.

The Conqueror gasped, and a deep, almost sinister chuckle worked its way up from her chest. "I always knew you had Bacchae tendencies, Gabrielle." Her neck burned where she had just been bitten, sweat mingling with a tiny speck of blood. The combination of arousal with just the slightest twinge of pain brought her to new heights of passion. Raising a hand, she wiped the tiny droplet away with her finger, licking it clean. Ares’ blood, she foggily realized.

How different this was from when she had bitten Ares’ lip only days before. She felt the power of his blood even then, but the sensation was laced with revulsion. Now, however, with Gabrielle’s ragged breathing punctuating the silent night air, and their sweat-slicked bodies that smelt of sex so close, she found an act startlingly similar was as intoxicating as any wine she’d ever indulged in. It was rivaled only by the essence of her wife’s passion, which she had tasted many times this night.

Her heart pounded wildly with love and admiration for this young woman who welcomed her occasional darker moments in their lovemaking with open arms, letting her express herself fully, without shame or censure. She had been delighted to discover Gabrielle gave every bit as good as she got, releasing her own darker desires in a safe haven that provided them both with unparalleled pleasure. And yet, this same gentle woman made Xena feel safe enough to crawl into her arms and cry like a child if needed, knowing that nothing that happened, be it tender or rough, needy or generous, would ever leave the privacy of this chamber.

"Down." The Conqueror placed a firm hand between Gabrielle’s shoulder blades, forcing her head down to the soft feather mattress. Xena’s hand traveled back to the blonde curls, feeling the warm, wet desire flooding from her spouse. She took a deep breath, bringing more of the heady scent to flaring nostrils. "Do you want me in you, Gabrielle? I want you so badly it hurts."

"Yes." She could only gasp and nod as she felt Xena’s hand slide between her legs, stroking slippery, hot flesh with a slow tenderness at odds with her commanding voice.

Xena positioned herself and leaned over her spouse again, asking a question whose answer was already apparent. "Do you want me to take you now, Gabrielle?"

"Gods yes!"

"Beg me! Beg me to take you." Xena brought her hips forward just a hair, closing her eyes at the feeling of liquid heat against the her erection. Surrounding her. "Beg me!"

Gabrielle was nearly beyond words, her own heartbeat pounding so loudly in her ears she barely heard Xena. She pushed backwards again, but was rooted in place by strong hands. Gabrielle swallowed convulsively. "Xena, please…" she implored shamelessly. "Do it! Fuck me!"

"Oh yes!" The Conqueror thrust into her mate, immediately feeling Gabrielle tighten around her, their bodies and souls merging into one.

The Queen groaned loudly with pleasure when she felt her hips being raised to meet Xena’s "Ahhh… yessss…" she hissed in pure delight as the Conqueror took her. Gabrielle’s belly clenched and the muscles at her center rhythmically tensed and released over and over again in response to the passion that filled her.

This round of lovemaking was truly primal and satiated a need deep within both hearts. Releasing Gabrielle’s hips, Xena fell forward with her, repositioning and rolling her until Gabrielle lay on top of her, salty wet skin touching along the length of their bodies, soft breasts pressing into her hard chest. Xena thrust upward, and their eyes locked as they convulsed in unison, passion finally claiming them as they both lost themselves in a sea of emotion where lust and love collided. Gabrielle cried out hoarsely and Xena’s deep, satisfied moans mingled with her voice. They soared, then slowly made their way back to earth.



"Hmmm." It was a very contented sigh. Arms and legs were tangled together, but both women were too spent to bother trying to move as bodies cooled and racing hearts slowed.

The Conqueror chuckled as her mate sighed again and nuzzled her naked chest. Like a cat that had just received a good scratching, Gabrielle was happily dozing in and out of a hazy fog of pleasure.

"What’s so funny?" Puffs of hot air were tickling the fair-haired woman’s head, scattering damp bangs across her forehead.



"You," Xena repeated, recalling a conversation very much like this one, many weeks ago, during their first meal together. The thought made her smile. "You seem very happy."

"I am." Spoken from the heart.

Xena’s hands gently stroked the smooth skin on Gabrielle’s shoulders, drawing a lazy path across her back. "Good. I never want to see you unhappy again, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle tightened her hold on her mate, snuggling closer and feeling her lip quiver slightly as she spoke. "As long as we’re together, I won’t be." We’re running out of time.

"We’ll always be together." Eventually. Xena closed her eyes, cuddling the smaller woman.

"We’ve only got two days left, Xe," Gabrielle whispered, her frustration mounting with every word.

The Conqueror nodded, feeling the sudden tension thrumming through her partner. "I know, Mama Bear. But we’re a lot closer to finding out who did this than we were before. We’ll get there." We have to. She sighed. "I hate to say this, but the more I think about it, the more I don’t think the satraps are involved."

"How can you say that?" Gabrielle pushed up a bit so she could look at Xena’s face. "It has to be one of them."

"No, Gabrielle. The warriors among them wouldn’t have tried to take me out that way. And the rest." She quirked an eyebrow. "Well... ‘Antony’s’ ear should have been more than convincing enough for them to rat each other out."

Green eyes went round. "Rat?"

"Mmm... Many nasty, beady-eyed, little rats. They’re all co-conspirators. They’ve formed an alliance against me…"

Gabrielle wrinkled her forehead. "How can you be sure?"

"The conference room I put them in has ears." Xena chuckled at the surprised look on her wife’s face. "Other than Antony’s, that is."

"Ears?" Gabrielle knocked lightly on Xena’s broad chest with the fist. "More please. Explain."

"Behind the walls are hidden passages where people take down notes of what’s said in between the satraps. Then they leave the notes for me to collect and read later. The notes indicate they formed an alliance to keep me from conscripting their best warriors. But things could have gone farther than that outside the conference room. There’s no way to be certain unless one of them confesses. But we do know for certain they were joining forces against me."

Gabrielle smiled appreciatively at the Conqueror’s sneaky ways. She made a mental note never, ever to underestimate her partner. "Ooo, that’s clever."

"I know. Almost as clever as trading a condemned prisoner his life for his ear, my dear."

"Yeah, well, it’s not as though I had any spare body parts lying around." The Queen shrugged. "I still think since it wasn’t Callisto, then one of the satraps is our next strongest suspect."

The Conqueror blew out an unhappy breath, acknowledging in her own mind that Gabrielle was right. "I suppose." She tugged on a small pink ear near her chin. "What part of ‘Antony’ are they going to get tomorrow?"

Gabrielle made a face and thought for a moment. "I’m thinking his tongue."

"Hmm, be careful, Gabrielle. Cleopatra might be able to identify that." Xena chuckled until she got a hard elbow to the ribs. "Uuuf…" She groaned playfully and stole a tender kiss. "Time for me to go."

"Go?" Gabrielle’s body unconsciously wormed its way closer to her bedmate.

"Back on the couch." The Conqueror refused to pout, although she felt like a child being denied its favorite toy.


"I told the boy I would," she reminded firmly.

Gabrielle sighed resignedly, not at all pleased with the notion of sleeping alone. "So you did." She gave her partner a sharp pinch in the belly. "That was stupid!"

"Hey," Xena laughed. "It’s not like I wanted to. But we don’t want Jarrod thinking..."

A blonde eyebrow lifted. "That I’m sharing my bed with The God of War?"

Xena frowned and looked down at the God’s body. "I don’t much like that idea either."

"I know," Gabrielle agreed gently. "I know this has been hard. I mean… we’ve had great fun with Ares’ body. But I... I really miss yours, Xe. We..." The younger woman made a vague gesture with her hand, unable to get across what she was thinking.

"Fit together better," Xena hazarded, her eyes twinkling softly. As interesting as this little experiment had been, she was thinking the same thing.

"Yeah." Gabrielle smiled affectionately, patting Xena’s chest. "C’mon, let me go and get you some extra blankets. It’s cold tonight."

Xena moved as though she was going to get up, but instead, bolted sideways, flipping Gabrielle’s back onto the soft mattress, and using her body weight to pin her down. She grinned mischievously at the astonished eyes blinking up at her. "It’s not cold in here, Gabrielle." Her voice was a husky purr and her lips started at Gabrielle’s forehead where they slowly, gently, kissed their way down to her throat. Xena laved her Adam’s apple with the tip of her tongue then tenderly sucked at the fluttering pulse point.

Gabrielle gasped and green eyes slid shut in pure reflex. There was nothing she loved more than the feeling of being rooted firmly in place by her lover’s body and those talented lips worshipping every inch of available skin. She wrapped her arms around strong shoulders, running her hands down Xena’s back. "Gods, Xena, are you a wrestler in your spare time?" She spread her legs, allowing Xena’s to settle more comfortably between them, shuddering at the feeling of naked, warm skin sliding against hers.

"No." Her kisses moved back up to Gabrielle’s ear. "I just have many, many skills."

Gabrielle could only nod as barely banked arousal flared back to life.

Xena did make it to the couch that night... just before dawn.



Gabrielle’s nose wrinkled as she looked down as Xena’s feet again. "I think it’s your boots."

"I just had them cleaned and shined!"

The blonde woman shook her head. "I’m telling you, Xena, that smell is coming from your boots."

Xena bent down and took a strong whiff. "Hades! I’m going to kill those servants!"

She was totally serious, Gabrielle realized, and she patted her arm comfortingly. "Please don’t kill the servants." She wanted to smile at her ridiculous request, but one look in angry eyes convinced her otherwise. Even this relatively mild form of disobedience was completely foreign to the Conqueror.

"What do you suggest I do? My boots won’t fit on these feet. And it’s not as though I can use Ares’ godly powers to conjure up another pair!"

"True," Gabrielle admitted, scratching her chin. "But will killing the servants get you a useable pair of boots?"

"Depends on the size of their feet."


"Fine. Fine" she groused petulantly.

"C’mon, we’ll go see if Morgaine can help us out. Or you’ll have to walk down wind of me all day."

"I don’t believe this," Xena grumbled as they made their way into the corridor outside their apartment. "The palace staff aren't slaves! They’re paid workers. I can’t believe they’re acting this way!"

Gabrielle took Xena’s hand and threaded their fingers tightly together as she descended several steps that led toward the servants and workers’ wing of the palace. "You, my dear Conqueror, should be pleased they’re acting this way. Not only does it show great loyalty to me, but to you as well. They’re upset with Ares for trying to come between us."

The Conqueror glanced down miserably. "But did they have to shrink my shorts too?"


Morgaine grew quiet when Gabrielle finished explaining what she needed. It wasn’t that she hadn’t heard the words. Rather, she was simply too distracted by the presence before her to do much more than half listen. Ancient eyes studied the dark God from head to toe.

"Can you help us?" Gabrielle inquired, her gaze darting between Xena and Morgaine.

The aged seamstress tilted her head in the direction of her Queen’s alto voice, though her eyes never left Ares. "Of course, Your Majesty. Just one moment." The woman slipped into a back room with a grace and speed at odds with her growing years.

A shiver chased its way down Xena’s spine as Morgaine turned to leave.

"Hey?" Gabrielle turned to fully face her spouse, concerned by Xena’s pensive, almost confused look. "What’s wrong?"

"I... I don’t know." Xena’s eyes were riveted on the doorway where Morgaine had disappeared. She shrugged one muscular shoulder, trying to grab hold of the odd, fleeting sensation that had coursed through her. "Huh. I just got funny feeling, that’s all."

"Well, she was staring at you pretty intently." Gabrielle had wondered about that herself. But then again, it wasn’t everyday a God stood in your kitchen, asking for help. "That’s bound to make anyone feel a little funny," she surmised sympathetically. Please don’t let Morgaine be out to make Ares miserable, too. I can’t stop Xena from killing everyone!

"Maybe." But the Conqueror was unconvinced. She’d known Morgaine since the earliest days of her reign. When the woman was merely old and not a fossil. But something wasn’t right today. Maybe she was afraid. Ares’ body alone carried a formidable presence, no matter who was walking around inside it.

"She’s a kind woman, Xena. Don’t be angry with her." There was a tinge of pleading to Gabrielle’s voice and eyes. She liked Morgaine, considering her a friend in a grandmotherly sort of way. Had it not been for the old woman’s patient ear, and words of encouragement, she might never have found the courage to admit to herself that she had fallen in love with the Conqueror and that she could, and would, accept all that that meant.

Xena shook herself from her thoughts and gave what she hoped was a reassuring smile. "I won’t, love." Wanting to erase the worried look on Gabrielle’s face, she lifted her stocking-covered foot and made a show of wiggling her toes. They’d had to get rid of the boots. The odor was too much to bear. It was a cross between manure and some other hideous fragrance that couldn’t quite be identified, but that definitely spoke of something rank and spoiled.

Morgaine emerged from the back room with a new pair of shiny, black leather boots. "I made these some time ago for my husband. But the old fool never bothers to wear them. He loves his old ones so much that he insists on patching the holes." With outstretched arms, she offered them to Ares. "I think these might just do the trick."

When Xena didn’t take the boots, Gabrielle covertly nudged her with her elbow.

"Uh…thank you," Xena stammered, taking the boots. The Conqueror lifted her foot and Gabrielle wrapped a steadying arm around her waist as she slipped one on, then the other. Xena hummed appreciatively, eyeing the rich, supple leather and stroking it with her fingertips. "They fit like a glove."

Morgaine smiled. "Somehow I knew they would." She turned to Gabrielle. "Is there anything else, Your Majesty?"

"No." Gabrielle grinned. "Thank you, Morgaine." Oh yeah, almost forgot. "By the way, I met your son today."

"Did you now?" she said with obvious pride. "Gilles is a good boy."

Gabrielle laughed softly. Gilles was easily ten years older than her father would have been if he were alive. I guess we never see our own babies as grown ups. "He has your eyes."

The old woman blushed and clucked at Gabrielle for embarrassing her. She pulled the young women into an unexpected, fierce hug, whispering sympathetically in her ear, "I’m sorry about the Lord Conqueror, child."

Gabrielle blinked, surprised by the intensity of the embrace and the emotion she could feel thrumming through Morgaine. But she returned it wholeheartedly. Morgaine smelled of mint tea and honey, and she found her ample arms warm soothing, as though nothing could harm her while she was there. They possessed a deep well of strength that Gabrielle instinctively drew from. "So am I." Her voice cracked slightly and she buried her face in the soft shoulder.

"You’ll get through this. Don’t give up."

Gabrielle shook her head. "Never," she promised solemnly.

Xena silently studied the intimate exchange with great interest. When Morgaine pulled away from Gabrielle, the Conqueror released the breath she’d been unconsciously holding. When it looked as though their conversation was over, she pushed away from the heavy, wooden table she’d been leaning against and slowly moved toward her wife.

The seamstress gave her queen a sympathetic smile and rubbed her hands up and down the arms of Gabrielle’s bright green tunic in a motherly fashion.

A small smile curved Gabrielle’s lips. "Thank you again," she said with a hint of startlement. She felt more at peace than she had since this whole mess began. "For everything."

"You’re welcome," Morgaine intoned earnestly. "Anything for you or the Realm, My Queen." She bowed her silvered head dutifully when Ares brushed by her and gently took Gabrielle by the arm. Looking up, she could clearly see the bond between them, the sparkling tether of the Fates’ threads that linked one soul to another. She watched as the couple disappeared, their footsteps falling in unison, heads already tilted towards one another in quiet conversation.

When they left, Morgaine flopped down on a slightly rickety chair with a loud thump, wincing as her old bones made contact with the wood. "Ares! What have you done?" Her thoughts shifted back to the young Queen. Hang on, Gabrielle. Not much longer now.


Autolycus gingerly handed Gabrielle a small box, wiping his hands on his trousers the second it left his fingertips. She started to open it but he laid a hand on hers. "Don’t go there." He grimaced. "It’s not pretty."

She drew a deep breath, clutching the box. "I’ll take your word for it."

"Are they gathered in the council room?" Xena asked impatiently.

"You mean you don’t know, Lord Ares?" the thief challenged sarcastically, raising an impudent eyebrow.

Xena’s hand went to her sword, thick fingers tapping its hilt nervously. Cold eyes fastened on Autolycus’ smug face. Someone is going to push me too far today! "I asked you a perfectly simple question, you worthless…"

"‘Simple’ seems to be the only kind you know," Autolycus shot back, albeit under his breath.

"What was that?!"

Ares’ face reddened, and he began advancing on the man. Gabrielle watched in horror as Autolycus picked the worst possible moment in his cowardly life to grow a spine and stand his ground. The blonde threw herself between the men, hearing the loud ‘shiiiing’ of metal as Xena’s sword flew free of its scabbard. "ALL RIGHT, ENOUGH!" Gabrielle roared, laying a forestalling hand on Ares’ broad chest, feeling his pounding heartbeat. She held him back with a stiff arm, shooting Autolycus a supremely annoyed look. "Please! All of this is hard enough without you two bickering."

Gabrielle’s gaze swung back to her wife. "Because of the ‘rules’ you’ve set forth, I have to figure out who injured your Chosen, and I need his help to do it." She studied Xena intently, and when she was reasonably certain Xena wouldn’t lop his head off, Gabrielle whirled around to the thief and pointed at him. "And I don’t need you…"

"I know, Your Majesty," Autolycus blushed slightly. "I’m... well... I suppose..."

"You’re sorry?" Gabrielle put her hands on her hips, while Xena rested her chin on her shoulder.

The Conqueror graced Autolycus with the biggest if-it-weren’t-for-her-you’d-be-dead look she could muster, knowing her proximity to Gabrielle was irritating him even more.

Autolycus’ jaw clenched, and he stroked his mustache, seriously considering doing something even more stupid than he already had.

"Well?" Gabrielle prompted angrily. "Ares," she suddenly growled, dragging out the name menacingly. She could only imagine the look her mate was giving Autolycus behind her back. Green eyes rolled. Hades! I already have one eight-year-old!

"I’m sorry," the thief finally apologized with mock sincerity. "I should have realized there were conditions that I wasn’t aware of." Then his voice grew serious and his eyes pinned Gabrielle’s. "You and Our Lord have my total loyalty."

Xena quirked an only mildly impressed brow while Gabrielle turned to her and smiled. "Thank you, Autolycus," she gloated.

As the trio approached the conference room doors, Autolycus peeled off leaving Xena and Gabrielle to their visit with the satraps. The couple heard the dignitaries grumbling before they saw them.

"Have you noticed how odd Ares has been acting?" Brutus inquired. His words were met with a chorus of murmurs.

"Our little Queen must be quite a hellcat between the sheets to have captivated not only Our Lord, but the God of War as well," Cleopatra laughed, but even without seeing her face Xena could read the envy.

Gabrielle chuckled. "Here comes the slut." She drew in a deep breath before bursting into the room, forcing Ares to lengthen his stride to keep pace with her regal gait. She didn’t wait for anything else to be said. "There you go." Setting the small wooden box on the edge of the table, she gave it a little push, noting that all eyes watched it slide into the center of the large, polished, wooden slab. "The next piece of the Antony puzzle. Too bad for you I don’t really care for puzzles. Or your games!"

The blonde’s voice was devoid of any warmth, and her icy gaze bore into each satrap in turn. "I’ve just ordered the crosses built. There won’t be a third warning. Next time," she pointed at Boadicea, "I come for you. You’re the first to be nailed to a cross. I start at sun-up tomorrow and take another every hour until my problem solves itself."

"And we don’t stop with you," Ares sneered, his eyes glittering with barely controlled rage. "Next, we lay waste to your lands. And I will show no mercy!" A large fist slammed into the table and everyone in the room, including Gabrielle and Autolycus jumped.

After a dramatic pause, Gabrielle offered her hand to Ares, who brought it to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss. Gods. Good one Xena. "Guard!" Gabrielle shouted, pleased that Gilles was in the room with his sword drawn before she’d even finished saying the word. She pointed to the hearth. "Extinguish the fire. Remove those." Her finger gestured toward a table holding several decanters of wine. "And there is to be no food or drink of any kind delivered to these prisoners until you hear differently." She eyed the man. "From me personally."

He bowed his head, a tiny smile edging its way onto his lips. "Yes, My Queen." He looked up at the satraps and grinned broadly. "My pleasure!"

Gabrielle turned back to the speechless group. "Enjoy your day," she said blandly. Tossing her hair over one shoulder, she marched out of the room.


"You are one mean bitch." Xena chuckled. "Gods, I love you!"

Gabrielle laughed with her partner as she wrapped her hand around Xena’s muscular forearm, leaning towards her a little as they strolled across the courtyard. She gave a bittersweet smile before sighing ruefully. "I didn’t know I had it in me." Her mouth pulled into a frown. "No, that’s a lie. I knew I had it in me. I just don’t like the fact that I do."

"Gabrielle," Xena sighed. "It was necessary in this instance. My Queen, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of."

"Mmm... Maybe." The shorter woman rubbing her fingers over Xena’s pink, chilled skin. "You need a cloak," she said firmly, her breath sending a cloud of fog around her face.


"Don’t bother." Gabrielle held up a hand. "I don’t care whether Ares wears one. He’s starting today. You’re cold."

Xena opened her mouth to argue, then let it click shut. She was cold. "You’re right. We’ll pick one up next time we’re back in our apartment."

Gabrielle nodded. She would have preferred they went to fetch one now... But Xena didn’t respond well to ‘henpecked’, and her lover’s patience was already dangerously close to snapping. She snuggled closer, hoping to share a little body heat as they trudged through the thick carpet of wet leaves, kicking up the lush, earthy scent of moist soil. They went up a small hill and made their way onto one of several stone paths that crisscrossed the enormous courtyard.

Xena abruptly stopped walking, jerking Gabrielle off balance for a moment. "Whoa."

Dark eyes fixed themselves on the tall, foreboding structure. "I need to go back in there."

Gabrielle swallowed hard, easily recalling the pungent odor of blood that lingered at the bottom of the Old Watchtower steps. Xena’s blood. She let go of Xena, wrapping her arms around her stomach as she pushed away a sudden bout of queasiness. "All right. Let’s go."


"Don’t even say it. I’m not letting you go back in there alone. Even if it is daylight."

Seeing the determined glint in Gabrielle’s eyes, Xena nodded reluctantly. As they made their way to the tower, the warrior focused her mind, trying to recapture the mood and events of that night. The memories were so vivid it was as though they were burned behind her eyes for all time. She let herself relive them again, hoping to recall something important. Something she’d overlooked. There was fear for Jarrod, the disillusion written across his freckled face as she tumbled from her pedestal with a momentous crash. Her own shame. Guilt. Anger. The horror of seeing herself through Jarrod’s eyes at that very moment. And knowing in her heart she was far scarier than his childish mind could truly conceive of.

Pushing the door open, they entered the cold, rank building. Someone was upstairs. They could hear the faint echo of footsteps. Xena drew her heavy, razor-sharp sword just as Gabrielle plucked her daggers from her boots, and they began a quiet climb up the stairs.

Once at the top, Xena silently rushed around the corner, prepared to do battle. A dark-haired man was on the floor on his hands and knees. He appeared to be searching for something. Xena pressed the point of her blade to the base of his skull. "Lose something?"

"Ahhh... Lord Ares?" The man held his head perfectly still, recognizing the voice. Oh boy. "Please don’t."

Gabrielle’s heard Xena’s words and ran the last few steps. Her pulse was pounding from the vigorous climb and a light coating of perspiration covered her face and neck. Her heart threatened to stop when she saw Xena and... Autolycus? "What in the name of Hades?!"

"Looks like the criminal returns to the scene of the crime," Xena growled, stamping on Autolycus’ back with her booted foot and sending him sprawling onto his belly.

"I was looking for another passage!" he mumbled against the wet stones, spitting out a mouthful of dirt and slimy moss.

"We know there aren’t any passages up here!" Gabrielle stormed past Xena around to the thief’s head. Grabbing a handful of his hair, she pressed one of her daggers to his throat. "You tried to kill Xena?"

"No! There is a passage, Gabrielle! Look!" He pounded the floor, weakly. "If there’s not, I’ll stand here quietly and not make another protest while Ares lops my head off, but please look first. Please."

"Get up!" Xena and Gabrielle shouted at the same time.

Once the thief was out of their way, they examined the floor. Xena’s hands worked around the floor until her fingertips found a groove. Gabrielle followed up by digging the dirt out of the groove until it was clear. Xena then took the tip of her sword and pried the trapdoor open. They leaned over, looking down into a long, pitch-black shaft.

"Well I’ll be damned." Xena scratched her cheek with the point of the sword.

Autolycus dropped to his knees, relief flooding through him. "See." He pointed at the stones. "I know what this was used for. See that arrangement of pulleys, levers and ropes?" He picked his torch up off the floor and held it into the shaft. "Soldiers use this to send up weapons and supplies in times of battle."

Gabrielle and Xena just stared.

"Hey!" he snorted indignantly. "I’m a thief. Not stupid."

Gabrielle peered into the darkness. "So someone could have entered from the bottom. Used the system to bring themselves up to the platform, shoved Xena, and made their escape, never leaving a footprint because they were standing on the retractable floor."

"Right!" the thief piped up.

"Maybe," Xena said, still not completely convinced. "Close the floor."

"Killjoy." Autolycus hoisted himself up and carefully closed the trapdoor. Xena looked back and forth again, taking three steps down. "Autolycus stand on top of the retractable floor."

He moved into position, testing his weight on it with one foot before stepping completely on top.

Xena turned her back. "Shove me, without taking a step forward."

Autolycus looked at the distance between them. He raised his hand, then let it fall. "I can’t reach you."

Gabrielle looked at the floor. "So they couldn’t have used this? It means nothing?" She scanned the floor, desperately hoping they’d missed something. A sinking sensation filled her and she felt the first stirrings of panic that had been just below the surface for the last two days. They had to be missing something! Gentle fingers on her chin drew her from her thoughts and she glanced up into soft, concerned eyes.

"Not nothing," Xena disagreed. "I think we just need to start looking beyond the obvious." She regarded her partner seriously. "Gab?"

"I’m okay," Gabrielle insisted, her voice breaking. She blinked away unexpected tears and, the next thing she knew, her vision was blocked by a tall dark figure and she was pulled into strong arms.

Xena gently guided her forward, out of Autolycus’ torch light and into the shadows that offered them as much privacy as they could get under the circumstances. She wrapped her arms tightly around Gabrielle.

"I’m sorry, Xena. I... I..."

"Shhh... I know." Xena knew something was going to give soon... While Gabrielle was by no means a wallflower, she wasn’t used to ordering crosses to be built for execution, or delivering body parts to foreign dignitaries either.

After several silent moments, Autolycus cleared his throat and tilted his head toward the steps. He, for one, was more than anxious to leave this nasty place, but, given the Conqueror’s initial reaction to him being here, he didn’t think it was a wise move to up and disappear.

Xena looked down at Gabrielle. "Ready?" She wiped tear-stained cheeks with cool fingertips.

Gabrielle closed her eyes at the tender touch and nodded. "Ready."

Xena moved forward in front of Autolycus and began to descend the steps. She stopped on the third step, looking down at the path her body had fallen. There was just one thing she wanted to test. "Put your hand in the small of my back, Gabrielle."


"Do it, Gabrielle."

The blonde took a step forward. She briskly rubbed her hands together to warm them, even though she’d be touching Ares’ vest not his skin, then hesitantly placed her hand on Xena’s back.


She moved her hand lower until it rested right in the middle of the small of Xena’s back "There?"

"Yeah," Xena said quietly. She closed her eyes and focused hard, remembering every sensation from the night of the fall. "A little pressure."


Xena could hear the fear in her voice. But this was important. "Please, Gabrielle…"

The Queen let out an explosive breath. This reenactment was doing nothing for her already frazzled nerves and slightly queasy stomach.

"Okay." Xena sighed, reaching around to take Gabrielle’s hand. "Let’s get out of here and look around outside. "We know how they didn’t get in, we need to figure out how they did get in."

The trio made their way back down the winding steps. Xena’s pulse pounded as she recalled the excruciating fall. She heard her own cries and the sound of snapping bones and tearing flesh. At the bottom she stopped and knelt down, running her fingers over a patch of dried blood. She straightened and wiped her fingers on the wet, mossy walls. "Let’s go."

Outside they all took a deep breath of the cool afternoon air, squinting as their eyes adjusted to the brilliant blue sky and bright sunlight. Xena turned to Gabrielle and nodded toward the tower. "When all this is over remind me to have this torn down."

"No problem." She wouldn’t be going back in there again. Ever.

They were about to make their way around the outside of the tower when Palaemon rode into the courtyard with Jarrod’s black pony in tow. The trio stopped. Gabrielle eyed the young captain, blocking the sun with her hand. "Riding lesson today, Palaemon?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. I hope that’s all right. I thought it would be best to try and keep His Highnesses’ schedule the same or at least as normal as possible."

She gave the beefy man a pat on the leg. "Of course it is. I’m grateful for the attention that you and Nyssa have been able to give him. We’ll stop by the ring later to see him."

"Of course, Your Majesty. Should I bring Cinnamon out and have him saddled?" He smiled good naturedly, even offering Gabrielle a ghost of a wink.

His answer was a sharp poke in the thigh and Gabrielle’s sticking out the tip of a pink tongue. But she was glad for his attempt at humor and that, at last, he wasn’t treating her with so much formality that they’d never get to be friends. "I think it’s safe to assume my riding lessons can be forgotten for the moment."

"You’ll be wanting to wait for the Conqueror to personally offer her assistance then?" He wasn’t joking, and it showed in the resolute set of his jaw and unwavering look in deep hazel eyes.

It was belief pure and simple, and Gabrielle couldn’t stop the smile that shaped her lips anymore than she could stop the sun from shining. She needed to hear it put that plainly. That simply. And as strange as it sounded, she needed to hear it from someone other than Xena. She knew her mate would say nearly anything to spare her pain, and she loved her dearly for it. Although it sometimes meant she got a slightly colored version of events.

And even Morgaine’s words had been directed toward Gabrielle and how she felt. Settling her with the knowledge that no matter what happened, she would muddle through it. She would survive. But Palaemon’s voice was full of hope for Xena. And that’s what she wanted to hear. His unyielding confidence bolstered her own.

"Very well, Your Majesty." He returned his Queen’s smile and kicked his mare into a slow canter, the clippity-clop of hooves on stone fading into the wind as he headed towards the stables and a waiting Jarrod.


Xena, Autolycus, and Gabrielle had been looking around the outside of the Old Watchtower for anything out of the ordinary when a shrill alarm rang out. "Aww, Hades!" Xena scrubbed Ares’ short hair with both hands.

"What’s going on!?" Gabrielle could hear shouts and the low rumble of pounding boots that sounded like rolling thunder. Soldiers poured into the courtyard, settling to positions along the wall and toward the front gates. Green eyes widened at the moving, chaotic mass that resembled ants pulsing on their hill.

"Someone is launching an attack on the palace."

"Oh, of course!" Autolycus threw his hands in the air. "I’m going to get killed here one way or the other, aren’t I?"

"Probably," Xena said in a bored tone.

"Jarrod!" An unreasoning fear transformed Gabrielle’s features. "Jarrod is riding with Palaemon." Xena grabbed Gabrielle’s arm as the blonde tried to bolt toward the stables.

She grabbed the thief with her other hand and gave his arm a hard shake. "Take Gabrielle and get her to safety."

"But…" The Queen started to protest only to be simultaneous pushed by Xena and pulled by Autolycus. Xena grabbed a nearby horse and roughly pushed the man from the saddle. Mounting it with a powerful leap she galloped forward toward the stables.

Gabrielle allowed herself to be pulled along for all of ten paces before she dug in her heels and began to fight. "Get you hands off me, Autolycus! I need to get my son."

"Ares will get him, Gabrielle! You need to be…"

The clamor of the courtyard increased to a dull roar and she shouted over the ensuing mayhem, "I need to be with my son!" With a hard yank, she wrenched her wrists free, darting for the stables at a full run as she dodged the frantically moving soldiers, carts heavy with arrows and vats of Greek fire, snorting horses that danced nervously in the bedlam.

"Damn, damn, damn!" The thief tried to follow but lost her in the crowd of dark purple and black uniforms that continued to flood into the courtyard.


Xena’s eyes darted around wildly as she watched the invaders push her men back at the gate. She drew her sword, still moving at full gallop for the last place she knew her son was supposed to be. Xena jumped from the stallion, slapping it on the rump and sending it back towards the gate. There was a body between her and the door she needed to go through. She roughly grabbed it by the arm and whirled it around, blade held high, poised to deliver a fatal blow.

"Nyssa? Are you out of your mind!?" the Conqueror hissed. A shiver chased down her spine and she lowered the sword with a shaky hand.

"Lord Ares… I… I just left the boy for his riding lesson. I was going back for him!"

Xena dragged the startled woman behind her into the stables, a shower of arrows impaling themselves against the tall wooden door just as Xena pulled it closed. They found Palaemon sitting on a bale of hay with his sword in one hand and his other arm wrapped tightly around Jarrod. The boys had his face pressed against Palaemon’s chest and his hands covering his ears.

Xena practically ripped him from the soldier’s arms, and gave him a quick kiss on the temple murmuring, "Thanks the Gods you’re all right, son."

He looked up at the God as though Ares’ had lost his mind but Xena just thrust him into Nyssa’s arms. "Get back behind those bales and stay here until the all clear sounds!"

"Yes, Lord Ares." Nyssa took her charge and ran for the back of the stables.

Xena looked at Palaemon. "I want two squadrons of soldiers protecting this structure. Kill anyone who comes near it!" she barked as they briskly headed back into the courtyard. Suddenly she stopped and pinned Palaemon with dark, menacing eyes. "No one comes near my son!"

The words were a dangerous growl and the fair-haired Captain fought the urge to step backwards in retreat. Confusion colored his face. "Your…?"

Xena cursed her loose tongue but didn’t have time to offer much of an explanation. "My Chosen’s son is like my own. Now move!" She slapped him hard on the back, and he bolted into action faster than the stallion she’d dismounted only a moment before.

Palaemon rushed forward and intercepted a group of twenty or so men and women who were dressed in full armor and double timing it toward the eastern most battlement. He pointed to various strategic locations around the stable and riding ring. The soldiers sprinted into place, several climbing to the roof with bow and quivers strapped to their backs.

Xena could hear it before she see it. "Incoming!" she boomed. A loud whistle of rocks coated with Greek fire cut through the air, smashing against the building alongside the stable. Thick black sludge coated the walls and began smoking, sending an acrid odor through the air. But the recent rain kept the building from bursting into flames and the boiling liquid only smoldered against the wet surface.

She ran for the steps leading up to the top of the battlement and bounded onto a slim walkway that circled the upper edge of the entire stronghold. Xena really didn’t need to see, but she wanted to be sure. She wanted to know who was insane enough to attack the stronghold. Their life was already forfeit, and she salivated at the thought of driving her blade into their heart and twisting it slowly.

The Conqueror wasn’t surprised to see Britons storming her walls. Most were cut down before they even reached the massive stone barriers, the dead lying in heaps at the foot of the wall. But from her bird’s eye position she could see that several platoons of soldiers had broken through her defenses and were snaking into the palace grounds from two different locations. She glanced around looking for the Amazons, knowing that if they joined with the Britons her losses would be heavy. There was never a question that she would ultimately prevail. It was just a matter of what the death toll would be. "Damn!"

She twisted her body and turned just in time to capture the arrow that was directed at her chest. She gave it a quick examination. Not Amazon. Good. Though Boadicea might want company on the cross next to hers. "That’s one point in your favor, Melosa." She turned and dashed down the battlement steps, taking them three at a time. A large group of soldiers stood in the center of the courtyard receiving last second instructions from their shouting officers.

The lines parted as Ares strode right into the center of the mass, jumping up on a cart that had been overturned in the confusion. Another arrow whizzed by and was effortlessly plucked out of the sky before it could find its way to Palaemon’s throat.

Xena’s face was the picture of wild fury and she allowed the fire racing through her veins to seep into her voice and mannerisms. She was wrath itself. "We’re going to go out there and we are going to cut down every last soldier! Our enemies. Enemies of the Realm!" The soldiers cheered and stamped their feet, the fog from the heaving chests mixing with the black, smoky tendrils from the Greek fire.

Ares raised his arm high above his head, muscles standing out in vivid relief against flushed skin as he hefted his long blade. "KILL THEM ALL!" he roared, and the troops roared back, drumming their approval on their shields with their swords and pounding the ground with spears. "No warrior lifting a weapon against the Realm, Your Lord Conqueror in her time of need, Your Queen in her time of mourning or against the GOD OF WAR is to be left alive!"

More savage howls pierced the air. The roar was deafening and it made the Conqueror’s blood boil. She drew in a deep breath, her nostrils flaring and pulse pounding at the heady scent of smoke and blood, sweat and soil. It was a heady mix and every bit as intoxicating as the sensuous aroma of her wife’s passion-slicked skin. It elicited the same primal thrill in Xena, setting her ablaze from within. Nothing else compared to it. She closed her eyes briefly, relishing the feeling. Nothing else ever could. A feral, dark energy pervaded her very essence as she ran through the troops, vaulting into the saddle of her gelding that Palaemon had retrieved from the stables.

She shifted in her seat, pressing muscular thighs tightly against the beast, who responded to her untamed aura more than her body language itself. "Open the gates!"


The battle lasted well into the early evening. The end, however, had been written well before the first arrow sailed through the sky or the first drop of blood soaked the soil.

The gates were reopened and a victorious Conqueror rode back into the stronghold with her troops behind her. It made no difference to her that they thought they were following Ares into battle. She had led them and she had won. Splattered blood covered her chest and arms and dripped in a slow coagulating stream from the blade that hung loosely at her side.

When she had charged out the gate several hours earlier, it was clear that the Amazons had decided to align themselves with Greece. And their sharp arrows struck down the Britons from behind as Xena assaulted them from the front. Not a single invading soldier was left standing by the day’s end.

Xena dismounted her horse and moved toward a makeshift first aid station. Her eyes swept over the dead and wounded, but her heart was pulling her towards the stables and refused to be ignored. She found Palaemon first. The captain had sustained a nasty wound to his left arm. He looked pale, dirty and tired, but he was still on his feet, assisting the more seriously injured soldiers.

"Palaemon! Go to Xena’s healer and have that looked at," she ordered, inwardly breathing a huge sigh of relief. He’d stayed to guard the stables. If he were alive, then so was Jarrod. She knew the officer would have given his life before allowing anyone through the stable doors.

"Yes, Lord Ares. But," he swallowed hard, "with your permission, my men are hurt and I need to stay with them for now. The Conqueror always said…."

Ares nodded. She would have done no less herself. Palaemon was not destined to remain a Captain for long. "Enough said. Just make sure to get a field dressing on it." Her voice grew serious. "And soon."

"Yes, Lord Ares."

Xena sheathed her blade with a scowl. The ground was littered with bodies. More Britons had made it into the stronghold than she’d thought. "And Jarrod?"

"Nyssa is taking him back to the royal apartment right now, Lord Ares. The lad’s frightened but unharmed."

"Thank you." She turned on her heels, offering small waves to the men who greeted her with, "Lord Ares!" Despite the carnage around them, most were in good spirits. It’s amazing what staying alive will do for your mood, she thought wryly. Xena was tempted to order food and spirits brought out to the men but feared that if she did the ordering, she would finish what Boadicea started.

Her gaze traveled to a small walkway between the stables and the next building over, and time ground to a halt. An agonizing cry from a small, kneeling form reached her ears, seeping into her consciousness in slow motion. "Mama, nooooo!" Her heart threatened to pound out of her chest before she could take her first steps.

Gods no! Don’t you do this to me! Not now that I’ve figured it all out. With every strike and parry during the battle, her mind had puzzled out the mystery of her murder attempt. At several points she disengaged from her body completely, cutting a bloody swath through the enemy troops while working to identify her assassin.

Xena’s boots felt as though they were full of lead as she navigated the sea of wounded men and crying horses. Then, as though breaking free from some unknown force, she took off in a full charge. Rocks and twigs crunched loudly under her feet as she tore along the short path to the stables.

She turned a corner, her arms out from her side to balance her as she did, and her world began to crash down around her ears. Jarrod’s body was thrown across his mother’s prone form, an arrow protruding from her chest. The left side. Her heart.

Bile rose in her throat and she choked back tears. Several more long strides and she was at their side, dropping to her knees. She heard Palaemon’s low curse in the distance and the thudding of his heavy footsteps but didn’t turn her head to look. Gabrielle. You were supposed to stay with Autolycus!

Xena gently pulled Jarrod into her arms, but her eyes were locked on Gabrielle’s ashen face. With a trembling hand she reached out and ran her fingers through reddish-blonde hair, across a cold, windburned cheek, and down a slender throat where she searched for a heartbeat.


Panic welled within her, squeezing her chest until she could barely breath. She tried again. This time more desperately.

Still nothing.

Xena’s own heart stopped, and she probed deeper with her fingertips, her gaze dropping to her lover’s still chest. C’mon, Mama Bear! I know you’re still in there!

The boy looked up into the God’s face. "You can make her better! Help her!" He tugged on Ares’ vest, mindless of the sticky blood that now covered them both.

"I can’t," Xena admitted brokenly, nearly passing out from relief when she felt a weak, thready pulse. "Hang on, Gabrielle." Teary eyes swung toward Nyssa who emerged from the shadows where she had been silently watching. Xena gently removed Jarrod from her lap and settled him next to her. Then she carefully wrapped Gabrielle’s soft cloak around her shoulders as she scooped her up into strong arms. "I’ll come get you if you make me, Gabrielle." She kissed her closed eyelids then her lips. "I swear I will."

Palaemon drew up alongside the small group. He groaned softly at the sight of the young Queen and her blood-soaked tunic, and pulled Jarrod against his hip with his good arm.

Xena stood directly in front of the young tutor, eyes flashing. "Come with me, Nyssa. I know the truth now!" she spat, marching up and leaning forward until their faces were only inches apart. "And you’re going to fix this!" When the tutor remained silent, Xena prodded threateningly, "Aren’t you?!"

It was not a question.

Nyssa’s pale eyes studied Xena for a long moment before she made her decision and bowed her head. "I’ll do what I can."

"Or I’ll cut you into so many pieces they’ll be picking you up for days!" Xena roared, her fear momentarily overtaking her.

Jarrod clung tightly to Palaemon, tears streaking his smooth cheeks. The boy sniffed loudly and Xena’s head jerked in his direction. He was petrified and she was making it worse. The Conqueror consciously softened her voice. "Son, this is all going to get very confusing for you but I need you to trust me. Okay?"

"Okay," he cried reaching up for his Mama’s limp hand and tangling his fingers with hers. "I can’t lose her too." His stared off toward the courtyard and whispered, "That would leave nobody. First my Papa, then Xena, now my Mama…" Jarrod choked on a sob and Palaemon snuggled the boy tighter against him, at a loss as to what he could say. He looked up at the God who felt every bit as helpless as her world spun out of control.

"Come on, son. We’re going to save your mother."



Palaemon had taken great care to clear their path, with only a few soldiers seeing them as they entered the palace. For now the Realm was in certain danger. With both Xena and Gabrielle unable to rule, it was ripe for challenge from within. The Conqueror, with Jarrod, Nyssa, and Palaemon all trailing behind her, had carried her Queen back to the healer’s rooms, where her own body lay sleeping. She had carefully settled Gabrielle down on the cot next to Xena’s. After hesitantly moving away, she barked an order to the guards who were posted around her body.

"Yes, Lord Ares!" Three guards left to fetch the old seamstress and bring her to the God.

Xena looked on as the men strolled leisurely down the hall. She plucked a knife from her belt and sent it sailing at them. It whizzed between their heads, grazing one man's ear before impaling itself in a wooden door just beyond them. Startled eyes looked back at the dark God. "Hurry!" Xena bellowed, sending the guards scurrying down the corridor in a panic.

The Captain wondered why Ares had sent for the aged seamstress. He looked over at his Lord’s fallen body and then at the Queen’s. If Morgaine had anything to do with this tragedy he would see to it that her death was quick and clean in deference to her age... but she’d still be paying Charon’s toll.

Jarrod watched as Ares dressed his Mama’s wound, leaving the arrow in her body, and tenderly ran his fingers through her hair. Part of him hated him for it. And the boy found himself with an almost unstoppable urge to lash out. To scream and fight. But even as he did his best to suppress those feelings, he found himself glued to Ares’ ministrations. Xena touched his mother in that very same way when she’d gotten a cold not long after arriving at the palace. He cocked his head to the side and regarded the God carefully.

After a moment of serious contemplation, the boy looked at Nyssa, who still held his small hand. "I need to be with my mothers now." He gently tugged his hand away and knelt between the two beds, facing the God who still peered at his Mama. He tapped Ares on the knee, absently noting that the leather of his trousers was softer and cooler than he thought it would be.

Ares blinked, then their eyes locked and a slow, almost timid smile worked its way across Jarrod’s face. "I’m not afraid," the boy whispered softly.

"Good," Xena answered quietly.

"I know you’ll make it better… Mother."

Xena closed her eyes tightly, trying not to burst into frustrated tears. She didn’t bother disputing his claim. "I’m going to try, son."

"I know." He reached out and took Ares' large, callused hand in his. He squeezed it in a comforting gesture so reminiscent of his mother that the hot tears spilled over onto Ares’ cheeks before he could stop them. "I love you."

Glistening brown eyes fixed themselves on Jarrod’s soft green. "I love you too." Before any more could be said, the guards interrupted by bringing a fussing Morgaine into the room. Xena wiped her face with the back of her hands and sprang to her feet, pushing the men out of the room and closing the door behind them. She stood facing the carved oak slab for several seconds, composing herself, before she spun around and leveled a hard glare at the seamstress. She crossed thick arms over her chest. "Who are you and what have you done with Morgaine?"

"A better question is..." Morgaine straightened, her aged frame seeming to become younger and stronger with each word. "Why has the God of War swapped bodies with his Chosen?"

"He had his reasons," Xena ground out. "That’s all you need to know."

"Then so do I," she replied stubbornly.

Getting nowhere fast and too impatient to wait, Xena turned to Nyssa next and pointed an angry finger. "Who are you?"

"Nyssa, Lord Ares. Tutor to…"

"Enough of your half truths and lies!" Xena stomped forward and Palaemon found himself wanting to step between Ares and the lovely young tutor. But his survival instinct kicked in, and he remained where he was, hoping she wasn’t about to run her through. Xena drew a deep breath, reining in her temper. She decided to give Nyssa one last opportunity to come clean before she wrung her skinny neck. "I want you to tell me which God or Goddess you’re both working for. And why you tried to kill me."

Morgaine spoke up, correctly sensing impending bloodshed. "I never tried to kill you, Xena. You should know better than that."

"I don’t know anything anymore!"

Morgaine smiled knowingly. "Of course you do."

"But..." Xena’s words trailed off and her mouth remained open as she watched in amazement as the old woman’s appearance began to shift and transform right before her eyes. Silver hair lengthened and curled, turning to a golden blonde. Drooping breasts lifted, enlarged, and were reshaped. Deep lines in creased ancient cheeks disappeared, leaving behind smooth flawless skin. A pink see-through nightie, matching wonder bra, and pink high heels adorned with a fluffy tuft of pink feathers on the toe replaced Morgaine’s modest beige tunic.

"By the Gods!" Palaemon exclaimed.

Xena blinked. "Aphrodite?"

The Goddess flashed a brilliant smile. "Like, in the flesh, Warrior Babe. And I’m obviously not the killing type." She wrinkled her nose as if smelling something dreadful. "That is just so... so... unlovelike, you know?"

Xena’s mind had a hard time wrapping around what she was seeing. She had suspected some minion of the Gods or a pitiful, annoying, lesser-type God or Goddess like Discord or Strife. But not a Goddess herself. "How did you come to be here? This palace is dedicated to Ares. Major Gods aren’t allowed to interfere…"

Aphrodite stamped her foot petulantly to interrupt the Conqueror. She hated it when mortals went on a rant. "No, but we are allowed to be near and protect our own Chosen." She grinned again and adjusted her bodice, glad to be back in her own perky breasts. "That’s all what I’m doing, tall, dark and sexy." She gave Xena a little wink.

Xena was truly confused now. Her brows drew together and she scratched her bristly cheek, frowning. "Your Chosen lives behind the walls of my palace?" The warrior searched her mind for anyone sappy enough for Aphrodite to hook up with. There were some gossipy fishwives who worked in the kitchens and were forever trying to fix up the single soldiers with the ugly scouring women. It had to be one of them.

The Goddess giggled as she read the Conqueror’s mind. "Oh babe, you are so wrong. Not that I don’t have fun with them. Who doesn’t love to dish?" she pointed out. "But true love is a serious matter and I wouldn’t favor just any mortal with the honor of being my Chosen. She would have to be loyal. Capable of the most tender emotions. Pretty but not stuck on herself." She taped her cheek, then began counting off on her fingers. "Kind, but not a wuss. Know how to accessorize in all seasons. And...

"Get to the point," Xena interrupted, rolling her eyes.

Aphrodite’s gaze narrowed. "How she stands someone as grumpy as you, I’ll never know. Duh, Conqueror, My Chosen is your wife and soul mate." She tilted her head toward the cot where Gabrielle lay.


"You only have one soul mate, Xena. And one wife." Her expression suddenly clouded. "At least I hope for your sake you only have one wife. If not... lose her quick." She jerked a thumb toward Gabrielle. "Miss I-could-take-out-a-flea-at-twenty-paces-with-my-knife has a jealous streak a mile wide."

Xena’s eyes widened. "If she’s your Chosen, you can heal her!"

"I can."

"Do it! What are you waiting for?" she yelled frustratedly, glancing back at Gabrielle. She couldn’t have much time left.

Aphrodite didn’t say a word, apparently waiting for something that still hadn’t been said.

"You want me to beg?" Xena asked desperately. "Is that it?" She fell to her knees. "Fine. I’ll give you anything you want. I’ll do anything you want."

Aphrodite arched a critical eyebrow. "Anything?"

"By the Gods! Anything!"

"Would you give all this up, Xena?" Aphrodite made a broad gesture. "Would you walk away from this? From the wealth and the power? Would you take your wife and son back to a small village and run an inn for the rest of your days? Never again knowing the glory of battle or the thrill of conquest." She regarded the warrior closely, not bothering to ask for her life. She knew Xena would offer that in a heartbeat. No. She wanted more for her Chosen than a hero. She wanted a true partner willing to make a sacrifice worthy of an epic love.

"Yes." There was not a single second of hesitation. If the Goddess would heal Gabrielle, she would do all those things and more. Of course, Ares would probably see her dead first. But she would worry about him later. "My life. My kingdom. My sword. My Soul. Anything," she pledged solemnly, her eyes radiating her sincerity. "Just bring her back safe and sound."

Aphrodite nodded, clearly impressed. "Oh, Conqueror. Now that’s the love groove I was going for." She held up a finger. "Back in a flash."


Aphrodite entered Morpheus’ realm. She looked around at the furnishings and gloomy atmosphere. "Ewww," she exclaimed. "Like, this place totally sucks." Shaking her head, she marched over to her brother who was lying back with his arms crossed behind his head on a bed of soft, black silk pillows, viewing Xena’s dreams as if they were a continuously showing play for an audience of one. The Goddess peeked into the portal and smiled. "They are so fab together! I so totally rock!"

"Ohhh yeah!" Ares chuckled lecherously, too interested in the hot and heavy scene playing out before him to really notice who he was talking to. This dream was a particular favorite and after seeing if a half dozen times consecutively he wanted the blonde more than ever.

Aphrodite turned away from the portal and perched delicately on Ares’ bed. "Bro, you are such a pig. The part that’s coming up is private!" Of course, she only knew that because she happened to choose that moment to check in on Gabrielle. But that was an accident!

His head snapped sideways and he flashed his sister an irritated smile. "Me?" He pointed to himself, affecting a hurt, innocent expression. "Is it my fault she dreams about it? And I mean dreams!" he groaned and bit his lip, his eye caught by the events in the portal once again. He and Aphrodite tilted their heads in unison as they watched the woman tangle into a particularly interesting position.

Aphrodite chuckled appreciatively and nodded her head. "Good one, ladies."

Ares brows knitted and he laced his fingers together over his belly as he watched. "You’d think they’d black out doing that for too long."

The Goddess ignored her brother’s comment, finally getting to the point. "Why did you trade bodies with Xena?"

He shrugged. "The blonde and I made a deal."


"I help Xena and she makes me a very, very happy God," he said matter-of-factly, although he was quite pleased with himself. She was going to be fantastic he just knew it.

"You are like..." Aphrodite waved her hands in the air. "Totally sick!"

"I thought it was pretty good plan myself." Ares sighed and snapped his fingers, shutting down the portal. "I can watch that again later. When I’m alone." He raised a significant eyebrow. "What are you doing here, by the way? Don’t you have some poor soldier’s life to ruin by hooking him up with an incessantly nagging wife?"

"Later. Right now I’m trying to get My Chosen back together with Your Chosen."

"Excuse me!" Ares rose from the bed and shook his head wildly. "You’re not telling me what I think you’re telling me." He scowled. "Are you?"

Aphrodite blew on her knuckles and polished them against her sheer nightie. "Hear it and weep, bro."

"Are you nuts? The Chosen of the God of War and the Chosen of the Goddess of Love? Together? Ohhhhhh." His face brightened. "I know... I know... they got married and all, but this is just a lust thing. They’ll get sick of each other pretty soon, right?"

"Like, haven’t you been paying attention? They’re fated. This goes beyond us."

"Those Fate bitches!" he roared. Was it necessary for them to continuously thwart his plans? Was it even fair? No!

"You’ve been so busy enjoying Xena’s dreams you haven’t even popped in to see what they’ve been doing to your body, have you?" She waggled a chastising finger, loving the startled look on Ares’ face.

"Huh? What do you mean ‘doing’ to my body? Do you mean...?" He thrust his hips forward and lifted his eyebrows up and down.

"Oooo, I was thinking more along the lines that Gab didn’t like that scratchy beard so Xena got rid of most of it."

"She what?!" His hands instinctively went to his cheeks.

"Yeah," the Goddess laughed cruelly, "and most of the hair too."

His eyes widened and he looked down.

"On your head, Ares."

"Oh yeah. I knew that," he lied. "But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to kill her!"

Aphrodite smacked his leg and he winced, rubbing the reddening mark. "No, you won’t! Your Chosen is all wrapped up in My Chosen and, unlike you, I actually do right by my people.

"Hey!" he yelled indignantly.

"So you’re going to go back there and…"

"Kick what’s left of her ass!" And with that the dark God was gone.

Aphrodite blew an errant blonde curl from her forehead. "Men!" She snapped her fingers and disappeared.


Continued - Part 7

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