~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Ten
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Fifteen:

Jace arrived home, having dredged up enough energy from her eighteen hours of consistent travel to arrive as early as possible to see the sick children. Throwing her overcoat in the corner of the hall ignoring the coat stand and kicking off her shoes along with it, she mounted the stairs rapidly and was confronted by Faith at the top of them.

“Jace! Am I glad to see you!” the older woman said in relief.

“Thanks Faith is something else wrong?” Jace asked anxiously.

“Well, no more than it is with sick children. But one in particular is a little more upset than I expected.” Faith replied honestly.

“Elena?” Jace asked and looked towards Faith’s room as Grace had mentioned that Faith had taken her to her room.

“No. No the little one is doing fine considering the circumstances. But, Lisa…well she’s been crying for you both and we can’t seem to stop her and she wanted Grace too and….” Faith trailed off as she saw the blonde nod her head in understanding.

Jace pushed a trembling hand through her hair. She was tired, but not too tired to watch over her children; not like a certain party she was married to!

“Okay, Faith leave Lisa to me. Can I ask a favour, would you ask Judy to make me some coffee? I could do with the caffeine fix.”

“Surely will my dear. Elena is asleep at the moment, but as soon as she wakes I’ll bring her to you.” Faith looked at the younger woman and saw her tired, but grateful smile and then watched as she went inside the Lisa’s bedroom slowly.

Jace walked silently into the room and saw the small huddled figure in the bed, with her red hair covering the pillow; she looked just like the princess in a fairy story. It made Jace smile slightly as she moved forward and was now inches from the child. Lisa’s face was blotchy with both the spots and the crying fits that Faith had mentioned and her sleep looked fitful. ‘Should she wake her, or leave her?’ the thought heavy in her mind.

Pulling up a chair that was in the corner of the room, she sat quietly observing the child for some moments. Her mind swiftly travelling the thousands of miles back to Catherine and her selfish comments. ‘God help you Catherine. If you could see this, you wouldn’t say it wasn’t worth coming home for. And if you did, you are not the woman I thought you were!’ Lisa shifted in the bed restlessly obviously dreaming and in discomfort.

Gently stroking back a tendril of hair that had fallen over the flushed face, she left her hand there and soothed the child with gentle strokes of her fingers over the hot forehead of the small girl Catherine had nicknamed princess. Jace recalled a time she’d asked Catherine how the nickname had come about.

“Why do you call Lisa princess Catherine? In nature she’s far from that!” Jace had smiled at the thought of the chatterbox child who had the most innocent looks, but could come out with the most interesting observations that had every adult in the vicinity running for cover.
Catherine had laughed at the comment and rocking back on one of the chairs on the porch.  Rio watching her with speculative eyes, should she decide to do something rash like fall out of it. Turning towards Jace’s voice and her dark outline on the chair next to her, “Well, we had this conversation once about stories and which story she liked the most. She couldn’t chose at first. So, I asked which character she would like to be if she could be anyone.”
Jace smiled at the un-focusing eyes turned in her direction but Catherine’s face was expressive as her mind was now lost in a memory.
“What did she reply?” was the intrigued question.
“She said a princess from the fairy stories we read.” Catherine smiled at the recollection. It hadn’t been a particular princess either, but all of them.
“So, that’s how it came about-- logical.” Jace chuckled still not seeing the child as a princess.
“Yes. In most circumstances that would be the case, but I said that was priceless that she with her nature would be considered one.” Catherine admitted reluctantly, at the time she had been rather tactless with the child.
“Not quite a comment to be used on a child Catherine.” Jace said perplexed at the conversation’s direction, she didn’t understand.
“Yes, that’s true, but she didn’t understand thank goodness, and she said I was funny. It wasn’t priceless it was Princess and that I could call her that if I liked.” Catherine laughed at the arrogance of the child. And suddenly she had the manner of a princess, well, some of them at any rate.
Jace laughed at the comment and took hold of Catherine’s hand, which had been placed on the arm of the wicker chair. “I guess she caught you out as usual Catherine?” her fingers entwining with the much larger ones.
Catherine felt the gentle pressure of the fingers of the woman she loved. Pulled the inter- twinned hands up to her mouth and kissed Jace’s fingers. Her love for the woman was evident in the touch.
“Yes, she seems to have a superb ability in that area. I’m going to have to ask her to keep it quiet though, can’t be at a disadvantage with anyone can I?”
Jace considered the remark and stood up from her chair and moved quickly to kneel at Catherine’s chair. Her belly showing her seven-month pregnancy, as she pressing against Catherine’s knees in front of her. Taking her free hand to run it gently down the scarred left cheek and watched fascinated as the ice blue eyes tried to focus, but failed. It made Jace feel even more tenderness for her friend. “Would that include me too?”
Sucking in a breath at the question, Catherine’s hand moved to place one on Jace’s cheek. Tenderly caressing the smooth skin and the other lower to the protruding belly that held the growing new life. “Jace Bardley, I thought you already knew everything about me?” the quiet response waiting for affirmation.
“No! No, not yet, but Catherine Warriorson, I intend to.  If it takes a lifetime or two, I’m going to know everything that’s in your heart and soul. Then we have the other lifetimes to just enjoy the different facets of you,” her voice growing husky as she contemplated all the years it would take to delve into the complex woman before her. She was going to enjoy it all!
“Pleased to hear that. For I intend to do the same with you to Jace.  I want an eternity of this loving. I’ve waited far to long for it to leave me earlier than that!” Catherine replied and she heard the indrawn sigh from the smaller woman and felt the trembling hand on her cheek.
“I…I don’t know what to say?” Jace was at a loss for words.
“Don’t say anything darling. I’ll accept a kiss instead. Isn’t that what all princess’s receive as a good will gesture?”
 Jace laughed at the insinuation and proceeded to do so. It wasn’t one kiss though, several in fact, pleasing both women.

‘Was I ever your knight in shining armour Catherine? Because since the day I met you, I’ve felt you’ve been mine. I know you have to our children. So Sir Knight, don’t let the dragons keep you away to long, we need you too,’ Jace thought, as she gazed at the child who was restless again and moaning something incoherent.

Judy walked into the room quietly and smiled at Jace and placed the tray of coffee and small cakes that the woman loved down on the table in the room.

“I see she’s sleeping at last. I’m glad you’re back Jace.” Judy said sincerely and at the same time, her eyes held sympathy for the child.

“Thanks. I’ll take her in with me later Judy, when she wakes and Elena also.  That way you and Faith can have some sleep.” Jace stated softly.

“But what about you?” Judy asked.  Jace didn’t exactly look refreshed to her she actually looked downright tired.

“Oh, I find it difficult to sleep alone now. So it will probably help me too.” Jace didn’t see the red stain that came over the other woman’s cheeks at her confession, her eyes transfixed on her daughter’s face.

“Okay, see you later perhaps.” Judy replied and left the room in haste, not wanting to admit she had been embarrassed at Jace’s admission.

As Judy left the room, Lisa opened her eyes and looked about her in a distracted fashion. Then she saw Jace and quickly moved in the bed and engulfed her in a tight hug.

“Mom you’re back?” the child’s voice hoarse with the crying and probably the illness itself.

Jace was astonished not at the hug, but the words that Lisa had used in welcome. She had called her Mom? Or was she still disorientated and thought her own deceased mother? “Hi Princess, How are you feeling?” Turning the child in her arms so she could see the red rimmed blue eyes.

Lisa looked at her with love shining there and a quiet acceptance that everything would be all right now.

“I will be better now you’re home, is Catherine here too?”

Jace shook her head at the child, “Sorry darling. Catherine had to stay a little longer, but she wanted me to tell you that she loves you, she’s thinking about you and that she will be home soon.” Let’s hope she never got called on that last comment.

The child appeared happy with that and hugged Jace tighter. “Lisa you called me Mom? Are you missing your Mom?” Jace asked tentatively.

Lisa looked at her tears starting to sparkle in her eyes, had she done wrong. “Is it okay? You are my Mom though aren’t you? You’re going to be here forever and look after us Jace, as Catherine said.”

“Catherine said did she? Well, darling I would be proud for you to call me Mom. And you are my daughter Lisa, so it fits don’t you think?” Jace was puzzled when had Catherine said that little gem?

“Thanks Mom. My spots hurt real bad and I have a headache too.” The child said in a pathetic voice, which Jace tried to soothe with a few words and then looked over at the table and the medication left there. She called down to Judy and asked if it was okay to give Lisa more medication. For some reason she felt like she had been given a gift today and by the god’s she had. She had gained a daughter and it hadn’t needed any government approval either!


Catherine paced the apartment. Her nerves were frazzled at not hearing from Jace. Surely she would be home now! Okay, so she could call, but…well she had a vague feeling that her call wouldn’t be welcome.

Catherine went over to the large window overlooking the park. There she observed the lovers strolling hand in hand, and the flock of ducks waddling by the wooden jetty that had two punts moored there. This time of year people went boating in the early evening. Usually young lovers, if the clothes were anything to go by, for it was difficult to see anything distinctly from the elevated position of the apartment. Her hand went unconsciously to the solid gold locket around her neck. She gently released the catch around the chain and held the object in the palm of her hand. A smile traced her lips as she recalled being given the present at Christmas, a reminder Jace had beamed…yes, a reminder and one she had ignored conveniently. The smile disappeared at her thoughts.

Catherine clicked open the locket and looked intently at the three children held within it’s beautiful casing. A very suitable setting for their three children, but then again didn’t any proud parent think that? No, some didn’t.  Jake’s parent a prime example. They had only cared about themselves and when the next drink was coming and where. Not surprising kids end up on the wrong side of the law or into drugs. More than likely taking off into the unknown alone and that could lead to god only knows in this material world. Wasn’t it true anything was for sale, if the right price was offered? Hell she knew that. She’d offered the right price too many in the past. It hadn’t all been about money! Her eyes strayed as they always did and she suspected always would to the opposite one, which held the happy countenance of her partner.

“Got to hand it to you Jace. You have made me think about giving up Xianthos and this time I might just do it too!” Catherine spoke the words softly in the empty room.

But the room hadn’t been empty; Constance had been watching the taller woman for several minutes, fascinated at the changing features over the usually still and devoid of expression face that usually was seen in New York.

“I’m sorry for eavesdropping, but would you really give it up for her?”

Catherine turned at the voice and wanted to glare at the woman who had interrupted what she felt, was a very private moment in her own home.

“How long have you been up?” Catherine asked not certain she was going to answer the original question.

Constance shook her still damp hair for effect, “About half an hour. Thought I’d take a shower before we eat.”

“Are you feeling better?” Catherine asked the woman she certainly looked better than twenty-four hours ago. That sight had been a nightmare.

“Surprisingly, yes. Thanks for making me see sense about going to the office. It helped.” Constance replied sincerely to the tall woman who merely quirked an eyebrow in her direction at the comment.

“My pleasure. The answer to your original question is – frankly, I don’t know.” Catherine tenderly shut the casing of the locket and replaced it around her neck.

“That’s very beautiful.” Constance said as her eyes watched her boss replace the jewellery around her neck.

“Yes, it is. Jace gave me it as a reminder of the family. I think she must have had a premonition perhaps that we would be parted for a while.” Catherine expelled a deep breath, while quietly her mind digesting what she had just admitted aloud.

“Well, surely it’s only a short parting. Children are rarely sick for long and then they will join you.” Constance looked at the now pensive profile. Had she hit a sore spot here by accident?

“Perhaps they will. Then again the children might want to stay home. They have friends, schools the familiar background of home. It might not be good for them to spend a year or whatever here in the city. Hell, I know where I’d rather be!” Catherine answered absently; Constance had the distinct impression that she wasn’t talking directly to her at all.

“But Jace will be here at least.” Constance wasn’t sure if the woman was listening.

Catherine turned to the woman and pierced her with a cold glance the ice blue of her eyes glacial and un-welcoming.

“You think that the children would appreciate both parents leaving them? Wouldn’t that make us temporary parents only? Being there when we saw fit, not when they needed us?” A lesson taught they say and here she was trying to help Constance.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Never thought about it really. I’ve always put my work first!” Constance replied and it was the first time she’d admitted her own shortcomings in the personal stakes and it shook her visibly.

Catherine saw the woman wince at her own statement.

“You okay?”

Constance turned tearful eyes towards the inquiring ice blue ones and she shook her head.

“No. No, I don’t think I am!” it was a solemn recognition of her own failings.

Catherine placed a comforting hand on the darker woman’s shoulder, “Yes, I know what you mean. Come on we both need to eat. Then I have a call to make to my family. I also have an idea that might help us both.”

“I’m all for that Catherine, anything that can help is going to go down well with me.” Constance followed the taller woman to the kitchen and the meal that had been left for them by the housekeeper.


Jace had showered and stood in a thin cotton robe watching over her two sick girls. Lisa had settled down almost immediately when they moved her into Jace and Catherine’s room. She was now asleep snuggled up to the giant ‘Taz’ in the king size bed. Elena had been sleeping most of the time she’d been home, only waking up for a brief few minutes for mother and daughter to have a tearful reunion. Now she too was asleep in the small bed, which was going to be moved shortly into the new bedroom that was currently being decorated.

The first phase of the house renovations had been finally finished after several hiccups two weeks ago and the decorators had been working overtime to have the rooms finished on schedule.

Smiling tenderly at the girls, Jace wondered how she had been so lucky to have all of this love she felt around her, with it appearing to have been handed to her so easily. Okay, she and Catherine had the initial bumps along the way, but the love of the children and that even included Jake these days, which was something that she thought needed to be earned…and yet, it was freely given by them. Although she had the feeling that Jake and she had some way to go before he felt that she wouldn’t leave again and break Catherine’s heart. What would happen if the reverse occurred and it was Catherine doing the leaving and breaking all their hearts? That was one thought that she never, ever wanted to contemplate as she glanced at the clock on the wall. It would be around eight p.m. in New York.  Catherine would be in the apartment. She had to be!

Settling down in the easy chair in the room next to the desk which she and Catherine shared for private letters, as well as when Jace wrote her poetry in the journal that had been placeed between the bookends that looked like a stack of books in copper. The phone call shouldn’t disturb the sleeping children if she kept her voice at a low volume. Dialling the number quickly, she waited for the pick up.

Within the space of a minute the connection was made and a breathless voice answered.

“Hello Devonshire speaking.” Catherine’s voice impersonal waiting before she changed her tone dependent on the caller. Jace had seen it hundreds of times and it always made her smile inwardly.

“Catherine, it’s Jace.” Jace spoke quietly, her eyes skimming both the children.

“Jace, you okay? How long have you been home? Are the children okay?” Catherine wanted to know everything and yet, she didn’t. It was enough that her partner was at the end of the line.

“Catherine hold up. Everything is okay. The children are sick, but now asleep in our room here with me.” Jace answered the one question that was important, anything else irrelevant.

“Jace are the decorators done in the house?” Catherine asked out of the blue. It both amazed and angered Jace, wasn’t she interested in the children at all.

“I don’t understand?” a choked reply from Jace, which caused a puzzled frown to appear on Catherine’s forehead.

“What’s not to understand Jace, are the decorators complete with the new house renovations?” Catherine repeated the question. Jace must be tired.

“I don’t believe what I’m hearing Catherine. I tell you about the children and you ask if the decorators are done. What sort of unfeeling…monster are you?” Jace angrily replied. This was not happening, this was definitely not the Catherine she had come to know and love in the last three years.

Catherine smote a fist to her brow, ‘Christ how stupid could I be.’ “Jace? Please Jace, you don’t understand there is a reason for asking.”

Jace heard the plea in the words, but Catherine had taken her for granted in the understanding stakes for the last time on this subject.

“Reason? Yes there’s always a reason. It usually has something to do with that Hades of a place called Xianthos! I tell you Catherine you’re priorities are way off course and if you don’t realise that then we have nothing more to discuss.”

Catherine wasn’t happy about the tirade from her partner. She hadn’t deserved it either.  Jace hadn’t given her a chance to explain. Now why the bloody hell should she!

“Fine! The kids are sick, but okay. You arrive home safe, the house isn’t on fire and everything in the garden is rosy, is that it?” Catherine answered petulantly.

Jace heard the childish response that was also typical Catherine. “Now you put it like that, yes, that about covers it!” Jace retorted with her own childish response.

“Well, in that case my suggestion of having Constance come to stay with us, and I run the business from home, doesn’t seem to have any merit now does it?” Catherine spat out from her end of the line. Damned if she did, damned if she didn’t, was the expression that crossed her mind, not for the first time recently.

Jace looked at the receiver in her hand and she momentarily lost track of any response to the idea that would solve all their problems that Catherine had just stated in anger.

“I guess that was a stupid suggestion. Well I have a corporation to run and it needs me, even if no one else does.” Catherine ended the call abruptly after waiting in vane for Jace to say something to her suggestion for several minutes.

Jace looked at the dumb instrument in her hand. It reminded her of how easily something so wonderful like the connection to Catherine regardless of the thousands of miles, could suddenly cease. Wasn’t that what she’d done with the conversation she was having with her partner. She had been dumb! Putting her hand out, she tried to get another line attempting to call Catherine back, when Elena screamed and that woke up a startled Lisa.  Jace was now torn between her duty to her sick children and her misunderstanding with Catherine. The hesitation was momentary, Catherine would have to wait, and the children needed her more. She would explain to Catherine, her partner would understand, she always did.

Catherine paced the floor of her study in the apartment and waited. She continued to wait and wait, but after half an hour, she knew that the call she wanted and had expected wasn’t going to happen. ‘Why did it always have to be her that calls back and says I love you. This time Jace, you were out of order.’ Catherine thought her face scowling very much like a child that had been told off by mistake and was never apologised to for the error.

Constance tapped on the door and peered inside, “Sorry to disturb you Catherine, but we have a visitor.”

Catherine looked at the woman with a closed off look, her emotions now under tight control. If that’s how Jace wanted to handle a misunderstanding fine, she could be equally as unforgiving. Walking toward the other woman, she inclined her head.

“Who is it?” and turned the light off in the study as she asked the question and went to greet the visitor.


Jace had been trying to calm her daughter for over three hours and it was taking its toll on her already depleted energy levels. Her own emotional state after her altercation with Catherine wasn’t helping either. Lisa was sleeping now,  her medication kicking in and Jace was pacing the corridor at the top of the stairs with Elena giving the older child a little peace.

Faith had finally persuaded Jace that the doctor should be called. The baby had a higher temperature than before and it worried her. Having now done so, she watched with sympathy as Jace tried to soothe her child with gentle kisses and tender cradling to her body. Mounting the stairs trying not to disturb the baby anymore than was necessary, she looked at the drained blonde woman. There was more to it than just the baby Faith was sure of that. The woman had no spirit in her, it was as if a light had been extinguished.

“Would you like me to take her Jace? You need to rest if only for a few minutes. When the doctor arrives, I’ll call you?” Faith stated steadily.

Jace looked at the tearstained face of the small child held securely in her arms as she turned grateful green eyes to Grace’s mother, who had in effect become a surrogate mother to her too!

“Thanks Faith, but I hardly think I’ll sleep or rest. And I might disturb Lisa.”

The older woman looked at her with compassion. “Have you informed Catherine of the turn of events?”

Jace’s face became haunted and she shook her head, “I haven’t had the time Faith. We had a difference of opinion earlier. I then had the problem with Elena. So, no, she doesn’t know.”

Faith now knew the reason for the lack of enthusiasm in the woman. “Well, why not call her now.  I’ll take Elena until you’ve finished. What do you say?”

“It’s late there Faith, she might be sleeping.” Jace responded pathetically.

“My dear, if there is one thing I’ve found out in this house, is that if Catherine isn’t close to you, she never stops her wandering, never mind sleep, that is never an option. She’ll be waiting.” Faith stated her face showed a half smile that indicated past knowledge.

“You really think so?” Jace knew it in her heart, but sometimes the mind wouldn't let you believe the truth of it.

“I’ll tell you a secret Jace, everytime my husband went on a shift and we had a difference of opinion, I couldn’t rest until I could say I love you to him or he said it to me. You just never know when it will be the last time you can say that to someone you love. And it’s worth the shredding of any pride, trust me on that.” Faith softly responded, her own memories uppermost in her mind.

Jace starred at the older woman with a new respect. They all assumed that Faith was quite a hardheaded woman in the emotional stakes. Yet, she had just admitted to a bond that had all the ingredients that she herself shared with Catherine. Amazing what you learnt about people in the strangest of circumstances.

“Thanks Faith, I’ll go do that.” Handing over her daughter kissing her forehead as she did so and shyly she kissed Faiths cheek in appreciation of her understanding, which caused the older woman to smile briefly and then turn her attention to the baby.

Jace went down the stairs to the study and closed the door behind her. She speed dialled the apartment and waited for the call to be picked up.


Catherine was seething!

“I don’t know about you two, but I need a stiff drink.” Catherine finally said through gritted teeth, the visitor’s information far from being the bearer of good news. Catherine walked over to the cabinet that held the drinks and poured herself a shot of vodka! Sipping the drink and grimacing at the sharp taste of a spirit that she rarely drank.

Detective Kelsey looked a little nonplussed. ‘Yeah, he’d wanted to be a fly on the wall when the confrontation between the two woman and the news he had was imparted. But he hadn’t wanted to be a direct spectator or in this case, a possible referee.’ He now watched them both and wondered what would happen next.

Constance was shocked with the news the detective reported.  She’d gone even paler than she had been before. It was very difficult to say if her skin tone was even darker than Catherine’s now.

“I’ll second that.”

Catherine glared at her response and shut up the cabinet after replacing her now empty glass on the side.

Catherine strode purposefully over to stand in front of the chair Constance was sitting in, her stance menacing.

“Can you shed any light on this Constance?”

“No, I thought, well I was told that it was all covered and that it was as stated.” Constance didn’t like the strange hawk-like expression that came into the eyes above her.

“Then you were wrong! And so were the bloody useless team you sent to ensure me that no way on this planet was Hudson alive! Didn’t you promise me that?” Catherine spoke dangerously low, her body about to pounce on its prey.

“I promised yes! But, I honestly thought it was all over. What did you want me to do? Go there and find out for myself?” Constance replied. The woman was being unfair; the team she had engaged had been the best that she would find and had been recommended highly by several prominent people she knew.

“Kelsey, how accurate is the information you have? Could it be wrong?” Catherine wiped a hand across her eyes; Jesus Christ did she have to do everything herself!

“Very accurate, the woman who was on the boat wasn’t Hudson. She might have looked like her, taken her identity for whatever reason, but she wasn’t Hudson. Dental records prove it and I had a DNA test done as well.  She’s one Sally Clauser, a second rate actress out of LA.” Kelsey now wished he’d taken up the offer of a drink.

“Okay! Okay, I can deal with this.” Catherine stated in exasperation and walked over to the phone, placed a call to her private pilot in America and then one to her lawyers. As she called the lawyers she told Constance to go pack they were leaving now!

Kelsey was told he could join them if he so chose. He nodded his head agreeability. He still had time owing at work and this should prove interesting.

The lawyers were irritated at being called so late, but both realized just who paid the rent on their expensive lifestyles. Two messages had been despatched just in case, and you never knew what happened did you in certain circumstances.

Catherine contemplated a third call, but Constance arrived at that moment. It would wait she would call from the airport. Time was of the essence now and as always, time had a habit of running pretty close to the wind with her.

All three exited the apartment for the airport.


Jace had called the number a dozen times if not more and yet there was no answer. Catherine wouldn’t be out it was close on midnight!

Trying once more she was still unable to contact Catherine, perhaps she’d decided to travel home regardless? Jace’s heart beat louder at that thought; it would be another typical Catherine trait and one that Jace would dearly love to behold.

After calling the operator to check the line, she finally replaced the receiver just as a knock came on the door. Judy entered the study and saw the drawn features of the blonde. She looked haggard which was the only expression that Judy could summon at her appearance.

“The doctors here Jace,” the woman said softly and wondered if the doctor might not be seeing the wrong patient.

“Thanks Judy I’ll be right out.” Jace smiled at her weakly and turned back to the phone for one more try. ‘Hades where are you when I need you darling? Coming home on a white charger, or even a grey one about now would be welcome. I love you Catherine. Please come home.”

Jace saw a single tear drop onto the polished surface of the desk and her heart was heavy as she left the room to see the doctor.


Catherine had discussed the flight plans for the small aircraft with the pilot. He had said that the flight would take them fifteen hours with a stop over, which he would have to make in LA.

“How long will we be in LA Doug?” Catherine asked the middle-aged pilot who had worked for the corporation for over twenty years. She knew that he had stories about her father that he’d tried to share years ago, but a look from her glacial eyes on the subject had ensured that he kept them to himself.

The older man looked at her and stroked his chin that had a small goatee beard, well clipped and just slightly peppered with grey hair within it’s auburn hair.

“I’d say you would have two hours, maybe three, if I can’t get an immediate take off slot. Is that a problem?” The man asked. He had cause to ask the question, if the famous Devonshire temper exploded, because she didn’t have all the facts you certainly got to hear about it personally.

“Excellent Doug, I need to see someone in LA. It might help out a difficult domestic situation I have.” Catherine shook her head and was about to turn and go back to the others in her party when the pilot spoke.

“I want to just say Ms. Devonshire that I was pleased at the news of your marriage.” The man looked down at his highly polished shoes as he spoke.

Catherine looked at the man with a serious expression. He had never ever been any more than professional in his attitude to her and she was surprised that he said what he did.

“Thanks, I’ll pass on the congratulations to my wife when I next see her.” Catherine answered. Her mind now focused on the one person she still had to talk to personally and would you believe, it was the most important one too!

Doug nodded his head and turned on his heal and walked towards the plane and the pre-flight checks.

Catherine watched him walk away and she stood silently in the same spot he’d left her. Her mind contemplating what she was doing. Did she even know herself? Her hand went up and moved away a few strands of her raven hair that had become loose from her ponytail arrangement. Smiling wryly she noticed that it wasn’t just the sides of her hair that were changing colour, the rest appeared to be going down that track with a vengeance. Maybe she should consider a colour change, then again wasn’t it supposed to be kind of distinctive to be grey? Turning away from her position, she looked around the area for a phone booth. Now would be a good time to have a cell phone.  However, she hadn’t bothered with another one since the episode in the hotel, what was it two years ago or more like three, wherever did the time go?

Constance looked at the slowly moving figure of her boss walking towards them. Her eyes seemed to be the scanning the area for something, but what?

“I was surprised she didn’t take you down when she heard the news Ms. Waverly?” Kelsey said from his leaning position at the open doorway of the airport.

Constance looked at the small man and she shrugged. “Catherine will no doubt have her reasons. I’m sure I will pay in some way for my lack of attention to detail.”

“You didn’t lack anything Ms. Waverly. At the time your team were looking, it wouldn’t have been possible to do the things I did. The local police had it under wraps and they didn’t know anymore than your people, believe me.” Kelsey retorted. He was in a way sorry for the rather pale-featured woman who looked ill, rather different from when he last saw her.

“Well it doesn’t matter now. We are off doing god knows what and she’s not likely to tell us either the mood she’s in.” Constance replied her eyes quietly watching the ever-closer approaching figure of Catherine Devonshire.

“Oh, I know what she’s going to do, with your quick intelligence Ms. Waverly, I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet.”

“Kelsey, give me a break here…tell me if you know what she’s going to do next?” Constance looked at the man her eyes enquiring.

Kelsey looked at the tall woman approaching them and smiled wryly. “We are going to Hawaii to check out my story to her satisfaction and then she’s going to track down Ms. Hudson, simple really.”

“But how will she track Hudson?” Constance said in a disbelieving tone.

“Now that, I wouldn’t know, but I’m sure the esteemed Ms. Devonshire has several ideas. I think it might just involve the both of us too.” Kelsey smiled at the woman and chuckled as her gaze went towards the subject of the conversation, as she didn’t look happy either.

“Anyone know where there is a phone in this airport?” Catherine asked in a tone that signified annoyance.

“Yeah. Over in the corner by the window.” Kelsey pointed to the spot and watched as she made her way over without comment.

Catherine dialled her home number and waited, she tapped a well-manicured finger on the keypad as she waited.

“Hello Destiny Ranch, how may I help you?” a voice that was familiar and yet not the one she wanted answered the call.

“Judy?” Catherine asked politely.

“Yes, is that you Mrs. Warriorson?” Judy asked.

“Yes, is Jace there by any chance.” A stupid question but….

“Well, actually she’s…” Judy never finished the comment, there was a shout at the other end and disembodied voices speaking.

“Sorry Judy, I have to go, tell Jace I’ll be in touch and that I…hope the children are feeling better.” Catherine said and ended the call abruptly. Doug had been given the green light to take off immediately, they had to board the plane now or wait another three hours.

“No problem, but Jace is at the hospital and no the kids aren’t any better.” Judy said quietly to the dead tone of the phone she held in her hand and shook her head as she went back to her vigilance over Lisa.

Jace and Faith had taken Elena to the hospital after the doctor’s visit. The child’s temperature was too high and she could have complications.

Catherine was disappointed at not being able to speak to Jace if only for a few seconds, but when she arrived in LA, she would remedy that problem for they had three hours to kill. Walking swiftly to the open doorway of the aircraft, she considered forgetting everything and just going home…how good that sounded, but what was home with that homicidal maniac still around. Hudson had to be defeated once and for all. It was the only way for her peace of mind. Jace would understand and if she didn’t well…they had eternity to work it out. Her fingers clutch the locket around her neck and she sent up a silent prayer that all was well at home and mounted the steps to enter the aircraft.

Continued in Part 11

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