~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Eleven
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Sixteen:

Jace watched them put her daughter into a small tent contraption and held a hand to her mouth to stifle the sobs that threatened to engulf her. Faith watched helplessly, as the young woman had to go through even more trauma!

The doctor hadn’t said anything specific. They had to wait for the test results to confirm the situation, but he said the equipment they had placed around her daughter would help her breathing.

“I can’t believe this is happening Faith. She’s so young. She won’t die will she?” Jace whispered to the older woman awash with the emotional turmoil that was taking over her body. The usual tears that were a trait of Jace had dried up. There was just nothing left in her body. She was drained to the point of complete exhaustion.

“Don’t worry Jace, Elena will be fine. She’s a very strong little girl you know. She takes after Catherine in that, don’t you think?” Faith tried to pass a sorry joke and was rewarded with an even more anguished look from those startlingly expressive green eyes.

“I need her here Faith. Why isn’t she here with me? Everything is always okay, when she is here. Catherine makes sure of it. I need her Faith, I want her here!” Jace choked out and this time Faith had no hesitation she pulled the small blonde into a warm comforting hug, it might not be Catherine, but it sure helped her, as her own tears surfaced and she couldn’t stop them falling.

“I’m sure she’s coming home Jace. Catherine knows her family needs her she will come. I’m sure of it.” Faith crooned into the blonde’s head that was laid on her shoulder.

“She better Faith. She had better come home. Because this is far more important, our family, and I want her to understand that, I really do!” Jace whispered and watched as the nurse checked her daughter’s temperature once again and sat down to take her vigil over the child. Mother and ‘grandmother’ watched in silence, both taking what little comfort they could from each other.


Catherine had left Constance and Kelsey to their own devices as she’d left them in the LA airport and said she would be back within two hours. Doug had said that there would be a three hour delay, but that would be all!

Arriving at Jace’s parents home for only the second time, she dismissed the taxi driver. She walked up the concrete drive to the steps of the porch, a clear memory of the first time when Rio being her guide on that occasion. Stepping close to the door, she pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to answer. She hoped they would, if she was the praying sort of person, she was praying they would.

Within a couple of minutes the door swung open and Jace’s father stood there, his face had a surprised expression, which quickly changed to one of warmth as he said hello and waived her inside.

“Jason I haven’t much time and I needed to talk to you. Have you a few moments?” Catherine sounded desperate to his ears and he wondered just what would make this woman upset and the only thing he could think of was his daughter.

“Yes! Yes, of course. Please Catherine, come into the study.” He opened a door on the left-hand side of the hall and she preceded him in the room.

Taking a chair opposite the walnut desk that had seen better days, but looked like it was well used and well loved probably, “Jason, I need to go away and clear up an important matter. It’s personal business and it could mean I’ll be away for a long time.”

Jason sat down heavily in the chair at the desk and leaned his elbows on the polished surface and looked at her with interest.

“Well, that happens I suppose but what has that to do with me?” his mind naturally went to the children.

“Jason you have experience in the publishing business and don’t give me a ‘little’ for we both know it’s rather more than that. I need you to run my corporation for me until I come back. Would you consider it?” Catherine asked her father-in-law solemnly.

Jason was taken aback by the offer what was the woman saying? “I don’t understand Catherine? You have a President of Operations surely?”

“Yes. Yes, I do. However, she’s coming with me and she’s ill at the moment as well. So, it would have been impossible for her to continue. Will you do it Jason? It’s important to me!” Catherine was pleading, she didn’t have much time and she certainly needed an answer now.

“How much time will you allow me to answer this?” Jason asked his mind in a chaotic jumble.

“No time at all I’m afraid. I need the answer now.” Catherine said quietly but with conviction.

“I haven’t performed any executive work for years. Well, since yours swallowed up my company. How do you know I’d do it justice?” Jason asked a very valid point he thought.

Catherine looked at him with a serious expression and then answered the question. “Well, if you’re anything like your daughter with tenacity, you will do okay in Xianthos. Let’s face it Jason, the company will eventually pass to your grandchildren. What better reason to keep it intact, wouldn’t you say?”

Jason chuckled at the words, “What better reason indeed Catherine. Okay. You have your man. What do you want me to do next?”

“I need you to go to New York and take over literally. The VP Lee Western will welcome the help believe me. And between the two of you, I’m sure the American operation will run smoothly. A little later today I will email you details of the entire senior staff and a copy of the memo I will send to all the worldwide VP’s of your appointment. My instructions are mandatory in my company Jason, so feel free to give them hell if they need it. Rita Tuscany will be your PA. She will set you on the correct course if you accidentally veer off. You can trust her explicitly. I do.” Catherine spoke quickly and precisely for time was of the essence.

“How long will you be gone? Is Jace going with you?” Jason asked curiously.

“No, Jace will stay home. The two girls have the measles and she’s doing the sick duty I’m afraid, as to how long? Well, what’s that saying ‘how long is a piece of string’ that about sums up this little mission I’m afraid. If Alison hasn’t any plans, I thought maybe she might want to go and visit Jace and the grandchildren?” Catherine asked the last part of the sentence tentatively.

The older man looked at her and smiled, “Sounds a good idea to me. That will keep her from spending all my money in New York shopping.”

Catherine smiled briefly and got up from the chair.

 “I have to go Jason, my flight will be going shortly. I’m sorry to have to burden you with this task, but I think you’re the only one I can trust with it and not have to watch my back.”

“Then I sincerely hope everything works out for us both.” Jason said and followed her out to the door.

“Hell, I need a taxi!” Catherine said her mind obviously on a thousand and one other things.

“How about I drive you back to the airport. That way, you can fill me in on some more details.” He picked up his car keys and snatched up a jacket from the coat rack. Catherine acknowledged the assistance and they went outside for the short ride to the airport.


Jake looked out at the rain that literally poured from every surface it could find and splashed down in large droplets onto the ground.
Grace had been up half the night talking and crying with Colin and he hadn’t dared get out of bed and ask, it might just be a small argument. After all his parents had often had them, but theirs had been very loud and he’d often ended up with a black eye or two for trying to find out what was going on. This time he wasn’t going to do that. Although he knew that deep down Colin and Grace wouldn’t hurt him just as he knew that Catherine and Jace wouldn’t either. Now it was early morning and he’d heard movement in the kitchen and decided that it was time he found out what was going on.

“Morning.” The boy said quietly as he saw a very tired and pale looking Grace sitting with her head propped up on one hand and the other around what was probably a cup of coffee. Colin was making some breakfast and he turned and gave the boy a bright smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes and they became sad as they settled on his wife.

“Morning Jake, will cereal and toast suffice this morning. I’ll take you in town later for lunch and maybe dinner, okay with you?” Colin asked him as Jake walked over to where Grace was seated and he gently placed a quick kiss on her cheek, smiled slowly at her and sat down opposite her on one of the pine kitchen chairs.

Grace gave him a startled look, stunned that he had kissed her, but she shouldn’t have been really, for the boy was very astute. He did give out affection when he felt someone needed it badly enough. “Thanks Jake, good morning.” Grace smiled weakly at him.

Colin glanced at the exchange and he smiled at the view from the window that boy was going to break people’s hearts when he was older without a doubt.

“Jake we have some news about the girls.” Colin began to speak and was stopped as Grace stood up and placed a hand on his arm to stop.

“Colin, I’ll explain to Jake. Please, you finish preparing the breakfast for you both.” She looked into his grey eyes and her own brown one passed a secret message of grateful thanks and love. He nodded his head and watched her return to her seat opposite the boy. “Jake as you know the girls have the measles and that was under control with the doctor, but…well, Elena last night developed a complication, which we don’t know as yet exactly what that is, but we will, we will!” She wasn’t sure whom she was trying to convince here. “Jace is at the hospital with my mother. Judy is looking after Lisa, but I wanted you to know that everything is being done that can. We have to wait.” Grace finally finished and waited for the boy’s reaction to her words.

Jake gave her a long serious look from hazel eyes that appeared to hold wisdom way past his age and that wasn’t the first time Grace had felt that with the boy.

“Catherine should come home.” Jake responded quietly.

Grace sighed heavily at that statement and the boy was mirroring her own reaction to Catherine’s absence, and Jace’s reluctance to talk to her about the missing significant other parent.

“I’m sure she has her reasons for not being here Jake. But, you know her she turns up, she always turns up.”

“Yes. But what if Elena doesn’t get better and she’s not here. She should be Grace, she should be!” The boy had a few tears glistening on his dark eyelashes and they splattered onto the cereal that had been put before him moments earlier.

He loved his youngest sister, no he loved them both, but Elena was special. She had been born, as their sister, not pushed together as he and Lisa had.

Grace saw the anguish in the boy. This time she stepped around the table and pulled him into a hug and gently stroked his dark head. “Shhh Jake, Elena will get better and who knows Catherine might walk through the door anytime now, she likes surprising us doesn’t she?”

Jake gulped back a small sob and he turned his eyes to the window and the view he had of the ranch house and it appeared peaceful and belied the troubled events taking place with it’s residents.

‘Catherine please come home.’ The boy pleaded silently his eyes roaming restlessly over the quiet scene as Grace held him in a comforting hug.


Catherine had given Jason Bardley the key to her private office in New York. People would certainly know that he was in charge if he ensconced himself in the medium sized office. The significance of the person holding the key to the room in the company gave the impression it was in fact three times the actual size, when you had to venture inside. You never knew if you would get out alive or that had been the rumour for years. Many had been severely marred by the experience. Others had experienced dreams come true also. So, it was all in why you had to be in there in the first place.

Constance looked at the still stoic expression on Catherine’s face and wondered if she should talk to her. She really wanted to know what they would be doing next. She knew that they were headed for Hawaii, but that was about it! Taking a deep breath, she turned her head and looked directly at the tall raven-haired woman who was concentrating on a single piece of paper, she looked engrossed.

“Catherine?” ice blue eyes turned to hers and they had that mixed look of annoyance, warmth and tenderness, which quickly disappeared as Catherine fully focused on the person, who requested her attention.

“Yes!” the one word sharp and clipped annoyance now the element in control.

“Sorry to bother you, but what exactly are we going to do when we arrive at our destination.” Constance asked softly, she wished now that she hadn’t bothered the older woman.

“Do? Do Constance? We are going to clear up a matter that my father left me in his will. That is what we’re going to do.” Catherine returned her attention back to the paper she held gently in her hands.

“I don’t understand Catherine.” Constance said watching the raven hair fall over her face and the long tapered fingers of the woman’s right hand move it away from her left eye.

Catherine looked up once again and lifted her left eyebrow to her forehead, “No you wouldn’t.”

Constance had the distinct impression that, that was the end of the conversation as Catherine went back to her study of the paper she kept tenderly touching with her long fingers. Must be some paper she can’t seem to get enough of it. Turning back in her chair, she noticed that Kelsey was dozing in the seat on the other side of the corridor. She stood up and went over to the portable coffee machine and prepared a beverage to her taste. She really did miss not having a drink, but she had the distinct impression that if she survived this escapade with Catherine, that booze and drugs would be a thing of the past.

Catherine had been annoyed at the interruption by Constance as she read words her partner had written on their honeymoon. Had it really been over six months ago? It certainly didn’t feel that long; the time had passed that quickly.

I see you as no one else in the world does,
Let us celebrate this love.
Your hair runs wildly without a care,
My fingers will always wander there.
Your eyes look lonely to the shore,
Please remember the home they’re looking for.
A smile that takes a pensive stance,
Let it find mine reflecting a happy dance.
The voice that speaks with such regret,
Seek the match that brings you peace.
Your body turns to me with hope,
Mine will take you to ecstasy.
Your face now close to mine asking me to love you through eternity,
My lips seal that question with a kiss.
As I smile and hold you to my heart,
I gaze into the very eyes that oh, so long ago captured my very soul.
All my love Catherine,

‘That’s it! I can’t go any further without speaking to her, no way.’ Catherine thought her mind finally diffusing the insidious beckoning that had effectively ruined her first marriage. She’d made a promise to Jace, and this time she wasn’t going to let Xianthos take her life from her again.

“I need to make a phone call Constance. Kelsey can you and Constance check out something for me if I give you all the details?” The tall woman stood up abruptly from her seat and spoke fearlessly as she strode towards the door to the pilot.

“What…yeah sure Ms. Devonshire, whatever you want.” Kelsey spluttered as he was awaked from his doze by the sharp words. Constance looked startled at the sudden words and movement and nodded her head.

“Excellent, I’ll be back shortly.”

Opening the door to the interior that housed the pilot, Doug looked at her with a quizzical frown.

“Doug, I know we don’t have a communication port for personal calls on this aircraft, but just this once, can we contact my home, so I can speak to my wife?” Catherine sat down at the vacant seat next to him and she saw his smile.

“Certainly can Ms. Devonshire, I have on occasion talked to the wife myself, when the first grandchild was due, wasn’t sure if it was her baby or our daughters. She had such a fit about it all.” The older man chuckled as he recalled his own memories and set about the communications adjustment to allow the personal call.

Within a short space of time the connection was made and although Catherine would have preferred privacy, she knew that Doug would be discreet.

“Destiny can I help you?” Judy Schmidt asked breathlessly as she made it to the hall as quickly as possible. She really must ask Catherine to put an extension in the kitchen, it was absurd this running to the hall.

“Judy?” Catherine asked. Shit! Once again Jace hadn’t answered.

“Yes, Ms. Warriorson.” Judy responded and smiled briefly as a thought crossed her mind ‘talk about the devil.’

“Can I speak to Jace, please Judy?” Catherine asked quietly.

Judy sucked in a breath at that question, what did she say? “Ms. Warriorson, Jace isn’t here.”

Catherine looked at her watch and noticed that the time at home would be around eight a.m., where the hell could she be? “Where is Jace please, I need to talk to her.”

“She’s at the hospital.” Judy said quietly.

“WHAT! Judy why? Is she hurt? Are the kids sicker than she said? Is it Grace? For god’s sake Judy why is she there?” Catherine sent so many questions down the line that even the pilot next to her winced at the number.

“Elena….” Before Judy could say more she heard her boss talking to someone else.

“Take this fucking tin can back to LA Doug, I want the jet ready and waiting when I get there, and I want clearance for immediate take off. Pay the bastards off if you have to.” Catherine’s voice was harsh and anyone who dared question it wouldn’t have a head.

“Catherine listen to me?” Judy demanded.

“What…what my daughter is ill, so I need to be home, that’s it Judy.” Catherine said finally.

“Jace will want to talk to you. She has a cell with her. Please call her.” Judy said to the distraught woman.

“Fine, give me the number.”

Judy cringed at the tone of the demand and wondered how people worked with her. She did as she was asked and expected the call to end, but it didn’t.

“Judy how is Lisa and Jake?” the voice softer now and definitely a far cry from her previous one.

“Jake is with Grace and Colin. He knows what is going on, but he’s upset he isn’t allowed to see Lisa.  But he loves Grace and Colin and it’s working out. Lisa is upset. She’s happier with Jace home. She …well she just wants to get well.” Judy explained no point in saying that Lisa was crying for Catherine when Jace left for the hospital.

“Judy you tell my children I’m coming home. Tell them that please. It’s important!” Catherine requested as her voice choked.

“Will do. See you home soon.” Judy said and heard the connection go dead. She decided that Rio should keep Lisa company and sure enough the dog was there at her feet, uncanny canine this one was without a doubt.

Catherine looked at the pilot and he smiled affectionately at her, she thought that rather strange.

“Sorry Doug I need another call.”

“Sure thing Ms. Devonshire, I will get you the connection. I’ve confirmed a spot in LA and the jet is waiting for you. Andy has a half hour window when we get there. Will that do?” Doug smiled at her she was so like her father if only she would listen to the odd story or two. Her dad was a great guy even if he was English.

Catherine was impressed and it showed in the smile she gave, “Thanks Doug,” she waited for the connection.


 “I’m not going to do this George.” Althea said with conviction.

“No? How can you stop it?” George asked his sister and watched as the thoughtful gaze went over the blue of the Aegean Sea.

“Easy, I’m going to say no!” Althea said her mind made up.

“No!” George said in anguish.

“George there comes a time when we have to stand up against the injustices of life and I’m afraid we are that George.” Althea asserted, sure of her statement.

“I love you Althea, but she will kill you for certain, for you know too much.” George pleaded with his younger sister.

“Yes, and I will welcome death if that is my fate. But George I cannot kill someone in cold blood it is barbaric and wrong you must surely see that?” Althea asked her brother in desperation.

“No! I do not have the life you have Althea. I have a life that mama gave me and I respect her choices.” George said with conviction.

Althea brought a hand up to her face and smothered the sob that came to her lips. Her brother was so…so tied to their mother it was unreal. God, what would it take? “I do not understand George and don’t think I ever will. However, I must do what I must do and take the consequences of those actions.”

George looked at his sister and sighed heavily. “Yes, Althea I know and I wish you well in your endeavours.”

“Even if it means that you might suffer?”

“Yes, I love you Althea never forget that.”

“I will not forget and I love you also George please remember that every day that you live, no matter what……I love you!” Althea spoke softly.

“I know Althea, I know.” He pulled his younger sister into an embrace. It showed the brotherly love he had for the girl that would always be the child he had watched grow up and play on the sands below the balcony they were now standing on.

Althea sank into the embrace knowing in her heart that it might be her last.

The sea was a deep blue and the sands were golden and as one looked out upon the picture. It gave you the impression of calm. Yes, it was a calm, a calm before the storm!


Catherine waited for the connection and shifted in her seat several times much to the amusement of the other occupant of the flight cabin.

“There you go Ms. Devonshire. We have a connection.” Doug said with a smile.

“Thanks.” Catherine replaced the headpiece and waited for the call pick up.

“Hello?” Jace’s voice was so quiet Catherine wasn’t even sure it was hers.

“Jace?” Catherine asked and almost kicked herself, for deep down she knew her lover’s voice, it was etched in her heart.

“Catherine is it really you?” Jace asked with wonder in her voice.

“Yes, darling it’s me. How are you and Elena….” Catherine floundered as she said the words.

“Catherine, I’m fine don’t worry.” Jace answered and was met by a quick retort.

“I love you Jace. I’m sorry I didn’t come with you. I’m coming home. I promise.” The broken words echoed in the small confines of the cabin.

“Catherine it’s okay, Elena has asthma. She had an allergic reaction to the drugs and it brought on an asthma attack. But she’s going to be okay.” Jace said to assure her lover.

“I…I should be there not flying round the world looking for ghosts.” Catherine said her tone low and full of remorse.

“Darling it’s okay, believe me, it’s okay. What ghosts Catherine?” Jace asked wearily. Was there ever going to be a time that they didn’t have some foe to fight?

“I think that will wait until I get home Jace.” Catherine answered bleakly.

“Tell me now Catherine, please?” Jace knew that Catherine would never have said a ghost unless she meant it in the physical form that could hurt them.

“Hudson isn’t dead?” Catherine answered her voice at a tone that was barely audible over the phone.

“Hudson is alive? You said she was dead Catherine. What’s going on?” Jace asked. Her mind now trying to struggle with another problem and she really was in no condition to do so.

“That’s a long story Jace, but I’m coming home, Constance and detective Kelsey can work on my theory.” Catherine answered in a tone that brooked no further comment.

“Catherine, it’s important to you to see this out isn’t it? Not just for us, but for you and your father?” Jace asked the question that Catherine had hoped she wouldn’t

Stalling for all of ten seconds. “Yes, this is important for me, my father and my family but… I think you and the children are more important. I forget Jace, I didn’t mean to, I sincerely didn’t, but things happen.” Catherine’s tone was one of regret and sorrow at her choices.

“Catherine you do what you have to do. Trust me, we will be here when you come home. And I want you home darling.” Jace answered her heart coming to the fore with her entreaty to her partner.

“I want to come home Jace. I want to hold you. I want to see Elena and Lisa and assure Jake that all will be well. Can’t I come home Jace?” Catherine asked the question that she knew had an answer, but there was an obstacle in the way that was going to prevent that.

“I Love you Catherine. Our children love you, but I want us all to live together in peace. If Hudson is still alive or a threat, I want you to do what you have to do to extinguish that threat…. I want us to be together at the end Catherine, you promised me your tomorrows and I’m still waiting here for them.” Jace answered quietly her eyes drifting to her daughter sleeping peacefully in the hospital crib.

“I love you Jace. Whatever happens, I do love you!” Catherine sobbed out the message. Doug had tried to close his mind to the entreaty of the woman in the cabin with him but he felt for a moment that she was lost and alone. And yet there was a sliver of hope in every situation and the woman at the other end of the line was making sure it was unbreakable however tentative the thread might seem.

“Catherine I know and I love you too. Talk to me soon, okay?” Jace knew that to keep her longer would only cause each of them more pain.

“Love you darling and kiss the children for me and tell them I love them too!” Catherine ended the connection as abruptly as it came into being. She put a hand to her face and closed her eyes.

Several minutes later Doug asked a sensitive question, “Are we still going to LA?”

Catherine gave him a look that told him everything he needed to know.


James Thompson had received an email from Catherine. It had not only surprised him but the contents had shocked him, ‘Hudson still alive?”

Now he was pacing the floor of the office Hudson had previously had possession of. Although he’d changed the décor in that last few months, it still had a tinge of her in the air. He knew that her reported death had helped in some way to bring her image back into the office to haunt him. Well she‘d done enough to destroy his personal life and she wasn’t going to do that in his professional life too. That would be the final straw that broke the camels back and he wasn’t going to take that without a fight. He’d not had the opportunity to fight for the life of his lover. He knew that deep in his heart that Paul would be the only real love of his life. Now he was fighting for his own sanity in this role of producer at UCP, with the ghost of Clarissa Hudson for some reason still biting his heels. He hated that thought with every fibre of his being.

“Well Hudson, you want to fight from the grave.  I will gladly be here to see that you stay six feet under. And I will even put the concrete around your feet to keep you there this time.” James said to the emptiness of the room.

Time really had no meaning for him now. He went to the parties that he was invited to; he even did a good job he thought of his role at UCP, but he missed Paul. He really did. Not a day went by that he didn’t expect to receive that phone call that would simply say I’d be home tonight. So simple a few words and yet they would no longer be said by the man he loved. That life had been extinguished in such a quick and unbelievable way. How could you ever reconcile yourself to the fact, no matter what people say, or the number of hours you spent with your psychiatrist? It meant nothing. That loved one was still never going to come through the door, never crack that stupid joke that you hated, but loved because it was a part of them. Or the smile they gave when they wanted something and thought you would disapprove, the look of wonder when the strangest of things touched there hearts and the tears they shed when sadness overcame them for what often was the vaguest of things. The most important thing was the look of love that brought answering warmth and now would never ever be felt again.

Turning towards the view of the studio lot from his window he wiped away the errant tears that refused to be subjugated to his will power.

“You spoiled me for anyone else Paul. You certainly made sure I was yours and only yours.” The voice soft and warm said into the empty room. Time they said was the healer. He just wondered when or if that would ever happen.


Jace was crying in the corridor on her own. The call from Catherine had sapped any excess energy she had left. She wanted nothing more than to go home with her daughter and fall into Catherine’s strong arms and remain there until all was well. That wasn’t about to happen now. She had told Catherine in a veiled way to stay away and do what she had to do and Catherine had been upset at that. But it was what they had to do to defeat the odds. Although not physically together, mentally and in their hearts and souls they were and nothing could put that in danger.

“I love you Catherine. I know that whatever you decide to do and whatever action you take, you will come home to us. And I’ll be waiting. I’ll always wait for you.” Jace said quietly to the deserted corridor she was sitting in.

A doctor came towards her and smiled briefly and sat in the chair at her right hand side.

“Mrs. Warriorson?” the young doctor asked politely.

“Yes, you have more information on my daughters condition?” Jace asked quietly her green eyes never leaving his face.

“Yes, I have more news. Elena is going to be fine, but she will need to be on medication for the next few years perhaps the rest of her life. Possibly from time to time, she might need to come to the hospital for tests, but otherwise you can take her home. We have stabilised her condition.” The doctor was nearly pushed out of his chair as the blonde rushed out of hers and almost knocked him over in her haste to get back into the room.

“Thanks Doctor.” Jace remembered finally as she opened the door of her daughter’s room.

“Hey, no problem.” The young doctor said and chuckled at her speed.

Jace went into the room to inform Faith and take her daughter home. At the end of the day that would be where Catherine would seek her-- out at Destiny. For it was all their Destinies entwined in some inexplicable way that none of them knew for certain exactly why, or what drew them there and always would.

Continued in Part 12

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