~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Twelve
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Seventeen

Kelsey looked at Devonshire the woman and wondered if he’d made the best decision in his life not taking up her offer of a security role to her family and senior executives when she’d asked. For sure as hell, she attracted trouble in the capital letters that was clear. Still, he had time yet as she hadn’t rescinded the offer. He had checked. She hadn’t appointed anyone in that role as yet.

“You want me to do what?” Kelsey asked for the third time and noticed the annoyance that crossed the face of the person who was handing out the orders.

“Kelsey, I will explain this one last time. Then if you don’t understand well…I’ll leave it to your imagination shall I?” Catherine answered succinctly.

“Go ahead, I’m all ears.” The man finally answered thinking he would lose more than his ears if he messed up this time around.

“Kelsey you will make contact with James Thompson who is the producer at UCP studios and between you and he, I want a full dossier on one Sally Clauser and I want it not next week or next year I want it now, get me?” the voice said quietly.

“Sure, but who the hell is James Thompson? And why would a producer in LA care? Come on Ms. Devonshire their flotsam no brain people everyone knows that!” Kelsey wished he hadn’t voiced his opinion as a voice so low, cold and menacing rung in his ears.

“James Thompson is family. I own the studios and never ever let me hear you say that again unless you know for sure the people who you’re talking about. Far to many people make assumptions about others without knowing the facts. No wonder we still have wars and prejudice in the world.” Catherine looked at him with her ice blue eyes that defied expression; she was an enigma without a doubt.

“No problem with that, sorry.” Kelsey said quietly and vowed to look up exactly where in the family tree James Thompson resided.

“What would you like me to do Catherine?” Constance asked quietly, not sure of her role in all this.

“Ah, Constance my ace in the hole and yet the bane of my life too.” Catherine responded and got a shocked look from the woman who was sitting opposite her.

“What do you mean?” this woman could be cruel when she felt like it.

“When you have finally got your brain cells working, I suggest you look them over and make that association for yourself, as it is I was going to let you loose with Kelsey.” She saw the smile that appeared on her president of operations face and knew she had been right with the next decision. “However, my dear Constance, you’re coming with me.” Catherine looked down at the laptop computer she had on her knee. Yeah, Jace might be proud of her yet.

Constance’s face changed from one of satisfaction to disillusionment in a fraction of a second. “I don’t want to go to New Zealand Catherine. Why the hell should I?”

Catherine looked at her and smiled briefly, “You will go because I say so. You asked for my help and you’re going to get it regardless of the cost to us both, right?” the statement clear and without revocation.

Constance looked at her and was faced with a very determined and cold stare, ‘how the hell did anyone love that?’ And yet, she was very beautiful, but it was all in the eye of the beholder and what was beautiful outside might be crap inside or in Devonshire’s case ice.

“Do I have any options here?”

“No, why should you?”

“No reason I guess, but I… hell Catherine, even prisoners going to their death in the chair have a last call to a loved one.” Constance said quietly.

Catherine looked at her and really looked her over and shook her head. “No! You get that call when you’re ready for it.” Catherine looked back at the computer screen.

Constance was enraged by the arrogance of the woman. That was totally out of order and she wanted to defy it, but something inside wouldn’t let her.

“When will I be ready for it Catherine?”

“When you know what you want.”

The enigmatic reply angered the woman more. She rose out of her chair and stood over her boss.

“You want me to elaborate that comment, well I’m not going to. When you work it out Constance, you can make that call and believe me, she will welcome you more.” Catherine looked up and gave her a sincere half smile and then went back to her computer.

“You’re unreal Catherine and totally without a heart!” Constance said her emotions taking over in desperation.

“Unreal perhaps, but without heart? Let me tell you if it wasn’t for my partner you wouldn’t even be part of my operation now. She kind of has that effect on me.” Catherine gave the woman opposite her a smile, but it was a smile that said to hell with you.

“I guess I’ll get to thank her personally.” Constance said with a nasty intonation in her voice.

Catherine heard the tone and a wicked smile overtook her inwardly. “You even so much as say hello to my wife in anything, but a civil tone and I will take your head off. Do you understand me?”

Constance went several steps back in her mind, because the seat she was backed into didn’t allow her the luxury.

“Yes, I understand,” the simple reply.

“Excellent, then everything will work out, trust me.” Catherine said her mind now totally engrossed in the computer screen before her.

“Will she want me do you think?” the plaintive voice asked.

Catherine heard the words and she had cause to remember a time when she felt exactly like that.

Catherine looked in the direction of the woman she loved. Yes, she loved her! For now it might not be a good time to say the words, but she had missed that laughter and the smile, which would produce that bubbly presence that was she… what was it? Jace was talking to Jake and Lisa and she listened as a voyeur does on the fringes, but never inside. Did she want to be inside again? Could she survive the feeling all over again? She heard the laughter and Jace’s face came into view in her mind the expression so innocent and trusting.  She knew for certain she was lost again but she needed more, she had to have the assurances of that love or did she? Wasn’t her love enough? No! She wanted a love that wouldn’t be swept away by a previous existence. She wanted the love that was here and with them now, not aeons old and critical. She wanted the fresh new love she felt. In truth had always felt for the woman she could hear. She wanted Jace and she didn’t know if Jace wanted that at all!

“Yes, she will want you.  I will personally see that you are in a fit state to accept the love that you have thrown away. The rest, as they say, is up to you.” Catherine stated simply and this time she closed her mind to everything and everyone that would try to bring her attention away from her task.


Jace was sitting quietly in the kitchen and her face had the look of a woman twice her age. She was bone tired and the dark shadows accentuated this with the comical look of a panda. Yet, it wasn’t a comical situation. Her hand rested on the still steaming coffee cup that was given to her by Judy before the woman had gone to see if Lisa was awake. Faith had taken Elena to bed with her. She had insisted and that she would call Jace if there were a problem. Jace had taken the offer thankfully. She wasn’t sure if she would wake for her daughter if she did finally allowed her body that much needed rest.

The external door to the kitchen opened and in trooped Jake and Grace both looked at her with sympathy and Grace with shock at the blonde’s condition.

“Jace, you need to be in bed, come on let’s get you there now!” Grace used her best imitation of a command tone that she’d heard Catherine use and Jace looked at her and gave a weak smile as Jake sniggered at her attempt.

“Thanks Grace. But you really need more lessons in intimidation from her you know.” Jace continued to smile but she realised her friend was right; she would be useless soon anyway.

Jake walked over to where the blonde was sitting and he placed his arms around her and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and whispered in her ear. “Catherine’s coming home Jace, it will be okay then,” the voice confidant.

Jace put her own arms around the boy and thought he was more like a young man now rather than a boy if those broad shoulders were anything to go by.

“Thanks Jake. How have you been keeping yourself? You still feeling okay?” Jace didn’t have the heart to tell the boy that Catherine wasn’t coming home; the thought was far to depressing even if she had told Catherine to stay away.

“I feel good Jace. I don’t have any spots either, do I Grace?”

Grace chuckled and shrugged, “Now how would I know the only person who gets to see any of that muscular body you have are Colin and your mates. Kind of spoils it for a girl I can tell you.” Grace chuckled as she saw the stain of red flow quickly up his cheeks.

Jace laughed at the comment also, and released Jake to take whatever gentle retaliation he could on her friend.

“That’s unfair Grace and if it wasn’t for your condition I’d tickle you until you begged me to stop.”

“Okay, smarty pants we will see. So, are you going to show me and your Mom here, your new muscles?” Grace continued to shamelessly banter the young man.

“No. I’m going to go riding with Colin and if you don’t behave yourself Grace, I’m going to tell him you like to ogle young men. See you both later. Give my love to the girls Jace.” The boy ran out of the door as Grace made a grab for him laughing all the way down the drive.

Grace was grinning and she turned to Jace who was also smiling and it reached those tired, but expressive eyes.

“Meant what I said Jace, please go to bed and rest up some. The kids are going to need you healthy and if you don’t look after yourself you will get sick also!”

Jace looked at the warm concern she was receiving from her friend’s eyes and nodded her head. “I guess you’re right as always Grace. I couldn’t tell Jake, but Catherine isn’t coming home right now.”

Grace sat down heavily in the chair that wasn’t what Judy had said earlier, she was certain that Catherine was coming home.

“But Judy said….”

“Yeah, I know what Judy said, but I talked Catherine out of it or I think I did. She needs to clear up an important issue and Elena will be okay and Lisa too. So, it would be pointless for her to be here now.” Jace said quietly her head aching from the lack of sleep.

“Don’t tell me we’re heading for more trouble. Do I need to alert Colin to beef up the security again? For god’s sake Jace, we can’t afford to have anything happen here again!” Grace was disturbed and it was telling in her voice.

“Catherine didn’t comment about the security here. She wasn’t sure as yet how the new information she had would affect us.  I’m so tired Grace.” The blonde said wearily and placed a hand over her eyes that now hurt as the sun shone brightly through the windows into her face.

Grace moved from her sitting position and went round and placed an arm about the younger woman’s shoulders.

“Hey, I know. Look, go to bed and everything will seem a little better, trust me.”

“It’s not just that, I’m physically tired Grace. I’m tired of all the bad things that seem to happen to us. Why Grace? What did we do to deserve our peace being shattered again? Can’t we have a normal life?” Jace beseech her friend, the tears she hadn’t thought could be shed, now cascaded down her cheeks at the injustices of the situations she was being forced to contemplate.

Grace for the first time didn’t know what to say, not this time. This time the woman was right. Why? Was the payment for the love that Catherine and Jace shared, the unstable events that never ceased that they might have to battle forever to keep that love, could they survive it? Would they want to? Would it cause a rift that became irreparable?

“I want to say it will be all over and done with when you wake Jace, but we both know that isn’t possible. They do say that sacrifices have to be made sometimes for love. Maybe you like to spice up your love with those sort of sacrifices.”

Jace looked at her friend her blotchy red face doing nothing at all for her image.

“You know there are times that I don’t understand a word you say Grace. But thanks, I think!”

Grace gave her a bright smile. “Yeah, well it’s my obscure comments that might come true one day. You forget Jace, I believe in miracles also.”

Jace stood up and Grace moved away to let her out of the door, “I know you do Grace and am I glad that you do. Really sincerely glad that you do and long may those miracles keep coming true.” She smiled briefly and headed for the hall and her bedroom, hopefully Lisa wasn’t one of those children who kicked in their sleep.

Grace watched her go as her mind went over the conversation. She looked out over the drive and the water logged herb garden that Judy now attended on her behalf.

“I know you Catherine, if you remember one thing in all the talks we have had, remember your children my friend, for it will be the death of you as you know it if you don’t.’ Grace washed out the coffee percolator and waited for Judy to come down the stairs. She was sure they both could do with a decent cup of coffee. It had certainly not been an easy time for anyone in this household in the last few days. She wondered when it would all end.


Chapter Eighteen:

Constantia was agreeable with the offer from Sarah’s new friend to go for lunch. They had agreed to meet the woman in the small piazza beside the dolphin fountain located in the square. The cobbled, narrow streets made it difficult for the woman to manoeuvre her chair. Even Sarah’s combined strength would not ensure that a mishap might not occur. Lukas had been willing to accompany them to the town then leave them at the restaurant of their choice and return back for them when they called the house.

So, here they were, Lukas, as always made sure that his godmother was comfortable and waited in silence for the venue. Lukas Dimitrie had the bearing of a Greek Adonis. The olive skin that on this man was almost flawless. He had the aquiline nose that you expect of the god Apollo himself. The young man also oused sexuality out of every pore with his blonde hair longer than most men on the island, which freely fell over his shoulders. He was thirty-three and the son of Constantia’s childhood best friend on the island. Time had not dulled that friendship. It had continued from a distance for years until her friend died of a heart attack ten years ago. Lukas had finished his stint at college and was looking for work when the tragedy hit his mother. He did not take it well and had returned home from Europe to console his father. Two years later his father had died of cancer and he was alone. A free agent again, but he hadn’t wanted to leave the island. Constantia had offered the young man a position working as her business personal assistant. He had agreed readily. Now he virtually ran all her business interests without much help from the woman he loved as a second mother.

“Constantia, which restaurant have you selected to have lunch in? It is very hot here in the sun. You need to be under the shade.” The young man seriously concerned for the health of the woman whose chair he held in strong capable hands.

Sarah was fanning her face with a handkerchief and readily agreed with Lukas. She had always been impressed by his concern for her friend. It was evident to anyone looking that they had a deep bond of warmth between them.

“I agree Consty. I’m sorry, I should have asked Sally where she wanted us to eat.”

Constantia looked at her friend and then up at the man behind her chair, giving them both a brief smile as the ice blue eyes reflected understanding of both the concern and the apology from her two friends.

“It is almost midday. She did say midday did she not?” was the quiet voice.

“Yes. Yes, she did. I hope she doesn’t choose… agh, there she is.” Sarah expounded not finishing her original statement.

All three pairs of eyes looked towards the relatively tall woman walking briskly towards them with a beaming smile on her pale, but attractive face. She had shoulder length auburn hair that shone with the sun as she came closer, her personality bubbly and friendly.

“Am I late?” the younger woman asked. Her eyes feasted on the man who held the wheelchair in apparent possession, as his chocolate brown eyes looking over the new friend of his godmother. It was rare Constantia took the time to make friend’s. It was rare indeed, when she came into town for lunch.  He hoped it would be good for her. She had been looking beleaguered recently.

“No. No, my dear, you are on time. So where did you plan we should eat or…” Sarah was unable this time to end the sentence as Sally interrupted immediately.

“I have heard wonderful things about a restaurant called ‘Spiros Gardens’ I have booked us a table, if that is okay with you both?” her face turned to them, but her eyes still looked at the handsome man in front of her.

Lukas gave the woman a cold look and was about to protest as Sarah put a hand to her mouth in dismay.

“That is fine Sally. Please Lukas, I need you to do me the service of wheeling me to the restaurant.” Constantia had been surprised by the choice as it must be the only one in town that she had never visited for obvious reasons. But this child would not know about that and why should she. Going to be a hell of a shock for the staff and in some perverse way, she was going to get pleasure out of seeing George Spiros’s face drop at her entrance.

Within a couple of minutes they had arrived at the entrance and Sally went forward to speak to the waiter who had come forward to show them to their table. His face had changed colour to a dull red as he saw the other three patrons.

“I will check that we have the right table madam, if you will excuse me a moment.” He rushed off towards the door marked private.

Sally turned around and smiled, “Guess we’re going to get the best table today by the looks of it.”

“Constantia would you like me to wait?” the question soft and only for her ears and was rewarded with a smile that brought out the beauty in the lined skin. Reaching up a hand to gently caress the cheek of the man she answered him equally as softly.

“Lukas go home. I will be fine and thank you for caring. I love you too.” Constantia saw the brief grin the words brought to the man and he placed a tender kiss on her cheeks as he took his leave and three pairs of eyes watched him move away; two with affection one with lust, definitely lust in them.

A throat being cleared brought all their attentions back to the present situation. George Spiros was looking at them with a calm expression on his face and showing none of the agitation Constantia thought would be there.

“I believe you have booked a table. May I show you to the best we have with the view over the harbour.” Sarah looked at her friend and they both passed surprised glances, Sally laughed happily and followed the stiff back of the owner and that conveyed more to Constantia than anything, something wasn’t quite right here but what? That was the question and if she had any spark left she would certainly find out.


Catherine was waiting for her aircraft to take off. True to the words Doug had managed to get Andy to have them out and in the air within half an hour of her arriving in the airport.

“Thanks for your help Doug, I appreciate it.” Catherine held out her hand to the pilot, who was going to get some sleep and then take the smaller aircraft back to the base in New York and home.

“My pleasure as always Ms. Devonshire. I have always enjoyed the…shall we say varied situations that happen in your family.” Doug smiled widely at her and she quirked an eyebrow at him in question.

“Varied huh? One day you and I must take time out and explore some of those situations for my future reference.” Catherine about to leave him on the tarmac and make her way to the terminal that held her long haul jet, then changing her mind. “Doug did you get a granddaughter or son?”

The pilot was taken aback by the question he was sure she hadn’t been listening. “We have both. Our daughter had twins, and they are a handful but wouldn’t change it for the world; my daughter might though from time to time.” He chuckled at the harried looks he often received from his only daughter when they had lunch together as a family unit on a Sunday.

Catherine smiled at the paternal pride he had shown in the words spoken. “You know something Doug, I wouldn’t either. And I’m going to look forward to more myself one day.” She did leave him this time with a puzzled expression, did she mean herself or? Shaking his head he turned towards the aircraft to close it up before he left for the motel and some sleep.

Several minutes later she was boarding the jet, having despatched Kelsey to make direct contact with James Thompson. Her email to James would be sufficient for now. When she was on her way home she would call him personally and explain things in detail. Her eyes quickly scanned the interior and Dave came towards her and took the laptop computer smiling as he did so. “I have tea ready when you are.” The steward stated quietly.

“Ah, now that’s something that I’m always ready for.” The woman gave him a warm smile and went towards the seat that Constance occupied.

Constance looked up from her perusal of the Wall Street Journal, “Everything okay?”

Catherine waited a few moments to answer the question and she sat opposite the woman and gave her a wry look. “As well as it can be in the circumstances. You doing okay?” her question although abrupt, held something else that Constance couldn’t fathom. It had been too tentative to hold onto.

“As well as can be expected in the circumstances.”  Both women smiled at the identical answer. Catherine brushed her raven hair away from her face. She had been feeling tired for the last couple of hours and needed to get a little rest.

“I’m going to have tea, then sleep for a little. You might try it yourself. Then you and I will talk about what I expect from you now Constance.” Catherine said quietly her ice blue eyes snaring the brown one of the younger woman. They were not cold; as Constance had thought they would be they held compassion she was certain of it.
How on earth did the blonde ever live with this shifting persona? It was incredible the number of facets she portrayed. She must have one for every situation, even the unexpected ones.

“I will and I’ll be here waiting for your instructions. Guess I can’t go anywhere without a parachute anyway.” Constance laughed at the thought of trying to get away from this woman.

“I heard that it was your executives who needed the parachute in your meetings Constance, not you yourself?” her smile bringing the features of the woman into full force, she certainly was a stunner.

Constance laughed at the comment. “Oh, yeah! I bet Eduardo is mouthing off again, you know these South American’s are sure wimps.”

Catherine laughed and was forestalled from answering as Dave brought the tea and a pot of coffee for Constance. “Thanks Dave, I’ll have something to eat in about three hours. Call me on that will you, or Jace will kill me when I get home for not eating again.”

Dave laughed at the comment of the small blonde getting the better of the tall solidly built woman before him. But then again, he’d seen something’s in this aircraft and heard even more since Ms. Devonshire had met the blonde that had captured her heart. “That she will Ms. Devonshire, that she will. You have yourself hooked up with a spitfire, that’s for sure.” he smiled at the two women and left.

“So, even your flight personnel see Jace as a spitfire. Care to share an anecdote or two, just for information?” Constance smiled and didn’t expect Catherine to respond, but it surprised the hell out of her when she did

The flight had been experiencing some heavy turbulence and Catherine was oblivious to the scene in the cabin. She had been working on a speech to give the market analysts in New York next month. She hated speeches, never mind the analysts. However, there were things in life you just had to put up with. Background noises were getting more distinct though she had to admit, when suddenly confronted by her partner, who looked none to happy, either with her or something else she wasn’t sure. Taking of her reading glasses, which she wore when she was reading small print and the laptop if she was tired. Well she didn’t want to do something stupid to the only eye she could see out of, so she had ground her vanity into the dust and accepted that she needed the horn-rimmed spectacles. Anyway Jace thought she looked sexy in them but she doubted that was her partners’ current reaction. “Do we have a problem darling?”
“Problem? Problem Catherine? Are you deaf and blind?” Jace retorted angrily at her partner. She could be far to focus at times and on the wrong thing too!
“No, I’m not deaf, nor am I blind. Well, okay partially, I accept that.” Catherine smiled and twirled the spectacles in her hand and wished she hadn’t.  Jace gave her an irritated glance.
“Well, you get your British ass over here and help comfort our children who are suffering from airsickness right now.  I'm telling you it’s not a pretty sight.” Jace exclaimed and turned back towards the half of the aircraft that had been converted for the family when they travelled.
Catherine sighed and stood up flexing her shoulders; she needed the exercise anyway and was suddenly aware of the marked turbulence and the message saying that all seat belts should be worn.
Dave the steward was holding a sick bag under the small red headed girls head and she was certainly retching inside, and they say this is luxury travel.
“Dave you okay there? You want me to take over?” The man shook his head but his eyes went over to the boy who was looking a shade pale. Catherine got the hint and made her way over to the boys seat.
“How are you doing Jake?” Catherine asked him gently and sat down next to him and placed a cool hand on one of his clammy ones.
“I’m okay.” The boy said shortly and turned his eyes to the cool well-manicured hand that held one of his.
“Fine. That’s good Jake. Do you want me to get you anything?” Catherine asked the boy, who was trying hard not to let the airsickness get to him.
“No.” The words were getting less and less it would seem, Catherine nodded her head and tried not to smile or a certain blonde who was watching her would be less than happy, not that she was happy at the moment either.
“I’ll just go and see how Elena is and if you need me shout and I’ll come running.” Catherine gave him a smile and he returned it with a weak one of his own.
Walking towards her partner, she was delighted to see that at least Elena appeared to be weathering the storm. That child was something else.
“You want me to take her so you can do what you want to do for a little while?”
Without hesitation Jace thrust the baby at her and stood up and went towards the toilet facilities on board.
“Ah, so that’s the quandary, my partner is feeling the airsickness also.  Now why didn’t she say that was the problem!”
Several minutes later Jace walked back towards them her face composed, but the green tinge definitely hadn’t left her face.
“How are you feeling?” Catherine looked up as her youngest daughter was chewing on her shirt collar with gusto and her bright green eyes were alight with laughter.
“Feeling? Feeling Catherine, I want you to get up to the flight deck and tell them to please get this crate to behave. I want you to do that now Catherine!” the blonde said her voice panicked and angry. She knew there was nothing Catherine could do, but she somehow felt better making the ‘demand’.
“Oh! So you won’t be joining me for dinner then?” Catherine tried a joke and was swiped across the arm for her lack of understanding.
“Are you so insensitive to me and our children that you say that? Catherine I wonder how I manage to live with you, I really do!” Jace blustered angrily and her cheeks went red at the effort her mind totally engrossed in the conversation she was having with her partner, the sickness now a thing at the back of her mind.
“Oh Jace, come on now. I’m sensitive, really I am. You really wouldn’t want me to live anywhere else would you?” Catherine knew her ploy of distracting the woman was working.
“You live anywhere else now, who in Hades would want to take you in but me, I wonder Catherine? You have no tact at all.” Jace retorted and her stomach was lurching again at the sudden aircraft movement.
“I need tact? Well, darling you forgot to mention that in the hand book you gave me on how to be a good and loving partner.” Catherine looked down at Elena who was starting to close her eyes in sleep. She often did when Catherine spoke for any length of time, must bore the kid with my voice.
“Good? You good, Catherine? That’s a joke. When have you been good?” Jace asked her with a scathing look; her body felt terrible and she was struggling to keep the sickness at bay.
Catherine wasn’t sure now, if it had been a good idea to bait Jace. She was getting rather upset and some of the things she was saying a might disturbing.
“Well, you did say this morning darling, that I was good.  I could give you all the words and maybe the actions, but we have company.”
Jace gave a snort of disgust. Then she looked into the ice blue eyes of her partner and she saw the love, concern and sympathy reflected back at her. “You’re doing this baiting on purpose aren’t you Catherine, to keep my mind off the sickness?”
Catherine looked down at the sleeping baby who was quite happy clinging on to the shirt she had previously been chewing. Her soft snores a trademark of the mother she bore a strong resemblance to.
“Did it work?” Catherine asked sheepishly and her quirky smile brought an answering smile from her partner.
“Yes. Yes, it did and you did get one thing right earlier.” Jace continued to smile her sickness had subsided by some miracle. Or was it just that it had been replaced by a much more satisfying feeling in her stomach when she looked at this woman before her?
“What would that be Jace?” Catherine was now closer. Her breath tickled the blonde’s ear as she drew in a ragged breath herself as she felt the magic of her partner weave it’s way into her heart.
“Loving Catherine. I don’t know anyone who loves quite like you and am I glad you’re all mine.” Jace breathed out and turned her face so that her lips were so close to her partners it would have been difficult to put a thin sheet of paper between the two of them.
Catherine pierced the green eyes with her ice blue ones and lines crinkled around them as she smiled the happiness clear in the expression she was sharing with the only person who would ever hold her heart and soul. “I love you Jace.” Lips touched in a gentle promise that all would be okay.
Coming up for air and settling the baby down in the seat next to Jace, she secured her in the small belt harness they had built in the chair.  Catherine turned to see a look of she was sure, pure wickedness glowing out of those green eyes.
“Now Catherine go tell that captain of yours to stop this rollercoaster ride immediately!” Her words carried towards the steward who bent down with a smirk on his face to help the small child in his arms, Jake even looked up in surprise.
“Right. No problem Jace, absolutely.” She smiled engagingly at the blonde, and then strode towards the cockpit.
The raven haired woman heard a faint murmur of, “I love you also Catherine,” for her ears alone, then she turned slightly and placed a hand to her heart and then towards her partner and disappeared to take care of her impossible task to calm down nature.

Constance had smiled all the way through the story, her boss had a way of not just talking you through the story, but you could almost see it happening before your eyes. It was just another interesting point about Catherine Devonshire.

“Ever thought of doing that professionally?”

Catherine smiled and looked at her quizzically, “What exactly?”

“Reading. You certainly have one of the most compelling and spellbinding voices I’ve ever heard tell a story. Do you tell stories to the children? If you don’t, you should.” Constance watched a small red tinge cross her cheeks. Was her indomitable employer embarrassed at something she said?

“Well, yes, I do read to the children. However, I tell you Constance it’s not spellbinding if the sounds are ducks and chickens, I can tell you.” Laughing she got up from the seat and went over to a free space where she could sprawl out and sleep for a few hours.

Constance didn’t answer, but she continued to smile this woman was certainly interesting and in ways that were totally unexpected. Maybe she was going to like staying in New Zealand for a while if it meant she was going to be experiencing more of this side of Catherine. She could certainly see why Jace loved the woman if she was like this the majority of the time with her. Her mind then went to her own lost chances and the love that had been taken from her by her own hand. She hoped to hell, she was going to get that second chance. She might not deserve it, but she wanted it so badly it hurt. ‘I do love you Clare. I’ll do this for you even if you don’t want me when it’s all over.’ She closed her eyes and decided that sleep was quite a good idea, maybe for a few hours anyway.


 “It went well don’t you think Consty?” Sarah asked her friend as they waited in the shade of a local shop awning for Lukas to pick them up and be driven home.

Constantia glanced out at the tourists that looked at the shop windows and were being enticed by the storeowners to spend their currency. Xianspiros admittedly didn’t have that many tourists. Only those from the odd cruise liner and the couple of thousand a year with one of the German travel organisations. Fortunately, they were not plagued by the teenagers, which other islands such as Corfu, Crete and Rhodes had to contend with. For that she was grateful, the island still had that natural ambience and they hoped to keep it that way. She had agreed to a certain number of tourists on the island many years ago to help the local people, but she had not approved of a further increase and she believed it worked. Although the local town council lobbied her every year to change her mind, she refused. It was a fact that certainly upset the Spiros family, who would welcome the increased trade on the island. Still she had been surprised at George Spiros’ lack of attention for want of a better word.

“Consty did you hear me?” Sarah asked looking closely at her friend. Was there something wrong?

“I’m sorry Sarah. Yes. Yes, the lunch went well and we asked Sally to the Villa on Saturday for dinner. I expect that should go well also.” Constantia answered absently.

“Yes, that will be good. Sally was quite lively company didn’t you think Consty?” Sarah inquired, her enthusiasm for the girl helped along by the retsina they had drunk at the lunch. Well at least Sarah and Sally, as Constantia had one solitary glass and had tea for the rest of the meal.

“Yes, Sally was good company. She has certainly travelled the world over it seems. I do wonder why she is on the island for so long though Sarah?” Constantia frowned and her left eyebrow went close to her forehead. It was such an endearing trait on her friend it always made Sarah smile.

“She explained Consty, didn’t you listen? She had a windfall from a relative who died and she’s spending time travelling the world.”

“So, why did she come here then? We are not exactly the most famous Greek Island. In fact, I would say we are the least known one?” Constantia asked. Her body might be taking the ravages of age, but her mind wasn’t.

“Oh Consty, you are so suspicious. However do you make friends?” the woman who had known her for years asked in a gentle tone.

“Perhaps I don’t,” came back the injured tone.

Sarah smiled down at the woman and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Oh that’s not true Consty and you know it. People who know you love you!” Sarah was surprised when she felt the grip of her friend’s hand on hers.

“Thank you Sarah.” The words low in tone and sending her a message she didn't understand.

“Look Consty, Lukas is here and he’s brought the car round to save us the walk.” Sarah relinquished her grip on the older woman and went over to the vehicle.

“Yes. So, he has.” The words said softly as she waited for her godson to help her to the vehicle.

Continued in Part 13

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