~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Thirteen
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Nineteen:

Constance had never been on a ranch before. She was both impressed and a little overawed by it. When they had arrived at the gate to the drive of the ranch house, it had been a shock. They had all been looked over and the vehicle search, even though it was a car from Destiny driven by a ranch hand and the owner of the property was one of the passengers. All Catherine had said was that it was security and she welcomed the vigilant work the security people were doing.

Now approaching the house, it was a little disappointing, nothing opulent, just a normal building that you would associate with a ranch or farm. Their bags were removed and taken into the house by the ranch hand. Catherine walked confidently forward, when suddenly appearing from under the porch Rio tackled his tall mistress. It was getting boring here no one wanted to walk anywhere at the moment, even his small mistress didn’t.

“Hey boy how you doing?” Catherine stroked the ears of the affectionate dog and smiled warmly. Constance saw for the first time that this was a Catherine Devonshire that she had never seen. She looked relaxed for the first time, but a genuine relaxation of her features not feigned for anyone watching.

Taking the steps two at a time she bounded up the porch and went towards the kitchen. It was late afternoon and someone would be home she was sure of it! Opening the external door to the kitchen she saw Judy at the stove.

“Hello Judy.” Catherine said quietly not wanting to disturb the woman too much.

Constance followed behind and watched in fascination as the other woman in the room turned and gave a wide smile.

“Well, hello Mrs. Warriorson, and how are you?”

“I’m very well, thank you. Where is everyone?” Catherine placed her laptop on the kitchen table and looked around.

Judy looked at Catherine and then her gaze centered on the stranger with her; Catherine notice where her gaze went, “Sorry Judy, this is Constance Waverly my President of Operations at Xianthos, my business outside the ranch.” Catherine supplied and then went towards the door leading to the rest of the house.

“Jace is sleeping in your room with Elena. Faith and Lisa are in the lounge and Jake is with Colin and Grace.” Judy didn’t need a brilliant IQ to know what her boss was thinking.

Catherine smiled at the housekeeper and turned to Constance. “Judy will show you to one of the guest rooms. She makes some pretty decent coffee, so I’m informed and tea also.”

“Okay. I get the message Catherine. You want to be elsewhere, right?”

“You have that right Waverly. Now I know you’re getting back in the swing of things. I’ll be back later.” Smiling as she moved away from the two women in the room.

Two women remaining looked at each other and their expressions must have been very similar as they laughed.

“Oh, she’ll be back. But guaranteed it won’t be for a few hours, so Ms. Waverly I’ll show you to your room.” Judy said laughter in the inflections in her voice. Why the hell did this house suddenly come alive when Catherine returned? It was weird in the extreme!

“How about you make me this magnificent coffee and then show me to my room?” Constance decided she wanted to know more about this Catherine and who better than the hired help.


Constantia was feeling ill, she had been sick several times and had thought about calling Sarah but…Sarah needed her sleep. Her mind drifted to events that were long past; so long it was a wonder that she recalled them at all but she did it was like viewing yesterday.

“What are you writing about Adam?” Elena asked the young Englishman, who had been their guest for two months now. She was sure her sister liked the gentle manner of the man, but Constantia would never say, as she was too busy running the family concerns and making a home for them both.
Adam Warriorson turned and smiled his boyish engaging smile to the young woman. She was a good friend. “Oh, this and that, one day maybe I will be published.”
Elena regarded him and gave him a thoughtful look, “Do you want to be published? Sometimes it can bring greater heartbreak than not being.”
The young man smiled at the girl and ruffled her hair. “Elena if I was published, I could do all the things I want.”
“So, Adam what do you want?” Elena asked him and watched quietly as she saw him shuffle at the balcony obviously disturbed at the question.
“Oh this and that, you know it would mean I could write more and not have to think about going to get a regular job.” Adam pushed back a strand of his fair hair and looked down at the words he’d recently written.
“If it brought despair and death at its end, would you still continue?” Elena asked quietly.
“Elena you are such a romantic. It is no wonder that your sister needs to look after you so much.” Adam smiled and put a friendly arm around her shoulder.
“Not romantic Adam. If you continue with this, you will die and you will have so much sorrow to experience too, rethink Adam, please rethink!” Elena pleaded and saw him shrug his shoulders and laugh.
Constantia walked into the room and her back went tense as she saw the man’s arm around her sister, “I see that you both are enjoying the view?”
Adam released the younger woman and looked into the ice blue eyes that he adored. Yes she had captured his heart and he felt the pull from the first day, but she was so aloof. “Constantia, your sister says I must decease from my writing it will only bring death and destruction,” he said melodramatically.
Constantia looked at the back of her younger sister. She had promised not to get involved with the Englishman she had promised and yet….
“I’m sure Elena has her reasons for saying such a thing Adam. She does have the sight as our mother once did.” Constantia responded gravely and looked at the blue of the Aegean Sea.
“Constantia please join us for afternoon tea.” Adam asked the women; she held so many mysteries and so many truths, yet she would not let him near.
“No! I have other plans. Have a good afternoon Adam, Elena.” Constantia walked away.
“My sister is your soul mate Adam. If you do not take the opportunity you will regret it for the rest of your life.” Elena proclaimed and left him on the balcony.
‘Damnation I don’t know why she won’t give me the time of day! It’s not fair! I love you Constantia, why won’t you take my love?” he pleaded to the emptiness of the balcony. He picked up his pen and changed the title on the sheaves of paper he had in front of him. ‘There Can Be Only One Soulmate.’

‘I loved you too Adam.  Elena told me of your love, but I felt it too late and how wrong I was, and how it hurt when you married my niece. They say things come full circle, but I have never felt that. You didn’t come full circle back to me did you Adam? You tried to replace me with an image. She couldn’t love you, never loved you. How cruel can the world be!’ Constantia sobbed for her youth that had been tarnished by conflict and her young love that she had misunderstood and never stood a chance. Now she was an old woman still plagued by old foes and yet, she felt for once in her life that this time it would come full circle. She didn’t know how or why, but that it would.

Her body once again retched and gave up whatever was inside. This time she pressed the bell at her side, she needed help.


Catherine went towards the lounge and her heart lurched as she saw her elder daughter sitting quietly on Faiths knee. They were reading a book.

“Is it a good one?” Catherine asked and was amazed her sick daughter could still shout so loudly. It certainly brought Faith a foot out of her chair.

”Catherine your home?” Lisa announced and bolted out of Faiths lap and straight into Catherine’s waiting embrace.

“Yes, I am Princess and how are you?” Catherine kissed the child and heard her sigh in satisfaction.

“I’m good to go Catherine.” Laughing as she said the words.

“You are huh? So, who told you that? What can I see before my eyes a very big spot, no not one I see another and another and anther.” Catherine said in a bantering tone chuckling at the child’s wide eyes.

“Oh, Catherine that’s not fair,” a pout coming to her face.

“Hey, Princess, I love you and if you had a million spots I would still love you. Never forget that okay?” Catherine kissed the top of the red hair and smiled as Faith looked at them with familiar indulgence.

“So, are you going to finish the story? I need to check up on Jace and Elena. Then I will come back and bath you, I promise. And we get to use that special bubble bath that Jace keeps to herself, what do you say?” Catherine chuckled.

“Yeah, that sounds cool, after dinner Catherine, is that okay? Grandma Faith doesn’t read as fast as you.” Lisa said and Catherine looked at the amused expression on Faith’s face and she smiled with the older women. This child was certainly going to be a handful in the future; she was certainly bad enough now.

“Okay with you Faith?” Catherine asked the other woman who smiled and nodded her head.

“Yes, it is Catherine. I’m happy to see you home,” her words sincere as she smiled at the tall raven-haired woman holding her child.

“Thanks. I’ll see you both later,” she gave Lisa a kiss and set her down on the floor and Rio who had been watching walked up to his small mistress and licked her hand.

“Rio where have you been boy?” The child was now entranced with the dog. Hell of a dog that was certain, he knew just when to make an appearance.

Catherine walked out of the door and looked up at the stairs that led to her partner. The one place she wanted to be. Everything else faded into obscurity she was sure of that.

The door to their room creaked ever so slightly and Catherine cringed at the noise. Pushing it open enough to get her tall frame through she smiled as she saw Jace in the king-sized bed holding close to her chest their youngest daughter. They both looked so serene and peaceful. Catherine wiped a tear away that threatened to fall and shatter her composure. ‘I love you Jace. There will never be a day that passes that I will not feel that way.’ Walking silently towards the bed she continued to take into her sight the face of her partner in life! No, eternity!

Catherine sat gingerly down at the edge of the bed and placed a gentle hand on her lovers face a tentative caress that Jace seemed to turn to without hesitation, it brought a tender smile to Catherine’s face.

As she gazed down at the two of them Catherine pondered what her life would have been like had she never met Jace?

‘A lonely woman, a silent woman, a woman without love! All those were true, but it was more profound than that. Who would she have loved, who would have even bothered to love her had Jace not entered her life. The answer as bleak as it might sound would be NONE! Her time left in this life would have been a solitary existence and with what she knew now it would have been such a waste. No, meeting you changed everything Jace. Not just for me, but for others as well. If I never get the chance to say this again.’ Her thoughts stopped her tongue decided to take up the narrative, “If I never met you, whom would I have loved? If I had never met you, who would have loved me? If I never met you, who would smile at me with those green eyes, filled with love? If I never met you, why would I want to go on? If I never met you, who would give me dreams instead of demons? If I had never met you, who would fill my darkness with light? If I had never met you, who would kiss me good morning and good night? I love you!” Catherine had picked up Jace’s free left hand her right holding their daughter to her chest. Kissing the palm with such tender reverence it was a fleeting gesture, but one that elicited a response from the receiver.

“Catherine?” Green hazy sleepy eyes looked up at her.

“Hello Jace.” Catherine sent her a stunning smile that hit Jace full in the face and made her senses wake up immediately.

“Hi Catherine, are you a dream?” Jace asked and shifted slightly trying not to dislodge her daughter, not sure if it was an apparition in front of her. Her hand held in Catherine’s clutch at it like a dying man in the tempestuous sea’s that threaten only to drown him.

“A dream? No, love I’m flesh and blood and I’m here for you no matter what.” Catherine responded slowly and her smile grew with each word.

“Kiss me Catherine, so I know for sure.” Jace stated quietly and saw the ice blue eyes twinkle with joy at the comment.

“Anytime dear, anytime at all.” Catherine bent down and placed her lips gently on the warm lips of her lover and revelled in the sensations just that tender touched caused in her body. Damn, she wished life wasn’t so complicated.

“I love you Catherine,” were the whispered words of her lover as she once again fell into a deep exhausted sleep, but the sigh as she did so told Catherine everything she wanted to know.

Watching the slow rise and fall of her partner’s chest and the child held securely asleep in her arms, Catherine let the hot tears fall this time without intervention.

“I love you too Jace, if only you knew exactly how much!” Catherine stroked a slim finger down the side of the child’s spotty red face. She felt so much tenderness watching this scene; she would defy anyone to break into her special moment with the mother and child.

“One day darling you are going to know exactly how much you mean to me and what you have brought into my life. For you are the only reason, the only reason on this earth that makes me want to live.” Catherine whispered in awe, placing a kiss on each of their foreheads. Slipping off her shoes, she managed to slide down on the bed and hold them both in a secure embrace that only she could offer.


Chapter Twenty:

Detective Dan Kelsey waited patiently for the secretary of James Thompson to announce his arrival. Kelsey had called Thompson two hours earlier to arrange the meeting, but he was getting somewhat frustrated at having to wait for the man. The inner door to an office opened and a small stocky man walked out with a bound set of papers and muttering under his breath. “Hudson all is forgiven.” The small man brushed by the detective who moved out of his way, ignoring the fact that he had been rude.

Kelsey looked towards the secretary who was probably middle aged and she looked at him with a shrug. The intercom buzzed and the secretary answered it and motioned with her finger at the door the small man had just exited.

“Mr Thompson will see you now Detective Kelsey.”

Kelsey gave her a brief smile and he walked towards the door, knocked and walking in without waiting for an answer to his knock.

James Thompson was sitting behind his desk and it was strewn with that many papers and videos that it was a wonder the man found anything in the mess. Wonder if he lived in such disarray too?

“Mr. Thompson, I’m detective Kelsey, Ms. Devonshire mentioned me I believe?”

“Yes, Catherine called me last evening. We are going to work together on a few details I believe she said.” James Thompson looked at the slightly unkempt look of the detective, someone really should advise him on his wardrobe.

“Yeah, that’s right. She said you would be in a position to help me track down one Sally Clauser, a two bit actress in LA.” Kelsey looked at the man. They were about the same size. Where he was dark, the other man was fair, his clothes had seen better days the man opposite him was immaculately dressed. Kelsey ran a hand over his unruly hair the other man’s hair was neat and tidy. A little like chalk and cheese he suspected. Kelsey smiled at one thought though, his desk at the station was always neat and tidy, not like the one in front of him and his apartment in New York was the same.

“Then please sit detective, we obviously have work to do.” Thompson put out a well-manicured hand and shook the detectives in a firm handshake that Kelsey was sure would have been the opposite.

“Can I ask you a question Mr. Thompson?” Kelsey saw the man smile with one of the largest grins that he’d ever seen on anyone before. The smile nearly split the man's face.

“As the old saying goes, you may ask?” Thompson wasn’t used to being treated so formally, except by the bank manager.

“How are you related to Ms. Devonshire? She said you are family.” Kelsey watched the man shuffle some papers on the desk and a small smile reclaimed his face again.

“Catherine hasn’t any blood relatives. Yes, she has an aunt, but they do not see each other. Catherine has seen fit to choose her own family. Not blood relatives, but in her eyes relatives nonetheless; I come under that category.” Thompson explained softly, it had been an interesting time the last nine months, especially taking over at UCP.

“Ah, so that’s the score. I did wonder. Ms. Devonshire is an unusual person and quite different from the normal run of the people I meet in my profession.” Kelsey looked around the room; it was in a warm yellow a pastel shade that wasn’t too garish, quite restful and bright really.

“Well, I’m sure Catherine would welcome the description, she’s certainly an impressive individual detective.” Thompson considered the detective’s words no, Catherine wasn’t the run of the mill normal person one comes across everyday.

“Tell you what, we have to work together for a little while. I’m on leave at the moment, so either Kelsey or Dan will do, okay with you?” Kelsey saw the brief smile.

“Sure, well in that case Thompson or James will be fine with me. Mr. Thompson sounds rather formal and I think the subject matter does not equate to formality in any way I suspect.” Thompson replied and waited for the man opposite to answer.

“No, that’s true so, to business Thompson. How do we go about tracking Ms Clauser?” Kelsey leaned forward in his chair and waited for the other man to speak.


Catherine had decided to take a shower before dinner; Jace and Elena had been sleeping soundly. She doubted that she would disturb them, but she shut the door and tried to make as little noise as possible.
Walking out of the bathroom with a towel around her wet hair in a turban style she glanced briefly over to the sleeping forms and sure enough mother and daughter were still sound asleep. Catherine had to prevent a chuckle as she heard snoring, one slightly louder than the other, but like mother, like daughter.

Moving over to the desk that was positioned at the far end of the room, Catherine looked at the picture frames that had pride of place on the left-hand side. One was the two of them on their wedding day and Catherine smiled as she recalled her nerves on that very special day. Then she glanced at the picture of her partner holding Elena at two months old; it was one of Catherine’s favourites. The largest picture was of Jace and the three children, which had been taken only last month. This captured her eyes Rio was sitting next to Lisa. Tralargon was in the background in the paddock, it had been a beautiful day and the family leaned against the paddock railing all smiles, even Jake. “My family.” Catherine said softly and her eyes misted at the images; it really was quite a sobering thought to consider not having them in her life for whatever reason.

“Yes, your family.” Jace responded quietly from the confines of the bed and Catherine turned to her partner with a grin.

“Ah, awake at last my love. How long have you been in bed?” Catherine asked and stood up and walked over to sit at the side of the bed that Jace occupied. She had obviously laid Elena on the other side of the bed at some stage.

“I went to bed yesterday for five hours, but I confess I have now been in bed for over ten and I feel very refreshed. Seeing you has done wonders to my stimulation process.” Jace smiled and put out a hand and touched the scarred left cheek gently.

“Glad to hear that I can stimulate you with my presence. Dinner will be in about half an hour, want to share your presence with everyone.” Catherine asked her and kissed the palm of the hand that held to her face.

“Where you are Catherine.” Simple words but with a wealth of meaning in them to Jace’s starved ears.

Catherine bent her head and nuzzled Jace’s neck and heard the pleasure emitting from the smaller woman.

“Are you tired Catherine?”

“Tired no!” Catherine looked into the sparkling green eyes she missed acutely when she wasn’t in the presence of this woman.

“Oh, pity.” Jace responded and gave her a small pout, the very eyes she loved twinkling with devilment.

Catherine took in the position of her partner and the smouldering look in the eyes and the invitation…for that was an invitation, if she wasn’t mistaken.

“Jace, why is it that everytime you see me, you just want to get me into bed?” the taller woman asked and her voice sounded serious.

Jace looked at Catherine and saw the evil glint in the ice blue eyes; those sexy orbs that would never fail to turn her body to jelly with a look.

“Well, I was looking after your health darling, any problem with that?”

Catherine smiled and her face told Jace her answer as full lips captured hers and it was some time before they surfaced.

“Jace if this is looking after my health, I’m tempted to fake sickness every minute of the day.”

Jace laughed and was suddenly pushed to the side as her daughter showed initiative and pushed in between them, her green eyes latching onto the ice blue ones of her mama.

“Mama?” The child shrieked and her spotty and pale face gave Catherine a smile that made her heart beat faster. She was glad she had made the right decision and come home.

“Yes, Darling and how is my little one Mmmm?” Catherine pulled away from Jace and embraced her youngest daughter and kissed the small cheek several times.

“Oh. So, I get left behind for a younger model Catherine, thanks.” Jace pouted again and laughed as she saw the startled expression on her partner’s face.

Catherine smiled self-consciously at the happy expression on her spouse’s face, “Jace you gave me this bundle of joy remember. Can I help it if I fall for green eyes?”

Jace punched her arm playfully and watched as Elena grasped a small fist around the turban that held Catherine’s wet hair and it came away with a little backlash against Catherine’s neck, making the tall woman frown and yelp at the sting of pain.

“Yeah, well at least she knows how to get your attention, but don’t worry Catherine, I’ll kiss it better for you later and that’s a promise.” Jace moved away and padded towards the bathroom, knowing that her partner was watching her move, it always made her tingle at the thought of those eyes roaming all over her body.

Catherine watched with a look of pure enjoyment on her face as Jace walked over to the bathroom, her naked form something that she would watch until the end of her days. The damn woman just made her feel so…so horny! As the door closed on her partner, she turned to her daughter. She thought about getting a shotgun for when Elena was at that age when she would be courting. If she looked anything like her mother, Catherine was sure she was going to have her hands full keeping the lecherous vermin at bay. Then again, there was Lisa to contend with first, but she was sure her elder daughters firebrand humour would distinguish everyone, but the brave of heart. Smiling wickedly at the very thought she tickled the toddler and smiled at her apparent strength. This kid had one hell of a constitution on her.


Sarah was anxiously awaiting the doctor. Lukas had not only called the man he had gone to personally collect him. Consty’s health was the prime concern.

“Where are you?” strangled words from the distressed woman prone with sickness and a high fever in the bed brought Sarah closer.

“I’m here Consty, I’m here.” Sarah said soothingly and wiped away the silver hair from her eyes, which opened and looked glazedly at her friend.

“Catherine?” Constantia Xianthos asked.  She looked enquiringly at her friend and Sarah placed a smaller hand on the woman’s brow her own eyes brimming with fresh tears as she realised that the sick woman wasn’t talking to her.

“Do you want me to call Catherine, Consty?” Sarah tried to reassure her friend.

“No! She will come. Catherine is coming as it should be.” Constantia answered distinctly and Sarah thought for a moment that she was now lucid and properly awake. “She’ll come to bring it full circle. It is her destiny.”

Sarah clutched one of the frail larger hands in hers and put it to her lips in a gesture of comfort and understanding. Although she didn’t understand, “What do you mean Consty, has she called to say she’s coming?”

“Dreams, she dreams. She must wrestle with the demons of the past before she can accept the dreams of the future. What is one person’s nightmare, becomes another one’s dreams. So it will be for Catherine, it will come full circle.” Constantia looked at her friend, but did not see her. She saw other shadows other people long ago lost to her.

Sarah didn’t know how to react and what to say. “I’ll call her Consty,” her voice low and barely audible in the room.

Steps could be heard walking towards the room, that would be Lukas with the doctor, ‘thank god, I don’t want you to die Consty, whatever would I do alone?’ Sarah smiled weakly as the door opened and the two men stepped inside.


The dinner had been a quiet affair in the circumstances, particularly as Jake couldn’t attend and he was on the ranch, nevertheless it was good to be home.

Elena and Lisa both looked kind of comical with matching spots and sat close together, with Jace for once, at the other end of the table with her daughters keeping the maternal eye on them. Although, they had rallied round quite well in the last twenty-four hours, especially after the scare with Elena, they did appear to get tired easily.

Catherine looked over at Faith who was talking quietly to Constance and it brought a wry smile to her lips. Grace really had no idea how much she got her compassionate nature from her own mother. Maybe one day they would reconcile all their differences and it would be work out, especially now with the impending child.

“Catherine?” Jace said, her hands full with Elena who was trying to extricate herself from the harness as she was twisted in them much to the frustration of both mother and daughter.

“Yes Jace?” Catherine looked up and smiled. Then, rising from her chair made her way over to her daughter’s high chair.

Constance watched the domestic scene in fascination.

“Will you please take this little terror of ours for a few minutes. I think she’s trying to strangle herself in the straps.” Jace requested, fraught at the antics of her daughter. It was evident to Catherine that Jace required a little more sleep. She was like a bear with a sore head when she was tired.

“No problem darling, leave her to me.’ Catherine locked gazes with her daughter green on blue and she saw the subtle change and the relaxing of the small fists on the harness. “Elena going to come with mama?” Catherine saw the scowl change to a wide smile and the small arms reach up to the tall woman.

“Got you little one. Lisa you come also. Thought we’d go on the porch and talk to Rio, what do you think?” Catherine turned her smiling face to Lisa as she picked up Elena and held her close.

“Yeah, Catherine. I want to go and Rio likes us telling him a story too!” Lisa sprouted, her voice moved up a pitch in excitement at the treat of both Catherine and Rio.

“Well, in that case, let’s go and find the reclusive Rio Warriorson.” Catherine chuckled and had Elena place on her left hand hip and with ease picked up the featherlight Lisa on her right.

“Catherine he’s not related. You can’t call him Warriorson!” Lisa explained as the tall woman walked towards the door and nodded her head at Constance and Faith.

“I can’t? But he’s family isn’t he Lisa? Just like you, Jake and Elena?” Catherine said softly and the rest of the adults didn’t hear the answer as the door shut behind the woman and her daughters.

There was silence in the room and Jace looked across at the bemused expression Constance’s face. “How about coffee ladies I know I could do with one?” Jace smiled at them and they nodded as Jace stood up and went over to the table that held the coffee pot and picked out three cups, pouring the black liquid inside.

Several minutes later Constance looked at Jace and asked, “Will she really read them a story and the dog too?”

Jace smiled and looked at Faith and they exchanged a glance that said everything. “Yes, would you like to experience it?”

Constance raised her head and starred into the warm laughing green eyes, “Will she mind if we do?”

“No, no Catherine is home. If she invited you here Constance, she cares about you and she will not mind you experiencing what being part of that entails.” Jace answered seriously her eyes taking on a wistful far away look.

“In that case lead the way Jace. I really want to see this.” Constance replied quietly, amazed that her boss actually thought more of her than a mere employee.

An hour later the two children were sleeping in Catherine and Jace’s room. Faith was watching a movie on TV with Judy. Constance was talking to Jace about New Zealand and how she liked the country. Catherine was leaning against the railing of the paddock stroking the muzzle of her horse and talking to Colin.

“She certainly is different here. I would never have believed it had I not seen it for myself.” Constance stated as she leaned her elbows against the porch railings and watched her boss talking to a man.

Jace grinned, “Yes, Catherine is different here and she needs to be. It is her home, no pressure, although, that is debatable at times. Catherine made a home for herself here Constance long before I met her. This is her home. She feels safe here and now she knows love is here for her, no matter what happens elsewhere. I’m very fortunate she loves the children and me. We do not exist without her and I know she doesn’t exist without us either.” The words solemn but not sad, they held a light that defied explanation.

Constance turned her gaze to the small blonde who had captured the heart of Xianthos. For Catherine was a very powerful woman. If she wasn’t on the side of good it would be easy to see her as a godfather type figure as she had that presence. That sheer magnitudes of personality that drew you in and never let you go unless she wanted you to go. “I think she should stay here for good.”

Jace looked at the woman who she knew had problems. Although, she didn’t exhibit any major addiction, Jace could see the signs and her heart went out to her. For Catherine to bring her home it must be important, Jace was prepared to accept that. Although, she wasn’t enamoured by the thought that someone who had now succumbed to drink and drugs was now residing in the house. Yet! Hadn’t Catherine been the same. Would she have turned Catherine away all those years ago? No! She wouldn’t, nor this woman either. It was her destiny to save someone she could and she was waiting to do that, she needed to do that! “Perhaps, I would like that. But Catherine is a free spirit Constance, however, when all is said and done, I do believe she does well when she goes away. So long as she comes back to me, I will hold the love she has for me and our children and friends safe for her here on the ranch.”

“Those are very sentimental words Jace. I wish someone had that kind of faith in me.” Constance responded quietly and turned her head to gaze upon her employer again.

“Perhaps you weren’t ready to accept that kind of faith in you. Maybe you need to try again.” Jace stated and watched the slim back to her stiffen at the words.

“Try convincing that to someone else. I wish she’d listen that’s all. I need a second chance. That is all I ask.” Constance countered, her tone wistful.

“If you listen to your heart Constance perhaps it might send the right message to her. If you listen to your head, you might never have the chance again.” Jace spoke with a tinge of emotional understanding.

“Did anything like this happen to you and Catherine? A separation that you didn’t think you could salvage?” Constance turned as she spoke the words and wished she hadn’t as she saw the cheeks pale and the eyes fill with tears.

“Did anything happen like that for Catherine and I? Oh, yes it did. And believe me, I thought she was lost to me and it was the end of the world.” Jace expressed, her voice choked on the words.

Constance came over to the chair that the blonde was seated in and took the one opposite. “I’m really sorry Jace, if it brought up bad memories. I never intended to do that. You have to believe me.” The darker woman said sincere in her apologies.

Tears swam and finally drifted down her cheeks and neither woman spoke as they both had memories to cause them pain. “Have I a problem here?” Catherine was eyeing the two women from her point at the top step of the porch. Her eyes shifting from anger at Constance to anxiety for Jace at the tears the blonde shed.

“Catherine?” Jace said indistinctly the tears still evident and she smiled with watery eyes at her partner.

“Got that one right.” Catherine said quietly and walked over to Jace’s chair and knelt down so that their faces were on a level with each other.

Jace reached out a hand and placed it tenderly on the cheek of her partner. “I love you Catherine.”

Catherine sucked in a deep breath and exhaled it in quiet joy. “I know. I know you do darling and I certainly reciprocate.” Catherine placed a brief kiss on the lips before her and she then pulled her tall frame upright and starred at her business colleague.

“Constance it’s been a long day. Jace and I are going to have an early night. You are welcome to stay inside the house, but I will be setting the security system outside the house now. So, if you wouldn’t mind, please keep yourself within the internal confines. The interior is free for you to roam about as you see fit.” Catherine stated her mind now pre-occupied with getting her lover to bed and finding out why she was crying.

“Okay, that sounds good to me.” Constance responded quietly and envied the love that emitted from the women in the close proximity.

Catherine held out her hand to Jace who clasped it eagerly.

“Goodnight Constance I hope you sleep well.”

“I believe I will. I’m kind of tired myself. It’s been a long…well a long time without sleep I guess.” The darker woman smiled and went towards the main door and let herself in the main house leaving the two lovers together.

Jace turned into Catherine’s strong embrace and she leaned her head on the broad shoulder. “I’m glad you’re back darling.”

Catherine could feel her heart beat pick up a pace at the simple words. “Yes, well that feeling is mutual. I cannot think of anything closer to heaven than holding you close in my arms in bed.”

Jace considered the words and she felt her body respond on the primal level, “You haven’t forgotten we have Lisa and Elena in our room have you Catherine?” It was a tentative question.

Catherine smiled wryly, “I could think of better places for them, but as they were part and parcel of why I came home, no! I will be very happy tonight to share my room and if necessary my bed with the three most beautiful women in my life.” Catherine whispered the words into the shining blonde hair.

Jace looked at her partner and their gazes locked. The messages they sent each other didn’t need words. It didn’t need an interpreter. It just needed these two people very much in love and that was enough, more than enough.

“Let’s go to bed Catherine?” Jace said, her words muffled as her mouth latched onto the side of her partner’s neck and she kissed the soft smooth skin where Elena had left a small red mark earlier.

“Any time partner, anytime.” Catherine without hesitation picked up the petite blonde and pushed open the door and proceeded up the stairs and within a short space of time, the alarm system was activated and the two adults were happily snuggled up together in the king sized bed with a daughter on either side.


Several hours later, the phone rang in the early hours of the morning at Destiny and minutes later a sleepy Catherine Warriorson picked it up.

“Destiny Ranch, what can I do for you?” her voice annoyed at the disturbance and looking at the clock it was only three a.m. didn’t people sleep!

Catherine listened intently to the person at the other end of the line, her mind suddenly becoming alert.

“I’ll be there Sarah give me a couple of days.” More words at the end of the line and Catherine and the caller ended the conversation.

Catherine replaced the receiver and looked out at the stillness of the room and the three slumbering forms in her bed. It brought a brief smile to her lips. Then she walked over to glance out at the darkness that surrounded the ranch.

‘So it had come!’

Turning abruptly she went back to her place in the bed and managed to retrieve some of the sheet that was being shared by the four of them.

Seconds later lips that she knew without question grazed her ear, “Is everything alright?” Jace asked her voice full of the sleep she wasn’t really free from.

Catherine quirked a grin and turned slightly to see the face of her lover in semi sleep her eyes still closed.

“Yes, everything is fine, go back to sleep. I love you.” Catherine whispered softly and placed a tender kiss on her forehead and then wrapped her arms around not only her partner but also the two children who had snuggled closer.

Catherine’s last thought as she fell asleep, ‘This is my family, this is what it’s all about!’

Continued in Part 14

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