~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Seventeen
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Twenty-seven:

Catherine had been upset at not having contacted Jace and she wondered, not for the first time, why her partner wasn’t at home. It must have been close to seven in the evening and with the girls sick surely she hadn’t gone to help the Reverend out when she plainly had her own problems at home! Catherine refused to pose that same question to herself for fear of the answer and her eyes wandered over to the present predicament she was in.

Having had lunch and a long three hour one at that, with her aunt, Sarah and Lukas, it had been a pleasant time and very enlightening, particularly when her aunt discussed the many business interests she had become involved with, primarily Greek ones. But the international ones she favoured were right out of Catherine’s own portfolio of investments. She could not fault the judgement of any of her choices and had even learned something along the way herself. What had been noticeable to Catherine was that Constantia never moved out of her seat for the full three hours. She had remained seated and covered by a blanket over her knees the whole time, although it was very warm, even in the shade two hours into the lunch.

Eventually Lukas retired back to the office in the north wing of the building and Sarah looked around the patio and decided to volunteer to show Catherine some of the finer points of the Villa. Her aunt had nodded her head, but had not moved to either go along with them or leave her seat. It puzzled Catherine, but she had other things on her mind, not least making an important call home.

Now she was packed and contemplated leaving the villa. It was a remarkable restoration feat and she felt a little better with her aunt after their lunch together. However, saying goodbye was another thing altogether and she wasn’t much for farewells. Walking over to the window, she noticed that her aunt was still on the balcony and in a reclining seat overlooking the bay with its peaceful tranquillity. It was as good a time as any to make that final farewell to her relative.

A couple of minutes later she cleared her throat loudly so that her aunt was aware of her presence.

“I knew you would come eventually Catherine.” Constantia said quietly and heard, rather than saw the sudden stiffening of the younger woman’s body as it change the air around them.

“You did? Well, I guess it must be that second sight or something our family is so legendary for.” Catherine shrugged off the nervous feeling she was having and went over to lean her tall frame against the balcony and look out at the small vessels bobbing in the bay. The colours were very restful to the eye. It was the same feeling you received when you watched fish in a tank swimming peacefully around.

“Our family is famous for more than the gift of prophecy Catherine. You feel it, yet you will not let it take over your life as you should.” Constantia said simply and this time saw her niece stiffen at the words.

Catherine turned around and looked into the blue eyes that matched hers shade for shade. The only difference being was that her aunt saw with two eyes she saw with one! “What on earth are you talking about Constantia?” her voice cynical.

Constantia heard the cynicism and she gave a wry smile. This woman was so like her. Was that the reason that they had never been able to respond to each other? Was it because they thought so much alike and reacted in exactly the same way? Perhaps! That would answer so many of the age old questions she’d asked herself over the years.


Catherine wasn’t sure she’d heard right, ‘did her aunt say love?’ not wanting to answer immediately she returned her gaze to the ships in the bay. Several minutes later she answered. Her aunt had left the simple word in the open and added nothing more to the conversation. “Love, is important in everyone’s life not just ours.”

Constantia smiled at her niece.  “Yes, I’m aware of that Catherine, but when we Xianthos love, we do it with our very souls. There is no second measures and for us rarely a second chance to capture that love again.”

Catherine thought about the solemn words, shaking her head she spun her body round so fast Constantia held her breath wondering what the woman was going to do. She did nothing but gaze at her face and a tender look crossed her face. “You’re right of course. We do love with our souls when we find the love of our lives, but you’re wrong too! For some of us Aunt, do get a second chance and we seize it and never let it go.” Her voice low, catching on the emotions that suddenly threatened to engulf her.

“You found that out presumably. Did it have anything to do with this mystery accident you have yet to speak of?” Constantia saw the large hand of her niece sweep away some of the dark hair that fell over her left cheek and the scars that were faint, but still visible exposed the very subject in all its clarity.

Catherine didn’t ask, she didn’t even know why she did it, but she sat down at the foot of her aunt much as Jake did at her feet at home when she was about to tell a story. Leaning gently against the arm of the chair, she looked up at the bright blue sky. It was such a wonderful day today.

“I was foolish enough to think that my past wouldn’t catch up with me. The woman that I found I loved was so innocent in comparison to the person I had been, or still am. I thought I could just love her and forget all the other things that happened. However, they do catch up with you at the most inopportune times. It caused a wedge in the relationship, she left me!” Catherine said bleakly. It made Constantia jump slightly in her chair at the pain the words caused in her own heart. Placing a gentle hand on the top of the raven head, she stroked the hair in a comforting fashion. After an initial flinch Catherine allowed the older woman to continue her soothing motion.

“Did she love you as much as you loved her?” Constantia asked simply.

“Jace gave me her unconditional love. I was less than honest with her. It was all my fault the rift and yet, it made me a better woman for it in the end.” Catherine sought to take the blame for her lost time with her partner.

“Jace was not to blame for any hurt she inflicted on you? That doesn’t sound like a true meeting of souls to me Catherine.” Constantia felt the shift of the body in anger and she smiled…so, it had touched a nerve. How very noble of her niece to take the blame.

“Jace had her reasons. She and I have surpassed the anger we felt to each other. That side of the relationship is now behind us. We now live for each other, our children, family and friends. I don’t want to die and leave her here alone aunt. What am I going to do?” Catherine broke down and sobbed quietly. Her thoughts on the recurring dream that taunted her into taking actions she had no idea of what the consequences would be. Yet, something wouldn’t let her leave it be.

Constantia had never in all the years, having watched this woman grow from a baby to early adulthood, ever seen her cry with so much emotion, not even at the deaths of her son and husband. She herself had cried harder, but in private for the death of Adam and the children that should have been hers, but she had allowed that possibility to trickle away. Constantia felt not only physically helpless as she wanted so much to take the young woman in her arms and give her the comfort she sought, but emotionally helpless too! “Catherine what do you dream?” Constantia knew that was the reason behind the breakdown before her. Obviously Catherine was dreaming and couldn’t understand her dream.

Catherine shuddered at the thought and gulped a short breath and stifled the sobs that she was finding hard to suppress. “I…I die. I’m in a coffin and Jace is placing a flower in the casket. I want to tell her I’m not dead. That it’s a dream and not to leave me there in the cold and dark, but she is taken away by a familiar hand, but I don’t know who that is!”

Constantia continued her stroking gently of Catherine’s head and then she traced a finger down the scarred cheek and tipped the chin of her niece towards her. Blue eyes looked into blue, one with fear the other with understanding.

“Catherine, I know you and I have never been close.” Catherine’s eyebrow rose to her forehead at that understatement. “Okay! We have never seen eye to eye ever, I believe. Nevertheless, we share a bond more than blood Catherine. That bond is ancestral and binds us together in support like nothing else ever would or could. The dream you’re having isn’t imposing death of the physical kind on you Catherine, but of the emotional kind. The old you is dead, but it still clings to life like a ghost and wants to remain forever. Your love for Jace and hers for you want to go forward, but unless you finally let it go Catherine, all will be lost. The old and the new and what would be left behind? Look inside yourself for the answers Catherine, for only you can answer them. But, let her inside Catherine, or you will lose her love. Jace’s love for you will flourish and bring nourishment to your starved soul if you let her inside for good Catherine, but it’s all up to you.”

Catherine was listening intently to the words, as she had never considered that her dream was anything but a premonition of her death. With everything that was going on around her, she was still loath to think otherwise. What if Constantia was wrong? “How can you be so sure?”

Constantia gave a small cynical laugh and her hand moved away from Catherine’s face and placed a hand over her own eyes ready to shield them from unseen pain that threatened. “Experience Catherine! If nothing else, I too, had a dream similar to yours. I was much younger and god help me, but I was so proud and foolish! I ignored it at my cost, my love’s cost and the future generation that would no longer be born.”

Catherine heard the sincerity in the voice of the older woman and she for the first time felt a connection that had never been between them. “You never got a second chance then?”

“Catherine I had a second, third and numerous chances, but I ignored my heart, his and your mothers also. Eventually he found someone else to take my place and start a family without me.” The words filled with sorrow not bitterness, which surprised Catherine, as she had felt so bitter with Jace when she had married Peter Adamson. Looking up at Constantia, she saw the tears shimmering and ready to fall on the proud countenance before her.

“I…well Aunt, I suppose I’ve been sensible then, perhaps for the first time in my life wouldn’t you say?” Catherine smiled genuinely at her aunt. She saw something in her face that reminded her of her mother and perhaps that was one of the reasons she had always rejected any approaches by this woman in love. Because she saw a resemblance to her mother and it wasn’t fair that her mother was dead and this woman was alive. It hadn’t been fair when she was ten years old. It hadn’t been fair when she was twenty years old! And if she really looked at the pain she felt, it just hadn’t been fair that everything she loved had been taken from her! She had been unable to adjust and accept that someone else could offer her a love to anchor her as a child, as she had offered to Jake and Lisa.

She had felt betrayed, alone and wanted to die with her mother. The child had died with her mother in reality. The shell left behind, had been allowed to grow and experience life, but without that essential quality called love in her heart. She had only ever felt that when Jace had opened her up to all those feelings. She owed her life to her partner. It could never be repaid except in acknowledging that they were equal. It was time she stopped the solitary bearing and share not only her physical love, but also everything including her fears of the past and the future. ‘Oh, God, how simple a solution it sounds, but so very difficult to allow and yet, nothing else mattered really.’

“I think you learnt your lessons well Catherine. When you had a choice, you let love lead the way. That’s all your dream is saying Catherine; let love leave the old you behind and go forward into the light with the only person who means life and death to you.” Constantia saw the traces of tears in her niece’s eyes. Perhaps, her coming here hadn’t been so bad. Maybe they could build on this fragile conversation. She certainly hoped so. She wished with all her heart that it would be so, but what did Catherine want?

“I will. I have planned to leave tonight. I have business in the States, but if you….”

Constantia shook her head and smiled warmly at the young woman. It could have been so easy to hate her. They had never been close. They had argued incessantly and eventually Catherine had stolen without notice, the one person who represented a perfect love for her, Adam! God she had wanted to hate her. When their son had been born, it had cut her deeply, but how could one hate such a lost soul? For Catherine had been a lost soul in so many ways. Now, they had a second chance and this time she wasn’t proud, she was going to grasp it, that is, if Catherine allowed it.

“No. No, please Catherine, you are a busy woman and I know you need to get back to your family. Perhaps one day you would come back and visit me with your family and we might build on today?” It was a tentative request, one, which Catherine heard as her heart, felt the peace it brought to her in such a profound way. It was like another door opening that she was willing to walk through to see the light.

“Yes, Jace and the children will love it here. But are you sure you wouldn’t be upset at having three boisterous children moving around the villa as they might damage something?” Catherine smiled warmly at her aunt.

“Catherine this villa has been around far longer than any one generation. Therefore, I do believe it will stand the test of your children. Don’t you think so? Anyway, they can in no way be worse than your mother and I were, believe me. I have photographs to show you next time.” Constantia returned the warm smile and Catherine stood up to her six foot height.

“Yes, I guess your right. But you might regret that; hope you’re ready to run around after them, because they sure make me tired.” Catherine chuckled and saw a flash of…was it pain cross the face she looked down on.

Constantia saw the look and she knew there was no better time and lifted off the blanket that enclosed her legs and it revealed to Catherine emaciated legs, very pale. “You and I Catherine, have stories to tell the next time we meet, wouldn’t you say?”

Catherine starred at the legs and the frail woman who had a vitality of personality that made you ignore the weakness of the body. “Between us Aunt, we could probably write a book, but a conversation in the near future looks equally good to me.”

“Well, you have the publishing business Catherine not I. How good are you at story telling? It is in our family line too I might add.” Constantia was glad she’d shown Catherine the truth. It would work out! It had to work out. Time was so short now!

“Actually the kids like my stories, but I prefer Jace’s poetry myself. I think our brand of stories are for the future Xianthos generations, not for common knowledge.” Catherine had an idea fermenting. She was going to take a side trip to Boston and make sure that if Constantia was wrong, that if it was her physical death that she was dreaming about, there was a future for the Xianthos line and she also knew that Jace would make it happen.

“Then I look forward to not only our stories, but yours for your children and the poetry from the woman you love. Thank you Catherine for allowing an old woman to see the future.” Constantia spoke softly and with a measure of emotion that echoed in her mind as a memory.

“Thank you for considering that we have a future.” Catherine placed a gentle hand against the face of her aunt and she smiled warmly.

“Safe journey Catherine, in all your endeavours.”

“Keep safe and well until my return Constantia. My children will be happy to have more family to play with and I want to see those photographs also.” Catherine went towards the door and turned one last time before she went into the enormous hall and the steps to the next floor.


Althea had been appraised of the situation on the Island and knew it was now or never if she was going to warn Constantia Xianthos. There weren’t any other choices laid before her. It was quite simple really, she warned her and waited for the truth to be told, then she would die at her mother’s hand. Or she waited and an innocent died and then she would have to retaliate and she would die probably at the hands of her mother, the police, or someone else. When you thought about it the choices weren’t exactly good, as she died either way. So the actual path she faced was quite simple, she would go and warn the residents of Xianthos.

Althea had made her decision and went of towards the small jetty and unleashed the jet bike and sitting astride she revved up the throttle and turned it towards the bay area. With luck she might get an audience with the woman, who frightened her own mother in some strange and unusual way and in almost every situation.

The crippled woman who had arrived on the Island twelve years ago had become the favourite of the Islanders. All of her mothers’ attempts at becoming the mother figure of the Island were destroyed with her sudden appearance. After all, the locals had always had a soft spot of the Xianthos family. It had obviously not declined even though they had fled the Island of their ancestors for over thirty years. The Spiros family had a line going as far back as the Xianthos line. Yet it had always been the same, the Spiros family was always the second, never the first in line and their feuding over the centuries looked like it would never be quelled.

Althea felt the slight wind behind her back and loved the feel of the spray hitting her face as she roared away towards her destination. And whatever outcome that destination might cause.


The phone rang insistently and Jace padded out of bed. It was the private line in their room, with only a handful of people knowing it. At this time in the morning Jace thought sleepily, ‘it had better be a good reason’ as she stumbled to the desk and the telephone.

“Hello, Destiny how can I help you?” Jace’s voice a little slurred with sleep as her sluggish green eyes looked at the clock on the desk. It was only three a.m. for Christ sake, didn’t people sleep.

“Darling, how about you? Read me a poem and make me happy listening to your voice.” A low gravely voice asked quietly as Jace’s heartbeat thumped erratically in her chest.

“Catherine, what…where… Gods I love you!” Jace spluttered and sat down heavily in the chair at the desk. Her body responding with a shiver as her thinly clad form hit the cold leather.

“I love you too Jace. And I’m about to go to the ferry jetty and pick up my connection to Athens.” Catherine had been pleased at Jace’s response. She had no idea what she would have done had her partner still been angry with her.

“Where to from there? No! No don’t answer that Catherine. It’s okay, just so long as you keep safe and you come home to us…to me!” Her voice lowered as she spoke the final words as a fervent prayer of hope.

“I was going to ask how the girls were and if they could travel yet?” Catherine stated quietly, for she had plans that involved all her family.

“The girls will be fine to travel in a week or perhaps two, but Catherine what about Jake? You’re not mad at him are you? He seems to think you might be?” Jace asked knowing that Catherine might try to prevaricate, but doubted she could do so with ease.

“Mad at him, no Jace our son told me the truth as he sees it. To be honest on reflection, he was correct. I’ll make it up to him when I come home.” Catherine replied soberly.

“Your leaving early Catherine.  I thought that perhaps you might have had at least two nights to make your peace with your aunt?” Jace asked quietly, had she even taken the time to talk to her aunt.

“Ah, Darling, but I have made my peace, or at least we will eventually. When I do I want you with me as Constantia has expressed a desire to meet the woman who is responsible for teaching me what love means.” Her smile reflected the love even if Jace couldn’t see it… she must surely feel it?

“Your aunt wants to meet me? That’s wonderful Catherine, and the children?” Jace asked excited at the prospect. She wanted to meet someone who knew Catherine when she was a child. She wanted to experience some of her childhood however painful that might be.

“Oh, the children will no doubt not want to come home. She’s restored the family villa Darling. It’s magnificent. And the views over the bay are incredible. I want to experience it all over again with you Jace. Call it a second honeymoon, but with strings called Jake, Lisa and Elena.” Catherine laughed as she pictured in her minds eye the face of the kids when they saw this place.

“Anytime my love, anytime. How are you?”

“Strange as it may seem, I actually feel good about a lot of things and I need to go to the States for a few weeks to work out some of them. However, Jace it isn’t Hudson! I’ve decided that if she wants me, she has to come get me. And we will work it out together Jace, you and I, whatever that will be. Is that okay with you?” Catherine’s voice sounded as if it was in the room with her and every word was emphasised to ensure Jace understood her completely.

Jace had sucked in a breath when Catherine had mentioned going back to the States, but she had slowly expelled it as the words revealed her partner had accepted her fate, and that they were better together than apart. “Would you like for us to come to New York and keep you company?”


Yes, a single word that proclaimed the world to Jace.

“How about next weekend? I’ll check with the doctors to make sure that the girls can travel. Jake will need to stay in school Catherine. However, I’m sure you can talk to him soon and promise to bring him the newest computer games that he can’t get here to sweeten the pill.” Jace laughed as she pictured Jake’s crestfallen face at having to stay in school, then to be quickly replaced by a grin when he thought of a suitable present from Catherine.

“That can be arranged and Jace, I’m sorry about how we left each other. It should not have been that way. We can’t afford to let things get in the way of our love Jace. It’s far to important, it means my life!” Catherine gave a whispered plea and heard the catch in the throat of her lover at the other end of the line.

“Catherine, you are my life. And I’m sorry also. All I want to do is hold you and show you what I feel, but it will have to wait until next weekend. How about that poem instead?” Jace smiled as her tears fell silently. Catherine it seemed always made the first move in making up when they parted in haste and anger, why didn’t she?

“Okay, I’m all ears and I love it when you recite a poem to me, makes my toes curl and I want to imagine every word is written with me in mind.” Catherine responded softly quietly and chuckled wickedly.

“Toes curl huh? Now that’s a picture to behold and my love every word is written for you and about you. Thought I had told you that already?” Jace smiled as she turned over a few pages of her journal and looked at the last one she’d written just the previous night, as she felt so alone and sad.

“Well, you did Jace, but it doesn’t harm to check again.” Catherine said and then waited for Jace to start her poem.

Leaving Me Behind
Alone without you I reflect on the sadness it brings, the jealousy that springs, how empty my life seems.
Companionless as you leave, misery follows me from room to room, resentment plays it’s own tune.
Forsaken as time flees and you’re not with me, my despondent soul cries in envy wherever you may be.
Isolated in the pain of loneliness your absence brings to me, downhearted with tears that fall heedlessly, insecurity never lets me go.
Apart we stretch the fabric of the love we created, wretched sorrow greets the days, doubting the love I crave.
Abandoned here to think, my possessive heart wants and yearns, I’m convinced and compelled to believe you belong only to me.
Come home my love, travel the distance that separates us, be the beacon to let free the happiness within, as two souls become one wholeheartedly.
Home is in my heart my love, alone and apart I will always want and need, I look forward to your return and the way you make my soul sing, for I guarantee it only for you.

Catherine blinked back a tear as Jace finished her recital and if there could have been anyway she could have held the small woman in her arms at that time, she would have moved heaven and earth to do so.

“Hey, Jace, does that mean you miss me?” Catherine tried to alleviate the tension on the line as she heard the short breaths of her partner who she knew was trying not to cry.

“I suppose I should have written something more upbeat huh?” Jace gulped back her tears and gave a watery smile to the inanimate object in her hand. ‘If only!’

“No, Jace it was beautiful.  I know you are my home Jace. My everything. You keep it safe in your heart darling, because I will always want it, need it and I never ever want to lose it!” Catherine stated with conviction.

“Will you call me later when you get settled in New York?” Jace finally shuddered, her heart overflowing with love for this woman.

“Let anything try and stop me Jace. I need to go now Darling. Lukas is waiting to take me to the jetty. I’ll explain how my visit here went in detail later and please take care of yourself and the kids okay?” Catherine stated calmly, closing her eyes and wishing she were there to keep them safe herself.

“With Colin permanently on the look out for aliens from out of space these days, it’s lucky he lets us back on the property if we go shopping.” Jace replied happily and heard Catherine chuckle at her end.

“I love you Jace. See you soon.”  She breathed in awe and heard the whispered endorsement from her partner as she disconnected the call.

Jace silently placed the receiver back in its cradle. She looked over at the two peacefully sleeping children and a sudden chill came over her body as she moved. All the time she was talking to Catherine she hadn’t felt cold in anyway. She had to hand it to her partner, she had a way of making her warm all over and she didn’t even need to be in the same room or country… come to that! Her woman was simply marvellous.

Walking slowly over to the bed she placed tender kisses on both of her children’s heads and whispered. “Mama loves you and she’s coming home. She is coming home babies to us all and this time she’s never leaving us again!” Jace settled back down in the bed and her thoughts drifted over the just completed conversation. With just the sensation of hearing Catherine’s voice, her heart felt as if it was soaring in happiness. She slowly allowed sleep to claim her, but this time she was exhausted with joy.


Althea pulled the jet bike into the small jetty, which was used for the local ferry. It was the only safe place she could think of to moor the craft until she returned from the Xianthos villa, located a mile down the road.

As she alighted the bike she tentatively pulled her fingers through her spray covered hair and grimaced, she must look a sight. Ensuring the bike was completely secure; she walked down the jetty and was surprised to see Lukas Dimitrie striding forward with a tall stunning woman at his side. She had a familiar look about her, at least the features seemed familiar at this distance.

“Mr. Dimitrie.” Althea spoke in Greek with a strong confident voice and watched the handsome man turn to her and look at her with a mixture of annoyance and amusement.

Althea was disconcerted at his gaze, not the expression of annoyance but the amusement, ‘what the hell did he find so funny?’

“Ms. Spiros, it has been a long time since you have been in the Island. What may I do for you?” The man answered in Greek and Catherine watched the interchange between the two of them intrigued at the body language she could feel.

“I was hoping that perhaps I could see Ms. Xianthos this evening?” Althea knew that there was only two ways to get to see the woman and that was this man, or her constant companion Sarah Rogers. Fate was smiling on her; at least with seeing him here was a golden opportunity.

“Ms. Spiros that is both an unusual request and impossible. It is far too late for Ms. Xianthos to have visitors. She’s been sick recently and needs to regain her strength.” Lukas had grown up with this young woman. At least they had attended some of the first schools together. She had been a brilliant student and remarkably a very happy child and good company. However, that was years ago, now she was an unknown entity.

Althea looked down at her hands and to Catherine watching quietly, she was certain the young woman was about to wring them, a gesture of desperation.

“It’s important Lukas!” Althea resorted to first name terms, then saw the sudden dull red cross the mans cheeks at her familiarity.

“If you explain to me the importance perhaps I can arrange for you to visit another day, for tonight, the answer is no!” Lukas responded, determined that a woman he no longer knew would not override him.

Catherine walked towards the couple and she smiled briefly. “We have a problem here?” Her low gravely voice interrupted the scowls that passed between them.

Lukas turned to the imposing woman at his side and was once again thrown by her appearance so like his godmother. “No, Catherine everything is under control. I was explaining that Constantia is still weak from her illness and that visitors would not be welcome this evening.”

Catherine turned her ice blue gaze on the somewhat bedraggled appearance of the younger woman who was now starring at her with an amazed expression on her face. “True. So she gets to see her in the morning. I have a ferry to catch and it looks like the Captain is waiting. So, deal with this later Lukas.” Catherine turned towards the ferry gangplank and was about to go aboard when a small hand placed itself on her arm. Turning cold ice blue eyes looked into desperate brown ones and she flicked her glance down to the hand restraining her. Althea reluctantly released her hold, but refused to move away.

“I need to see Ms. Xianthos tonight! It is extremely important!” Althea this time spoke in clear cultured English and Catherine was impressed, the woman was educated at least.

“What’s so important that you need to see my aunt this evening? There is always tomorrow?” Catherine was impatient to leave, as was the captain of the vessel for he was grumbling words in Greek, but it was all the same in any language.

“I need to explain it to Ms. Xianthos. I dare not speak of it to anyone else.” Althea pleaded and shot both Catherine and Lukas a look of concern.

Catherine waved the woman away and she went forward and crossed onto the ferry itself. “Lukas it’s your call. If I were you, I would go have coffee or something that you Greeks do and talk about it. I’ll be in touch as soon as I arrive in the States. And Lukas, keep an eye on her for me.” With that the tall woman departed to the deck below as the captain rushed around disengaging the ropes for departure.

Lukas turned to Althea who was now looking despondent at the retreating back of the woman and she wondered if her sudden leaving the island would give her more time. Clauser wouldn’t be aware of the departure and that would dislocate the plans for a while. It would be a breathing space and it looked like she needed it.

“Would you care to go for a coffee Althea? Perhaps we can discuss the importance of your proposed visit to see Ms. Xianthos?” Lukas looked at the woman and her dejected appearance. If he thought about it, she looked like a child that had been chastised for something she hadn’t done. It was quite endearing, not to mention her somewhat bedraggled look

Althea considered the invitation, but decided it wasn’t really necessary. “No, thanks all the same Lukas. I think I’ll head back home. I will make a more formal appointment with Ms. Xianthos as you requested earlier. Was that really her niece, Catherine Devonshire?”

Lukas smiled briefly and felt a little disappointed that she hadn’t wanted to take up his invitation. He would have liked to know how she was getting along and why it was so important to see Constantia.

“Yes that was the infamous Ms. Devonshire. She’s quite stunning isn’t she?”

Althea was a little annoyed at his description of the woman and then she looked down at her own appearance and shook her head… yeah, no competition.

“Infamous isn’t that a little harsh? I understand she is a very clever business woman, but has a lifestyle a little different from most others.” Althea finally replied and walked towards her jet bike.

“Yes. Her lifestyle is certainly different than the average person, I suspect. Will you call me tomorrow to make an appointment with Ms. Xianthos?” Lukas asked watching the woman untethered her craft and straddled the seat with ease.

“Yes, I’ll call you Lukas. See you around.” With that, she released the throttle and turned the jet bike towards her homeward destination.

Lukas watched the retreating back become swallowed up in the inky depths of the dark bay. “Yes. See you around Althea, safe journey home.” The man whispered as the figure disappeared in the distance and all he heard were the echoes of the bike engine.


Catherine settled into a plastic seat that was both uncomfortable and well worn. She pulled out the file that she had requested earlier from her lawyer and glanced at its contents. Closing her eyes briefly she smiled as happy thoughts of her conversation with Jace popped easily into her head. Opening her eyes again, she read the details in depth and made several notes that would make the project fly. Well, in her eyes anyway it would emerge, take fruition and Jace would be extremely happy, and that was the main part… no…no… it would make both of them happy. With those thoughts, the tall dark woman beamed with satisfaction.

An hour or so later, she glanced out at the darkness surrounding the ferry and listened to the incessant chug of the engine, which by the sound of it needed a complete overhaul. ‘Wonder why the young woman had been insistent on seeing Constantia? Surely it could have waited until the morning at least? Oh, well Lukas was competent enough to clear up the matter. It wasn’t as if anything threatening could possibly get to my aunt. The place is very secure.’

Stretching tired and aching muscles, she walked over to one of the portholes and looked unseeingly out at the inky blue of the sea and the reflected darkness in the skies. ‘It’s time to call a halt to all this travelling Jace. I think I’ve finally realised and been shown that you are the most important thing in my life and it’s time I made certain you know it and we enjoy our time together. We need to plan our new baby together also. And finalise all the adoption particulars for Lisa and Jake.  This time it’s going to happen. Jake isn’t ever going to get the chance to say that to me again. Never again!’

Looking at her watch she sighed heavily. It would be at least another four hours before she reached the mainland. Then she hoped to get on the next flight out of Athens to Boston. By this time tomorrow, she would be in the States and the final phase of her plan. Now that was going to be a immense surprise for Jace. She was certain her partner was going to love all her plans… Oh, yes!… And that meant all of them!

Turning back she settled into the plastic seat again and closed her eyes and tried to nap. Well, she would try anyway.

Continued in Part 18

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