~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Eighteen
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Twenty-eight

Sally Clauser was frowning heavily at the beautiful sea view from the balcony. All her plans had been thwarted for the time being, unless she did get rid of the old crone at the villa. That would surely bring Devonshire back and with a bang as well! When she had been told, she hadn’t thought that Catherine would be insensitive to her only living relative and would spend less than twenty-four hours in the woman’s company. Now it was time to rethink the whole process. Her original thought that Devonshire might return. However, that had not transpired and it was now over a week later.

She was becoming impatient to complete this little episode and get her own life back to some normality. It was something to consider what would be normality after this was over. She certainly couldn’t go back to her old life. Although, why not? Who the hell would care!

“You don’t look very happy with the view Ms. Clauser?” Althea Spiros asked quietly as she approached the back of the other woman.

“Ms. Spiros, I’m not!” Sally Clauser retorted, her eyes never leaving the peaceful setting of the blue sea in front of her.

“Perhaps I can help?” Althea had wondered what made this woman tick. She hadn’t found out yet. With the setting of the firm jaw in front of her, she doubted she would either.

“Let’s just say, I was hoping that all my plans would have been realised by now. However, as with all good plans of mice and men, it was not to be.” Sally replied and turned to look the younger woman over with a keen glance.

Althea shivered at the gaze she was receiving from the minimising woman. It was cold and calculating and she felt like she was being dissected under a microscope.

“I take it that you haven’t heard anything to confirm your original view that Ms. Devonshire might return to the Island?”

Sally shrugged, “Mere detail. If she does not return in the next week, I intend to kill the old crone off to get her here and to hell with the other plans.”

Althea looked shocked at the nonchalant attitude to a murder the woman before her was taking. “What exactly are you planning?” a whispered question.

Sally stepped forward and came uncomfortably close to Althea. The woman’s breathe fanning her cheeks. It had a peppermint smell that barely disguised the garlic she had eaten at lunch. Althea moved away slightly so that she was now leaning against the balcony.

“Nervous Ms. Spiros?” a short laughed followed the question.

“No! No, whatever made you think that?” a terse clipped answer escaped Althea’s lips as her eyes remained fixed upon the blue sea before her.

Sally laughed wickedly, a sound that produced an eerie echo even though there were no walls to bounce the sound off.

“A hunch that’s all, and the answer to your question is… all in good time. When that time arrives, believe me, you will know. And together, we will make things happen.”

Althea sighed heavily. The sound was not lost on Clauser as she moved until she was within an inch from the other woman’s back.

Althea hadn’t realised the proximity of Sally and turned around suddenly, and was face to face with the cold, but beautiful features of the foreigner. Her pulse raced with a fear she didn’t understand. There was something evil that lay beneath the expressions of politeness and outward happiness with the world in general.

“I will wait then. If you will excuse me, I need to see my brother,” her voice far from steady. This woman scared her. She knew if it came to a one on one situation, the other woman would win hands down… a very sobering thought.

Sally looked at the younger woman and saw the pent up fear she was unable to disguise. It was nice to know she hadn’t lost her touch. Moving progressively closer so that neither had any personal space to speak of Sally placed a long tapered finger down the tanned skin immediately in her reach and felt the shudder of repulsion from the Greek woman. Her eyes fired with the challenge that set her. It reminded her of a certain Jace Bardley, who had acted in exactly the same way! Always a pleasure… the quarry that reminded her of a deer stunned by the headlights of a dangerous oncoming vehicle, unable to escape it’s entrapment.

“I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner this evening, another venue of course?” her voice seductive and enticing her deer!

Althea seethed at the question and felt disgusted at the familiarity this woman was displaying. “No thank you Ms. Clauser. Perhaps another time.” Althea moved away having to brush the larger woman away and as she did so, Sally’s arm came out and stopped her flight to freedom.

“My dear Ms. Spiros, it will be a pleasure and at the moment I have the time to wait for you to accept my invitation. You will enjoy it, I can assure you.” Sally Clauser whispered into her ear and saw the blush stain the darker skinned woman’s cheeks as she gave a sultry smile.

Althea fled towards the door that lead to the main part of the villa and muttered under her breath, “In your dreams!” and went swiftly to her own room for a much needed shower to wash away the crawling feeling she had at that particular encounter. Next time she would make sure someone else was in the room with them. No way was she ever going to be alone with that bitch in heat again!

Sally smirked at the retreating back and laughed at the sight. These people could be so predictable. And so very, very malleable when the time was right; exactly the same as Jace Bardley had been. It had given her such a rush of adrenaline as she saw her old PA’s composure fall in ruins in the office at UCP when she had found out about her lover’s alter ego. What a beautiful scene. Just as she had anticipated… Bardley’s angry and unforgiving… with Devonshire shocked and devastated. It had been a real pleasure to bring that into the open, just one of her true feats of genius.

Her major coup de grace had been the masterful planning of Stewart Devonshire’s demise in such a way that no one even suspected that the old man had not died of natural causes. She was going to relish explaining that to the nine lives bitch Catherine Devonshire. It would, as always be so very wicked to see the expression in her incredible ice blue eyes. Chuckling insanely to herself, she returned her view to the peaceful blue of the sea as her mind ticked off possibilities of how to kill another member of the family related to Catherine Devonshire.


The Xianthos jet was making its approach into New York’s Kennedy airport, with everyone on board feeling euphoria for all different reasons.

Jace was counting the minutes… no the seconds, to seeing Catherine again. She could hardly bear the wait any longer, but Catherine had promised to meet them at the airport.

Lisa was humming to herself and watching the plane descend towards the minute houses that looked like her dolls house at home. She liked going to the apartment, it was better than being at school.

Constance was pensive, but happy about her return to the Country she now called home… and where she had left her heart. Deep down she felt that it was now time to consider all the aspects of her and Clare’s relationship and talk. If it produced nothing else but that she saw Clare for one last time, then so be it but she needed it. And she was ready for it. That talk with the drug-crazed girl in the alleyway had convinced her that she’d been fucking stupid way beyond her intelligence. She had been fortunate that her employer had been on that road herself previously and made the effort to save her. She wasn’t sure where she would be now, if Catherine hadn’t stepped in… probably in some drunk tank, or laying under a bridge with the scum on the streets drugged and drunk, or beaten and brutalized, or even worse.

Elena was driving Dave the steward to distraction. She was a very demanding child. Although her mother and the other adult passenger had taken much of the load, he had the pleasure for the last half-hour. It had been worse than waiting on a full planeload of irritated passengers at the meal times. He wished Ms. Devonshire had been on the flight, for she had a way with the child that calmed her. It was quite charming to watch the normally stoic features crease into a remarkable smile that lit the often, cold blue eyes of hers into loving warmth that could sear you at twenty paces.

“Jace, will Catherine come meet us?” Lisa asked turning her smiling face towards the blonde at her side.

“Yes, Darling. She promised to be there and I’m sure she will be.” Jace gave her a smile of happy anticipation at the very thought.

“Great! I want to show her all my spots. They don’t even itch now do they Jace?” Lisa looked down at her left arm and saw the multitude of red blemishes still evident on her body as Jace glanced indulgently at the child.

“I’m sure she will appreciate that Lisa.” Jace clutched on the arm of the aircraft seat as it crunched down on the tarmac of the runway and within a few minutes slowed and came to a halt. Her eyes flashing alternatively between her two daughters; Lisa sitting beside her and Elena across from her with the steward, who was allowing the child to pull at the gold buttons of his blazer, ensuring she was secure in her harness.

Dave made sure that the straps were still secure on the child as he went through the familiar routine of opening up the door as the automatic connection to the terminal slipped into place on the aircraft.

Constance had collected some of the small hand luggage and was talking to the animated Lisa as the steward indicated that it was fine for them to disembark. Constance looked at Jace and smiled as the blonde unhooked her squirming daughter and was given a smacking wet kiss on the cheek once the child was held in her arms.

Jace giggled along with her daughter and was given several more kisses. “Hey Elena how about you save some for Mama okay?” she chuckled as she was given a serious glance from mirror image green eyes.

“Mama!” the child said excited at the prospect of seeing her tall playmate. Lisa looked around in anticipation.

“Is she here Jace?” Lisa’s voice rose in expectation and excitement.

“Not in the aircraft, Lisa but at the terminal.” Jace patiently explained to the child and waited as she saw the look on Lisa’s face, which meant she was about to stun them with another question, and you never knew what that, might be.

“Catherine won’t embarrass us will she Jace, with the people on the counters like before? She was really mad that day wasn’t she?” Lisa looked at her mother waiting for the answer.

“Catherine embarrassed you all? How irregular.” Constance said quietly, but loud enough for Jace to hear and saw the faint pink touch her cheeks.

“It wasn’t quite like that Constance. Catherine was a little annoyed at the delay in customs and she became a little testy, shall we say.” Jace tried to explain so that it didn’t put her partner in a bad light with someone who worked for her.

“She was mad Catherine. Everyone was watching us and she was shouting.” Lisa turned to look at both woman and Jace gave her a slight smile and walked the short distance to her eldest daughter.

“How about we go and meet Catherine, Lisa instead of talking about it? What do you say?” Constance watched Jace walk ahead of her daughter and smiled as she could imagine her boss getting agitated at the sometimes, aggravating delay airports could provide.

Within ten minutes they had their entire luggage accounted for and this time, a security officer led them away towards a VIP area, a swift customs and security check, leaving both women amazed and the elder child smiling.

“Did my other Mom ask you to let us through quickly, because you don’t want her mad with you again?” Lisa piped up to the customs officer who was a young woman with a pleasant manner and laughing grey eyes.

“Who’s your other Mom, Honey?” The officer smiled at the child and had swiftly noticed the embarrassed indrawn breath of the blonde who she suspected was one of the Moms. Kids could be very entertaining for everyone but the parents she suspected. It wasn’t the first time this kind of question had been voiced by a youngster.

“My other Mom is Catherine!” The child said proudly and she looked like a robin puffing his red chest out to exaggerated effect.

“Well Honey, perhaps she did. Certainly you are very important to someone out there.” The officer smiled at them all as she passed back the passports having stamped them entry and pointed towards the exit.

“Oh, then it was Catherine because we are important to her. She loves us, doesn’t she Jace?”

Jace wanted to cry at the comment and the totally beguiling way her daughter could state the obvious and take away any of the embarrassment of the original question.

“Yes, she does Darling. So, let us go see if she is waiting shall we?” Jace asked quietly and held out her free hand for the child to take. Elena was resting on her shoulder her eyes taking in the unfamiliar room around her.

Constance watched the scene with a wry smile, if she thought that Jace had a handful with Catherine and her ways. She was in awe of her employer if she had to cope with Lisa on a regular basis. The child would be an asset in the boardroom… it made you shudder to think. Holding onto the personal luggage, she followed at a discreet distance knowing that the family reunion should be a private affair.

Jace scanned the area immediately in front of her and to either side seeing several people, but not the tall form of her partner she craved to see. ‘God’s she hoped that Catherine had been able to keep her promise in being here. It was after all only two in the afternoon.’

Then her heart thudded in her chest as she saw the familiar gait of her partner turn a corner at speed and she watched as ice blue eyes locked with hers. A miraculous change occurred in the stoic features of Catherine Devonshire Warriorson, turning them into a brilliant smile her eyes filled with warmth and joy at the sight of her family.

Lisa saw Catherine at that moment and whooped with joy as she disengaged her hand from Jace’s and ran at speed towards the tall figure now only yards from them.

Catherine laughed as she swung Lisa in the air and hugged her. “Hello Lisa, how’s my favourite slugger doing?” chuckling as she saw the scrunched up face of the small red head look her in the eyes and then giggled and placed several wet kisses on her cheek.

“I love you Catherine and I’ve missed you and do you want to see my spots. I’ve got lots and lots?” the child said enthusiastically.

Catherine obediently looked at the spots on the child and grinned at her and pulled her closer and kissed her head, “Lots and lots that you have Lisa do they itch?” Catherine smiled at the child, but her eyes now strayed towards her partner as she came within a foot of her. Catherine’s pulse raced at the proximity of the small blonde and their eyes locked once again and a silent message of love and welcome passed between them.

Elena had noticed her tall playmate and she squealed at the sight and started to struggle in Jace’s arms making it very difficult for Jace to control her. Catherine saw the struggle and she smiled at her partner and whispering something into Lisa’s ear she then put her down and held out her arms for her younger daughter. “Come here little one. Going to give Mama a kiss?” Catherine was showered with small wet kisses, which had them all laughing as the tall woman pulled a face.

“Hey Baby, I said a kiss not a shower,” she gave a few kisses back to the child in loving retaliation, which then had Elena giggling.

Jace edged to within an inch of Catherine’s left shoulder and looked up at her and tracing a gentle finger down her left cheek she whispered. “Good to see you Darling, I missed you and I love you!” the words for Catherine to hear only and that brought a resounding change in her expression to one of total adoration.

“Nice to hear and I love you too Jace. How about we get out of here and get to the apartment and I’ll show you how much I missed you.” Catherine responded, her voice low enough for Jace to hear setting her body temperature rising at the image that comment made in her mind, never mind the actual event itself.

“Oh! Let us go Catherine. I’m all for you showing me how much you’ve missed me and when you’re done I’ll reciprocate. How does that sound?” Jace smirked at the sudden flare of passion she saw in the blue eyes that left words unnecessary.

Catherine then saw Constance in the background and she beckoned her over. “How you doing Waverly?” her words sharp, but her tone held a warm friendly interest.

“I’m very well Catherine. And I can see without asking that you look grand.” Constance smiled warmly at her boss she really did look good; relaxed and the haunted look she often showed in the eyes if you looked closely was completely gone! Must have been some trip to Greece.

“Yes, it is interesting times in my life at the moment. I actually believe things are going to work out for us all!’ watching the sudden hooded look in the other woman’s eyes she captured the brown eyes and gave her a long look.

“Even you Constance. Trust me.”

Constance shrugged and placed her hands on the luggage trolley to steer it towards the exit of the terminal building as they all moved happily to their next destination.


Colin looked unhappily at the retreating back of his wife. Her footsteps were heavy and angry on the gravel path as she stalked quickly towards her parked jeep.

All he’d asked was that she reconsider going to Christchurch and then Auckland for three weeks on the trust business. But no! No. Grace being Grace had responded with a barbed comment or two about how protective he was becoming and how it was stifling her. She had a role in life other than as his wife and she was damn well going to carry it on, regardless of being pregnant! He wanted her to make it a shorter visit, that was all, not what she thought and not go at all! He loved her to distraction, but she certainly had trouble accepting that they needed to discuss some things especially if she planned to leave for weeks at a time!

He knew he wasn’t the best communicator in the world. And to make matters worse, in the last month he had decided not only to add to the security system, but oversee it himself. He admirably desired to make sure the work was done not only quickly, but also accurately, as people’s lives depended on it, including his wife and their unborn child.

Grace had been upset over the children and her inability to help in her present condition, then she had turned up a few weeks ago and said she was going away for a minimum three weeks. No discussion. But a decision already made by her.  He felt she was informing him as she would a casual acquaintance. This just wasn’t like Grace… it wasn’t like her at all.

Collecting his hat he ran out the door that Grace had exited moments earlier and shouted in vain for her to wait. He watched as a cloud of smoke rose in the air as wheels turned quickly in the drive and the vehicle accelerated at speed towards the ranch gates. He shook his head and not for the first time he felt a tightening in his gut as he saw her drive away from the ranch.

When she was mad at something, she lost all sense of the meaning of careful driving in his estimation. Normally, he would have taken the keys from her and told her to have a coffee and then leave the house. She hadn’t given him the opportunity to do so this time. She had just fled out of the house and it was too late to stop her on this occurrence.

“Don’t you dare do something stupid Grace? What would I do without you?  I love and need you!” the man whispered into the cool air of the late autumn day. He was tempted to get in the Landrover and follow her, but he wasn’t sure that would solve the problem. Grace would probably feel he was being even more protective and make the situation worse still.

Colin glanced once again at the dust that was being generated from the jeep and sighed heavily as he headed towards the stables and tasks he knew he should complete. But today, the tall gangly man knew his heart was riding in a fast moving vehicle with his wife. It would be a very long day indeed!


Jace was watching Catherine tell a short story to Lisa with Elena cradled in her arms, as the younger child sleeping peacefully in a secure and loving hold.

Constance had feigned a headache to leave the family to have some time together and gone to her room.  Catherine had indicated that if she wanted to return to her own home, then she could do so tomorrow morning. Constance had smiled wryly at that comment, ‘so she will let me will she!’

Now that Stephanie the housekeeper had left for the evening, the family had resorted to a good old-fashioned story telling session and Catherine had been selected as the reader for the evening.

Jace smiled indulgently as Catherine made the noise associated with a cat meowing and then a dog barking and suddenly a whole menagerie of animals could be heard in the room. Lisa was laughing as she settled sleepily into Catherine’s free shoulder space. It was a picture to place in the memory bank for the future… and sometimes take out and remind one’s self of the happy moments and the love that was clearly evident in the room.

Sighing she pulled herself out of the sofa and walked over to the storyteller and her sleepy audience. “Catherine as much as I adore the sound of your voice and I particularly love the purring of the kittens,” she winked at her partner as the woman looked up at her in surprise at the double meaning behind the comment. “The children are tired and I think bed is where we all need to be and might be a good suggestion. What do you think?”

Ice blue locked with green and suddenly Jace’s body heat surged as a silent message of pure sexual need passed between them.

“Good idea, care to set the alarm and come to bed too?” Catherine smirked as she noticed the pink tinge on her partner’s face.

“I think that’s one of the best suggestions I’ve heard in weeks.” Jace replied breathlessly.

“Excellent! Knew you would see it my way.” Catherine smiled and her blue eyes smouldered with damped down passion.

Jace looked at her partner and Constance was right, Catherine looked so relaxed as if a burden that was weighing her down had finally been lifted.

“Lisa darling, let’s go to bed and tomorrow we can go shopping early and find those pieces of furniture that you need for the dolls house. Isn’t that what you wanted to do?”

Lisa looked up at Jace and gave her a sleepy smile and held out her arms for the blonde to lift her from the lap of her partner and gently cradle her to her body.

“Catherine can you come shopping with us too? It will be like going as a family?” Lisa looked towards the tall raven-haired woman moving slowly out of her chair to avoid waking up Elena.

Catherine now standing next to Jace with Elena still fast asleep in her arms looked at the child with a long thoughtful look.

“Lisa I would be honoured to come shopping with you and I have a surprise. How would you like to see Grandma and Grandpa for lunch tomorrow?”

Jace looked at her partner in surprise, were her parents here? Catherine had never mentioned this at all! There were times when she really despaired of ever knowing what her partner was arranging.

“Cool Catherine, where will we eat tomorrow?” Lisa asked as her head nestled into Jace’s shoulder, but her sleepy mind now on food and the prospect of seeing Jace’s parents.

“Lisa, lets see what happens and you may chose where we eat tomorrow, except I do not want a burger Princess. How does that sound to you?” Catherine smiled as Lisa nodded her head and nestled further into Jace’s shoulder, if that was possible, as they walked towards the bedroom that both the girls shared for now.

Several minutes later Jace was closing the door to the bedroom as both children were settled.  Catherine watched her partner from her leaning position at the wall opposite the door. The blue orbs taking great satisfaction in seeing the fluid curves of the blonde move as she gently shut the door. “You know something Jace? I could watch you forever.” Catherine’s low voice said in a tone that sent prickles of anticipation up Jace’s back… that tone of voice always turned her on.

Turning from the closed door, she looked seriously at the tall woman whose negligent stance sent a message of want through her body. The ice blue stare that smouldered in passion and the quirk of those sensual lips that generated a flood of desire impossible to resist. “Catherine darling, forever just isn’t enough for us.” Jace’s voice replied huskily as she moved to a hairsbreadth of her partner.

Catherine moved so slowly that Jace drew a sharp surprised breath when long arms surrounded her waist and she was pulled that inch closer so that two bodies melted into each other. Whispering into the blonde hair as she kissed the herb scented locks within her reach. “Together we will experience all that forever has to offer Jace and the rest of eternity? Well… that’s another adventure for us to explore together.”

Jace crushed her body closer that is as close as she possibly could to the tall frame of the woman who held her. The embrace so incredibly secure in a love that never faltered and never would, while there was a breath left in the body that pulsed with life so close to hers. Life in all its true purpose craved an audience with the thread that pulsed between them and it was given without a thought or heed of the consequences of the action.

“I want you!” Jace finally uttered her voice barely audible.

Catherine chuckled softly into the blonde hair and then tipped back her head and looked deep into the green eyes languidly returning her regard passion clearly the emotion in control. “Lover you have always had me. From the moment you entered my life you captured this searching heart darling and I want you. I will always want you!” Placing her lips gently on her partners she felt the immediate response of the explosion of senses, the creation of light that would herald the storm of their passion. Hands that previously had a tentative hold now roamed freely over bodies that they could both feel and it was a connection of souls starved of their opposite number that wanted to achieve the ultimate embrace.

“Take me to bed Catherine, before we make love in the hallway and what would the children think? Or Constance come to that?” Jace whispered barely coherent as full lips claimed hers again and creating sensations that made Jace forget her question and anything else except for the rapturous feelings of being held and loved in this woman’s arms.

“Darling the children wouldn’t worry any?  Constance, well… she would think I was the luckiest woman alive. Now enough of the talk Jace lets make love until dawn and watch the sunrise cross the skies basking in that love. What do you say darling?” Catherine never let her lover answer. She placed her lips firmly, but tenderly on Jace’s and drank from the overflowing cup of love that was hers to feast upon.

Jace did not responded with words… the time for that was later, so much later. Now was the time for action and did she want the action. Clinging to her partner and placing wet kisses on the exposed neck, she heard the guttural growl in Catherine’s throat as she was lifted in strong arms and carried to their bedroom, everything else was irrelevant, but the consummation of their love.


Clare Fallon looked at the short letter that she had received a week ago. It had been a shock and she was surprised at the sender. Although why she should have been after all the things that had happened was beyond her. Once again pocketing the letter in her jeans.

She walked over more boulders and rocks as she heard and then saw the frolicking otters about to leave their habitat for the open sea. Life to them was so simple and uncomplicated. They went out, had fun, obtained food and came home. As she thought that Clare realised that she had been far to simplistic. Yes the otters played, fed and came home… but only some of them! Predators in the ocean would stake their claim on at least one of the otters that day. As with all life there was an element of danger and a fear of the unknown that had to be faced, or you ended up like the defenceless otter and died out in the world. She wasn’t the otter!

She wanted to play, she wanted to feed and she most importantly wanted to go home every day and that home was Constance. Her months here had proved that she wasn’t alive without the other woman at her side. They would just have to find a workable solution. Jace had been right. There were other ways of reaching the top of the world. She and Constance would just have to find a way… she knew they could do it!

Turning away from the natural beauty of the scene she was exposed to she carefully made her way over the slippery rocks to the tarmac path and scanned the area about her. It was early in the morning dawn had broken and except for the odd otter watcher there was no one in the vicinity of note. Taking a deep breath of the fresh sea air that was a calming influence on her tremulous nerves, she made a decision and for once in her life she felt that it was right and no matter the outcome it was the right thing to do!


Colin was upset that Grace had come home and collected her things and left him without a second thought to go on her trip for three weeks. Faith had called him over and said her daughter had taken an urgent call and she had gone earlier than the planned next day.

In all honesty he wanted to believe that but something in his gut told him that Grace had decided she wanted out of the ranch and away from him. In a word his wife felt ‘stifled’ he knew that. He had seen it coming and he didn’t know what to do! He had hoped that the mood swings she was having being pregnant would dissipate and leave him with the loving caring and compassionate woman he had fallen in love with, but it hadn’t. Looking over the empty bedroom they shared, he felt that unless he did something in earnest he would loose her… but he didn’t know what to do! He didn’t know whom to ask and he missed her! Tears that he had refused to acknowledge progressed down his rugged face and he wiped them away. It was idiotic to cry… he needed a solution, not an emotional outburst.

Walking over to the window he saw Jake striding towards the stables and to his beloved Rosy. The boy was as obsessed as his surrogate mother in the need to see the horse everyday. It was quite uncanny the numerous physical characteristics that he shared with Catherine. The most dominant one was his unfailing compassion in the heart of adversity. Catherine would always shoulder it, but she had a worthy successor in Jake. He loved the woman and he wanted nothing more than to emulate her in many of her actions.

Colin smiled and turned away from the window and swiftly walked out of the room, down the stairs and out of the door! He was going riding with his son. For as sure as the light comes everyday, Jake was his son and the boy would balance him in ways that could never be explained.


Catherine held the sleeping blonde in her arms and watched the gently creeping sunrise cross the sky that was within her view. There was no greater sight than the dawning of the birth of a brand new day and the opportunities to experience everything with a fresh approach. Tenderly placing a hand on the cheek of her lover, she stroked a slim finger down its smooth texture and smiled as she felt the slight movement as her partner reacted to that simplest of touches. For her no new day would ever be complete unless this woman was near her side. It would be like a half-light as often occurs in the winter and the full light wouldn’t appear until they were together. Now watching the changing colours in the sky and the rapidly expanding light fill the space were dark had been it was like her life in many ways. Jace would always be the light that crossed the barriers of darkness and that was how it was meant to be, a promise of all those tomorrows and to be loved through them all. What more could anyone want in life?

Jace moved slowly into a position that created not an inch of light between their sweat soaked bodies in the aftermath of their lovemaking. “Go to sleep Catherine. I’m here now.” The slurred voice said and soft lips kissed the neck within easy reach.

“I thought you wanted to see the sunrise with me?” Catherine replied tenderly and shifted her body slightly so she could look directly into Jace’s face.

Green eyes blinked open sleepily and gazed into ice blue ones. “I do see the sunrise with you Catherine, because you are my sunrise. Everyday I’m with you is like a new day dawning.”

Catherine’s heart beat erratically at the answer and no words could justify what she felt at the comment. Tipping her head she placed her lips on her partners and they both felt the immediate reaction the familiar touch caused.

“Are you still sleepy?”

Jace wrapped her arms around the waist of her partner and her fingers began to caress the smooth back and she smiled into Catherine’s lips as the touch brought a shiver to the tall sensual body. Fingers traced and lips trailed a seductive path down to the familiar curve of breast to cause the body to quiver in anticipation of the next action as a tongue claimed it’s first willing victim.

Catherine moaned,  “Guess not,” accepting and welcoming her fate at the hands and mouth of the woman who brought a whole new meaning to the word ‘Sunrise!’

Continued in Part 19

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