~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Nineteen
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Twenty-nine

Kelsey had taken Thompson with him to talk to the flatmate of Sally Clauser. Not that he had wanted the finely dressed man with him, but at least he had the patient look about him, as Kelsey realized he himself certainly didn’t.

Walking quickly towards the door to the apartment and knocking with a heavy hand on the door. He looked derisively at the dapper man as he slowly came to stand at his right shoulder. “Do you ever do anything on a higher gear than neutral?” Kelsey said to the man as he waited for the door to be answered, his tone scathing at the pace of the man.

James Thompson looked at the detective and wondered not for the first time why Catherine had chosen him to help. She was usually a good judge of character and maybe it was well hidden that was all!

“Actually, yes I do. I make love at a pace detective I’m sure you have never experienced.” James looked down at his well-manicured nails as he heard the sudden shocked intake of breath from the man at his side. Well he did ask!

“What?” Kelsey said affronted at the answer, but he grudgingly appreciated the humour of the man and maybe he wasn’t such a waste of space that he had originally thought.

The door to the apartment was opened slightly to allow a crack of light to go through as a female voice said, “Who’s there?”

Kelsey beamed at the reply and he hadn’t had to threaten yet. Better than the response in New York, he would have probably had to shoot the door in to get a response. “I’m detective Kelsey, we need to ask you some question Miss Lancer?”

“What about, I haven’t seen anything or done anything that involves the police?” the voice stated quietly.

“Now how would you know Miss Lancer? If you let us in and we talk, perhaps you might help us with an investigation. It involves your ex-flatmate Sally Clauser,” Kelsey’s voice revealing nothing.

“Sally doesn’t live here any more.” The voice was anxious, and was that fear he heard in the tone.

“I know that Miss Lancer, but we still have a few questions. Now you can answer them here or we can go down to the local station. It doesn’t matter to me!” Kelsey said calmly.

James Thompson looked at the man in surprise. No way could they go to the local cop shop. He didn’t have jurisdiction in the State. They were playing with fire doing this at all.

Waiting a few more seconds, Kelsey went forward to the door and placed his hand on the slight opening, “Your call Miss Lancer, but I hear you want to have a career in this town, not have it tarnished with scandal before it’s even begun.”

James Thompson thought that a cheap shot, but the door opened wider to allow them in, egos… what a town this was!

“Thanks. Knew you would see it my way.” Kelsey said as he sidled inside and motioned for Thompson to join him.

“Did I have any choice?” the platinum blonde stated flatly and waved them towards a seat at the dining table.

“Miss Lancer, we all have choices, but some are easier to make than others.” Kelsey replied and sat down at the seat nearest the door.


“Dad you never mentioned that you had taken over the running of Xianthos and Catherine, you never said anything either?” Jace stated as they seated themselves at the restaurant. The same one they had visited once with Clare and she had asked the manager for a take out meal. Lisa had been cajoled easily into going to the very plush establishment especially when her grandfather had mentioned it.

Jason Bardley looked first at his daughter-in-law, who smiled wryly and shook her head at him she was going to be no help.

“Jace, it was a spur of the moment thing and the children were sick… so we thought it better to mention it later. Like now!” Smiling broadly as he settled down next to Lisa, who had held his hand from the moment they had got together at the office two hours ago. It had been amusing to take the elder daughter of the owner around the various floors to meet her mom’s friends as she called them. Catherine had declined the offer to go with them; she and Constance had gone into conference with Eduardo.  Jace had taken Elena to the conference room and spent some time with her mother.

“Mom, what do you think about all this?” Jace asked as she settled Elena in the chair that the waiter had brought over for them. Alison Bardley was happy to sit and administer to her granddaughter; after all she didn’t see her that often.

“I think it’s a wonderful idea and your father is in his element. He loves it.” Alison smiled at her daughter and then turned her attention to Elena who was tugging at her hand.

“Okay, I think it’s a wonderful idea too. I just wish Catherine had thought of it earlier. She might have been home more often, but now there’s no excuse is there Darling?” Jace turned her green eyes towards her partner’s and captured the ice blue orbs that looked at her warmly.

“No excuse at all my love.” Catherine replied and took the hand that lay on top of the table and squeezed it to show her partner she meant every word.

Jace smiled back her face wreathed with happiness. This was turning out to be one of the best trips back home she had ever experienced since she had met Catherine. “Can I rely on that, do you think?”

Catherine turned solemn eyes to Jace and she gave her a long penetrating glance. “Only yours and our children’s lives can ever stop that outcome now Jace.”

Jace caught her breath at the words. Things had changed with Catherine, it now appeared that she was willing to give up her solitary bearing and allow them to develop together as a team. Oh, what a team they would make. It made her want to throw her arms around the tall woman at her side and kiss her senseless, but she didn’t think it was the right place, or the right time, but it would be soon enough!

The waiter chose that moment to rejoin them and pass out the menus. Jason looked at the blissfully happy features of his daughter and the calm, but very peaceful countenance of her partner and it made him happy. This is what he wanted for his daughter, not that ineffectual specimen of a man who had married her when she was at her lowest level.

Only good thing out of that liaison was the child giggling with his wife. She was sure a cutie, but so headstrong and that definitely wasn’t part of their family line. Now… he could imagine it being a family trait in Catherine, but…hell that was pure fantasy. Still being around her perhaps that would be enough, although you didn’t see that in Lisa or Jake.

“How’s Jake?”

Catherine looked at him and smiled her thanks at asking about their son; it really hurt not having him round the table with them. “He’s doing well Jason, I miss him. Although, he has the better deal, he gets to take his horse riding everyday and for Jake he would prefer that to going shopping believe me,” her voice wistful. She wished she were able to do exactly the same.

Jason smiled in understanding and looked at his daughter who had taken her partners hand at the words. “How long are you going to be here?”

Catherine looked down at the table and then glanced at the small hand that held hers and she smiled slowly. “Not long now Jason. I need to check in with someone who has been trying to solve a problem for me and then we are going home… all of us.”

“Well, that’s good news and what plans have you got from there?” He asked as he looked at the menu and decided on his choice, before taking note that Lisa was looking puzzled at hers.

Jace looked at her partner and waited with bated breath for the response if they got one. “I was going to take a month off in the summer when the children had school holidays and visit my aunt. She wants to meet my family.”

Catherine felt the increased pressure from the hand that held hers and she grinned, ‘Yes, my love, you never expected that did you? But, I’m learning lessons every minute I know you.”

“Just the children?” Jace asked anxiously and turned expressive green eyes to sparkling ice blue ones.

Catherine smiled broadly and leaned in and whispered into the delicate ear that was so tempting she wanted to nibble it and feel the responsive movements she was sure she would receive. “My darling, she dearly wants to meet our children, but you my love, she wants to embrace as an old friend of the family. For you have brought me joy beyond measure and Constantia knows that is rare for one of the Xianthos line.”

Jace turned her own sparkling eyes to her partner’s and hesitantly placed her lips briefly on the full ones so close to hers in a chaste kiss, but it was enough for them both to know how the other felt. “I love you Catherine, don’t ever forget it.”

“I never will Jace, that is a promise that will be close to my heart forever.” Catherine murmured and the clearing of the waiter’s throat brought them back to the present and their surroundings.

Lisa chose that moment to embarrass just about everyone, but herself and Elena who didn’t understand. “Don’t worry about them Mister Waiter, that’s my Moms and they do that all the time at home. May I please have the same as my Granddad.” The child asked with her usual aplomb not taking any notice of the open mouth stares she was being given by the others around the table.

“That would be sir?” The waiter finally managed to regain his vocal chords and turned to Jason.

“Right, yes well… the Beef Stroganoff sounds tasty to me.” Jason finally said and looked at the blushing faces of his daughter and her partner. Alison had her face averted talking in a calm voice to their granddaughter.

“Thank you sir, and you madam?” The waiter turned to Catherine who looked shrewdly at her elder daughter, one of these days that kid was going to get a big payback. Just wait till Lisa brought someone home she liked then it was going to be some meeting. If she couldn’t do the cute baby stories she sure could do some other stories that would embarrass her kid for a few minutes anyway. Knowing Lisa, she would turn the tables on them, but it was worth a try, unless Jace stopped her. Knowing the compassion of her partner, she probably would. Still it was a comforting thought in the back of the mind as a fall back anyway.

“I’ll have a medium fillet steak, jacket potato and Dijon mustard.” Catherine responded and smiled at her daughter and was given a smile in return that made all the embarrassment worth it, that child was a treasure no doubt about it.

The rest gave their orders and the waiter left them to their discussions.


Althea had called the Villa Xianthos and been given an appointment with Constantia that afternoon. Now she was at the gates and wondering if she was doing the right thing? After all, this was her family that she was putting forward as the perpetrators of a vile plan. Yet, she could do no other, perhaps if she told them now before anything tragic happened, that would surely count for something?

Pressing the call button gently, she spoke her name and that she had an appointment with Miss Xianthos. The gates opened and closed as quickly behind her as the vehicle cleared the opening.

Within minutes she was drawing up to the magnificent frontage of the villa and was struck by the sheer beauty of the restoration. Althea had heard that the villa had been restored, but this was truly a magnificent sight. She felt the pull of her ancestors as she got out of her vehicle and walked up the steps to the entrance. She raised her arm to the doorbell, but the door opened as if on cue. She looked at a woman with laughter in her eyes and a serene smile. The woman was definitely European. “Ms. Spiros?” Sarah asked politely and was surprised at the shock on the younger woman’s face.

“Yes, I have an appointment.” Althea spoke softly and returned the smile from the older woman.

“Oh, I know Ms. Spiros, Constantia is waiting.” She motioned for her to come inside.

As she did so, she saw the beautiful recreations of an age long gone and it made her heart happy to see the heritage of her ancestors appear before her.

Sarah moved quickly through to the patio where Constantia was comfortably watching the gentle lapping of the sea in the bay as well as the small crafts that were moored within.

“Constantia, Ms. Spiros.” Sarah announced the guests and Althea moved onto the patio. The frail looking woman was seated in a reclining chair with a blanket over her legs.

“Thank you Sarah. Ms. Spiros please, be seated.” Constantia pointed to a seat to her immediate left.

“Thank you.” Althea said quietly and moved over to the indicated seat, and as she did so, she was immediately drawn to the ice blue eyes that bored into her brown ones.

Sarah as you have a visitor, you may leave us.” Constantia saw the indecision in her friend’s face. “Please Sarah, I will be fine.” Sarah glanced from one to the other and then patted a hand on her friend’s shoulder and left them without another word.

“You have something you want to discuss with me Ms. Spiros?” Constantia gave her a grave glance and waited for the response.

Althea wasn’t sure now, she was seated in the enemy camp. Was this the right thing to do? Taking all her courage in one hand she looked beseechingly at the older woman. “You know of course Miss Xianthos, that our families have been less than friendly in the past?”

Constantia nodded her head and inclined her head for the woman to continue.

“I…I wanted to explain a potentially dangerous situation.”

“Then you have my undivided attention, please continue.” Constantia gave the woman a veiled look and her left eyebrow rose in exaggerated interest.

“There is someone on the island that wants to see you come to harm and others you care about as well.” Althea stated, her voice unsure exactly how she would explain this.

Constantia stiffened in her chair and she turned glacial eyes to the woman at her side. “Someone wants to harm people I care about? Is it Sarah? Do they want to harm Sarah?”

“No! No, it is not Sarah.” Althea replied quickly.

“Then if it isn’t Sarah, it must be Lukas, but why?” the words but a whisper in the still afternoon heat.

“Lukas is not the other person! You have a niece, a Catherine Devonshire? She is the intended target.” Althea stated calmly, noting the distress of the older woman.

“Catherine? Why her? She has no connection here?” Constantia finally asked, her voice harsh.

“She does! She has you! You are the bait for Catherine.” Althea said quickly and noticed the pallor that came to the already pale face.

“Bait? What is that, I do not understand? Catherine has barely spoken to me in twenty years. Why would I be bait?” Constantia was at a loss. She had thought providence had intervened and brought her niece back so they could have a relationship at least in her final years, but this indicated something more sinister.

“I’m sorry, but the person who planned this knows Catherine. She thought she would respond. She was right, Catherine did, but fortunately she was called away before any more of her plan could be put into play.” Althea explained.

“Why do you come here to tell me this? If you know so much, you are obviously a party to the instigation of such a crime?” Constantia said dryly. Now she wanted to know everything, for that was the only way she could counter it with a plan of her own.

“Yes, that is true. My family has no love of the Xianthos name. I want to do the right thing for my family name. The feuds are old and should be at rest. Too many people have died already for the sake of what?” Althea spoke passionately.

“What do you know Althea Spiros? If we are to counter this new threat to my family, it would seem that the Xianthos and Spiros family will unite if for only the first and last time in it’s history.” Constantia stated, reflecting her words and it tugged a small smile across her lips.

“I hope that it is not the last.” Althea replied, her words hung in the air as Constantia smiled warmly at the young woman.

“I hope not also. So, please appraise me of the problem and perhaps we can come to a conclusion without any further bloodshed on either family’s part.” Constantia looked out towards the bay and then towards the mountain range where her father had died. Perhaps it was time to settle this ancient battle feud between the two families.


Kelsey was drinking the coffee that James Thompson had ordered before he’d disappeared to speak to one of the directors on the lot of UCP. Now contemplating what Jane Lancer had divulged of Sally Clauser’s last known activities. The woman had been reasonably forthcoming after Thompson had spoken to her gently rather than his brash New York cop approach. It would appear the other man had a talent for finding out information without the need for aggression of any kind. Probably would have made a good cop, but he was obviously much better off in the driving seat of this little operation and with all these perks of the job too. Kelsey’s eyes looked out of the window and saw two blondes talking animatedly together; it made him forget for a moment the reason he was there. Looking at the notes he’s made as he wandered back to Thompson’s desk where his black notebook was open in the centre of the large desk notepad.

‘Clauser had been approached by a well-dressed American woman to audition for a small budget movie and she would have to leave the country for a few months. The role had been to take on someone else’s identity and live the other person’s life, until such time as the original person came back on the scene. It wasn’t difficult and you got to travel, there wasn’t anything sinister or appeared to be sinister in the details she had been given. The money offered had been staggering for an out of work, would be actress. So Sally had left over six months ago and had promised she would return. Lancer had even been paid Clauser’s rent for the year so she would have somewhere to come back too. The last communication from Clauser had been a postcard from Sydney Australia about six weeks ago, but nothing since.’

Kelsey pursed his lips and concentrated on the information, what did they know so far?

Clauser was dead although under an assumed identity-Hudson! She had taken on an identity, but had only stayed in Hawaii. Hudson one assumed had taken on Clauser’s identity and it had been her that sent the postcard from Australia. Then again knowing Hudson it might not be that simple. She might have used more than one actress to take on an assumed identity. The bitch could be sure complicated and it still didn’t make any sense. There was something missing in this equation and it was a big part of the puzzle, but what?

James Thompson strode back into his office and looked at the detective and pondered again what had made Catherine chose this man to help her. Shaking his head he cleared his throat to let Kelsey know he was in the room as the detective had not looked up at his entrance or appeared to know he had arrived in the room.

“Have you found a solution to the problem or perceived problem Kelsey? I thought that Ms. Lancer was very informative and she did not appear to be holding back any information.”

Kelsey glanced up and gave the man a thorough look and then dismissed his remark and went back to his musings.

“Detective Kelsey this is my office, and I believe I have been reasonably helpful to you on this subject. Therefore the least you could do is avail me of your current thoughts on the matter. Failing that, courtesy decrees that you at least acknowledge my interest.” James Thompson rarely let anything rattle him, but this mans arrogance and indifference to anything but the subject at hand and it annoyed him immensely.

“Yeah, yeah… but what do you want me to say… thanks?” Kelsey said shortly not interested in the man in the room with him.

James sighed, “That might help for starters.”

“Starters huh? Well fellow let me tell you this, I’m here to help out a mutual friend and she’s paying me big bucks to get the job done! Not only that, she wants a fast result. Wasting time pondering the situation with you, would in my opinion severely restrict the thought processes. Why don’t you go play movie director or something? Or just go chat up a prospective bed partner, whatever you Hollywood people are famous for?” Kelsey picked up the coffee that was barely drinkable now it was cold. He grimaced at the taste, as he had never been one for cold coffee.

James Thompson looked at the man before him with loathing and decided that he wasn’t going to take that kind of attitude from anyone and least of all, some two bit policeman. He turned on his heels and headed for the conference room down the hall. He needed to make a private call and didn’t want the damn, stupid, arrogant detective to hear any of it.

Kelsey glanced up as the door crashed shut and he smirked to the empty room. ‘ I knew he didn’t have any balls, was only screwing around with him to see if could take the pressure, obviously not. Pity for he was quite good at getting information fast,’ sitting down in the comfortable chair at the desk, he sank into its depths and went back to the evaluation of the facts he had.


Catherine was leaning against the elevator wall. As it was about to close the doors, a woman’s voice shouted for her to hold the doors. Catherine immediately pressed the hold button and waited as the woman rushed into the elevator and gave her a grateful smile. Catherine smiled briefly back and then let go of the button and the doors slipped silently shut.

“Thanks.”  The tall dark haired woman with a slight foreign, barely noticeable accent cheerily replied.

Catherine merely nodded her head and looked over the woman, who appeared to be perhaps an inch taller than she was. The long flowing chestnut hair was certainly an attractive feature on the woman. Her mind then quickly replaced the other woman in the elevator with her with the image of a petite blonde with sparkling green orbs and a face to Catherine would always be beautiful in her eyes.

Jace had taken the children home after lunch along with her mother. She had then been reminded not to be too late for dinner. So dutifully, she was now proceeding to the apartment and it was only a little after six in the evening. She had called to say she was on her way home. At least that was better than she normally did, as she frequently forgot the phone call part. Smiling to herself, she was slightly embarrassed as she noticed the light green eyes of the woman in the elevator was looking directly at her with an amused expression on her face.

“Have you lived here long? I haven’t seen you around before.” The stranger asked, trying to make conversation. However, she knew that the other woman was preoccupied with other thoughts, even if they did seem happy ones. It was obvious in the flickering expressions that passed over the rather stoic features that gave a ‘in a world of your own’ impression. At least that was what the chestnut haired woman surmised anyways.

“A few years, and I haven’t seen you around here either. What about you?” Catherine decided to give the minimal information possible without being totally rude. Normally she wouldn’t pass the time of day talking with a complete stranger in an elevator, but Jace had said try to be nice, so here she was trying to be nice!

“I’ve only lived here for a couple of years. Are you away from home frequently? Is that why I haven’t seen you about?” she continued to probe much to Catherine’s irritation.

Catherine quirked her eyebrow in wry amusement a very nosey kind of woman, “I personally don’t think that is any of your business Ms…?”

The unknown woman chuckled. “Sorry, occupational hazard.”

Catherine gave a thin smile. “And that occupation would be what exactly?”

She was not inclined to volunteer any more information.

The door to level fifteen opened and Catherine was pleased that the woman was leaving. “Another time perhaps, see you again sometime?” And left without a backward glance as the doors closed behind her.

Catherine muttered, “Not if I see you first”. There was something about the friendly woman that didn’t gel with her, but she didn’t know what. Perhaps Jace had met her and they could swap notes on how she came across to her partner. Then again Jace would say she was being too protective and would laugh at her foolish thoughts. Perhaps she would just hope that the woman didn’t get in the elevator with her again. After all, she’d gone the last couple of years without seeing her before, the odds looked definitely stacked in her favour. The doors opened on level twenty and she stepped out and smiled at the toy cart that was beside the door. What was the betting Elena had been hitting the furniture again, or more likely people this time around as the apartment was a little less spacious than the ranch house. Placing her key in the door lock, she let herself in and was surprised at how silent the place appeared.

Walking towards the kitchen she saw Stephanie working on some concoction or other for dinner, totally engrossed with the preparation. She decided not to disturb her and made her way towards the lounge. She stood for several minutes taking in the sight. Jace was sitting crossed legged on the floor with a giant jigsaw puzzle of a circus and Lisa was sat at her side with Elena walking around collecting pieces to hand to her mother and her sister as they put them together. As they did so, they pointed to the circus animal and slowly repeated the name of the animal several times to Elena, whose expression changed to a frown of concentration trying to mimic the word and she did so remarkably well. Catherine decided that she might just have the chance for a quick shower without disturbing the engrossed family on the floor and was about to turn when towards her bedroom, when her partner’s voice stopped her in her tracks.

“Don’t tell me you were going to come into the house and not even say hello to us Catherine? Shame on you!” Jace turned her expressive green eyes towards her partner and laughter shone out of them at the astonishment on Catherine’s face.

“Well, I was…that is…how about hello everyone.” Catherine chuckled self-consciously and went over to the three of them. Elena immediately hugged her stocking legs and Lisa gave her a hearty grin as she picked up the toddler and kissed her cheeks, getting a multitude of kisses back for her effort. Holding Elena securely in one arm, she removed her shoes and went down on her knees beside her partner and her eldest daughter.

“Are you going to help us fix the jigsaw now you’re home Catherine? It helps us teach Elena new words.” The child stated proudly.

“Princess, I will help, but first, I need to change. Then I’m all yours.” Catherine smiled at the child and bent her head to kiss the red hair and was given a kiss on the cheek for her effort by Lisa who turned her attention back to Elena.

“Elena look this is a Lion, Elena a Lion. You say Lion.” Lisa said as she pointed to the golden animal on the carpeted floor. Elena wriggled in Catherine’s arms and she released her to go play the word game with Lisa.

Catherine then glanced deep into her partner’s eyes and she placed a hand under the chin and brought her own head within an inch of Jace’s and smiled tenderly, whispering, “I love you,” and placed a gentle kiss on the lips within in her reach.

Jace smiled back and repeated the gesture and the words and Catherine placed her hands around the face of the woman she loved and traced gentle fingers over her cheeks in a soothing motion. “How did you know I was there Darling? I never made a sound.” Catherine asked and saw the sudden pink tinge appear on Jace’s cheeks.

If I told you I could smell you.” Jace lovingly replied and chuckled as she saw Catherine give her a quick frown.

“You can smell me? Why thank you Darling and that was the very reason that I wanted to go change and have a shower before I disturbed you.” Catherine replied a little aggrieved at the comment. Surely she didn’t smell that bad.

Jace saw the pout and she smiled warmly at her partner. This woman could get offended so quickly from the most innocent remark.

“Actually beautiful, it isn’t the ripeness of you that I can smell. It is just everything about you, which gives you that individual aroma that I associate with you. Which can be picked up by my senses, even if you’re not in view. Catherine if you had an unpleasant aroma, don’t you think Lisa would have told you by now?” Jace laughed as she saw the words finally register exactly what they meant and it had nothing to do with stale body odour.

“Sorry. Guess I over reacted. Yes, Lisa would have told me. She has done so before and she doesn’t mince words that child.” Catherine said softly and glanced at the bowed red head and her thoughts went to a time when she hadn’t taken care of her body after the accident. It had taken this child to remind her of her responsibility and what she would be missing if she didn’t.

“I must ask her about it one day.” Jace stated quietly and watched as Catherine moved from her kneeling position to stand and tower above her.

Holding out her hand, Jace placed hers inside and was hauled up to rest in a warm loving hold. “Yes, you do that! But please, can I be in the office, or a hundred miles away when you do? Now I have a much better suggestion if you care to hear it?”

Jace turned her face up towards her partner and smiled encouraging her to continue. “How would you like to help me change and see to it that I clean up properly? You know the shower might just miss a part or two. What do you say?” Catherine’s voice low and sultry. She could feel Jace’s heart race at the suggestion.

“What about the children?” Jace responded breathlessly. She wanted nothing more than to help her partner out with this small task, yes sir!

“I was going to ask Stephanie to bring their meal forward. We can eat together later when the children are in bed. Is that alright with you?” Catherine’s expression was guarded, her eyes waiting for a response.

Jace looked down at the girls; yes, they would eat now no problem. Stephanie could definitely handle them if Elena was in the high chair and then the housekeeper could go on home afterwards. Then, they could dish up the meal for themselves a little later as Catherine suggested.

“Okay. Darling, you go run the shower. I’ll speak to the girls and Stephanie… leave a little dirt behind your ears Catherine. You know how I love your ears.” Jace moved out of the hold as Catherine growled a response to that comment and she walked suggestively away towards the kitchen and the housekeeper.

Catherine’s eyes never left the movement of her partner. That woman was just going to have to pay for that remark. She could think of lots and lots of ‘dirty’ patches on her body that might just need the ministrations of her lover… serves her right. Chuckling she told the girls she would see them after they had eaten and went towards her room and the heavenly prospect of a hot shower with an even hotter body to help her. ‘Wasn’t life wonderful!’


The woman who had exited the elevator on level fifteen let herself into the apartment that was dark and cold. It had none of the comfortable feelings of a happy home. She went over to the machine and saw the blinking of the message counter.

Going over she pressed the play and removed her outer coat as she heard a familiar voice begin the message.

“How is it progressing? Are we going to have to say we failed this one or can you come up with the goods on time? You have six weeks left! Call me when you get home.” The male voice demanded and she laughed at his audacity.

Picking up the extension in the hall, she quickly dialled the number she had etched into her brain.

“Yeah? Who is it?” the male voice asked irritated at being disturbed.

“You requested a call,” speaking in a clipped voice, bored already with the call and it hadn’t even started yet.

“Are you having problems with our little assignment?” the man asked, listening intently, now he knew who was at the end of the line.

“Me? Really? That’s your department remember? I have never had trouble at my end and well you known it! The merchandise has arrived make the necessary arrangements to leave the country, it will go down in the next few days be ready from tomorrow.” She didn’t wait for a reply as she disconnected the caller and replaced her handset on the cradle. Walking towards her kitchen area she smiled at her face in the mirror as she passed it in the hallway.

‘That indifferent bitch in the elevator won’t know what hit her, or who for that matter. For I know your name Catherine Devonshire, or Warriorson, or whatever you want to call yourself. Wonder if she discovers the use of a vocabulary over a three-word sentence.’ Smiling wickedly at the thought, she went towards the fridge, opened the door, pulled out a carton of milk and drank from the carton… oh, her mother would have a fit if she saw her doing that!

Continued in Part 20

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